Ej1076124 PDF
Ej1076124 PDF
Ej1076124 PDF
Textbook style problems including detailed solutions introducing pharmaceutical topics at the
level of an introductory chemical engineering course have been created. The problems illustrate
and teach subjects which students would learn if they were to pursue a career in pharmaceutical
engineering, including the unique terminology of the field, common unit operations, calculations per-
taining to drug manufacturing, and some of the specific concerns of the industry such as regulations
and testing. Over seventy problems have been created; selected problems have been administered
to students and their impact evaluated. Students demonstrated significant gains in knowledge of
The American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) recommended in 1994[1] that engineering
programs should relate to the needs of its community, including the industries in which its graduates
are employed. Graduates of Chemical Engineering programs have traditionally been employed in oil,
commodity chemical or specialty chemical industries, but in recent years chemical engineers have
emerged as essential contributors with an expanding role in other industries such as biotechnology
WINTER 2012 1
and pharmaceuticals [2], [3]. A 2005 survey for Chemical Engineering Progress [4] showed the
pharmaceutical industry as one of the top five employers of chemical engineers. In the United States,
the pharmaceutical industry employs one eighth of all chemical engineers, second only to the chemi-
cal process industry [4]. The pharmaceutical industry has traditionally focused heavily on research
and development, but with fewer marketable drugs being discovered, there has been a shift to the
optimization of existing production processes [5]. The role of chemical engineering in pharmaceutical
production has therefore expanded requiring the inclusion of pharmaceutical engineering concepts
in chemical engineering courses [3]. Attempts to add pharmaceutical engineering to the chemical
engineering curriculum have commonly been made in the form of new upper-level and graduate
courses specific to the pharmaceutical industry, such as pharmaceutical process development [6],
materials (lecture-based slides sets) have been published on the pharmaHUB website [6] and are
als serve as lectures on specific segments of the pharmaceutical industry within an upper-level or
the field in early foundation courses such as their introductory material and energy balance course.
Creating a pharmaceutically-oriented problem set that covers all of the topics in an introductory
material and energy balance course allows for an integrated approach to exposing students to the
pharmaceutical industry. Students will become familiar with pharmaceutical unit operations and
terminology over the course of a semester instead of a short glimpse of it in one single lesson. This
approach requires no additional curriculum modifications such as new courses, and problem sets
Generally, material and energy balance courses introduce the engineering thought processes,
teach units and their conversions, measurement of process values, use of mass balance equations,
liquid and gas phases and their interactions, energy balance equations, basic thermodynamics,
and stoichiometry. The subject matter in these introductory courses allows for the incorporation
of problems related to pharmaceutical concepts because the areas of focus in the course can be
The pharmaceutical industry uses unique aspects of chemical engineering principles which are
not always the primary focus of introductory courses. For example, mixing phases of gases, liquids,
and solids to study the properties of homogeneous solutions is a common topic in introductory
courses. However, using a pharmaceutical perspective allows for studying mixing of solid-solid
mixtures and solid-liquid mixtures which can be found in final drug formulations and at different
2 WINTER 2012
stages of a pharmaceutical production process. For this topic, studying two-phase heterogeneous
Many introductory courses use common unit operations such as distillation to teach the principles of
mass and energy balances. By writing material and energy balance problems related to unit operations,
students are given the opportunity to practice chemical engineering principles while learning about
the equipment used in the industry. The pharmaceutical industry has unit operations specific to the
industry, such as mixers, blenders, dryers, tablet presses, and milling machines. Mass and energy bal-
ance problems have been developed pertaining to these specific unit operations to give students the
practice performing mass and energy balances and learn about pharmaceutical process equipment.
