B 03 110921e Solubility Enhance Compendium PDF
B 03 110921e Solubility Enhance Compendium PDF
B 03 110921e Solubility Enhance Compendium PDF
Pharma Ingredients & Services
68623 Lampertheim, Germany
October 2011
1 Formulation of problem drugs – and they are
all problem drugs 1
5 Soluplus®
6 Kolliphor™ TPGS
7 Kolliphor™ HS 15
8 Kolliphor™ RH 40
9 Kolliphor™ EL / ELP
12 Alphabetical index
Sebastian Koltzenburg
1 Formulation of problem drugs – and they are 9
all problem drugs
1.1 Introduction 9
1.1.1 Classification of poorly soluble drugs: The Biopharmaceutical 9
Classification System (BCS)
1.1.2 Poorly soluble drugs: The thermodynamics behind the problem 12
1.2 Approaches to overcome this issue 13
1.2.1 Surfactants 14
1.2.2 Complex formation with polymers 20
1.2.3 Nanotechnology: The kinetic approach 22
1.3 Summary and outlook 26
Thomas Reintjes
4 Overview chart: BASF pharma polymers for 64
solubility enhancement
Dejan Djuric
5 Soluplus® 67
5.1 Composition 67
5.2 Properties 67
5.3 Applications 68
Jochen Dressler
6 Kolliphor™ TPGS 73
6.1 Composition 73
6.2 Properties 74
6.3 Applications 76
Shaukat Ali
7 Kolliphor™ HS 15 79
7.1 Composition 79
7.2 Properties 81
7.3 Applications 83
Shaukat Ali
8 Kolliphor™ RH 40 89
8.1 Composition 89
8.2 Properties 90
8.3 Applications 90
Shaukat Ali
9 Kolliphor™ EL / ELP 95
9.1 Composition 95
9.2 Properties 96
9.3 Applications 98
Thomas Reintjes
10 Kolliphor™ P grades (Poloxamers) 103
10.1 Composition 103
10.2 Properties 105
10.3 Applications 109
Thomas Reintjes
11 Soluble Kollidon® grades 112
11.1 Composition 112
11.2 Properties 113
11.3 Applications 117
First of all, I would like to thank all those authors who contributed to this compendium.
The authors are current or former BASF and Cognis employees who have essentially
devoted their free time to completing the chapters. In addition to their written contribu-
tions, they have given their input in many discussions on the final concept of this book.
My special thanks go to Ulf Matussek and Hans-Jürgen Doelger for their support
and ideas in creating the cover picture and to James Brawley for his professional
language editing.
Furthermore, I would like to thank all those colleagues who helped in proofreading
and for providing many valuable comments for improving the quality and compre-
hensibility of the texts and diagrams.
Finally I would like to acknowledge the work of my colleagues from the ‘Service-
center Medien und Kommunikation’ who transferred the drafts into the final lay-
out, continuously introduced changes and who gave this compendium its visually
attractive design.
October 2011
Thomas Reintjes (Editor)
Sebastian Koltzenburg
1 Formulation of problem drugs – and they are
all problem drugs
1.1 Introduction
About 90 % of all compounds in today’s pharmaceutical drug delivery pipelines are
reported to be poorly soluble in water [1]. This poses enormous problems for the
industry; for an active pharmaceutical ingredient cannot reach its molecular target in
the body if the drug remains undissolved in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and is even-
tually excreted. The message is simple: drugs that don’t dissolve will not heal you.
Therefore, poor solubility is a critical factor if the molecule is to survive the pharmaceu-
tical development process. Even those molecules that would have a highly beneficial
effect on their physiological target would not be further developed if their bioavailability
is limited by their solubility in water. Thus, solubilization technologies that overcome
this issue by increasing the solubility of such drug candidates are becoming more and
more important to the pharmaceutical industry by opening up pathways to prepare
effective and marketable drugs from actives that would otherwise be useless. This
chapter will explain the thermodynamics behind the problem of poor solubility and
depict approaches to overcome it.
Since poor solubility and issues related to this are not specific to pharmaceuticals,
this chapter will follow an out-of-the box approach and show where solutions es-
tablished in other applications can help us overcome solubility problems in medicinal
From a very rough perspective, drug candidates can suffer from two main problems
(apart from an almost infinite number of further problems when it comes to details):
solubility and permeability. These represent the basis used to classify drug candida-
tes into four fundamental classes, a methodology known as the Biopharmaceutical
Classification System (BCS), introduced by Amidon et al. [2]. Figure 1.1 illustrates
this classification, complemented by an assessment of the percentage of new drug
candidates in the four classes:
lass I: In this class, we find drugs (or rather: drug candidates) with both high
solubility and high permeability. They dissolve fast and quantitatively and are readily
taken up by the intestine, eventually reaching their target in the body.
lass II: These are drugs which would easily penetrate the relevant physio-
logical barriers but suffer from poor solubility in the aqueous body fluids. Their share
of the modern drug delivery pipeline is continuously growing.
lass III: Such actives are soluble in the GIT, but they are not taken up by the
body. Like class II actives, they risk being excreted without exercising any physio-
logical effect.
lass IV: This is the nightmare for the medicinal chemist: drugs that neither dis-
solve nor penetrate physiological barriers.
All these drugs pose particular problems in the development cycle. Class I drugs
do not normally have bioavailability problems (unless other problems such as fast
metabolism or the like occur). However, in some cases, their pharmacokinetics can
be compared to a military airplane: they appear extremely fast out of nowhere, and
they disappear just as quickly. In other words: we observe a very fast increase in
blood plasma levels, although, from a pharmacokinetic perspective, sometimes a
slower but longer lasting action would be desirable. In such cases, one option is
to work with a polymer-based formulation that deliberately retards drug dissolution
and thus drives the kinetics in the direction of a slow release system.
about the use of penetration enhancers, and there are definitely mechanisms that
increase the permeation of molecules through the gastrointestinal wall. However, the 1
intestine is usually full of substances that the body does not want to penetrate into the
portal vein – for good reasons – and unselective enhancement of penetration of this
fundamental membrane implies the risk of significant side effects.
Class IV actives are usually outside of what is called the “drugable space”. This space
is indicated by the green line in Fig. 1.1. They combine the problems of class II and
class III drugs, and often the best way to get out of such a situation is to send the
candidate back to the pharmaceutical chemist and ask for chemical alternatives. If
there are reasons to believe that this active will have an excellent performance at the
target, e. g. based on in-silico modeling, prodrugs with enhanced dissolution and
permeability that will be converted into active agents under physiological conditions
are certainly an option to consider.
However, in some cases we can also observe poor water solubility with molecules
that are composed of quite a significant number of polar moieties, such as itracona-
zole (Fig. 1.3). Such molecules usually have a high molar mass and dissolve neither in
aqueous nor in non-polar solvents. To understand the reason behind this behavior, let
us briefly consider the thermodynamics of the matter.
Cl O N N N
Figure 1.3 hemical structure of itraconazole as an example of
a polar but nevertheless poorly soluble molecule.
Without wanting to go too deeply into theory, let us consider the thermodynamic
driving force behind dissolution processes. This driving force, characterized by Gibbs
free energy ΔG, is composed of two fundamental contributions, enthalpy ΔH and
entropy ΔS, according to equation 1.1, known as the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.
ΔG = ΔH – T · ΔS (1.1)
When two substances of equal molecular size (i. e. molecular volume) are mixed in
a so-called regular mixture, this driving force is represented by
The interaction parameter χ quantifies the interaction between the two compounds in
the mixture. The larger (i. e. more positive) this parameter is, the higher (more positive)
is the interaction enthalpy of the two compounds. Please recall that a positive en-
thalpy is indicative of an endothermal process that consumes heat (rather than
releasing it), so this is an enthalpically unfavorable process. Many mixing processes
are endothermal unless there are specific interactions between the components
constituting the mixture, such as acid-base interactions.
If you look at the entropy contribution to the total Gibbs free energy in equation 1.2, it be-
comes clear that this term is always positive (since volume fractions in mixtures are always
smaller than unity, the logarithm is negative, which compensates for the minus preceding
the terms. Positive ΔS values characterize processes that are entropically favorable.
From these simple considerations, it becomes clear that entropy always favors
mixing1, whereas a typically positive mixing enthalpy often counteracts it. For a 1
typical “grease ball”, it becomes clear immediately that the interaction of a pure
hydrocarbon with water is enthalpically so unfavorable that its contribution to the
overall Gibbs free energy over-compensates for the favorable mixing entropy. As a
result, “grease balls” are water-insoluble.
However, what is the problem with molecules such as itraconazole? The molecule
comprises a significant number of polar rings that could interact quite well with water.
To understand this, we must consider the molar volume of the compounds, which
correlates (to a first approximation) to its molar mass. Please remember that equation
(1.2) is valid only if the size of the solvent molecules matches that of the solute. If the
molar volume of the compound to be dissolved exceeds the molar volume of the
solvent, equation (1.2) needs to be modified and becomes
ΔG = ϕ1 lnϕ1 + lnϕ2 + ϕ1 · ϕ2 · χ (1.3)
entropy term enthalpy term
As can be clearly seen in equation 1.3, this additional factor has a large impact on
the mixing entropy. Since Xn is always greater than (or equal to) unity, the favorable
mixing entropy is reduced in such cases, and, consequently, the mixing process is
energetically less favorable. A favorable mixing entropy is easier to compensate for by
the usually unfavorable mixing enthalpy.
This is a very typical situation encountered when working with large active ingredients
in contact with water. Please note that the water molecule is one of the smallest mol-
ecules of all – it is basically one oxygen atom with ears – so this effect is particularly
pronounced for aqueous solutions of large molecules.
Due to the high throughput of today’s drug development pipelines, more and more
complex molecules can be screened and identified as potential new drug candidates.
Therefore, the number of high molar mass candidates is increasing steadily, thus in-
creasing the proportion of class II actives. The three relatively simple thermodynamic
equations thus explain why poor solubility is also a constantly increasing challenge to
the pharmaceutical industry of the third millennium.
So, what can we do to solve this problem? From the formulation point of view, there
are three main approaches:
urfactants Complex formation N
1.2.1 Surfactants
Surfactants are amphiphilic molecules, i. e. molecules with a polar, hydrophilic moiety
(the so-called the “head”) and an non-polar, hydrophobic part usually called the
“tail”. The head group can be ionic or non-ionic, and the resulting structures are
correspondingly referred to as ionic and non-ionic surfactants respectively. Typical
representatives of these two classes are shown O inOFigure 1.4.
O O– Na+
O O– Na+
Figure 1.4 Chemical structures of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), a typical ionic surfac-
HO sorbitan
tant (top), and OHmonostearate (Span 60), a non-ionic surfactant.
Due to the relatively large hydrophobic part, these molecules are not very water-
soluble either. In aqueous solution they exist as individual molecules only at very low
concentrations. However, due to the existence of two (or sometimes more) unlike,
incompatible molecule parts, they show unusual behavior when they reach their
solubility limit. In contrast to “normal” (i. e. non-amphiphilic) substances that simply
precipitate or form a new, relatively pure phase when they exceed their solubility
limit, these substances agglomerate and form so-called supramolecular structures
of well-defined size and shape. Due to the amphiphilic nature of the molecules, the
hydrophobic parts gather and try to aggregate into a hydrophobic domain; however,
the polar head groups do not have any reason to precipitate – they are happy in
the aqueous phase, and they want to stay there. So, what is formed is an – often
spherical – superstructure with a sort of core-shell structure. Here, the hydrophobic
parts are in the core surrounded by the polar head groups, all of which keeps the
whole structure well dispersed in the aqueous phase. Such structures are referred
to as micelles (see Fig. 1.5), and the concentration at which they are formed is the
so-called critical micelle concentration (CMC). Therefore, in contrast to conventional
precipitation processes, we do not observe the formation of a macroscopic, sepa-
rate phase. These micelles are usually extremely small; typical diameters are in the
order of 5 nanometers. Thus, the system remains optically transparent and clear.
To make the story complete, we should mention that a further increase in surfactant
concentration will lead to the formation of additional, so-called liquid crystalline phases, 1
as indicated in Fig. 1.5. These phases comprise, among others, tube-like and laminar
arrangements of surfactant molecules as well as particular arrangements of micelles.
However, a detailed discussion of these phases would go far beyond the scope of this
chapter. For a more comprehensive review on surfactants, see e.g. reference [3].
Figure 1.5 chematic sketch of different surfactant phases formed from individual
surfactant molecules at increasing concentration.
Usually, the CMC for most surfactants is very low. For non-ionic surfactants, it is in the
order of 10-5 mol / L. For ionic surfactants, micelle formation is slightly more difficult
due to the electrostatic repulsion between the ionic head groups; therefore, typical
CMC values are in the order of 10-3 mol / L.
It is important to understand the driving force behind micelle formation. Often, people
tend to argue that micelle formation is caused by the tendency of the hydrophobic
“tails” to attract each other and thus to agglomerate. This point of view is misleading.
In fact, the hydrophobic moieties do not care about their environment. They do not
interact with their surrounding molecules anyway. In contrast, it is the water mol-
ecules with their well-known tendency to form extensive (and relatively strong) hydrogen
bonds that expel the hydrophobic molecule parts. They strongly interact with their
neighbors, and they are very selective as to which molecules they like and which they
don’t. And evidently, they don’t like hydrophobes.
At first glance, one might tend to believe that – from the point of view of the Gibbs-
Helmholtz equation – the driving force is enthalpy. However, like in the discussion of
the poor solubility of large molecules, it is the entropy that makes the difference2. To
understand this, we need to clearly understand that before micelle formation, i. e. in a
state in which the surfactants were molecularly dissolved in the aqueous phase, the
hydrophobic surfactant tails were naturally surrounded by water molecules. Although
T his coincides with my personal feeling that the impact of entropy is notoriously underestimated in
discussions about solubilization and supramolecular effects in general.
there is an unfavorable interaction of these water molecules with the hydrophobic
molecules, they are bound to them. Micelle formation releases these molecules,
and the release of such a high number of small molecules is always favorable with
respect to system entropy. The entropy of the system does not necessarily support
this process. On the contrary, micelle formation can even be an endothermal (!)
process3 driven by entropic forces.
