Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2027
Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2027
Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2027
Type 2027
Operating Instructions
Printer Reference 2
For safe and correct use of this machine, please be sure to read the Safety Information in the
"General Settings Guide" before you use it.
This manual describes detailed instructions on the operation and notes about the use of this machine.
To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators are requested to read this manual carefully
and follow the instructions. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be li-
able for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or oper-
ating the machine.
Use of controls or adjustment or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual
might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Microsoft®, Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
Adobe®, PostScript®, Acrobat® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
PCL® is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
AppleTalk, Apple, Macintosh and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Incorporated.
IPS-PRINT™ Printer Language Emulation Copyright©2000, Oak Technology, Inc., All Rights Re-
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through
X/Open Company Limited.
Bluetooth is a Trademark of the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. (Special Interest Group) and licensed to RICOH
company limited.
Copyright © 2001 Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
The Bluetooth Trademarks are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. USA
Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their
respective companies. We disclaim any and all right in those marks.
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
Manuals for This Machine .....................................................................................1
How to Read This Manual .....................................................................................3
4. Troubleshooting
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel ................................................25
The Machine Does Not Print ...............................................................................30
Other Printing Problems .....................................................................................34
5. Printer Features
Printer Features Menu ......................................................................................... 39
Adjusting Printer Features.................................................................................. 41
Printer Features Parameters...............................................................................42
Paper Input...............................................................................................................42
List/Test Print ........................................................................................................... 42
Maintenance............................................................................................................. 45
System .....................................................................................................................46
Host Interface........................................................................................................... 48
PCL Menu ................................................................................................................ 49
PS Menu ..................................................................................................................50
6. Appendix
Finisher ................................................................................................................. 51
Staple ....................................................................................................................52
Staple Position .........................................................................................................52
Stapling Precautions ................................................................................................53
Collate ................................................................................................................... 55
Spool Printing ...................................................................................................... 57
Covers................................................................................................................... 59
Slip Sheets............................................................................................................61
Chaptering ............................................................................................................63
User Defined Pages ............................................................................................. 65
System Settings (Parallel Connection) .............................................................. 66
INDEX......................................................................................................... 71
Manuals for This Machine
The following manuals describe the operational procedures of this machine. For
particular functions, see the relevant parts of the manual.
❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine type.
❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader is necessary to view the manuals as a PDF file.
❒ Two CD-ROMs are provided:
• CD-ROM 1“Operating Instructions for Printer/Scanner”
• CD-ROM 2“Scanner Driver & Document Management Utilities”
❖ Copy Reference
Describes operations, functions, and troubleshooting for the machine’s copier
❖ Printer Reference 1
Describes system settings and operations for the machine’s printer function.
❖ Manuals for DeskTopBinder V2 Lite
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is a utility included on the CD-ROM labeled “Scanner
Driver & Document Management Utilities”.
• DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop-
Binder V2 Lite in detail. This guide can be displayed from the [Setup] dia-
log box when DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
• DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Introduction Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations of DeskTopBinder V2 Lite and provides an overview
of its functions. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when DeskTop-
Binder V2 Lite is installed.
• Auto Document Link Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2)
Describes operations and functions of Auto Document Link installed with
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite. This guide is added to the [Start] menu when
DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is installed.
❖ Other manuals
• PS3 Supplement (PDF file - CD-ROM1)
• UNIX Supplement (available from an authorized dealer, or as a PDF file on
our Web site)
How to Read This Manual
In this manual, the following symbols are used:
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions
are not followed, could result in death or serious injury.
This symbol indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if instructions
are not followed, may result in minor or moderate injury, or damage to proper-
* The statements above are notes for your safety.
If this instruction is not followed, paper might misfeed, originals might be dam-
aged, or data might be lost. Be sure to read this.
This symbol indicates prior knowledge or preparation is required before opera-
This symbol indicates precautions for operation, or actions to take after mal-op-
This symbol indicates numerical limits, functions that cannot be used together,
or conditions in which a particular function cannot be used.
This symbol indicates a reference.
[ ]
Keys and buttons that appear on the computer's display.
Keys that appear on the machine's display panel.
{ }
Keys built into the machine's control panel.
Keys on the computer's keyboard.
1. Setting Up the Printer Driver
and Canceling a Print Job
Accessing Printer Properties
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
Windows 2000/XP - Accessing ❒ Normally you do not have to
Printer Properties change the “Form to Tray As-
signment” settings on the [De-
1 Changing default settings - Printer
vice Settings] tab in the
PostScript 3 printer driver.
properties ❒ Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
❒ Changing machine settings re-
Changing default settings - Printing
quires Manage Printers permis-
sion. Members of Administrators preferences properties
and Power Users groups have
Manage Printers permission by de- Limitation
fault. When you set up options, log ❒ Changing machine settings re-
on using an account that has Man- quires Manage Printers permis-
age Printers permission. sion. Members of the
Administrators and Power Users
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set- groups have Manage Printers per-
tings], and then click [Printers]. mission by default. When you set
The [Printers] window appears. up options, log on using an ac-
count that has Manage Printers
Note permission.
