Effect of Limestone Powder Substitution On Mechanical Properties and Durability of Slender Precast Components of Structural Mortar

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2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856

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Original Article

Effect of limestone powder substitution on

mechanical properties and durability of slender
precast components of structural mortar

Alessandra Tolentino Souza ∗ , Thiago Ferreira Barbosa, Lucas Andrade Riccio,

White Jose dos Santos ∗
Department of Materials Engineering and Construction. Federal University of Minas Gerais. Antônio Carlos Avenue. 6627 – Pampulha -
Class 3320 - UFMG’s Engineering Building ZIP Code: 31.270-901, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of structural mortars on slender components is already widely spread. However,
Received 15 September 2019 due to the current demand, the high consumption of cement is the primarily responsible
Accepted 11 November 2019 for carbon emissions and for cost increase. The objective of this research is to study the effect
Available online 21 November 2019 of partial substitution (0 %, 9 %, 16 %, 23 % and 30 %) of cement by limestone powder focusing
on slender precast structures, natural sand, Portland Cement CP-V, limestone powder and
Keywords: a polycarboxylate superplasticizer were used. It measured mini-cone slump flow test, mass
Limestone powder addition density at fresh and hardened state, water absorption index, porosity, modulus of elasticity,
Partial substitution compressive strength and electrical resistivity. It is noticed that the substitution content
Durability significantly influences the properties also the durability parameters are more affected than
Structural mortar. mechanical properties. The restrictive property was the water absorption index, allowing
the cement substitution by limestone powder up to 11 % to maintain mortar properties
according to standards.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

the industries are progressively using and reusing materi-

1. Introduction als that are more efficient and that can be used sustainably
Civil construction demands a profusion of products and raw
In this line of work, there is the structural mortar that is
materials, which extraction and management generate envi-
characterized as high compressive resistance, also known as
ronmental impacts, such as erosion, siltation of water bodies,
micro concrete [4,5] high performance micro concrete [6] or
ground water and water source contamination [1]. Therefore
high-performance mortar [7]. As presented in NBR 11,173 [8], it
consists on a mortar compound of minimum of 25 MPa of com-

pressive resistance, which has steel meshes. They are pieces of
Corresponding authors.
small thickness, made of mortar and reinforcement, of limited
E-mails: alessandratsouza@gmail.com (A.T. Souza),
thiagovaga@yahoo.com.br (T.F. Barbosa), lucasriccio@gmail.com opening steel mesh throughout the cross-section. Structural
(L.A. Riccio), white.santos@demc.ufmg.br (W.J. Santos). mortars require strict control over its execution because of
2238-7854/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
848 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856

the mesh application, small piece thickness and covers [9].

