Quadrotor Dynamics and Control
Quadrotor Dynamics and Control
Quadrotor Dynamics and Control
100 2,139
1 author:
Randal W. Beard
Brigham Young University - Provo Main Campus
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All content following this page was uploaded by Randal W. Beard on 01 June 2015.
1 Reference Frames
This section describes the various reference frames and coordinate systems that
are used to describe the position of orientation of aircraft, and the transformation
between these coordinate systems. It is necessary to use several different coordi-
nate systems for the following reasons:
• Most mission requirements like loiter points and flight trajectories, are spec-
ified in the inertial frame. In addition, map information is also given in an
inertial frame.
One coordinate frame is transformed into another through two basic opera-
tions: rotations and translations. Section 1.1 develops describes rotation matrices
and their use in transforming between coordinate frames. Section 1.2 describes
the specific coordinate frames used for micro air vehicle systems. In Section 1.3
we derive the Coriolis formula which is the basis for transformations between
between between translating and rotating frames.
1.1 Rotation Matrices
We begin by considering the two coordinate systems shown in Figure 1. The
Figure 1: Rotation in 2D
Taking the dot product of both sides with î1 , ĵ 1 , and k̂ 1 respectively, and stacking
the result into matrix form gives
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
px î · î î · ĵ î · k̂ px
1 4 1
1 0 1
p = py = ĵ · î ĵ · ĵ ĵ · k̂ 0 1 0 p0y .
pz k̂ 1 · î0 k̂ 1 · ĵ 0 k̂ 1 · k̂ 0 p0z
cos(θ) sin(θ) 0
R01 = − sin(θ) cos(θ) 0 .
0 0 1
The notation R01 is used to denote a rotation matrix from coordinate frame F 0 to
coordinate frame F 1 .
Proceeding in a similar way, a right-handed rotation of the coordinate system
about the y-axis gives
cos(θ) 0 − sin(θ)
R01 = 0 1 0 ,
sin(θ) 0 cos(θ)
and a right-handed rotation of the coordinate system about the x-axis resultes in
1 0 0
R01 = 0 cos(θ) sin(θ) .
0 − sin(θ) cos(θ)
As pointed out in [1], the negative sign on the sin term appears above the line with
only ones and zeros.
The matrix R01 in the above equations are examples of a more general class of
rotation matrices that have the following properties:
In the derivation of Equation (1) note that the vector p remains constant and
the new coordinate frame F 1 was obtained by rotating F 0 through a righted-
handed rotation of angle θ.
We will now derive a formula, called the rotation formula that performs a
left-handed rotation of a vector p about another vector n̂ by an angle of µ. Our
derivation follows that given in [1]. Consider Figure 2 which is similar to Figure
1.2-2 in [1]. The vector p is rotated, in a left-handed sense, about a unit vector n̂
by an angle of µ to produce the vector q. The angle between p and n̂ is φ. By
geometry we have that
q = ON ~ + N~W + W~Q. (2)
Figure 2: Left-handed rotation of a vector p about the unit vector n̂ by an angle
of µ to obtain the vector q.
The vector ON~ can be found by taking the projection of p on the unit vector n̂ in
the direction of n̂:
~ = (p · n̂) n̂.
The vector N~W is in the direction of p − ON
~ with a length of N Q cos µ. Noting
° °
° ~ °
that the length N Q equals the length N P which is equal to °p − ON ° we get
p − (p · n̂) n̂
N~W = N Q cos µ
kp − (p · n̂) n̂k
= (p − (p · n̂) n̂) cos µ.
The vector W~Q is perpendicular to both p and n̂ and has length N Q sin µ. Noting
that N Q = kpk sin φ we get
p × n̂
W~Q = N Q sin µ
kpk sin φ
= −n̂ × p sin µ.
Therefore Equation (2) becomes
q = (1 − cos µ) (p · n̂) n̂ + cos µp − sin µ (n̂ × p) , (3)
Figure 3: Rotation of p about the z-axis.
Note that the rotation matrix R01 can be interpreted in two different ways. The
first interpretation is that it transforms the fixed vector p from an expression in
frame F 0 to an expression in frame F 1 where F 1 has been obtained from F 0
by a right-handed rotation. The second interpretation is that it rotates a vector
p though a left-handed rotation to a new vector q in the same reference frame.
Right-handed rotations of vectors are obtained by using (R01 )T .
1.2 Quadrotor Coordinate Frames
For quadrotors there are several coordinate systems that are of interest. In this
section we will define and describe the following coordinate frames: the inertial
frame, the vehicle frame, the vehicle-1 frame, the vehicle-2 frame, and the body
frame. Throughout the book we assume a flat, non-rotating earth: a valid assump-
tion for quadrotors.
