Return to Russia...
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08 Brenner Base 26 The road 36 A TBM first
Tunnel to cleaner for Nepal
TJ visited the Italian tunnelling Breakthrough
portion of the TJ explores the seven months
route to report on strides made thus ahead of schedule
progress. far in reducing despite challenging
emissions Himalayan
underground. geology.
Tunnelling Journal 1
By 2024 at the end of project phase 1, Société du Grand Paris,
12 construction companies and 19 Herrenknecht state-of-the-art
TBMs will connect the Parisian underground metro network
with the suburbs. Grand Paris Express provides an exceptional
opportunity to train the next generation of engineers and pushes
innovation forward.
Société du Grand Paris
Bouygues TP
Demathieu Bard
Eiffage GC
Soletanche Bachy France /
Soletanche Bachy Tunnels
Spie Batignolles
Vinci Construction
2 Tunnelling Journal
Editor’s comment – page 5
News from the web – page 6
Brenner Base Tunnel: Italy’s story
The Brenner Base Tunnel is an epic project which
will create a high-speed rail connection from Italy to
Austria. Kristina Smith visited the Italian portion of the
route to report on progress.
A Return To Russia
40 Years after boring the Original Severomuysky
Service Tunnel, Crossover TBMs take on Tunnel No. 2,
Desiree Willis of the Robbins Company reports.
The road to cleaner tunnelling
There are general concerns over the harmful effects
of exposure to gases and particulates generated
by diesel-powered machinery during tunnelling
construction. TJ explores the strides made thus far in
reducing emissions underground, and the tenacious
move towards battery-electric technology and its
implications. By Munesu Shoko.
A review of Tunnel Segment Gaskets -
Part 2: Standard Gaskets and testing
Mike King (MK Tunnelling Limited) and Steve Casey
(Casey Consulting) take a look at what many would
regard as the typical, or even industry standard,
gasket detail, and the testing requirements often
specified on a typical project.
A TBM first in Nepal
In April 2019, Nepal’s first TBM broke through on the
12.2km Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project
(BBDMP) headrace tunnel. Prof. Dr. Krishna Kanta
Cover Caption: In 1979, Panthi, Department of Geoscience and Petroleum,
Robbins supplied a Double Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Shield Tunnel Boring (NTNU), reviews and evaluates the geological
Machine (TBM) for the conditions, performance of the TBM, and the achieved
Severomuisky Service Tunnel, progress on this landmark project.
where crews eventually
persevered after years of Stuva Preview – Page 42
tunnelling in incredibly
difficult geology and Contacts – page 44
challenging site conditions.
The 15.3 km long railway and
service tunnel make up the
longest tunnels on the Baikal-Amur Mainline Railway
in Siberia. In 2019, Robbins is set to return to Siberia
with two 10.79m diameter Crossover (XRE) TBMs that
will bore the 15.5 km long Severomuisky Tunnel No. 2.
Find out more on page 18.
Tunnelling Journal 3
The tunnel is a key component of the multi-billion-dollar Agua Sur system that is being built by
Argentina’s national water company AySA. It is the country’s largest water infrastructure project in 40
years and will provide fresh water to 2.5 million inhabitants in the southern region of Buenos Aires.
Political and
In September I was lucky enough to visit the
Italian side of the Brenner Base Tunnel project
and enjoy an insight into some of the engineering
challenges that this huge project presents. You
can read the report on page 8.
Arriving at the town of Fortezza in Italy, at the
south end of the project, I was reminded of the
political challenges that cross-border projects
such as this one present. Tunnels link communities One supplier tells me that he had to learn
and countries – in the case of the Brenner Base
Tunnel, Innsbruck in Austria and Fortezza - but Italian in a year because this was the only
that is rarely an easy thing to do.
Fortezza also has a German name, Franzenfeste, language accepted contractually and on site,
as do all the towns and villages in this region. What
I hadn’t appreciated until I visited is that South with no exceptions made.
Tyrol was part of Austria until just after World War
One. Though Italian is the official language here,
the most recent census shows that there are more closed the border for a short time, meeting with
German-speaking people in Fortezza. protests from people on both sides.
Cross-border projects introduce a whole host Locally, it seems that people are largely
of additional considerations and risks due to supportive of the Brenner Base Tunnel project.
differences in forms of contract, local insurance Yearly open site events attract hundreds of visitors
rules, health and safety legislation and – not over several days and site tours conducted every
least – culture. Language can be a risk too; one Friday are booked up for the foreseeable future.
supplier tells me that he had to learn Italian in a There are one or two older people in Fortezza
year because this was the only language accepted and the surrounding area who think that the project
contractually and on site, with no exceptions is costing far too much money. And not all the
made. incoming construction workers are welcomed with
When Brenner Base Tunnel SE (BBT), the client open arms; two of the men working on one of the
body overseeing the project, was formed all the TBMs have marks on their faces from a fight with
projects were handled collectively. It was a truly locals.
Italian-Austrian affair. However, a recent change in Given the changes taking place in Europe right
the organisation of BBT has split the project into now, there’s no way of knowing what the political
two, with the Austrian side of BBT managing the situation will be in nine years’ time when the
Austrian projects, and the Italian side managing Brenner Base Tunnel opens. I hope the tunnel
the Italian ones. A large Italian flag flies proudly at will make the headlines for positive reasons: as
the entrance to one of the two sites I visited. an amazing engineering achievement; a way to
This perhaps reflects a wider pattern in Europe bring communities closer together; and a means
as borders reappear in a bid to stem migration. of moving freight and passenger underground to
The Brenner Pass, where the current Brenner reduce environmental impacts.
Railway and the A22 highway cross the border
from Italy to Austria, has been the scene of clashes Kristina Smith
in recent years as Austrian government forces Contributing Editor
Tunnelling Journal 5
6 Tunnelling Journal
The new Sandvik tunneling drill rig with automatic drilling functions and boom positioning.
Equipped with the new RD535 rock drill, new Alpha360 bits and GT38 rods, Sandvik DT1132i has
more rock drill power to reduce drilling time.
Tunnelling Journal 7
Brenner Base Tunnel:
Italy’s story
The Brenner Base Tunnel is an epic
project which will create a high-
speed rail connection from Italy to
Austria. Kristina Smith visited the
There are two major tunnelling contracts on the Italian portion of the route to report
Italian side of the Brenner Base Tunnel which, when
complete, will run for 55km under the Alps between
on progress.
Innsbruck in Austria and Fortezza in Italy in two
8.1m diameter tunnels. Both contracts are hugely is huge complexity in a small area. It was better that
impressive – for different reasons. the contractor designed the project because of the
On the €324m Isarco River Crossing contract, a JV many risks that had to be taken into account,” explains
led by Salini Impregilo and Strabag must mine below Antonio Voza, who has worked on the Brenner Base
a river, a local main road and a national highway, Tunnel project for seven years, latterly overseeing
through soft alluvial soil with a high water level. Mules 2-3 for BBT. “For the Mules 2-3 lot, the difficult
There’s a whole array of ground treatment underway part is the logistics and organisation.”
to make the ground safe to tunnel through. “It’s a The new line will run in two tunnels, connected
geologist’s dream,” says Maurizio Ferrero, who leads every 333m by a cross-passage. There are three
the geology and geotechnics team for client Brenner emergency stops along the route, 24km of which is in
Base Tunnel SE (BBT). Italy, including the one at Trens.
The €993m Mules 2-3 contract, which stretches In addition to the two running tunnels, there is a third
for 22km of the route and encompasses the Trens exploratory tunnel which is being constructed ahead of
emergency station and access, is a study in logistics. the main tunnels at a depth 12m below them. As well
Three TBMs, for Brenner Tunnel Contractors (BTC), as providing insight into the approaching geology, this
led by Astaldi and Ghella, are mining towards the tunnel is used to transport muck and materials during
border with Austria, deep below the Alps, while in the the construction phase and in operation will be used
other direction, tunnels advance with drill and blast. for drainage.
A complex conveyor system sorts excavated rock
so that some is used in the underground concrete The Isarco River Crossing: a valley transformed
batching plant, some goes to make segments and the Looking down onto the site of the Isarco River
rest is deposited around the disposal site, the base of Crossing project, this once-green valley is overrun with
a wide valley. construction equipment and activities, squeezed in
Mules 2-3 was let as a design-bid-build contract, between a railway line on one side of the valley floor and
in contrast to the Isarco River Crossing which is the two roads on the other. Most striking are the four
design-build. “On the Isarco River Crossing, there large elliptical shafts, two either side of the Isarco River.
Instead of
cofferdams and
the river, Salini
Strabag’s solution
to get the tunnels
under the Isarco
River is to freeze
the ground from
these four huge
8 Tunnelling Journal
the Alps to provide a faster CIRCONVALLAZIONE FERROVIARIA DI INNSBRUCK The Isarco River
Crossing contract
route than the existing line EMERGENCY STATION INNSBRUCK
runs from
which winds up and down the Fortezza to just
mountainsides. From 2028, when PADASTERTAL
beyond the point
the new line is now expected to WOLF
where the two
tunnels Bifurcate.
open, passengers will be able to ST
make the journey in 25 minutes contract runs
compared to 80 minutes today. LEGEND PORTAL on from there to
On completion the Brenner Main Tunnels
MULES FORTEZZA the border deep
Base Tunnel will link to the beneath the Alps.
Exploratory Tunnel
The executive design, drawn up by BBT, saw the The initial solution would have been technically
tunnel constructed in the dry, with the Isarco River challenging too, explains Ferrero, requiring at least
diverted in two stages with cofferdams to contain 12 wells and a barrage of pumps to lower the water
the excavation. However, both the winning bidder table by 20m. “Pumping between one and two cubic
Salini Impregilo-Strabag JV, and the second-placed metres of water a second is not an easy thing,” says
contractor, proposed ground freezing instead. Ferrero. Installing the diaphragm walls and anchors in
This solution is seen as a better for the environment the ground, which is thick with boulders, would also
and has been promoted enthusiastically by BBT on this have been difficult, he adds.
basis, through video and other media. “It is not necessarily The Isarco River Crossing contract covers just a
cheaper or faster. This was done more for environmental short section of tunnels, 6,4km. Around half of this
reasons,” says Ferrero. “This solution was appreciated by length is through rock and the remainder through
BBT and by the general public. The fishermen pay a lot of the soft ground of the valley floor. The 3.1km-long
attention to the conditions of the river.” rock section to the tunnel portal by Fortezza has
Tunnelling Journal 9
10 Tunnelling Journal
already been excavated and is now being lined. In the – which started in April 2019 – was required first As the two main
tunnels cross
rock sections of tunnel, the lining is only reinforced using cement injections through tube-a-manchettes,
beneath the River
in the invert; in the soft ground, the whole lining is all the way round the anulus area of the tunnel. The Isarco, they each
reinforced. consolidation was designed to reduce underground split into two
Before any soft ground mining could take place, a water flow rates to between 8 and 10m a day, after with one branch
whole array of ground treatment has been employed. which the soil would be frozen with liquid Nitrogen linking into the
existing line from
Where the cover to the tunnel is less than 15m, and then maintained with brine. Fortezza station
vertical jet grouting from the surface has been Brine is a better longer-term solution than liquid and the other
deployed. For cover deeper than that, grouting from Nitrogen, explains Ferrero, because the brine is continuing on the
within the tunnel is needed. circulated in a closed system, whereas the Nitrogen high-speed route.
Italian specialist Ripamonti is supplying a range of dissipates and must be replaced with more gas,
drills to this contract – as well as to the Mules 2-3 lot meaning more lorry movements and more cost.
next door. Evidence of the difficulty of jet grouting Testing that the initial consolidation has reduced
in this ground lies around the site: huge pieces of flow rates sufficiently is quite challenging, says
boulder with tubular shapes gouged out of them. Ferrero, because there are no standard tests. However,
Ripamonti supplied water-powered down-the-hole tests have been carried out and the results were good
Wassara W120 hammers for the vertical jet grouting enough to convince BBT and the contractor that the
and is currently supplying Wassara W100 hammers permeability had been sufficiently lowered (The target
for the horizontal jet grouting from within the tunnels. was 5 x 10-6m/s with the results ranging between 3
For the horizontal holes for the ground freezing, and 7 x 10-6m/s.
