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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)

Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

Analyzing Verbal Idioms in Gadis Pantai Novel

of Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Muhammad Zainul Arifin, Suyitno, Raheni Suhita

Master of Indonesian Language Education, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

Received: 16 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 3 Dec 2020; Accepted: 6 Dec 2020; Available online: 14 Dec 2020
©2020 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

Abstract— The research aimed to analyze the verbal idioms by using semantic analysis. It is a descriptive
qualitative design that applied text analysis focusing on one phenomenon. The data collection taken are
words that contain idiomatic meanings in the novel of Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The
writer collected the data through observation and note-taking techniques. The writer administered source
triangulation and theoretical triangulation to test the validity. The result shows that there are five idioms
which are formed by using verbs. There are eleven idioms created using transitive affixed verbs, which
consisted of 8 phrasal verb idioms and eight partial idioms. There is a finding that nouns always follow the
constituent elements of idioms to obtain the idiom's meaning.
Keywords— idioms, meaning, novel, verbs.

I. INTRODUCTION imagination. The choice of words in the novel is an

According to (Akbar, 2013:58) a novel is a fictional story important element. Each text has different linguistic
that elevates human life consisting of intrinsic and elements, for example, in a historical novel. Every novelist
extrinsic elements to explain the author's events. The life must have his characteristics in his work, such as language
depicted in writing is dramatized to lead the reader to rules, including idiomatic meaning. There is a difference
follow the storyline. The story in the novel reflects the between spontaneous expression and written messages.
reality in which the author expresses his feelings based on Written media allows authors to reflect, modify, and
society's culture. improve before publication (Jackson, 2013:244).

Generally, the novel's contents can be in the form of Mastering idioms in discourse is an important aspect of
problems arise because of differences or conflicts in some improving vocabulary lists, communicative skills,
situations to achieve a goal. The author conveys the conversations, and written texts. Rijal, (2018) has
message and value of life through literary works. Readers researched Indonesian idioms found in the field of rural
are expected to interpret, collect the author's message, and culture. The research is a combination of science between
understand how the message and the whole parts interact anthropology and linguistics. In general, learning idiomatic
coherently (Telgen, D., Hile, 1998:vii). language components can lead to an increase in language
abilities and skills.
The readers will be more attracted to the novels containing
aesthetic values. Authors can express their thoughts and Based on the background, the researcher wanted to analyze
feelings in a literary work. The description of events and the types and the idiomatic meanings in the novel of Gadis
flows that occurred is carried out in detail. Novels often Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, whose constituent
bring up conflicts from different circumstances. Novels elements are verbs. The purpose of this research is to
can influence other's perceptions of thoughts about society describe the types and meanings based on verbal idioms.
in life (Parrinder, 2006:9). The benefits of this research are expected to increase
knowledge about idioms.
The Novel of Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer can
be classified as a historical novel that tells about events
according to facts. Moreover, it is presented by the author's

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.44 2124
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

II. LITERATURE REVIEW It is important to emphasize that the idiom's composition

Gairns (2011:5) defined idiom as a sequence of words that does not determine the condition of truth, but it is based on
are different from the individual word. Thus some idioms' context. The condition of truth is the only criterion
meaning is difficult to understand outside the context. The established to give meaning to idioms as the phrase's
idiom can be seen if there's incapability between product in a situational environment or textual context.
contextual situations of phrase relevant with the sentence. Idioms can be analyzed when a mismatch between the
situation's context or the relevance of a phrase in a
Meanwhile, according to (McCarthy M. and O’Dell,
2017:6) idiom is an expression whose meaning is often
difficult to guess from each word's meaning. The easiest
way to understand the idiom is by seeing the context of III. METHOD
language itself. So, it can be concluded that an idiom is a The setting of this study is flexible. The research used is
unit of words arranged in a certain order, which the descriptive qualitative design. It applied text analysis,
meaning of it cannot be guessed from the composition of which focused on one phenomenon. The data collection
words. taken are words that contain idiomatic meanings in the
Idioms are different from the regular vocabulary. They novel of Gadis Pantai by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The
implicitly mean that language is constructed writer collected the data through observation and note-
compositionally. For example, the grammatical and lexical taking techniques. The writer administered source and
elements express their meaning and relationship from one theoretical triangulation. The data analysis used is a model
to another. There is a difference between the meaning of from Miles, B.M.,& Huberman (1992:17-20). These steps
the phrase and the meaning of the constituents on its are data collection, data reduction, data display, and
composition (Philip, 2011:15). drawing conclusions.
The idiom types would be determined based on the theory
of Idioms proposed by Palmer, (1976:98-99). Then the IV. FINDING AND DISCUSSION
analysis of English idioms is found also includes the
Palmer, (1976:98-99) divided two types of idioms: phrasal
analysis of the meaning. He stated that the idioms are
verb idiom and partial idiom. The first is phrasal verb
classified into two types. The first is phrasal verb idiom,
idiom, which means all the words can have one different
which means all the words can have one different meaning
meaning from its lexical meaning. Second, a partial idiom
from its linguistic meaning. Second, a partial idiom is an
is an idiom in which one of the words has its lexical
idiom in which one of the words has its lexical meaning;
meaning; the other has a meaning peculiar to the particular
the other has a meaning peculiar to the particular sequence.
Fernando, (1994:36) proposed three types of idiomatic
expressions: pure, semi, and literal idioms. Pure idioms are 1.1 The Ordinary Verb as the Constituent of Idioms
formed from multiword, which meaning is different from Ordinary verbs are independent verbs, namely verbs that
the previous one. Semi-idioms mean that partial words can already be used in a sentence without having a
have their meaning, the other does not. The last is literal morphological process. Basic verbs combined with the
idioms with a literal form of idioms that can have the same words that follow can form idioms, as follows:
meaning as its basic meaning.
According to Baryadi, (2013:50), verbs used as elements
to form idioms can be divided into an ordinary verb and
derivative verb. Ordinary verbs are verbs that have not
undergone a morphological process. Derivative verbs have
undergone a morphological process, such as addition,
repetition, and compounding.
Table 1 The Data on Ordinary Verbs
No Ordinary Verb Idiomatic Data Meaning Idiom
Phrasal verb Partial
1 Mandi mandi matahari Berjemur V
Take a bath Warmed bathe Sunbathe

