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Overview and Whitepaper


This document and any other documents published in associa on with this whitepaper relate to a poten al token
offering (i.e. the ATECH token) to persons (contributors) in respect of the intended development and use of the network
by various par cipants. This document does not cons tute an offer of securi es or a promo on, invita on or solicita on
for investment purposes. The terms of the contribu on are not intended to be financial services offering document or a

The token offering involves and relates to the development and use of experimental so ware and technologies that may
not come to frui on or achieve the objec ves specified in this white paper. The purchase of tokens represents a high risk
to any contributors. Tokens do not represent equity, shares, units, royal es or rights to capital, profit or income in the
network or so ware or in the en ty that issues tokens or any other company or intellectual property associated with the
network or any other public or private enterprise, corpora on, founda on or other en ty in any jurisdic on.

The token is not therefore intended to represent a security interest.



In common prac ce, a bank serves as the middleman of two par es, taking the risk but also the majority of the return
thus, investors only get a frac on of the profit.
P2P lending is a type of crowdfunding which involves the easy availability of loans outside of the tradi onal consumer
banking system by providing borrowers a pla orm to interact with lenders, or investors, via the P2P lending service
providers. The use of Internet pla orms reduces costs by excluding opera onal expenses which are associated with the
tradi onal banking system, such as the cost of maintaining and staffing, physical branches etc.
The peer-to-peer (P2P) websites offer a protec on from market losses incurred due to non-payment of loans by
maintaining certain funds. Also, peer-to-peer lending allows one to par cipate in pools of loans, thus, limi ng the market
risk which got evident during the recession period.


In 2015, P2P lending market share in China took off and have a racted much investment as well as controversies.
Investors were frustrated by the low rates offered by tradi onal banks in China, so P2P service providers have replied too
well to banking also known as shadow banking in lieu of finding be er returns. The P2P lending market uses online
pla orms and allows effec ve access for borrowers and lenders. Over the past years, the P2P lending market share of
companies in China had easily tripled w/c clearly shows how this industry can significantly grow in just a short period of


ATECH is created by professionals with a strong background in mul ple blockchain-based projects, financial exper se,
and global market intelligence.

ATECH is going to bring the benefits of P2P financial ecosystem to our customers. Making the technology conveniently
available for everyone. We are inspired by a tremendous market opportunity that only occurs once in several genera ons.
The value is huge, and the poten al of crypto-based opera ons is really amazing for all par es involved – the tech
industry, lenders, businesses, and individuals.

For lenders, the pla orm will help maximize their return from a reliable, blockchain-secured lending tool. Crypto holders
will get access to virtually unlimited sources of cash, while keeping their assets for future growth. With our pla orm, we
will enhance the lives of businesses and individuals, and empower them in their move to a brighter digital future!

ATECH is poised to address and challenge the problems of market inefficiencies and fiat restric ons through proper
u liza on of blockchain. ATECH has a safe and secured pla orm to trade digital assets and for future funding that is built
on the Etheruem Blockchain. It supports growth of start-up companies and other organiza ons by providing tools and
services which bring to fore efficiency by saving tons of me and resources. Investors can also use services to divide their
p2p loans, and crowdfunding.

Ÿ Blockchain Strategy
Ÿ Financial Services
Ÿ Tokens and Smart Controls
Ÿ Private and Global Transac ons

Our business model provides for the highest standard of technological excellence, user experience, and crypto security.
Secure pla orm architecture will protect everyone in the every transac on made in the ecosystem.

ATECH is all geared up to shape the crypto-model in its ecosystem--- unveiling, an ICO-focused (Ini al coin offering) online
reward pla orm to empower new economic paradigms in cryptocurrency.


Our mission is to deliver a top-class online lending pla orm. In doing this, we heavily rely on our visionary management,
on the seamless processes we create, and on trends and expecta ons of the market.

ATECH envisions an economy that is truly defined as one in which all par es (investors, traders, lenders, consumer, and
borrowers) are empowered to exchange values. Send/receive payment for every transac on. Enable trading of
cryptocurrencies once its crypto-trading exchange pla orm goes live. And since the blockchain technology has the power
to verify the value that is contributed independently, the ATECH's pla orm shall allow users to be rewarded accordingly
for every contribu on and trade done in the ecosystem.


