Door Security System For Home Monitoring Based On ESP32 Door Security System For Home Monitoring Based On ESP32

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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2019) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 157 (2019) 673–682

4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence 2019

(ICCSCI), 12–13 September 2019

Door Security System for Home Monitoring Based on ESP32

Andreasa, Cornelio Revelivan Aldawiraa, Handhika Wiratama Putraa, Novita Hanafiaha,*,
Surya Surjarwoa, Aswin Wibisuryab
Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Mobile Application & Technology Program, Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta,
Indonesia 11480


Door plays an important role in home security. To secure the house, the occupants of the house will always have the door locked.
However, sometimes the house occupants forget to lock the door due to hurry when leaving the house, or they may doubt whether
they have locked the door or not. We propose an application called Door Security System which is based on Android using Internet
of Things (IoT) technology to monitor the status of the door, controlling the door and increasing security in a house. MQTT cloud
is utilized as the communication protocol between smartphone and door lock system. PIR sensor is implemented in the door lock
to detect the movement near the door, while touch sensor is installed on the door handle to recognize the human hand. Should the
door is opened by force, the alarm will ring and send notification to alert the house occupant on the existence of intruder in the
house. The evaluation results show that motion detection sensor can detect movement accurately up to 1,6 meters ahead, and
messages published between smartphone and door lock are encrypted properly so messages are safely sent.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an open
Peer-review access
under article underof
responsibility thethe
BY-NC-ND license (
committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and
Computationalunder responsibility
Intelligence 2019. of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and
Computational Intelligence 2019
Keywords: Home Security; Internet of Things; Lock Door, IoT; Encrypted; MQTT; Cloud;

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence 2019

1877-0509 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Computational
Intelligence 2019.
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1. Introduction

A door is one of the first defense features to maintain physical security of the house. If the door of the house can
be opened easily, a thief can easily enter and steal the contents of the house. At first, a door only incorporates a physical
key to lock or unlock the door but then, with the advancement of technology, a more modern door has been innovated,
namely the digital door that can lock or unlock doors without requiring a physical key. However, the digital door can
also be broken or damaged when the house is empty, and the occupants of the house will only find out when arriving
at home. To always maintain the security of the house, the house occupants will always have the door locked either
when going out from home, or when resting in the house. However, sometimes the house occupants forget to lock the
door due to hurry when leaving the house, or they may doubt whether they have locked the door or not. This is one
factor that can be a threat to home security.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a structure in which objects and people are provided with exclusive identity and the
ability to relocate data over a network without requiring two-way handshaking between human-to-human i.e. source
to destination or human-to-computer interaction 1. IoT utilizes the ability of sensors such as passive infrared sensors
(PIR) to detect a movement, a magnetic sensor that can be used to detect whether a door is open or closed, and an
internal touch sensor to detect whether the sensor is being touched or not. IoT also utilizes the capabilities of tools
such as micro controllers that can control other devices, Mosfet, is a transistor which can be in the form of an automatic
switch, an electric strike digital door lock that can lock or unlock without requiring a physical key, an alarm that can
ring or stop ringing according to the input received, LED lights that can turn on or off.
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is widely used for network communication protocol in IoT.
It enables a publish/subscribe mechanism. A receiver device can connect one time to the server to subscribe for a
specific topic 2. Then, whenever there is a message generated for a specific topic, the message will be sent to the
receiver. In comparison, when using HTTP, a device (client) which would like to receive a message, needs to request
periodically to a server whether there is a a message or not. The security of a house can be improved by paying attention
to the security level of a door. Research will be carried out to improve the security of home doors by implementing
IoT technology that can monitor the status of the house door, and lock and unlock the door remotely via a smartphone
through encrypted MQTT cloud. The door will also sound an alarm and send a notification to the house occupants
smartphone via MQTT cloud should the door is forced open.
The structure of this paper is divided into five sections. Section 2 discusses previous work that has been done by
researchers in this field. Section 3 is the section which describes the system design approach. Section 4 presents
performance evaluation results and discussion. Finally, section 5 concludes the results of this research.