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.44 2125
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

2 Banting banting tulang kerja sungguh-sungguh V

Slam Work to the bone Work hard
3 Mandi mandi keringat kerja keras V
Take a bath Bathe in our sweat Work hard
4 Peras peras keringat kerja keras V
Squeeze Work hard
5 Buka buka mulut Membica-rakan hal rahasia V
Open open your mouth Talking about a secret

The idioms are formed by using the ordinary word without The context of the sentence means that the energy
the need for the affixation process. The phrase “mandi expended produces a lot of sweat. However, working hard
matahari” (Toer, 2000:173) does not have a true meaning. is not always synonymous with sweating. It can also work
The word “mandi” means cleaning the body using water hard to be a person who has a good image.
and soap, whereas “matahari” means celestial body, the According to the expression of “All you have to do is open
center of the universe. Based on the combined words, it your mouth” (Toer, 2000:113), the word open means
means sunbathing. opening something, and the word mouth lexically means
The data of “Your father and I had to work ourselves to the the cavity which houses the teeth and tongue, or for
bone so that you could have batik” (Toer, 2000:13) feeding food. This phrase does not mean just opening your
denotatively means “banting” or throw something hard, mouth to enter food, but talking to convey a secret to the
whereas "tulang" means a part of the human or animal general public should not be allowed. The above phrase
body. If that expression is translated denotatively, it will can be categorized as a partial idiom because the word
be difficult to be understood. So, it is translated into open still has its lexical meaning.
“bekerja keras," which means work hard. 1.2 The Derivative Verb as the Constituent of Idioms
The expression “bathe in the sea or even in our sweat” Derivative verbs used to form idioms include verbs affixed
(Toer, 2000:144) means work hard. If that expression is with me (N) -, ber-, ter-, di-, and verbs with affix ke-an. In
translated denotatively, it will be difficult to be Gadis Pantai novel, the derivative verbs are found as
understood. So, it is translated into “bekerja keras” which follows:
means work hard. Moreover, it is the kind of phrasal verb
idiom because it does not have a lexical meaning. The
phrases formed using sensory responses.
Table 2 The Data of Derivative Verbs
No Derivative Verb Idiomatic Data Meaning Idiom
Phrasal Partial
1 Membuang Membuang muka Tidak sudi V
Abandon Look away Avoiding
2 Mendaki Mendaki lantai Berjalan di ruangan pembesar V
Climb Climbed a set of stairs to the Walking on a magnify-ing room
raised ground floor
3 Menjual Menjual omong Banyak bicara V
Sell Sell fairy tale Talking too much
4 Menggaruki menggaruki genteng Menerpa kencang atap V
Scratch Shake the roof tiles Hit the roof

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.44 2126
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

5 Merenungi merenungi lantai Diam hormat V

Contempla-te Lowered eyes toward the To be respectfully silent
6 Mengaduk mengaduk laut Menyelam V
Stir Face the sea Dive
7 Menggaruk menggaruk pasir Menatap ke bawah V
Scratch Boring into the sandy Staring downside
8 Menyulam menyulam pantai Perbuatan sia-sia V
Embroider Ran up the strand Useless thing
9 Membisu Membisu seribu bahasa Tidak ingin berkomuni-kasi V
Mute Completely tongue-tied No communica-tion
10 Mandi bermandi keringat dingin Gugup V
Take a bath Sweat shower Feeling nervous
11 Bermandi bermandi darah Mengeluarkan banyak darah V
Take a bath Bloody shower A lot of bleeding