Every purchase, sale, exchange or any other transac on on ATECH's digital pla orm will require the use of AFX tokens.
Partner merchants in the ecosystem can u lize Smart Contracts to define the condi ons of usage and the reward-level
they intend to offer to their consumers to make their products and service offerings more invi ng en cing.


Central to our ecosystem, it's the unit of value that allows us to create this new circular economy connec ng owners to
partners (and vice versa) and also rewarding those who use the pla orm, share data and those who presents value
through ac ons. Through Smart Contracts and Blockchain, The ATECH (AFX) Pla orm puts the control back to ATECH (AFX)
Token owners, rewarding them, and thus promo ng P2P Financial Marketplace, while automa cally addressing the
conflicts should there be a breach of agreed terms.


1. Partnership Access - AFX ownership will give access to our ATECH Marketplace Pla orm's features. For more details,
please see the ATECH Partnership Program sec on below.

2. Encouragement and Rewards – Partners who'll lend the AFX Tokens they own will be rewarded with a monthly loyalty
bonus. Monthly Loyalty Bonus percentage will depend on the Partnership level they are at.

3. AFX Tokens as a loan collateral. No loan interest will be imposed to borrowers.

4. The right for any contribu on to the system to support sustainable development goals.

5. AFX Token can also be considered as “in-game” token, and par cipants of the
ATECH Ecosystem are rewarded for performing certain ac ons. Also, AFX token can be used to pay for and unlock certain
in-game resources.


There is an urgent need for prac cal uses of blockchain technology to bring it to the masses.

In today's era, Blockchain technology is not only a random jargon. Consequently, there is no financial expert who does not
know the great poten al of distributed ledgers.

And while we fathom about this great poten al, not everyone in the business world has adapted to its upside. Leveraging
blockchain technology for P2P Financial Marketplace solu ons has broad market appeal. This not only unlocks
opportuni es for small businesses and start-ups but also for respec ve users, who can be rewarded for their
contribu ons and support to the ecosystem.

The fact that ICOs are available to the public means anyone in the cryptocurrency industry can take part if they can get
funds transferred on me. Which only means that projects can raise funds in a en rely decentralized way.

Thus, more and more organiza ons will be inclined to recognize that open rewards and incen ves is beneficial and a great
opportunity to everyone. And more investors taking part in this from all over the world means there is less centraliza on,
which is what cryptocurrency is all about.

With the use of ATECH's circular economy to create a dynamic source of tools and resources to aid small to medium
businesses – ATECH (AFX) will be a revenue-driver for everyone in its ecosystem.


The pla orm has been designed to remove all unnecessary steps from the lending process, thus more a rac ve terms
and condi ons to both lenders and borrowers. The customer interface and data processing behind it are structured so
as to support prompt and secure transac ons. Normally, making a loan or lending should require just a few clicks. By
using the ATECH (AFX) Pla orm services, you unlock the value of your cryptocurrencies in an easy and straigh orward
process that benefits every pla orm par cipant.

The ATECH (AFX) Pla orm and SDK (So ware Development Kit) will u lize established cryptography standards to sign and
verify data at every stage of usage. ATECH (AFX) will offer an authen ca on API and Smart Contracts management
pla orm to allow data owners to easily enter into or cancel out of agreements with providers – from any app on a
smartphone, website, or IoT device. Each user will be iden fied with a 'Wallet' or a public address on the Ethereum
blockchain to provide anonymity, yet transparency for transac ons and contractual terms. Even so, users have the
preroga ve to a ach and share any personal informa on based on the rewards offered. More so, each Wallet also
func ons to accept and spend ATECH (AFX) Tokens. The Ethereum Blockchain allows value exchange through ATECH (AFX)
Tokens, as well as the Smart Contract infrastructure. The AFX pla orm will provide a 'ledger of value' to record token
transac ons.


By using blockchain to map ac vity and data, you can create a trusted record of permission. Smart Contracts further
enforce business rules. For example, if the data is used for commercial ends, group-A condi ons apply, but if data is used
for non-commercial ends group-B requirements come into effect. Smart contracts add an addi onal layer of privacy by
tokenizing recorded data and personal informa on. This personal informa on could be encrypted and viewable only by
par es that have either the legal right to do so or are being par cipants of the transac ons. The immutability of data
further prevents fraud. The transparency of realized value combined with micro- payments open opportuni es for
granular value-based pricing of reward ac vi es.


