Career Counselling Through Aptitude Test: Khushba Ahmad
Career Counselling Through Aptitude Test: Khushba Ahmad
Career Counselling Through Aptitude Test: Khushba Ahmad
Khushba Ahmad
Misbah Shahzadi
Zaib-Un-Nisa Aftab
Supervised by
Career Counselling Through Aptitude Test
Khushba Ahmad
Misbah Shahzadi
Zaib-Un-Nisa Aftab
Supervised by
Dr.Yasir Hafeez
Dedicated to our beloved parents, Teachers and Dr. Yasir Hafeez,
for their endless support, affection, trust and encouragement and
to all those, whose prayers always pave the way to success for us
ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY, who gave us the strength to work to complete this project on time
and with the best possible quality and our family and friends who supported us in every step of
life and mostly the past four years of university life.
We would like to thank and sincerely acknowledge the help of our supervisor Dr. Yasir Hafeez
whose complete guidance, support and encouragement gave us a real motivation in doing this
We would like to thank all the volunteers who helped us out while testing of this websites.
Lastly, we would like to thank all the faculty members of UIIT department for their help, time,
and support that was gladly given to us on the time of need.
Khushba Ahmad
Misbah Shahzadi
Zaib-UN-Nisa Aftab
We hereby declare that this project, neither whole nor as a part has been copied out from any
source. It is further declared that we have developed this project and accompanied report entirely
on the basis of our personal efforts. If any part of this project is proved to be copied out from any
source or found to be reproduction of some other. We will stand by the consequences. No Portion
of the work presented has been submitted of any application for any other degree or qualification
of this or any other university or institute of learning.
Khushba Ahmad
Misbah Shahzadi
Zaib-UN-Nisa Aftab
It is certified that the contents and form of the project entitled “Career Counselling Through
Aptitude Test” submitted by Khushba Ahmad (16-arid-711), Misbah Shahzadi (16-arid-718) and
Zaib-Un-Nisa(16-arid-827) has been found satisfactory for the requirements of
Dr. Yasir Hafeez
Examiner 1:
Evaluator name
Examiner 2:
Evaluator name
Dated: ________________________
Prof. Dr. Mobashir Riaz Khan
1.11. CHAPTER 4
Chapter 1
Our web application is about career counselling on the basis of mind capabilities. For this
purpose we organize different type of tests such as logical, numerical, spatial, memory tests
containing different types of questions as well as puzzle questions. Existing system contains
simple statements of question with options but in our system we are introducing patterns, puzzles
with timer to complete each task, and if you fail to complete the task in time then next question
appears on the screen. We develop this application to provide more understanding about their
career options and help them to take best decision about that. Students just enter their degree title
and answer the given questions. Due to this web Application currently existing issues will be
resolved and it provide awareness among students about their skills and mental capabilities.
Our aim is to provide more understanding about their career options and help them to take best
decision about that.
To provide
Choosing the better
best option understanding
about a career
1.3 Project Objectives:
The main objective is to design a web app that will aid in the computation of student aptitude test
result. The system would be able to facilitate the easy storage and retrieval of student aptitude
test record.
1.4 Scope:
The scope of this project includes the web-based system for students to check their skills for their
career selection. In our web application we offer different puzzles and different types of patterns
to check skills of a person. Each question has limited time to be completed, if a person fails to
complete the task in time then the next question appears on the screen. There will be admin
module that can write, update the questions, check answers and generate result. On the other
hand in user module student will only write the solutions of given questions and see results.
First we will develop tests to examine exceptional skills in a given domain, such as math, art etc.
LOGICAL TEST: are designed to assess a candidate's ability at skills such as how to interpret
patterns, number sequences or the relationships between shapes.
NUMERICAL TESTS: You’ll need to understand numerical information, then apply the
appropriate operations to find the correct answer.
SPATIAL TESTS: Spatial reasoning is a category of reasoning skills that refers to the capacity
to think about objects in three dimensions and to draw conclusions about those objects from
limited information.
MEMORY TEST: Memory test may refer to mental status examination, human memory.
MENTAL ARITHMATIC: This test measures your ability to answer problems using the
basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
CUT LETTERS: find the all of the letters in the alphabet laid out side-by-side, with each letter
split vertically down the middle.