Introductory courses also tend to have a heavy focus on steady state continuous flow processes
common to the chemical and petrochemical industries. However, the pharmaceutical industry is
Finally, as with all fields, pharmacy and pharmaceutical engineering have unique jargon which
must be mastered before any more advanced material can be understood. The most obvious example
of this is in the names and classification of the raw materials used, such as “active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API)” (the active ingredient) and “excipient” (inactive ingredient) and drug delivery
method (parenteral, oral, etc.). These terms have been incorporated in many problems developed.
The unique pharmaceutical term appears in bold-faced font in the problem statement and is fol-
lowed by a definition.
Rowan University is an Outreach Partner for the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Engineer-
ing Research Center (ERC) for Structured Organic Particulate Systems (ERC-SOPS), which is led
by Rutgers University. While the Center conducts research related to pharmaceutical technology,
Rowan University’s role is to produce educational materials related to the pharmaceutical industry.
Rowan University’s initial goal was to create problems related to the pharmaceutical industry which
could supplement K-12 and engineering courses [7], and we have focused our current activities on
introductory chemical engineering courses. The problem sets described in this paper can be used
This paper presents some of the problems resulting from the work being completed at Rowan
University. The formatting, layout, style, and focus of the problems are based on those used in Felder
and Rousseau’s Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes [8], a widely-used textbook for these
types of courses. Because of the common focus of introductory chemical engineering courses, those
using a different textbook will not encounter any obstacles using these problems.
Table 1 displays the pharmaceutical topics that are explored in the problems, and how each topic
is integrated into a particular chapter of Felder and Rousseau’s book. The more universally applicable
WINTER 2012 3
Table 1: Topics in Pharmaceutical Engineering and their Integration into a Material and
4 WINTER 2012
topics of importance to the industry, such as regulation, safety, health, and environmental concerns,
are not tied to a specific topic or chapter in a book and may be incorporated into any problem in
any chapter. Additionally, concepts underlying pharmaceutical engineering such as units, conver-
Instead of trying to find room in the undergraduate curriculum for a separate introductory course
specifically related to pharmaceutical engineering, the goal is to integrate pharmaceutical concepts
into the existing framework of a material and energy balance course. Integrating in-class and home-
covering essential course objectives. This concept has been used successfully at Rowan University
and other schools for integrating green engineering and sustainability into existing chemical en-
gineering courses [10], [11]. Since each problem is identified with a particular chapter and section
in Felder and Rousseau it is easy for the professor to select problems appropriate for parts of an
existing course. The problems can be used as in-class examples, cooperative learning exercises, or
To expose chemical engineering students to topics associated with the pharmaceutical industry
early in the curriculum, problems were written to include and explain terminology, processes, and
issues unique to the pharmaceutical field. Students are shown practical industrial and research appli-
cations of the pharmaceutical field while learning the basic principles of chemical engineering. They
are also informed of the existence of the specialization of pharmaceutical chemical engineering as
a possible career path. Many of the problem statements are written using second-person narrative
The problems are meant to model realistic situations and use quantities and conditions that
(Martin [12], Ansel [13]), handbooks (Niazi [14], [15]) and reference works on the subjects of
pharmaceutical design, manufacturing and engineering were studied to ensure the processes
and operating conditions described in the problems were realistic representations of the phar-
maceutical industry.
The problem statements are used to introduce pharmaceutical processes, topics, and equip-
ment. They are written using terminology unique to the pharmaceutical industry with explanations
of the phrases which may be new to the students. In the problem statements, new terminology is
easily identified using bold font. The problem statements also usually contain interesting facts and
WINTER 2012 5
comparisons to catch the students’ interest, such as amounts produced per year, side effects of
The solutions focus on the chemical engineering principles that need to be taught in a material
and energy balance course. Some of the problem solutions also emphasize the pharmaceutical in-
dustry by asking the students to research safety guidelines specific to the pharmaceutical industry;
this gives the students the opportunity to conduct research outside of the given textbook. Other
solutions require the students to research information needed to solve the problems, such as the
average weight of an adult male or the average size of an organ. The objective of having students
perform this research is to familiarize the students with the pharmaceutical literature. It forces the
students to discern which are credible sources and extract the needed information from them. At
the end of some of the problems, students are often asked to give suggestions on how to change,
fix, or improve a pharmaceutical process. This simulates the thinking and brainstorming that they
will have to do in the field if they do follow a career in the pharmaceutical industry.
