Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
Disclosure To Promote The Right To Information
( Reaffirmed 2005 )
hdian Standard
Note -The purpose of painting is to give protection against corrosion and also to provide aesthetics looks. The surface is first made uniform by rubbing with emery paper of IS grit No. 100 and
then emery paper of IS grit NO. 180. The emery paper shall conform to IS : 715 ( Part 1 )-I976
‘ Specification for coated abrasives : Part 1 General application ( fhird revision ) ‘. Woo&n block
is used for holding the emery paper. The surface is cleaned with cloth and by air-blast, One coat of grey surfacer is applied by brushing or spraying. This is dried for four
2.2.2 Inside surfaces Inside surfaces are cleaned with suitable solvent free from lead, using cloth and air
blast SO as to remove oil, grease and dust from the surface. Machined surfaces are masked with grease and then with bitumen hessian waterproof
packing paper. Inside surfaces which come in contact with oil are given a coat of oil-resistant synthe-
tic enamel conforming to IS : 9034-1978 ‘Specification for enamel, synthetic, exterior, air drying,
for use on primed surfaces of motor vehicles and other equipment’ or any other suitable type of
solour shade No. 537 of IS : 5 - 1978 ‘Colours for ready mixed paints and enamels ( fhird revision) ‘,
I Adopted 28 June 1984 0 October 1984, ISI Gr 3
I I Inside surfaces which do not come in contact with oil are given a coat of white primer
surfacer or grey surfacer by brushing or spraying. This is dried for four hours.
:;;j2yyzhed Painting -Assembled machines shall be painted in the sequence given in 2.3.1
. . .
2.3.1 The surface is cleaned all over with suitable solvent free from lead, using cloth in order to
remove oil, grease and dust.
2.3.2 Etch primer is applied wherever base metal is visible. This is dried and then masked with
bitumen hessian waterproof packing paper.
2.3.3 The surfaces which are not painted are coated with a layer of grease and then masked with
bitumen hessian waterproof packing paper.
2.3.4 One coat of grey surfacer is applied. This is dried for one hour.
2.3.5 Three coats of grey putty cellulose base are applied wherever required with steel putty
knife, within an interval of 30 min between the subsequent coats. This is dried for four hours
after final coat. This is done to even out the surface.
2.3.6 The surface is made uniform by wet rubbing first with emery paper of IS grit No. 100, then
emery paper of IS grit No. 180 and finally with emery paper of IS grit No. 220. Wooden block is
used for holding the emery paper. The surface is cleaned by cloth and air blast.
2.3.7 One coat of grey surfacer is applied on the surface by spraying wherever required. This
is dried for two hours.
2.3.8 The surface is touched up with grey putty cellulose base wherever required. This is dried
for 30 min.
2.3.9 ‘The surface is made uniform by first rubbing with emery paper of IS grit No. 180 and then
IS grit No. 220, using wooden block for holding emery paper. The surface is cleaned with cloth
and by air blast.
23.10 One coat of nitrocellulose finishing paint conforming to IS : 6126-1971 ‘ Specification for
nitrocellulose surface is applied on the surface by spraying. This is dried for one hour.
2.3.11 This surface is made even wherever necessary by grey putty cellulose base. This is dried
for 30 min.
2.3.12 This surface is made uniform by wet rubbing with emery paper of IS grit No. 220, using
wooden block for holding the emery paper.
2.3.13 The second and final coat of nitrocellulose finishing paint is applied on the surface by
spraying. This is dried for one hour,
2.3.14 The mask is removed and the surface is cleaned. The surface is touched up with finishing
paint by brushing wherever necessary. This is dried for four hours minimum before lifting the
2.3.15 After shifting the machine on packing case, necessary touch-ups are applied by brushing
wherever required, namely, motor directions, oil points, panel indications, etc.
( Clause 2.1.2 )
A-l. Description -White primer surfacer shall be of cellulose base with excellent hiding power
and shall be able to withstand weather for about one year.
A-3. Viscosity -When mixed with thinner conforming to IS : 5667-1970 ‘ Specification for thinner
for culluloss nitrate based paints and lacquers ’ or any other suitable grade in proportion 1 : 1, it
shall give 20 to 24 second when tested in Ford Cup Viscometer No. 4 in the manner as describe,d
under 7.4 of IS :101-1964 ‘ Mathods of test for ready mixed paints and enamels ( second revision ) '.
A-4. Brushing
A-4.1 Flat brush used in the preparation of test panels shall conform to IS : 384-1979 ‘ Specification
for brushes, paints and varnishes, flat (fourth revision ) ’ and shall be clean, free from loose hair
and shall be of suitable size.
A-4.2 The material applied by brushing without thinning shall obtain an even and uniform coat and
shall not leave any bristle maiks.
A-5. Drying - A layer of material of thickness 0.05 mm (approx) is applied to 150 x 150 x 1’25 mm
mild steel plate prepared in the manner described in 5.2.1 of IS : 101-1964. This shall air dry for
45 minutes, It shall be able to wet flattened and coated over after six hours of air drying.
A-6. Flexibility - Ons coat of material is applied by brushing to a 150 x 53 x 0’315 mm tinned
plate panel, prepared as described in of IS : 101-1964, with or without etch primer to give
a dry film. The panel is allowed to air dry in a horizontal position for 24 h. The paint film when
bent gradually through an angle of 45” shall not show damag% detachment or cracking at the bend.
The adhesion at bend shall be good.
A-7. Resistance to Corrosion -Two coats of material are applied on a sand blasted ferrous
casting, dried for 24 h and then cured at a temperature of 60’ to 65°C exposed to humid atmosphere
near coolant tower or any other suitable method. After exposure under these conditions for 10 days,
this is then examined for signs of deterioration on the painted surface. This shall not show sign
of rust, blistering or softness.