2. Related Work

IoT has been applied in previous researches in smart home technology to remotely control and monitor various
appliances, namely fire, gas, water, air conditioner and fan 3. Some research also focus on efficiency to lower energy
consumption 4. Some of research like the following, have been done about home security system. Agarwal,
proposed a home security system called the HDSL system, which will give freedom of fear from laziness 5. The HDSL
system itself provides two main functions, namely 'Home Security', which can analyze people outside the door and
'Smart Locking', which can give members of the house the freedom to control the locking system via cellphone. This
system requires a Rasberry Pi 3 that controls hardware such as cameras, motion sensors and electric locks.
The method used in this research is to control the locking system using Bluetooth and receive messages from the
internet. The system will always start checking from the Bluetooth handshake. If a handshake occurs, the system will
unlock the door, and after a specified time, the system will lock the door again. If there is no Bluetooth handshake, the
system will check whether it receives any message. If the system receives an 'unlock door' message, the system will
unlock the door and will lock the door when the system gets a 'lock door' message. If there is no message, the system
will check for the possibility of a guest. If there is a signal from the bell, the system will take photos through the
camera and send the photo to the user's email. If there is no bell signal, and the motion sensor detects a movement, the
system will assume there is an intruder, hence the system will take photos through the camera, send the photos to the
user's email as a warning and send a warning message via the internet as a warning of an intruder 5.
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A research conducted by Nareshkumar, Kamat, Shinde describes a system which will control door by using smart
phone operated by mobile device 6. This system needs a camera, Raspberry Pi Model B3 which have inbuilt Wi-
Fi/GSM module, a PIR Sensor, Biometric system and a mobile device. Whenever an individual would stand in front
of the door, the camera will detect and send image on the mobile device. User can control the door by using
smartphone. In the mobile device, specifications of appliances are given through which system can be controlled.
When individual presence has been identified, web camera will get the signal then it will capture the image of the
individual and send to user’s mobile device via raspberry pi using IoT (Internet of Things) 6.
Gupta, proposed a remote access control door entry system for homes and office buildings 7. A remote access
control system comprises of the internet to control the devices and appliances at home or office, with the person
controlling them from anywhere around the globe. The equipment used are a Raspberry Pi board, camera for guest
authentication, solenoid, speaker set, and bell switch.
When guests come to visit, the guests will push the bell switch and then the speaker will turn on the sound recording
to ask guests to stand in front of the camera so that they can be photographed. Then, the photo take will be sent to the
primary host email and maybe to the secondary host as well if needed with the subject "Someone at the door". If the
primary host wants to open the door, the primary host can reply to the email with subject "Allow person". If the primary
host does not want to open the door, the primary host can reply to email without changing any contents. The primary
host has a time limit to answer whether to open the door or not. If the primary host does not answer, the system will
send a guest photo to the secondary host and the guest will also be informed that the primary host does not answer.
Secondary hosts have a time limit to answer whether to open the door or not. if the secondary host also does not
answer, the system will inform the guest if there has been no reply 7.
Kodali, et. al. proposed a home security system to detect intruder using PIR motion sensor 8. When a motion is
detected, the system will trigger a voice call to the home owner. The owner then needs to decide whether it is an
intruder or not. The research by Kodali2016 still didn’t mention how the prototype may help the owner to differentiate
between an intruder and a guest. However, it is mentioned to use camera in further research.
Sahoo and Pati proposed a model of home security system which included PIR motion detection for generating
alert and IP camera for verification 9. The model works over Zigbee protocol and is able to send SMS to the home
owner’s mobile phone using GSM. Tanwar, et. al. also proposed a similar intrusion detection based on PIR motion
sensor and IP Camera 10. In the model, a single Raspberry Pi minicomputer is connected to multiple sensors placed
around a home/building. Upon motion detection, the Raspberry Pi sends an email to the user. Kumar, et. al. proposed
a model which for smart home security, which not only alert on intruder, but also on fire and gas using respective
sensors 11. Upon detection of one event by one of the sensors, the owner’s mobile phone will be alerted via SMS or
call using GSM module. The research by Kodali2016, Sahoo, Tanwar, and Kumar didn’t mention any means to lock
or unlock the door, they are focused on intruder detection and remote alert to home owner.
Prabaharan, et. al. did a research to implement smart home which included security modules, i.e. alarm buzzer and
door lock/unlocker 12. The MQTT-based prototype is connected to home owner’s mobile phone using GSM module.
From the home security perspective, the mobile phone can receive alarm buzz when there is a possible intruder and
can lock/unlock the door. However, there are still no connection beteween these two security-related functionalities.
The alarm buzzer and the door lock/unlocker are still separate modules. In a research by Pandit, 13, magnetic
sensor is used to determine whether a door is closed or opened. An intrusion is detected when the door should be in
locked condition but in reality opened. The magnetic sensor is also used to automatically lock the door when it is
closed. In addition to the magnetic sensor, the model also incorporates door access authentication using owner’s
smartphone via bluetooth and face recognition over IP camera. Dutta, et. al. proposed a model for resident or guest
authorization in public building using IoT 14. In the proposed model, a resident needs to have personal RFID tapped
to an Arduino microcontroller. Meanwhile, guest information needs to be input by the security of the building. Using
this mechanism, every activity of people going in/out of a building can be recorded in a database for future auditing.
From the literature review that have been discussed, there are few researchers that discusses the IoT, home security
system, and remote door. Therefore we make a research that can monitor and control the door remotely, receive alerts
when a movement is detected near the door, grant a door access to people who are trusted to control the door, view
the door access history log and user access, get a notification that the door is still open after a certain limit time. The
big differences between the related works and the system we proposed are that our program can give access to other
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users and the owner of the house can see the log history of door’s activity such as who has opened or closed the door
and, when the activity happen.