Several programs have developed material for integration of diverse science, mathematics and
engineering topics into a current curriculum. At San Jose State University, the BioEMB project per-
forms work similar to ERC SOPS by creating problems that facilitate the application of engineering
principles to biological problems [16], [17]. Compilations of student problems have been developed
for thermodynamics and related subjects [18], [19] and green engineering [20]. ConcepTests pro-
vides clicker-based questions and video ScreenCasts for a variety of chemical engineering core
courses [21]. The SCALE-UP project has developed classroom and curricular materials in physics,
chemistry and biology designed to establish a collaborative, hands-on learning environment for
large-enrollment classes. These materials have been used in engineering and science courses to
To date, over seventy problems and solutions have been developed. The goal is to create problems
with a pharmaceutical basis to cover all subjects taught in an introductory course. The problems are
publicly distributed on the pharmaHUB website [6] for professors to use in their courses. Feedback from
these professors and their students will be used to make adjustments and issue improved versions.
Problem Statement: DEG Poisoning Problem (Chapter 2;Units and Professional Responsibility)
dose form of a popular (human) drug that to date had only been administered as an injection or
6 WINTER 2012
pill. Knowing the existence of a large market of people who preferred liquid doses, the head of the
company had his research and development scientists find a way to fill this market segment. The
active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of his proposed medicine, sulfanilamide, was widely ac-
cepted. However, a liquid dose form of the API had not been made because it is highly insoluble in
The chief researcher at the firm wanted to address this problem. After some laboratory research,
he found that the substance dissolved satisfactorily in diethylene glycol (DEG). Unfortunately, no
testing was performed and some batches (240 gallons in total) were made and sold. After a chase
by nearly the entire FDA staff, most of the distribution was collected on a legal technicality and
about 100 people had died of taking it.
(a) The dosage instructions for the preparation were “…2 to 3 teaspoonsful [sic] in water every
four hours…”. Assume each teaspoon was pure DEG and calculate the mass of diethylene
(b) The probable oral lethal dose of diethylene glycol is 0.5 g/kg weight. Determine the human
(c) Explain why this would be dangerous even if the patient was well above this weight.
(d) If the total distribution had been consumed according to the quoted dosage guidelines,
(e) Develop a chronological list showing the error(s), the corrections to them that were not
Commentary: Safety violations in engineering risk personal injury, equipment wreckage and
public health or environmental damage. Because of the end use of the final product, pharmaceuti-
cal safety violations that alter the final product affect all consumers of the product and can even be
fatal. This problem introduces topics in pharmaceutical engineering safety, such as toxicology and
solvent evaluation. Numerous existing problems in textbooks describe other disasters or imaginary
situations of safety violations; this problem expands those concepts to the pharmaceutical indus-
try. It also illustrates the need for basic testing for toxic effects and a reason for regulation by the
government. The problem also introduces some terminology, calculations, and involves some less
common unit conversions. However its primary intent is to educate the student about a concern
unique to the pharmaceutical industry. This problem is based on the Elixir Sulfanilamide disaster
Problem Statement: General Batch Calculations (Chapter 3; Mass and Mole Fractions)
WINTER 2012 7
(a) What are the mass fractions of API and excipients in a batch produced from 829 moles of
(b) Excipients are principally fillers and binders. The former are bulk forming materials while
the latter act as a kind of ‘glue’ to retain the form of the pill. If the ratio of filler to binder is
(d) If these are to be taken twice a day for 10 days, how many prescriptions will this fill?
