B.Inggris Exposition
B.Inggris Exposition
B.Inggris Exposition
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis statement: Issues raised in the text.
2. Arguments: Opinions related to issues.
3. Recommendation: advice about what should happen and not.
Language features:
1.Simple Present Tense
2. Modals
3. Action verbs
4. Thinking verbs
5. Adverbs
6. Adjective
7. Technical terms
8. General and abstract noun
9. Connectives/transition
Communicative Purpose : To put forward a viewpoint about something
Contoh hortatory exposition:
The Effects of Social Media Networking for Teenagers
Social media networking are already popular among teenagers who use any kind of gadget
and smart phone. It brings some effects to their development. It could bring bad effects if
they are not guided to use it wisely.
Argument 1:
Teenagers could be difficult to concentrate and focus when they are studying. They
can be very dependent on it.
Argument 2:
It could lead the teenagers to be absent in the direct socialization process in which it
is more important at their age to build their social skill.
Considering some facts above, let us reduce the bad impacts of the use of social
media networking for teenagers:
1. It needs parents’ involvement in controlling their teenagers’ activity on social
media networking.
2. Parents should direct their teenagers to join activities which attract their
3. Parents should have more conversations with their teenagers.
Analytical Exposition
Analytical exposition text is a text that describes the author's ideas about the
surrounding phenomena. The aim is to invite readers to care about what is being
discussed and give their attention to the issue. The difference with the hortatory
exposition is the advice given. Because, in analytical exposition there is no
suggestion, just give a conclusion at the end of the text.
Generic Structure:
1. Thesis statement: a statement describing the topic in the text and
showing the position of the author and also the opinion framework of the
2. Arguments: opinions that support the main topic.
3. Conclusion: conclusion from what has been explained.
Language Features:
•Use of simple present tense.
• Use of relational processes.
• Use of internal conjunction to state argument.
• Reasoning through casual conjunction or nominalization
Communicative Purpose : To persuade the readers to agree with the writer.
In all discussion over the removal of leaded vehicles from petrol (and atmosphere)
there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the
city and the country.
Argument 1
While I realize my leaded petrol car is polluting the air wherever I drive, I feel that when you
travel through the country, where you only see another car every five to ten minutes, the problem
Argument 2
Those who want to penalize older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to
appreciate that in the country there is no public transport to fall back upon and one’s own vehicle
is the only way to get about.
is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.
I feel that country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who
already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who
live in the city.
Pembukaan : Struktur teks eksposisi yang pertama merupakan pembukaan atau sering
disebut dengan orientasi. Pada bagian ini kita akan melihat pandangan awal yang ditulis
oleh penulis tentang sebuah permasalahan dengan rangkaian yang sangat relevan.
Isi (Thesis) : Thesis merupakan isi dari teks eksposisi yang berisi tentang kumpulan
pendapat orang lain yang dianggap lebih ahli terkait permasalahan dan pokok bahasan
yang tengah dibahas. Untuk mengidentifikasi struktur teks eksposisi yang satu ini sangat
mudah, kita dapat mengidentifikasi thesis dengan memperhatikan pemilihan katanya.
seperti contoh "berdasarkan penuturan" dan lain sebagainya.
Argumentasi : Argumentasi adalah struktur teks eksposisi yang memuat tentang bukti
bukti relevan yang mendukung thesis atau isi dari teks eksposisi ini. Umumnya
argumentasi akan mengandung fakta fakta relevan yang berkaitan dengan pokok
bahasan seperti tanggal, latar, narasumber, dan penggunaan angka angka yang
umumnya bersifat konkrit.
Teks Eksposisi berita : Memberikan informasi dari suatu kejadian, teks eksposisi ini
sering dijumpai dalam berita atau surat kabar.
Teks Eksposisi perbandingan : Menerangkan ide atau gagasan pada kalimat utama
dengan metode perbandingan.
Teks Eksposisi proses : Berisi tentang panduan atau tata cara membuat sesuatu.
Teks Eksposisi pertentangan, berisi pertentangan antara sesuatu obyek dengan obyek
yang lain. biasa menggunakan frasa penghubung “akan tetapi, meskipun begitu,
Teks Eksposisi analisis : proses memisah-misahkan suatu masalah dari suatu gagasan
utama menjadi beberapa sub-bagian, Kemudian melakukan pengembangan secara
Definition of Exposition Text
Definition of exposition text is a text that contains paragraphs or essays which
contain a number of knowledge and information which are presented in brief, solid,
accurate and certainly easy to understand. Exposition paragraphs or texts are real,
real and scientific or can be said to be non-fiction texts.
Purpose of the Exposition Text
Exposition text has the aim to explain or explain clearly about a certain amount of
information to the reader, so that by reading the exposition text the reader will get
detailed knowledge of an event or event.
Have you ever come home with the stench of smoke clinging to your clothes? Or inhaled a
cloud of smoke as a group of smokers passed, causing you to cough and choke? Neither
experience is pleasant, and this is why smoking should be banned in public areas.
Many countries today have laws that prohibit smoking in public places. It is because smoking
affects not only the person who smoke but also non smokers as well.
Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death (after active smoking and
alcohol), according to the Manitoba Medical Association. They also say that the smoke
contains over 4,000 chemicals, 50 of which are known to be cancer-related.
Secondhand smoke has been linked to heart and respiratory disease; lung, breast, cervical,
and nasal sinus cancers; strokes and miscarriages.
In children, dangers include sudden infant death syndrome, fetal growth impairment,
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and middle-ear disease.
Smoking is a dangerous habit that not only affects the smoker, but those around him or her.
Banning the smoking in public will keep non-smokers safer. People who smoke subject
themselves to deadly diseases by choice. Why should non-smokers be forced to be around