Ripamonti is providing a bespoke solution which it
helped to develop: High water pressures
“They are using a Wassara W80 water down- Another feature of the Isarco River Crossing is that the
the-hole hammer in combination with a special two lines split at this point, becoming four. Two will link
overburden ULTRAMAXBIT system developed by up with the existing railway line at Fortezza, so that trains
MITSUBISHI for this particular site,” says Rimpamonti can switch between the old and new lines as required,
managing director Ambrogio Ripamoniti. “The lost while the others continue as a high-speed line.
ring bit has a special design that allows you to close This means that, as the tunnels approach the two
the casing once you reach the end of the hole, shafts on the North side of the river, they must enlarge
meaning that there is no water – or very little - inside before the split. Here, specialist contractor Crezza is
the casing.” installing precast formwork segments to create the
The ground freezing around the Isarco River is due growing cross section. Each precast element has a
to begin in January 2020. Pipes have already been rebar frame cast into it which are then combined with
installed from one of the shafts, out under the river, more reinforcement in-situ.
works beginning for a second one in mid-October. This was a more cost-effective solution than
Freezing the ground to prevent the flow of procuring bespoke formwork but has not been
groundwater will require the use of both liquid nitrogen without its teething problems. Initially, the additional
and brine, explains Ferrero. “The general rule is that reinforcement was installed at ground level and the
you can use brine when the groundwater is moving whole thing lifted into place, but this method proved
at a speed of 1m per day. With Nitrogen, you can have problematic, says Ferrero.
groundwater speeds of 8 to 10m per day. Here, the “It was very difficult to install without damaging
underground water flows at 15 to 16m per day.” the waterproofing layer,” he explains. The two layers
This meant that preliminary ground consolidation of Mosconi waterproofing are installed on top of a
Tunnelling Journal 11
Excavated rock geotextile blanket with welded seams and valves for
from the Mules post-grouting should any leaks appear at a later stage.
2-3 contract
comes to a
So now the wall reinforcement is installed first in
huge site at situ and the precast sections and their reinforcing
Hinterrigger elements carefully lifted up and slotted in. The
where it is either contractor is using F6 concrete which Ferrero
used in concrete
describes as “almost self-compacting in nature”.
to make precast
tunnel segments Elsewhere on site, workers are approaching what
or deposited Ferrero deems the most challenging section of this
across the valley project: the section where the two tunnels must pass
floor. under the two roads.
“In the area under the highways, we face granular
soils with sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders and a
water level that is 15m above the crown of the tunnel,
meaning that there is a 25m head of water at invert engineer at SWS Engineering which is employed by
level,” says Ferrero. BTC. “We are running three TBMs at the same time,
Inside the two tunnels, a Soilmec machine is alongside three excavation faces with drill and blast,
applying jet grout into the ground, with cement which means that you need a good fresh air supply
injections to follow on. Around 11m ahead is and water at the face, trains to feed the TBMs and
consolidated with advance lengths of 7-8m taking conveyor belts to muck away the excavated materials.
around one month to construct. One tunnel is a little You need to guarantee production and there are only
ahead of the other and seems to be draining most of two access points.”
the water, says Ferrero, as the other is far drier. In the very early stages of design, a second access
In about 15 to 20m from this point, the tunnels will tunnel was considered. But this was abandoned
be directly under the road. The SS12 national road following public consultation.
carries 40 percent of Europe’s North-to-South traffic Vehicles access the underground site through the
so it is imperative that this route is not disrupted. Mules adit, whereas trains bring in segments and take
“We have an extensive monitoring system, over out muck via the Aica tunnel. Construction of the Aica
one-thousand points,” says Ferrero, “We constantly tunnel started a decade ago; this 10.5km stretch of
monitor deformation, water pressures, the pressures the exploratory tunnel breaks away from the line of
acting on the lining and check that they are consistent the main tunnel close to the boundary with the Isarco
with the design forecast. If they are not, we have three River Crossing lot, running along the mountainside
Three levels of interventions planned.” to a site in Hinterrigger where the excavated rock is
Herrenknecht either deposited or used to make tunnel segments.
machines are now Mules 2-3: logistics, logistics, logistics As well as the exploratory tunnel and the Mules
mining towards
the Italy-Austria
The Mules 2-3 lot – initially considered as two access adit, a short section of the two main tunnels
border under contracts but tendered as one – accounts for the within the Mules 2-3 lot, was also constructed earlier.
the Alps where lion’s share of the Brenner Base Tunnel on the There were two reasons for this, explains Voza.
they will meet Italian side. Though most of the 22km is being First, there was a political will to start construction
their Austrian
constructed with three TBMs, the geology demands works, even though funding had not been totally
This is one of the that a short section to the South of the lot must be secured. Second, this short section is the point
two main tunnel built traditionally using drill and blast. As well as the where the tunnels cross the ‘Periadriatic seam’, one
TBMs, which are numerous cross passages between the two main of the biggest fault lines in the Alps. Tackling this
10.65m diameter; tunnels, this contract also includes the creation of an geologically challenging section early made good risk
the smaller
access tunnel to the emergency station (see diagram). management sense.
tunnel TBM is “The biggest challenge is the logistics,” says The site at Hinterrigger is a 230,000m2 valley floor,
6.82m diameter. Federico Amadini, a geotechnical and tunnel temporarily rented from the owner. “The contractor
proposed locating the production plant here,” explains
Voza. “It has a production capacity of 42 rings a day,
with seven segments in each ring.” Precast company
Isocell Precompressi operates the 30,000m2 plant,
half of which is covered.
The segments are traditionally reinforced with a
rebar cage, with the addition of glass fibre at the
segment corners, aimed to reduce damage during
transportation. The fibre glass reinforcement has not
totally prevented cracks across corners, says Voza, but
it has reduced the number and stopped them from
propagating across the segments.
One of the over-arching principles in the design of
the Brenner Base Tunnel, is that additional steps must
be taken wherever possible to prolong its life, with
a target design life of 200 years. “It was one of the
concepts set down in the initial project scope,” says
Voza. “It means that we increase the factor of safety
by two wherever we can.”
12 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 13
Marti Technik For instance, the segments for the main tunnel have were all to be constructed using drill and blast,”
conveyors double gaskets, cast-in place, to guard against water says Amadini. “Now the main tunnels are made
bring excavated
material from
ingress. And an inner lining will be cast on top of the with segmental linings, we have to majagre ri hold
three TBMs and lining segments in some locations, says Voza, for the segments while we break through for the cross
two drill-and- example if there has been difficulty achieving the right passages.”
blast tunnels build quality or in fault zones. In addition to locating the segment plant at
to a logistics
The concrete mix for the segments varies, Hinterrigger, BTC has improved the logistics flow by
node, where
the material depending on the conditions in the ground. In some creating more connections, for example between
is directed areas there is aggressive ground water requiring the emergency adit, the two main tunnels and
to a number additional additives to the concrete mix. “Here you the exploratory, to allow for more efficient traffic
of different see the importance of the investigation tunnel,” says management.
Voza. “We know if we need to change the mix design The lifeblood of the logistics is a complex conveyor
or not.” belt system, 66km long in total, supplied by Marti
Technik, which brings spoil from all the excavation
Safety on many fronts fronts to a logistics node at the point where the
Zipping round the tunnels and cross passages in a Mules adit meets the main tunnels. Where each belt
white Fiat Panda, meeting trucks and other vehicles, comes into the node, there are switching systems that
it is evident how many tasks are underway at a variety allow the rock to be moved to be sent to its desired
of work fronts. For Voza, this presents the biggest destination.
challenge on this particular lot: Some Class A material is sent via the access adit
“Safety is a very big challenge,” he says. “We have to an above-ground crushing plant at the Mules site
very many different types of works and very many to then be returned to the underground concrete
different subcontractors. New people come all the plant. Other Class A material goes to Hinterrigger for
time.” the precast tunnel segments. Class B and C rock also
The biggest hurdles to changing behaviour are goes to Hinterrigger to be deposited.
cultural, explains Voza. There are groups of workers This was a challenging job for Marti Technik on a
from the same family, or from the same village, several fronts, says the company’s area sales manager
who have learnt their ways of working from older Stephan Portner, who looks after this project. “There
colleagues. It can be difficult to persuade them that are the technical challenges of building such an
they should work differently. installation that is capable of handling the required
The intensity of work on site has been compounded material flows on site and there are is the commercial
by BTC’s compression of the programme. The initial element too.” Meeting both these challenges can only
design saw the works delivered in nine years; BTC be done with years of experience, says Portner.
proposes to do it in seven. The system incorporates an existing 12km-long
There are two main ways that BTC has managed conveyor which was delivered by Marti Technik back
to cut time from the programme. The first is to start in 2009 when the access tunnel from Hinterrigger
mining with the TBMs around 2km earlier than initially was constructed. Into this 5.6m-diameter tunnel had
planned. The second is to optimise the logistics. to fit an additional, larger, conveyor, as well as two
Mining more of the tunnels with TBMs saves time, rail lines. Installing a second conveyor line provided
but it means that BTC must redesign the Trens redundancy over the whole length.
Emergency Station – which is where the machines One of the biggest technical challenges was the
would have been launched. “With the original design, logistics node point, where the material is sorted and
the emergency station and the cross passages re-directed. The space required for other installations
14 Tunnelling Journal
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Tunnelling Journal 15
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16 Tunnelling Journal
such as ventilation and piping, and for project traffic, rather than a single shield one. “They said that a The most
meant that the conveyor switch systems had to be double shield would allow them to best manage the challenging
section of this
built on tailor-made platforms. differences in materials,” explains Voza. “A double contract is just
Both the Mules access adit and the Aica exploratory shield can act as a single shield or double shield way. beginning. Salini
tunnel have small horizontal curves in their alignment. Single shield excavation can be used where ground Impregilo/Strabag
“Running conveyor belts on curves requires the is softer, with all the force pushing on the rings. must consolidate
the ground from
installation of the boosters at the right point and Double shield mode uses lateral grippers where more
within the tunnel
site-based experience,” says Portner. “The theory will confident of the quality of the rock. as it digs under
tell you one thing, but you have to understand how “The performance of the machines has a major national
things work on the job site, otherwise there will be demonstrated that this was a good choice,” says Voza, highway and local
problems during operation.” consulting his phone to check on the performance main road.
As for the challenge of delivering the most suitable of the TBMs. The project is using Tunnelsoft’s
and reliable system at the lowest possible cost, TPC system to collect and manage data. The best
Portner says: “We have a good stock of second-hand production is 16 to 17 rings a day, with an average of
material and we are well-organised. By using second- 12 to 14 rings.
hand equipment and finding innovative technical The Herrenknecht TBMs launched in April and May
solutions, we can deliver major projects like this at a 2018. As of early October, the main tunnel TBMs
competitive price level.” which are 10.7m in diameter, were 1.5km through
their 14.5km journey to the Italy-Austria border under
Making good progress the Alps. The exploratory tunnel, 6.8m in diameter,
BTC started tunnelling works in December 2016, was further ahead at around 6.6km in.
beginning with the tunnel which branches off from In regular ground it is only the exploratory tunnel
the Mules access adit to the emergency station at TBM that probes ahead, every 150m. “We spend at
Trens, using drill and blast. The 3.8km-long tunnel is least a day every week doing that,” says Amadini. As
due to be complete by 2022. the machine approach more unpredictable ground,
In January 2017, the contractor began to drill and the two main TBMs will drill ahead too.
blast the first section of exploratory tunnel heading “Every TBM has two drills: one mounted on
North from the earlier-constructed section around the erector and one in a fixed position,” explains
the Periadriatic fault, starting the two main tunnels in Ripamonti, which is supplying the probe drills for
March that year. After 0.6km of the exploratory tunnel the TBMs. “The second one is more powerfull and
and 0.8km of the main tunnels, the construction they use it to do probe drilling at a depth of 150m.
mode switched from drill-and-blast to TBM. We chose water down-the-hole hammers to do this
Meanwhile, heading south on the other side of the because of the possibility of encountering high water
fault section, drill and blasting of the two main tunnels pressures while drilling. An air-powered system would
began in April 2017 with breakthrough expected at the not work under these conditions.”
middle of next year. The tunnellers were approaching Ripamonti has also designed and developed a
a section at the end of the lot, where the tunnels system for drilling bolts from the back of the TBM,
enlarge before the Isarco River Crossing section. The especially for the Mules 2-3 project.
rock here is very homogenous, with an almost perfect Now the TBMs must travel further and further under
profile created by the blasting. the Alps, with an overburden of over 1,000 metres at
The tender allowed the contractor to choose the the deepest points of the tunnel. If all goes to plan,
type of TBM. BTC chose a double shield machine they will all reach the border with Austria by 2022.