Commentary: In this problem, the use of basic chemistry and chemical engineering measurements
is applied to pharmaceutical production. At the same time, new terminology (APIs, excipients, fill-
ers and binders) is introduced and explained for the students. A common generic pain killing API,
acetaminophen, is mentioned. The problem is deliberately sparse to focus on the new definitions
indigestion [25]. Making the formulation that is compressed into metoclopramide tablets is a mul-
tistep process [14], which is shown in Figure 1. For a process designed to produce a batch of 1000
tablets, the required quantities of metoclopramide (API) in Stream 1, preglatinized starch (binder
to hold particles together after tablet compression) in Stream 2, and lactose (binder) in Stream 3
are mixed with 15 mL of water. The resulting mixture contains 11.38% water by mass and is sent to
a tray dryer where the moisture content is reduced to 5.2%. The dried mixture is sent to a blender
where it is combined with 1 g of silicon dioxide (glidant to increase the fluidity of the powder be-
fore compression) from Stream 11, 0.76 g of magnesium stearate (lubricant to prevent the tablet
from sticking to the tablet press) from Stream 12, and dried maize starch (binder) from Stream 10.
The dried starch is produced by removing 0.128 g of water from wet starch, reducing the mass of
the wet starch by 1.8%. The final product (Stream 13) contains 10.54 g of the API, and each tablet
(a) Calculate the mass (g) of pregelatinized starch added to the mixer.
(b) Calculate the mass (g) of water removed from the tray dryer.
Commentary: Rather than simply giving the students a diagram with the information needed to
solve a material balance, this problem was developed around the production of metoclopramide
tablets. The problem statement provides a description of the composition of an individual tablet and
an overview of the tablet production process, which is a multistep batch process for these tablets.
Additionally, the problem statement introduced pharmaceutical terminology associated with the
8 WINTER 2012
Wet Starch
Dryer m9
m4 m6
H2O H2O m10
Dried Starch
m1 m11
m2 Mixer Tray Dryer Blender
m5 m7
m3 m12
types of ingredients, called excipients, used in tablets, such as binders, glidants, and lubricants. The
solution to the problem requires the students to perform multiple material balances to calculate the
desired quantities. The production process is simple and consists of a series of steps for addition
of the ingredients. Each step illustrates pharmaceutical manufacturing unit operations for powder
processing: solids blenders and tray dryers. However, the mixture must be dried to a specified mois-
ture content at a certain stage in the process. This adds an extra level of complexity for the students
while they are solving the problem. The students must use their knowledge of moisture content to
complete the calculations successfully. This example of an industrial process demonstrates that the
mixture of tablet ingredients must be combined under very specific conditions. The problem would
Table 2 lists a possible formulation [15] for an over-the-counter (OTC) mouthwash. The a-bisabolol
is an antibacterial agent [26], cremophor RH 40 is a solubilizer [27], glycerol and saccharin salts
are used as sweeteners [28], and the ethanol is the bulk liquid. To form the product, a mixture of
items 1–3 are heated to approximately 60 °C and then added to a mixture of items 4–6.
WINTER 2012 9
(a) Assuming additive volume, calculate the density of the solution of glycerol and ethanol
(b) Calculate the density of the same solution by taking the average of the pure component
liquid formulation and shows students an actual product formulation list. The students can see that
the formulation is given in concentrations which can be scaled to a desired batch size. The problem
statement intentionally includes more information than is necessary to answer the question be-
ing asked in the problem because the additional description gives a larger view of the production
process. However, the solution only requires estimating the density of the single phase mixture of
multiple components at a specific stage of the process. The problem could be used in an introduc-
tory course to practice estimating the density of mixtures and discussing how properties of mixtures
are different than the individual components.
Alka-Seltzer® is an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine used to treat acid indigestion, sour stomach,
and heartburn with headache, body aches and pain. The active pharmaceutical ingredients (API)
in each Alka-Seltzer® tablet are aspirin (325 mg), citric acid (1916 mg), and sodium bicarbonate
(1000 mg) [29]. For a single dose, two Alka-Seltzer® tablets are dissolved in 4 ounces of water. When
10 WINTER 2012
dissolved in 4 ounces of water at 25˚C and 1 atm? Assume the reaction goes
to completion.
