Basic Que
Basic Que
Basic Que
Types of research methods can be classified into several categories according to the nature and
purpose of the study and other attributes. In methodology chapter of your dissertation, you are
expected to specify and discuss the type of your research according to the following classifications.
Quantitative research “describes, infers, and resolves problems using numbers. Emphasis is placed
on the collection of numerical data, the summary of those data and the drawing of inferences from
the data”.
Qualitative research, on the other hand, is based on words, feelings, emotions, sounds and other
non-numerical and unquantifiable elements. It has been noted that “information is considered
qualitative in nature if it cannot be analysed by means of mathematical techniques. This
characteristic may also mean that an incident does not take place often enough to allow reliable
data to be collected”.
Types of the research methods according to the nature of research can be divided into two groups:
descriptive and analytical. Descriptive research usually involves surveys and studies that aim to
identify the facts. In other words, descriptive research mainly deals with the “description of the state
of affairs as it is at present”, and there is no control over variables in descriptive research. Analytical
research, on the other hand, is fundamentally different in a way that “the researcher has to use facts
or information already available and analyse these in order to make a critical evaluation of the
According to the purpose of the study, types of research methods can be divided into two
categories: applied research and fundamental research. Applied research is also referred to as an
action research, and the fundamental research is sometimes called basic or pure research. The table
below summarizes the main differences between applied research and fundamental research.
Similarities between applied and fundamental (basic) research relate to the adoption of a systematic
and scientific procedure to conduct the study.
On the basis of research design the types of research methods can be divided into two groups –
exploratory and conclusive. Exploratory studies only aim to explore the research area and they do
not attempt to offer final and conclusive answers to research questions. Conclusive studies, on the
contrary, aim to provide final and conclusive answers to research questions.
Table below illustrates the main differences between exploratory and conclusive research designs:
Exploratory research Conclusive research
What is it? Behavior and instrument used in the Science of understanding, how research is
selection and construction of the performed methodically.
research technique.
Encompasses Carrying out experiment, test, Study different techniques which can be
surveys and so on. utilized in the performance of experiment,
test, surveys etc.
Research method pertains to all those methods, which a researcher employs to undertake research
process, to solve the given problem. The techniques and procedure, that are applied during the
course of studying research problem are known as the research method. It encompasses both
qualitative and quantitative method of performing research operations, such as survey, case study,
interview, questionnaire, observation, etc.
These are the approaches, which help in collecting data and conducting research, in order to achieve
specific objectives such as theory testing or development. All the instruments and behaviour, used at
various levels of the research activity such as making observations, data collection, data processing,
drawing inferences, decision making, etc. are included in it. Research methods are put into three
First Category: The methods relating to data collection are covered. Such methods are used
when the existing data is not sufficient, to reach the solution.
Second Category: Incorporates the processes of analysing data, i.e. to identify patterns and
establish a relationship between data and unknowns.
Third Category: Comprise of the methods which are used to check the accuracy of the
results obtained.
Research Methodology, as its name suggest is the study of methods, so as to solve the research
problem. It is the science of learning the way research should be performed systematically. It refers
to the rigorous analysis of the methods applied in the stream of research, to ensure that the
conclusions drawn are valid, reliable and credible too.
The researcher takes an overview of various steps that are chosen by him in understanding the
problem at hand, along with the logic behind the methods employed by the researcher during study.
It also clarifies the reason for using a particular method or technique, and not others, so that the
results obtained can be assessed either by the researcher himself or any other party.
1. The research method is defined as the procedure or technique applied by the researcher to
undertake research. On the other hand, research methodology is a system of methods, used
scientifically for solving the research problem.
2. The research method is nothing but the behaviour or tool, employed in selecting and
building research technique. Conversely, research methodology implies the science of
analysing, the manner in which research is conducted appropriately.
3. The research method is concerned with carrying out experiment, test, surveys, interviews,
etc. As against this, research methodology is concerned with learning various techniques
which can be employed in the performance of experiment, test or survey.