Figure 4: The inertial coordinate frame. The x-axis points North, the y-axis points
East, and the z-axis points into the Earth.
Figure 5: The vehicle coordinate frame. The x-axis points North, the y-axis points
East, and the z-axis points into the Earth.
Figure 6: The vehicle-1 frame. If the roll and pitch angels are zero, then the x-axis
points out the nose of the airframe, the y-axis points out the right wing, and the
z-axis points into the Earth.
of the airframe, ĵ v1 points out the right wing, and k̂ v1 is aligned with k̂ v and points
into the earth. The vehicle-1 frame is shown in Figure 6.
The transformation from F v to F v1 is given by
cos ψ sin ψ 0
Rvv1 (ψ) = − sin ψ cos ψ 0 .
0 0 1
1.2.4 The vehicle-2 frame F v2 .
The origin of the vehicle-2 frame is again the center of gravity and is obtained by
rotating the vehicle-1 frame in a right-handed rotation about the ĵ v1 axis by the
pitch angle θ. If the roll angle is zero, then îv2 points out the nose of the airframe,
ĵ v2 points out the right wing, and k̂ v2 points out the belly, a shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: The vehicle-2 frame. If the roll angel is zero, then the x-axis points out
the nose of the airframe, the y-axis points out the right wing, and the z-axis points
out the belly.
pv2 = Rv1
(θ)pv1 ,
cos θ 0 − sin θ
Rv1 (θ) = 0 1 0 .
sin θ 0 cos θ
pb = Rv2
(φ)pv2 ,
Figure 8: The body frame. The x-axis points out the nose of the airframe, the
y-axis points out the right wing, and the z-axis points out the belly.
1 0 0
Rv2 (φ) = 0 cos φ sin φ .
0 − sin φ cos φ
The transformation from the vehicle frame to the body frame is given by
Figure 9: Derivation of the equation of Coriolis.
F i as dti
p we get
d d
p= p. (4)
dti dtb
On the other hand, assume that p is fixed in F b but that F b is rotating with respect
to F i , and let ŝ be the instantaneous axis of rotation and δφ the (right-handed)
rotation angle. Then the rotation formula (3) gives
2 Kinematics and Dynamics
In this chapter we derive the expressions for the kinematics and the dynamics of a
rigid body. While the expressions derived in this chapter are general to any rigid
body, we will use notation and coordinate frames that are typical in the aeronautics
literature. In particular, in Section 2.1 we define the notation that will be used for
the state variables of a quadrotor. In Section 2.2 we derive the expressions for the
kinematics, and in Section 2.3 we derive the dynamics.
The state variables are shown schematically in Figure 10. The position (pn , pe , h)
of the quadrotor is given in the inertial frame, with positive h defined along the
negative Z axis in the inertial frame. The velocity (u, v, w) and the angular veloc-
ity (p, q, r) of the quadrotor are given with respect to the body frame. The Euler
angles (roll φ, pitch θ, and yaw χ) are given with respect to the vehicle 2-frame,
the vehicle 1-frame, and the vehicle frame respectively.
Figure 10: Definition of Axes
The relationship between absolute angles φ, θ, and ψ, and the angular rates p,
q, and r is also complicated by the fact that these quantities are defined in different
coordinate frames. The angular rates are defined in the body frame F b , whereas
the roll angle φ is defined in F v2 , the pitch angle θ is defined in Fv1 , and the yaw
angle ψ is defined in the vehicle frame F v .
We need to relate p, q, and r to φ̇, θ̇, and ψ̇. Since φ̇, θ̇, ψ̇ are small and noting
b v2
Rv2 (φ̇) = Rv1 (θ̇) = Rvv1 (ψ̇) = I,
we get
p φ̇ 0 0
q = Rv2
(φ̇) 0 + Rv2
(θ̇) θ̇ + Rv2
b v2
(φ)Rv1 (θ)Rv→v1 (ψ̇) 0
r 0 0 ψ̇
φ̇ 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 cos θ 0 − sin θ 0
= 0 + 0 cos φ sin φ θ̇ + 0 cos φ sin φ 0 1 0 0
0 0 − sin φ cos φ 0 0 − sin φ cos φ sin θ 0 cos θ ψ̇
1 0 −sθ φ̇
= 0 cφ sφcθ θ̇ . (7)
0 −sφ cφcθ ψ̇
Inverting we get
φ̇ 1 sin(φ) tan(θ) cos(φ) tan(θ) p
θ̇ = 0 cos(φ) − sin(φ) q . (8)
ψ̇ 0 sin(φ) sec(θ) cos(φ) sec(θ) r
where f b = (fx , fy , fz )T .