One key aspect of these micelles is the existence of a hydrophobic domain in their
core. The situation can be characterized as an aqueous phase with hydrophobic, non-
polar “holes” in it; and these domains can be used to solubilize non-polar molecules.
The core of a micelle feels like a non-polar solvent; thus, if the solubility of the drug
in non-polar solvents is high – which is particularly true for “grease balls” – they will
dissolve in the core of the micellar phase. This has several important implications:
(a) T
he drug molecules do not separate from the aqueous phase (i. e. they do not
precipitate), but they are still dispersed in the medium, which could be a gastro-
intestinal fluid.
(b) In the micellar core, the drug is stable in the form of individual, dissolved mol-
ecules and not as a crystalline phase. This is extremely important if bioavailability
issues are to be overcome, since it has been known for quite some time that
breaking the crystallinity of active ingredients is a key step in rendering a given
compound more bioavailable.
Nature also uses this highly effective principle in the form of surfactant-like bio-
molecules, e. g. bile salts.
Besides their solubilizing capacity, surfactants also act as dispersants. This means
that they can stabilize small particles of insoluble substances (usually of a size around
or below 1 µm) in a liquid, which is usually water. Again, the amphiphilic character of
the surfactant is utilized: The hydrophobic tail moiety will adsorb onto the hydrophobic
surface of the water-insoluble particle, whereas the hydrophilic head will point away
from it into the aqueous phase. The use of ionic surfactants will lead to electrostati-
cally charged particles, which will be repelled by other particles in the system because
they are equally charged. This helps to disperse the particles in the aqueous phase.
If non-ionic surfactants are used, the hydrophilic parts of the molecule form a sort of
hydrophilic layer around the particle that also prevents particle-particle attraction and
likewise stabilizes an aqueous dispersion.
Similar to the tendency of surfactants to adsorb onto surfaces, they also exhibit a high
affinity to liquid-liquid interfaces (leading to the stabilization of emulsions, i. e. dispersions
of small droplets of one liquid in another) and to liquid-gas interfaces. The latter effect
leads to an accumulation of surfactant molecules at the surfaces of aqueous surfactant
solutions. The hydrophilic parts of the molecule stay in the aqueous phase, whereas
the hydrophobic tails point out of the water into the air. This may sound surprising.
16 A n alternative explanation proposes that the structure of the water molecules in vicinity of the
hydrophobic tail is severely disturbed, and that they take on a structure similar to ice. Upon micelle
formation, this structure is destroyed. The melting of ice is known to be an endothermal process
leading to an increase of entropy due to increased mobility of the individual water molecules.
However, please remember that hydrophobic molecules or molecule moieties do not
care about their molecular environment – just like air. In this sense, gases can be 1
considered as hydrophobic media.
Surface tension [mN/m]
Surfactant concentration (log)
Figure 1.6 S
chematic diagram of surface tension as a function of surfactant concentration.
Please note that the driving force ΔG for micelle formation depends on temperature,
according to equation (1.1). The higher the driving force for micelle formation, the lower
the CMC. Therefore, the CMC is also a function of temperature. As a consequence,
the phase behavior of surfactants is both a function of concentration and temperature,
A gain, I must refer to specialized literature for a detailed discussion of methods to determine the
CMC of surfactant solutions.
and in analogy to the critical micelle concentration at a given temperature, one can
also define a critical micelle temperature at a given surfactant concentration. From all
this, it becomes clear that surfactants are a fascinating (and very well investigated)
class of molecules that exert a significant impact on the properties of pure water, go-
ing far beyond its usual properties. Micelles can act as “nano-sinks” for poorly soluble
drugs, provided that they dissolve in the hydrophobic core of these micelles. There-
fore, they present an attractive potential solution to overcome poor water solubility of
BCS class II actives, and in particular for the “grease ball” fraction among them.
Oil droplet
Capsule filled with:
oil, API and surfactant
(and co-solvent)
In the previous section, the use of surfactants to decrease the crystallinity of a drug
and to improve its oral bioavailability was discussed. However, more than 80 % of
all pharmaceutical dosage forms marketed today are solids, so the question arises
as to how to prepare a formulation that forms emulsions in the GIT. So-called Self-
Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SEDDS) can achieve this.
SEDDS formulations consist of hard or soft gelatine capsules filled with a liquid. This
liquid contains the active pharmaceutical ingredient, oil that dissolves the active and
at least one surfactant. Optionally, other inactive ingredients such as co-solvents are
added5. The system is homogeneous and isotropic. If this dosage form is swallowed,
the gelatine capsule will dissolve in the stomach and the liquid comes into contact
with the gastric fluid. Due to the presence of the surfactants and the agitation provided
by the stomach, the oil phase will spontaneously emulsify in the gastric fluid and form
an emulsion containing the lipophilic active (Fig. 1.7).
The advantages of SEDDS are obvious: The active is provided in a dissolved, non-
crystalline state and it is finely dispersed in the GIT. Usually, emulsions produced
18 ften, solubility of an active in a solvent mixture can be higher than its solubility in the pure solvent.
Therefore, so-called co-solvents can be added to the formulation. Likewise, mixtures of surfactants
can be superior to pure surfactants, in particular for the formulation of microemulsions. However, a
detailed discussion of these effects would go far beyond the scope of this chapter.
from SEDDS develop a droplet size of 100 to 300 nm. More recently, so-called Self-
Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS) have been successfully intro- 1
duced into the market. These systems are characterized by an even smaller droplet
diameter produced under physiological conditions (below 100 nm).
The idea of dissolving an active ingredient in a suitable oil and emulsifying the oil
phase in water has been used for quite some time in the field of crop protection for-
mulations. Usually, these formulations can develop high bioavailability for the same
reasons as pharmaceutical formulations (reduced crystallinity, fine dispersion of the
drug), although for crop protection products the solvent content may be an issue
due to VOC problems6. However, the successful development of a pharmaceutically
acceptable SEDDS is far from being trivial. Many surfactants used in SEDDS are lipid-
based, and these surfactants strongly interact with lipases in the GIT fluids. Naturally,
this significantly affects the stability of the emulsion droplets over time. This is a seri-
ous obstacle to the development of in-vitro test assays for such formulations, and it
makes it difficult to predict how the formulation will behave in-vivo. Moreover, the ratio
of oil(s), lipid(s), co-solvent(s) relative to the active has to be tailored very carefully. The
oral bioavailability of the active in the SEDDS depends on many parameters, such as
surfactant concentration, oil/surfactant ratio, polarity of the emulsion, droplet size and
charge. All the factors impact the self-emulsification ability. Only selected combina-
tions of these excipients result in the desired emulsification behavior.
Additionally, SEDDS are limited to lipophilic drugs. As discussed above, poor water
solubility of a drug does not necessarily mean that the drug dissolves well in hydro-
phobic solvents. Therefore, an SEDDS formulation approach can only be applied if
the drug readily dissolves in a pharmaceutically acceptable oil, such as olive oil, and
if it is incorporated chemically in this solvent. As a consequence, many “grease ball”
drugs are candidates for development in an SEDDS, but the typical “brick dust” frac-
tion that dissolves neither in oil nor in water can not be administered this way.
Although much effort has been put into studies on SEDDS, only three actives have
been successfully introduced into the market in this form. At present, there are four
products on the market, namely Sandimmune® and Neoral® (cyclosporine A), Norvir®
(ritonavir), and Fortovase® (saquinavir).
Sandimmune® and Neoral® are both marketed by Novartis. However, the formulati-
ons differ in that Sandimmune® is an SEDDS whereas Neoral® is an SMEDDS. Cyclo-
sporin A is a cyclic peptide comprising 11 amino acids with a molar mass of about
1,200 g / mol. Water solubility is very low, but the drug exhibits fair solubility in oils. It
can be formulated as a conventional SEDDS as is the case in Sandimmune®; how-
ever, strong inter-patient variability of the bioavailability of the emulsion formed from
the SEDDS ranging from 10 – 60 % has been observed. Neoral® as a microemulsion
preconcentrate based on corn oil,-mono-, di-, and triglycerides, polyoxyl 40-hydrog-
enated castor oil, DL-(α)-tocopherol and propylene glycol turned out to be less sensi-
tive to such fluctuations. Furthermore, the AUC of this microemulsion-based approach
All in all, SEDDS and SMEDDS are promising but highly complex ways to overcome
solubility issues with class II actives, at least for the “grease ball” fraction within this
class. It needs to be assessed over time whether the undoubted benefits and the
potentially high bioavailability of such formulations will compensate for the extra
effort required for development.
One approach, which is more widely applicable and which also addresses the prob-
lem of the “brick dust” fraction of class II actives, is the use of polymeric solubilizers.
Polymeric solubilizers are water-soluble polymers with the ability to form complexes
with other molecules in the system. The idea as such is not new and has been ap-
plied in detergents for some time to avoid the unwanted transfer of dyes from colored
clothes onto white ones. During the washing process, colored textiles often lose a
certain fraction of their dyes that may be only loosely bound to the textile surface.
These dyes may then re-deposit onto other textiles, and they usually select your most
expensive favorite garments for doing so… So-called dye transfer inhibitors can pre-
vent this by formation of a stable complex with the dye molecules; this stabilizes the
dye in the dissolved form and therefore keeps it from depositing onto other textile
surfaces. Such a complex is shown in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8 Complex formed by poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and a dye (direct blue 71).
Such interactions have been widely investigated and can be determined quantitatively
(see Table 1.1).
Table 1.1 Binding constants, binding enthalpy and relative PVCap: poly(vinyl caprolactam)
dye transfer inhibition performance of selected PVP: poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) 1
PVI: poly(vinyl imidazole)
polymers with a given dye (direct red 80) [4].
PVIVP: poly(vinyl pyrrolidone-
co-vinyl imidazole)
In a very analogous fashion, water-soluble polymers can also stabilize active pharmaceu-
tical ingredients in an aqueous phase, which increases their water solubility (Fig. 1.9).
Sulfathiazole, dissolved [mg/mL]
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Time [min]
Figure 1.9 In-vitro measurement of the solubility of sulfathiazole for different drug:
PVP ratios [5].
Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) or simply PVP, also known as Kollidon®, is a well-known ex-
ample of a pharmaceutically acceptable polymer that solubilizes poorly water-soluble
actives. In a way similar to surfactants, the molecules solubilized by such polymers
are present in the aqueous phase as individual, non-crystalline molecules with a usu-
ally high bioavailability. The mode of action of PVP relies on the large dipole moment
of the polymer side groups that strongly interact with any other dipole present in the
system. However, for some drugs, such a dipole-dipole interaction, this is not suffi-
cient to enable complex formation with the drug, in particular if the drug does not have
any polar molecules. In such cases, amphiphilic polymers with hydrophobic “pockets”
to attract the non-polar drug can be used. One example of such solubilizing polymers
that was introduced only recently is a graft copolymer referred to as Soluplus® (see
chapter 5).
Due to the presence of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups, the polymer can
both interact with the poorly soluble drug and still be water-soluble. Again, complex
formation is driven by entropy due to the release of water molecules previously bound
to the polymer; however, molecular interactions between the polymer and the active
resulting in a favorable enthalpy term are usually required for good performance.
The use of polymers such as PVP or Soluplus® brings about two important advan-
tages for the formulation of poorly soluble drugs. This is because the polymer can fulfill
two functions: It can act as a matrix material for the tablet and often forms so-called
solid solutions with the drug (see chapter 2), and it enhances oral bioavailability once
the tablet has been administered. Solubilizers such as Soluplus® present a major
advantage on the way towards new technologies to bring such difficult-to-formulate
drugs effectively to the patient. Details will be discussed in the following chapters, in
particular chapter 5.
Assuming that the transport of the dissolved species out of the gut and into the
rest of the body is fast enough7, oversaturation can – in principle – be avoided. Re-
member that the dissolution process is always an equilibrium process between the
dissolved and the undissolved species. As long as the solubility limit is not reached,
22 This assumption is valid for most class II actives. Otherwise, they would be in class IV.
molecules dissolve as individual molecules out of the solid form and into the liquid phase.
Whenever we decrease the concentration of drug molecules in the liquid phase, 1
e. g. the GIT fluid, some fraction of the solid drug will dissolve until the solubility limit
is reached again. If we continuously remove the dissolved drug from the fluid – e. g.
by allowing it to diffuse through the intestine wall – eventually the whole amount of
drug that has been administered will dissolve and be taken up quantitatively.
Unfortunately, most class II actives are characterized by both low equilibrium solubility
and a low dissolution rate at which this is established. This is due to the high stability
of the drug in the crystalline form. Intuitively, it can be understood that dissolution will
not be a fast process if the drug molecules are energetically “happy” where they are.
Therefore, to make complete dissolution possible within the time frame of digestion
(which is approximately 24 hours), this requires that the dissolution process is fast,
i. e. that the equilibrium between the solid and the dissolved states of the drug is es-
tablished at a high rate. If this can be achieved, the absorption of the dissolved form
leading to its removal from this equilibrium will (in principle) make it possible that even
drugs with a low equilibrium solubility will eventually dissolve.
As a consequence, increasing the dissolution rate rather than the absolute equilibrium
solubility is an effective way to increase the uptake of a poorly soluble drug into the
body and, thus, to increase its bioavailability8. This is where nanotechnological drug
formulations come into play9.
If a poorly soluble drug is presented to the body in the form of nanoparticles, two
important impacts on its solubility can be observed: Firstly, if the particles are very
small (i. e. < 100 nm), solubility is a function of particle size according to the Kelvin
equation (eq. 1.4):
2γ · VM
S(r) = S∞ · exp ( ) (1.4)
r · RT
In this equation, S(r) is the solubility as a function of the radius r, S∞ is the solubility
of a coarse, crystalline particle with flat, even surfaces, γ is the interfacial tension
between drug and solvent, VM is the molar volume of the drug, R is the gas con-
stant and T is the temperature. This equation clearly shows that solubility increases
enormously when the particle size decreases. The effect becomes drastic at particle
sizes below approx. 100 nm, depending on the drug, as shown in Fig. 1.10.
P lease note that these two approaches, namely increasing the equilibrium solubility and the 23
dissolution rate, do not exclude each other. Ideally, they are combined.
A comprehensive review on organic nanoparticles, including their impact on oral bioavailability,
can be found in reference [6].