Tunnelling Journal 17
40 Years after boring the Original Severomuysky Service Tunnel, Crossover
TBMs take on Tunnel No.2, Desiree Willis of the Robbins Company reports
Above: The In 1979, a 4.56m diameter Robbins Double Shield of the second tunnel. Their plan is to tackle
original 4.56m TBM was delivered to bore the Severomuysky the region’s notoriously challenging ground
diameter Double
Shield machine
Service Tunnel, a 15.3km long railway through the conditions with the latest generation of TBMs—
was supplied to remote mountains of Siberia that would run parallel two 10.37m diameter Robbins Crossover (XRE)
the Ministry of to the main railway tunnel. The incredibly difficult TBMs designed for excavation in mixed ground
Railroad Transport geology featured more than 100 fault zones, severe and fault zones. Other aspects of the supply
of the USSR in
water inflows and squeezing ground, and resulted include a continuous conveyor for muck removal,
1979, and was the
first TBM to be in 14 years of TBM tunnelling. Crews battled harsh rolling stock, spare parts, and cutting tools.
imported into the weather conditions, supply shortages, and more Crossover XRE technology, as manufactured
country. during the journey. only by the Robbins Company, implements
Forty years later, a new tunnel is on the horizon. aspects of both hard rock Single Shield and EPB
The second Severomuysky Tunnel is planned to machines, and may be the key for tunnelling in
increase cargo carrying capacity by more than six the difficult conditions, which are expected to
times in the region. The largest global anthracite be similarly complex although not identical to
producer, Sibanthracite Group, is taking on the tunnel the first tunnel. The reinvolvement of Robbins
construction with management by VostokCoal in a key Russian project gives the opportunity to
Management Company. The companies, owned by look at lessons learned during TBM tunnelling in
Dmitry Bosov, aim to increase coal transport by up adverse ground and the new technology vying to
to 100 million tonnes per year through the addition conquer it.
18 Tunnelling Journal
The Severomnnel
Service Tu Fault zones ranged from a dozen centimeters in
width to more than 800m wide and were often filled
The first Severomuysky Tunnel and its service with fine material and running sands. Rock tested at
tunnel were originally constructed as part of the up to 170MPa UCS, and the maximum overburden
4,324km long Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) Railway of 1,300m meant that squeezing ground was a real
and as the longest of 21 total tunnels on the route. possibility.
The BAM Railway traverses Eastern Russia and When the standard Double Shield TBM was
Eastern Siberia, and was originally conceived and launched in August 1979, the contractor—the
built as a strategic alternative to the Trans-Siberian Ministry of Railroad Transport of the USSR—knew
Railway to the south. The Trans-Siberian Railway that they faced challenges, but nothing could
runs along the border with China and was seen as prepare them for the level of adversity facing them
militarily vulnerable. At the same time, the Russian on the service tunnel, which also served as the pilot
Government very much wanted to open up other for the tunnel.
areas of Siberia for cargo and coal transport. The Robbins machine—the first ever TBM
The Severomuysky tunnel is located in a imported into Russia—was launched from the east
mountainous, largely unpopulated region 300km portal and a second 4.5m diameter non-Robbins
east of the northern shore of Lake Baikal, the largest open gripper TBM followed from the west portal.
and deepest body of fresh water on earth. The area The ability to conduct geological testing was
is known to be seismic with about 2,000 earthquake limited in the area and so the fault zones were not
events recorded per year. characterized to their full extent. Aerial surveys were
The weather is similarly harsh, with winter often conducted during tunnel construction to map some
lasting 220 days of the year. January, the coldest of the fault zones ahead of tunneling.
month, averages just -28.4 degrees Celsius, At an early stage probe drilling became mandatory
while July is the warmest month with an average on both headings to verify ground conditions
temperature of 14.9 degrees Celsius. Permafrost ahead of the TBMs. Inrushes of water began at the
covers much of the area. west portal, where the non-Robbins Double Shield
Logistically speaking, the area was highly remote, became stuck and required a massive dewatering
with spotty radio and communications services, operation as well as the sinking of an intermediate
and the nearest railway stockyard was a distance of shaft. The east portal soon followed suit, with typical
1,100km from the jobsite. Between the stockyard water inflow rates measuring between 200 and 280
and the site was an unpaved mountain road that l/s. A catastrophic flood occurred that inundated the
made transport of large construction equipment an tunnel with 2,000 l/s, requiring extensive dewatering
arduous process. operations. Temperatures in the tunnel were
The tunnel path subject to high fluctuation along with the water
passed directly temperatures, which ranged from a frigid 2
through a rock mass degrees Celsius to a
characterized by
moderately stable to
unstable granitic rock.
In tectonic zones, the
material varied from
fissured to fractured
to crushed with
gravels and debris.
TBM Assembly
The crew at the
pilot tunnel faced
heavy water
inflows, more than
100 fault zones,
and multiple
bypass tunnels
over the course of
Tunnelling Journal 19
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20 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 21
special honor to bring this new technology to
the second Severomuysky Tunnel in Siberia,” said
Robbins President Lok Home. “Robbins has signed
contractual documents to engineer and supply
Crossover TBMs for the new parallel rail tunnel—
these machines are made to bore in highly variable
ground conditions while maintaining good advance
rates. We hope to again prove TBMs are the better
choice over Drill and Blast when difficult ground
conditions are to be encountered.”
ine Design
Unique Mach
TBM Belt Conveyor: The Severomuysky machine in rock mode, utilizing a belt The lessons learned during the first Severomuysky
conveyor for muck removal. tunnel—the importance of probe drilling,
consolidation grouting, and preventing a shielded
machine from becoming stuck in fault zones or
squeezing ground—are all part of the Crossover TBM
solution. The machines will be designed for varying
water pressures—ranging from 5 to 20 bar—but
will include some commonalities. They will feature
Water Inflow Control, a system that seals off each
TBM and creates a safe working environment while
dewatering and consolidating ground. Sealable
muck chutes and multiple rows of main bearing
seals can effectively hold back high water pressures.
The machines will feature probe drill ports and
capabilities for 360-degree probe drilling ahead
of the excavation face, while the Robbins Torque-
Shift System will enable the machines to get out of
sticky situations. The Torque-Shift System consists
TBM Screw Conveyor: The Crossover XRE in EPB mode, utilizing a screw conveyor
in soft to mixed ground. of multi-speed gearboxes capable of operating
at high RPM/low torque in hard rock or low RPM/
high torque when moving through difficult ground.
“The second Severomuysky tunnel will solve an The cutterheads will be fitted with 20-inch disc
important problem - it will increase the capacity cutters that can be changed out with mixed ground
of the BAM Railway in the direction of the Far East. cutting tools if necessary. The machines will also be
The second Severomuysky tunnel is located in one designed with a belt conveyor in hard rock mode
of the most geodynamically active areas of our that can be switched out with a screw conveyor
planet - on the north-eastern flank of the Baikal rift when crossing into soft ground.
zone. The region is characterised by high seismic
activity, difficult geological and hydrogeological
conditions, all against the backdrop of a harsh TUNNEL PLAN
climate (the summer period lasts only 80-100 days,
temperatures from + 39°C in summer to -58°C With some of the project details still to be worked
in winter). The construction work on the portals out, Sibanthracite Group is looking to the latest
is complicated by the presence of permafrost as technology for assistance. “Given the uniqueness,
well,” said a representative of Sibanthracite Group. risk and increased level of responsibility of the
Sibanthracite Group chose Crossover technology project, as well as the complexity and multiphase
for a number of reasons, geology being chief nature of the project, we are looking at designing the
among them. “A Crossover type tunnel boring crossing using building information modelling (BIM)
machine was selected for tunnelling due to the technology,” said a representative of Sibanthracite
fact that the construction of the tunnel will be Group. “This will achieve positive effects including
carried out in difficult heterogeneous geological increased interaction between all participants,
conditions (from unstable waterlogged soils to reduced time and cost associated with managing
hard rock). The Crossover is able to operate in two the project, and accurate data stored in the model.
modes: Open mode - used while boring in hard We will be able to consolidate all of the information
rock formations, and closed mode (with earth about the object accumulated at the research,
pressure balance) - used when boring in unstable design, construction and operation stages into a
water-logged soils,” said a representative of single database, and we will be able to access any
Sibanthracite Group. of this project information in case of emergency
“I was a young engineer working at Robbins situations.” Construction of the new tunnel is
when this first TBM was delivered so it is a expected to begin in 2020 and take five years.
22 Tunnelling Journal
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Alan Boden
Alan Boden/Director/Alan Boden Tunnelling Ltd
Presently working on various projects with Jacobs as a Tunnel Advisor.
Alan Boden has worked in the tunnelling industry for over 40 years on
projects in the United Kingdom, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China,
Canada, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. Initially with UK contractors and 25
years with supervisor -client organisations on international projects such as:
What is the best project you have Toughest project you have worked on During each advancement the safety
worked on and why? and why? and efficiency of tunnelling has
Tuen Mun Chek Lap Kok Link It’s tough to single out just one tough improved and the boundaries have
It was a privilege to be Tunnel Advisor project but my wife will remind me been pushed ever further allowing
on this remarkable project and observe we experienced many sleepless and tunnels to be constructed where they
a great project team overcoming the disturbed nights in Kuala Lumpur with could not have been conceived in the
many problems they faced. The largest incidents of sinkholes and inundations, past or only by using compressed air
TBM in the world at the time, saturation often late at night during weekends. with the inherent risks that exposed
diving for cutterhead interventions, Admiralty Station Expansion (Contact workers to.
cross passages constructed with 901) with MTR was extremely difficult PCs are standard issue today and
pipe-jack TBMs from within the main but very rewarding. What was achieved these and all their continually changing
tunnel, the pioneering use of robotics on that project expanding the existing applications have changed the industry
for cutterhead inspections and for station to a four-line interchange immensely. On my first job on site at
changing cutters. But for day to day alongside and beneath the busiest Don Valley we were considered very
responsibility and involvement, TYSSE interchange in Hong Kong without any lucky as we had a programmable
was the best project for me personally. planned, or unplanned, closures of computer which was the size of a
Fronting up the project in various the system, was a credit to everyone record-player.
industry forums to test procurement involved. Total stations and GPS have
strategies, construction logistics and transformed tunnel surveying. As a
packaging options. And we were Site Engineer much of our time was
successful with a number of initiatives spent surveying, doing wire-drops at
including the first use of SEM in that weekends and using Weisbach triangles
part of the world. I was part of a good to transfer lines bearings underground.
team that I helped bring together and I Much as these innovations have
was very proud to receive an Employee transformed and improved our
Recognition Award from the client, industry, I do lament the fact that we
TTC. have lost many things as a result. Less
and less are tunnel faces exposed,
there is so much to be gained by
observing the face. We have become
so reliant on PCs and spreadsheets, all
the disciplines involved in self-checking
manual estimating worksheets and
survey calculations have been lost.
What 3 innovations have most
changed the tunnelling industry over What significant technological or
the last 10 years and why? contractual changes do you expect to
I’ve witnessed the birth and the see in the next five-to-ten years?
development of Closed-Face TBMs Artificial Intelligence and robotics
during my career and the most recent used for remote tunnel operations to
innovation of Variable Density TBMs. minimize health and safety risks and
24 Tunnelling Journal
improve efficiency. The contractor on TMCLK led the way
with robotics and thanks to his start this will continue to
be improved upon. And TBMs will become even bigger
although we must be approaching the limit.
Tunnelling Journal 25
The road to cleaner tunnelling
There are general concerns over the harmful effects of exposure to gases and particulates
generated by diesel-powered machinery during tunnelling construction. TJ explores the
strides made thus far in reducing emissions underground, and the tenacious move towards
battery-electric technology and its implications. By Munesu Shoko.