For rotational motion, Newton’s second law states that
= m,
where h is the angular momentum and m is the applied torque. Using the equation
of Coriolis we have
dh dh
= + ω b/i × h = m. (11)
dti dtb
Again, Eq. (11) is most easily resolved in body coordinates where hb = Jωb/i
Figure 11: The moments of inertia for the quadrotor are calculated assuming a
spherical dense center with mass M and radius R, and point masses of mass m
located at a distance of ` from the center.
As shown in Figure 11, the quadrotor is essentially symmetric about all three
axes, therefore Jxy = Jxz = Jyz = 0 which implies that
Jx 0 0
J = 0 Jy 0 .
0 0 Jz
0 0
J−1 = 0 1
0 .
0 0 Jz
Jx −Jy 1
pq τ
Jz ψ
The six degree of freedom model for the quadrotor kinematics and dynamics
can be summarized as follows:
ṗn cθcψ sφsθcψ − cφsψ cφsθcψ + sφsψ u
ṗe = cθsψ sφsθsψ + cφcψ cφsθsψ − sφcψ v (12)
ḣ sθ −sφcθ −cφcθ w
u̇ rv − qw fx
v̇ = pw − ru + 1 fy , (13)
ẇ qu − pv fz
φ̇ 1 sin φ tan θ cos φ tan θ p
θ̇ = 0 cos φ − sin φ q (14)
sin φ cos φ
ψ̇ 0 cos θ cos θ
Jy −Jz 1
ṗ Jx
qr τ
Jx φ
q̇ = Jz −Jx
Jy pr + Jy τθ .
ṙ J −J 1
pq τ
Jz ψ
3 Forces and Moments
The objective of this section is to describe the forces and torques that act on the
quadrotor. Since there are no aerodynamic lifting surfaces, we will assume that
the aerodynamic forces and moments are negligible.
The forces and moments are primarily due to gravity and the four propellers.
left right
Figure 12: The top view of the quadrotor. Each motor produces an upward force
F and a torque τ . The front and back motors spin clockwise and the right and left
motors spin counterclockwise.
Figure 13: Definition of the forces and torques acting on the quadrotor.
Figure 12 shows a top view of the quadrotor systems. As shown in Figure 13,
each motor produces a force F and a torque τ . The total force acting on the
quadrotor is given by
F = Ff + Fr + Fb + Fl .
The rolling torque is produced by the forces of the right and left motors as
τφ = `(Fl − Fr ).
Similarly, the pitching torque is produced by the forces of the front and back
motors as
τθ = `(Ff − Fb ).
Due to Newton’s third law, the drag of the propellers produces a yawing torque
on the body of the quadrotor. The direction of the torque will be in the oppositive
direction of the motion of the propeller. Therefore the total yawing torque is given
τψ = τr + τl − τf − τb .
The lift and drag produced by the propellers is proportional to the square of the
angular velocity. We will assume that the angular velocity is directly proportional
to the pulse width modulation commend sent to the motor. Therefore, the force
and torque of each motor can be expressed as
F∗ = k1 δ∗
τ∗ = k2 δ∗ ,
Note that the pulse width modulation commands are required to be between zero
and one.
In addition to the force exerted by the motor, gravity also exerts a force on the
quadrotor. In the vehicle frame F v , the gravity force acting on the center of mass
is given by
fgv = 0 .
However, since v in Equation (13) is expressed in F b , we must transform to the
body frame to give
fg = Rv 0
−mg sin θ
= mg cos θ sin φ .
mg cos θ cos φ
Therefore, equations (12)–(15) become
ṗn cθcψ sφsθcψ − cφsψ cφsθcψ + sφsψ u
ṗe = cθsψ sφsθsψ + cφcψ cφsθsψ − sφcψ v (16)
ḣ sθ −sφcθ −cφcθ w
u̇ rv − qw −g sin θ 0
v̇ = pw − ru + g cos θ sin φ + 1 0 , (17)
ẇ qu − pv g cos θ cos φ −F
φ̇ 1 sin φ tan θ cos φ tan θ p
θ̇ = 0 cos φ − sin φ q , (18)
sin φ cos φ
ψ̇ 0 cos θ cos θ
Jy −Jz 1
ṗ Jx
qr τ
Jx φ
q̇ = Jz −Jx
Jy pr + Jy τθ .