Solubility increase
0 10 100 1000
Particle diameter [nm]
Figure 1.10: Solubility increase (solubility according to eq. 1.4 divided by the solubility
of the crystalline material) as a function of particle radius for typical
organic compounds.
dc D·A
= (c(r) – c) (1.5)
dt h
This equation describes how fast the concentration in a given medium c increases
with time t as a function of the diffusion coefficient of the drug D, its surface area A,
the thickness of the diffusion layer around the particle h (i. e. the distance the drug
needs to diffuse out of the region of high drug concentration c(r) immediately close to
the particle surface into the bulk medium where the concentration of the drug is c),
and the difference between drug solubility and drug concentration in the medium. In
other words, drug particles will dissolve fast when:
(a) T
he solubility of the drug is higher than the concentration in the solvent – this can
be achieved by setting the particles size according to equation 1.4.
Hydrosol, d = 160 nm
Hydrosol, d = 350 nm 1
Cristallizate, d = 5 µm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Days after oral administration
Figure 1.11 Graph of the β-carotene blood level as a function of time after single oral
administration of β-carotene to calves with minimal β-carotene status.
Comparison of nanodispersed formulations with a microdispersed crystal-
lizate as described by Horn and Rieger in [6].
Naturally, nanoparticles have a higher specific surface area than coarse crystals.
Therefore, small particle sizes will increase both drug solubility (eq. 1.4) and drug
dissolution rate (eq. 1.5). Both effects potentially increase bioavailability.
Moreover, oral uptake of nanoparticles is enhanced even when particle sizes are so
large (i. e. significantly above 100 nm) that the effects cannot be explained by eqs.
(1.4) or (1.5). Additional effects such as increased adhesion to the intestinal wall
have been discussed to account for these findings.
All in all, nanotechnology has been intensively discussed as a new route to increase
solubility and, thus, bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs. First products have al-
ready been successfully introduced into the market. The first solid-dose formulation
with this technology was the immunosuppressant Rapamune® (sirolimus). Emend®
(antiemetic, aprepitant) was approved by the FDA in March 2003. TriCor® (feno-
fibrate) was approved by the FDA in 2004, and more nanomedicinal products are
likely to follow.
1.3 Summary and outlook
Summing it all up, poor solubility is a major issue for today’s pharmaceutical industry,
leading to a high attrition rate in the development of new drugs. Therefore, effective
ways to increase solubility of new chemical entities, in particular those classified as
BCS class II, are invaluable tools for extending the drugable space and bringing these
new molecules to the market.
Consequently, a lot of effort has been put into this field. Most approaches can be
classified as being based on one or more of the following principles:
olubilization through surfactants
olubilizing polymers, and / or
For all these fields, the first products have already been launched. More will follow.
The following chapters will give additional details on formulation requirements for
poorly soluble actives and in particular present concrete examples of excipients
that will help pharmaceutical formulators to dissolve their drugs – and solve their
Matthias Karl, Michael Schönherr
2 Preparation of solid solutions and dispersions
Approaches to overcome poor solubility of the drug substance include salt formation,
solvation and particle size reduction. Other methods such as the solubilization of
drugs in solvents, complexation (e. g. cyclodextrin) and the use of surfactants and
cosolvents have also been used to improve the dissolution properties of poorly water-
soluble drugs. However, although there are substantial limitations associated with
each of these techniques, the formulation of drugs as solid dispersions offers a variety
of processing and excipient options that allow for flexibility when formulating oral de-
livery systems for such drugs [8].
Solid dispersion refers to a group of solid products consisting of at least two different
components, generally a hydrophilic matrix and a hydrophobic drug. The matrix can
be either crystalline or amorphous.
Of the various types of solid dispersions, three are relevant for pharmaceutical applica-
tions since the polymers used are usually amorphous. Principally, the drug can be either
dissolved or dispersed whilst in an amorphous or crystalline state. A thermodynamically
stable formulation (Figure 2.1) is achieved when the drug is completely dissolved below
its saturation solubility in the polymer, resulting in a solid solution (formulation is illustrated
on the right). When the drug concentration exceeds its saturation solubility, the whole
system is only kinetically controlled (formulation in the center) since the drug may crys-
tallize or precipitate out of the polymer during storage. This is because the amorphous
drug is dispersed in an amorphous polymer and as the drug may crystallize, hence
changing its dissolution and biopharmaceutical properties. The system on the left is
quite stable. In this case, the polymer contains crystalline drug – because only Ostwald
ripening can occur – and this leads to the formation of larger crystals. However, this is
not very pronounced due to the low diffusivity of the drug in a solid polymer [9].
Drug Crystalline Amorphous
Thermo- Stable
dynamic Almost stable
(kinetically controlled)
(drug below
stability saturation solubility)
Various preparation techniques for solid dispersions deal with the challenge of mixing
a matrix and a drug, preferably on a molecular level, where both matrix and drug are
generally poorly miscible. During many of the preparation methods, de-mixing and
the formation of different phases can be observed. Phase separations like crystalli-
zation or the formation of amorphous drug clusters are difficult to control and should
therefore be avoided. Generally, phase separation can be prevented by maintaining
low molecular mobility of the matrix and the drug during preparation. Additionally,
phase separation is prevented by maintaining the driving force for phase separation
at a low level, for example by keeping the mixture at an elevated temperature, thereby
retaining sufficient miscibility for as long as possible [8].
The melt method (e. g. hot-melt extrusion, spray congealing and melt granulation),
solvent procedure (e. g. spray drying, solvent casting and freeze drying) and other
technologies (e. g. milling) are the usual manufacturing methods for solid dispersions.
The most popular techniques are hot-melt extrusion and spray drying, which are
described in detail in subsequent chapters.
The film casting technique is very suitable for predicting the solubility of a certain API
in a polymer matrix. This can be carried out prior to HME or spray drying experiments
since it is much less time- and material consuming. In the film casting procedure, an
appropriate solvent that dissolves the API and the polymer (or polymer-plasticizer)
should be selected. When the substances are dissolved after stirring, the solution can
be cast on a glass plate, resulting in a thin film. A scraper that produces a film of 120 µm
thickness is recommended as casting device. The thin film (thickness of the dry film
< 120 µm) enables fast drying and avoids the recrystallization of the poorly soluble
drug that can occur when high drug concentrations are used over a longer period,
as happens in case of thick films. Drying should be performed for 30 minutes under
ambient conditions (flue) and then in a vacuum drying cabinet (50 °C, 10 mbar for
30 minutes) to ensure fast and complete drying of the film. To analyze the extent of 2
solubilization capacity of the polymer or of the polymer-plasticizer combination for a
specific drug, increasing amounts of API should be used (25, 33 and 50 %). The high-
er the clearly dissolved drug concentration, the greater the solubilization capacity. A
solid solution results in clear and smooth films. Drug crystals can easily be recognized
as can amorphous precipitation (opaque films). Visual inspection of the films was
performed 7 days after open storage at 23 °C / 54 % r. h. The film casting procedure
is shown in Figure 2.2 [9].
Many methods are available that can contribute information regarding the physical
nature of a solid dispersion system. In many instances, a combination of two or more
methods is required to obtain a complete picture.
Generally, Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
techniques are important methods for determining the physical state of the incorpo-
rated drug. The XRD technique is illustrated in Figure 2.3. Sharper diffraction peaks
indicate more crystalline material.
Lin [counts]
2 10 20 30
Figure 2.3 XRD examples of extrudates of Kollidon® VA 64 with the active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API) itraconazole
In DSC, solid dispersions are heated at a constant heating rate and the amount
of energy required is determined. With DSC, the temperatures at which thermal
events (e. g. glass transition, (re)crystallization, melting or degradation) occur can
be detected and determined.
Currently, additional techniques are available to detect the crystals in solid dispersions:
infrared spectroscopy (IR), dissolution calorimetry – which measures the energy of
dissolution of the sample – vapor sorption and macroscopic techniques that measure
mechanical properties that are different for amorphous and crystalline samples [7].
The solid dispersion appears to be a suitable formulation for increasing the dissolution
and absorption rates of poorly soluble drugs. However, the result of aging or storage
under various conditions and the effects on the drug release characteristics and
chemical stabilities of the formulations still have to be shown [11].
The biopharmaceutical properties of a solid dispersion are highly affected by the uni-
formity of the distribution of the drug in the polymer matrix. The stability and disso-
lution behavior could be different for solid dispersions that incorporate the drug in
different states [8].
2.2 Hot-melt extrusion
Poor API stability during processing caused by Use of Hot-Melt Extrusion as alternative to wet
hydrolysis agglomeration (no hydrolytic stress)
additional benefit of the HME technique is a robust and continuous manufacturing
process which can be run in practically any pharmaceutical plant. However, as with
other breakthrough innovations, numerous obstacles had to be overcome before the
technology and resulting dosage forms could be commercially exploited. Compared
with other pharmaceutical technologies such as granulation and compression, hot-
melt extrusion is still an emerging technology and its potential has not yet been fully
exploited. The technology itself can be described as a process in which a material
melts or softens under elevated temperature and pressure and is forced through an
orifice by screws. A prerequisite of the polymer to be used in hot-melt extrusion is
appropriate thermoplastic behavior. However, the number of such polymers approved
for pharmaceutical use is limited.
Extruders for pharmaceutical use have been designed and adapted for mixing drugs
with carriers in various dosage forms. The significant difference between extruders
for thermoplastics and pharmaceutical applications is the equipment used, where,
for pharmaceuticals, the contact surface must meet regulatory requirements. Those
parts of extruders used in pharmaceuticals that have contact with product must not
be reactive nor may they release components into the product. Extruder equipment
is specially configured to fulfill all cleaning and validation standards applicable to the
pharmaceutical industry.
The purpose of the feeding section is to transfer the materials from the feeder to the
barrel. The polymer mixture typically begins to soften in the melting zone. The melt
moves in a circulatory manner in a helical path by means of transverse flow, drag flow,
pressure flow and leakages [35]. Thermoplastic polymers primarily exist in a molten
state when entering the shaping section. The function of this zone is to reduce the
pulsation flow and ensure a uniform delivery rate through the die. At the end of the
barrel, the attached die determines the shape of the extrudates.
Extrudate Engine 2
Modified according to: M. Thommes, Systematische Untersuchungen zur Eignung von kappa-Carrageenan als
Pelletierhilfsstoff in der Feuchtextrusion / Sphäronisation, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Düsseldorf, 2006.
Additional equipment:
rocess analytical technology (e. g. spectroscopic systems)
acuum pumps for degassing extrudates
elletizer equipment
alendering equipment
Extruders are available as single- or multi-screw versions. Twin-screw extruders utilize
two screws usually arranged side by side. The use of two screws allows a number of
different configurations to be obtained and imposes different conditions on all zones
of the extruder. In the twin-screw extruder, the screws can either rotate in the same
(co-rotating) or in the opposite (counter-rotating) direction [35].
Co-rotating extruders are the most important types for industrial applications.
They can be operated at high screw speeds and high output and provide good
mixing and conveying characteristics as well as more flexibility in screw design. The
co-rotating and counter-rotating twin-screw extruders can be classified as either
non-intermeshing or intermeshing. In most cases, co-rotating intermeshing twin-
screw extruders are used. The main advantages of single- and twin-screw extruders
are listed below.
The major advantages of the twin-screw extruders are in their conveying and trans-
port mechanisms and in their mixing abilities compared to the single-screw extruders.
This is why applications are continuing to expand within the pharmaceutical field.
The design of the kneading elements has an influence on the mixing behavior within
the extrusion process. The advance angle also determines the conveying abil-
ity of the element ranging from forwards (30° and 60°) to neutral (90°) to reverse
(30°) mode. Neutral elements (90°) push material neither forwards nor backwards.
Irrespective of the reverse-flighted element, the ability for mixing and shearing of the
material increases the higher the advance angle. Reverse-flighted kneading blocks
have a retaining character and are usually used when substantial mechanical stress
has to be exerted upon the material [14].
Process variables of twin-screw extrusion
Process variables in twin-screw extrusion can be divided into step- and continuous
changes. Continuous changes include modifications during the running process and
step changes require off-line modifications (Table 2.2).
Table 2.2 Variables in twin-screw extrusion
Screw speed, feed rate and barrel temperature are the most relevant process para-
meters in twin-screw extrusion. These parameters in particular influence the system
parameters mechanical energy, residence time and the temperature of the material.
On increasing feed rate and screw speed, the residence time of the material decreases
and the torque of the machine increases for the feed rate used; it is also constant for
the screw speed in question. At higher temperatures, the torque decreases due to a
lowering of the melt viscosity of the polymer (Figure 2.5).
Temperature [°C]
Figure 2.5 Effect of feed rate, screw speed and temperature on HME
2.2.3 Polymers for hot-melt extrusion
The polymer used in HME must exhibit thermoplastic characteristics in order to enable
the hot-melt extrusion process to be carried out and it must be thermally stable at the
extrusion temperatures employed. Other relevant characteristics are: suitable Tg or Tm
(50 – 180 °C), low hygroscopicity and no toxicity since larger amounts of polymer are
used (Figure 2.6). Polymers with a high solubilization capacity are particularly suitable
because large quantities of drugs can be dissolved [41].
Some features like lipophilicity, hydrogen bonding acceptors or donors [42] and amide
groups are basic prerequisites for a high solubilization capacity; the same applies to or-
ganic solvents. This explains why povidone (Kollidon®), copovidone (Kollidon® VA 64)
and Soluplus® are highly suitable for hot-melt extrusion. Kollidon® VA 64 and Soluplus®
in particular are much more lipophilic than many other water-soluble polymers con-
taining hydroxyl groups and, therefore, are best suited to the lipophilicity of poorly
soluble drugs. In addition, the solubility parameter (see Extrusion Compendium [41]
pages 53 – 55) can be used to determine whether actives and polymers are com-
patible [43, 44]. Regarding the topics solubilization / extrusion and bioavailability en-
hancement of poorly soluble drugs, some examples of Soluplus® formulations are
described in chapter 5.