(b) You wake up feeling miserable before your chemical engineering final, but you know you
can’t miss it. You grab some Alka-Seltzer® and an 11oz bottle of water. You drink just enough
water to leave exactly 4 fl oz left in the bottle (you’ve had lots of practice with this). Then
you drop in the two tablets, cram the lid onto the bottle, and rush out the door. Assume
the temperature remains constant at 25˚C. Calculate the pressure inside the bottle. Neglect
Commentary: This problem deals with the end use of a particular product rather than a production
gas law equation of state. The solution focuses on the basic chemical engineering principles being
reinforced by this problem. However, the problem statement is used to introduce pharmaceutical
terminology, such as active pharmaceutical ingredient. It also draws attention to the chemistry tak-
ing place during the use of a common household product. The problem could be used in a course
when students are learning about the ideal gas law and other equations of state. It also provides an
opportunity for the professor to discuss when the ideal gas law will result in a reasonable estima-
etc.) and in vessel cleaning. As you may remember from your organic chemistry lab, a little spill of
(a) Use the Cox chart to estimate the vapor pressure of acetone in your organic laboratory.
(b) Determine the level of acetone in the air immediately above the surface of the acetone in
the beaker.
(c) Safety requires that the air in a location holding chemicals is completely refreshed
within a certain time, or (equivalently) that the air be changed so often within a set
time. The latter, defined as the air change rate, is the commonly used unit of measure.
Assume your laboratory uses the conventional [30]5 air changes per hour (ACH) and
determine the amount of time required for your acetone to completely evaporate from
the beaker.
WINTER 2012 11
(d) Some other common solvents used for various purposes in pharmaceutical manufacturing
are methanol, ethanol, hexane and toluene. Find the vapor pressures of these compounds
at room temperature and explain their desirability. Show all the considerations you used in
(i) Why pharmaceutical operations (and many others as well) are usually cooled well
(ii) The physical significance of the slopes of the lines on the Cox chart.
Commentary: This problem shows a practical engineering application of the Cox chart, as well
as Raoult’s Law, making necessary assumptions and some simple mass equations. It utilizes the
student’s laboratory experiences with acetone to make a connection to the pharmaceutical industry.
After analyzing the basic physical properties of acetone, the students must consider what solvent
properties are most significant when selecting a solvent for a pharmaceutical process. They must
consider the industrial environment in which solvents are used and how it could potentially affect the
production process, the final product, or the consumer. The students must think about the physical
properties of a solvent and the safety issues associated with choosing any compound to be used
in a pharmaceutical process.
The Shirasu Porous Glass membrane system, shown in Figure 2, is used to create an emulsion of
immiscible compounds. An emulsion is a suspension of small globules of one liquid phase immis-
cible in a second liquid phase. In this case, the mixture consists of monomers, diluents, oil soluble
initiators, and water insoluble reagents. The emulsification takes place in a membrane through which
the liquid is forced under constant pressure. The mixture is stored in the dispersion storage tank,
where it is pumped by a nitrogen gas at 1.2 × 104 Pa to the membrane. After passing through the
membrane the emulsion is sent to an emulsion storage tank from which it may be recirculated by a
(a) Use a truncated version of the Bernoulli equation to find the velocity of the liquid leaving
(b) With no recirculation, how long would it take for 100 L to accumulate in the tank?