Table 1 – Fine aggregate characterization.
They need qualified work force [10] and control at mix design
Cement Limestone Powder Aggregate
and materials proportions [1]. Among its properties, it is pos-
sible to highlight the fluidity and workability at fresh state, D10 (␮m) 1.2 1.3 100
and compressive strength and elasticity modulus at hardened D50 (␮m) 12 2.5 400
state [10]. Because of these qualities the self-compacting mor- D90 (␮m) 50 27 1100
tar spreads going through the small spaces between the steel Dmax (mm) – – 2.4
FM – – 2.222
meshes reducing porosity and defects in the concrete and
γr (kg/dm3 ) 3.060 2.674 2.591
mortar structures [11–13]. γu (kg/dm3 ) – – 1.496
Structural mortars can be used in thin-walled [14], rein- SSA (m2 /g) 9.63 10.16 –
forced concrete shells [15] and thin reinforced concrete roofing Porosity (%) 0.930 0.900 –
[16]. Their thickness can vary from 5 to 8 cm and because of Dp (nm) 0.008 0.003 –
this the reinforcement corrosion must be analyzed carefully
FM - Fineness Module; γr – Specific gravity; γu – Bulk Density; SSA -
due to the thin cover thickness [13–16]. Generally the slen-
Specific Surface Area; Dp - Pore Diameter.
der precast structures is dictated by the fire resistance rating
requirements. And the reinforcement is determined by wind
load, earthquake or the fire stability load of 0,5 kPa associated
to ductility factor [14,15].
Most studies on prefabricated thin slabs are related to
size dimensioning and little is studied about the associated
building materials [13–16]. Due to the relation between the
environmental issues and the high demand of environmen-
tal friendly products, researches are being made focusing
on improving the results obtained by this product, whether
to reduce costs, attenuate environmental impacts or even
improve interesting features for its application [17]. To achieve
these results, mineral additions are used, such as limestone
powder addition, micro silica, fly ash, Nano silica and Nano
titanium [12,13]. Limestone addition is characterized as an
inert material; inert or inactive additions are type I and gener-
ally are used to enhance viscosity of self-compacting concrete
Partial substitution of cement by limestone powder, as
studied by Nepomuceno, Oliveira and Lopes [13], presented
20 %, 40 % and 60 % substitution, showed that it can
Fig. 1 – Particle size (Limestone powder and cement).
enhances rheological properties of cohesion, avoiding parti-
cles segregation [13]. Varhen [15], on his study, approaches
the substitutions of fines, cement and filler, for 2 %, 60
% and 80 % by limestone, and the study highlights the
positive effects on cohesion of self-compacting concrete. 2. Materials and experimental program
However, it also highlights the viscosity increase, which
could have a negative effect when pumping the concrete. 2.1. Materials
This type of substitution has been positive on inhibiting
the temperature rise and preventing hydraulic retraction This study used Portland Cement CPV-ARI, because it is widely
cracks [13], it provides lower hydraulic retraction indexes used in structural mortar precast industry and because it has
when compared to mixtures without addition [18]. It is a small addition (5 % of limestone powder), allowing a better
important to highlight the cost reduction at materials acqui- evaluation of the influence of his substitution, Its characteris-
sition and the environmental benefits attached to the lower tics are presented in Table 1, Fig. 1 and 2. Limestone powder
consumption of Portland cement [18]. As for the mechan- passing in Mesh 100 (opening 0150 mm) characteristics are in
ical properties, it is found that limestone powder content Figure 1, 2 and Table 1. The water used was from a public water
above 15 % does not participate in hydration reactions, supply, in accordance with NBR 15900-1 [21]. Fine aggregate
resulting in a non-densified matrix, due to the increased from natural quartz were used, its characterization followed
pore size, lower compressive strength and tensile strength ABNT NM 248 [22], and the results are in Table 1 and Fig. 3.
[19,20]. Table 2 shows the chemical composition of cement and
Therefore, the objective of this research is to evaluate the limestone powder. Mortar composition also has polycarboxy-
effects of partial substitution of cement by limestone powder, late superplasticizer described as a liquid admixture of normal
paying attention to durability characteristics and to mechani- cure, indicated for pre-cast industry, high initial strength
cal resistance of structural mortar focusing on slender precast concretes, high performance concretes and self-compacting
structures. concretes.
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856 849

Fig. 2 – Limestone powder (a) and cement (b) at SEM (scanning electron microscopy).

Table 3 – Materials mass proportions.

Sample Cement LimestonePowder Sand Water Admixture

1 1.00 0.00 0.015

2 0.91 0.09 0.014
3 0.84 0.16 2.12 0.45 0.013
4 0.77 0.23 0.012
5 0.70 0.30 0.011

it. The mixture continued being blended for 5 more min-

d) After the last mixture procedure, the mortar rested for
2 min and after this period, the samples were molded,

For water/fine ratio, or water/ (cement + limestone powder)