The solubilization capacity of a certain excipient can also be determined using hot-
melt extrusion [41]. Figure 2.7 clearly illustrates how the appearance of a Soluplus®
extrudate changes with increasing amounts of API: While the extrudates containing
25 % fenofibrate appear almost transparent, they change to more and whiter extru-
dates when the concentration of drug is increased in 5 % steps. This white color is
attributed to undissolved, crystalline drug and indicates that the solubility of feno-
fibrate in Soluplus® is around 25 – 30 %. However, it is advisable to perform some
solvent casting trials with a certain API / excipient ratio, as previously described, to
obtain a first impression of the API solubility within the polymer matrix.
Increasing drug concentration [% (w / w)]
2.3 Spray drying as a preparation technique for
solid solutions
2.3.1. Introduction
In spray drying, liquids are converted into powdered solids. The process functions
by atomizing the liquid and vaporizing off the solvent used. The heat required for the
process is provided by a drying gas; this gives off its heat and takes up the solvent
vapor. The drying gas also becomes colder and moister during the drying process.
The widespread use of spray drying has led to the development of numerous differ-
ent types of processes. Below, a standard configuration, as shown in Figure 2.8, is
6 7 8
1 Spray tower
2 Filter
3 Feed tank
4 Feed pump
5 9
1 5 Spray nozzle
4 6 Inlet filter
7 Pressure fan
8 Heat exchanger
3 9 Suction fan
10 Product
In this chapter, we will concentrate on the core process of spray drying using a
pressure nozzle. Further information on the technique can be obtained for example
from Master’s "Spray Drying Handbook" [45] and Lefebre’s "Atomization and Sprays"
In the manufacture of solid solutions, spray drying offers a number of
It is a widespread technique and is readily available.
In one process step, it is possible to manufacture a powder for producing tablets
starting from a liquid.
It is a gentle process with respect to temperature as the individual process steps 2
require seconds only and the maximum product temperature is only as high as the
gas exit temperature of the spray drier (approx. 50 –100 °C).
ue to the short drying times involved, amorphous solids with good solubility pro-
perties are frequently formed.
Below, we will have a closer look at these steps as illustrated in Figure 2.8.
When using organic solvents, higher throughputs can be achieved due to the sub-
stantially lower heat of evaporation required in comparison to water. In many cases
higher solid concentrations in the liquid can be achieved as the viscosity in organic
solvents is lower. These influences can be of considerable advantage if organic sol-
vents are preferred to water. Thus, when developing formulations, the advantages
and disadvantages of organic solvents compared to water should be taken into ac-
count at an early stage. It can thus be beneficial to develop alternative formulations in
parallel until concrete data have been gathered on the performance and economics
of the planned manufacturing process.
The solid content of the liquid should be as high as possible (> 20 %). This is because,
on the one hand, it improves the economics of the process as a spray drying plant is
based on liquid evaporation and low solid content means that the plant can be smaller
and the cost of cleaning and service also lower. On the other hand, liquids with low
concentrations of solid generally produce fine powders of low bulk density and poor
flow properties, both of which tend to have a negative effect on subsequent process
The solid content also determines the viscosity and hence the ability of the liquid to
be atomized. The process of atomization creates the large liquid surface area that is
necessary for the heat- and mass transfer required for the liquid to be dried within a
few seconds in the spray tower. Atomization should be carried out to produce a spray
with a controlled and dense drop size distribution. As large drops require longer to dry
than small drops, these determine the dimensions of the spray tower. Drops that are
too large and still moist and sticky can reach the walls of the spray tower where they
can form coatings. It is thus of importance that the atomization system is properly
dimensioned and that it operates smoothly.
Hollow cone pressure nozzles are frequently used for atomization, as illustrated by the
example of a Schlick nozzle in Figure 2.9. In such a case, the viscosity should not be
higher than 50 –100 mPa*s. Such hollow cone pressure nozzles are normally used for
the pressure range of 20 – 200 bar. The maximum throughput per nozzle is approx.
500 kg liquid per hour. For higher throughputs, several nozzles can be employed. The
size of the drops can be set via the atomization pressure.
II. Drying and formation of particle
morphology within the spray tower
For a liquid to be suitable for spray drying
and hence for the manufacture of a solid
solution, two parameters must be taken
into account: the drying kinetics and the 2
achievable moisture equilibrium.
In most cases, the drying kinetics would be assessed by drying small amounts in a
laboratory scale spray tower. Due to the smaller dimensions of such an apparatus,
the powder produced should be very fine (approx. 10 – 20 µm). For this reason, the
samples obtained are not representative in their powder properties with respect to the
product to be obtained later; however, it provides an indication of expected behavior
within the spray tower, e. g. the tendency to form coatings on the walls of the tower.
In the case of spray drying plants operated with air in the open mode, the humidity of
the exhaust air is not only dependent on the amount of water vaporized in the spray
tower, but also by the humidity of the inlet air. This dependence has a stronger effect
on the residual moisture of the powder the more hygroscopic the solid is. In order to
reduce the effect of inlet moisture on the residual moisture of the product, the inlet air
is usually dehumidified to a maximum dew point of approx. 10 °C.
One of the most interesting questions regarding the development of a spray dried
powder is what powder properties can be achieved and how these can be influenced
by the formulation and the process. The key to understanding this is to be found in the
particle morphology. Many of the application properties of the spray powder such
as flow-, dust-, dissolution- and tableting behavior can be explained by physical pro-
perties such as particle size distribution, bulk density and REM imaging, all of which
illustrate the particle structure. Figure 2.11 shows, on the left, a compact particle that
has resulted from a slaked lime suspension and, on the right, particles that have been
produced by spray drying a polymer solution of hollow beads.
10 µm 100 µm
The Büttiker model shown in Figure 2.12 assumes hollow bead formation due to the
proportion of dissolved components. Pure suspensions of solid particles in the liquid
shrink ideally and give rise to compact particles which in turn result in a powder of
high bulk density. With increasing proportion of dissolved solid, the greater the chance
of producing hollow bead formation.
Figure 2.12 Influence of dissolved solid on particle morphology during spray drying
(Büttiker model)
Apart from the composition of the liquid, the properties of the spray powder are deter-
mined principally by the process conditions in the spray tower. Some of these condi-
tions are determined by the construction of the spray drier. Variants of spray driers
are shown in Figure 2.13. Variant a) is a co-current flow nozzle tower. Here, the drying
gas and the spray are led through the tower in co-current mode. In this way, the
effluent liquid comes into contact with the warm air and shows a high drying speed 2
during the first few seconds of the process. This drying speed can be increased by
inserting a rotary atomizer as shown in variant b). The rotational atomizer, due to its
circumferential speed of over 100 m / s, creates excellent heat- and mass transfer
within its immediate atomization area. Variant c) also involves a nozzle tower. In this
case, however, it is operated in counter-current mode. Here, the spray first comes into
contact with the cool exhaust gas; it thus has a significantly lower initial drying speed
than variant a) due to the lower temperature increment.
1 Hot air inlet
2 Feed
3 Exhaust air
2 2 4 Product
a) b) c)
3 4
3 4 4
Figure 2.13 V ariants of spray driers: a) co-current nozzle tower, b) disc tower, c)
counter-current nozzle tower. See text above for explanation.
The bulk density of spray powder is strongly dependent on the initial drying speed in
the spraying tower due to the formation of hollow beads. Thus, it is obvious that the
lowest bulk density can be attained with variant b) whilst the highest can be attained
with variant c). Apart from these primary effects there are, however, some secondary
effects that do not occur directly in the spray tower but which also have to be taken
into account. For example, large hollow beads with very thin shells are more likely
to rupture than smaller beads with thicker shells; they are also more likely to be de-
stroyed during the process, which of course alters the properties of the powder.
III. Filtration, post drying, cooling and packaging of the powder
After drying in the spraying tower, the powder must be separated from the drying gas.
Cyclones, bag filters and absolute filters can be used for this purpose. Cyclones are
simple and economically priced devices; they are also easy to clean. Their disadvan-
tage is that they have a limited degree of filtration; very small particles are simply not
filtered out. Typical filtration rates are around 99 %, i. e. 1% of the solid is lost in the
exhaust. The particles remain in the cyclone for a few seconds only. Bag filters form a
filter cake on the filter material; this is then cleaned up with compressed air. Very high
degrees of filtration can be achieved with such filters; the dust remaining is usually
less than 1 to 10 mg / m3. The particle residence time in the bag filter is dependent
on the cleaning cycles and can be up to several minutes. The bag filter can also be
used for post drying of the particles. The disadvantages of bag filters are the high
purchase price, the complex cleaning process and the fiber impurities caused by the
filter material.
If very clean exhaust air is required, as is the case with biologically active substances,
only an absolute filter can achieve this. These are usually in the form of filter cassettes
graded according to the degree of cleanliness required and filled with appropriate filter
material. They are normally connected in series and disposed of after use.
Typical filter systems can be e. g.: bag filter + absolute filter or cyclone + bag filter +
absolute filter.
In some cases, post drying and / or cooling of the powder is necessary once it has
left the spray tower. Fluid-bed driers are frequently used for this purpose; they often
combine drying and cooling. However, contact driers or coolers can also be used.
This becomes meaningful e. g. when starting with continuous spray drying and then
changing to batch processing. In such a case, a mixer can be inserted to define
the batch size. When packaging, the selection of suitable containers is of particular
importance. The package must be resistant to humidity and the inherent weight of the
powder must not lead to the formation of lumps.
2.3.3 Preparation of solid solutions using spray drying
Spray driers as described above can be used for the preparation of solid solutions
from active ingredients. In this case, the liquid is a mixture of solvent (water, organic
solvent or a mixture of both), active ingredient and suitable excipients. The excipients
help to improve the dissolution of the active ingredient or to stabilize it within the spray 2
powder; they also prevent recrystallization during storage subsequent to spray drying.
Should the active ingredient be poorly soluble, this can be improved by wet milling,
a process that aids dispersion. If the solubility is still not adequate for economic pro-
duction, it can be further improved (e. g. by briefly overheating the liquid according to
BASF submission PF 56790 GD "Herstellung von festen Lösungen schwerlöslicher
Wirkstoffe durch Kurzzeitüberhitzung und schnelle Trocknung" – Manufacture of solid
solutions of poorly soluble active substances by briefly overheating and rapid drying).
The process principle is illustrated in Figure 2.14.
1 Feed tank
2 Heat exchanger
2a Heating system
2 3 Spray nozzle
3 4 Spray tower
5 Product
2a 4
The mixture of water, active ingredient and excipients is subjected to wet milling and
placed in feed tank 1. The active ingredient, depending on its solubility, may not be
completely dissolved. On its way to the spray nozzle (3), the liquid passes through a
heat exchanger (2) which, aided by a heating system (2a), is brought to a tempera-
ture above the boiling point of the liquid at ambient pressure. For example, the liquid
can be exposed to a temperature of 150 °C for 15 seconds at a pressure of 100 bar.
During this time the finely milled active ingredient can be fully dissolved in the aqueous
polymer solution. The solution prepared in this way is then dried in the spray tower
(4) and the powder-formed solid solution of the active ingredient is collected in the
collection vessel (5).
The residual moisture of the spray powder, which should not be greater than 5 %
(m / m), has an influence on the storage stability of the formulation and should thus be
determined by appropriate experiments.
The process involved is illustrated below using the example of the spray drying of
theophylline with Kollidon® 30:
Heat flow [W/g]
Theophylline 50 µm
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 °C
0–6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Min.
Pure Kollidon® 30 on the other hand is an amorphous polymeric excipient which
forms hollow beads during spray drying. Apart from the vaporization of residual water
in the area of 100 °C, no further energy aspects can be observed in the course of DSC
(see Figure 2.16).
Heat flow [W/g]
Kollidon® 30, 20 % 50 µm
(with heating) V3
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 °C
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Min.
In a pilot plant spray drying apparatus as shown in Figure 2.14, a mixture of Kolli-
don® 30 and theophylline were spray dried together. The mixture, comprising 10 %
theophylline, 20 % Kollidon® 30 and 70 % water, was milled prior to spray drying in
a stirred mixer mill and the particle size of the theophylline reduced to smaller than
5 µm. This suspension was then fed into the heat exchanger using a 3-stage piston
membrane pump at a mass flow of 50 kg / h. The heat exchanger was heated with
steam at 13 bar so that, after overheating, a temperature of 150 °C set in. The liquid
was then atomized in a spray tower using a hollow cone pressure nozzle (bore dia-
meter 0.6 mm) at a pressure of 100 bar. The spray tower was operated with nitrogen
at an inlet temperature of 140 °C and an outlet temperature of approx. 100 °C. The
spray dried powder was subsequently filtered using a tube filter.
By using this spray drying process, a powder was obtained that was very similar in
appearance to pure Kollidon® 30 and that, in spite of a proportion of 1 / 3 theophylline,
showed no crystalline melting peak in DSC (Figure 2.17).
Heat flow [W/g]
Kollidon® 30, 20 % + 50 µm
(with heating) V4
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 °C
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Min.
The crystallinity of the pure theophylline (dark blue) is also shown in the x-ray
structural analysis (XRD) (see Figure 2.18) while neither pure Kollidion 30 (red and
yellow) nor the spray dried mixture (light blue) show crystalline structures. The
combination of results from DSC and XRD clearly indicate the existence of a solid
solution of theophylline in Kollidon® 30.
Lin [counts]
1 10 20 30 40
2-Theta – Scale
Figure 2.18 X -ray structural analysis of theophylline, Kollidon® 30 and a solid solution
of both
Even after lengthy storage the powder remained amorphous and no recrystallization
of the theophylline occurred. This illustrates the high degree of suitability of the
method for the manufacture of solid solutions.
[12] J. Breitenbach, B. Wiesner, The use of polymers in pharmaceutical melt extru-
sion, ExAct, 20 (2008), 8 –11.
[13] N. Follonier, E. Doelker, E. T. Cole, Various ways of modulating the release
of dialtiazem hydrochloride from hot-melt extruded sustained release pellets
using polymeric materials, J. Contr. Release, 36(3) (1995), 243 – 250.
[14] D. Djuric, P. Kleinebudde, Continuous granulation with a twin-screw extruder,
Dissertation (2008).
