D24 Analysis
D24 Analysis
D24 Analysis
1> A strong D24 chart lagna & 5th house has to be strong for good education . I
personally give importance on lagna , 5th , 9th house & their lord condition & must
be based their lords ruling deities specially in D24 chart . Without ruling deities
or lordship I can't pinpoint native education that means planetary naksatra is
important in birth chart specially 5th & 9th lord naksatra condition & in D24 chart
I specially see trikona house lords deities condition which help me to pinpoint
native best education .
2> if D24 chart lagna , 5th house , 9th house & their lords are influenced by
benefics planets then it shows non technical education if these 3 houses & their
lords are influenced by malefic planets then it shows technical education .
3> Birth chart 10th house of career controller lord & D24 chart 10th house of
career controller lord condition in D24 chart specially shows education required
for career . Must see their ruling deities condition & other planetary influnces
over these two planets.
4> if you have any raj yoga specially in Kendra houses in D24 charts then it shows
high quality education . if dhan yoga then it gives abundance of education of many
types .
5> jupiter , moon , mercury & exalted or frienndly sign planets condition you've to
check because
6> When lagna/lagna lord , 5th house/ 5th house lord has connection with 12th , 9th
& 3rd houses or their lords then native will live far away from birth plasce or
travel a lot for education specially education in foreign lands
7> Weak lagna & 5th house in D24 can create problem in education like planet is
debilitated in lagna or 5th house or lagna & 5th house lord is debilitated then it
can creates problem in education .
I always look at this lordship condition of D24 charts specially given rules Key
planets lordship condition which helps me to pinpoint native best educational
knowledge & field specially when the knowledge is required to get success in career
life & destiny .
Thnx regards
Vedic Raj Astrology