3. System Design Approach

The system is implemented using Microcontroller ESP32, Arduino programming language and an Android-based
mobile application. The Microcontroller ESP32 is used to integrate all the electronic device in one environment. ESP32
is used because ESP32 has two cores, one core to run wifi functions and one core to execute uploaded programs.
ESP32 also has a wifi and bluetooth module, and 36 GPIO. ESP32 has a fairly large memory. And ESP32 uses low
power also has an internal touch sensor making it suitable for use in door security system development projects. To
detect motion, PIR Sensor is utilized and in additional, a magnetic sensor is used to detect door state whether it is open
or close. In this section, we discuss the system design approach for the proposed home security system.

3.1. System Architecture

The communication between Door Security System mobile application and door lock uses MQTT protocol system
that has SSL encryption. The system design is shown in Figure 1 which has 4 main parts, cloud MQTT, mobile phone,
door lock, and the listener.

Fig. 1. System Architecture Design

Part A is a representation of MQTT Broker. Cloud MQTT itself is a company that provides MQTT Broker service
over the internet so that it can be accessed using the internet. MQTT Broker is in charge of receiving all messages
sent to MQTT Broker and delivering messages received to clients who subscribe to certain topics. Part B is a
representation of Publisher & Subscriber (Device) like a smartphone. In this design, the device is a smartphone that
uses an application to send messages in the form of a command to MQTT Broker on certain topics which will later be
published on clients that subscribe to certain topics, namely microcontroller and Spring MQTT Listener. The device
also functions as a subscriber where the device will receive a message according to the topic subscribed to MQTT
Broker which will later be processed as a notification message. Part C is a representation of Publisher & Subscriber
(Microcontroller) / IoT Device. Microcontroller is a mini computer that is dedicated to run a specific program. In this
scheme, the microcontroller is responsible for sending messages to MQTT Broker. The resulting message is data
obtained from a number of sensors used on the microcontroller. The microcontroller also functions as a Subscriber
where the microcontroller will receive a message according to the topic subscribed to MQTT Broker which will be
processed as a command to work on a command. Part D is a representation of Subscriber. Subscriber is a client who
subscribes to topic on the MQTT Broker. When a new message is published to the topic on the MQTT Broker, a
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message will be sent to the client who subscribed to the topic. Subscriber here is a java-based program that uses
framework spring that is used as a listener for all topics that exist on MQTT Broker. The task of the Listener program
is to update to the Firebase Database. The updated data is the status of the online device, and other commands.