ṙ Jx −Jy 1
pq τ
Jz ψ
4 Simplified Models
Equations (16)–(19) are the equations of motion to be used in our six degree-
of-freedom simulator. However, they are not appropriate for control design for
several reasons. The first reason is that they are too complicated to gain significant
insight into the motion. The second reason is that the position and orientation
are relative to the inertial world fixed frame, whereas camera measurements will
measure position and orientation of the target with respect to the camera frame.
Differentiating Eq. (16) and neglecting Ṙbv gives
p̈n cθcψ sφsθcψ − cφsψ cφsθcψ + sφsψ u̇
p̈e = cθsψ sφsθsψ + cφcψ cφsθsψ − sφcψ v̇ . (24)
p̈d −sθ sφcθ cφcθ ẇ
Neglecting the Coriolis terms and plugging Eq. (17) into Eq. (24) and simplifying
p̈n 0 −cφsθcψ − sφsψ
p̈e = 0 + −cφsθsψ + sφcψ F . (25)
p̈d g −cφcθ
Therefore, the simplified inertial model is given by
p̈n = (− cos φ sin θ cos ψ − sin φ sin ψ) (26)
p̈e = (− cos φ sin θ sin ψ + sin φ cos ψ) (27)
p̈d = g − (cos φ cos θ) (28)
φ̈ = τφ (29)
θ̈ = τθ (30)
ψ̈ = τψ . (31)
The dynamics given in Equations (26)–(31) are expressed in the inertial frame.
This is necessary for the simulator. However, we will be controlling position,
altitude, and heading using camera frame measurements of a target position. In
this setting heading is irrelevant. Therefore, instead of expressing the translational
dynamics in the inertial frame, we will express them in the vehicle-1 frame F v1 ,
which is equivalent to the inertial frame after rotating by the heading angle.
Differentiating Eq. (20) and neglecting Ṙbv1 gives
p̈x cθ sφsθ cφsθ u̇
p̈y = 0 cφ −sφ v̇ . (33)
p̈z −sθ sφcθ cφcθ ẇ
Neglecting the Coriolis terms and plugging Eq. (17) into Eq. (33) and simplifying
p̈x 0 −cφsθ
p̈y = 0 + sφ F . (34)
p̈z g −cφcθ
Therefore, the simplified model in the vehicle-1 frame is given by
p̈x = − cos φ sin θ (35)
p̈y = sin φ (36)
p̈z = g − cos φ cos θ (37)
φ̈ = τφ (38)
θ̈ = τθ (39)
ψ̈ = τψ . (40)
5 Sensors
5.1 Rate Gyros
A MEMS rate gyro contains a small vibrating lever. When the lever undergoes
an angular rotation, Coriolis effects change the frequency of the vibration, thus
detecting the rotation. A brief description of the physics of rate gyros can be
found at RateSensorAppNote.pdf.
The output of the rate gyro is given by
where ygyro is in Volts, kgyro is a gain, Ω is the angular rate in radians per second,
βgyro is a bias term, and ηgyro is zero mean white noise. The gain kgyro should be
given on the spec sheet of the sensor. However, due to variations in manufacturing
it is imprecisely known. The bias term βgyro is strongly dependent on temperature
and should be calibrated prior to each flight.
If three rate gyros are aligned along the x, y, and z axes of the quadrotor, then
the rate gyros measure the angular body rates p, q, and r as follows:
ygyro,x = kgyro,x p + βgyro,x + ηgyro,x
ygyro,y = kgyro,y q + βgyro,y + ηgyro,y
ygyro,z = kgyro,z r + βgyro,z + ηgyro,z .
MEMS gyros are analog devices that are sampled by the on-board processer.
We will assume that the sample rate is given by Ts . The Kestrel autopilot samples
the gyros at approximately 120 Hz.
5.2 Accelerometers
A MEMS accelerometer contains a small plate attached to torsion levers. The
plate rotates under acceleration and changes the capacitance between the plate
and the surrounding walls [3].
The output of the accelerometers is given by
yacc = kacc A + βacc + ηacc ,
where yacc is in Volts, kacc is a gain, A is the acceleration in meters per second, βacc
is a bias term, and ηacc is zero mean white noise. The gain kacc should be given
on the spec sheet of the sensor. However, due to variations in manufacturing it is
imprecisely known. The bias term βacc is strongly dependent on temperature and
should be calibrated prior to each flight.
Accelerometers measure the specific force in the body frame of the vehicle. A
physically intuitive explanation is given in [1, p. 13-15]. Additional explanation
is given in [4, p. 27]. Mathematically we have
ay = 1 (F − Fgravity )
= v̇ + ω bb/i × v − Fgravity .