The ability to earn and redeem ATECH (AFX) tokens across a wide-ranging ecosystem of P2P Financial Marketplace,
Merchant Partners, Smart City infrastructures and even through peer to peer transac on will have a profound effect on
the quality of the ecosystem. Tokens align incen ves of partners and par cipants to con nuously improve the quality of
the pla orm. Addi onally, the User Growth Fund encourages community par cipa on and further opportunity to
enhance the ecosystem by conduc ng value-adding ac vi es, such as code audits, building community awareness,
helping improve documenta on, tes ng SDK func on or answering community ques ons and being rewarded with
tokens. This not only rewards early adopters but incen ves ac ve community members alongside regular customers.


A common cut back for people looking for new investment selec ons is lack of liquidity. In many cases, capital is
inaccessible for several years. With this pla orm, not only will investors enjoy high liquidity but the secondary market
means that real- me/actual pricing will be based around the current value of the project.


Digital currencies can be accessible to everybody, par cularly when the ICO accepts cryptocurrencies. The only condi on
for most ICOs is that the contributor can transfer funds in me to buy.


Not only do ATECH (AFX) allows anyone to invest, contributors can also invest at any me. This breaks away from
tradi onal models of funding start-ups, where it is almost unfeasible to become an early investor unless you are in close
affilia on with one of the honchos or founders.


The possibility to use ATECH (AFX) to fund any project means tokens can vary greatly in value from start-up to start-up.
This lowers risk while increasing the opportunity to make a significant profit. More so, the capability for more investors to
contribute enables mul -million dollar projects.


Many projects struggle to find funding through conven onal ways. Some mes, this is simply due to loca on or the kind of
offering, which is par cularly the case for non- profits. The simple funding procedures of ATECH (AFX) allow poten ally
any project to obtain funding.


Owners of cryptocurrency are frequently cau ous to make use of their assets, as they would rather not turn it into fiat and
pay taxes on it. So cryptocurrencies con nue to build up value, but people are unable to make use of said profit w/c only
means it becomes irrelevant. ATECH (AFX) is the perfect channel. More and more investors are being acquainted on what
ICOs have to offer and are thus looking for more projects to devote in.

Our AFX Ecosystem is composed of the Peer to Peer (P2P) Financial Marketplace Technology, Crypto Trading
Exchanger, Merchants pool and Gaming feature (2020). The ATECH (AFX) Pla orm is responsible for the crea on and
likewise the management of reward-redemp on schemes between individuals and partners, crea ng a system
where Ethereum based tokens are earned and spent to acquire products and/or services readily available in the

Crypto Trading
Gaming Pla orm
Trade. Anywhere. Tokenize in game assets.

Peer to Peer Merchant in

Technology payment One Place
solu ons and fraud One gateway solu ons
preven on.


The sudden boom experienced by the P2P financial ecosystem in recent years is largely due to the growing demand
by entrepreneurs who need investments for their projects, but faced with the global economic difficul es and the
credit squeeze during the crisis, encounter many barriers when trying to access the more tradi onal financial system.
In many cases these are small entrepreneurs who are looking for their first funding for their project or need an
injec on of capital to make their business idea a reality. However, they have no financial “reputa on” to be able to
access the tradi onal market with guarantees.


And the investors come into play to meet this growing demand by the entrepreneurs. They are an alterna ve in the
tradi onal financial market, although they also have to overcome a series of barriers to be able to assess the projects
10 that offer the greatest poten al.

With ATECH’s crowd-lending pla orm, investors may lend money to the companies without becoming owners, as in the case of
crowdfunding wherein micro-investors obtain shares or stakes in the company they invest in, thus becoming the company’s owners
and the return on their investment is linked to the company’s success and the distribu on of profits.

Those who invest in through crowd-lending receive a debit instrument that specifies the terms and condi ons for repaying the loan.
Thus, at the end of the s pulated period, they receive all the money lent plus a return that will depend on the risk assumed. The
greater the number of investors, the more diversified becomes the risk among them. Through ATECH’s pla orm, entrepreneurs will
be able to fund themselves through their future customers, instead of risking their own capital only.