3.2. Hardware Design

The hardware design includes the selection of electronics equipment and the integration of all components. Figure
2 shows the hardware design for our security monitoring system. The specification of every components in Figure 2
is defined by Table 1. The number in Figure 2 corresponds to the order of components in Table 1. For processing
module, we use ESP32 with Lolin D32 Board. This board is equipped with wireless LAN module for communication.
ESP32 is compiled using the Arduino programming language. Two LED are used where first, the red LED is used as
a power indicator. If the appliance has been electrified, ESP32 will send command to the red LED to light up. Secondly,
green LED is used as a WiFi indicators. If ESP32 is not connected to WiFi, ESP32 will send a command to the green
LED to blink until ESP32 is connected to WiFi. ESP32 uses a PIR sensor to detect movement. ESP32 collects the
signal from magnetic sensor to know the door state. To release warning, ESP32 uses the buzzer alarm module. To lock
or unlock the door, ESP32 uses the electric strike module.

Table 1. Hardware Module

No Name Description
1. Adaptor Adaptor to supply electricity 12V to system from stopkontak
2. Step Down Step Down to reduce voltage from 12V to 5V
3. PCB Board To connect all device
4. ESP 32 Using Wemos LOLIN D32, 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip. TSMC low power 40nm
technology. 5
5. Button Reset Buton to reset ESP32
6. PIR Sensor PIR Sensor for movement detection
7. LED LED used as a power indicator and wifi indicator
8. Magnetic Sensor Magnetic Sensor to state the door status
9. Internal Touch Sensor To find out if the door is opened from inside
10. Mosfet Mosfet for automatic switches
11. Alarm Buzzer Alarm Buzzer to tinging when the door forced open
12. Electric Strike Electric Strike to lock or unlock the door

Fig. 2. Hardware Design

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3.3. Software Design

The Software design is divided into two, Door Security System mobile apps and door lock software. First, we make
a door lock system flow analysis as shown in Fig.3.