❒ In Windows XP Professional,
open the [Printers and Faxes] A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set-
window on the [Start] menu. tings], and then click [Printers].
❒ In Windows XP Home Edition, The [Printers] window appears.
open the [Printers and Faxes]
window by clicking [Control Pan-
el] from the [Start] button on the ❒ In Windows XP Professional,
taskbar, click [Printers and Other open the [Printers and Faxes]
Hardware], and then click [Print- window on the [Start] menu.
ers and Faxes]. ❒ In Windows XP Home Edition,
open the [Printers and Faxes]
B Click the icon of the machine window by clicking [Control Pan-
whose default you want to el] from the [Start] button on the
change. taskbar, click [Printers and Other
C On the [File] menu, click [Proper- Hardware], and then click [Print-
ers and Faxes].
The printer properties dialog box B Click the icon of the machine
appears. whose default you want to
D Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK]. C On the [File] menu, click [Printing
The [Printing Preferences] dialog box
Accessing Printer Properties
A On the [File] menu, click [Print...]. C On the [File] menu, click [Proper-
The [Print] dialog box appears. ties].
The printer properties dialog box
B In the [Select Printer] list, select the appears.
machine you want to use, and
then click the tab for which you D Make the settings you require,
want to change print settings. and then click [OK].
Note Note
❒ In Windows XP, click [Prefer- ❒ Normally you do not have to
ence] to open the Printing Pref- change the “Form to Tray As-
erences dialog box. signment” settings on the [De-
vice Settings] tab in the
C Make the settings you require. PostScript 3 printer driver.
D Click [Print] to start printing. ❒ Settings you make here are used
as default for all applications.
Under Windows XP, click [OK], and
then click [Print] to start printing.
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
A On the [Start] menu, point to [Set- B In the [Name] list, select the ma-
tings], and then click [Printers]. chine you want to use, and then
click [Properties].
The [Printers] window appears.
The printer properties dialog box
B Click the icon of the machine appears.
whose default you want to
change. C Make the settings you require,
and then click [OK].
C On the [File] menu, click [Document
Defaults]. D Click [OK] to start printing.
The [Default] dialog box appears.
Accessing Printer Properties
B On the [File] menu, click [Page Set- C Make sure the machine is selected
in the [Printer:] box.
The [AdobePS Page Setup] dialog D Make the settings you require,
box appears. and then click [Print] to start print-
C Make sure the machine you want
to use is shown in the [Printer:]
❒ In Mac OS X, this is called [For-
mat for:].
❒ If the machine is not shown in
the [Printer:] box, use the pop-up
menu to display a list of availa-
ble machines.
The actual appearance of Page
Setup depends on the applica-
tion you are using. See the oper-
ating instructions that come
with the Macintosh for more in-
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
Canceling a Print Job
Setting Up the Printer Driver and Canceling a Print Job
2. Using the Document Server
3. Sample Print/Locked Print
Sample Print
Use this function to print only the first
set of a multiple-set print job. After Printing a Sample Print File
you have checked the result, remain-
ing sets can be printed or canceled us- The following procedure describes
ing the machine's control panel. This how to print a sample print file with
can reduce misprints due to mistakes the PCL 6/5e printer driver. For in-
in content or settings. formation about how to print a sam-
ple print file with the PostScript 3
Note printer driver, see PostScript 3 Unit
❒ If the application has a collate op- Type 2027 Operating Instructions Sup-
tion, make sure it is not selected plement included as a PDF file on the
before sending a print job. By de- CD-ROM.
fault, sample print jobs are auto-
matically collated by the printer Limitation
driver. If a collate option is select- ❒ Applications with their own driv-
ed from the application's [Print] di- ers, such as PageMaker, do not
alog box, more prints than support this function.
intended may be produced. ❒ If you are using Mac OS X, this
❒ You can identify the file you want function cannot be used.
to print by user ID and date and
time when the job was stored. A Configure the sample print in the
printer driver's properties.
❒ The number of pages the machine
can save depends on the contents Reference
of the print image. For example, For details about configuring
the machine can save up to 30 jobs the PCL 6/5e or RPCS™ printer
or 1,000 pages, including locked driver, see the relevant Help
print files, depending on data vol- files.
❒ If the first set of the sample print B Start printing from the applica-
files is not as you expected and you tion's [Print] dialog box.
do not want to print remaining Note
sets, delete the sample print file us-
❒ Make sure to set more than two
ing the display panel. If you print
the remaining sets of the sample
print file, the job in the machine is The sample print job is sent to the
deleted automatically. machine, and the first set is print-
Sample Print/Locked Print
C On the machine's control panel, E Select the file you want to print
press the {Printer}
} key to display by pressing it.
the Printer screen.