In component form we have
ax = u̇ + qw − rv + g sin θ
ay = v̇ + ru − pw − g cos θ sin φ
az = ẇ + pv − qu − g cos θ cos φ.
Using Eq (17) we get
ax = 0
ay = 0
az = −F/m,
where F is the total thrust produced by the four motors. It is important to note
that for the quadrotor, the output of the accelerometers is independent of angle.
This is in contrast to the unaccelerated flight for fixed wing vehicles where the
accelerometers are used to measure the gravity vector and thereby extract roll and
pitch angles.
MEMS accelerometers are analog devices that are sampled by the on-board
processer. We will assume that the sample rate is given by Ts . The Kestrel autopi-
lot samples the accelerometers at approximately 120 Hz.
5.3 Camera
The control objective is to hold the position of the quadrotor over a ground based
target that is detected using the vision sensor. In this section we will briefly de-
scribe how to estimate px and py in the vehicle 1-frame.
We will assume that the camera is mounted so that the optical axis of the
camera is aligned with the body frame z-axis and so that the x-axis of the camera
points out the right of the quadrotor and the y-axis of the camera points to the
back of the quadrotor.
The camera model is shown in Figure 14. The position of the target in the
vehicle-1 frame is (px , py , pz ). The pixel location of the target in the image is
(²x , ²y ).
The geometry for py is shown in Figure 15. From the geometry shown in
Figure 15, we can see that
µ ¶
py = pz tan φ − ²x , (42)
where η is the camera field-of-view, and My is the number of pixels along the
camera y-axis. In Figure 15, both py and ²x are negative. Positive values are
toward the right rotor. A similar equation can be derived for px as
µ ¶
px = −pz tan θ − ²y . (43)
Figure 14: Camera model for the quadrotor.
6 State Estimation
The objective of this section is to describe techniques for estimating the state of the
quadrotor from sensor measurements. We need to estimate the following states:
px , py , pz , u, v, w, φ, θ, ψ, p, q, r.
The angular rates p, q, and r can be obtained by low pass filtering the rate
gyros. The remain states require a Kalman filter. Both are discussed below.
Figure 15: The geometry introduced by the vision system. The height above
ground is given by −pz , the lateral position error is py , the roll angle is φ, the
field-of-view of the camera is η, the lateral pixel location of the target in the image
is ²x , and the total number of pixels along the lateral axis of the camera is Mx .
were u(t) is the input of the filter and y(t) is the output. Inverse Laplace trans-
forming we get
ẏ = −ay + au. (44)
Using a zeroth order approximation of the derivative we get
y(t + T ) − y(t)
= −ay(t) + au(t),
where T is the sample rate. Solving for y(t + T ) we get
y(t + T ) = (1 − aT )y(t) + aT u(t).
For the zeroth order approximation to be valid we need aT ¿ 1. If we let α = aT
then we get the simple form
y(t + T ) = (1 − α)y(t) + αu(t).
Note that this equation has a nice physical interpretation: the new value of y
(filtered value) is a weighted average of the old value of y and u (unfiltered value).
If u is noisy, then α ∈ [0, 1] should be set to a small value. However, if u is
relatively noise free, then α should be close to unity.
In the derivation of the discrete-time implementation of the low-pass filter, it is
possible to be more precise. In particular, returning to Equation (44), from linear
systems theory, it is well known that the solution is given by
y(t + T ) = e y(t) + a e−a(T −τ ) u(τ ) dτ.
Assuming that u(t) is constant between sample periods results in the expression
y(t + T ) = e y(t) + a e−a(T −τ ) dτ u(t)y(t + T )
= e−aT y(t) + (1 − e−aT )u(t). (45)
Note that since ex = 1 + x + x2! + . . . we have that e−aT ≈ 1 − aT and 1 − e−aT ≈
aT .
Therefore, if the sample rate is not fixed (common for micro controllers), and
it is desired to have a fixed cut-off frequency, then Equation (45) is the preferable
way to implement a low-pass filter in digital hardware.
We will use the notation LP F (·) to represent the low-pass filter operator.
Therefore x̂ = LP F (x) is the low-pass filtered version of x.
p̂ = LP F (ygyro,x ) (46)
q̂ = LP F (ygyro,y ) (47)
r̂ = LP F (ygyro,z ). (48)
Suppose that we have a linear time-invariant system modeled by the equations
ẋ = Ax + Bu
y = Cx.