PERSONALITY TEST: personality test determines your strengths and talents. Based on the
Big Five personality theory.
In the last and final step we will suggest different career options to them on the basis of these
Admin Module:
Group Details- Admin can add main course name.
Questions- Admin can add questions based on intelligence
View student details- Admin can view details of registered students.
View results- Admin can generate and view results.
User module:
Attempt test- Student had to select desired stream and give test accordingly.
View result- Student can only check his own result.
We have proposed a web-based system which will resolve all the issues which currently exist for
choosing a career. The IQ test brings an easy interesting working environment, more clarity in
presenting appropriate information to the user and also it gives faster access and retrieval of
information from the database. The system checks the answer by matching the pre-defined
answers in database and users answer. The marking criteria is decided by the admin and stored in
the system for reference. All uses these references and allots respective marks to the user. If the
candidate scores good marks, then system will change the questions to expert mode and ask the
questions related to the field in which candidate is interested. If candidate succeeds in answering
all the questions, then system will suggest to go with that career field. Admin can add or delete
questions from the system.
Block Diagram:
Requirement Oct2019
Mid Evaluation
Feb 2020
60 Marks
Final Evaluation
Aug 2020
60 Marks
Chapter 2
There are different problems while selecting a career. So at this point you have to choose
something for your own self, and should not let people to stuff your minds with their ideas,
because this is not how life works. First of all you have to select the main subject of field in
which you want to excel and then start working on that specific field. But the question is how to
select one field out of so many options out there. For this you have to focus your mind and go
through some tests that will solve all your issues regarding that field. Our web application is
about career counseling on the basis of mind capabilities. In our application we offer 6-7 tests
that basically test your physical, logical and mental strength and then suggest you several fields
that are in accordance with your test results. For this purpose we organize different type of tests
such as logical, numerical, spatial, memory tests containing different types of questions. We
develop this web application to provide more understanding about their career options and help
them to take best decision about that. In our application we offer 6-7 tests that basically test your
physical, logical and mental strength and then suggest you several fields that are in accordance
with your test results. After selecting your subject there might come 7 tests on your screen, you
have to attempt them one by one. Your results would be shown on the screen after a while. Then
several categories will appear on the screen with different field ideas. For example, you were a
biology student and you scored above 80% in your aptitude test then there might be several
options for you such as advanced genetic engineering, personalized medicine and agricultural
sciences. Depending on their scores in the aptitude tests containing different questions, the
system suggests the student which career is best suited for him/her, as their scores indicate their
level of interest. This web app is developed to particularly to cater to the needs of the students of
BISE and consists of tests containing different intelligence questions. This web Application
currently existing issues will be resolved and it provide awareness among students about their
skills and mental capabilities.
i. Microsoft visual studio for web based application development. This software is essential
for developing the web application.
ii. SQL Server for permanently store data. This software is essential to store the answers of
the questions used in that application.
Required software is for conducting “objectives” type examination and providing immediate
result. This section gives a functional requirement that applicable to the career counselling
through aptitude test. The system should satisfy the following requirements.
Administrator module:
The admin add new test name into the web page and should also add intelligence
question, patterns, mini puzzles games. Admin also see the history of student who complete the
test and see the student results.
Student module:
Aptitude test start when student login. Student can perform different test and click on
submit button then user view their own result.
Admin would be having login account. Admin login by username and password.
Admin rights:
Admin has a rights to add questions in the system and their respective answers,
update and delete the question or test also.
View student details:
The students detail is store in database when he or she login to the websites. Admin
can see the details of the student every time.
User login:
When user go to choose their career using career counseling and aptitude test. They
first login to the website to enter their name and password.
Different Test:
o LOGICAL TEST: are designed to assess a candidate's ability at skills such as how
to interpret patterns, number sequences or the relationships between shapes.
o NUMERICAL TESTS: You'll need to understand numerical information, then
apply the appropriate operations to find the correct answer.
o SPATIAL TESTS: Spatial reasoning is a category of reasoning skills that refers to
the capacity to think about objects in three dimensions and to draw conclusions
about those objects from limited information.
o MEMORY TEST: Memory test may refer to mental status examination,
human memory.
o MENTAL ARITHMATIC: This test measures your ability to answer problems
using the basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
o CUT LETTERS: find the all of the letters in the alphabet laid out side-by-side,
with each letter split vertically down the middle.
o PERSONALITY TEST: personality test determines your strengths and talents.
