Analisa Percepatan Proyek Gedung Sekolah
Analisa Percepatan Proyek Gedung Sekolah
Analisa Percepatan Proyek Gedung Sekolah
Making a plan and schedule for the project always refers to the condition of assumptions and
forecasts that existed at the time plans and schedule are made, therefore the problem will
arise if there is a discrepancy between the forecasts and assumptions with actual reality.
Delays in construction project often occurred and give some disadvantages for everyone, both
the contractor and the employer. Therefore, the problem will arise when assumption different
from the reality in field. Delays of the project will cost high penalties the contractor. SMK
Multi Masmur Pekanbaru construction projects has delayed with in 15 day calendar from the
duration the project in the contract. Delayed in the project should be tackle with accelerating
the time in remaining activities. The acceleration of the work can the be done in two ways,
firsly, overtime working and secondly is by adding additional labors and equipments.
Performed analsis focus on the job experience in critical line. Then the result of delaying cost
Rp 32.942.781,-. The cost needed if accelerated from overtime working is Rp 41.449.497,-
and Rp 17.407.500,- for adding the employers and the equipments. The best alternative
solution is the additional tool and labors. Total acceleration in 13 days completed with the
time and cost efficient.
Keyword : contruction delay, contruction cost, duration shortening, equipment and workers
A.Latar Belakang
Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi sistematis.
merupakan rangkaian mekanisme kegiatan Perencanaan dan pengendalian biaya
atau pekerjaan yang rumit, berlapis-lapis dan waktu merupakan bagian dari
dan saling tergantung satu sama lain. manajemen proyek konstruksi secara
Selain itu, sifat pekerjaannya sangat terurai keseluruhan. Selain penilaian dari segi
dan tepisah-pisah sesuai karakteristik dan kualitas, prestasi suatu proyek dapat pula
profesi pekerjanya. Sehingga untuk dinilai dari segi biaya dan waktu.
mewujudkan keterpaduan dan integritas Biayayang telah dikeluarkan dan waktu
keseluruhan kegiatan hingga menghasilkan yang telah digunakan untuk menyelesaikan
suatu bangunan, mutlak diperlukan upaya- suatu pekerjaan harus diukur secara
upaya koordinasi dan pengendalian secara kontinyu agar tidak terjadi penyimpangan
terhadap rencana.