A continuous-time observer for this system is given by the equation
x̂˙ = |Ax̂ {z
+ Bu} + L (y − C x̂), (49)
| {z }
copy of the model correction due to sensor reading
where x̂ is the estimated value of x. Letting x̃ = x − x̂ we observer that
x̃˙ = (A − LC)x̃
which implies that the observation error decays exponentially to zero if L is cho-
sen such that the eigenvalues of A − LC are in the open left half of the complex
In practice, the sensors are usually sampled and processed in digital hardware
at some sample rate Ts . How do we modify the observer equation shown in Equa-
tion (49) to account for sampled sensor readings?
The typical approach is to propagate the system model between samples using
the equation
x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu (50)
and then to update the estimate when a measurement is received using the equation
x̂+ = x̂− + L(y(tk ) − C x̂− ),
where tk is the instant in time that the measurement is received and x̂− is the
state estimate produced by Equation (50) at time tk . Equation (50) is then re-
instantiated with initial conditions given by x̂+ . The continuous-discrete observer
is summarized in Table 6.3.
The observation process is shown graphically in Figure 16. Note that it is not
necessary to have a fixed sample rate. The continuous-discrete observer can be
implemented using Algorithm 1.
Note that we did not use the fact that the process was linear. Suppose instead
that we have a nonlinear system of the form
ẋ = f (x, u) (51)
y = c(x) (52)
, then the continuous discrete observer is given in table 6.3.
The real question is how to pick the observer gain L.
Figure 16: sdf
System model:
ẋ = Ax + Bu
y(tk ) = Cx(tk )
Initial Condition x(0).
Knowledge of A, B, C, u(t).
No measurement noise.
Prediction: In between measurements (t ∈ [tk−1 , tk )):
Propagate x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu.
Initial condition is x̂+ (tk−1 ).
Label the estimate at time tk as x̂− (tk ).
Correction: At sensor measurement (t = tk ):
x̂+ (tk ) = x̂− (tk ) + L (y(tk ) − C x̂− (tk )) .
and f (·) is the probability density function for xi . Given any pair of components
xi and xj of X, we denote their covariance as
cov(xi , xj ) = Σij = E{(xi − µi )(xj − µj )}.
The covariance of any component with itself is the variance, i.e.,
var(xi ) = cov(xi , xi ) = Σii = E{(xi − µi )(ξ − µi )}.
The standard deviation of xi is the square root of the variance:
stdev(xi ) = σi = Σii .
System model:
ẋ = f (x, u)
y(tk ) = c(x(tk ))
Initial Condition x(0).
Knowledge of f , c, u(t).
No measurement noise.
Prediction: In between measurements (t ∈ [tk−1 , tk )):
Propagate x̂˙ = f (x̂, u).
Initial condition is x̂+ (tk−1 ).
Label the estimate at time tk as x̂− (tk ).
Correction: At sensor measurement (t = tk ):
x̂+ (tk ) = x̂− (tk ) + L (y(tk ) − c(x̂− (tk ))) .
The covariances associated with a random vector X can be grouped into a matrix
known as the covariance matrix:
Σ11 Σ12 · · · Σ1n
Σ21 Σ22 · · · Σ2n
Σ = .. . . .. = E{(X − µ)(X − µ) } = E{XX } − µµ .
. . .
Σn1 Σn2 · · · Σnn
Figure 17: Level curves for the pdf of a 2D Gaussian random variable.
ẋ = Ax + Bu + Gξ
yk = Cxk + ηk ,
Prediction: In between measurements: (t ∈ [tk−1 , tk ])
Propagate x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu.
Initial condition is x̂+ (tk−1 ).
Label the estimate at time tk as x̂− (tk ).
Correction: At sensor measurement (t = tk ):
x̂+ (tk ) = x̂− (tk ) + L (y(tk ) − C x̂− (tk )) .
Our objective is to pick L to minimize tr(P (t)).
x̃˙ = ẋ − x̂˙
= Ax + Bu + Gξ − Ax̂ − Bu
= Ax̃ + Gξ.
6.5.2 At Measurements.
At a measurement we have that
x̃+ = x − x̂+
¡ ¢
= x − x̂− − L Cx + η − C x̂−
= x̃− − LC x̃− − Lη.
P + = E{x̃+ x̃+T }
n¡ ¢¡ ¢T o
= E x̃− − LC x̃− − Lη x̃− − LC x̃− − Lη
= E x̃− x̃−T − x̃− x̃−T C T LT − x̃− η T LT
− LC x̃− x̃−T + LC x̃− x̃−T C T LT + LC x̃− η T LT
= −Lηx̃−T + Lηx̃−T C T LT + Lηη T LT
= P − − P − C T LT − LCP − + LCP − C T LT + LRLT . (53)
Our objective is to pick L to minimize tr(P + ). A necessary condition is
tr(P + ) = −P − C T − P − C T + 2LCP − C T + 2LR = 0
=⇒ 2L(R + CP − C T ) = 2P − C T
=⇒ L = P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 .
