Effect of Limestone Powder Substitution On Mechanical Properties and Durability of Slender Precast Components of Structural Mortar
Effect of Limestone Powder Substitution On Mechanical Properties and Durability of Slender Precast Components of Structural Mortar
Effect of Limestone Powder Substitution On Mechanical Properties and Durability of Slender Precast Components of Structural Mortar
2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856
Original Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The use of structural mortars on slender components is already widely spread. However,
Received 15 September 2019 due to the current demand, the high consumption of cement is the primarily responsible
Accepted 11 November 2019 for carbon emissions and for cost increase. The objective of this research is to study the effect
Available online 21 November 2019 of partial substitution (0 %, 9 %, 16 %, 23 % and 30 %) of cement by limestone powder focusing
on slender precast structures, natural sand, Portland Cement CP-V, limestone powder and
Keywords: a polycarboxylate superplasticizer were used. It measured mini-cone slump flow test, mass
Limestone powder addition density at fresh and hardened state, water absorption index, porosity, modulus of elasticity,
Partial substitution compressive strength and electrical resistivity. It is noticed that the substitution content
Durability significantly influences the properties also the durability parameters are more affected than
Structural mortar. mechanical properties. The restrictive property was the water absorption index, allowing
the cement substitution by limestone powder up to 11 % to maintain mortar properties
according to standards.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Fig. 2 – Limestone powder (a) and cement (b) at SEM (scanning electron microscopy).
CPV-ARI 21.3 4.26 2.36 65.4 2.68 0.27 0.22 0.16 0.88 2.21 5.62
Limestonepowder 5.79 1.44 0.69 55.7 0.53 0.07 0.16 <0.1 0.19 34.66 35.39
850 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856
Fig. 4 – Compressive strength (fc ), water/cement ratio (w/c) Fig. 5 – Elasticity modulus (Ed ) results versus percentage of
and Agent content reduction (%Ad ) versus percentage of substitution.
Fig. 7 – Open porosity (P) and water absorption index (Ai) Fig. 8 – Capillary absorption results versus time.
results versus percentage of substitution. Note: Each curve corresponds to a content (0 %, 9 %, 16 %, 23
% and 30 %) of cement replacement by limestone powder,
3.5. Optimal percentage of substitution - Water absorption by immersion and porosity increased
about 23 % compared to reference mixture due to the excess
All properties were influenced by cement replacement and of water and grain adjustment of components of mixtures
because of this the incorporation of limestone powder should samples;
be done with caution. Because of the parameters expressed - Compressive strength dropped more than 30 % due to hydra-
at the beginning of this chapter, it is clear that the limit- tion products reduction and increased porosity in matrix
ing property is water absorption by immersion, having an and in aggregate/paste transition zone;
upper limit of 8 % [8]. The others limitations: Compressive - Elasticity modulus, with the increased percentage of substi-
strength (25 MPa) and specific mass (1.8 g/cm3 ) were lower tution, varied by a maximum of 13 % and specific masses by
than the values found in this research, thus, the water absorp- a maximum of 8 % compared to reference sample, without
tion by immersion (Ai ) equation found by linear regression substitution. Being more preponderant in those properties
(Excel trend line - Equation 1) was used to define the maxi- the voids left by water evaporation and water reducing agent
mum percentage of substitution (t), being 16.29 % of cement reduction;
substitution. Since the standard deviation of water absorp- - Electrical resistivity had its behavior associated with pore
tion results were around 5 % and considering a reliability of 95 permeability, in other words, closer to capillary filtration
%. When using Equation 2, the maximum substitution value absorption and capillary filtration coefficient, demonstrat-
should be around 11 %. ing that up to 11 % substitution the structural mortar mix
would not show corrosion or degradation.
Ai = 6.531t+6.936(1)
Mixed mortars must meet a mix design condition given by It was concluded that even using a water/cement ratio
equation 2 [1]: greater than 0.45, water absorption index, porosity, elastic-
ity modulus, electrical resistivity and specific mass provided
Fd = Fk ±t(a/z)(n-1) , s(2)
adequate results. Within the standards, proving that slen-
Where: Fd corresponds to the mix design limit of certain der precast components of structural mortar mix could be
properties of the mortar; more durable. Axial compressive strength was compromised
Fk corresponds to the characteristic limit of a certain prop- with the increased cement replacement, but despite that, it
erty of the mortar; remained higher than 40 MPa, allowing a mixture proportion
t(a/z)(n-1) corresponds to a tabulated value (Distribution t) that could replace a portion of cement up to 11 %. The limiting
for a significance level of 5 % (95 % confidence) and degree of property of slender precast components of structural mortar
freedom (n-1); mix with cement replacement by limestone powder was water
“s” is the standard deviation of the sample evaluated by absorption index, showing that durability parameters may be
linear regression of each property as a function of the con- more relevant than just controlling mechanical strength.
stituents’ materials; and
“n” stands for number of samples. Conflict of interest
With the value of maximum percentage replacement, it is
possible to find the values of other properties by the equations None.
found and represented in each Figure, as shown in Table 5,
proving that properties with up to this value of substitution
(11 %) meet all properties’ requirements (Table 5), generating
a suitable structural mortar mix for slender structures.
Acknowledgements to UFMG, CAPPES, FAPEMIG, and CNPQ
4. Conclusions
This research aimed to present the behavior of structural mor-
tar when cement is partially replaced by an inert smaller
material paying attention to durability characteristics and to
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