Based on the Big Five personality theory.
Take test:
Test name is display in front of the user and then they start the test. One by one they
complete the test and go to the next step.
View result:
After completion of the aptitude test the user click on the view result to see your
result and which career is suitable for user.
When the task is completed and user satisfied with it then user logout from the
web application.
Keeping history of test taken by user.
Only the system Admin has the right to make any change in the questions. Only
Admin can Add, Update and Delete the question.
2.4.4 Security
Web application will allow only valid users to access the system. Accesses to any is
application resource depends upon user’s designation. There are two types of users
namely administrator and student. Security is based upon the individual user id and
Student can only view the results.
Password should be kept safe.
2.4.5 Performance Timer:
This application contains the timer system i.e. every question is allotted with proper
time. When timer ends next question appeared on screen and previous question is marked as
All activities of aptitude test have screen based interaction. It incorporates with
effective GUI concepts and focuses on user-friendly systems. it has good, appealing, attractive
web page with optimum hyperlink to select the required process. Front page of web app provides
all the basic information that the user require for successful processing.
Screen resolution of at least 1920 x 1080 is required for proper and complete viewing
of screens. Higher resolution is accepted.
Web server software.
Server side scripting tool.
Database tools.
Compatible operating system.
Web browser
In this chapter we tell about the requirement specification of the project. In this chapter we start
with the introduction of the career counseling and aptitude tests web application. We tell about
what problem is faced by the students to choose a career and to solve that problem using the
aptitude test. By resolving this issue we take some test from the students and on the basis of
students results we tell about their career. Software requirements of the project are Microsoft
Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server. The main part of our project is functional requirements.
In functional requirements there is administrator and student modules. Administration handle the
web application and admin have a rights to change some information related to the tests and also
add new information in the web application. Admin view the student’s details and also check
their results. Admin can also change the password. In the student module student firstly login to
the websites and enter specific information that are given in the web application. After login
there are different intelligence test then user click on it and start the test. After completion the
test the user click on submit button .the test is submitted in the database and show marks of the
student and tell about their best career. The non-functional requirements play an important role in
web application. This non-functional requirements tell about how usable is your application are
and show all information in a reliable manner. Integrity is the main part. Only the admin has a
rights to change something. We know about performance efficiency of the project that our
project is fast, effective, efficient and helpful in career counseling. The results of the system will
be accurate and acceptable according to user’s personality. The external interface requirements
are user interfaces, hardware interfaces and software interfaces. The external interface
requirements tells which hardware and software required that fulfill over requirements. The
project performance required electricity connection and internet connection to complete test. If
one of them fails, then student have to start the test again from first step. Timer is also set with
every question.
Chapter 3
The fully dressed use case gives us more information regarding the function of our game. Those
involve summary, condition priority, success scenario and the actors who will be use in the
function. Following are the fully dressed use cases of our project.
3.1.1 Login
3.1.2 Do Registration
Use Case Give Test
Actor Student
Type Primary
Description After registration student can give test. He entered his degree first and
then attempts all the questions within given time.
3.1.6 View Result
3.1.9 Logout
3.2 Use Case Diagram
Fig 3.2 Use case Diagram
3.3.1 Sequence Diagram for Login
3.3.2 Question Information (delete question) Sequence Diagram:
Fig 3.3.4 Logout Sequence Diagram
Fig 3.4.2 Collaboration Diagram of Student Registration
Fig 3.5 Class Diagram
Fig 3.6 Activity Diagram
Fig 3.8 Deployment Diagram
Project management is an approach in planning and step by step guidance of project processes
from start to end. There are five stages which guide the process given below:
Project management can be applied to any kind of project either based on the website or
an android application and is widely used to control complex processes of software
development project by split it into similar task. Project Management is all about how
efficient is our project is or what are the factors involve managing a project.
