PN Rank Classification The Ranks, Rates and Ratings of Officers
PN Rank Classification The Ranks, Rates and Ratings of Officers
PN Rank Classification The Ranks, Rates and Ratings of Officers
AFP are commissioned into the service and are given ranks by the President
of the Republic of the Philippines. They hold such rank for a certain time in
grade until they are promoted to the next higher grade. Enlisted personnel
(EP) are likewise given ranks by their respective services as well as rates and
ratings depending on the level of their occupational field on a certain job
classification. For the PN, an EP is given a promotional examination
(PROMEX) before he/she can be promoted to the next higher grade.
Stores, preserves and uses ropes, cordage, wire, canvas leather and paint. Makes fenders,
cargo nets and canvas covers. Preserves and cares for ships including painting and
cleaning, repairing deck equipment and overhauling ground tackle. Operate and maintain
ship's boats, winches, and deck machinery. Prepare rigging for hoisting, towing or being
towed, and replenishment at sea. Launches, stows, repacks and uses inflatable lifeboats
and lifesaving equipment. Loads, unloads, and stows cargo. Acts as boat captain and
coxswain of yard craft, harbor tug, patrol craft and small boats. Performs duties
involving amphibious operations, such as beaching and retracting landing craft, launches
and assembles and operates pontoon barges.
Quartermaster (QM)
Perform navigation duties such as taking bearings, water depth soundings,
make celestial observations and other navigational aids, such as, radar, radio,
fathometer, stadimeter, compasses and azimuth circles. Plot ship's position
on charts using parallel rulers, protractors and dividers. Procures, corrects,
uses and stows charts, navigational publications and hydrographic charts.
Maintains ship's log. Transmit and receive messages by flashing light
signals, semaphore and flaghoists. Steers ships in restricted waters and
identify ships, aircraft, flags, beacons, buoys, etc.
Radarman (RD) Operates, calibrates, and tunes all types of radar equipment
to search for, locates, and tracks movements of contacts such as ships,
aircrafts and missiles. Interprets information gained from radar and
distinguishes ships, aircrafts, and missiles from contacts caused by natural
disturbances. Plots ranges bearings fixes on nautical charts and maintains
multiple tracks on geographic, survey and surface plots including dead
reckoning of air surface targets. Maintains plots during search, detection,
attack and retirement. Solves navigational and tactical problems.