ATECH will soon launch its very own crypto-trading exchanger that will not only facilitate the trading of various cryptocurrencies but
will also have a payment solu on technology backed-up by the fraud-preven on func onality of the blockchain technology. A
payment solu on that everyone in the community/ecosystem will be able to have a full access on.


A pool of Merchants will be a part of ATECH’s ecosystem. These Merchants will be a mix of companies either the small businesses or
even start-ups who’ll be needing the financial support of ATECH to grow and expand their businesses and those
companies/businesses who are already established but s ll wants to be a part of ATECH’s ecosystem upon seeing and understanding
the business poten als and opportuni es they may take advantage of. These merchants will have an op on to build their physical
shops and/or offices in our own building spaces allocated to each of them and each will also have an access to a gateway solu on
designed specifically to simplify the trades and transac ons within the ecosystem. ATECH (AFX) Token will be the legal tender that will
be circulated in the en re ATECH (AFX) Ecosystem to make trades/transac ons simpler and faster. With the use of ATECH’s digital
payment solu ons pla orm, users will also be earning reward tokens for every successful transac on made w/c in turn can be used to
redeem other products and services available.

A minimum of $400 worth of AFX Tokens (6,666.67 AFX)
16% Direct Referral Bonus

A minimum of $300 worth of AFX Tokens (5,000 AFX)
13% Direct Referral Bonus

A minimum of $200 worth of AFX Tokens (3,333.33 AFX)
10% Direct Referral Bonus

A minimum of $100 worth of AFX Tokens (1,666.67 AFX)
7% Direct Referral Bonus

The sale and use of AFX tokens are structured in a way to encourage Business stakeholders to buy and hold the
tokens in rela on to what each stakeholder wants to achieve with the ATECH pla orm.

In this regard, AFX tokens can be thought of as an in-app token which en tles ATECH Partners of mul ple
rewards and benefits.


Ÿ Monthly loyalty bonus based on the quan ty and the value of the tokens held.
Ÿ Huge discounts (up to 30%) on products and services available in the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm
(depending on the Partnership level)
Ÿ The right to access and use the Marke ng Feature of ATECH Marketplace pla orm. This Marke ng Feature
will give ATECH Partners a full access to ATECH's consumers database enabling them to introduce and
adver se their business, products and services, upcoming promo ons and other marke ng campaigns
reaching either all members of ATECH ecosystem at once or just a set of targeted individuals in the
ecosystem for a more focused and effec ve sales pitch and communica on.

This is how commi ed and focused we are in ATECH in growing and sustaining our ecosystem for the benefit of
everyone in it. We are building a new kind of virtual marketplace where everyone can have a maximized
purchasing power as well as total control over their funds and digital assets using the blockchain technology
ATECH Marketplace and AFX Token.

Minimum of Minimum of Minimum of Minimum of Minimum of

$200,000 AFX $100,000 AFX $10,000 AFX $5,000 AFX $500 AFX

Pla num Partners Gold Partners Silver Partners Bronze Partners Blue Partners


Should buy and hold a minimum of $200,000 worth of AFX tokens. Pla num Partners shall have a full-access grant to
ATECH (AFX) Marketplace Pla orm to take advantage of various business opportuni es available in the ecosystem.


1. A "free access and full use" of the Marke ng features of the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. This includes full access to
ATECH's consumer database to be able to make more accurate and specific marke ng campaigns/ac vi es suitable for
targeted consumers.

2. Eligibility to receive huge discounts on products and services available in ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. Pla num
Partners are en tled on exclusive discounts of up to 30% on products and services handled directly by ATECH.

3. Should Pla num Partners choose to take part in ATECH's P2P Lending Marketplace and lend the total AFX Tokens they
own via ATECH Pla orm, said Pla num Partners are en tled to receive a monthly interest of 1% of the total AFX Tokens
they lend as their Loyalty Bonus. AFX Token Lending Contract will be for One (1) year.


Should buy and hold a minimum of $100,000 worth of AFX tokens. Gold Partners shall have a full-access grant to ATECH
(AFX) Marketplace Pla orm to take advantage of various business opportuni es available in the ecosystem.