[15] N. Follonier, E. Doelker, E. T. Cole, Evaluation of hot-melt extrusion as a new
technique for the production of polymer-based pellets for sustained release
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Michael G. Herting, Viet Nguyen-Kim, Ann-Kathrin Marguerre
3.1 Introduction
Pharmaceutical scientists are increasingly facing the challenge of formulating active
pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) that are poorly soluble in water. Such APIs are
usually associated with low oral bioavailability. Four out of ten development candi-
dates are discontinued due to insufficient “biopharmaceutical fitness” [47]. This trend
is likely to continue: new APIs in pharmaceutical research are becoming more and
more lipophilic and complex, given that combinatorial chemistry and pharmaco-
logical high-throughput screening (HTS) have become standard methods in the in-
dustry [48] and new drug targets are requiring more lipophilic API structures. Because
of their problematic physico-chemical properties such as poor water solubility or low
permeability, a large number of new chemical entities show poor bioavailability and
consequently fail during the development phase [49-51]. Therefore, scientists around
the world are currently trying to tackle the issue of bioavailability by developing novel
strategies for increasing "biopharmaceutical fitness” during drug formulation. Such
formulation strategies include pH adjustment, solid dispersions, particle size reduc-
tion, salts, co-solvents, SEDDS, micellar solutions and emulsions.
However, to date, scientists have still not been able to relate compound structures
to the solubilizing activity of excipients. Thus, within the pharmaceutical industry, the
solubilization effect is being examined more by the “trial and error” principle during early
drug development. In conventional screening, this consumes large amounts of material,
leads to long development times and consequently results in high development costs.
The type and number of tested formulations is limited by the available time and the
compounds on hand. However, the time required for experiments can be significantly
reduced by applying HTS. The use of HTS provides absolutely reproducible and well-
documented screening of the solubilization capacity of different solubilizers for various
compounds [52, 53]. Moreover, it appears to be the only way of generating a sufficiently
reliable database that allows the general structure-property relationships to be deter-
mined for deducing the solubilizing efficacy of solubilizer-compound combinations.
Many methods have been described on how to measure the solubility of compounds.
Depending on the experimental set-up, the kinetic- or thermodynamic solubility of the
compound in question can be measured.
For the determination of kinetic (non-thermodynamic) solubility, the compound
is initially dissolved in an organic solvent (e. g. DMSO) and, in a second step, the
resulting stock solution is diluted in a well-stirred aqueous medium. Using the kinetic
solubility approach, however, it is not possible to determine the possible influences of
various polymorphic forms or the crystal lattice energy; this is because the compound
has been pre-dissolved. Thus, the measured kinetic solubilities present the maximum
solubility of the fastest precipitating modification of the compound. The kinetics of the
compound therefore determine its “solubility” level.
In addition, the kinetic method usually leads to a higher aqueous solubility compared
to thermodynamic solubility. One reason for this is the presence of organic solvent,
which acts as a co-solvent even at low concentrations (0.5 – 5 %) during measure-
ment. Another reason for the higher aqueous solubility levels is the fact that the pre-
dissolved compound is in a high energy state. This enhances the apparent solubility
of the compound.
Figure 3.1 HTS robot at BASF for the determination of thermodynamic solubility
The determination of thermodynamic solubility (equilibrium solubility) is carried out by
dosing a solid compound (in excess) into an aqueous medium. The measured solu-
bility is the saturation solubility of the examined compound over the non-dissolved
compound (equilibrium). Measurement of equilibrium solubility is commonly a single
measurement after a defined time (24 – 72 h) for first assessments. Following these
first screening experiments, it makes sense to verify the findings by determining the
equilibrium solubility at different time points.
In contrast to the determination of kinetic solubility, the breakage of the crystal lattice
plays an important role in thermodynamic solubility. Therefore, compounds in an
amorphous state will have higher solubilities than compounds in the crystalline state.
In solubility measurements, kinetic solubility is frequently determined using HTS [48].
The application of a compound dissolved in an organic liquid is faster and easier to
handle. Furthermore, the quantity of compound required for a single test is lower
(μg range) compared to a solid (mg range).
3.3.1 Overview
The three-axes system moves either the needle or the dosing unit for powders to the
different stations of preparation and analytics: Solid is weighed in the sample rack on
the balance and solubilizer solutions are added to each sample. After incubation, the
samples are diluted in the dilution rack and the amount of solubilized active ingredient
determined by UV / VIS spectroscopy. The general set-up of the multi purpose HTS
is shown in Fig. 3.2.
UV/VIS spectrometer Three-axes system
Dilution rack
Sample rack
Dosing unit
Sample preparation is carried out by dosing solid active and liquid solubilizer solution
into each well. For thermodynamic solubility, stirring bars are added and the samples
incubated for 72 hours. Separation of the dissolved active and its solid form are per-
formed by filtration and the amount of solubilized active determined via UV / VIS spec-
troscopy. The different processes performed by the robot are illustrated in Fig. 3.3.
Total absorption
API absorption
Solubilizer Absorption
250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450
Wavelength [nm]
3.3.2 Preparation of samples
The set-up of the multi-purpose HTS robot allows for the dispensing of liquids and solids.
Solubilizer solutions and API powders are dispensed into vials (Fig. 3.4). The amount
of API to be added is set to 10 mg and the actual amount added is controlled using
a balance (X404S DeltaRange, Mettler Toledo, Germany) and recorded. 0.5 mL of the
solubilizer solution in phosphate buffer pH 7.0 is dispensed from a 1 % and 5 % (w / w)
aqueous stock solution. Thermodynamic solubility measurement was used for setting
up the HTS robot at BASF because it includes the dissolution step of the compound.
The 1.0 mL vials have standard dimensions and are placed on a standard tray to pro-
vide high operational freedom with regard to analytics such as UV / VIS spectroscopy
or HPLC.
Figure 3.4 Preparation set-up showing the 3-axis robot arm and balance with vials
After filtration of the saturated API solutions, each sample is analyzed by UV / VIS
spectroscopy. For this purpose, the absorption spectra of pure active ingredient in
terms of calibration curves as well as the absorption spectra of the pure solubilizers
are measured during the same run (Fig. 3.5). Later, they are employed in the fitting
0.45 Tween 20
Tween 80
0.4 Kolliphor™ EL
Kolliphor™ RH 40
Kolliphor™ TPGS
0.35 Kolliphor™ HS 15
180 230 280 330
Wavelength [nm]
Kolliphor™ P 124
0.3 Kolliphor™ P 188
Kolliphor™ P 237
Kolliphor™ P 338
Kolliphor™ P 407
180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250
Wavelength [nm]
The diode array monochromator covers a broad wavelength range (200 – 700 nm)
and measures one full spectrum per second, usually over 100 seconds. The chroma-
togram (time / intensity graph) for the API-specific wavelength acts as a quality check
for optimal performance of the robot. Overall, this leads to ~ 2 mill. data points per
sample, which makes an automated data analysis a prerequisite. In the next step,
the mean intensity value for each wavelength over 100 seconds and for each sample
are generated and the active content calculated. This is performed by employing two
different fitting procedures. The Peakfit method adds up the spectra of active and
solubilizers and stores them in the database until the deviation from the measured
spectrum is minimal (Fig. 3.6). With the area-over-baseline-method, a baseline is ma-
nually generated and the area over this baseline is compared to that of the pure API.
Total absorption
API absorption
Solubilizer Absorption
250 270 290 310 330 350 370 390 410 430 450
Wavelength [nm]
3.4 Proof of concept: Manual vs. HTS experiments
The purpose of this study was to set up an HTS robot for the solubilization of poorly
soluble APIs. Carbamazepine was used as a model API and the solubilization capac-
ity of various solubilizers for this API was determined. Screenings obtained with the
help of the robot benefit from automation, miniaturization and parallelization. It can
be used to accelerate research projects and to scan various influencing parameters
simultaneously. For proof of the concept, the results obtained were compared to the
data from manual experiments in the lab.
3.4.1 Materials
Following incubation and a filtration step, a 1:10 dilution with a phosphate buffer /
methanol 1:1 (v / v) mixture was carried out to avoid precipitation of the API. 0.1 mL
of the diluted sample was then analyzed automatically using the incorporated UV
spectrometer (DDT3200, Duratec, Germany) at a wavelength of 286 nm. In the case
of maximal absorbance being higher than 1.0, an appropriate second dilution step
was automatically performed. In the manual trials, all steps were performed by a
Ph. D. student. Evaluation of solubilized carbamazepine for the manually prepared
samples was carried out using a Hewlett Packard HP8452A Diode Array UV / VIS
Kolliphor™ TPGS proved to be the most efficient solubilizer for carbamazepine and
resulted in the highest saturation solubility.
Solubilized carbamazepine [ppm]
The experiments showed that the use of an HTS robot for screening trials can help to
save development time. The trials with the HTS robot took two days while the manu-
ally performed experiments by one operator took three times as long. As these were
the first test trials using the robot, it can be expected that the analyzing speed in future
trials can be increased due to optimization of the processes.
3.5 Conclusion
The HTS robot was successfully used for the fast screening of different solubilizers
with carbamazepine as a model API. The data obtained were comparable to the
manually obtained results. The use of the HTS robot allowed for a large number
of data and increased the information output significantly due to the built-in soft-
ware. Therefore, this approach helps to reduce development time. The benefits are
summarized in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2 Comparison of manual screening and screening with an HTS robot:
Manual HTS
Number of screened solubilizers * Low High
[47] R.A. Prentis, Y. Lis and S.R. Walker, Pharmaceutical innovation by the seven
UK-owned pharmaceutical companies, Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol, 25 (1988),
387 – 396.
[48] E. H. Kerns, High Throughput Physicochemical Profiling for Drug Discovery,
J. Pharm. Sci., 90 (1) (2001), 1838 –1858.
[49] J. Alsenz and M. Kansy, High throughput solubility measurement in drug
discovery and development, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 59 (2007), pp. 546 – 56.
[50] C. Lipinski, F. Lombardo, B. Dominy and P. Feeney, Experimental and compu-
tational approaches to estimate solubility and permeability in drug discovery
and development settings, Adv. Drug Del. Rev. 46 (1– 3) (2001), pp. 3 – 26.
[51] T. I. Oprea, Current trends in lead discovery: are we looking for the appropriate
properties?, J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 16 (5 / 6) (2002), pp. 325 – 334.
[52] W.-G. Dai, C. Pollock-Dove, L.C. Dong and S. Li, Advanced screening assays
to rapidly identify solubility-enhancing formulations: high-throughput, mini-
aturization and automation, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 60 (2008), pp. 657 – 672.
[53] W.-G. Dai, L. C. Dong, S. Li, C. Pollock-Dove, J. Chen, P. Mansky and
G. Eichenbaum, Parallel screening approach to identify solubility-enhancing
formulations for improved bioavailability of a poorly water-soluble compound
using milligram quantities of material, Int. J. Pharm. 336 (2007), pp. 1–11.
[54] M. Stuart and K. Box, Chasing equilibrium: measuring the intrinsic solubility of
weak acids and bases, Anal. Chem. 77 (2005), pp. 983 – 990.
Thomas Reintjes
The second column divides the substances according to their state at room
temperature into:
4.3 Application chart
Recommended application
Topical formulation
(ointment / gel)
Oral solution
State (RT)
Soluplus® MC S ++ ++ 4
Kolliphor™ TPGS M S + + ++ +
Kolliphor™ HS 15 M P + + ++ +
Kolliphor™ RH 40 M P + ++ ++ +
Kolliphor™ EL M L ++ + +
ELP M P + + ++ +
Kollisolv™ P 124 M L + + ++
Kolliphor™ P 188 M S + + +
micro M S + + ++
Kolliphor™ P 237 M S + +
Kolliphor™ P 338 M S ++ +
Kolliphor™ P 407 M S ++ + +
micro M S + + ++
Kollidon® 12 PF C S + ++ ++ +
Kollidon® 17 PF C S + ++ +
Kollidon® 25 / 30 C S ++ ++
Kollidon® VA 64 / Fine C S ++ +
Dejan Djuric
5 Soluplus®
5.1 Composition HO
5.2 Properties
Signal intensity
100 1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000 10.000.000
Since it was primarily developed for solid solutions, i. e. by means of hot-melt ex-
trusion, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer was adjusted to approxi-
mately 70 °C in order to enable extrudability at lower temperatures compared to
already known polymers. Moreover, the Tg is still high enough to provide sufficient
rigidness for proper storage stability of the final solid solution.
Having an amphiphilic structure, Soluplus® also has a detectable critical micelle con-
centration (CMC = 7.6 mg / L) which is much lower than can be found with classical
low-molecular weight surfactants.
5.3 Applications
Soluplus® can be used as a solubilizer in aqueous media for oral purposes. This
can be realized for example when using it as a binder or in a simple suspension
respectively. In order to confirm this, solubilization capacity was determined in duplicate
by means of saturation solubility. A 10 % solution (w / w) of solubilizer in buffer media
was oversaturated with active and stirred for 72 h at room temperature. The resulting
suspension was filtered through a 0.45 μm filter. The amount of dissolved active was
detected by UV spectroscopy (Hewlett Packard 8452A). Saturation solubility was
expressed as a mean value in g / 100 mL as shown in Fig. 5.4.
Saturation solubility [g/100mL]
0.45 Pure API
10% solubilizer solution, saturation solubility in phosphate buffer pH 7.0 detected after 72 h stirring
Figure 5.4 Solubilization capacity of Soluplus® for poorly soluble actives
The use of Soluplus® resulted in increased solubility for all tested actives. The 10 %
solubilizer solution enabled saturation solubilities ranging from 0.013 g / 100 mL for
itraconazole to 0.35 g / 100 mL for carbamazepine. The saturation solubilities that
were detected for the pure actives were all below 0.08 g / 100 mL. With the use of
Soluplus®, these values could be increased more than one hundredfold, e. g. in the
case of estradiol, danazol or fenofibrate. A preference for solubilization of Soluplus®
for discrete chemical structures could not be detected since a variety of different
actives were solubilized successfully.
Extrudates with 15 % itraconazole and 85 % Soluplus® were prepared using a 16 mm
twin-screw extruder (Polylab, ThermoFisher, Germany) at 1 kg / h powder feed rate
and 200 rpm screw speed at 150 °C.
XRD analysis revealed that no crystalline substance could be detected within the
freshly extruded solid solution. In vitro dissolution testing of crystalline itraconazole led
to ~4 % drug release of the tested 100 mg, which approximately equals the saturation
solubility of the active in the applied 700 mL HCl (Fig. 5.6).
