The Coating Thickness and Its Definition: Indrek Abiline, Rein Laaneots, Alar Leibak and Jürgen Riim
The Coating Thickness and Its Definition: Indrek Abiline, Rein Laaneots, Alar Leibak and Jürgen Riim
The Coating Thickness and Its Definition: Indrek Abiline, Rein Laaneots, Alar Leibak and Jürgen Riim
24-26 April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia
Abstract: Coating on the certain object surface coating. The boundary surfaces are
will be formed between the boundary determined as surfaces between coating
surface of surrounding environment and and surrounding gas or liquid environment,
coating and between the boundary surface and between coating and base material,
of object base and coating. correspondingly [1]. Above definition is
Really, the boundary surfaces are not valid, however, in case of perfectly plane
parallel with each other, but, depending on and parallel boundary surfaces. Really, the
production technology, have deviations in boundary surfaces are not parallel with
geometry as well as in roughness. For that each other, but, depending on production
reason, in defining the surface coating technology, have deviations in geometry as
thickness, terms shall be used: local well as in roughness. For that reason, in
thickness (in a fixed point), and maximal defining the surface coating thickness,
and minimal thickness. terms shall be used: local thickness (in a
The paper presents the definition for fixed point), and maximal and minimal
surface coating thickness between real thickness [2].
coating surfaces is proposed. The
definition is proved by mathematical 2. THEORY
model, which using Monte-Carlo iteration
method, gives statistical distribution 2.1 Coating thickness of a plane object of
description for the coating surface. The measurement
definition proposed for surface coating There are two random functions which
thickness is checked through practical determine the coating thickness of a real
tests, which allows to evaluate plane object of measurement, and which
appropriateness of theoretical characterize the boundary surface between
considerations elaborated. the coating and the surrounding
Keywords: coating thickness, definition of environment, as well as the boundary
coating thickness, measurement of coating surface between the coating and the base.
thickness, coating thickness standard, The values of the above-mentioned random
uncertainty of results of coating thickness functions are restricted by the conditions
proposed in the technical specifications,
1. INTRODUCTION i.e. the tolerance limits of the shape
deviations (usually tolerance of a plane
For the surface coating the thickness is one surface) and the parameter of surface
of the most important characteristics. roughness Rmax. Relating the covered
However, there does not exist any element, measuring x×y×z of a plane object
internationally accepted definition for the of measurement, to the cross coordinate
surface coating thickness up the present system 0XYZ in a way where the surface of
time. Considering basic principles of the cross coordinate system 0XY is parallel
metrology, the surface coating thickness to the mean plane surface (derived from
can be defined as the interval along the random function Zs = f2(X, Y), the boundary
normal line of surface coating between surface of the covering and base, c.f. Fig.
crossing points of this line with the upper 1), the random function of the covering
and the inner boundary surfaces of the
can, in general, be represented (according the mean coating thickness of the object in
to [3]) as follows: the intersection from a1 to a2 can be
determined similarly:
h = Z g − Z s = f 1 ( X , Y ) − f 2 ( X , Y ) , (1) x2
hm =
Y =Y0 x 2 − x1 ∫ [ f ( X ,Y ) − f
1 0 2 ( X , Y0 )]dx
Z g = f1 ( X , Y ) (3)
Z Z s = f2 (X ,Y ) 2.2 Coating thickness of a coating
thickness standard
For determining, sustaining and
reproducing a certain value of coating
thickness, coating thickness standards are
applied [4, 5]. The latter are cuboids or
bases made from a standard material, and
0 b Y
the middle of the topmost surface of which
is covered with a standard material, the
a thickness of which can be measured or
X calibrated.
Let us relate the coating thickness standard
Fig. 1. Covered element to the cross coordinate system 0XYZ so that
the plane of the cross coordinate system
Observing the coating of the element of the 0XY is parallel to the foundation of the
object of measurement with dimensions base, and the point of origin of the
x×y×z in the intersection 0YZ (presented in coordinates is in the middle of the
Fig. 2), the mean thickness of coating in intersectional line between the side and the
the intersection from y1 to y2 can be foundation of the base (see Fig. 3).
