041-35 Dec 2012 - 1
041-35 Dec 2012 - 1
041-35 Dec 2012 - 1
0915-1215 hrs
Section A
1. (a) List the procedures of a safety management system relating to the engineering
department. (4)
(b) explain how the system sketched in part (a) is protected from overpressure; (2)
(a) list the shipboard systems that may be affected by this type of contamination; (2)
(b) explain the conditions required for the bacteria to evolve; (6)
(c) describe how the presence of microbial contamination can be detected. (2)
(a) explain how the internal condition may be assessed without the need to dismantle the
pump; (3)
(b) state the effects of misalignment between the driving motor and the pump; (3)
(c) describe, with the aid of a sketch, how on a new replacement motor, alignment is
checked and adjusted. (4)
5. Materials used for hull and machinery are subjected to stress and strain in service.
(b) Describe the mechanical tests carried out on a sample of steel plates used for ship's side
plating. (6)
(b) describe, with the aid of a sketch, valve hysteresis, stating how it affects the process; (3)
(c) describe how design and routine maintenance can limit hysteresis. (3)
(b) explain how the pour point of a fuel may be estimated onboard using simple testing
equipment; (4)
(c) explain the consequences of bunkering a fuel with a pour point of 35°C. (4)
8. With reference to a domestic refrigeration plant, state TWO causes of EACH of the following
conditions, stating how EACH cause may be rectified:
(d) compressor running for long periods but not lowering the temperature in the cold rooms; (2)
(b) explain the principle of preferential trips, describing how it is achieved; (4)
10. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a static excitation system for a generator. (8)
(c) list the main difference in the requirements on the main switchboard compared to a 440
volt. (4)
Section C
12. (a) Explain the Harmonised System of Survey & Certification (HSSC). (4)
(b) With reference to the load line certificate explain what will be inspected and how these
items are kept in compliance. (6)
13. With reference to the structure of a large passenger ship, describe the requirement for
preventing the spread of fire and smoke. (10)
(a) list SIX items that should be looked for in a tank inspection; (3)