Advanced Database Management System Course Code: 3340701
Advanced Database Management System Course Code: 3340701
Advanced Database Management System Course Code: 3340701
This subject is associated with the designing of database for business, scientific and
engineering application. By the end of this course the students will be able to write simple and
advanced PL/SQL code blocks, use advanced features such as ref cursors and bulk fetches
and database designing with normalization. Hence students will be able to design relational
database which will help them in designing phase of projects in forthcoming semester.
The course should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop different types of skills
so that students are able to acquire following competency:
The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students
are able to acquire different learning out comes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
i. Execute various advance SQL queries related to Transaction Processing & Locking
using concept of Concurrency control.
ii. Demonstrate use of Database Object.
iii. Perform PL/SQL programming using concept of Cursor Management, Error Handling,
Package and Triggers.
iv. Understand Functional Dependency and Functional Decomposition.
v. Apply various Normalization techniques.
3 0 4 7 70 30 40 60
Legends: L - Lecture; T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; C - Credit;
ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment
Unit Major Learning Topics and Sub-topics
(in cognitive domain)
1a. Explain & practice 1.1 Transactional Control:
Transaction Control Commit, Save point, Rollback
and Data Control 1.2 DCL Commands :
Language Grant and Revoke
1b. Explain types of 1.3 Types of locks :
Locks i. Row level locks
1c. Test the locks on ii. Table level locks
database iii. Shared lock
Unit – I iv. Exclusive lock
Advanced v. Deadlock
SQL 1d. Practice using 1.4 Synonym :
various Database Create synonym
Objects 1.5 Sequences:
Create and alter sequences
1.6 Index :
Unique and composite
1e. Describe different 1.7 Views :
types views and test it Create/Replace, Update and alter views
on a database
2a. Describe the 2.1 Basics of PL / SQL
fundamentals of the 2.2 Datatypes
PL/SQL programming 2.3 Advantages
2b.Use different 2.4 Control Structures :
Control Structures Conditional, Iterative, Sequential
2c. Write and execute
PL/SQL programs in
2d. Explain & 2.5 Exceptions:
Implement Concepts Predefined Exceptions ,User defined
Unit– II of exception handling exceptions
PL / SQL and
Triggers 2e. Implement 2.6 Cursors:
procedure, function, Static (Implicit & Explicit), Dynamic
cursor in Package 2.7 Procedures & Functions
2.8 Packages :
Package specification, Package body,
Advantages of package
2f. Describe the 2.9 Fundamentals of Database Triggers
various types of 2.10 Creating Triggers
triggers 2.11 Types of Triggers :
2g. Write, code, test Before, after for each row, for each
and debug various statement
types of triggers
Distribution of Theory
Unit Unit Title Teaching Marks
No. Hours (Duration – 42 Hours)
R U A Total
Level Level Level
1.Advanced SQL 10 8 2 8 18
2.PL / SQL and Triggers 10 8 4 10 22
Functional Dependency and
Decomposition 8 4 4 2 10
4. Normalization 8 4 4 4 12
5. Transaction Processing 6 4 2 2 8
Total 42 28 16 26 70
Legends: R = Remember; U = Understand; A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Note: Here only outcomes in psychomotor domain are listed as practical/exercises. However,
if these practical/exercises are completed appropriately, they would also lead to development
of certain outcomes in affective domain which would in turn lead to development of Course
Outcomes related to affective domain. Thus over all development of Programme Outcomes
(as given in a common list at the beginning of curriculum document for this programme)
would be assured.
Faculty should refer to that common list and should ensure that students also acquire
outcomes in affective domain which are required for overall achievement of Programme
Outcomes/Course Outcomes.
Total Hours 56