You have gained a level and are now level 2. You gain 7 hit points, for a maximum of 16. You gain 2 sorcery points that restore after a long rest. As a bonus action, you can convert 2 points into a 1st level spell slot. You learn the 1st level spell Chromatic Orb. You add one additional 1st level spell slot, for a total of 3 slots. Your spells now have a +5 bonus to hit and your spell save DC is 13.
You have gained a level and are now level 2. You gain 7 hit points, for a maximum of 16. You gain 2 sorcery points that restore after a long rest. As a bonus action, you can convert 2 points into a 1st level spell slot. You learn the 1st level spell Chromatic Orb. You add one additional 1st level spell slot, for a total of 3 slots. Your spells now have a +5 bonus to hit and your spell save DC is 13.
You have gained a level and are now level 2. You gain 7 hit points, for a maximum of 16. You gain 2 sorcery points that restore after a long rest. As a bonus action, you can convert 2 points into a 1st level spell slot. You learn the 1st level spell Chromatic Orb. You add one additional 1st level spell slot, for a total of 3 slots. Your spells now have a +5 bonus to hit and your spell save DC is 13.
You have gained a level and are now level 2. You gain 7 hit points, for a maximum of 16. You gain 2 sorcery points that restore after a long rest. As a bonus action, you can convert 2 points into a 1st level spell slot. You learn the 1st level spell Chromatic Orb. You add one additional 1st level spell slot, for a total of 3 slots. Your spells now have a +5 bonus to hit and your spell save DC is 13.
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Gaining a Level (Level 2)
You gain 7 hit points and now have a maximum of 16.
Font of Magic. Gain 2 sorcery points that restore after a long rest. As a bonus action, convert 2 points to a 1st level spell slot. You learn the spell Chromatic Orb. You add one (1) first-level spell slot. You now have 3.
SPELLS. +5 to hit when you attack with a spell. Creatures make DC 13 saves against your spells.
Cantrips (at will):
Spell Casting Effect
Blade Ward 1 action / V, S Until end of your next turn, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage caused by weapons. Mage Hand 1 action / V,S / 30’ / 1 Spectral hand appears in range and lasts un minute Ray of Frost 1 action / V,S / 60’ range Make a spell attack. On a hit, target creature takes 1d8 cold damage and its speed is reduced by 10 until the start of your next turn. True Strike 1 action / S / 30’ / Pick a target in range. On your next turn, you gain advantage on your first Concentration, 1 round attack roll against that target if you still are concentrating. 1st Level Spells
Spell Casting Effect
Magic Missile 1 action / V,S / 120’ Three glowing darts hit creatures of your choice that you can see, dealing 1d4+1 force damage each. Shield 1 reaction when hit or Invisible barrier of force appears. Until start of your next turn, gain +5 targeted by magic missile / bonus to AC. This may cause the triggering attack to miss you, and the V, S / Lasts 1 round shield absorbs all magic missiles aimed at you. Chromatic 1 action / V,S, M (diamond Choose an energy type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder), Orb dust) / 90’ then make a spell attack. On a hit, the creature takes 3d8 damage of the chosen type.