1. A "free access and full use" of the Marke ng features of the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. This includes full access to
ATECH's consumer database to be able to make more accurate and specific marke ng campaigns/ac vi es suitable for
targeted consumers.

2. Eligibility to receive huge discounts on products and services available in ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. Gold Partners
are en tled on exclusive discounts of up to 20% on products and services handled directly by ATECH.

3. Should Gold Partners choose to take part in ATECH's P2P Lending Marketplace and lend the total AFX Tokens they own
via ATECH Pla orm, said Pla num Partners are en tled to receive a monthly interest of 0.7% of the total AFX Tokens they
lend as their Loyalty Bonus. AFX Token Lending Contract will be for One (1) year.


Should buy and hold a minimum of $10,000 worth of AFX tokens. Silver Partners shall have a full-access grant to ATECH
(AFX) Marketplace Pla orm to take advantage of various business opportuni es available in the ecosystem.


1. A "free use but limited access" of the Marke ng features of the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. Silver Partners can freely
access and use the Market ing Features of the pla orm to introduce and adver se their business, products and services
and other marke ng campaigns but no access permission on ATECH's customer database.

2. Should Silver Partners choose to take part in ATECH's P2P Lending Marketplace and lend the total AFX Tokens they own
via ATECH Pla orm, said Pla num Partners are en tled to receive a monthly interest of 0.5% of the total AFX Tokens they
lend as their Loyalty Bonus. AFX Token Lending Contract will be for One (1) year.


Should buy and hold a minimum of $5,000 worth of AFX tokens. Bronze Partners shall have a full-access grant to ATECH
(AFX) Marketplace Pla orm to take advantage of various business opportuni es available in the ecosystem.


1. A "free use but limited access" of the Marke ng features of the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. Bronze Partners can
freely access and use the Marke ng Features of the pla orm to introduce and adver se their business, products and
services and other marke ng campaigns but no access permission on ATECH's customer database.

2. Should Bronze Partners choose to take part in ATECH's P2P Lending Marketplace and lend the total AFX Tokens they
own via ATECH Pla orm, said Pla num Partners are en tled to receive a monthly interest of 0.2% of the total AFX Tokens
they lend as their Loyalty Bonus. AFX Token Lending Contract will be for One (1) year.


Should buy and hold a minimum of $500 worth of AFX tokens. Blue Partners will also have a full-access grant to ATECH
(AFX) Marketplace Pla orm to take advantage of various business opportuni es available in the ecosystem.


1. A "free use but limited access" of the Marke ng features of the ATECH Marketplace Pla orm. Bronze Partners can
freely access and use the Marke ng Features of the pla orm to introduce and adver se their business, products and
services and other marke ng campaigns but no access permission on ATECH's customer database.

15 2. Opportunity to earn a monthly loyalty bonus if Blue Partners upgrade to a higher partnership level.

The sale and use of AFX tokens are structured in a way to encourage technical Stake-holders to buy and use the tokens to
access the pla orm's source code. AFX tokens can be thought of as in-app tokens which allow users to help develop the
ar ficial intelligence programming that is the technical founda on for the ATECH Marketplace pla orm. This will help
expand the usage of ATECH's pla orm, its solu ons, and its tokens. AFX tokens will be circulated and be used as a means of
payment for products and services available within the ATECH ecosystem.

Microloans are typically defined as very small, short-term loans with a low-interest rate, extended to self-employed
individuals, new startups with very low capital requirements, or small businesses with only a few employees.

Microlending is also a solu on for funding impoverished borrowers in underdeveloped communi es and countries. In
those areas, the system of lending in small amounts has successfully encouraged entrepreneurship and economic growth
for developing na ons.



Generally, it's quite hard or close to impossible to get unsecured loans for an individual without a credit record.


ATECH enables clients with no credit record to take out short-term loans.


Processing of the loan applica on and the disbursement of loan proceeds in a bank or Microfinance Ins tu on (MFI)
entails a long list of verifica on documents, valida on process and o en requires fixed assets as a collateral.