Plugging back into Equation (53) give
P + = P − + P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 CP − − P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 CP −
+ P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 (CP − C T + R)(R + CP − C T )−1 CP −
= P − − P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 CP −
= (I − P − C T (R + CP − C T )−1 C)P −
= (I − LC)P − .
For linear systems, the continuous-discrete Kalman filter is summarized in
Table 6.5.2
If the system is nonlinear, then the Kalman filter can still be applied but we
need to linearize the nonlinear equations in order to compute the error covariance
matrix P and the Kalman gain L. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is given in
Table 6.5.2, and an algorithm to implement the EKF is given in Algorithm 2.
System model:
ẋ = Ax + Bu + ξ
yi (tk ) = Ci x(tk ) + ηk
Initial Condition x(0).
Knowledge of A, B, Ci , u(t).
Process noise satisfies ξ ∼ N (0, Q).
Measurement noise satisfies ηk ∼ N (0, R).
Prediction: In between measurements (t ∈ [tk−1 , tk )):
Propagate x̂˙ = Ax̂ + Bu.
Propagate Ṗ = AP + P AT + Q.
where the rate gyros and accelerometers will be used to drive the prediction step,
and an ultrasonic altimeter and camera will be used in the correction step.
System model:
ẋ = f (x, u) + ξ
yi (tk ) = ci (x(tk )) + ηk
Initial Condition x(0).
Knowledge of f , ci , u(t).
Process noise satisfies ξ ∼ N (0, Q).
Measurement noise satisfies ηk ∼ N (0, R).
Prediction: In between measurements (t ∈ [tk−1 , tk )):
Propagate x̂˙ = f (x̂,¯ u),
∂f ¯
Compute A = ∂x x=x̂(t) ,
Propagate Ṗ = AP + P AT + Q.
Correction: At ¯ the i sensor measurement (t = tk ):
∂ci ¯
Ci = ∂x x=x̂−
Li = P − CiT (Ri + Ci P CiT )−1 ,
P + = (I − Li Ci )P − ,
x̂+ (tk ) = x̂− (tk ) + L (y(tk ) − ci (x̂− (tk ))) .
where we have used the fact that the z-axis of the accelerometer measures az =
Algorithm 2 Continuous-Discrete Extended Kalman Filter
1: Initialize: x̂ = 0.
2: Pick an output sample rate Tout which is much less than the sample rates of
the sensors.
3: At each sample time Tout :
4: for i = 1 to¡N do ¢ {Prediction: Propagate the equations.}
5: x̂ = x̂ + N (f (x̂, u))
6: A = ∂f∂x ¡ out ¢ ¡ ¢
7: P = P + TN AP + P AT + GQGT
8: end for
9: if A measurement has been received from sensor i then {Correction: Mea-
surement Update}
10: Ci = ∂c∂x
Note that it may be adequate (not sure) to use a small angle approximation in
the model resulting in
f (x, u) =
−φa z
g + az
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 az 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 −az 0 0.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If this form works, then the update equation for P can be coded by hand, signif-
icantly reducing the computational burden. Note also that f (x, u) does not take
into account the motion of the target. A feedforward term can be added to f to
account for the target motion as
ṗx − ṁx
ṗy − ṁy
θaz − m̈x
f (x, u) =
−φa z − m̈ y
g + az
where (ṁx , ṁy ) is the velocity of the target in the vehicle-1 frame, and (m̈x , m̈y )
is the acceleration of the target in the vehicle-1 frame.
Let the relative position between the quadrotor and the target be denoted by
p = (px , py , pz )T . We can tranform to the camera frame as
The linearization of the first and fourth output functions are given by
¡ ¢
C1 = 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 (58)
¡ ¢
C4 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 . (59)
The linearization of the expression for the pixel coordinates is messy and can
easily be computed numerically using the approximation
∂f (x1 , · · · , xi , . . , xn ) f (x1 , · · · , xi + ∆, · · · , xn ) − f (x1 , · · · , xi , · · · , xn )
≈ ,
∂xi ∆
where ∆ is a small constant.