5. Research method intends to discover the solution to the problem at hand. In contrast,
research methodology aspires to apply appropriate procedures, with a view to ascertaining
Research Process
Dissertation markers expect the explanation of research process to be included in Methodology
chapter. A typical research process comprises the following stages:
1. Selecting the research area. You are expected to state that you have selected the research
area due to professional and personal interests in the area and this statement must be true. The
importance of this first stage in the research process is often underestimated by many students. If
you find research area and research problem that is genuinely interesting to you it is for sure that
the whole process of writing your dissertation will be much easier. Therefore, it is never too early to
start thinking about the research area for your dissertation.
3. Conducting the literature review. Literature review is usually the longest stage in the research
process. Actually, the literature review starts even before the formulation of research aims and
objective; because you have to check if exactly the same research problem has been addressed
before. Nevertheless, the main part of the literature review is conducted after the formulation of
research aim and objectives. You have to use a wide range of secondary data sources such as books,
newspapers, magazines, journals, online articles etc.
4. Selecting methods of data collection. Data collection method(s) need to be selected on the basis
of critically analyzing advantages and disadvantages associated with several alternative data
collection methods. In studies involving primary data collection, in-depth discussions of advantages
and disadvantages of selected primary data collection method(s) need to be included in
5. Collecting the primary data. Primary data collection needs to be preceded by a great level of
preparation and pilot data collection may be required in case of questionnaires. Primary data
collection is not a compulsory stage for all dissertations and you will skip this stage if you are
conducting a desk-based research.
6. Data analysis. Analysis of data plays an important role in the achievement of research aim and
objectives. Data analysis methods vary between secondary and primary studies, as well as, between
qualitative and quantitative studies.
7. Reaching conclusions. Conclusions relate to the level of achievement of research aims and
objectives. In this final part of your dissertation you will have to justify why you think that research
aims and objectives have been achieved. Conclusions also need to cover research limitations and
suggestions for future research.
8. Completing the research. Following all of the stages described above, and organizing separate
chapters into one file leads to the completion of the first draft. The first draft of your dissertation
needs to be prepared at least one month before the submission deadline. This is because you will
need to have sufficient amount of time to address feedback of your supervisor.
The type of research problem an organization is facing will determine the research design and not
vice-versa. Variables, designated tools to gather information, how will the tools be used to collect
and analyze data and other factors are decided in research design on the basis of a research
technique is decided.
An impactful research design usually creates minimum bias in data and increases trust on the
collected and analyzed research information. Research design which produces the least margin of
error in experimental research can be touted as the best. The essential elements of research design
Accurate purpose statement of research design
Measurement of analysis
Neutrality: The results projected in research design should be free from bias and neutral.
Understand opinions about the final evaluated scores and conclusion from multiple individuals and
consider those who agree with the derived results.
Reliability: If a research is conducted on a regular basis, the researcher involved expects similar
results to be calculated every time. Research design should indicate how the research questions can
be formed to ensure the standard of obtained results and this can happen only when the research
design is reliable.
Validity: There are multiple measuring tools available for research design but valid measuring tools
are those which help a researcher in gauging results according to the objective of research and
nothing else. The questionnaire developed from this research design will be then valid.
Generalization: The outcome of research design should be applicable to a population and not just a
restricted sample. Generalization is one of the key characteristics of research design.
A researcher must have a clear understanding of the various types of research design to select which
type of research design to implement for a study. Research design can be broadly classified into
quantitative and qualitative research design.
Correlation between two variables is concluded using a correlation coefficient, whose value ranges
between -1 and +1. If the correlation coefficient is towards +1, it indicates a positive relationship
between the variables and -1 indicates a negative relationship between the two variables.
4. Diagnostic Research Design: In the diagnostic research design, a researcher is inclined towards
evaluating the root cause of a specific topic. Elements that contribute towards a troublesome
situation are evaluated in this research design method.
5. Explanatory Research Design: In exploratory research design, the researcher’s ideas and thoughts
are key as it is primarily dependent on their personal inclination about a particular topic. Explanation
about unexplored aspects of a subject is provided along with details about what, how and why
related to the research questions.