Underground construction work is associated limits for various substances, including CO, NO and
with health risks from various exposures, including NO2 under existing legislation came into effect in
carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO) and August 2018. However, Donald Lamont – a former
nitrogen dioxide (NO2), among other gases. Large Health and Safety Executive tunnelling inspector in
amounts of gases are generated from various the UK, who chairs the BS 6164 Committee and sits
machines deployed during tunnelling construction. on the European Standards Committee for ENs 16191
To give an idea, diesel engine exhaust emissions are and 12110 – explains that there is a derogation from
recognised as a category 1 human carcinogen by the implementation in underground workplaces till 2023.
International Agency for Research for lung cancer. Explaining why stringent emissions factors are
Recent cancer burden research estimates that there put in place in the tunnelling industry, Lamont
are almost 650 deaths per year from all workplace says, because tunnellers work in an enclosed
exposures due to engine exhaust emissions in the UK environment, they are much more affected by
alone. contamination than factory workers, for example.
Diesel-powered machinery, which is used In factories, local exhaust ventilation can be used to
extensively in tunnelling construction work remove fumes, but that’s not possible in tunnelling.
processes, produces CO, NO, NO2, various Clive Hannaford, managing director of Clayton
hydrocarbons and particulate matter. Despite the Equipment, a leading locomotive manufacturer
health implications, these machines remain in operating in tunnelling, mining, industrial and
widespread use in the tunnelling industry as mucking mainline rail sectors, says guidance is provided
out technology, split between conveyor systems, by BS6164, the 2011 edition of which is currently
rail bound mucking cars and tyred vehicles, among in final review. “The revised BS6164 requires a
others. significant reduction in all emissions, which could
Proving that reducing vehicle emissions is high on prevent the use of diesel powered locomotives
the agenda, the implementation of revised exposure altogether. Diesel locomotives still could be used,
26 Tunnelling Journal
but only if significant ventilation operating time. This puts a strain being performed on the new
is in place, which adds to the on both the environment and the powertrain with an electric drive
installation and operating costs wallet. using a Bergmann 2040 as a
and is often not possible in small function prototype. However, the
diameter tunnels,” he says. Going Electric? future serial model will be more of
So, what has the industry Meanwhile, electromobility in an original configuration than an
done in response to the call for tunnelling equipment is gathering electrified variation of the diesel
significant reduction in emissions pace. It offers reduced or zero vehicle. In addition to the latest
in tunnelling equipment? emissions from machines, while lithium-ion battery technology
Hannaford tells Tunnelling Journal significantly lowering noise levels. with performance-related power
that all new diesel locomotives in According to Lamont, some management, the vehicle’s
the UK and EU must now be EU tunnelling equipment has been equipment will also include
Stage V compliant. Depending on dual powered for years – diesel an onboard charger,” explains
the engine size, this could include for travelling and electric power Fasthoff.
Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), for working. Clayton Equipment has been a
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) and Of course, hybrid power world leader in battery-powered
Selective Catalytic Reduction systems are necessary to provide locomotives, with its first emission
(SCR) emission control. the most flexibility for the machine free locomotive built in 1940.
A DOC is an aftertreatment when there is a higher demand “We can supply emission free,
component that is designed to for power or where there is a electric locomotives across the
convert CO and hydrocarbons
into carbon dioxide (CO2) and
water. A DPF is a filter that
captures and stores exhaust
soot to reduce emissions from
diesel vehicles. An SCR is an
advanced active emissions control
technology system that injects a
liquid-reductant agent through a
special catalyst into the exhaust
stream of a diesel engine.
To meet these exhaust gas
regulations, Dirk Fasthoff,
director for tunnelling projects at
Bergmann Maschinenbau GmbH
& Co. KG, says the company’s
tunnelling machines are delivered
exclusively to customers in
emissions level 5. The mandatory
use of particle filter systems is
fulfilled in all products and the
pollutant limits are thus complied
with. Bergmann also uses
particularly efficient drive systems lack of electrical infrastructure whole product range, from 1.75 Bergmann’s 5025
HK Plus tunnel
in its machines, which means that available. But overall, the future to 135-tonne,” says Hannaford. dumper comes
the installed engine power can of the industry is leaning towards Locomotive types include battery with a 260 hp
be kept low. This leads to cost electrification with cleaner, quieter (lead acid and lithium), hybrid, engine with a 25
savings in the ventilation of the and more efficient machines, Hybrid +, diesel, 3rd /4th rail and tonne payload.
tunnel construction sites. which not only is better for the overhead line, and a range of
Opposite: At
Bergmann is also one of the environment, but also supports rubber tyred locomotives for steep Bergmann,
companies championing the use customer success. gradients (up to 10%). preparations are
of idle shutdown technology At Bergmann, preparations are Lamont is of the view that in full swing for
in diesel engines. This is a in full swing for expansion in the mining in general is moving expansion into the
electric sector.
particularly important feature electric sector. A case in point more quickly towards low/zero
in the quest to reduce vehicle is Bergmann’s presentation of emissions than tunnelling. A case
emissions, not only in tunnelling, its Dumper 1005 E, an electric in point is Epiroc’s launch of its
but across an array of other vehicle for auxiliary tasks in tunnel new generation battery-driven
industries. To give an idea, it is construction. The company also machines last year, which can
estimated that each year in the used Bauma 2019 to present an also be deployed in tunnelling.
United States alone, trucks and electric dumper – with a payload of Epiroc first launched its first
heavy-duty vehicles consume 4 tonnes – which is to be included battery electric machines in 2016.
more than 22,8-million litres of in the portfolio as a serial vehicle for In November 2018, the company
diesel fuel and gasoline without the first time next year (the second unveiled its new generation range
even moving. Construction electrically powered vehicle after as part of its target to offer a
machines can often be idling the Bergmann 1005 E). complete fleet of underground
for as much as 40-60% of its “Relevant tests are currently equipment as battery electric
Tunnelling Journal 27
versions by 2025. Battery truck, said to be the largest equipment.
Epiroc’s battery-driven battery-operated vehicle of its Normet, well-known for its
underground loaders, trucks and nature on the market. It is a 100% underground operation concepts,
drill rigs comprise the 14-tonne fossil-free Minetruck, based on used Bauma 2019 to showcase
Scooptram ST14 Battery loader, Epiroc’s proven MT42, for both its battery electric vehicle
the 18-tonne Bommer E2 underground mining and civil architecture, which includes
Battery loader and the 42-tonne construction applications. the latest lithium-ion battery
Minetruck MT42 Battery truck, as Being zero emission, the technology with a fast charging
well as a mid-sized drilling family, Minetruck MT42 Battery means capability. High-torque electric
including face drilling, production zero exposure for the operators motors provide instant torque
drilling and rock reinforcement to diesel particulates, and toxic and efficient operation without
rigs. gases such as nitrogen oxides any emissions. The first machine
Per Lindberg, CEO of Epiroc, (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC) and CO. unveiled is the Spraymec 8100 SD.
says the new machines will “Being fossil-free, Minetruck MT42 Normet’s SmartDrive is a new
create a number of benefits for Battery makes the difference when technology that uses latest long-
underground applications globally, it comes to carbon footprint and life industrial grade lithium-ion
including improved health and greenhouse gases. Being a zero battery technology suited to harsh
safety, reduced greenhouse gas emission machine, the Minetruck environments in underground
emissions and lower operating MT42 Battery minimises the need mining and tunnelling. The
costs. for ventilation in underground batteries can be charged at any
applications, and is designed with time from typical underground
operators’ well-being as primary AC-sockets. For demanding
focus,” says Lindberg. operations, optional fast chargers
Beyond the environmental can charge batteries quickly during
benefit aspect, the Minetruck MT42 operation or a break; there is no
Battery also delivers benefits in need for costly battery swapping.
terms of economy, productivity Built-in energy recuperation
and cost of maintenance. It is technology maximises the storing
optimised for productivity in of regenerative braking energy
many ways. The drivetrain has during downhill and deceleration.
been optimised to reduce losses In addition, efficient hydraulic dual-
and the number of components. circuit oil immersed brakes provide
On this truck, one high power additional braking power when it is
electrical motor is connected to needed.
each axle. The electrical drivetrain Caterpillar is another leading
provides greater speed on grades, manufacturer championing the use
both up and down the ramp. of lithium-ion battery technology
Hydraulic functions are powered in its underground offerings. In
from a separate auxiliary motor April 2018, the Underground
that delivers hydraulic power Mining group within Caterpillar
on demand. Extended battery Inc. shipped a proof of concept
autonomy is achieved through battery electric load-haul-dump
energy regeneration and high (LHD) loader to a mine site located
energy density battery design. in Canada.
Clayton “We at Epiroc want to help our From a maintenance point The test machine is a proof
Equipment can customers boost productivity, of view, the Minetruck MT42 of concept for packaging and
supply emission-
enhance safety and cut emissions Battery electrical drivetrain has a performance of a lithium-based
free, electric
locomotives – all while lowering total cost of considerably reduced number of energy storage solution Caterpillar
across the whole operation. Our second generation components, service points and plans to bring to the LHD market.
product range, battery vehicles take us towards moving parts. Engine, transmission, The Cat R1300G proof of concept
from 1.75 to a sustainable future with less cardan shafts and their related is not necessarily a final design
dependency on fossil fuels,” says spare parts are now a thing of the that will go to market. After testing,
Lindberg. past. This results in longer service Caterpillar will launch a full-
“We are leading the change intervals, lower parts consumption, fledged new product introduction
towards sustainability in higher uptime and lower running programme that follows a more
underground mining and costs. in-depth, rigorous design and
construction through battery validation process.
electric. The result is safer and Battery development “Our customers are planning
healthier underground working Over the years, the development for deeper working environments
environment. This contributes of new battery technologies has with very high ambient rock
to a sustainable future and a been relatively expensive, but the temperatures where ventilation
smaller environmental footprint. cost of energy storage systems costs are pivotal to making working
It is a power change that changes such as lithium-ion batteries is said underground viable,” says Jay
everything,” adds Lindberg. to be steadily decreasing, making Armburger, product manager with
A major talking point in this electromobility a more financially responsibility for underground
range is the Minetruck MT42 attractive option in tunnelling technology. “One means of
28 Tunnelling Journal
reducing ventilation demand is itself, the programme has been Sandvik’s state-of-the-art Battery
through electrification of mining prototyping a robust charging Electrification Innovation and
and tunnelling equipment.” station. The technology behind Development Centre in Turku,
With over 250 patents in the the charging station is said to be Finland, in 2018. It is in line with
electric drive and energy storage unique to Caterpillar and uses Cat our ambition to be leading in the
fields, across its other product components and technology,” market for battery electric vehicle
ranges like the D7E dozer, says Armburger. solutions,” says Lars Engström,
F-Series asphalt pavers, 794 AC As with all new product President, Sandvik Mining and
and 795F AC large mining trucks, introductions, Caterpillar will Rock Technology.
the recently introduced 988K XE listen to its customers and put Despite the fast-paced
wheel loader, and even microgrid new designs through their paces developments in battery
technology, Caterpillar has fully before releasing a machine. “The technology, Lamont argues that
integrated electric drivetrain chemistries and technologies lithium-ion batteries have got
technology and components to behind battery development their downside. He reasons that
bring to underground machines. are evolving rapidly. Change is lithium-ion batteries are a fire
The programme started with inevitable, and the development hazard and emit toxic fumes when
a full production study and data team will continue to evaluate on fire, while they also depend
analysis of the diesel machine these changing technologies,” on relatively scarce metals in their
in order to set a baseline. Once adds Amburger. construction.
this was accomplished, the Elsewhere, Sandvik has over the “Underground equipment is
transformation of the R1300G to
a battery electric proof of concept
began. The modifications included
removing the engine, transmission
and torque converter, and then
reconfiguring the engine end
frame to accommodate the
battery boxes and electric motors.
The result is a battery electric
powertrain driving a conventional
and mechanical drivetrain (drive
shafts and axles).