A milestone is an exact point in time within a project lifecycle used to measure the improvement
of a project toward the final goal. In project management, milestones are used as signal pillars
for: a project’s start or end date, a need for external review or input, a need for budget checks,
submission of a major deliverable, and much more. The milestones are placed in such a manner
so that they can be achieved properly.
a. Before Mid-Term
4.1.1 Milestone 1
● Proposal discussion with faculty: Proposal discussed with faculty about its scope and how
the development will go.
4.1.2 Milestone 2
● Non-functional requirements: Non-functional requirements of project is identified and
4.1.3 Milestone 3
● Fully dressed use cases: Fully dressed use cases were documented.
● Submitted for review: Use case diagram was submitted to supervisor for review.
b. After Mid-Term
4.1.4 Milestone 4
4.1.5 Milestone 5
4.1.6 Milestone 6
● Database creation
4.1.7 Milestone 7
4.1.8 Milestone 8
4.1.9 Milestone 9
● Testing of interfaces.
4.1.10 Milestone 10
Deliverable Date
Proposal October 15,2019
Requirements Specification November 7,2019
Design January 1,2020
Development March 28,2020
Testing April 10,2020
Debugging April15,2020
Code Review April 25,2020
Documentation April 20,2020
Table 4.2: Deliverables Plan
In this part of the project the operations are tested whether they are fulfilling the fixed objectives
or not. The system can perform the multiple operations with a good response time.
Division of responsibilities
Individual Responsibility
Khushba Requirement Analysis, UML, Documentation, Testing, Software
Ahmed Development
Misbah Requirement Analysis, UML, Documentation, Testing
Zaib un Nisa Requirement Analysis, UI Designing, Documentation, Testing
Table 4.4.2: Table of Project Responsibilities
Risk Management is all about management the risks that can probably occur in the project.
Existence of risks in any project is normal but how they are controlled is more important. They
must be handled efficiently to increase the worth of the project. All the possible situations should
be kept in mind because knowledge level of every user could be dissimilar. If the risk is not
handled correctly it might happen very intolerable to the user, so this is very significant phase of
project. Risk Management is about
RSK-01 Web App not Low High Electricity
working connection fails
due to any
RSK-02 Internet Low Very High Internet not
connection working, failure
RSK-03 Missing results Moderate Very High Algorithm
RSK-04 Inaccurate Low High Algorithm
values inefficient
RSK-05 Hardware failure Low High Hardware
failure testing replacement
if needed
In this chapter, first we assign milestone to our project per our project analysis. We also provide a
very short description of each milestone of our project from requirement gathering to the project
testing phase. After assigning milestone to our project, we prepare a project closeout report, in
short deliverables of our project. We provide each deliverable of our project with the time to be
delivered. Then we cover the operation and the management plan phase. In this phase, we
describe how our project can be management to perform well and how to detect error and
maintain them for future purpose. Also, we describe that proper functioning of the project. After
this, we describe the important resources which are used in our project and who affect these
resources. We also describe the responsibilities of group members and assign task to each
member. We cover almost all important resources which we are going to cover. In second phase
of this chapter, we describe about risk management, how it is important to each project and how
we handle all the risk which can be occur in our project. So to do this, first we analyze the risks
which may occur in our project. We describe each risk factor which may occur after doing risk
analysis. After this we describe the risk response factor in our project which tells about the risk
Chapter 5
Project Implementation
Implementation is referred as describing the internal structure of the system by using different
approaches and programming style that are adopted for the system. It depends on the system’s
feasibility and stability of the system. Implementation phase is used to transfer the system design
into an executable form. This section will illustrate the implementation of web application. It will
explain modules of the system from implementation point of view.
5.1.1 C#
written in C#. It is mainly used for developing web applications. C# is mainly focused on server-
side scripting. So you can do anything any other CGI program can do, such as collect from data,
generate page content, or send and receive cookies or perform other kind of functions.
5.1.2 JavaScript
JavaScript is also a programming language. This language is used for web based.
This is also a programming language and these are used for front end. the designing of over
project id based on html and css .
5.2 Framework
To be used efficiently and effectively, all computers software needs certain hardware components
or other resources to be present on a computer.