usable in drug delivery [31]. This particular method uses pressure to force the immiscible mixture
through a membrane where the mixture will be emulsified. The students are asked to find the veloc-
ity of the liquid using the Bernoulli equation. The first part of the problem is designed to familiarize
the students with the use of the Bernoulli equation, so the calculations were kept simple. The next
12 WINTER 2012
Pecent of Correct Repsonses
API definion Funcon of API Funcon of Role of filler Calculaon of Units of Pharmaceucal
binder dosage amount measure for ingredients
part asks them to solve for the time required to reach the 100 liters mark. This next question is
more challenging, and the students must show understanding of the relationship between velocity,
pipe size, and volumetric flow rate. This problem gives a concise description of a pharmaceutical
Problem Statement: Heat of Solution in Instant Cold Packs (Chapter 8; Heat of solution)
Instant cold packs are used for first aid when ice packs are not available. The cooling is caused
The ammonium nitrate is kept separated from the water in a small pouch until the pouch is broken,
forcing the ammonium nitrate and water to mix. A cold pack containing 200 mL water and 200 g
NH4NO3 was activated at room temperature (25˚C). The cold pack reached a final temperature of
-2°C. For NH4NO3 and water, the heat of solution at infinite dilution is −25.69 kJ/mol at 25°C [25].
(a) Calculate the heat of solution D ĤS for the solution with the composition given in the cold
pack. (Hint: Use Kopp’s Rule to estimate the heat capacity of NH4NO3.)
(b) What would be the final temperature of a pack containing 300 mL of water and the same
WINTER 2012 13
Commentary: The focus of this problem is a medical product which operates effectively due to
the use of an endothermic chemical reaction. It is an example of how a chemical engineering thermo-
dynamic principle can be applied to a pharmaceutical product. The students must calculate the heat
consumed by the system in order to determine the heat of solution. The problem is meant to make
students more aware of the chemistry taking place in a commonly used product and recognize its
connection to the chemical engineering principles they are learning in class. The problem is meant
to be used when teaching students about heats of solution. It also makes the connection between
Many metals have highly toxic effects when present in the bloodstream. To remove them, chelat-
ing agents are supplied (usually by injection) to bind to the metal molecules and sequester them.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (universally called EDTA) is a commonly used chelating agent (or
also chelator) in medicine, especially in the case of lead poisoning. EDTA is produced in highly pure
Note that sometimes the sodium salt of EDTA is taken as the final product, omitting the third
reaction. EDTN is an initial form that is not commonly used except as a precursor.
(a) Determine the overall standard heat of reaction (Data: Standard heat of formation of EDTA
(b) If the heat of the first reaction is −1739 kJ/mol, determine the standard heat of formation
of EDTN.
(c) Using -582 kJ/mol as the heat of formation of the EDTA salt, determine the standards heats
Commentary: This problem statement is written to introduce specialized medical and phar-
maceutical terminology, such as chelating agents, sequestration, and precursor. The solution
requires lengthy calculations of heats of reaction and heats of formation for the steps of the
EDTA synthesis and specified intermediate species and would be used in teaching the principles
of heat of reactions.