Soluplus® itraconazole
120 Crystalline itraconazole
Drug release [%]
0 30 60 90 120
t [min]
Figure 5.5 rug release of itraconazole from extrudates with Soluplus® compared to
crystalline substance
Soluplus® itraconazole
Soluplus® itraconazole 3 months
40°C/75% rh
Drug release [%]
0 30 60 90 120
t [min]
Figure 5.6 rug release of itraconazole from fresh extrudates and after storage at
40 °C / 75 % for 3 months
In comparison, the solid solution of Soluplus® and itraconazole showed complete
drug release, itraconazole achieving oversaturation in the dissolution medium. After
storage for 3 months under accelerated conditions in closed glass bottles, drug
release was comparable and the extrudates were XRD-amorphous (Fig. 5.7).
The in vivo tests were performed on beagles (n = 5) over 21 days (3 administrations at
intervals of 7 days). 10 mg API / kg bodyweight and day were administered orally at
fasted state. Blood sampling was performed before the administration of drug sub-
stances and then at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 h after administration. For the dog formu-
lations, the extruded strands were milled with an analytical mill (A 10, IKA, Germany)
for 15 seconds and then sieved through a 500 μm sieve. For comparison, crystalline
itraconazole was also administered. The results are shown in Fig. 5.8.
Soluplus® itraconazole
400 Crystalline itraconazole
Blood concentration [ng/mL]
0 5 10 15 20
t [h]
In contrast to the slight drug release in vitro, crystalline itraconazole was not absor-
bed by the dogs. The blood concentrations were below the detection limit. However,
administration of solid solutions with itraconazole resulted in high blood concentration
levels with a maximum blood concentration after 4 h.
Finally, with the use of Soluplus®, complete drug release of poorly soluble itraconazole
could be realized in vitro as well as bioavailability enhancement in vivo.
[55] P. Buch et al., IVIVC in oral absorption for fenofibrate immediate release tablets
using a dissolution / permeation system, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
98 (2008), 2001– 2009
[56] MM. Crowley et al., Pharmaceutical applications of hot-melt extrusion: Part 1.
Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 33 (2007), 909 – 926
Jochen Dressler
6 Kolliphor™ TPGS
6.1 Composition
The resulting product is a mixture containing mainly monoester (Fig. 6.1), a certain
amount of diester and residual free PEG 1000. The empirical formula of TPGS is
C33O5H54(CH2CH2O)20–22 (molecular weight: ~ 1513 g / mol).
O 5
O n
O 6
n = 20–22
6.2 Properties
Table 6.2 Overview of the physical and chemical properties of TPGS [57]
Dynamic viscosity (5 % sol. in water) approx. 1.5 mPa*s at 22 °C [10]
Kolliphor™ TPGS can be dissolved in water and is preferably used in aqueous con-
centrations from 0.5 to 20 %. TPGS mainly improves the bioavailability of poorly soluble
drugs by enhancing drug solubility as well as by modulating P-glycoprotein-dependent
drug efflux mechanisms [58, 59, 60]. Due to its amphiphilic character, TPGS exhibits
emulsifying properties and allows the formulation of O / W emulsions. TPGS has been
used as a water-soluble source of natural vitamin E with high bioavailability, especially
for patients suffering from vitamin E malabsorption. Although TPGS lacks the free hyd-
roxyl group of vitamin E, it can still be used successfully as an antioxidant. A summary
of the different fields of application is given in Table 6.3.
Table 6.3 Typical fields of application of Kolliphor™ TPGS:
The viscosity of aqueous TPGS solutions rises with increasing concentration. Addi-
tionally, during the heating of highly concentrated TPGS solutions, further viscosity
increases can be observed above 70 °C (Table 6.4). Temperature-dependent viscosity
increase is a reversible phenomenon which is observed for aqueous concentrations
above 10 %.
Kolliphor™ TPGS remains stable for several years under ambient storage conditions
in closed containers . Aqueous solutions of TPGS are stable at a pH range between
pH 4.5 and 7.5. Hydrolysis of the TPGS ester can occur under acidic conditions
below pH 1.8 and under alkaline conditions above pH 10.
Kolliphor™ TPGS is compatible with many commonly used pharmaceutical excipients;
some examples are given in Table 6.5.
Polysorbate 20 Polysorbate 60
Polysorbate 80 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
6.3 Applications
Kolliphor™ TPGS can be used to improve the solubility of poorly soluble drugs in tab-
lets or capsules [61]. For tableting or filling hard capsules, hot-melt granulation can be
performed using TPGS as a binder for granulation. Active ingredients can be admixed
to the binder in the molten state if they are not heat-sensitive. The following applica-
tion example is the formulation of vitamin E tablets (Table 6.6) that can be used as a
dietary supplement if normal vitamin E cannot be absorbed by patients with vitamin E
malabsorption [62].
Total 100
Fujicalin (highly porous dibasic calcium phosphate, anhydrous; Fuji Chemical Industry
Co., Ltd) is granulated / wetted with a solution of Kolliphor™ TPGS in ethanol using
a high shear mixer that can be operated with organic solvents. Granulation is carried
out for 15 minutes at low speed to allow uniform incorporation of TPGS into the po-
rous particles. The powder is gently dried under reduced atmospheric pressure or
in a fluidized bed dryer to remove residual ethanol while the product temperature is
maintained below 35 °C. The granules are compressed into tablets of 1.2 g. Due to
the self-lubricating properties of TPGS, it might not be necessary to use additional
lubricant. In this example, one tablet contains about 100 I. U. of natural vitamin E.
To enhance the solubility of poorly soluble drugs, it is recommended to melt the drug
together with TPGS and eventually together with additional co-solvents such as
polyethylene glycol 400. The melt can be liquid-filled into hard capsules where it
solidifies, added to water to form an emulsion that can be further used for nasal and
pulmonary applications [63] or spray dried together with additional excipients [64]
(e. g. mannitol, lactose, hypromellose) to obtain a solid dispersion or solid solution.
Instead of formulating a melt, TPGS and the active can also be dissolved in an appro-
priate organic solvent and – if necessary – a co-solvent (e. g. PEG 400 or propylene
glycol) can be added. In this context it is recommended to dissolve the active in TPGS
first before further diluting in the aqueous phase since this order is relevant for proper
micelle formation and for good solubilization results. 6
Kolliphor™ TPGS has been widely investigated for the solubility enhancement of poorly
soluble drugs. Using the Solu-HTS screening system, different concentrations of
Kolliphor™ TPGS have been successfully tested as solubilizers for selected active
ingredients. The solubility of carbamazepine, which is used as an anticonvulsant, can
be markedly increased using TPGS (Fig. 6.2). This finding was also confirmed in dis-
solution studies [65].
2500 1%
Solubility [ppm]
<5 <5 <5 <5
Carbamazepine Danazol Piroxicam Fenofibrate Cinnarizine
Figure 6.2 T PGS increases drug solubility in a concentration-dependent manner during
Solu-HTS screening experiments
Shaukat Ali
7 Kolliphor™ HS 15
7.1 Composition
H(O-CH2-CH2)x O A
H(O-CH2-CH2)y O
(I) H3C(CH2)5 CH (CH2)10 COOH
H3C(CH2)5 CH (CH2)10 O (CH2CH2 O)X H + HO(CH2CH2-O)Z H
R1 (VII)
R2 = H, (CH2CH2-O)y H
(V) (VI)
7.2 Properties
Property Observation
Appearance Yellowish white paste, waxy
pH 6 – 7
The micelle sizes of pure Kolliphor™ HS 15 and with 0.1 % solubilizate in water are
shown in Fig. 7.3 as a function of temperature. Photon correlation data suggests that
the micelle size of 1 % Kolliphor™ HS 15 is about 10 nm, increasing to about 20 nm 7
when 0.1 % solubilizate is incorporated. As the temperature increases to > 50 °C, the
micelle size also increases with and without solubilizate (Fig. 7.3).
Micelle diameter [nm]
Solubilizate 0.1 %
Pure surfactant 1 %
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature [°C]
Stability testing indicates that Kolliphor™ HS 15 is stable for at least 24 months if stored
in the unopened original containers at room temperature (max. 25 °C). Additionally,
Kolliphor™ HS 15 is stable over the ICH conditions for steam sterilization at 121 °C and
20 min. Tables 7.2 and 7.3 show the product’s stability in pure and in solution before
and after sterilization. The data indicates that Kolliphor™ HS 15 is stable under those
conditions as no obvious changes are observed following steam sterilization. The pH
may drop slightly during heating and this should be taken into account. Separation
into phases may also occur, but this can be reversed by agitation. Aqueous solutions
can be stabilized with the usual preservatives used in pharmaceuticals
Table 7.3 Stability of 20 % Kolliphor™ HS 15 solution on autoclaving
7.3 Applications
Table 7.5 Aqueous formulation of vitamin A palmitate
Material Amount
Vitamin A palmitate 1.7 million I. U. / g 8.3 g
Kolliphor™ HS 15 25.0 g
Kolliphor™ HS 15 [%]
0 50000 100000 150000 200000
Vitamin A [I.U./mL]
Figure 7.5 illustrates the results of the robotic high-throughput screening (HTS) of
poorly soluble drugs in buffer of pH 7.0 and solutions containing Kolliphor™ HS 15
at 1 %, 5 % and 10 % (w / v). Increasing the amounts of Kolliphor™ HS 15 from 1 % to
10 % increased the solubilization of all the drugs investigated. Thus, Kolliphor™ HS 15
successfully increased the solubility for a very broad range of different poorly soluble
active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).
Solubility [ppm]
f ib
P ir
Figure 7.5 H
TS solubilization screening of poorly soluble drugs in Kolliphor™ HS 15 solutions
Comparison: Vitamin A in injectables
(Intramuscular application in broilers)
Measurement after 7 days
Aqueous Emulsion Organic solution Oily solution
(with Kolliphor™ HS 15)
Another method for delivering poorly soluble drugs with the help of Kolliphor™ HS 15
is the preparation of self-emulsifying and nano-emulsifying drug delivery systems
(SEDDS and SNEDDS) with co-surfactants and / or co-solvents as has been reported
in many studies [68 – 72]. Additionally, Kolliphor™ HS 15 has also demonstrated its
ability to be used as a self-emulsifier in pellets [73 – 75].
Kolliphor™ HS 15 remains one of the most commonly used solubilizers in the phar-
maceutical industry as the preferred choice for in vitro screening and in vivo evalua-
tion of new chemical entities (NCEs). Progress has been made in recent years and
many of the products are commercially available. Especially in parenteral formu-
lations, Kolliphor™ HS 15 is used to increase the solubility of poorly soluble drugs
such as propofol and colchicine among others [76 – 78].
Shaukat Ali
8 Kolliphor™ RH 40
8.1 Composition
H2C O CH2 CH2 l
O C (CH2)7 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
HC O CH2 CH2 m O C (CH2)7 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
H2C O CH2 CH2 n O C (CH2)7 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
where, l + m + n = 40-45; R = H of polyethylene glycol residue
The 12-C atoms of the fatty acid chains are achiral (racemic), which avoids potential
isomerization of the hydroxyl group on the fatty acid chain. Changes in the ratios of
enantiomers are not expected to affect the functionality of Kolliphor™ RH 40.
8.2 Properties
Property Observation
Appearance White yellowish paste, odorless
8.3 Applications
Aqueous solutions of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K for oral and topical admin-
istration can be prepared with Kolliphor™ RH 40. For a clear aqueous solution, the
fat-soluble vitamins must be thoroughly mixed with the solubilizer. For vitamin A pre-
parations with Kolliphor™ RH 40, vitamin A palmitate 1.7 million I. U. / g, or vitamin A
propionate 2.5 million I. U. / g should be used, while for vitamin K, vitamin K 1 phyto-
menedione should be preferred.
The method for preparing the solubilizate is very important. The production of a
150,000 I. U. / mL aqueous vitamin A palmitate solution is described in detail below as
a typical example:
itamin A palmitate 8.8 g
(1.7 million I. U. / g)
olliphor™ RH 40 25.0 g
ater ad. 100.0 mL
The vitamin is mixed with Kolliphor™ RH 40 and heated to 60 – 65 °C. The liquid
is then added slowly to water heated to 60 °C and mixed. As mixing continues, the
solution viscosity increases as the solution turns opalescent and then decreases
as it clears up. Fig. 8.2 illustrates the solubilization capacity of Kolliphor™ RH 40
in highly concentrated aqueous solutions of vitamin A palmitate. Kolliphor™ HS 15
also behaves very similarly to Kolliphor™ RH 40 for the solubilization of vitamin A
palmitate (see chapter 7).
Kolliphor™ RH 40 [%]
0 50000 100000 150000 200000
Vitamin A [I.U./mL]
Fig. 8.3 illustrates the solubilization capacity of Kolliphor™ RH 40 for different types
of D vitamins. Relatively low concentrations of Kolliphor™ RH 40 (about 5 %) can si-
gnificantly increase the solubility of vitamin D 2 and D 3. At a concentration of 5 % of
Kolliphor™ RH 40 in solution, vitamin D 2 and D 3 were solubilized at 300,000 I. U.
and 180,000 I. U. respectively.
Vitamin D2
Vitamin D3
Kolliphor™ RH 40 [%]
0 100000 200000 300000
Vitamin D [I.U./mL]
Figure 8.3 Solubilization capacity of Kolliphor™ RH 40 for Vitamins D 2 and D 3
Solubility [ppm]
f ib
P ir
[79] Mullertz et al., New perspectives on lipid and surfactants based drug delivery
systems for oral delivery of poorly soluble drugs, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 62
(2010), 1622 –1636.
[80] Rhee et al., Transdermal delivery of ketoprofen using microemulsions, Int. J.
Pharm., 228 (2001), 161 –170.
[81] Seir et al., Bioavailability of probucol from lipid and surfactant based formu-
lations in minipigs: Influence of droplet size and dietary state, Eur. J. Pharm.
Biopharm., 69 (2008), 553 – 562.
[82] Fatouros, et al., Structural development of self nano emulsifying drug delive-
ry systems (SNEDDS) during in vitro lipid digestion monitored by small-angle
X-ray scattering, Pharm. Res., 24 (2007), 1844 –1853.
[83] Zhang et al., Preparation of nimodipine-loaded microemulsion for intranasal
delivery and evaluation on the targeting efficiency to the brain, Int. J. Pharm.,
275 (2004), 85 – 96.