ATECH clients get immediate loans by applying online through ATECH P2P Lending Marketplace Pla orm. AFX Tokens will
serve as their loan collateral

The pla orm has been designed to remove all unnecessary steps from the lending process, thus more a rac ve terms
and condi ons to both lenders and borrowers. The customer interface and data processing behind it are structured so as
to support prompt and secure transac ons. Normally, making a loan or lending should require just a few clicks. By using
the ATECH P2P Marketplace services, you unlock the value of your cryptocurrencies in an easy and straigh orward
process that benefits every pla orm par cipant.


AFX Token holders are en tled to loan grants to finance personal needs and wants. ATECH simplifies the process so AFX
Token holders can avail of said benefit whenever needed in just a few clicks.


Loan Tenure: 14, 21, 28 days; 2-3 months.

Loan Interest Rate: No interest rate
Loan Amount: maximum amount is equivalent to 200% of the total AFX Token value held.

Example: AFX Token held is $100, maximum loanable amount is $200.

Loan Collateral: AFX Token

Time-To-Money: Individual borrowers are ready to apply for loans as soon as they have registered on the pla orm and
provided their AFX Tokens as collateral. Normally, this will require just a few clicks. Loan approval only takes 5 minutes
upon submission and loan proceeds disbursement will be with 24 hours.

Loan Requirements: A clear photo of yourself holding a sheet of paper with the inscrip on “ATECH-AFX” and the current
date together with a primary ID. Your face, ID and inscrip on should be clearly seen for verifica on.

Loan Proceeds Disbursement Channel: Loan proceeds will be disbursed through domes c remi ance, bank accounts,
and payment systems. To further facilitate disbursement, we are going to implement ATECH e-wallet.


Loans granted to ATECH Partners who needs addi onal funding for business expansion and/or other business ac vi es to
grow the company


Loan Tenure: 3-6 months.

Loan Interest Rate: No interest
Loan Amount: maximum loanable amount is 130% of Partner's total AFX Tokens held
Loan Collateral: AFX Tokens
Time-To-Money: Partners are ready to apply for loans as soon as they have registered on the pla orm and provided their
AFX Tokens collateral. Normally, this will require just a few clicks. Loan approval only takes 15 minutes and depending on
the approved loan amount, loan proceeds will be disbursed within 72 hours.


Ÿ Two (2) Valid Government ID’s

Ÿ Three (3) months Bank Statement
Ÿ Proof of Business Registra on
Ÿ Latest ITR with Audited Financial Statements (op onal)


Proof of Address is a document confirming the customer's residence and contains full name, address and shall be issued
not more than 3 months ago. You are free to provide one of the following documents:

Ÿ Cer fied tenancy agreement or a bank statement

Ÿ U lity or electricity bill
Ÿ Tax return or council tax
Ÿ Other official document with current residence address and your full name.
Ÿ 3 Trade Reference / List of Suppliers


Our iden ty verifica on procedure requires the customer during registra on to provide us with such documents
according to AML/KYC Policy:

Iden ty document is a valid, reliable and independent source document with the following informa on: full name,
date of birth, customer's photo, iden ty document serial number and issue date. The customer is free to provide one
of the following types of documents:
Na onal ID card (both sides) or na onal passport;
Interna onal passport;
Driver's license (both sides).
Please note that we accept documents as proof of your iden ty only if all the informa on in it is provided with La n
translitera on.

Proof of Address is a document confirming the customer's residence and contains full name, address and shall be
issued not more than 3 months ago. You are free to provide one of the following documents:
Ÿ Cer fied tenancy agreement or a bank statement
Ÿ U lity or electricity bill
Ÿ Tax return or council tax
Ÿ Other official document with current residence address and your full name.

A clear photo of yourself holding a sheet of paper with the inscrip on “ATECH-AFX” and the current date together
with a primary ID. Your face, ID and inscrip on should be clearly seen for verifica on.
An -Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Policies are designated to prevent and mi gate
possible risks of us being involved in any kind of illegal ac vity, namely: money laundering, terrorist financing, drug
and human trafficking, prolifera on of weapons of mass destruc on, corrup on and bribery and to take ac on in case
of any form of suspicious ac vity of our customers.
Ÿ AML/KYC Policy covers the following ma ers:
Ÿ Compliance Officer
Ÿ Risk Assessment;
Ÿ Iden fy Verifica on procedures;
Ÿ Monitoring Transac ons.