The R1300G proof of concept
is an older machine without
the benefit of efficient electro-
hydraulics. As a result, it will drive
worst case scenario loads on the
batteries. Of course, the design
of the new loader will enhance
battery life through the use of load
sensing hydraulics driven by piston
pumps such as those on the new
Cat R1700. The less refined proof
of concept machine will yield solid
understanding of heat generation years been one of the pioneers robust with long lifespans, thus Sandvik has over
the years been one
and cooling needs, performance of battery electric machines the replacement of diesel with
of the pioneers
criteria, space claim and safety for underground application. battery power will take time. There of battery electric
considerations in the day-to-day Sandvik’s electric loaders with zero are obvious savings on ventilation machines for
operation of the machine. diesel emissions and lower noise costs with battery power,” says underground
With the help of several reduce the need for ventilation Lamont. application.
customers who have visited the and improve underground The same view is shared by
proof of concept and operated working conditions. Hannaford, who says although
it at the proving grounds, To further capacitate its there is a market perception
Caterpillar is getting feedback technical prowess in battery that lithium batteries are the
to help drive the programme electric technology, Sandvik this answer to a clean tunnelling
forward. Armburger says all of the year announced the acquisition of industry, there are significant
customers who have visited the Artisan Vehicle Systems, a United safety considerations that have
machine agree that pursuing a States-based manufacturer of to be put in place before a piece
system that is rechargeable on the battery powered underground of equipment with a lithium
machine is the right path forward. equipment. The company’s core battery can be used in a tunnel.
“Caterpillar is focusing on fast technology is battery packs, “As such, lead acid batteries are
charging of the batteries on the electric motors, power electronics, still the leading technology for
machine such that an operator software and control systems. locomotives at this time, as they
can take a quick break and come “I am pleased to see the deliver the most cost-effective
back to a charged machine. In strategic acquisition of Artisan and safest solution,” concludes
addition to developing the LHD so soon after the opening of Hannaford.
Tunnelling Journal 29
A review of Tunnel
the energy stored, the better the water seal” can be
assumed on the basis that a durable material has
been selected. The positioning of the gasket across
Segment Gaskets -
all longitudinal and circumferential joints so that they
align with the adjacent gaskets, allows for an efficient
energy storage system that can be installed as part of
the ring build process.
30 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 31
conservative results for the different water sealing faces for our discussion purposes. Similar to the
and compression tests we would require a selection derivation of an offset, it is possible to calculate
of smallest gasket and largest groove, along with a theoretical gap by considering the following,
the largest gasket and smallest groove. All of remembering that many of these numbers “double”
these would be very difficult to achieve and would as they apply to both concrete faces in the Works,
themselves have related tolerances unless multiple and some might be mutually exclusive:
samples were manufactured, and test specimen n The groove depth tolerance
selection based upon precision measurements. n The gasket profile (height) tolerance
The assumption for water pressure testing is n The profile of the concrete joint face in two
therefore that the samples will simulate the mean directions/planes – the possible “gap” that is left
gasket dimensions within the nominal groove. The after first contact between the concrete faces of
tolerance variations of gasket and groove can to a two segments
certain extent be accommodated within the test gap n Build tolerances such as joint gaps in the
as detailed below. This is not a perfect arrangement: circumferential joint, plane and allowable
n The load-deformation curves for gaskets are circularity tolerance (ovalisation) affecting the
typically “S” shaped and interpretation of the longitudinal joint
tolerance effect combined with the variable gaps n Ring deformation under load causing longitudinal
represented in the test and the material creep joint rotation
under different loads is more complex than a n Concrete strain under load (finally, a beneficial
first glance suggests. Changing the physical gap effect – at least at the deepest sections).
instead of changing the confinement (gasket
size compared to groove size) will have a minor The next question to ask is “can all of these tolerances
impact on the gasket compression characteristics occur at the same location in the built tunnel where
but this is more practical and likely to be the water pressure is the highest?”. Obviously, the
conservative. answer to this is “yes, they can”. However, statistically,
n The inability to practically take into account it does seem unlikely. We will have to leave it up to
all tolerance effects is a disadvantage adding the individual project to decide if this can occur on
to uncertainty, and this uncertainty will be one their project, the importance of the water sealing, and
aspect of the “load factor” used to define the test also how this might somehow be combined with the
pressure. factor of safety on test pressure discussed later. The
relative cost of being slightly conservative in gasket
Selected test gaps and offsets selection is small. It is also likely that if an existing
This is an aspect that sometimes causes great profile is selected, it will more than meet the water
debate amongst the different contracting parties, pressure testing requirements, continuing a successful
but the result is often a requirement to test at history of water sealing. It is therefore suggested
10mm offset and about a 6mm gap. Surely all that the current approach of combining all relevant
projects are not the same? tolerances is the right approach and a 5-6mm test
Let us first consider the offset. This number will gap suits typical casting and build tolerances these
often be taken from the specification requirement days.
for ring build quality for segment or ring lipping. The future may change all of this. With cast-in
Some people might even consider the cumulative gaskets some tolerance issues, essentially relating
effects of the mould positional tolerance for the to the groove, disappear because the cast-in gasket
groove relative to the intrados face of the segment forms its own groove during the manufacturing
(the only place where you can measure the lipping process of the segment. However, for linings with
in the erected ring) to maximise this number. Now, fewer segments and for larger tunnels the result
consider that the ability to compress the gasket (to would be to increase some aspects of the gap
develop the stored energy) is also influenced by calculation. So, let us not be complacent about the
the internal structure of the extruded gasket – the test gaps we have used in the past by accepting what
relative position of the voids and internal “struts” was done last time. Challenge any conservatism
within the gasket cross-section. It is therefore inherited if there are changes to the gasket and the
clear that before the water pressure test set-up installation processes. Think about what becomes a
is defined, some knowledge of the gasket load- potential area for variation and is therefore important
compression characteristics at different offsets is in a pressure test, and consider how tunnel size and
also required. In the majority of cases larger offsets segmentation impact on some of the key aspects of
result in a lower compression load, but there are joint gap.
gasket sections on the market that have lower
compression loads (at a set gap), at smaller offsets Test pressure compared to working pressure
than the maximum lipping that might be accepted Many people adopt a factor of safety of 2.0 on the
in the tunnel. The moral of this being, bigger is not working pressure to define a test pressure without
necessarily better (or conservative in this case). understanding the background to this. The BTS
The more complicated number to agree on is the Specification for Tunnelling includes this requirement
test gap – the distance between the ideal concrete and it is a reasonably conservative approach as will
faces. Practically, it can be more appropriate to be shown, but certain circumstances may alter the
consider the distance between the bases of the applied factor, or conditions/materials may force a
grooves depending upon the test rig being used, change.
but let us stick to the gap between concrete In general terms the load factor can be considered
32 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 33
to be the result obtained from
an open end test used by some
suppliers. This is an excessively
broad range that is not much use
to a designer, and more data is
needed. However, it is clear that
the ends need to be closed in
Figure 5a – Open order to get a realistic, real-world
and closed end
gasket sample
(single row of We are therefore left with the
holes) dilemma of how to apply these
results to any normal “open” test
that has been - and will probably
continue to be in the future –
carried out. Perhaps the answer
is just that we must specify a
closed end test arrangement to be
undertaken if we really believe this
Figure 5b – Open number will be important in our
and closed end design.
gasket sample
We also need to consider the
(double row of
holes) impact of “hard spots” created
through the manufacture of
the closed end arrangement reflecting the increased the gasket corners. This will be covered in more
load resulting from the additional row of holes. The detail in the next article, but for now, consider that
gasket section can therefore be seen to have an the compression load testing of a “T” junction, as
impact on the result. shown in figure 6, would be more representative
Load deflection testing on previous projects has of conditions in the tunnel close to a joint. Tests
shown that using steel plates to confine the sample on straight sections (sealed) would provide data
ends can result in compression loads increasing by for the majority of the gasket length. Both of these
up to 100% (S. Swartz et al 2002) – albeit using a issues are currently under-represented in the test
very stiff gasket in this example. This test could be method commonly adopted, and any numbers used
argued to be unpredictable over the air seal at the in calculations that rely purely on an open, straight
gasket ends, although the result achieved appears compression load test should therefore be viewed
to demonstrate a very good seal in this case. In with scepticism.
addition, the Poisson’s ratio effect of fully restraining
the gasket longitudinally, particularly on short test Potential spalling and edge distances
pieces, was recognised as providing a conservative The distance between the segmental lining extrados
result. Although there is some longitudinal constraint and the closest edge of the gasket is a feature
experienced by a gasket on a segment, this is as important as the water sealing capacity of the
exaggerated in short pieces confined by stiff end gasket itself. Failure of the concrete by cracking
plates, and could potentially over exaggerate the or spalling compromises the whole waterproofing
effect on the compression load. system. This dimension not only influences the
In reality, the truth probably lies somewhere successful waterproofing of the tunnel, but also
between 12% increase and the 100% previously affects the bearing stresses on concrete faces, the
reported, but the load to full compression is unlikely bending moments that develop in the lining under
Figure 6 – “T”
section load/
compression test
34 Tunnelling Journal
load and the tensile bursting forces at the joints. sides of the gasket groove, which is a significant
This is a typical dichotomy in tunnel design – we component in the development of stresses leading
want a large distance for one reason, and a small up to spalling or cracking of the concrete. So, any
distance for another. calculations undertaken are actually likely to be
Spalling of the edge concrete or cracking as based upon spurious, possibly un-conservative,
a result of gasket compression for a glued-in assumptions and underestimated loads, which
gasket could completely compromise the gasket leaves us with a need to test, refer to previous
performance. It is a distance that is rarely tested tests, or ideally have a successful similar project
for a specific project, and the distance has often already in the bag. Given these options, specific
simply been defined based upon the geometry and well specified testing or reference to use on
used on previous projects. As far as this goes this a previous project appears to offer a lower risk of
is normally acceptable. Wary customers might also issues developing during construction compared
remember to check if the previous project using the to a calculation based upon a line load test.
same gasket included the use of segments with the
same strength concrete, whether it was steel fibre
reinforced or not, and whether the groove depth
was the same.
When a project does perform a specific test, the 1. BTS Specification for Tunnelling (Third Edition). Thomas Telford
typical arrangement is simply a load compression 2. Recommendations for the design, production and installation
test as discussed earlier, but undertaken within a of segmental rings (10.2013). Deutscher Ausschuss für
concrete block, or a double line of gaskets within unterirdisches Bauen e. V. German Tunnelling Committee (ITA-
two blocks representing 4 edges. Comments AITES)
concerning the gasket and groove tolerances, and 3. ISO 3302-1:2014. Rubber – Tolerances for products – Part
the confinement of the gasket ends made above 1: Dimensional tolerances. International Organization for
would also affect this test and careful specification Standardization
and measurement of exactly what is being tested is 4. S. Swartz, H. Lum, M. McRae, D.J. Curtis, J. Sharma. “Structural
required. design and testing of a bolted and gasketed pre-cast concrete
Finally, consider that none of the laboratory segmental lining for high external hydrostatic pressure”: North
compression testing actually measures the American Tunnelling 2002
horizontal force that the gasket imposes on the
Tunnelling Journal 35
Project Fa
ct File
Name: B
A TBM first
(BBDMP ri Babai Diversio
), Nepal n Multip
Client: G Project
(DOI) en t of Nep
al’s Dep
Contrac of Irriga
tor: Chin tion
in Nepal
Nepal B a Overs
ranch (C eas Eng
OVEC N in eering G
Headrac epal) roup Co
e Tunne . Ltd.
l: 12.2km
Geolog of 4.3m
y: Siwali i.d tunn
k rock fo
Method rmation
: TBM, R of the Him
Gripper obbins 5 alayas
.06m dia
meter D
Lining: ouble Sh
In April 2019, China Overseas Engineering segmen
ts) nal segm
Group Co. Ltd. Nepal Branch (COVEC TBM lau
ental rin
g (350m
m thick
nch: Oc
Nepal), using Nepal’s first TBM - a 5.06m TBM bre
tober 20
gh: Apri
diameter Robbins Double Shield - defied l 2019
36 Tunnelling Journal
Since it was impossible to have an intermediate and silty, sandy and calcareous mudstone; and Figure 2.
the middle Siwalik (MS) rock formation consisting Longitudinal
construction adit of a relatively short length, the
excavation of the headrace tunnel using drill of medium to coarse grained grey mica rich profile of the
and blast was found to be unrealistic. In this sandstones with an intercalation of siltstone and headrace tunnel
circumstance, the use of TBM excavation was mudstone. The middle Siwalik (MS) formation is showing varying
the only real option left. Past attempts at the gradually overlapped by the conglomeratic to sandy geological
condition (Re
use of TBM excavation in the Himalayan region, conglomeratic facies of the upper Siwalik (US) rock
drawn from
particularly in India and Pakistan (Sengupta et al, formation. The headrace tunnel of BBDM project Bhattarai, 2019)
2008; Panthi, 2012 and Stein, 2016) have faced passes through the tilted anticline and syncline
numerous challenges associated with geology and Siwalik rock formation sequences as indicated in
logistical management which caused considerable Figure 2.
construction delays and cost overruns. Therefore, The headrace tunnel crosses the Bheri Thrust (BT),
at an early stage there was real doubt and no little which is among the two tectonic contacts found
concern about the successful performance of a within the MBT and MFT at the project area (Figure
TBM on the headrace tunnel at the BBDM project. 2). Therefore, it was envisaged during planning
that extreme care should be taken during TBM
Geology along the headrace tunnel excavation through this thrust (BBDMP, 2015).