A-8. Resistance to Lubricating Oil - One coat of material is applied by brushing on etch primer
to a 150 x 50 x 0’315 mm tinned plate prepared as described under of IS : 101-1964 to give a
dry film. The panel is allowed to dry for 48 h. The panel is then immersed in a mineral lubricating
oil having a viscosity 18’0 centistokes for 2 h at a room temperature and at 60°C for 2 h alter-
natively. This cycle is repeated 20 times. After these operations, the excess oil is wiped out from
the panel with a pad or cotton wool. When examined after cooling for 30 min at room temperature,
the paint film shall show no rusting, blistering, peeling off or any permanent injury.
A-9. Resistance to Cutting Oil - One coat of material is applied by brushing on etch primer, to
a 150 x 50 x 0’315 mm tinned plate prepared as describsd under of IS : 101-1964 to give dry
film. The panel is allowed to dry for 48 h. The panel is then immersed in a mixture of suitable
grade of cutting oil and 20 percent water for 72 h at a room temperature. The paint film shall show
no blistering, softening or loss of adhesion.
A-10. Resistance to 10 Percent Caustic Soda Solution - A test panel prepared as described
above ( see A-6 ) and immersed in 10 percent caustic soda solution for 48 h. The paint fllm shall
show no sign of blistering, softening or loss of adhesion.
A-11. Supply Condition - The material shall be supplied in 20 I of 285 mm dia steel drums or as
agreed to between purchaser and manufacturer. The settling of pigment in 20 I drum shall be
75 mm maximum and shall be able to thoroughly mix on stirring easily.
( Clause )
B-l. Description -Two kraft papers cemented together with bituminous compound and reinforced
with hessian cloth in between.
B-2. Construction
B-2.1 The material shall be made of two sheets of kraft paper of not less than 100 g/m2and hessian
cloth not less than 30 g/ma mass.
B-2.2 The paper and cloth shall be cemented together with bitumen.
B-2.3 The finished substance shall not be less than 560 g/m”.
B-3. Supply Condition -Shall be supplied in rolls of continuous length, the width shall be .A0
size conforming to IS : 1064-1980 ‘Specification for paper size (second revision ) ‘, or as agreed
to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
IS : 10949- 1984
( Clause )
C-1. Colour - The colour of the material shall be light grey or of suitable shade of IS : 5-1978,
different from ‘ grey putty ’ so as to distinguish them.
C-2. Viscosity - When mixed with thinner conformirg to IS : 5667-1970 in proportion 1 : 1, it shall
give 20 to 24 s when tested in Ford Cup Viscometer No. 4 in the manner as described under 7.4 of
IS : 101-1964.
C-3. Brushing
C-3.1 Flat brush used in preparation of test panels shall conform to IS : 384-1979, and shall be,
clean, free from loose hair, and of suitable size.
C-3.2 The material applied by brushing without thinning shall obtain an even and uniform coat and
shall not leave any bristle marks.
C-4. Spraying
C-4.1 The spray gun shall be thoroughly cleaned before use. It shall be fitted with the correct size
of nozzle and air cap and air pressure shall be adjusted in accordance with the viscosity of the
C-4.2 When the material of above viscosity ( see C-2 ) is sprayed on glass panel or on castings
after rubbing down of the putty, the spray shall be smooth, free from orange peel and pin holes.
Flow level shall he uniform.
C-5. Drying - A layer of material of thickness 0’05 mm (approx ) is applied to a 150 x 150 x
1.25 mm mild steel panel prepared in the manner described in 5.2.1 of IS : 101-1964. This shall air
dry in 10 to 15 min when applied by brushing and in 7 to 8 min when applied by spraying. It shall
be able to wet flattened and coated over after 4 h of air drying,
C-6.1 Brush on no-absorbent surface a coat of filler prepared from the material as specified in 3.4
of IS : 110-1983 ‘ Specification for ready mixed paint, brushing, grey filler, for enamels, for use
over primers ( second revision ) ’ and allow it to air dry for 12 h under laboratory drying conditions.
The film prepared as above shall be suitable for rubbing down with 100 to 200g/mawaterproof paper
without clogging on the paper.
C-6.2 Two coats of material is applied on a panel prepared as described above ( see C-6.1 ) by
spraying over etch primer and allowed to dry for 24 h and cured at 60°C for 2 h. When this is bent
on 5 mm diameter rod through an angle of 45”C, the paint film shall not crack or peel off and there
shall be good adhesion on thmebend. e
c-7. Over Sprayer - When the material is applied on nitrocellulose finishing paint by spraying,
it shall not peel off or cause discoloration.
C-6. Compatibility - The material shall be compatible with NC thinner conforming to IS : 5667-1970
and shall produce smooth surface without pin holes.
. 4
IS : 10949 - 1984
( aaose )
D-l. Requirements
D-l.1 Form and Condition - The material shall be a homogeneous paste and shall be free from
dust, grit or other visible impurities.
D-2, Pigment - The pigment used in the material shall be’smooth, free from dirt and undissolved
cellulose particle or any foreign matter which would produce scratches on application with a putty
D-3, Application - Shall be easy to apply.
D-4. Consistency - Shall be thick so as to easily fill the deep dents and shall be compatible with
grey surfacer for thinning down. The material after thorough working in hands, shall have good
plastic quality without sliminess or stickiness which would render it difficult to handle or apply.
D-5.1 The material shall dry in 3 to 4 minutes. Shall take second coat after drying for 2 hours
without rolling and pulling. Shall be hard dry after 24 hours drying.
D-5.2 The material when applied on a glass panel shall not peel off when dried.