Welding Automation Engineering Solutions: Avenger, M3 Plasma, Silhouette, Shadow, Vision, Hydrocut, Columbus Brands
Welding Automation Engineering Solutions: Avenger, M3 Plasma, Silhouette, Shadow, Vision, Hydrocut, Columbus Brands
Welding Automation Engineering Solutions: Avenger, M3 Plasma, Silhouette, Shadow, Vision, Hydrocut, Columbus Brands
W e l d i n g A u to m at i o n Solutions
From single components to complete ESAB constantly strives to lead the industry
turnkey production systems, ESAB’s in engineered solutions for customer needs.
welding automation solutions meet your Our line of products ranges from the low
every need for your complete MIG and heat input, strength and quality of friction stir
Subarc applications. welding for aluminum and other nonferrous
materials to the first commercially available
mechanized laser-welding systems using
laser only, laser with cold wire fill, or hybrid
laser arc welding in a 2D gantry, 3D robotic,
or custom mechanized solution. ESAB has
also been a pioneer and world leader in the
development of scarfing machines and other
Mec h a n i z e d C u tt i n g steel industry products since the early 1930s.
Ga n t r y Mac h i n es ,
C o n t r o l s a n d S o f twa r e
Reliability P R E C I S E & A C C UR A T E P R O DU C T S
Richard Petty Driving Experience (RPDE) gives more than 100,000 people per year a chance to
experience what it feels like to drive a NASCAR-style stock car on an authentic motor speedway. Their
students use custom-built stock cars built by the RPDE Fabrication Department in Charlotte, North
Carolina. Welding and cutting are essential aspects to creating a safe, reliable and fast stock car,
from cutting special racing alloys to hand fitting and jig welding each part on the 12 to 15 cars they build
Cars on the Richard Petty
each year.
The RPDE Fabrication Department chose ESAB as their supplier of welding and cutting equipment
and filler metals because of its quality and reliability. The shop uses ESAB Migmaster®, Heliarc®,
PCM, Metal Master, Precision Master and E-Master lines of welding, cutting and oxyfuel equipment,
for everything from new builds to repairs.
ESAB has a lot in common with Richard Petty and RPDE. They all take great pride in their work.
ESAB’s line of burnout- AlcoTec® is the only single ESAB’s Heliarc® power source The HandyPlasma® line
protected oxygen regulators source for all the aluminum sets the standard for superior features a compact, lightweight
provide effective protection alloys currently registered for welding with improved cleaning design for easy portability and
against personal injuries caused welding applications. and lack of rectification. powerful cutting performance.
by cylinder-based explosions.
10 S o l u t i o n s f o r W e l d i n g a n d C u t t i n g