Geologically, the project is located in the Siwalik
rock formation of the Himalayas (Figure 1). The TBM Performance
Siwalik rock formation borders the Himalayan range The 5.02m diameter Robbins double gripper
for more than 2,000km from East India to West shielded TBM, which was equipped with 33 no. 17
Pakistan. The Siwalik rocks are relatively young inch disc cutters and had a cutterhead driving power
where their ages vary between 14 million years to of 1,980KW with maximum torque of 3,475kNm at
as young as two million years old (Upreti, 1999). 4.5RPM was used for the excavation of the headrace
Generally, the Siwalik rock formation is sandwiched tunnel. (Shrestha, 2019). The TBM was equipped
between the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) at the with two sets of ring-mounted drills, which can
north and Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) to the South. It cover 360 degrees at the periphery and the center
is the MBT, a major Thrust system along the entire of the tunnel. The probe length that can be drilled
Himalayas, which separates the young sedimentary using these drill rigs consisted of many tens of
rock formation of the Siwalik from lesser Himalayan meters (Bhattarai, 2019). These drills are used for
rock formations where meta-sedimentary and installing drain holes and for the injection of grout
Figure 3. Tunnel
crystalline sequences of relatively good quality are to control excessive water inflow from the water
excavated using
found. The Siwalik rock formations can be divided bearing zones. The TBM was equipped for the drill and blast
into the lower, middle and upper Siwalik formations continuous follow-on installation of the 350mm method lined with
(Gautem and Rosler, 1999 and Upreti, 1999). In thick hexagonal pre-cast concrete segments. TBM sprayed concrete
general terms, the Siwalik rock formations are excavation started from a 150m long drill and blast (left) and TBM
assembly outside
buried beneath the cover of the Southward tilted tunnel lined with lattice gridders with a one meter of the headrace
(over-thrusted) lesser Himalayan meta-sedimentary spacing with a thick layer of sprayed concrete tunnel portal
rocks along the MBT. Being sandwiched between (Figure 3-left). (right).
two active tectonic thrusts, the
rock mass of the Siwalik formation
is weak, highly deformed, folded,
and often fragile, easily erodible
and porous. Tunnelling through
the Siwalik rock mass is in general
challenging except for where areas
of bedded and massive sandstones
are met (Panthi, 2006).
The rock mass along the BBDM
headrace tunnel alignment belongs
to the lower Siwalik (LS) rock
formation consisting of fine to
medium grained grey sandstones
Tunnelling Journal 37
TBM excavation commenced in the middle of are young, with low to medium strength and are
October 2017. In TBM tunnelling, the first 500m of perfect for excavation by TBM if no stability problems
excavation is generally considered as a trial operation associated with high rock stresses and substantial
where the crews get acquainted with the local ground water ingress are met. This was the case for the
geological conditions and the operation of the TBM most part of the BBDM project excluding some tunnel
itself. However, in the case of the headrace tunnel stretches where challenges were experienced. During
excavation at the BBDM project, the crew gained the signing of the contract, it was estimated that the
experience very quickly and after just one month of average TBM excavation would be around 550m per
Figure 4. Monthly TBM operation, the tunnel excavation advance gained month. However, the average monthly TBM excavation
estimated and substantial momentum (Figure 4). progress achieved was mostly above the targeted
actual TBM As described earlier, the rock formation sequences 550m per month (Figure 4).
progress of the
along this tunnel alignment consists mainly of Indeed, there were only two months where the TBM
BBDM headrace medium to fine grained sandstone, mudstone, and excavation was less than estimated, which was the
tunnel. siltstone in beds of series of intercalation. These rocks first month of TBM excavation, and in February 2019
when the TBM excavation was nearing completion.
The record progress of 1063m was achieved in the
month of August 2018, which itself is a record for TBM
excavation in the Himalayan region.
38 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 39
The 12.2km Bheri flexibility in decision making and the right approach investigation, a correctly thought out approach in
Babai Diversion
to logistics and good coordination and teamwork deciding the tunnel excavation method, a well-
Project (BBDMP) between all stakeholders played a crucial role in its planned logistic management system, and a holistic
headrace tunnel successful and timely completion. approach in selecting a quality contractor during the
lined with a 4. In addition, the greatest geological factor for bidding period have been vital in the completion and
this success may also be due to the fact that the success of this project.
segmental ring.
headrace tunnel did not cross any serious large-
scale tectonic contacts where the rock mass is Acknowledgement
intensely fractured presenting serious shear and The author is thankful to the BBDM project for
weakness zones, which may well be the case arranging a wonderful visit to the project and
in other areas. It is noted here that the whole providing necessary documents needed while
headrace tunnel length at BBDM project passes writing this manuscript. The author is especially
through only the Siwalik rock formation consisting thankful to the deputy head of this project Er. Tulasi
of relatively repeating sequences of rocks such as Ram Bhattarai and Er. Jagadiswar Man Shrestha for
sandstone, mudstone and siltstone. historical photographs of this project. The views and
Therefore, the author emphasizes that a careful opinions expressed in this paper are of authors own
review, a sufficient engineering geological excluding the one duly cited in the manuscript.
BBDMP. 2015. Geotechnical baseline report (GBR). Section 4D of the contract for the construction of the
headrace tunnel to Bheri Babai Diversion Multipurpose Project, 111p.
Bhattarai T. R. 2019. Possibility of TBM tunneling for the infrastructure development of Nepal and lesson
learned from Bheri Babhai Diversion Multi-purpose Project (BBDMP). Presentation notes of the Nepal
Engineering Associate talk program in Pokhara, Nepal on 19th May 2019.
Gautem P. and Rosler W. 1999. Depositional chronology and fabric of Siwaliks group sediments in central
Nepal from magneto-stratigraphy and magnetic anisotropy. Journal of Asian earth sciences, vol. 17,
Panthi K. K. 2006. Analysis of engineering geological uncertainties related to tunnelling in Himalayan rock
mass conditions. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Doctoral theses at NTNU 2006:41.
ISBN 82-471-7826-5.
Panthi K. K. 2012. Evaluation of rock bursting phenomena in a tunnel in the Himalaya. Bulletin of
Engineering Geology and the Environment, vol. 71(4), pp. 761-769.
Sengupta S. K., Saxena P. K. and Baksi S. S. 2008. Tunnel boring machines in India – experience, prospect
and challenges. Proceedings: Worls Tunnel Congress 2008, pp. 1544-1551.
Shrestha J. M. 2019. Lesson learned from Tunnel Excavation by TBM in BBDMP & Scope of TBM in Nepal.
Presentation notes of the Nepal Engineering Association (NEA) talk program in Hetauda, Nepal on 18th
July 2019.
Stein E. 2016. Evaluation on the stress induced brittle failure along the headrace tunnel of Neelum Jhelum
HPP, Pakistan. MSc thesis at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim,
Norway, 100p.
Upreti B. N. 1999. An overview of the stratigraphy and tectonic of the Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Asian
earth sciences, vol. 17, pp. 577-606.
40 Tunnelling Journal
We h a v e t h e e x p e r i e n c e
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My Tunnel View is a Video Blogging YouTube channel that promotes Tunnelling and
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highlighting the benefits of Tunnelling and Underground Space use for the emerging cities
in Africa by extracting Economic, Environmental and operational benefits of different
projects all over the world as a reference that can be explored
This is a great opportunity for Project Owners, Contractors, Suppliers and Manufacturers
to showcase their works to a different audience on a different media
Gang / Aisle F
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 8 5 4 4 5 5 4 9 5
Systemair 3 Gotth. Kn. ADCOS Langmatz Imersys 3 ÖZKAN Gerh. Geißel Hailo
F149 F148 F147 F145 F143 F142 F141 F140 F126 F124 F122 F121 F120 Patrona KLEIN
E159 E157 E152 E151 E150 7 SMT E136 E134 E131 E130 F106 F102 Vössing Eingang /
Bauer E119 E116 E112 7 entrance
Obermeyer ACO DSI Underground SBEV PORR Deutschland Bergmann MAT Bauer Spezialtiefbau Belloli Eplass Arsan BPA
5 5 9 4 10 E139 4 5 9 5 5 4 4 E110 5
Treppe / stairs
4 4 4 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 9 5 10 7 Karl
WBI fischer- SZ Prysmian Hodapp Optimas Robbins isolera Fogmaker AGRU Schön.
D149 D148 D147 D145 D144 D142 Herrenknecht 7 7 Schüssler D127 D126 D124 D122 Max Bögl 7 D109 D103 Ed. Züblin 7 D100
C159 C158 C157 C155 C154 C153 C137 C136 C134 C132 C119 C113
ITC Bekaert Danish F. Friedrich Elkuch TROLEX HBI Liebherr baumhüt Intermetr. Albatros MC Bauchemie
4 4 4 Ischebeck 4 4 C150 9 C139 6 4 4 4 4 C130 9 5 10 C111 7
Gang / Aisle C
5 5 ZPP 4 5 4 5 13 5 4 4 5 5 5 5
MAI ILF Engineers Ingenieure GTA IMM Ernst Aero-X 3 TPH Renesco Tradecc Bauverlag FOGTEC HAMM Ing. Gebauer WEBAC C100
C149 C146 C145 C144 C142 C140 C129 C124 C123 C122 C120 C109 C104 C101
B159 C147 B154 B153 B150 B139 B135 B132 B130 B119 B110
Treppe / stairs
Gang / Aisle B
4 6 5 6 8 4 8 4 4 6 4 5 5 4 6
Sch. A. RAWIE Adolf Bochumer FIDES DVP SBM EJ Maxam CDM
MAB Würth TROX Schöma 7 Zetcon Eisenh. 7 Eingang /
B149 B147 B145 B143 B141 OSMO B129 B127 B126 B124 B121 Korfmann B109 B104 B100 entrance
A159 A157 A156 A155 A153 A152 A151 A139 A138 A136 A134 A132 A131 A119 A114 A110
Clariant 3 3 QSG 3 Sigrist Wecand Haber SYTEC PROTAN NLT Aus. BASF H+E 3 SWIBOX
4 4 4 4 5 4 4 A150 4 5 Tech 5 4 4 A130 5 5 5 5
Ausgang /
Gang / Aisle A exit
Heide 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Pumpen 3 KIG Böhm SIKA SFB Wettertechnik KSE ankox Bauernfeind F. Willich
A149 A147 A146 A144 A142 A141 A140 A129 A126 A122 A120 A109 A104 A100
42 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 43
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The publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. All
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44 Tunnelling Journal
Tunnelling Journal 45
October/November 2019
Coping with
the pressure
North American Tunneling Journal 1
Jennmar has been the innovative leader in ground control for the mining industry for
more than forty years. Over the past decade, our growth has led us to above ground
for structural buildings, implementing the same vigor and detailed processes. Our
Jennmar Civil arch systems, girders, liner plates and Impact Resistant Laggings® are
backed by experienced engineers and technicians who are with you every step of the
way, from initial consultation to qualified instruction and on-going technical support.
And, of course, our customer service is second-to-none. That’s something we’ve always
demanded of ourselves.
2 North BA L H
American E A D QUA
Tunneling R T ER S
Journal • (412) -96 3 -9 071 • PI T T SB U R GH, PA US A • W W W. J EN N M A R .CO M
Too good to be true…?
News from the web - page 4
Although it is encouraging to see the technical The Insider - page 6
evaluation of bids become more prevalent in
the choice of a contract winner, the fact is, the Under Pressure
lowest bidder is still, predominantly king. The hard rock TBM which has recently holed through
This always puts me in mind of the famed on New York’s Delaware Aqueduct Bypass Tunnel
astronaut and statesman, John Glenn, Jr. who was equipped to cope with huge water pressures.
has the legendary quote attributed to him, Kristina Smith caught up with owner and contractor
“As I hurtled through space, one thought kept to find out if it did.
crossing my mind—every part of this rocket
was supplied by the lowest bidder.”