[84] Cuine et al., Evaluation of the impact of surfactant digestion on the bioavaila-
bility of danazol after oral administration of lipidic self-emulsifying formulations
to dogs, J. Pharm. Sci., 97 (2008), 995 –1012.
[85] R. Stier, Masking bitter taste of pharmaceutical actives, Drug Deliv. Tech., 4(2),
(2004), 54 – 57.
[86] K. Kolter et al., Hot-melt extrusion with BASF pharma polymers, Extrusion
Compendium (2010).
Shaukat Ali
9 Kolliphor™ EL / ELP
9.1 Composition
Kolliphor™ EL (or ELP) is synthesized by reacting castor oil (glycerol triricinoleate) with
ethylene oxide. The main components of Kolliphor™ EL are: (A) triricinoleate esters of
ethoxylated glycerol, (B) polyethylene glycol ricinoleates and derivatives of these with
polyethoxylated 12-hydroxy ricinoleic acid residues. Thus, Kolliphor™ EL is a non-
uniform product lacking a single well-defined formula or structure.
H2C O CH2 CH2 l
O C (CH2)7 CH CH CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
HC O CH2 CH2 m
O C (CH2)7 CH CH CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
H2C O CH2 CH2 n
O C (CH2)7 CH CH CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
R1 O CH2 CH2 O x
C (CH2)7 CH CH CH2 CH (CH2)5 CH3
(B) x = 0…40; R1 = H or ricinoleate, R2 = H or polyethylene glycol /
polyethylene glycol ricinoelate
The relative molar masses (Mr) of the entities A (C127H244O44 with l + m + n = 35
and R = H) and B (C58H114O23 with for x = 20 and R1 = R2 = H) are approximately
2,500 g / mol and 1,200 g / mol, respectively.
The configuration of the double bond at C-9 is cis, as is the case in the starting
material, castor oil. The C-12 atoms of the fatty acid chains are achiral or racemic,
which means that both (R) and (S) enantiomers are present in equal proportions.
Kolliphor™ EL is known by its chemical name polyoxyl castor oil and PEG 35 castor
oil. The compendial names of Kolliphor™ EL / ELP (emulsifying liquid, purified) are
Macrogolglycerol Ricinoleate (Ph. Eur.), Polyoxyl 35 Castor Oil (USP), and Polyoxyl
Castor Oil.
9.2 Properties
Kolliphor™ EL is an oily liquid whereas Kolliphor™ ELP is a waxy paste; thus, the
question of polymorphism does not arise. The Kolliphor™ RH 40 grade provides
better taste masking than Kolliphor™ EL / P, presumably due to the creamy mouth
feel. Further properties of Kolliphor™ EL and Kolliphor™ ELP are summarized in
Table 9.1.
Property Observation
Appearance Kolliphor™ EL Clear, yellow viscous liquid
Kolliphor™ ELP White-yellowish paste
Solubility Freely soluble in water, dichloromethane, ethanol
HLB 12 –14
CMC* 0.02 %
35% Kolliphor™ EL
30% Kolliphor™ EL
25% Kolliphor™ EL
20% Kolliphor™ EL
10% Kolliphor™ EL
5% Kolliphor™ EL
Dynamic viscosity [mPas]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Temperature [°C]
Some of the key specifications of Kolliphor™ EL and Kolliphor™ ELP are shown in
Table 9.2. The ELP grade has a controlled, low content of potassium and free fatty
acids, while these parameters are not specified for the EL grade.
Stability studies showed that Kolliphor™ EL and ELP are stable for at least 48 months
under standard conditions (25 °C / 60 % RH), and 6 months under accelerated con-
ditions (40 °C / 75 % RH). Therefore, Kolliphor™ EL / ELP should be stored in tight
containers at < 25 °C or room temperature, and should be protected from light.
9.3 Applications
Kolliphor™ ELP is recommended primarily for parenterals but is also suitable for oral
and other dosage formulations. Its preferential use in parenteral formulations is due
to its controlled free acid and potassium content and lower moisture level, which can
prevent hydrolysis of the drug.
Fig. 9.2 illustrates the solubilization of vitamin A palmitate. As shown, the solubilization
characteristics of Kolliphor™ EL are in many ways identical to Kolliphor™ RH 40 or
Kolliphor™ HS 15 for vitamin A palmitate.
Kolliphor™ EL [%]
0 50000 100000 150000 200000
Vitamin A [I.U./mL]
Typical compositions of multivitamin formulations are shown in Table 9.3. The com-
bination of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D 3 and E is formulated with the use of Kolli-
phor™ EL as solubilizing agent and glycerol as co-solvent. These aqueous solutions
can deliver about 12 mill. I. U. / mL of vitamin A and about 6 mill. I. U. / mL of vitamin
D 3, respectively.
30 Polysorbate 80
Kolliphor™ EL
Solubilizer [%] 20
30 50 100 150
Vitamin E acetate [mg/mL]
3500 10%
Solubility [ppm]
le *
f ib
P ir
Figure 9.4 In vitro solubilization of model drugs (* evaluation not possible)
Numerous studies are cited in the literature about the application of Kolliphor™ EL
in the formation of self-emulsification systems, SEDDS and SNEDDS, with co-sur-
factants and / or co-solvents [87 – 91]. For example, Cremophor EL has been used
as a self-emulsifying system in Kaletra® soft gel capsules with oleic acid as a co-
solvent. The effects of Kolliphor™ EL and other non-ionic solubilizers on the inhibition
of transport membrane protein, or P glycoprotein (Pgp) have been studied extensively
[92 – 94], but the actual mechanism of Pgp inhibition by Kolliphor™ EL is not clear.
Kolliphor™ EL has been approved for use in several oral, parenteral, and ophthalmic
drug products.
Thomas Reintjes
10.1 Composition
In general, the synthesis of poloxamers comprises two steps: In a first step (Fig. 10.1 I),
propylene oxide (2) is reacted with a suitable starting material such as propylene
glycol (1) to form PPO (3). In a second step (II), PPO reacts with ethylene oxide (4)
to form the PEO-PPO-PEO block-copolymer poloxamer (5). Both of these steps are
usually base-catalyzed with potassium hydroxide; this then requires neutralization of
the product after synthesis.
I OH + x HO O O
O n O n OH
1 2 3
where x = 2n + 2
O O o m O o
4 5
where y = 20 + 1 and m = n + 1
Figure 10.1 Two-step synthesis schematic for poloxamers (for explanations see text).
I OH– + O n
1 O– CH3
O n HO + O–
II O n
O– CH3 CH2
III O n + m m O n
CH2 3 CH2
Figure 10.2 Side reaction leading to unsaturation and consequently to the formation of
a diblock copolymer
The existence of these diblock copolymers becomes visible during gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) for determination of the molecular weight distribution, where
a second peak of a smaller fraction can be observed (Fig. 10.3).
Signal intensity
100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Molecular weight [g/mol]
Figure 10.3 Example of bimodal molecular weight distribution (GPC) in Kolliphor™ P 407
10.2 Properties
The block composition of poloxamers with both hydrophilic PEO blocks and more
hydrophobic PPO blocks enables poloxamers to form micelles in aqueous solution.
There are two methods involved in inducing micelle formation in a poloxamer solution:
The poloxamer concentration can be increased until the critical micelle concentration
(CMC) is reached, or the temperature can be increased, which leads to a subsequent
decrease of the CMC [98] (Fig. 10.4).
Increase of T
PEO-part and/or
Increase of c
Poloxamers are liquid, pasty or solid at room temperature; this is closely related
to their molecular weight and their chemical composition. These two key features
are directly displayed in the nomenclature of the poloxamers: The last of the three
numbers that characterize every poloxamer grade is linked to the PEO content
(188 = 80 % m / m PEO) while the prepending numbers multiplied by 100 give an idea
of the average molecular weight of the PPO part (188 = molecular weight of the PPO
part: 1800). The different poloxamer grades are usually arranged in a grid system,
in which areas of liquid, pasty and solid poloxamer grades can be observed (Fig.
10.5 top). Most commercial grades of poloxamers have a slightly different nomen-
clature, but can be displayed within the same grid system (Fig. 10.5 bottom). For
the Pluronic and former Lutrol grades, a letter and number combination was used
as nomenclature: The letter is defined by the aggregate state (L = liquid; P = paste;
F = flakes), while the last number represents the PEO content (F 68 = 80 % m / m 10
PEO) and the prepending numbers are again related to the molecular weight of the
PPO part. Here a factor of approximately 300 can be used for an estimation of the
PPO part’s molecular weight (F 68 = molecular weight of PPO part: 1800). However,
use of the grid system is recommended for molecular weight estimation to ensure
that all poloxamer grades conform.
Molecular weight of PPO-part [g/mol]
Figure 10.5 Grid system displaying the systematic nomenclature of poloxamer grades
(top) and of the corresponding Pluronic / Lutrol grades (bottom)
There are five compendial poloxamer grades, one liquid (124) and four solid grades
(188, 237, 338 and 407). For each of these compendial grades BASF supplies a
commercial grade in pharmaceutical quality (Kolliphor™ P, Kollisolv™ P) that meets
the requirements of the USP, Ph.Eur. and JPE. Some of the specifications and pro-
perties of the compendial poloxamers are given in Table 10.1 below; a complete
overview of the specifications can be provided for each grade on request.
The solid Kolliphor™ P grades are prepared by a so-called ‘prilling’ process that leads
to the formation of spherical granules with excellent flowability and a mean particle
size of about 600 – 800 µm (Fig. 10.6 A). In addition to the standard grades, a micro-
prilled grade was recently introduced for the two Kolliphor™ P grades 188 and 407.
These two grades are available as Kolliphor™ P micro and exhibit much smaller mean
particle sizes of around 50 µm only (Fig. 10.6 B). However, since the material is not micro-
nized, but micro-prilled, dust formation is still very low. The smaller particle size is
especially favorable in the case of powder blends, since more homogeneous particle
sizes will cause less segregation. Additionally, the increased surface area of the smal-
ler particles will lead to faster dissolution and faster melting in HME applications.
11 90
10 80
Volume [%]
6 50
P 188 200 µm
5 40
4 30
1 10
Volume [%]
P 188 micro 20 µm
4 40
3 30
2 20
1 10
Figure 10.6 Particle size distribution and SEM images of Kolliphor™ P 188 (A) and
of the corresponding micro-prilled grade (B)
10.3 Applications
Due to their good solubility in water and their ability to form micelles, poloxamers are
generally suitable for use as solubilizers. However, under the conditions of testing with
the Solu-HTS (see chapter 3), Kollisolv™ P 124, Kolliphor™ P 188 and P 237 showed
a remarkable enhancement of the saturation solubility for only two of the seven APIs
tested (Fig. 10.7). The saturation solubility of piroxicam, which in buffer is not higher than
5 ppm, was increased to more than 200 ppm for solutions containing 1 % poloxamer
and to more than 1,000 ppm with 10 % poloxamer. For carbamazepine, which has a
saturation solubility of about 120 ppm in buffer, the solubility was significantly increased
for solutions containing 5 % solubilizer and more. The two Kolliphor™ P grades, with a
mean molecular weight of higher than 10,000 Da (P 338 and P 407), showed a massively
enhanced solubilization efficacy. For solutions with 10 % P 338, an increase of the
saturation solubility was observed for all seven APIs tested. This effect was even more
pronounced for P 407 solutions, where a concentration of 5 % was already sufficient
to increase the saturation solubility of all APIs, and a concentration of 10 % massively
enhanced the solubility.
Since Kolliphor™ P 188 and P 407 both show thermoreversible gelation in solutions
with a content of about 15 % and higher already at room temperature [101], they are
very suitable for use in hydrogel drug delivery systems were they can additionally act
as solubilizers for poorly soluble drugs. Liquid Kollisolv™ P 124 is very suitable as
a filling matrix for soft gelatine capsules, where P 124 can be used as a water-free
Micro-prilled grades of Kolliphor™ P 188 and P 407 have a particle size compatible
with most actives or other excipients; this makes them very suitable for applications
in direct compression, roller compaction or melt granulation, where they can improve
the wetting and dissolution of poorly soluble drugs.
Saturation solubility [ppm] 1200
1% solubilizer Control
P 124
1000 P 188
P 237
800 P 338
P 407
P ir
5% solubilizer
Saturation solubility [ppm]
iz i
P ir
10% solubilizer
Saturation solubility [ppm]
f ib
P ir
Figure 10.7 olubilization efficacy of poloxamers as tested with the Solu-HTS System. All
poloxamer grades significantly enhance the solubility of piroxicam and, in higher
concentrations (5 % and more), also of carbamazepine; however, only P 407 shows
good solubilization efficacy for all tested APIs in concentrations of 5 % and higher.
In the case of hot-melt extrusion applications, the micro-prilled grades are very suit-
able plasticizers in combination with other excipients, since they enable processing
over a wider temperature range and mix very homogeneously. However, due to their
high molecular weight compared with classical plasticizers such as PEG 1,000, they
are not readily soluble in many polymers and will often form crystalline regions within
the solid dispersions. Shah et al. also report on a melt formulation using Poloxamer
188 as matrix and show an increased dissolution of rofecoxib from the prepared solid
dispersion [102]. Nevertheless, due to their crystallinity and very low melt viscosity,
pure polymers are not recommended for melt extrusion since the downstreaming of
the extrudate is extremely difficult.
Thomas Reintjes
11.1 Composition
Although not typical solubilizers due to their lack of an amphiphilic structure, Kollidon®
grades can also increase the solubility of poorly soluble substances. From the range of
Kollidon® grades, the soluble Kollidons® of low molecular weight such as Kollidon® 12 PF
and Kollidon® 17 PF and of medium molecular weight such as Kollidon® 25 and Kol-
lidon® 30 especially are very suitable. In addition to these pure polyvinyl pyrrolidone
(PVP) grades, the copovidone grade, Kollidon® VA 64 is also very important in the
group of solubilizing agents.
PVPs are usually produced by radical polymerization (Fig. 11.1), a process that can
be divided into 3 steps: activation (I), propagation (II) and termination (III). In the
first step, vinylpyrrolidone (2) is activated by a radical (1) to form the vinylpyrrolidone
radical (3). In the propagation step, this radical then reacts with a certain amount of
vinylpyrrolidone to form a polyvinyl pyrrolidone radical (4). In the final termination step
this then transfers its radical to another molecule such as a tertiary alcohol, to form
the final PVP (5).