❒ Press [U UPrev.] or [T TNext.] to
scroll through the list.
❒ Only one file can be selected at a
Sample Print
A Press the {Printer}} key to display B Press [View Sample Print jobs].
the Printer screen.
D Press [Delete].
The delete confirmation screen
will appear.
Sample Print/Locked Print
❒ Press [U UPrev.] or [TTNext.] to
scroll through the error files.
❒ Press [Exit] after checking the
❒ To print files that appear in the
error log, resend them after
stored files have been printed or
Locked Print
Locked Print
Use this function to maintain privacy
when printing confidential docu- Printing a Locked Print File
ments on the machine over a shared
network. Usually, it is possible to The following procedure describes
print data using the display panel how to print a locked print file with
once it is stored in this machine. the PCL 6/5e printer driver. For in-
When using Locked Print, it is not formation about how to print a locked
possible to print unless a password is print file with the PostScript 3 printer
entered on the machine's display pan- driver, see PostScript 3 Unit Type 2027
Operating Instructions Supplement in-
el. Your confidential documents will
be safe from being viewed by other cluded as a PDF file on the CD-ROM.
Note ❒ Applications with their own driv-
❒ If the application has a collate op- ers, such as PageMaker, do not
tion, make sure it is not selected support this function.
before sending a print job. Locked ❒ If you are using Mac OS X, this
print jobs are automatically collat- function cannot be used.
ed by the printer driver as default.
If a collate option is selected in the A Configure the locked print in the
application print dialog box, more printer driver's properties.
sets than intended may be printed.
❒ You can identify the file you want
For details about configuring
to print by User ID, and date and
the PCL 6/5e or RPCS™ printer
time when the job was stored.
driver, see the corresponding
❒ The number of pages the machine Help files.
can save depends on print image
content. For example, the machine B Start printing from the applica-
can save up to 30 jobs or 1,000 pag- tion's [Print] dialog box.
es including sample print files, de- The locked print job is sent to the
pending on data volume. machine.
❒ After the locked print file is print-
ed, the job is automatically deleted. C On the machine's control panel,
press the {Printer}
} key to display
❒ Turning off the machine's main the Printer screen.
power switch deletes locked print
Sample Print/Locked Print
H Press [Yes].
A list of stored locked print files The locked file is printed.
❒ Press [No] to cancel printing.
3 ❒ If printing is stopped by press-
ing [Job Reset] after it has start-
ed, the file will be deleted.
Locked Print
❒ Press [U UPrev.] or [TTNext.] to
scroll through the error files.
❒ Press [Exit] after checking the
❒ To print files that appear in the
error log, resend them after
stored files have been printed or
Sample Print/Locked Print
Form Feed
This section gives instructions for op-
erating the machine when there is no Print Using a Selected Tray
tray for the selected paper size or
type, or when paper loaded in the
machine has run out.
A Select the tray for form feed from
those that appear on the display
Limitation panel.
❒ The tray cannot be changed if the If you want to print after adding
paper to the tray, select the tray af-
3 following functions are set for it:
ter loading the correct paper.
• Staple
• Duplex Print to a tray that does Note
not support duplex printing ❒ To load paper in the bypass
• Cover Sheet tray, see "Setting Paper on the
Bypass Tray", Printer Reference
• Front/Back Covers
• Slip Sheets
• Chaptering B Press [Continue].
The machine prints using the se-
Note lected tray.
❒ If form feed is selected for a tray
with the following settings, you Note
can change the tray by canceling ❒ If a tray with a smaller paper
the settings: size is selected, the print job
• Staple may be cut short, or other prob-
lems may occur.
❒ If Auto Continue is selected, form
fed paper is printed after a set in-
terval. See p.46 “System”.
If the machine does not have a tray for
the selected paper size or paper type,
or if the selected paper loaded in the
machine has run out, a caution mes-
sage appears.
If this message appears, do one of the
Form Feed
Sample Print/Locked Print
4. Troubleshooting
❖ Status messages
Message Status
Hex Dump Mode In Hex Dump mode, the machine receives data in hexadecimal
format. Turn off the machine after printing, and then turn back
Offline The machine is offline. To start printing, switch the machine
online by pressing [Offline] on the display panel.
Please wait. The machine is preparing the development unit. Wait a while.
Printing... The machine is printing. Wait a while.
Ready This is the default ready message. The machine is ready for
use. No action is required.
Resetting job... The machine is resetting the print job. Wait until “Ready” ap-
pears on the display panel.
Waiting... The machine is waiting for the next data to print. Wait a while.
❖ Alert messages
Messages/Second messages Causes Solutions
Cannot connect with the The IEEE 802.11b card may Turn off the main power
wireless card. have come off, or an error may switch, and check the card is
have occurred in the IEEE installed correctly. If the mes-
802.11b card. sage appears again, contact
your sales or service repre-
Close duplex unit cover. The cover of the duplex unit is Close the cover of the duplex
open. unit.