ratio, the proportion adopted were 045 by mass. Nepomuceno
[13] registered experiments with mortar with water/cement
ratio around 0,60, obtaining compressive strength over 40 MPa.
Thus, this research has the intention to reach and to prove the
standards determinations [8], with water/cement ratio over
045 (keeping the kneading water and reducing the cement
Fig. 3 – Particle size distribution of sand. content), and with this, reducing the production cost, which
is generally associated to cement’s high cost.
The admixture content used on dosage was adjusted
2.2. Experimental program according to fluidity and cohesion of samples, because struc-
tural mortars need to fill the mesh obstructions, completely
The percentages of limestone powder substitution were filling all gaps of the mold. This research used the parameters
related to cement’s mass, being them, 0 %, 9 %, 16 %, 23 % and recommended to self-compacting structural mortars [8,11,13].
30 %, generating materials proportions expressed in Table 3. Mini-cone slump flow test and Mini v-funnel test were done
Materials mixture were done following the steps bellow: to verify the fluidity. Mini-cone slump flow test experiment
followed the recommendations of Rao [11] and Nepomuceno
a) Insertion of aggregate, cement and cement substitution on [13], they state that Gm, for self-compacting structural mor-
mortar mixer, They were mixed for 1 min; tar must be between 5.3 and 5.9, and Dm must be between
b) Adding 80 % of water content and then the mixture contin- 251 mm and 263 mm, Mini v-funnel test is the determination
ues for 1 more minute in order to homogenize the mixture; of time (t – seconds) of mortar’s sample flow through a funnel
c) The second part of water containing 20 % of the remaining structure, “V” shape. With flow time, it is possible to calculate
water was slowly added with the superplasticizer mixed in Rm parameter. The range, that best achieve the desirable char-

Table 2 – Chemical composition of materials used.

Material SiO2 Al2 O3 Fe2 O3 CaO MgO TiO2 P2 O5 Na2 O K2 O MnO LOI

CPV-ARI 21.3 4.26 2.36 65.4 2.68 0.27 0.22 0.16 0.88 2.21 5.62
Limestonepowder 5.79 1.44 0.69 55.7 0.53 0.07 0.16 <0.1 0.19 34.66 35.39
850 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856