This chapter is based on the implementation phase of our project and implementation phase is
used to transfer the system design into an executable forms. It will explain the main modules of
the system from implementation point of view. We will use various programming language C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
It is most powerful and innovative language for this system. Visual studio is a powerful tool for
our project.
Chapter 6
After completion of each phase verification was done. To verify the requirements the completed
phase was fully tested. Against the requirement all the units were found to be completely
satisfactory. As the system should be verified at each stage of the software process using
documents produced during the previous stage therefore we started verification with the
requirements reviews and continued through design and code review for product testing. This is
an activity to verify whether we have built the system right or not in the development life cycle.
The following elements are required to support the overall testing effort at all levels. The project
that we develop is tested at university lab with required hardware and software requirements.
During development phase:
Window 10
Visual studio
Microsoft word 2013
Adobe photo shop for designing
laptop device/system
active internet connection
A specific testing is plan for every test level to test all system components. The procedure is
designed in detailed so that the system meets all user requirements.
The goal of unit testing is to separate each part of program and show that the individual parts are
correct. Unit testing provides a strict, written contract the piece of code must satisfy. As a result,
it affords several benefits. Unit testing allows the programmer to refractor code at a later date,
and make sure the module still works correctly. This encourage programmer to make changes to
the code. Unit testing will be done for the following units:
Testing of this unit will ensure that the Application is properly connected to the
Testing of this unit will ensure that the hardware is properly working or not.
System testing involves the set of tests that the entire system performs according to specification.
Integration testing is the phase in software testing in which individual software modules are
combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before system testing. The test
conducted to ensure that the components are integrated to perform together.
● Integrate whether the internet is connected to application or not.
● Integrate whether the applications show results and calculations.
● Integrate application show send notification to users.
Test cases involves the set of steps, conditions and inputs which can be used while performing
the testing tasks. The main intent of this activity is to ensure whether the software passes or fails
in terms of its functionality and other aspects.
There are many types of test cases like: functional, negative, error, logical test cases, and
physical test cases. UI test cases etc. A test is prepared for each test that needs to be performed.
The test cases results in the development of test reports, which will be used for test output
Below are some of the test cases to verify the system functional abilities.
Slow internet services, this will result in slow execution of the application.
Tested By:
Test Case Description: This test verifies that user is registering to the
application with all required personal data
Items To Be Tested
1. Personal data
2. Complete Information
3. Password field
Inputs Output
1 Specific username and password are given 2. Successfully registered message will be
. for registration. displayed.
Procedural Steps
2. Click on the Register button.
Tested By:
Test Case Description: This test verifies that the user is connected
properly to application
Items To Be Tested
Input Output
1 Tab to open the application. 1. Application will show the user name
. and password fields.
6.7.3 Test Case 3:
counseling the candidate or not.
This chapter is about the testing the different phases of the project. We make a strong testing by
using the different testing processes like Unit testing, Integrated testing, System testing etc.
firstly we check whether the application has proper connection with internet or not . Then after
that we check whether it show correct and accurate results or not. If any error occurs then
changing algorithm is only option. At the end application must send proper notification for
completion of every task.
In this chapter we are providing conclusion, limitation of our work and future enhancement
which can be done.
7.1 Discussion
We thank ALLAH Almighty after implementation and development of our final year project. We
learn lots of things from our project and get a close glimpse of what is our future job. We also
learn how to work in team. Before we had a good theoretical knowledge of software engineering
but far from practical work in Final Year Project we get closer. It was interesting, knowledgeable,
and fun working term especially under the supervision of Dr. Yaser Hafeez we learn lots of
things. We achieve and learn many things from our project like this;
1) Project Management
2) Time Management
3) User Documentation
4) Latest tools and techniques
5) System designing and modeling
7.2 Conclusion
After working hours upon hours, day and night on research, brain storming, learning and
implementing so many different techniques but lot of knowledge about ASP.NET C#. We have
come up amazing CAREER APTITUDE TEST web application in which the user will learn
about different aptitude test to check your knowledge and this career test can help you to choose
a best career for future.
7.3 Limitations
I. Our website based on two modules admin and user.
II. User can perform different test and then go for their career.
III. Our app is not an android base.
Chapter 9