Collate has been cancelled. The collate print function has Turn off the main power
been canceled. switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel
❒ “###” in the message rep-
resents a output tray. 4
HDD has a problem. An error has occurred in the Turn off the main power
hard disk drive. switch, and back on again. If
the message appears again,
contact your sales or service
HDD has not been installed. Locked Print was performed Contact your sales or service
without the hard disk in- representative.
stalled, or the hard disk is
HDD is full. The maximum hard disk area Delete unused form /font
size for form/font has been ex- types.
An HDD overflow error oc- Delete some stored files, or re-
curred during Sample Print or duce the size of the file to be
Locked Print. downloaded.
IEEE 802.11b (Wireless LAN) IEEE 802.11b card was not in- Turn off the machine and
has a problem. serted when the machine was check the IEEE 802.11b card is
turned on, or it was pulled out inserted correctly. Then, turn
after the machine turned on. the machine on again. If the
message appears again, call
your service center.
LCT has a problem. Turn An error has occurred in the Turn off the main power
Main Power Switch off then Large Capacity Tray (LCT). switch, wait five minutes, and
on. If the error appears again, on again. If the message ap-
call service representative. pears again, call your sales or
service representative.
dLower Staple is almost There are only a few staples Load more staples.
empty. left in the lower stapler.
Error & Status Messages on the Display Panel
❒ You can check signal status only when using wireless LAN in
infrastructure mode.
When using wireless LAN, Check using the machine's display panel that the SSID is correctly
is the SSID correctly set? set.
See “Interface Settings/IEEE 802.11b (Option)”, General Settings
The Machine Does Not Print
For more information about using the utility tool for IEEE
1394, see the README file in the same directory on the CD-
C Restart the computer.
D Connect the computer to the machine using the IEEE 1394 in-
terface cables.
Problem Solutions
Is the Data In indicator If not, data is not being sent to the machine.
blinking or lit after starting
the print job? ❖ When the machine is connected to the computer using
the interface cable
Check the machine port settings are correct. For parallel port
connection, port LPT1 or LPT2 should be set.
• Windows 95/98/Me
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Details] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
4 port is selected.
• Windows 2000
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
• Windows XP Professional
A Click the [Start] button, and then click [Printers and Fax-
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
• Windows XP Home Edition
A Click the [Start] button, click [Control Panel], click [Print-
ers and Other Hardware], and then click [Printers and Faxes].
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
• Windows NT 4.0
A Click the [Start] button, point to [Settings], and then click
B Click the icon of the machine. On the [File] menu, click
C Click the [Ports] tab.
D In the [Print to the following port(s)] list, confirm the correct
port is selected.
The Machine Does Not Print
Problem Solutions
Is the Data In indicator ❖ Network connection
blinking or lit after starting Contact your network administrator.
the print job?
Other Printing Problems
Other Printing Problems
For more information about using the utility tool for IEEE 1394, see
the README file in the same directory on the CD-ROM.
E Restart the computer.
Printing stops and Follow the one of the procedures below:
a paper error is • Press [Job Reset] on the display panel to stop printing. Place the custom
displayed if the size paper in the bypass tray, and then start printing.
custom size paper
• Select the paper feed tray with custom size paper, and then press [Con-
in the paper feed
tinue] to force printing.
tray is specified
when printing
with the Post-
Script 3 printer
When connecting Check that USB Printing Support is installed on your computer.
the machine using
USB 2.0, the first Reference
page of a print job See “Installing the Printer Driver Using USB”, Printer Reference 1.
that contains a
large volume of
data is printed,
but the remaining
pages are not.
❒ If the problem cannot be solved, contact your sales or service representative.
5. Printer Features
For more information about copier features and system settings, see Copy Ref-
erence and General Settings Guide.
Printer Features
Menu Default
System Print Error Report
See p.46 “System”. Auto Continue
Memory Overflow
Job Separation *2
Memory Usage
Edge Smoothing
Toner Saving
Printer Language
Sub Paper Size
Page Size
5 Letterhead Setting
Edge to Edge Print
Default Printer Language
Host Interface I/O Buffer
See p.48 “Host Interface”. I/O Timeout
Adjusting Printer Features
D After changing Printer Features settings, press [Exit] to return to the User
Tools/Counter menu.
❒ You can also exit from the User Tools/Counter menu by pressing the {User
} key.
❒ Changes made to functions remain in effect even if the machine is turned
❒ You can also exit from the Printer Features menu by pressing [Exit] in the
main menu.
Printer Features
List/Test Print
❖ Config. Page
You can print the machine's cur- C Press [Config. Page] on the [List/Test
rent configuration values. Print] tab.
Reference The configuration page is printed.
p.42 “Printing the configuration
❖ Menu List
You can print a Menu List showing
the machine's function menus.