FG- 8102 of Politerm from Laboratory of materials characteri-

Table 4 – Experimental program.
zation of civil construction and Mechanics of UFMG.
Experiments Age(days) Number of
For the remaining experiments, samples (10 × 20) cm2 ,
cured by 28 days, were used. Specific mass were measured
Specific mass at fresh state [26] 0 3 according to NBR 12,278 [26], water absorption index and
Elasticity Modulus [24] 28 4 porosity, both according to NBR 9778 [27] and capillary absorp-
Compressive strength [23] 28 4 tion according to NBR 15,259 [28]. These properties were
Specific mass at hardened state [27] 28 4
obtained measuring the amount of water that penetrates the
Digital microscope images 28 4
Porosity [26] 28 4
sample, using a weight balance with 0.01 g precision. Digital
Water absorption index [27] 28 4 microscope with 1000x magnification were used to analyze
Eletric Resistivity [25] 28 4 superficial images of the mortars with limestone substitution
Mini-cone slump flow test [11,13] 0 3 to better evaluate the matrix behavior and the association of
Mini v-funnel test [12] 0 3 aggregates with composites. The images were taken from the
ruptured section of porosity and water absorption samples
acteristics of flow and viscosity, is between 1.14 and 1.30 s−1 after these tests. The images chosen for each mixture were
[12]. the most representative regarding the pore distribution and
The experiments were conducted to analyze the specified shape.
characteristics in Table 4, regarding durability and mechan-
ical properties of slender precast components of structural
mortar. Some experiments were done following standards 3. Results and discussions
and other experiments following technical and scientific
researches as resistivity, last one listed in Table 4, according to The intention of this research was to evaluate self-compacting
the sources mentioned, the mechanical and durability aspects structural mortars (SCM) studding its durability characteristics
of structural mortar were evaluated, focusing on obtaining a and mechanical properties [8]. Measurements and experi-
self-compacting structural mortar [8]. ments were made to evaluate if the cement substitution by
Cement and limestone powder were characterized: the limestone powder influences the properties. Samples should
particle size analysis was performed on a Sympatec laser behave between the follow parameters:
diffraction particle size model Helos 12LA, computerized on
the 50 mm lens; Specific Surface Area (SSA) and porosity - Specific mass at fresh state must be greater than or equal to
was evaluated in the fine fractions of the waste with Quan- 1.800 g/m3 ;
tachrome Nova 1200e equipment, Quantachrome NovaWin - Water absorption index must not overcome 8 %, when deter-
software version 11.02. The adsorbate used was nitrogen (N2 ) mined according to NBR 9778 [27];
on an analysis period of 24 h for each sample. The spe- - The characteristic compressive strength must be greater
cific surface area was calculated by the multipoint method than 25 MPa.
in the BET adsorption isotherm, and the NLDFT method by
the desorption isotherm to calculate porosity. The Malvern- 3.1. Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity
Panalytical X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, MagixFast from
Geosol was used to determine the chemical composition of the Cement replacement by limestone powder decreased the com-
samples, which were prepared by lithium tetraborate fusion. pressive strength, not only by increasing porosity but also
The Ignition loss was achieved by decomposing the samples by decreasing hydration products, as limestone is an inert
by calcination in muffle furnace at 1000 ◦ C. Specific density material (Fig. 4). However, it is possible to see in Fig. 4 that
was analysed on a Quantachrome, SPY-3, and helium gas all mixtures achieved results above 40 MPa [12,13]. Compres-
pycnometer. The Quanta FEG 3D FEI Scanning Electron Micro- sive strength reduced by 33.71 % on 30 % limestone addition.
scope coupled to a DES no. Images were obtained with 5 kV It was a significant reduction, although it is a lesser impor-
secondary electron detector and 10 mm working distance. Dis- tant property for a structural mortar as water absorption.
persive Energy Spectroscopy (DES) analyses were performed As the cement is replaced by limestone powder, the matrix
with 15 kV acceleration voltage and 10 mm working distance showed irregular particle size distribution, which explain the
with carbon metallization 15 nm thick. increased cohesion of the compound impairing workability,
Compressive strength test followed NBR 7215 [23] rec- grain to grain rolling, and packaging, resulting in more voids
ommendations, it was evaluated with 28 days on 5 × 10 cm and lower compactness [29]. And that is possible because the
samples with the aid of EMIC press, which has a load appli- limestone powder diameter is smaller (Fig. 1 and 2) and the
cation of 0.5 MPa and 10 Kgf of precision. Dynamic Elasticity specific surface area is larger (Table 1) than on cement.
Modulus (Ed ) were measured with forced resonance, accord- In addition, admixture content suffers a reduction, reach-
ing to ASTM C 215 [24], with MKII Erudite equipment, samples ing 26.67 % on 30 % of limestone powder replacement, due
had 10 cm diameter and 20 cm height. to the smaller specific area (Table 1) of the limestone in rela-
The direct current of electrical resistivity test was mea- tion to the cement, reducing the water consumption for the
sured by Santos [25] method, It was generated for each sample same plasticity. Similarly, the cement/ water ratio suffered
by an applied potential difference between two electrodes an expressive increase from 0.45 to 0.64, an increase of 42.86
positioned on the surface of saturated samples. The equip- %. This increase is explained because of the settlement of
ment used for this experiment were digital function generator water/fine ratio established at the beginning of the study. It
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856 851

Fig. 4 – Compressive strength (fc ), water/cement ratio (w/c) Fig. 5 – Elasticity modulus (Ed ) results versus percentage of
and Agent content reduction (%Ad ) versus percentage of substitution.