Fig. 3. Door Lock Workflow

As shown in Figure. 3, the proposed system starts with subscribing to the topic in the MQTT Brokers. If there is a
message sent on the MQTT Broker, then door lock will receive the message and send the message and look for what
order which have been received. If the command is an unlock door, then door lock will open the Electric Strike door
lock and save the time in milis (millisecond) when the door starts to unlock and publish the message if the door is
unlocked by the requester name. If within ten seconds the door is not opened after obtaining an unlock command, the
door will lock automatically regardless of the input time for the door to be opened, changing the last requester name
to unknown. If within less than 10 seconds the door is opened, then the requester name will be saved to the last
requester name and the number of seconds input time for the door opened will be saved. If the time for the open door
is input more than 0, the system will save when the door starts to open.
If the command is to lock the door, then door lock will check whether the door is closed or not. If the door has not
been closed, door lock will publish a message if the door has not been closed. If the door is closed, then door lock will
lock the door, the input time for the door to open is initialized to 0 and publish the message if the door has been locked
by the requester name and change the last requester name to unknown. If the command is turn off the buzzer, then
door lock will check whether the buzzer alarm is ringing. Should the buzzer alarm is not ringing, then door lock will
publish a message that the alarm is off then if the buzzer alarm is on, then door lock will turn off the buzzer alarm. If
the command is reset, then door lock will empty its credentials and restart. Door lock can be linked to other mobile
apps because door lock is no longer proprietary.
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If no message is received from MQTT Broker, then door lock will detect the Internal Touch Sensor. If the Internal
Touch Sensor is touched past the specified time limit, door lock will wait until the door is opened and closed again.
Then, door lock will do Default Door Monitoring based on certain time intervals. If it's time to check, the system will
check whether the door is closed, whether the buzzer alarm sounds, the door is not locked yet and reset the time for
the next interval. Next, door lock will schedule the lock door if the input time for the door is opened more than 0. If
the input time for the opened door is 0, the system will not schedule the lock door. In addition, the system will check
whether the current mailing list is reduced when the door opens and whether it is greater than the time to open or not.
If it is greater or equal, the system will lock the door and set the input time for the opened door to be 0.
The door lock will check the status of the door. If the existing status of the door is closed and the new status of the
door is open, then the door will set the existing status of the door to be opened, then publish the message that the last
requester name opens the door to be recorded in the database. If the last requester name is unknown, the system will
turn on the buzzer alarm. If the existing status of the door is open and the new status of the door is closed, then the
door will set the existing status of the door to be closed, then publish the message that last requester name closes the
door to be recorded in the database. If the door lock detects a movement, door lock will publish a message that a
movement has been detected. If the door lock reset button is pressed, door lock will perform a reset function. Besides
door lock reset, door lock will loop check whether it gets a message from the broker.
To access Door Security System mobile application, the user must have an account. If the user already has an
account, the user can sign in and should the user does not have an account, the user can sign up. The system will later
send a verification email, and then the user verifies email. Should the verification email has not been received, the user
can click the resend email button. After verifying email, the user can sign out and sign in again. Should user forget the
account password, user use the forgot password feature and a link will be sent to change the password.
After signing in, the system displays the device page. Users can view all the status of the door and manage the door
such as adding doors, selecting doors to unlock or lock the door. When the user is the occupant of the house, the house
occupant can choose the door then delete the door or change the name of the door or give the door access chosen to
another user. The door owner can see the log history of the door that is owned and the user accessing the door.
Door status is categorized into three, whether the door is opened or closed, the door is locked or unlocked, the
buzzer alarm door is ringing or not ringing. If the user wants to unlock the door, the user is asked to input the number
of within how many seconds the door will unlock, then the door will do an automatic lock. If the user does not want
the door to do an automatic lock, the user can enter a zero value. The user can open and close the door. If the user
opens the door, the status of the door on the device page will be changed to open. When user opens the door from the
outside without unlocking the door through the application, the system will assume that the door is forced to open and
turns on the buzzer alarm door. If the Internal Touch Sensor on the inside of the room is touched and the door is opened
even though the door is still locked, the door buzzer alarm will not ring because the system assumes the door is opened
from inside.
Users can see a list of other users who are given access by clicking the Manage Other User's Access sub menu, then
select another user name if you want to see the details of the access given to that user. If the user wants to change the
access given to another user, the user can manage the user's access such as adding or reducing the door access given
or even removing the user from the access list given after seeing the details of access given to that user. Users can also
add other users to the list given access from other users' email addresses and give many door accesses to the user after
clicking the Manage Other User's Access sub menu.
Users can see a list of other user names that can be granted an access by clicking the Manage My Access sub menu.
Users can see the details of the door access grant by selecting a user name. Users can remove door access grant by
clicking the unlink button next to the name of the door that is given access. Users can see reports on how much access
to the door they have by clicking View Report Door Access sub menu. The report is divided into two, namely the
report based on the door that is accessed and based on the user who has accessed it. If the user wants to see the report
based on the door being accessed, then the user can choose the Report of Door Access and the statistics on all the
doors that are owned and the number of times the door is accessed will appear. If the user wants to see the report based
on the user who is accessing it, the user can choose the Report of User Access and the statistics for all users who are
given access and the number of times the door has been accessed will appear.
Users can change their account name, password or both by clicking the Manage Profile sub menu. If the user wants
to change the name, the user can click the user name field and change the name. If the user wants to change the
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password, the user can check the check box named Change Password and enter a new password. Users can change the
name only, or just password, or name and password together, then click the update profile button and enter the old

4. Internal System Evaluation Test Result and Discussion

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. (a) Integration ESP32 with Sensors and Tools from inside the room
(b) Integration ESP32 with Sensors and Tools from outside the room

In this section, we discuss about the implementation of IoT security monitoring system dan evaluation result. First,
we integrate and implement the designed system as shown in Fig. 4 which show the connection between ESP32 with
Button Reset, PIR Sensor, green LED, red LED, Magnetic Sensor, Internal Touch Sensor, Alarm Buzzer through
Mosfet, and Electric Strike door lock through Mosfet.