Printer Features Parameters
System Reference
❖ Unit Number
Displays the serial number assigned to the board by its manufacturer.
❖ Total Memory
Displays the total amount of memory (SDRAM) installed on the printer.
❖ Firmware Version
• Firmware
Displays the version number of the printer firmware.
• System
Displays the version number of the system firmware.
• Engine
Displays the version number of the printer engine.
• Panel
Displays the version number of the panel display.
Displays the version number of the Network interface.
❖ Controller Option
This item(s) appears when the controller option(s) is installed.
❖ Printer Language
Displays the version number of the printer driver language.
❖ Options
Displays the optional trays installed.
Paper Input
Displays the settings made under the Paper Input menu.
p.42 “Paper Input”
Printer Features
Displays the settings made under the System menu.
p.46 “System”
PCL Menu
Displays the settings you made under PCL Menu.
p.49 “PCL Menu”
PS Menu
Displays the settings you made under PS Menu.
5 Reference
p.50 “PS Menu”
Host Interface
Displays the settings you made under the Host Interface menu.
When DHCP is active on the network, the actual IP address, subnet mask and
gateway address appear in parentheses on the configuration page.
p.48 “Host Interface”
Interface Information
Displays the interface information.
Error Log
Displays the printer error log.
Printer Features Parameters
Printer Features
❖ Memory Overflow
Temporarily canceling Menu Protect Select this to have a memory over-
When you select protected items in flow error report printed.
Printer Features, a screen for entering • Not Print
the access codes appears. When this • Error Report
happens, enter the correct access
codes using the number keys, and Note
then press [OK]. Menu Protect is then ❒ Default: Not Print
temporarily canceled.
❖ Job Separation
Note You can enable Job Separation.
❒ If you enter the correct access • On
codes, Menu Protect remains can-
celed while the Printer Features • Off
menu is displayed. Note
❒ Default: Off
System ❒ This menu appears only when
5 the optional finisher is installed.
❖ Print Error Report
❖ Memory Usage
Select this to have an error report
You can select the amount of mem-
printed when a printer or memory
ory used in Font Priority or Frame
error occurs.
Priority, according to paper size or
• On resolution.
• Off • Font Priority
This setting uses memory for
registering fonts.
❒ Default: Off
• Frame Priority
❖ Auto Continue This setting uses frame memory
You can select this to enable Auto for high speed printing.
Continue. When it is On, printing
continues after a system error oc-
curs. ❒ Default: Frame Priority
• Off ❖ Duplex
• 0 minute You can select to have print on
• 1 minute both sides of each page.
• 5 minutes • Off
• 10 minutes • Short Edge Bind
• 15 minutes • Long Edge Bind
❒ Default: Off ❒ Default: Off
Printer Features Parameters
Printer Features
Printer Features Parameters
❖ Point Size
PCL Menu You can set the point size you want
to use for the selected font.
❖ Orientation • 4.00 to 999.75 by 0.25
You can set the page orientation.
• Portrait
❒ Default: 12.00
• Landscape
❒ This setting is effective only
Note with variable-space fonts.
❒ Default: Portrait
❖ Font Pitch
❖ Form Lines You can set the number of charac-
You can set the number of lines per ters per inch for the selected font.
page. • 0.44 to 99.99 by 0.01
• 5 to 128 by 1 Note
Note ❒ Default: 10.00
❒ Default: ❒ This setting is effective only 5
• Metric version: 64 with fixed-space fonts.
• Inch version: 60 ❖ Symbol Set
You can specify the set of print
❖ Font Source characters for the selected font.
You can set the storage location of The available options are as fol-
the default font. lows:
• Resident Roman-8, ISO L1, ISO L2, ISO L5,
• RAM PC-8, PC-8 D/N, PC-850, PC-852,
PC8-TK, Win L1, Win L2, Win L5,
Desktop, PS Text, VN Intl, VN US,
Note MS Publ, Math-8, PS Math, VN
❒ Default: Resident Math, Pifont, Legal, ISO 4, ISO 6,
ISO 11, ISO 15, ISO 17, ISO 21, ISO
❒ RAM and HDD can be selected 60, ISO 69, Win 3.0
only when fonts have been
downloaded to the machine. Note
❒ Default: Roman-8
❖ Font Number
You can set the ID of the default ❖ Courier Font
font you want to use. You can select a courier font type.
• 0 to 50 by 1 • Regular
Note • Dark
❒ Default: 0 Note
❒ Default: Regular
Printer Features
❖ Extend A4 Width
You can extend the printing area PS Menu
width (when printing on A4 sheet
with PCL). ❖ Data Format
• On You can select a data format.
• Off • Binary data
Note • TBCP
❒ Default: Off Limitation
❒ When the setting is On, the ❒ This setting is not effective
width will be 8/ inches. when operating the machine
with a parallel, USB, or
❖ Append CR to LF EtherTalk connection.