14 WINTER 2012
The first draft of the problem sets was evaluated by small groups of students in parallel with the
problem development. Feedback was provided to improve problems and correct mistakes in both
the statement and solution. The problem sets were further reviewed by graduate students from
one of the ERC research partner institutions to provide additional insight into their linkage to ERC-
related topic area or relevance to pharmaceutical engineering. After final editing by Rowan faculty,
Problems from this set were then pilot tested in The Principles of Chemical Engineering I course
at Rowan University, and preliminary assessment was conducted. Students were surveyed at the
beginning and the end of the course to assess the impact of the problem sets on their general
knowledge and awareness about topics related to pharmaceutical engineering. In addition, students
were surveyed at the conclusion of the course to evaluate their knowledge of specific pharmaceuti-
The results of these evaluations have been organized into three graphs to show results of concept-
oriented questions from the assessment instruments. Figure 2 provides results of questions related to
drug terminology and formulation. The graph shows responses (percent correct based on a student
population of 32) for representative concept questions. The majority of students understand the
basic pharmaceutical terminology and formulation. As an example, the question listed “function of
A binder is:
The question, “calculation of dosage amount,” relates to their knowledge on the relative concentra-
tion of API in a formulation, requiring a simple mass balance. The question that got the lowest score,
we chose to report only those students who answered with all three of the correct responses. 100%
of the students were able to provide at least one correct response and 87.5% were able to identify
Figure 3 shows the responses to questions related to drug manufacture and delivery. For example
WINTER 2012 15
Percent of Correct Responses 80
Role of tablet Inhaler API Effecve API Drug dosage Effecve
press delivery separaon forms propellents
process in drug
The assessment also shows good uptake of knowledge about pharmaceutical manufacturing
and drug delivery. Students demonstrated excellent mastery of these concepts, ranging from
81% correct responses to 100% correct responses. While students were most challenged by the
question related to propellants used in inhaled drug delivery devices, other questions related to
methods of drug delivery and pharmaceutical manufacture showed very high percent of correct
Figure 4 shows a comparison of survey results for general awareness and knowledge of pharma-
ceutical engineering topics before and after the problem sets. Before the problem sets, only 12.5%
of the students demonstrated any knowledge of the role of a pharmaceutical engineer (although,
After the pharmaceutical problem sets, 93% of the students understood the role of a pharmaceutical
engineer. For other topics such as the role of excipients, drug delivery methods, and pharmaceutical
16 WINTER 2012
after comparison. Note that zero (out of 32) students initially understood the function of
Pharmaceutical engineering problem sets developed are intended to be used in homework as-
signments or lecture examples in introductory material and energy balance chemical engineering
courses. Each problem introduces topics related to pharmaceutical technology, and is related to
a process, substance, unit operation, or term used in pharmaceutical engineering. All problems
are based on technology in use or currently being developed for the pharmaceutical industry. The
students learn the principles of chemical engineering such as mass and energy calculations within
the context of solving pharmaceutical engineering problems. A detailed solution is provided with
WINTER 2012 17
each problem for the course instructor to explain how to solve the problem and the fundamental
principles behind each problem. The solutions are written and formatted so that they can be given
directly to the students without any additional instruction from the professor. The goal is for stu-
dents to reinforce the theoretical material they are learning in class while being exposed to the
concepts of pharmaceutical engineering. The problem sets were reviewed by graduate students at
the ERC-host institution, Rutgers University, and feedback incorporated into refining the problems.
The problem sets were pilot-tested in the Principles of Chemical Processes course at Rowan Uni-
versity. Students’ knowledge of key pharmaceutical concepts before and after course integration
concepts. The problems are publicly available online to faculty through pharmaHUB.org (http://
This project is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, #ECC0540855. We
gratefully acknowledge the feedback and support from faculty and students at Rutgers University
on this project. We acknowledge the following Rowan students who contributed problems to this
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She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Rowan University in May, 2010.
Vladimir De Delva received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Rowan Uni-
to joining Rowan in 1998, she was a faculty member in Chemical Engineering at Louisiana Tech
University. Her educational efforts currently focus on the development of innovative laboratory
and classroom materials for pharmaceutical and biomedical systems. Stephanie received her Ph.D.
in Chemical Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology. She also holds B.S. and M.S.
20 WINTER 2012
University. He has seven years of industrial experience in the area of design and optimization of
chemical plants. His research and teaching interests are in optimizing processes for water and
energy reduction; lean manufacturing in food, consumer products, and pharmaceutical industry;
and developing renewable fuels from biomass. He received his Ph.D. in chemical engineering from
the University of Oklahoma, M.E. in chemical engineering from the University of Tulsa, and B.S. in
C. Stewart Slater is a professor of chemical engineering and founding chair of the Chemical En-
gineering Department at Rowan University. He has an extensive research and teaching background
in separation process technology with a particular focus on membrane separation process research,
development and design for green engineering, and pharmaceutical and consumer products. He
received his Ph.D., M.S., and B.S.in chemical and biochemical engineering from Rutgers University.
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