Wireless Lan PDF
Wireless Lan PDF
Wireless Lan PDF
Ibrahim Al Shourbaji
network) has become one of the most popular networking
Wireless Communication is an application of science and environments.
technology that has come to be vital for modern existence.
From the early radio and telephone to current devices such as Companies and individuals have interconnected computers
mobile phones and laptops, accessing the global network has with local area networks (LANs).The LAN user has at their
become the most essential and indispensable part of our disposal much more information, data and applications than
lifestyle. Wireless communication is an ever developing field, they could otherwise store by themselves. In the past all local
and the future holds many possibilities in this area. One area networks were wired together and in a fixed location.
expectation for the future in this field is that, the devices can Wireless technology has helped to simplify networking by
be developed to support communication with higher data rates enabling multiple computer users simultaneously share
and more security. Research in this area suggests that a
dominant means of supporting such communication
capabilities will be through the use of Wireless LANs. As the resources in a home or business without additional or intrusive
deployment of Wireless LAN increases well around the globe, wiring.
it is increasingly important for us to understand different
technologies and to select the most appropriate one . The increased demands for mobility and flexibility in our daily
life are demands that lead the development
This paper provides a detailed study of the available wireless
LAN technologies and the concerned issues ,will give a brief 2. What is a WLAN ?
description of what wireless LANs are ,the need of Wireless
LAN ,History of wireless LAN , advantages of Wireless To know WLAN we need first to know the definition of LAN,
Networks ,with summarizing the related work on WLAN in which is simply a way of connecting computers together
academic area , Wireless LAN technologies , some risks within a single organization, and usually in a single site
attacks against wireless technologies , suggesting some (Franklin, 2010).
recommendations to protect wireless LAN network from
attack , Finally we propose some research issues should be According to Cisco report in 2000 wireless local-area network
focused on in the future. . (WLAN) does exactly what the name implies: it provides all
the features and benefits of traditional LAN technologies such
Keywords: Wireless Networking, Security, 802.11 Standard, as Ethernet and Token Ring without the limitations of wires or
Network security, cables. Obviously, from the definition the WLAN is the same
as LAN but without wires.
(Clark et al, 1978) defined WLAN as a data communication
Computer technology has rapidly growth over the past decade, network, typically a packet communication network, limited in
Much of this can be attributed to the internet as many geographic scope.’ A local area network generally provides
computers now have a need to be networked together to high-bandwidth communication over inexpensive transmission
establish an online connection. As the technology continues to media.
move from wired to wireless, the wireless LAN (local area
While (Flickenger, 2005) see it as a group of wireless access 4. History of WLAN
points and associated infrastructure within a limited
geographic area, such as an office building or building (Negus & Petrick, 2009)
campus, that is capable of radio communications. Wireless The wireless local area network (WLAN) is today everywhere
LANs are usually implemented as extensions of existing wired device often taken for granted as a default interface for
LANs to provide enhanced user mobility. networked devices by users and manufacturers alike. But not
very long ago, it was most definitely not so.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) links two or more
devices using a wireless communication method. It usually
provides a connection through an Access Point (AP) to the
wider internet (Putman, 2005). In the early 1990’s WLANs found almost no success in selling
to enterprise or campus environments as wired LAN
This gives users the ability to move around within a local replacements or enablers of mobility. The WLAN products of
coverage area while still be connected to the network. Just as that day were far too slow, too expensive, too bulky, and too
the mobile phone frees people to make a phone call from power hungry. Furthermore, mobile network connectivity was
anywhere in their home, a WLAN permits people to use their simply not yet a killer application. The “survivor” companies
computers anywhere in the network area. of that age were the ones who focused on adapting WLAN
technology to specialty niches such as retailing, hospitality,
In WLAN Connectivity no longer implies attachment. Local and logistics.
areas are measured not in feet or meters, but miles or
kilometers. An infrastructure need not be buried in the ground
or hidden behind the walls, so we can move and change it at
the speed of the organization. Organizations that went after the “big” market of enterprise
networking, and there were many that did, either went
bankrupt or became largely scaled back divisions of large
The development of this working group was The 802.11 WLAN standard allows for transmission
motivated by the widespread use of the internet and over different media. Compliant media include
the development of affordable PCs that can be used in infrared light and two types of radio transmission
most homes. This protocol allows PCs in the home to within the unlicensed 2.4-GHz frequency band:
have greater mobility, providing a connection to the frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) and
Internet, printers, and other devices anywhere in the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS).
home. With all this potential, many members of Spread spectrum is a modulation technique developed
industry worked to develop the Shared Wireless in the 1940s that spreads a transmission signal over a
broad band of radio frequencies.
Several studies talk about protocols and its access points. The default configuration of these devices offer
characteristics, all the protocols developed for their little security and can be easily misconfigured. Intruders can
own specific needs and they are capable of filling use any insecure wireless station as a launch pad to break in
these needs well. the network.
We will mention some of them briefly in a table
according to (Goldsmith, 2004) study. The basis for all WLAN security should start by understanding
the environment in which your WLAN operates and its