also increased the void, left by anhydrate water, increasing

porosity (21.93 %) and reducing compressive strength up to
33.71 %.
It is important to notice that Nepomuceno [13] obtained
similar results of compressive strength for self-compacting
mortars, around 50 MPa with water/cement ratio between 0.45
and 0.55. Poggiali [30] registered mortars with water/cement
ratio of 0.50, using 10 % of cement substitution for sug-
arcane ash, obtaining compressive strength around 45 MPa.
Therefore, this research obtained higher values using an
inert material, with lower cement consumption and higher
water/cement ratio. This increase is justified by the adjust-
ment of cement particles and limestone powder adjustment
(Fig. 1 and 2). It is noteworthy that results could be optimized
by maintaining water/cement ratio and using a more efficient
proportion of high-performance water reducing admixtures
Fig. 6 – Specific mass at fresh state (γf ) and Specific mass at
Dynamic modulus of elasticity (Fig. 5) is an important
hardened state (γh ) results versus percentage of
property for slender structures, because larger the dynamic
modulus of elasticity is, greater the structure’s difficulty in
absorbing deformation. Slender precast components of struc-
tural mortar with lower water/cement ratio generally have a
higher elasticity modulus due to less pores quantity [32,33]. for this property is 1.89 g/cm3 for slender precast compo-
The results of the five samples (Fig. 7) showed that elastic- nents of structural mortar. All mixtures meet the specified
ity modulus varies between 27.32–31.62 GPa, varying up to conditions for specific mass, whether fresh or hardened,
13.71 % in relation to the reference sample. This is supported so it is not a parameter for delimitation for these mor-
by literature [34], which states that smallest elasticity mod- tars.
ulus is associated with the increase of incorporated air, in Increasing the specific mass at fresh state is generally asso-
other words, with higher porosity results and lower values of ciated with increasing content of water reducing agent [31],
mechanical properties. however it is possible to observe by correlating Fig. 6 and Fig. 4
that the largest admixture reduction generated a reduction
3.2. Specific mass on specific mass, thus, the most important parameter in this
study is the increased water/cement ratio, increasing porosity
NBR 11173 [8] does not specify whether the specific mass and reducing specific mass at hardened state. In fresh state,
analyzed should be at fresh or hardened state, because of the presence of admixture is more intense on mortars rich in
that, both situations were analyzed as seen in Fig. 6. The cement, which generated mortar densification [31] increasing
bibliography [8] indicates that the lowest limit parameter specific mass.
852 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856

Fig. 7 – Open porosity (P) and water absorption index (Ai) Fig. 8 – Capillary absorption results versus time.
results versus percentage of substitution. Note: Each curve corresponds to a content (0 %, 9 %, 16 %, 23
% and 30 %) of cement replacement by limestone powder,

It can be seen in Fig. 6 that the specific mass at hardened

state’s behavior is similar, Variation up to 2.87 % for specific resistance mortars with compressive strength higher than
mass at fresh state and up to 8.82 % for specific mass at hard- 40 MPa, an average value of 12 %. None of the substitution
ened state, which shows how the two properties are closely got higher values, proving to be a durable material, even with
linked to air content incorporated during mixture procedure the increased water absorption. This result is corroborated
and with pores generated by water that didn’t hydrate. The by Fig. 8 and 9, which show that capillary water absorption
water outflow at hardening of samples favored density drop index has a direct relationship with porosity and its inter-
of all mixtures [35], being an average decrease of 6 %, decreas- connection. Greater the probability of interaction between
ing the range of hardened density results compared to specific the pores, greater will be the permeability of the mixture
mass at fresh state. [30]. The low degree of permeability is important in pro-
tecting the meshes against water percolation and aggressive
3.3. Water absorption by immersion, porosity and agents that may compromise the durability of the system
digital microscope image [30].
It is observed in Fig. 9 that mixtures with higher content
With the results, expressed on Fig. 7, it is possible to observe of limestone powder addition have larger amount of pores
that as the percentage of limestone powder replacement with smaller diameter allowing interconnection between the
increases, it also increases the voids in the mixture, increas- pores, increasing water absorption by immersion, capillarity
ing the water absorption by immersion of the material, which and porosity. Samples with 16 %, 23 % and 30 % substitution
can be harmful to the structural mortar’s durability. A substi- have smaller and irregular shaped pores around the larger
tution of up to 30 % of cement generated an increase of up pores, while reference mixture and 9 % of substitution sam-
to 25.53 % on water absorption by immersion. According to ples, the pores have a bigger diameter and they are spherical.
NBR 11173 [8], the water absorption index of the slender pre- Some water reducing agent have the side effect of incorpo-
cast components on structural mortars should not be higher rating air [1,36], and in this study it is possible to see the
than 8 %, as this condition guarantees steel mesh protection in generation of spherical pores, as in Fig. 9. Irregular pores are
slender reinforced structures. Up to 9 % (sample’s results) and usually from particle size mismatch (Fig. 1 and 2), in other
around 15 % (curve approximation) are an adequate replace- words, the aggregate, limestone powder addition and cement
ment of cement by limestone, attending the upper limit of 8 ratio generated voids because of the lack of some particle sizes
% of water absorption. to fill these pores [37,38].
Porosity results (Fig. 7) show that with the increase of The larger specific surface area of limestone particles
water/cement ratio there is an amount of water added in the demanded more water and as the amount of water was
mixture, which after the cement hydration reaction becomes the same, the cement hydration was compromised (excess
pores, because it is vaporized, thus, increasing the mor- of water), thus the paste did not wrapped the aggre-
tar’s porosity. It is noticeable that greater the replacement gates well due to the formation of water slides around
of cement by limestone powder, greater the porosity of the it, and it also emerged many pores because of the excess
material. Samples with substitutions of cement up to 30 % of water [38]. According to Tutikian [14] and Peng [37],
had porosity increase up to 21.93 %, a significant value for refinement of pores structure, seen in Fig. 9, is a con-
the material’s durability. According to Neville and Brooks [29], sequence of the filler effect caused by limestone powder.
it can be considered as porosity parameter, for high initial In general, the images verify the water absorption and
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856 853