When set to On, a carriage return
❒ When operating the machine
will follow each line feed: CR=CR,
with a parallel or USB connec-
tion, if binary data is sent from
• Off the printer driver, the print job
5 • On is canceled.
❒ When operating the machine
with an Ethernet connection,
❒ Default: Off the print job is canceled under
the following conditions;
❖ Resolution
You can set the print resolution in • The printer driver data for-
dots per inch. mat is TBCP, and the data
format selected on the dis-
• 300 dpi
play panel is Binary Data.
• 600 dpi
• The printer driver data for-
Note mat is binary, and the data
❒ Default: 600 dpi format selected on the dis-
play panel is TBCP.
❒ Default: Binary data
❖ Resolution
You can set the print resolution in
dots per inch.
• 300 dpi
• 600 dpi
❒ Default: 600 dpi
6. Appendix
You can collate or staple printed paper by installing the optional finisher. Make
sure you read the following precautions when using the optional finisher:
For information about optional finishers, see General Settings Guide.
To use the staple function, see p.52 “Staple”.
❖ Be sure to make settings for options installed on the machine in the printer drivers.
To make settings for options in the printer drivers, see Printer Reference 1.
❖ Be sure to set the paper size and paper orientation in the printer driver when using
duplex printing, combine (layout), and staple functions.
For Information about duplex printing and layout, see the printer driver
To use the staple function, see p.52 “Staple” and the printer driver Help.
❒ Depending on the application, print settings may not be enabled and printed
output may not be as expected.
❖ When setting staple or collate in the printer driver, make sure that the Collate check
box is cleared in the application's [Print] dialog box.
If Collate is enabled in the application, printing will not be as intended.
With the optional finisher installed, sets can be stapled individually when print-
ing multiple sets.
Staple Position
The specified staple position varies depending on paper size, type, quantity and
feed orientation. The following table shows staple positions:
Top Left
Top Right
6 2 at Left
2 at Right
Top Left
Top Right
2 at Top
Top Left
Top Right
2 at Top
Top Left
Top Right
2 at Left
2 at Right
• For paper sizes and maximum numbers of sheets available for stapling, see
“Specifications”, General Settings Guide.
• For printing methods, see the printer driver Help.
• The staple position will vary when using the PostScript 3 printer driver.
For more information, see the PostScript 3 printer driver Help.
Stapling Precautions
❒ Stapling can be done only with the optional finisher installed.
❒ Stapling cannot be done when paper is fed from the bypass tray.
❒ You cannot interrupt the current job with a job for another function requiring
stapling or collating.
❒ When the finisher is installed, and when an output tray that cannot output us-
ing the staple function has been selected, the paper will be output according
to System Settings. 6
❒ If you cannot make staple settings even with the finisher installed, options
may not be set correctly in the printer driver. Correct option settings in the
printer driver. For details, see the printer driver Help.
❒ When duplex printing is selected, adjust staple positions to the binding orien-
❒ When the finisher is being used for another function's job (for example, a copy
job), printing will start after that job ends.
❒ When setting Staple in the printer driver settings, make sure that a collate op-
tion is not selected in the print settings of the application. If a collate option is
selected in the application, printing will not be as intended.
❒ Be sure to set paper size and orientation in the printer driver when stapling.
• Depending on the software you are using, print settings may not be saved
and the printed result may not be as expected.
❒ When printing restarts after removing jammed paper, the printing position
may be different, depending on the location of the jam.
• If the paper jam occurred in the optional finisher, printing will restart from
the top page of the data currently being printed, or from the page where
the paper jam occurred.
• If the paper jam occurred in the machine, printing will restart from the
page where the paper jam occurred.
❒ Even if the paper jam occurred in the machine, the error will not be cleared
unless the cover of the finisher is opened and closed.
When printing multiple documents such as handouts for meetings, you can sep-
arate sets into order. This function is known as “Collate”. Collate stores data
transmitted from a computer in memory. The following are the three types of
❖ Collate
Printed output is assembled as sets in sequential order.
3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
❖ Rotating Collate
Every other print set is rotated by 90 degrees K.
3 3 3
2 2
1 1 1
❖ Shift Collate
(The optional finisher is required for this function.)
The finisher shift tray moves backward or forward when a job or set is output,
causing the next to shift, so you can separate them.
123 123
❒ The optional finisher is required for Shift Collate.
❒ Rotating Collate is not possible when feeding paper from the bypass tray.
❒ Shift Collate is not possible when printing on 81/2” × 51/2”L.
❒ If jobs containing pages of various sizes are set, Rotating Collate will not
❒ Rotating Collate and staple functions cannot be combined.
❒ You can set Collate in the RPCS™ printer driver.
• If you cannot make Shift Collate even with the optional finisher installed,
options may not be set up correctly in the printer driver. Correct the printer
driver's option settings. For details, see the printer driver Help.
❒ If Auto Continue occurs on the first set, Collate will be canceled.