7 Control Design
The control design will be derived directly from Equations (35)–(40). Equa-
tions (38)–(40) are already linear. To simplify Equations (35)–(37) define
4 F
ux = −cosφ sin θ (60)
4 F
uy = sin φ (61)
4 F
uz = g − cos φ cos θ , (62)
to obtain
p̈x = ux (63)
p̈y = uy (64)
p̈z = uz . (65)
The control design proceeds by developing PID control strategies for ux , uy , and
uz . After ux , uy , and uz have been computed, we can compute the desired force
F , and the commanded roll angle φc and the commanded pitch angle θc from
Equations (60)–(62) as follows. From Equation (62) solve for F/m as
F g − uz
= . (66)
m cos φ cos θ
Substituting (66) into (61) gives
g − uz
uy = tan φ.
cos θ
Solving for φ and letting this be the commanded roll angle gives
µ ¶
c −1 uy cos θ
φ = tan . (67)
g − uz
Similarly, we can solve for the commanded pitch angle as
µ ¶
c −1 ux
θ = tan . (68)
uz − g
Figure 18: The size of the target is S in meters, and the size of the target in the
image plane is denoted by ²s in pixels. The focal length is f , and the height above
the target is −pz .
Solving for pz an differentiating we obtain
f S ²̇s
ṗz = . (69)
Differentiating again gives
f S²̈s ²̇2s
p̈z = 2 − 2f S 3 .
²s ²s
Substituting uz = p̈z and solving for ²̈s gives
µ 2¶
²s ²̇2
²̈s = uz + 2 s .
fS ²s
Defining µ ¶
4 ²2s ²̇2s
us = uz + 2 , (70)
fS ²s
we get
²̈s = us .
We can now derive a PID controller to drive ²s → ²ds as
Z t
us = kps (²s − ²s ) − kds ²̇s + kis (²ds − ²s ) dτ.
7.2 Roll Attitude Hold
The equation of motion for roll is given by Eq. (38) as φ̈ = τp /Jx . We will use a
PID controller to regulate the roll attitude as
Z t
τp = kpφ (φ − φ) − kdφ p + kiφ (φc − φ) dτ.
The gains kpφ , kiφ , and kdφ are selected one at a time using a method called
successive loop closure. To pick kpφ note that if the input command φc is a step of
value A, then at time t = 0, before the integrator has time to begin winding up, τx
is given by
τx (0) = kpφ A.
Therefore, setting kpφ = M/A will just saturate the actuators when a step value
of A is placed on φc .
To select kdφ , let kpφ be fixed and let kiφ = 0, and solve for the characteristic
equation in Evan’s form verses kdφ to obtain
1 + kdφ kpφ
= 0.
s2 + Jx
The integral gain kiφ can be selected so that damping ratio is not significantly
7.6 Feedforward
When the quadrotor is tracking a ground robot, the motion of the robot will cause
tracking errors due to the delayed response of the PID controller. If we can com-
municate with the robot, and we know its intended motion, we should be able to
use that information to help the quadrotor predict where the robot is moving.
To motivate our approach, lets consider a simple example to gain intuition.
Consider the double integrator system
ÿ = u,
Let e = r − y, then
ë = r̈ − ÿ
= r̈ − u
= r̈ − kp e + kd ẏ
= r̈ − kp e − kd ė + kd ṙ.
ë + kd ė + kp e = r̈ + kd ṙ.
Therefore, the signal r̈ + kd ṙ drives the error transfer function s2 +kd s+kp
and if w
is not zero, the tracking error will not go to zero.
From the expression ë = r̈ − u we see that if instead of u = kp e − kd ẏ, we
instead use
u = r̈ + kp e + kd ė,
then we get
ë + kd ė + kp e = 0,
which ensures that e(t) → 0 independent of r(t). The associated block diagram
is shown in Figure 21.
Now consider the lateral motion of the quadrotor in the cage where
ÿ = g tan φ,
where y is the position of the quadrotor, g is the gravity constant, and φ is the roll
angle. Let m(t) be the position of the target and define y = m − r as the relative
position. Then
ÿ = m̈ − r̈
= m̈ − g tan φ.
If by some means we know the target velocity ṁ and the target acceleration m̈,
then we should pick φ such that
g tan φ = m̈ + kp y + kd ẏ,
or µ ¶
−1 m̈ + kp y + kd ẏ
φ = tan .
Given the decoupling terms described at the beginning of this section, the
motion model for the quadrotor in the vehicle-1 frame is given by
p̈x = ux
p̈y = uy
ψ̈ = uψ .
Let the position of the target in the vehicle-1 frame be given by (mx , my ) and let
it orientation be given by ψt , and define
p̃x = mx − px
p̃y = my − py
ψ̃ = ψt − ψ.
Differentiating twice we get
p̃¨x = m̈x − ux
p̃¨y = m̈y − uy
ψ̃¨ = ψ̈ − u .
t ψ
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