COMPLIANCE OFFICER - The Compliance Officer is the person, duly authorized by us, whose duty is to ensure the
effec ve implementa on and enforcement of the AML/KYC Policy. It is the Compliance Officer's responsibility to
supervise all aspects of our an -money laundering and counter-terrorist financing.

LOAN PROCEEDS DISBURSEMENT CHANNEL: Loan proceeds will be disbursed through domes c remi ance, bank
20 accounts, and payment systems. To further facilitate disbursement, we are going to implement ATECH e-wallet.

A successful Token Distribu on campaign will allow us to speed up the planned expansion, capture addi onal markets,
and develop our products and services more quickly.


The AFX token are released according to ERC20 standard on the Ethereum Blockchain. The total number of issued tokens
will be 1,000,000,000 AFX. And no new tokens will be issued anymore. Tokens assigned to the team will be frozen for 6
months, with further gradual defros ng of 10% per quarter of the original quan ty.


Token: AFX
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 AFX
Total Amount to be sold: 550,000,000 AFX (55% of total token issuance)
Tier 1 Sale: 100,000,000 AFX
Tier 2 Sale: 150,000,000 AFX
Tier 3 Sale: 300,000,000 AFX
So Cap: 20,000,000 as of September 8, 2019
Hard Cap: 78,000,000 as of September 30, 2019
Accepted Currencies: BTC, ETH
Tier 1 Sale Date: 08.15.2019 – 08.30.2019
Sales Volume of Tier 1 Sale: 100,000,000 AFX
Hard Capital of Tier 1 Sale: 6,000,000 USDT (as of 08.30.2019)
Tier 1 Sale Price: 0.06 USDT / AFX
Minimum Buying Transac ons: 100 USDT
Maximum Buying Transac ons: Unlimited


Tier 2 Sale Date: 09.01.2019 – 09.15.2019
Sales Volume of Tier 2 Sale: 150,000,000 AFX
Hard Capital of Tier 2 Sale: 18,000,000 USDT (as of 09.15.2019)
Tier 2 Price: 0.12 USDT / AFX
Minimum Buying Transac ons: 100 USDT
Maximum Buying Transac ons: Unlimited


Main Sale Date: 09.16.2019 – 09.30.2019
Sales Volume of Tier 3 Sale: 300,000,000 AFX
Hard Capital of Tier 3 Sale: 54,000,000 USDT (as of 09.30.2019)
Tier 3 Sale Price: 0.18 USDT / AFX
Minimum Buying Transac ons: 100 USDT
Maximum Buying Transac ons: Unlimited

Proceeds of the Token sale will be used to develop the pla orm and speed up the network effect of our token distribu on,
through strategic partnerships. Marke ng and business development efforts will drive further adop on of our pla orm.

As equally significant, we aim to heighten awareness in global warming and climate literacy through our efforts and
resources channeled in social responsibility. Consequently, por on of the proceeds will also be used for tree plan ng and
greener earth-related projects.
AFX Roadmap



INTERNATIONAL PAYMENT GATEWAY – Visa and Mastercard-enabled Payment Solu ons synced-in with ATECH
Marketplace Pla orm.

ATECH COOPERATIVE BANKING INSTITUTION – to facilitate the growth of its community. A sustainable ecosystem for
AFX contributors and supporters. Crea on of financial infrastructures to further support ATECH Partners' business



ATECH (AFX) GAMING PLATFORM – a pla orm specifically designed for AFX Token holders who are in-to all sorts of e-
games. ATECH Gaming Pla orm will include a payment gateway to serve the whole community for a fast, reliable, and
secured transac on.

ATECH BUSINESS CENTER – an allocated business space for ATECH Partners where they can build their own offline shops
and/or business offices strengthening the presence in the community which in return can bring in more business
opportuni es that everyone in the ATECH Ecosystem can benefit from.


AFX Team

Phouphet Malibay

Pinyada Lueang payajun Nutcha Jarsanchuen


Binh Vu Wansongchai Kaewbuhome Bun Thoeun

Head of Market Research CTO Business
and Data Analyst Development Manager


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