❒ If forced printing occurs on the first set, Collate will be canceled.
❒ If a document with mixed paper sizes or sizes larger than A4, 81/2 “× 11” is
set, it can only be collated, even if Rotating Collate has been selected.
❒ When Cover/Slip Sheet or Chaptering has been selected, Collate or Shift Col-
late will occur even if Rotating Collate has been selected.
❒ When Rotating Collate has been selected, printing speed will be slower than
with other collate functions.
❒ When setting Collate in the printer driver settings, make sure that a collate
option is not selected in the application's print settings. If a collate option is
selected, printing will not be as intended.
For information about paper sizes and the number of sets you can use Collate,
6 Rotating Collate, and Shift Collate with in every option, see Copy Reference.
For printing methods, see the printer driver Help.
Spool Printing
Spool Printing
Spool Printing allows print jobs transferred from a computer to be temporarily
stored, and then prints them after they are transferred. This shortens printing
time as it maximizes printer efficiency.
❒ During Spool Printing, the hard disk is accessed and the Data-In indicator
blinks. Turning off the computer or machine during Spool Printing can dam-
age the hard disk. Also, if the computer or machine is turned off during Spool
Printing, spooled jobs will be deleted. Therefore, do not turn the power to the
computer or machine off during Spool Printing.
❒ If data is sent to the machine using other protocols besides LPR, IPP or SMB,
Spool Printing cannot be performed.
❒ Up to a maximum of 150 jobs at once can be spool printed.
❒ Printing the first page with Spool Printing will be slow.
❒ The computer requires less print processing time when large amounts of data 6
are spooled.
❒ Stored spool jobs can be viewed or deleted using a Web browser.
Using this function, you can insert cover and back sheets fed from a different
tray to that of the main paper, and print on them.
For printing methods, see the printer driver Help.
❒ To use this function, Collate must be set. Rotating Collate cannot be set.
❒ The cover sheets should be the same size and orientation as the body of the
❒ If Auto Tray Select is set as the paper feed tray for the body paper, the paper
will be delivered from a tray containing paper in the K orientation. There-
fore, if the cover paper is set to L orientation, the orientation of cover and
body will be different.
❖ Cover Sheet
Prints the first page of the document on the sheet for the cover page. 6
• Print on one side
Prints on one side of the cover sheet only, even when duplex printing is se-
4 4
3 4
• Blank
4 4
❖ Front/Back covers
Prints the first and last page of the document as the cover and back cover pag-
• Print on one side
Prints on one side of the cover sheets only, even when duplex printing is
6 6
4 5 4 5
2 3 2 3
1 1
6 GCPY018E
6 4
4 5 2
2 3
• Blank
6 6
4 5 4 5
2 3 2 3
1 1
Slip Sheets
Slip Sheets
❖ Inserting a slip sheet between each page
• Print
• Blank
2 122
1 1
• Blank
1 12
❒ Collate cannot be set when using slip sheets.
❒ Slip sheets cannot be inserted while duplex printing.
❒ The slip sheet should be the same size and orientation as the main paper.
❒ The same paper feed tray cannot be set for the main paper and slip sheets.
A specified page is printed on the same side as the first page, like a book. Also,
you can insert slip sheets before specified pages, and select whether or not to
print onto slip sheets.
❒ This function is available with the PCL and RPCS™ printer driver.
For printing methods, see the printer driver Help.
❒ Up to 20 pages can be specified as chapter front pages using the printer driv-
❖ No slip sheets
7 7 9 6
4 4
1 1 3
❒ This function is only valid with duplex printing.
❒ This function can be used together with combine (layout) printing.
6 4
5 10
1 3 6
• Blank
❒ The slip sheet should be the same size and orientation as the main paper.
❒ If Auto Tray Select is set as the paper feed tray for the main paper, paper
will be delivered from a tray containing paper in the K orientation. There-
fore, if the cover paper is set to the L orientation, the orientation of the
cover and body paper will be different.
❒ The same paper feed tray cannot be set for the body of the document and
the slip sheet.
User Defined Pages
❖ Input Prime
Specifies whether the prime signal
is active or inactive when an input
prime signal is sent. Normally, you
do not need to change this setting.
• Effective
• Invalid
❒ Default: Invalid
This section contains the machine's electrical and hardware specifications, in-
cluding information about its options.
Component Specifications
Resolution PCL 6 : 600 dpi
PCL 5e: 300 dpi, 600 dpi
RPCS™ : 200 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi
PostScript 3 : 300 dpi, 600 dpi
Printing speed 22 ppm/32 ppm
(A4K, 8/" × 11"K plain paper)
❒ Printing speeds depend on the machine. Check which type of
machine you have. See General Settings Guide.