Thankfully for Glenn, Jr, things worked out
just fine in his amalgamation of lowest bid
parts. And the truth is, in tunneling, things
do by and large also work out fine, and that’s
because almost exclusively the players within
the industry are extremely capable, diligent,
and competent.
But, the question has to asked, why
would you put yourself in a position where
you would feel anything less than 100%
confident in your project team before you
even start by choosing a wildly low bid? To
clarify, sometimes bids are so close that the
difference between lowest price winner and
second place could purely be a matter of
15 minutes with...Sanja Zlatanic - page 14
the choice of a more expensive technique,
NOT blatant cost cutting. These close call
Monitoring the changes – Part 1
awards are valid situations where you just What trends are emerging in the tunnel monitoring
accept somebody has found a different way industry in North America? What opportunities
lie ahead? In the first part of this year’s two-part
of performing a task for less money than you
monitoring roundtable, NATJ gathered the opinion
have. Alarm bells should, however, ring when
of five industry experts.
there is huge discrepancy between ‘winning’
lowest bid and second.
By choosing a crazily low bidder you must
already have concerns about whether the
contract is deliverable under such a pricing
structure. Surely we all know this often paves
a path to the courts with claims and counter-
claims ricocheting from every wall en-route.
Although it would be hard to ever describe
a TBM or drill & shoot as ‘hurtling’ through
the ground as Glenn’s magnificent space
craft did through the atmosphere, it would
be comforting to know that the lowest bidder
constructing your project was capable of
bringing your machine, and your project,
home safely, on time and on budget. For
sometimes, a bargain is definitely too good to
be true!
Tris Thomas
Tunnel Monitoring
geokon instrumentation: measurements you can trust
as SEM and Drill and Blast. At the heart of these projects is a workforce dedicated to
industry-leading safety performance and unmatched quality excellence. From the unique,
complex projects we build, to the committed professionals who design, engineer and
The Robbins hard rock TBM designed to mine the with two different designs: one for a TBM-mined
2.5-mile (3.8km) Delaware Aqueduct Bypass Tunnel tunnel, the other using traditional drill and blast.
was making headlines before it had even cut through “The tunnel length was on the cusp, so we decided
an inch of rock. Designed to construct a tunnel to let the market make the decision,” says Ted
beneath the Hudson River, the specification called Dowey who was the design project manager for
for a machine that could withstand 435 psi (30 bar) NYDEP. “We got three bids, the two TBM bids were
of water pressure. the lowest.”
With the drive now complete, we know that The fact that the TBM holed through in August,
the machine did not have to face quite such high with no major incidents or accidents, vindicates that
pressures – the 435 psi included a 1.5 factor of safety decision.
– however, joint-venture contractor Kiewit-Shea did
have to contend with pressures of up to 250 psi (17 30-year leak
bar) during mining. The original Delaware Aqueduct, completed in
“I would say many of us have a new-found respect 1944, carries water 85 miles (137km) from several
for water. I can tell you, I was fearful when I first got reservoirs, under the Hudson River to the City
here. Crazy-high water pressures and the possibility of New York. It is a vital piece of infrastructure,
of 1,000 gpm flows had me at the edge of my seat,” supplying half the city’s water on a typical day.
says Kiewit-Shea tunnel superintendent Aaron NYCDEP has known that the aqueduct is leaking
McClellan. “Now I don’t feel this way, I have more of since the 1990’s, when a worker at a power plant
an understanding and respect for how it can really by the river spotted water squirting out of the river
hamper your job and your men and women.” when it was at low tide. After various tests, NYCDEP
When the New York City Department of concluded that the water was coming from the
Environmental Protection (NYDEP) tendered the aqueduct.
tunneling contract back in 2014, it provided bidders Back in the 1940s, engineers had countered
88 North
North American
American Tunneling
Tunneling Journal
The Water for the Future program has been initiated
to address leaks in one of the two main aqueducts
concrete. However, the steel lining
ill Aq
that supplies drinking water to New York City and
other upstate communities, the Delaware Aqueduct. NEWBURGH
did not extend quite far enough.
Together, through engineering repairs and innovative du
conservation, we will enjoy the safe, clean, Bypass
Shaft 5B W
to come. Existing
NEShaft 5ARK
95 percent of the leaks are coming W
Ri ver
from areas just outside either end Surface
approximately 18-20m gallons (95
re Aqued
Shaft 6
Pll nd
on A
atskilll A
N Hillview
H illview
g Is
million litres) a day being lost.
Jerome Park Lon
Bypass New Shafts
The solution to the leaking Tunnel East
Shaft 6B Leak & Bypass
new shafts at either end of the
700’ Queens
2.5 mi.
leaking section. Kiewit-Shea’s
New York City's
$707m- contract also includes the Water Supply System
construction of two drill-and-blast
Catskill / Delaware Watershed Area
Croton Watershed Area
sland Rivers and Reservoirs
Catskill Aqueduct and Tunnels
Croton Aqueduct
New York
South Hartford, US
Rondout, US
35 bar Test Pressure
Bossler Tunnel, DE
DatBalance System
Peter Tiedemann
The cutter head in the initial grouting episode but subsequent Connecting new and old
is lifted down the
grouting episodes were less successful so the aim In October, Kiewit-Shea was completing the
900ft (275m)-
deep shaft at was to give the initial grouting episode the best demobilisation of the TBM and had started
Wappinger effort we could,” says Dowey. “The rock was not installation of the 230 interliner sections which will
simply jointed, it had small dissolution features and be welded together by a specialist contractor to
some areas where there was calcite infilling which form a 9,200ft (2,800m)-long section. This should
had become compromised, so the actual ground as take around eight months. The rebar for the internal
encountered was a little bit unusual.” reinforced concrete lining will be attached to the
A two-component grout was used for the annulus, inside of the steel interliner pipe at the surface
with washout a big concern, says McClellan. To before it is transported into place.
combat this, the grout mix had substantial anti- The final step will be to connect the bypass to the
washout agents and a very fast gel time. existing system at either end. This will require the
Where the annulus grout had washed away and flow into the Delaware Aqueduct from the Rondout
water was leaking through the segments, Kiewit- Reservoir to be shut off. Once the tunnel is drained,
Shea drilled holes to relieve the water pressure and via pumps installed in Shaft 6 on the East side of the
allow it to pass through the lining. Hudson River, Kiewit will drill and blast connecting
“As the TBM got farther and farther away, the tunnels and install plugs to stop off the existing,
water would take the path of least resistance and damaged portion of aqueduct.
stop chasing the TBM. We usually knew this had Before that shut down can happen, NYCDEP needs
happened when there was little to no water coming to get another aging aqueduct back into shape. The
into the cutterhead between builds or during cutter rehabilitation of the 100-year-old Catskills Aqueduct,
changes,” says McClellan. which supplies around 40 percent of the city’s water
At this point the contractor would sometimes use is currently underway.
a chemical grout to ensure there was an annulus “The other big challenge is the structural integrity
grout bulkhead between the heading and the holes of the old aqueduct. We know it is damaged, but
drilled through the lining. The team could then carry it has always had this artesian pressure within the
out secondary grouting to grout off the water. lining,” says McClellan. “When we drain the tunnel,
this pressure will be removed. There has always been
Construction constraints a fear that it may deteriorate quickly without this
The 21.6 ft (6.5m)-diameter TBM arrived on site in pressure.”
2017 and took four months to assemble. Its journey Looking back to when the bypass tunnel was
began in January 2018 and ended in August 2019, tendered, there were fears then about what the
when it broke through into the Wappinger shaft. construction team would encounter, and how the
The machine excavated 89.8 linear feet (27.4m) water in the ground would impact on the project and
on its most productive day, 354.8 feet (108.1m) its progress. These fears have now been allayed, with
during its best week, and 945 feet (288m) during its a job that has been challenging but by no means
most productive month. However, such rates were impossible.
exceptions, rather than the norm. “The excavation worked very well,” says Dowey,
It was important to go slowly in the faulted “and we are close to being on schedule.”
Sanja Zlatanic, PE
(646) 652-9440
What is the best project you have my team developed an innovative single becoming larger and their construction
worked on and why? bore concept for transit, first in North safer, primarily due to significant
Every tunnel project has its challenges America and second worldwide (after advancements of tunnel boring
and allows one to learn and grow. Barcelona Line 9), that would allow machine control systems and tunnel
However, the projects where I had an downtown San Jose to avoid major permanent support systems (liners) as
opportunity to work on conceptualizing construction impacts. The owner and well as materials and special details
major transit underground structures stakeholder agencies worked hard hand those entail. Today, safe tunneling is
to meet project objectives, and arrive in hand to secure a win-win solution common under difficult geological
at innovative solutions that minimize that would meet all major service, conditions, very high hydrostatic
impacts on existing overlying buildings operational, maintenance and safety pressures and within active seismic
or adjacent subsurface facilities while objectives. The engineering team zones.
allowing existing transit or road services explored numerous alternatives to Also, accelerated utilization of
to remain fully operational, presented ensure application of a most practical design build procurement methods
a special challenge. Also, finding and effective solution. for large underground and tunnel
an innovative way to construct the projects, has changed the industry. This
project to meet objectives of entire Toughest project you have worked on requires engineers to think creatively
communities along the assumed project and why? in close coordination with contractors,
alignment was specially engaging. I enjoy projects—every single one has while paying more attention to
One of the most interesting and its difficulties and overcoming them constructability aspects and builders’
difficult projects was Access to the offers a special thrill and pride of preferred means and methods. Also,
Region’s Core (ARC) project, later called accomplishment. the engineers are required to perform
THE Tunnel (Trans Hudson Express Frankly, the ‘toughest’ job is probably and deliver on a very fast pace. Often
Tunnel), that was cancelled after four what I am currently undertaking as innovations, when allowed, are
years of creative design work that national tunnel practice lead. Keeping necessary to differentiate one team
focused on minimizing the project the entire team motivated and focused from another; discovery sessions to
risks. Fortunately, this project has been to meet client’s needs, while sometimes identify a common approach are very
revived as Gateway Project, currently dealing with individuals’ personal interesting and motivating. Today, the
undergoing environmental review and issues, is challenging. Ensuring that large emphasis is on risks management
approval process. Hopefully, the lessons professionals perform under difficult and mitigations and these aspects,
learned from the previous phase I would personal circumstances is possibly when properly implemented, have a
be able to implement in the future. The the hardest job. We overcome these great potential to control the project
project is one of the most important types of challenges through openness, scope, cost and schedule. Risk-based
transit projects in the nation that communication, mutual respect and decision making is surely changing the
would spearhead regional economies. personal encouragement. tunnel industry bringing it to another
Hopefully, soon New York will finally level.
embark on building another major river What 3 innovations have most changed In addition, rapid urbanization and
crossing, largely overdue. the tunneling industry over the last 10 the fact that it is expected that by
Another example of the project that years and why? 2050, 87% of the US population will
is very close to my heart is Santa Clara The tunneling industry is advancing live in cities, require cities to pay close
Valley Transportation Authority’s BART rapidly and there are many aspects that attention to urban liveability aspects and
Silicon Valley Extension, Phase II. There, spearhead this process. The tunnels are tendencies of decreasing quality of life
due to overpopulation and overgrowth What are the most frustrating issue than tunnels—we are developing
of existing transportation networks. facing today’s tunneling industry? entire communities and the fruits of
Building new transportation facilities The most frustrating issue for me, our work will be there for generations
while minimizing construction impacts personally, is sometimes challenging to come. Therefore, holding hands
on communities and business require requirements for engineering in resolving major issues, achieving
cities to work with the engineering and deliverables with a disregard to a consensus and building teams is what
construction industry in identifying need for a thorough subsurface matters.
non-disruptive methodologies to limit investigation, or actual schedule and
such impacts. This increasingly means staffing needs, to perform all tasks. What would you be if you weren’t a
broader use of bored tunnels through This is becoming quite a trend in tunneling engineer?