R O· + O O
1 2 3
II O + n O O O
R O C CH· H2C CH R O C C n C CH·
H2 H2 H H2
R O C C n C CH· + R OH R O C C n C CH2 + R O·
H2 H H2 H2 H H2
For the copovidone grades, the synthesis is almost the same as for the PVP, the
only difference being that in the propagation step (Fig. 11.2) a certain amount of vinyl
acetate (6) is added. This leads to the formation of a randomly structured copolymer
of vinylpyrrolidone and vinylacetate (7).
II N O + n N O + m O O N O O O N O
R O C CH· H2C CH H2C CH R O C C n C C m C CH·
H2 H2 H H2 H H2
6 7
11.2 Properties
The soluble Kollidon® grades, including Kollidon® VA 64, appear as almost white,
free-flowing powders with a characteristic odor. Particle sizes of the standard grades
are usually within the range 50 – 250 µm and are of a medium particle size of around
100 µm. The fine fraction (< 50 µm) of the standard grade comprises typically 10 – 20 %
(Fig. 11.3 A). In addition to the standard grade of Kollidon® VA 64 a ‘Fine’ grade is
also offered. This ‘Fine’ grade has much smaller particle sizes, about 90 % < 50 µm
(Fig. 11.3 B), and also differs in particle shape. The Kollidon® grades discussed in
this chapter are all produced by a spray drying process, which usually generates
particles with a typical, spherical, hollow structure (see also chapter 2.3). However,
in the case of the standard grade of Kollidon® VA 64, these hollow particles are
almost completely disintegrated so that irregularly shaped fragments and debris can
be observed in the SEM image (Fig. 11.3 A). The ‘Fine’ grade in contrast consists of
very homogeneous, spherical particles (Fig. 11.3 B) that are also typical for the PVP
grade Kollidons®.
100 µm
Volume [%]
2 20
0 0
100.1 1 10 100 1000 3000
A Particle size [µm] 80
Volume [%]
27 20
6 80
Volume [%]
50.1 1 10 100 1000 3000
A Particle size [µm]
3 40
2 100 µm 20
80 0
70.1 1 10 100 1000 3000
B 6 Particle size [µm] 80
Volume [%]
3 40
0 0
0.1 1 10 100 1000 3000
B Particle size [µm]
Figure 11.3 P article shape (SEM) and particle size distribution of Kollidon® VA 64 (A)
and of Kollidon® VA 64 Fine (B)
The characteristic 'soluble' of this group of polymers is attributed to their high solubility
in almost any hydrophilic solvent. However, the soluble Kollidon® grades are not only
readily soluble in water and different alcohols such as methanol, ethanol and iso-
propanol but also dissolve in methylene chloride and chloroform. While the solubility of
the PVP grades and copovidone is almost the same for both groups, they show strong
differences with regard to hygroscopicity. The hygroscopicity of the PVP grades is typi-
cally very high and shows hardly any difference between the individual grades. Kollidon®
VA 64 and the corresponding ‘Fine’ grade in contrast show a much lower hygrosco-
picity and adsorb only about one third of the quantity of water adsorbed by the povidone
grades (details are given in the technical brochures that are available on request).
One parameter that differentiates the Kollidon® grades is molecular weight. Like most
polymers, the molecular weight of the Kollidons® has a certain molecular weight dis-
tribution; thus, the determination of a certain molecular weight is difficult and not very
distinctive. Consequently, instead of a molecular weight range, the viscosity of a poly-
mer solution (typically the inherent viscosity) is usually used to characterize a polymer.
A dimensionless number that is closely related to the viscosity is the so called K-value,
which is used to characterize the Kollidon® grades. The equation for calculation of the
K-value from the relative viscosity of a certain polymer solution can be found in [104].
This K-value is also part of the nomenclature of the PVP grade Kollidons®, followed
by the letters PF for pyrogen free in case of Kollidon® 12 PF and 17 PF. For the co-
povidone grade VA (vinyl acetate) 64 the nomenclature is different: Here, the number
does not display the K-value, which is in the range of 25 – 30, but gives the ratio of
vinylpyrrolidone to vinyl acetate (6 to 4). An overview of the corresponding molecular
weights (weight average) for the different Kollidon® grades is given in Table 11.1.
The key feature of the different Kollidon® grades, which makes them suitable for
increasing the solubility of various APIs and other substances, is their ability to form
water-soluble complexes. Probably the best-known Kollidon®-based complex is the
PVP-iodine complex (Fig. 11.4), in which a triiodide anion is ionically bound to a pro-
ton that is fixed by short hydrogen bonds between two carbonyl groups [104]. This
complex is typically used in formulations I3–
for wound disinfection, where the solu- +
bility of iodine is increased approximately N O H O N
17-fold for solutions that contain 1 % of R CH2 CH CH2 CH R
PVP only [105]. In addition to the PVP-
iodine complex, complexes with various
Figure 11.4 C
hemical structure of the
APIs such as sulfathiazole, nifedipine or
PVP-iodine complex
phenobarbital have also been described
[103]. However, the stability of these
complexes is pH-dependent: In general,
the complexes are formed under acidic
conditions but decompose again in the
alkaline pH range.
Since the Kollidons® (PVP and the copovidone grades) are amorphous polymers,
they show a glass transition temperature (Tg) which increases with increasing mo-
lecular weight. Figure 11.5 clearly illustrates how the Tg increases for different PVP
grades with increasing K-value. For the copovidone grade VA 64, the Tg is signi-
ficantly reduced compared to the PVP grade (Kollidon® 30) of similar molecular
weight (149 ºC → 101 ºC). For applications such as melt extrusion, the degradation
temperature of the polymers is also of great interest. However, the degradation
temperature does not show the same similar trend as was observed for the Tg: For
Kollidon® 30 and Kollidon® 17 PF, the degradation temperature is about 50 ºC lower
than that for the Kollidon® 12 PF and VA 64 grades.
225 230
Temperature [°C]
175 175
Kollidon® 12 PF Kollidon® 17 PF Kollidon® 30 Kollidon® VA 64
Figure 11.5 Glass transition temperature (Tg) and temperature of degradation (Tdegr)
for different Kollidon® grades.
11.3 Applications
Due to their low molecular weight and pyrogen-free quality, the Kollidon® 12 PF and 17 PF
grades are especially suitable for use in parenteral formulations, since the molecular
weight below 35,000 Da allows fast clearance from the blood stream. In oral and
topical formulations, the low molecular weight grades can also be used; however, for
this purpose, the medium molecular weight grades Kollidon® 25 and 30 are typically
used. If binding properties are required in a certain formulation such as granules or
tablets, the Kollidon® 25, 30 or VA 64 grades are preferably used; this is because
the binding efficacy increases with increasing K-value and is especially high for the
copovidone grade. Investigations of the Tg and temperature of degradation revealed
that Kollidon® 12 PF and VA 64 are particularly suitable for hot-melt extrusion (HME)
applications. Due to the fact that the polymers are usually processed about 30 – 50 ºC
above their Tg, they should exhibit a high difference between Tg and temperature of
degradation. For Kollidon® 30 and 17 PF, this difference is only about 30 ºC (Fig. 11.5),
which makes processing of the pure polymers extremely difficult, if not impossible.
Kollidon® VA 64 showed very good processability in the HME application and was
used to formulate the poorly water-soluble API itraconazole in a solid dispersion. In-
vestigation of the drug release from the extrudates showed that the solubility of itra-
conazole was significantly increased (Fig. 11.6). While only 3 – 4 mg of the crystalline
API were dissolved in the dissolution buffer (700 ml 0.1 M HCl), the amount of soluble
API was about 10-fold from the extrudates after two hours of dissolution.
Itraconazole/VA 64 extrudate
Pure Itraconazole 100 mg
Dissolved API [mg]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time [min]
Figure 11.6 Increased solubility of itraconazole as observed during a dissolution study
from Kollidon® VA 64 extrudates. (USP II, 700 mL 0.1 M HCl).
The use of Kollidon® VA 64 as a matrix for melt extrudates has already found its way
into commercial products. In 2005, Abbott launched a tablet formulation of the API
combination ritonavir and lopinavir (Kaletra®), which is used for the treatment of HIV
infections. A major advantage of this formulation is that the daily intake of six cap-
sules of the former soft gelatine capsule formulation could be reduced to four tablets.
Additional benefits of the melt-extruded formulation are that these tablets show no
food interaction and therefore can be taken with or without food and that there is no
need to keep the tablets refrigerated [106, 107].
At the moment, the melt extrusion process is still the exception in the pharmaceutical
industry; however, more melt-extruded formulations are expected in the near future.
Reference List
12 Alphabetical index
A absolute filters 44
absorption spectra (solubilizers) 58
advance angle 34
antioxidant (TPGS) 74
application chart (solubilizers) 65
aprepitant 25
area-over-baseline-method 59
atomization 39
B bag filters 44
bile salts 16
bimodal molecular weight distribution 104
binding constants 21
biomolecules 16
biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) 9 – 10
biopharmaceutical fitness 53
brick dust 14, 19
briefly overheating 45
Büttiker model 42
C caffeine 93
calendering 33
carbamazepine 60 – 61, 69, 77, 85, 93
casting device 29
chemical stability 30
cinnarizine 69, 78, 85, 93
clotrimazole 69, 85, 93
co-current nozzle tower 43
compendial poloxamers 103, 107
complex formation 20 – 22, 64, 115
continuous changes 35
continuous manufacturing process 32
conveying 33 – 34
copovidone 112 –117
-particle size distribution 113 –114
core-shell structure 14
co-rotating 34
co-solvents 18, 53, 77, 86, 101 11
counter-current nozzle tower 43
counter-rotating 34
critical micelle concentration (CMC) 14, 17 –18
-determination 17 12
-ionic surfactant 15
C critical micelle concentratio (CMC) -non-ionic surfactant 15
-Kolliphor™ EL / ELP 96
-Kolliphor™ HS 15 81
-Kolliphor™ RH 40 90
-poloxamers 105, 107
-Soluplus® 68
critical micelle temperature 18
crop protection 19
crystal lattice energy 54
cyclones 44
cyclosporine A 19, 93
E electrostatic repulsion 15
Emend® 25
emulsion stabilization 16
enthalpy 12
entropy 12
equilibrium solubility 23, 55
estradiol 69
extrudability 35
extrudate shape 32
E extrusion temperature 36
H head-tail structure 14
high-throughput robot (Solu-HTS) 53– 62
histamine release 83
hollow beads 42
hollow cone pressure nozzles 40
hot-melt extrusion (HME) 31 – 36
-advantages 31
-equipment 32
hydrogen bonding acceptors / donors 36
hydrophobic pockets 22
hygroscopicity 36
-Kollidon® 115
I implants 31
infrared spectroscopy 30
interaction parameter 12
interface energy 17
interfacial tension 23
intermeshing 34 12
itraconazole 69
I itraconazole -bioavailability enhancement 71
-extrudates (Kollidon® VA 64) 117
-extrudates (Soluplus®) 69 – 71
-structure 12
L L / D ratio 34
laminar arrangements 15
light scattering 17
liquid crystalline phases 15
Lutrol® 103, 105, 106
M matrix material 22
mechanical energy 35
mechanical properties 30
melt granulation 28, 75, 109
melt viscosity 33, 35
micelle size 14
-Kolliphor™ HS 15 81 – 82
M micelles 14
micro-prilled poloxamers 108 –109
mixing enthalpy 13
mixing entropy 13
mixing step 33
modular screw design 34
moisture equilibrium 41
molar mass 13
molar volume 13
molecular mobility 28
N nanoparticles 25
nano-sinks 18
nanotechnology 22– 25
Neoral® 19, 93
neutral elements 34
Norvir® 19
Noyes-Whitney equation 24
O O / W emulsion 74
off-line modifications 35
olive oil 19
Ostwald ripening 27
oversaturation 22
overview chart (solubilizers) 64 – 65
P PVP -mode of action 22
-synthesis 112
-iodine complex 115 –116
R Rapamune® 25
residence time 35
reverse-flighted kneading blocks 34
ritonavir 19
rofecoxib 111
S Sandimmune® 19
saquinavir 19
saturation solubility -carbamazepine 61
Schlick nozzle 40
screw design 34
self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS) 18 –19, 75, 86, 101
self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) 19
self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) 86, 101
shaping section 33
shear stress 35
single-screw extruder 34
sirolimus 25
solid content 39
solid dispersions 27 – 30
solid solutions 22, 27 – 30
solid state NMR 30
Soliqs 31
solubility parameter 36
solubilization capacity 36
-Soluplus® 68 – 69
Soluplus® 67 – 72
-gel permeation chromatography (GPC) 67 – 68
-molecular weight distribution 67
solution viscosity (TPGS) 75
-Kolliphor™ EL 97
solvent casting 28, 36
sorption isotherm 41
spray congealing 28
spray drying 38 – 49
-advantages 39
-process parameters 43
-process steps 39
standard spraying tower 38
step changes 35
structure-property relationship 62
S supramolecular structures 14 –15
surface energy 17
surface tension 17
surfactants 14 –19
sustained release tablets 31
T theophylline 46 – 49
thermodynamic solubility 53– 57
thermodynamics 12–13
thermoplastic behavior 32, 36
thixotropic behavior 35
three-axes system 55 – 56
torque 33, 35
transdermal drug delivery systems 31
transmucosal drug delivery systems 31
Tricor® 25
tube-like arrangements 15
twin-screw extruder 34
V vapor sorption 30
variability of bioavailability 19
vitamin A palmitate 83 – 84, 91, 98 – 99
vitamin D 92, 99
vitamin E 74 – 77, 99
vitamin E -malabsorption 74
volatile organic compound (VOC) 19
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October 2011
Extrusion Compendium by BASF
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Read more about hot-melt extrusion in
BASF’s Extrusion compendium. The
ma polymers, www.pharma-ingredients.basf.com
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-melt extrusion
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This book is intended for pharmaceutical technologists in industry
and at universities who wish to formulate poorly water-soluble
drugs or are generally interested in solubility enhancement.