Interface Standard:
• IEEE 1284 parallel interface
❒ Use a standard 36-pin printer cable not longer than 3 meters
(10 feet). 6
• Ethernet interface (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
• IEEE 1394 interface
• IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN interface
• USB 2.0 interface
• Bluetooth™ interface
Network protocol TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI *1 , AppleTalk
Printer language Standard: PCL 6, PCL 5e, RPCS™
Option: PostScript 3
Fonts PCL 6/5e :
Afga Monotype Font Manager 35 Intellifonts, 10 TrueType fonts,
and 1 Bitmap font Font Manager available.
PostScript 3 :
136 fonts (Type 2:24, Type 14:112)
Memory 192 MB
Hard disk Storage capacity : 20 GB
Operating systems sup- Windows 95/98/Me
ported by this machine Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows NT 4.0
Mac OS 8.6 to 9.2
Mac OS X
Network cable 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T shielded twisted-pair (STP, Catego-
ry/Type5) cable.
*1 To use NetBEUI, use the SmartNetMonitor port. 67
❒ Only one optional interface board can be installed in the machine at a time.
Therefore, the optional IEEE 1394 interface board, the optional 802.11b inter-
face kit (wireless LAN board) and the optional USB 2.0 interface board cannot
be installed concurrently.
❖ Transmission spec.:
IEEE 1394
❖ Interface:
IEEE std 1394-1995 compliant
IEEE std 1394a-2000 compliant
❖ Device class:
SCSI print (Windows 2000, Windows XP)
6 IP over 1394 (Windows Me, Windows XP)
❖ Protocol:
SBP-2 (SCSI print)
TCP/IP (IP over 1394)
❖ Interface connector:
IEEE 1394 (6 pin × 2)
❖ Required cable:
1394 interface cable (6 pin x 4 pin, 6 pin x 6 pin)
❒ You cannot plug devices together to create loops.
❒ Do not use cable that is more than 4.5 meters in length.
❖ Power supply:
Non external power supply
Cable Power repeated (IEEE 1394a-2000 compliant)
❖ Transmission spec.:
Based on IEEE 802.11b (wireless LAN)
❖ Protocol:
❒ SmartNetMonitor and Web browser are supported.
❖ Frequency range:
• Inch version:
2400-2497 MHz (1-11 channels)
• Metric version:
2400-2497 MHz (1-13 channels)
❖ Transmittable distance:
1Mbps 400 m *1
2Mbps 270 m *1
5.5Mbps 200 m *1
11Mbps 140 m *1
These figures are a guideline for outdoor use. In general, the transmittable dis-
tance indoors is 10-100 m, depending on environment.
❖ Transmission mode:
802.11 ad hoc, ad hoc, and infrastructure mode
❖ Transmission spec:
Based on USB 2.0
❒ This USB 2.0 interface board is compatible with devices that support USB
❒ For Windows 98 SE/Me, be sure to install USB Printing Support included
on the CD-ROM that comes with this machine. When USB 2.0 is used un-
der Windows 98 SE/Me, only a speed equal to that of USB 1.1 is possible.
❒ Macintosh supports only the standard USB 1.1 port.
PostScript 3 Unit Type 2027 Operating Instructions Supplement
Canceling a job Macintosh
Macintosh, 11 canceling a job, 11
Windows, 10 setting up, printer driver, 9
Chaptering, 63 Maintenance, 45
Collate, 55 Memory, 67
Configuration page, 42
Control panel N
locked print, 15
printer features, adjusting, 39 Network Cable, 67
sample print, 15 Network protocol, 67
Covers, 59
D Operating system, 67
Data In indicator, 32, 36 Options, 68
Display panel
error messages, 25
Document Server, 13 Paper Input, 42
PCL menu, 49
E PostScript 3 Unit Type 2027, 70
Error messages, 25 Printer driver
Printer properties, Windows 2000/XP, 6
F Printer properties, Windows 95/98/Me, 5
Printer properties, Windows NT 4.0, 7
Finisher, 51 setting up, Macintosh, 9
Fonts, 67 Printer features
adjusting, 41
H menu, 39
parameters, 42
Hard disk, 67 Printer Language, 67
Host Interface, 48
Printing speed, 67
IEEE 1394 Interface Board type 4510, 68
Resolution, 67
IEEE 802.11b Interface Kit Type B, 69
Interface, 67 S
L Sample print, 15
deleting, 17
List/Test Print, 42
Slip Sheets, 61
Locked print, 19 Specifications, 67
deleting, 20 Spool printing, 57
Staple, 52
System, 46
Troubleshooting, 25
error messages, 25
machine does not print, 30
other printing problems, 34
status messages, 25
USB2.0 Interface Board Type A, 69
canceling a job, 10
Windows 2000/XP
printer properties, printer driver, 6
Windows 95/98/Me
printer properties, printer driver, 5
Windows NT 4.0
printer properties, printer driver, 7
72 GB GB B577-8620
Copyright © 2003
Printer/Scanner Unit Type 2027 Operating Instructions Printer Reference 2