The phrase sells by the way does not mean to buy or sell word does not match the lexical. The constituent elements
about the conversation. The word selling means giving are related to the name of natural objects, namely sand.
something to someone else to get a payment or receive The meaning of the idiom above is defined as looking
money. This phrase is part of an idiom, because the word down as respect for others.
talk still has a meaning that is similar to its lexical. The The word embroider is defined as embroidering or
elements that make up the idiom come from the senses' praising. If the phrase is interpreted separately, it cannot
responses. The meaning of this phrase arises when produce an appropriate meaning. This phrase can be
someone speaks to exaggerate something but it is different categorized as a full idiom, because the meaning of the
from what is said or better known as a lot of talks. words does not match the lexical meaning. The above
The word scratching can mean measuring, scratching the phrase means useless actions. The constituent elements are
ground, scooping, scratching, and catching. The word related to the names of natural objects.
scratching has a different meaning from the original The word thousand is defined as the number, while
meaning of the words, but the word tile still has its original language means the system of sound symbols used to
meaning. So the phrase falls into the partial idiom communicate. The phrase muted by a thousand languages
category. The elements that make up the idiom come from does not have so many languages in every language unit in
the verb class. Idiomatically the phrase means to hit hard this world. This expression can be understood as a person
the roof of the house. who does not want to communicate with those around him.
The word stirring is defined as mixing and disrupting, Thus, the phrase is categorized as a partial idiom, because
disrupting, dismantling chaotically. If analyzed using logic the word mute still has its lexical meaning. The constituent
it cannot be accepted. The sea is so great that we cannot elements of idioms are related to verbs.
stir it up as stated above. The real meaning is to dive to the Based on the presence or absence of the objective function
bottom of the sea. This phrase can be categorized as a that follows it, verbs affix me (N) can be divided into two
partial idiom, because the word sea still fits the lexical. types, which are transitive verbs with affix me (N)- and
The constituent elements are related to the name of natural non-transitive verbs with affix me (N)-. The transitive verb
objects, namely the sea. affixing me (N) demands an object's presence when used
The word scratching means measuring the head, body, in a sentence.
scratching the ground, or scraping. If examined in more In the data above, the words throw, climb, sell, scratch,
detail how the view can scratch the sand. This shows that contemplate, stir, scratch, embroider, and mute are
there are differences in the meaning used. The phrase can transitive verbs that require an object. However, a
be categorized as a full idiom, because the meaning of the
ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.44 2127
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 5(6)
Nov-Dec 2020 | Available online: https://ijels.com/

transitive verb affixed of me (N) - an element of the idiom [10] Philip, G. (2011). Colouring meaning: collocation and
does not necessarily have a balance of the passive connotation in figurative language. John Benjamins
sentence. The example is in the phrase, “Her mother Publishing Co.
[11] Rijal, S. (2018). Budaya Agraris Dalam Konsep Idiom
turned her head away from the daughter to stare out the
Bahasa Indonesia: Kajian Antropolinguistik. Diglosia, 1(1),
carriage window” (Toer, 2000: 14). The sentence does not
have a passive sentence balance because the phrase cannot [12] Telgen, D., Hile, K. (1998). Novels for Students. Gale
be accepted cohesion or coherence. Research.
The verb affixed with ber- used as an element of forming [13] Toer, P. A. (2000). Gadis Pantai. Hasta Mitra.
an idiom needs to be distinguished from a verb attached to
the idiom. In the example of "Her body was bathed in a
cold sweat" (Toer: 2000: 31), the affix is not included in
the idiom's constituent elements.
The data of the cold sweat (bermandikan keringat dingin)
is an idiom of mandi keringat dingin attached to a prefix
ber- and kan- which means nervousness. The same is the
case with the data "I was covered in blood" (sahaya sudah
bermandi darah) (Toer, 2000: 62), which comes from the
idiom of bathing in blood (mandi darah), which means a
lot of bleeding.

According to the explanation in the finding and discussion
above, the writer can conclude that five idioms are formed
by using verbs. There are eleven idioms formed using
transitive affixed verbs, which consisted of 8 phrasal verb
idioms and eight partial idioms. There is a finding that the
constituent elements of idioms are always followed by
nouns to obtain the idiom's meaning.

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Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Kebudayaan
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[3] Fernando, C. (1994). Idioms and Idiomaticity. Oxford
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[4] Gairns, R. & R. S. (2011). Oxford Idioms Dictonary For
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[5] Jackson, H. (2013). Grammar and Meaning: a semantic a
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[6] McCarthy M. dan O’Dell, F. (2017). English Idioms In
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[7] Miles, B.M., & M. H. (1992). Analisis Data Kualitatif
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[8] Palmer, F. R. (1976). Semantics: Second Edition.
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[9] Parrinder, P. (2006). Nation & Novel The English Novel
from its Origins to the Present Day. Oxford University

ISSN: 2456-7620
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.56.44 2128

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