dense urban areas. Very few cities could the last couple of years and I feel, as I would probably be a building
pride themselves of keeping detailed an industry, we have an obligation engineer! Tall buildings had drawn
records of all subsurface features to produce general guidelines my attention in the beginning of my
including utilities and underground for required engineering efforts, career – going to great heights and
facilities. Often, contractors do supporting information, and reasonable defying dynamic forces has always
not know what is ‘exactly’ beneath timelines, that would properly meet been a special challenge. Also, as a
the pavement before they open it. certain procurement methods and young student I had affection toward
Utilizing tunnels for infrastructure deliver required quality while meeting French language and literature—who
and transportation would ameliorate project complexity. knows where I would be if I had had a
this issue and cities are becoming Another frustrating issue is a general chance to spend a summer in France
increasingly aware of this aspect. lack of proper succession planning during my high school years…
Also, today’s innovations in ground – 70 to 80% of participants of large
improvement techniques, settlement tunneling gatherings are repetitive. What is the best advice you have ever
control and ability of tunnel boring We need more young talents and received?
machines to be fully ‘pressurized’, ‘grooming’ them to take our place There are so many. The one I
allow minimum volume losses should be the utmost priority. Also, would highlight is ‘Think big and
due to excavation and minimize there is a need for larger international don’t be afraid to be bold’. Also,
impacts to overlying streets, ‘mobility’ in general – allowing talented knowing that ‘self-awareness is a
utilities, and structures. Utilization professionals from other countries foundation of success’, forms a basis
of instrumentation and monitoring to work in the US, which is often of self-improvement and this is very
systems while maximizing GPS features stifled by elaborate and expensive important in the fast-developing
allow direct real time reporting to immigration processes. We must try to engineering and tunneling industry.
multiple users including owners, do better there. Flow of brilliant ideas, Occasionally, early in my career, I
contractors and engineers. Safety innovations and a grit to succeed in a would find myself needing to work
aspects in the tunneling industry have competitive environment should not harder to ‘break the ice’ in terms of
risen dramatically and the majority of be muffled. The US has always been obtaining a team’s trust or having to
construction companies are requiring a breeding ground that attracted and prove my points. In reality, I am very
‘zero accident’ policy that further drives maintained talent—we should keep it grateful to those instances since they
industry culture forward. that way! made me a fast learner, gave me
courage to think ‘outside the box’ and
What significant technological or What major challenges does the propelled me to bring up and develop
contractual changes do you expect to tunneling industry face in the future? innovative solutions.
see in the next five-to-ten years? People! Succession planning, as
It is likely that tunnel boring machine I noted, needs to be brought to What advice would you give to
control systems, materials and quality another level and UCA SME can take a someone at the beginning of a career
control would further advance, allowing leadership role in making the industry in tunneling
better performances and increase come together and assure free flow of I strongly believe that a collaborative
in design service life of tunnels and talent including the international one. attitude is at the core of every
underground structures. This trend success. Throughout my career,
might be further exacerbated by What gets on your nerves at work? whether working on or leading major
an increase in utilization of the P3 Non-responsiveness, or being a tunnel and underground projects,
procurement method where financial ‘smartest person in the room’ with nationally and internationally, I found
arms necessitate improvements in disregard to value of collaboration nothing but respect and profound
long term maintenance and operation and team work. Admittingly, this does professional collaboration within
aspects and general reductions in not happen very often, fortunately. this male dominated industry. The
operating costs. In addition, it is likely However, when it does happen, it tunneling and mining industry is a
that next generation super-high speed usually requires a lot of energy and very warm and gratifying environment
autonomous vehicles with magnetic time to bring the team to a required and is very conducive to the
levitation or similar systems would be level of cooperation and mutual atmosphere where women engineers
advanced. This in turn would increase respect of everyone’s opinions and thrive. This originates from a long-
requirements for tunnels since the points of view. It requires great developed culture of caring – lives
criteria driving utilization of such vehicles stamina and professionalism to work of miners were often in the hands
at high speeds would be only met by out difficult technical challenges and of their teammates. This culture has
an underground trajectory, to minimize bring them to a level of common transferred into the consulting industry
impacts on passengers. Exciting times understanding and appreciation. We, in as well and a feeling of camaraderie
ahead for the tunnel industry, indeed! tunneling industry, are building more and mutual respect is ever present.
the changes
lie ahead? In this year’s two-
part monitoring roundtable, NATJ
gathered the input of five industry
experts: Lars Babendererde, partner
Part 1 at BabEng – tunnelsoft and vice
president of ITA-AITES; Rob Clark,
geotechnical services engineer,
and Tony Simmonds, director, at
GEOKON Trusted Measurements;
Angus Maxwell, director at Maxwell
GeoSystems; Klaus Rabensteiner,
president of GEODATA Survey
Lars Babendererde Rob Clark Tony Simmonds & Monitoring Group; and Paul
Thurlow, Western Region vice
president at Geo-Instruments.
Is the trend toward the simplification of data RABENSTEINER: At the least, this is still urgently
collection and transmission continuing? required. While we still need easier handling, security
issues complicate matters even more.
BABENDERERDE: Yes, it is. The amount of data
flow increases continuously, with various sources THURLOW: I think the trend toward simplification is
in the tunneling process providing huge amounts continuing. There is always a case in the bid phase
of data, such as geotechnical, machine parameters, where everyone wants to see this and that, but
surface monitoring, reporting, equipment and usually as the project starts everyone gets aligned
staff management. This requires an efficient data to what is important – data presented in a simple,
acquisition system that is feasible with the current precise fashion, on time! You also need to see
technology. Additionally, we perceive and support instrumentation data in a wider view, be able to plot
the increasing use of mobile devices to access the five or six types on one plot. There is always a story
data from anywhere. This is definitely a trend to be that emerges if you look at the bigger picture.
Is the way that data is displayed increasingly
CLARK and SIMMONDS: Perhaps the trend is more important?
toward the ease of data collection. People want to
retrieve and view data, quickly and easily. Having BABENDERERDE: Sure, it has always been important
systems that are easy to install, integrate, and collect in engineering to have good graphic displays. The
data from makes it more convenient for more change is that now we have better tools to access
people and agencies to use monitoring data for this data. Undoubtedly, the data needs to be easily
useful purposes. accessed in a user-friendly way, and this is one of the
key elements that differentiates one data collection
MAXWELL: We’re moving away from presenting software from another. Many times, you must make
data as files, such as FTPs. There are better fast decisions, and the last thing you need is to be
methods, including API (Application Programming exhaustively searching for the correct data. And, at
the same time, the data software must also provide compared with other measurement acquisition tools. The DTSS2
tools to elaborate complex data analysis. However, it depends on the expected resolution and control room
on the satellite used. Right now, the most common
CLARK and SIMMONDS: Perhaps. Many people procedure is to obtain a high-resolution acquisition
who use monitoring data like to format the system via the traditional systems – such as total
presentation of their data themselves, to provide the stations, load cells and others.
visualization they desire. There are a number of data
management systems available that can combine CLARK and SIMMONDS: The use of InSAR has
data from a variety of sources and present it in a become more prevalent in the last several years
combined or linked display – such as TBM operation as an additional monitoring tool – to be used
outputs and subsurface instrumentation. in conjunction with more traditional, discrete
monitoring instruments … or instead of. This tool
MAXWELL: Everyone has a different interpretation if appears to be used more on higher-profile projects.
only plans or graphs are part of the review process. It’s a tool that requires sufficient knowledge of the
Some people can see things easily, some not quite data processing to feel comfortable with the results
so. We have found that rendering the data into and information developed. Having experts in this
3D/4D gets everyone on the same page. Nowadays field to assist with the use of this tool is highly
this is available online through technology driven by recommended.
the gaming industry. We make a lot of use of this to
enable real time visualizations of complex data. The MAXWELL: We see it on pretty much every project
benefit is that we’re not just monitoring instruments, now. The data itself is high volume but relatively
but also construction information – the progress, simple to display. The quality is good. One project
production, ground conditions, tunnel conditions. All had been conducting manual monitoring for years.
this can be combined in an easy browser interface so We compared it to InSAR and it was very close.
that everyone has the same picture. When you use InSAR, you can go back in time. If
a satellite has been flying over an area since 2007,
RABENSTEINER: That is definitely the case. Smart you find some interesting data that leads to some
visualization always helps to understand complex intriguing questions. You might see something with
situations more easily. Besides the usual charts InSAR that you otherwise would not have ... maybe a
showing development of sensor values with subtle change in a building foundation. What do you
time, tunnel engineers are keen to see integrated do with that data? It’s in the public domain. It’s quite
monitoring results along with construction progress an interesting little minefield.
in cross sections and plan views. We are working
on VR and mixed reality technologies, offering RABENSTEINER: We see an increasing number of
a completely new approach to visualization of projects applying InSAR like Grand Paris Express and
monitoring data. across Sydney’s Metro and road tunneling projects.
This technology can be used to complement
THURLOW: Clients don’t really like a fussy, cluttered conventional, mainly geodetical monitoring
dashboard. They like a report delivered to their programs. There is definitely still some potential to
mailbox … being able to learn about alarm levels use InSAR in a more augmented approach.
breached and able to see pertinent information fast
and be able to react to it. THURLOW: It really depends on how big the project
is. I see a lot of requests for pricing it for landslides
Has InSAR become more entrenched? and dam tailings now … also for large assets in
the petrochemical field. It makes sense to use this
BABENDERERDE: Yes, because it is a low-cost technology for large metro projects as the accuracy
means to measure surface settlements when and data management are significantly improved.
Wireless sensors It’s a long way off from replacing a total station or a THURLOW: Coming from Europe and being
for railway water level. involved in this field for a very long time, I would
say the gap is very small now, even compared to
Is monitoring in North America being included in around 5 years ago. There have been some huge
more RFPs than previously? instrumentation jobs in Europe, Asia and Australia
that have provided a sound testing bed for new
BABENDERERDE: Yes. The clients become technologies, and these experiences are easily
increasingly aware of the importance of having transferred to the North American market.
access to the data of the tunneling process. It
enhances the control of the quality in projects, What are other significant issues/trends/
providing more transparency of the entire process opportunities in North America?
between all the parties.
BABENDERERDE: In North America, as well as in
CLARK and SIMMONDS: It seems that most the other parts of the world, BIM is at the brink
large-scale tunneling, bridge, or infrastructure of getting implemented in the tunneling market.
projects have specification sections for monitoring It will change the way we develop projects,
requirements. becoming a standard tool for planning, as well as
implementation and operation of tunnels. It is the
MAXWELL: Our experience is it’s about the same. push toward full digitalization, already implemented
in several other fields.
THURLOW: Absolutely. It’s extremely encouraging
to see it in RFPs these days. The issues are that a lot CLARK and SIMMONDS: Issues are poorly
of the specifications or schemes are cut-and-pasted written specifications, holding sub-contractors
from previous tenders and really are not cost-effective accountable for any shortcomings and poor
if there is no discussion prior to submittal. As I always pre-qualification of instrument subs … on
say, instrumentation and monitoring companies will status more than ability. Opportunities are the
give very sound advice at the tender prep stage. Clients expanding infrastructure works. There appears to
should use this to their advantage. We have had some be a greater awareness with respect to the use of
excellent projects for all stakeholders in the central instrumentation and the benefits it can provide –
USA just by asking questions about what needs to be as is evident in the increasing requirements in the
monitored and why. contract documents for monitoring programs.
Improvements to the specifications would create
Has North America closed the gap with Europe? opportunities in the U.S.
BABENDERERDE: I am not so sure that this gap really MAXWELL: Expectations are high but willingness to
existed. Giving an example, the first implementation spend is still low. Low-cost instrumentation is being
of our software was in Los Angeles, in 2002, at the put into extremely harsh environments, which
ECIS/NEIS project. Already at that time, one of the means some failures are inevitable. There is also
contractors was texting between management and a lot of variability in the quality of data. There also
the TBM operator. I would say that in most of the needs to be some involvement by specialists at the
tunneling aspects, North America is as developed as specification stage. If there is an inappropriate cut-
Europe. Both European and American governments and-paste job, the best suppliers won’t want to be
have their contributions and influences in the a part of the project. They know the expectations
infrastructure projects, as well as in the research are unrealistic and the data collection will likely fail.
and development area. The cooperation between Then you have inferior suppliers providing cheaper
North America and Europe also provides great alternatives that are not equivalent to what has
opportunities for both players. been specified … and the cycle continues.
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