Fig. 10 – Electrical resistivity (R) and Capillarity coefficient

results versus percentage of substitution.

3.4. Electrical resistivity and capillary filtration


Electrical resistivity results were very satisfactory as it is an

important parameter for corrosion assessment of reinforced
concrete structures (Fig. 10). Whiting [41] described that the
very high probability of corrosion range corresponds to resis-
tivity less than 5 k.cm, high corrosion range is 5–10 K.cm,
moderated to low corrosion range is 10–20 K.cm, and low
corrosion range is above 20 k.cm, for Santos [20], resistiv-
ity is related to fluid permeability, ion diffusivity through the
material pores and cement paste hydration. Lubeck [42] states
that resistivity is highly sensitive to several factors related to
concrete composition, such as water/cement ratio, consump-
tion and type of cement, type of aggregate mineral additions
and admixtures, as they promote changes in size and pore
distribution, internal humidity and pH, among other factors.
Therefore, the increase in pores caused by the growth of
water/cement ratio, and saturation of specimen before the
Fig. 9 – Digital microscope for each percentage of
experiment makes easier to electricity be conducted through
the saturated pores, thus reducing electrical resistivity. How-
ever, as shown in Fig. 10, all mortars proportions obtained
results in low corrosion ranges, above 20 k.cm, with low
corrosion tendency.
porosity results, since few intercommunicated pores were Mehta [43] demonstrated that resistivity is an important
found. However, mixtures with higher substitutions create parameter to evaluate corrosion in reinforced concrete struc-
pore connection, which increase porosity and water absorp- tures as it is often caused due to alkalinity (carbonation), with
tion, thus reducing the durability of reinforced mortars alkalis influence on porosity percolation or significant amount
[39,40]. of Chloride’s ion penetration. In this work, it is noticeable the
Thus, its notice that the elasticity modulus (Fig. 5) was influence of pore permeability, defined by capillary coefficient
less influenced by the substitution than other properties; such (Fig. 10), which shows that the samples with lower permeabil-
as compressive strength (Fig. 4), porosity (Fig. 7,9) and water ity (9 % and 15 % substitutions by limestone) show greater
absorption (Fig. 7), which showed similar behavior (gain in resistivity, even higher than reference sample, demonstrating
compressive strength, is inversely proportional to porosity that at this percentages the structural mortar mix tends to
increase, and also the increase in water absorption is directly be more durable. It is evident that the substitution content
proportional to porosity increase, but all properties presented identified in item 3.3 (15 %) proves to be a good option for the
linear behavior as the percentage of substitution increases). electrical resistivity parameter as well.
854 j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856

Table 5 – Result of properties at maximum substitution content.