4.1. PIR Sensor

Motion Detection tests were carried out with a 80cm x 80cm distance of each zone (box). The PIR sensor is placed
with a height of 48.5cm which is attached to the prototype door with the direction facing down. The following are the
results of detecting movement tests. With the results of the following tests, it can be summarized that if the PIR sensor
is installed with a height of 48.5cm, then the PIR Sensor can detect accurately up to 1.6 meters ahead.

Table 2. PIR Sensor Test Result

Zone A B C D E F G H I

Fail 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

Success 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4

Fig. 5. PIR Sensor Test Zone

4.2. MQTT Testing

In testing the sending and receiving of MQTT messages without using SSL, the Wireshark application is used.
Wireshark is a tool for analyzing network traffic with the aim of maintaining security.
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(a) (b)

Fig. 6. (a) Publish MQTT Without SSL Encryption, (b) Publish MQTT with SSL Encryption

(a) (b)

Fig. 7. (a) Subscribe MQTT Without SSL Encryption, (b) Subscribe MQTT with SSL Encryption

1. Testing on sending message with MQTT that doesn’t use SSL encryption
The first test is done by sending / publishing a message to do the Door Unlock with 10 seconds in the topic
After doing a search using Wireshark tool, it was found that the message that is sent to the broker MQTT can
be seen clearly in the absence of the encryption process to prevent people who do sniffing.
2. Test message reception with MQTT that doesn’t use SSL encryption
The second test is done by subscribing the topic /Door/ to
receive the message that was sent or published.
After searching using Wireshark tools, it was also found that when receiving a message from a broker MQTT,
the message has not been encrypted, hence the message can be seen by others and becomes insecure.
3. Testing sending messages with MQTT that use SSL encryption
The third test is done by sending / publishing a message to Unlock Door with 10 seconds on topic
/Door/ using SSL.
After searching using Wireshark tools, it was found that when sending messages over a network, the messages
has been encrypted, hence even though the message was retrieved, it is unable to read the message.
4. Test message reception with MQTT that uses SSL encryption
The fourth test is done by subscribing to topic /Door/ to
receive messages that were sent or published using SSL.
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After searching using the Wireshark tools, it was found that when receiving a message through the message
network, it was also encrypted. Hence, even though the message was successfully retrieved, it is still not
possible to read the message.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a security monitoring system based on IoT technology. Our proposed system
consists of ESP32, PCB Board, Step Down 12V to 5V, Adaptor 12V, Button to reset, PIR Sensor, green LED, red
LED, Magnetic Sensor, Internal Touch Sensor, two Mosfet, Alarm Buzzer, and Electric Strike door lock. The system
we proposed is a system that can monitor and control the door remotely, receive a warning if a motion is detected near
the door, granting door access to trusted people to control the door, view the door access history log and user access,
get a notification that the door is still open after the limit time has passed, and turn on the alarm should the door is
opened by force. The simulation result shows that when sensor is placed with a height of 48.5cm with the direction
facing down, system can detect a movement accurately at a distance of 1,6 meters ahead, but when the movement is
more than 1.6 meters, the detection will be less accurate. The simulation results also show that when messages are
published or subscribed between smartphone and door lock, they are encrypted by SSL encryption properly, so
messages sent are safe from hacker. The message can’t be seen or modified by other people because the hacker does
not have the key to decrypt messages.
For future research, we plan to explore: 1) the usage of camera, so the user can find out who is visiting; 2) new
emergency call feature to directly call the police; 3) new filter feature when see a report; 4) new feature for two-way
communication between the owner of the door and the guess.


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