Sample Obtaining Form Value found Limit

Water aborption (%) Ai = 6.531 t + 6.936 7.25 ≤8

Compressive strength (MPa) fc = −76.66 t + 66.971 58.54 ≥ 25
Modulus of elasticity (GPa) Ed = −14.552 t + 31.971 30.37 –
Specific mass at fresh state (g/cm3 ) γf = −0.7083 t + 2.4005 2.323 ≥
Specific mass at hardened state (g/cm3 ) γe = −0.2232 t + 2.1075 2.083 1.800
Porosity (%) P = 11.846 t + 14.702 16.01 –
Electrical resistivity (k.cm) Linear interpolation ≈ 50 –
Capillary coefficient (g/cm2 ) Linear interpolation ≈ 30 –

3.5. Optimal percentage of substitution - Water absorption by immersion and porosity increased
about 23 % compared to reference mixture due to the excess
All properties were influenced by cement replacement and of water and grain adjustment of components of mixtures
because of this the incorporation of limestone powder should samples;
be done with caution. Because of the parameters expressed - Compressive strength dropped more than 30 % due to hydra-
at the beginning of this chapter, it is clear that the limit- tion products reduction and increased porosity in matrix
ing property is water absorption by immersion, having an and in aggregate/paste transition zone;
upper limit of 8 % [8]. The others limitations: Compressive - Elasticity modulus, with the increased percentage of substi-
strength (25 MPa) and specific mass (1.8 g/cm3 ) were lower tution, varied by a maximum of 13 % and specific masses by
than the values found in this research, thus, the water absorp- a maximum of 8 % compared to reference sample, without
tion by immersion (Ai ) equation found by linear regression substitution. Being more preponderant in those properties
(Excel trend line - Equation 1) was used to define the maxi- the voids left by water evaporation and water reducing agent
mum percentage of substitution (t), being 16.29 % of cement reduction;
substitution. Since the standard deviation of water absorp- - Electrical resistivity had its behavior associated with pore
tion results were around 5 % and considering a reliability of 95 permeability, in other words, closer to capillary filtration
%. When using Equation 2, the maximum substitution value absorption and capillary filtration coefficient, demonstrat-
should be around 11 %. ing that up to 11 % substitution the structural mortar mix
would not show corrosion or degradation.
Ai = 6.531t+6.936(1)

Mixed mortars must meet a mix design condition given by It was concluded that even using a water/cement ratio
equation 2 [1]: greater than 0.45, water absorption index, porosity, elastic-
ity modulus, electrical resistivity and specific mass provided
Fd = Fk ±t(a/z)(n-1) , s(2)
adequate results. Within the standards, proving that slen-
Where: Fd corresponds to the mix design limit of certain der precast components of structural mortar mix could be
properties of the mortar; more durable. Axial compressive strength was compromised
Fk corresponds to the characteristic limit of a certain prop- with the increased cement replacement, but despite that, it
erty of the mortar; remained higher than 40 MPa, allowing a mixture proportion
t(a/z)(n-1) corresponds to a tabulated value (Distribution t) that could replace a portion of cement up to 11 %. The limiting
for a significance level of 5 % (95 % confidence) and degree of property of slender precast components of structural mortar
freedom (n-1); mix with cement replacement by limestone powder was water
“s” is the standard deviation of the sample evaluated by absorption index, showing that durability parameters may be
linear regression of each property as a function of the con- more relevant than just controlling mechanical strength.
stituents’ materials; and
“n” stands for number of samples. Conflict of interest
With the value of maximum percentage replacement, it is
possible to find the values of other properties by the equations None.
found and represented in each Figure, as shown in Table 5,
proving that properties with up to this value of substitution
(11 %) meet all properties’ requirements (Table 5), generating
a suitable structural mortar mix for slender structures.
Acknowledgements to UFMG, CAPPES, FAPEMIG, and CNPQ
4. Conclusions
This research aimed to present the behavior of structural mor-
tar when cement is partially replaced by an inert smaller
material paying attention to durability characteristics and to
[1] Santos WJ, Alvarenga RCSS, Pedroti LG, Silva RC, Freire AS,
mechanic resistance of slender precast structures. Given this Moraes BA. CC Carvalho. Proposal for a mix design method
we can list the following conclusions: for coating mortar with artificial crushing sand. Ambiente
j m a t e r r e s t e c h n o l . 2 0 2 0;9(1):847–856 855

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