determined in the following relation
1 Z
hm =
X =X0 y 2 − y1 ∫[f (X
1 0 , Y ) − f 2 ( X 0 , Y )]dy
⎛ y − y ⎞ 2 ⎛ y − y3 ⎞ 2
2 Coating thickness standards as a links of
DZ~ ( y ) = ⎜⎜ 4 ⎟⎟ σ 1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ σ 2 + traceability chain of coating thickness
⎝ y 4 − y3 ⎠ ⎝ y 4 − y3 ⎠ measurement are calibrated [6, 7]. In our
y − y y − y3 ~ ~ case we observe, how we can use the
+2 4 ⋅ cov(Z 1 , Z 2 ) definition of coating thickness in a
y 4 − y3 y 4 − y3
procedure of calibration of coating
thickness standards. To calibrate the
coating thickness standard it will be placed
The coating thickness at a certain value of
on the working table of measuring device
y can, in the case given (see Fig. 4), be
“Perthometer Concept” [8]. The stylus of
calculated in the following relation:
the measuring instrument will be taken to
~ the contact with the base surface of the
h( y ) = Z 3 ( y ) − Z ( y ), coating thickness standard. The y-
(9) directional movement will be performed
and the stylus tracing the measured surface.
in which Z3(y) is the random function of The computer screen of measuring device
the top surface of the coating of the coating gives us a true surface profile of traced
thickness standard in the range of y3 to y4 length (see Fig. 5). It is quite similar
and can be given by the following relation represented in Fig. 4. According to the true
surface profile we get implementations of
~ random functions Z1(y), Z2(y) and Z3(y) in
Z 3 ( y ) = Z 3 + a3 y 2 + b3 y + c3
(10) range chosen in y axis (y1 to y2, y5 to y6 and
y3 to y4, see Fig. 4).
The mean value of the coating thickness On the basis of these implementations
can be represented on the basis of the regarding to y values we can get according
equations above as follows: to relations (5) and (6) using a Monte-
Carlo method [9] possible estimates of the
random functions Z1(y) and Z2(y). It means
mh ( y ) = m Z 3 ( y ) − m Z~ ( y ) =
the estimates of mean values of these
= a3 y 2 + b3 y + c3 − m Z~ ( y ) functions z1(y) and z2(y) and experimental
(11) variances s z21 and s z22 . According to the z
values of receiving profile in intersection
Distribution of coating thickness of tracing length the estimates are as
(dispersion), obtainable through relation follows (y − mm; z1(y), z2(y), u z1 , u z 2 −
(9), can be estimated relying on the μm):
following dispersion:
2 2
⎛ y − y ⎞ 2 ⎛ y − y3 ⎞ 2 z1 ( y ) = −0,02 y + 0,09; s z1 = u z1 = 0,07
Dh ( y) = σ + ⎜⎜ 4
⎟⎟ σ1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ σ 2 −
⎝ y4 − y3 ⎠ ⎝ y4 − y3 ⎠ z 2 ( y ) = 0,036 y − 0,569; s z 2 = u z 2 = 0,08
y −y ~ ~ y − y3 ~ ~
−2 4 cov(Z1 , Z 3 ) − 2 cov(Z 2 , Z3 ) +
y4 − y3 y4 − y3
y4 − y y − y3 ~ ~
+2 ⋅ cov(Z1 , Z 2 )
y4 − y3 y4 − y3
y4 − y ⎪⎧ ⎛ y2 − y1 ⎞ ⎪⎫
m~z ( y) = ⋅ ⎨a1⎜⎜ ( y − y3) + y1 ⎟⎟ + b1⎬ +
Z₁(y) Z₃(y) Z₂(y) y4 − y3 ⎪⎩ ⎝ y4 − y3 ⎠ ⎪⎭
y − y3 ⎧⎪ ⎛ y6 − y5 ⎞ ⎫⎪
+ ⋅ ⎨a2⎜⎜ ( y − y3) + y5 ⎟⎟ + b2 ⎬ =
y4 − y3 ⎪⎩ ⎝ y4 − y3 ⎠ ⎪⎭
Y₁ Y₂ Y₃ Y₄ Y₅ Y₆ = 0,0015⋅ y2 − 0,0346⋅ y + 0,1274
0,3 μm 1 – True profile of the base surface u mZ~ ≅ DZ~ ( y ) ≅ u z21 + u z22 =
Y₁ Y₂
= 0,07 2 + 0,08 2 ≅ 0,11
0 μm
7,47 11,42
The coating thickness measurement result
2 – True profile of the base surface of coating thickness standard obtained by
0,15 μm
Y₅ Y₆ calibration on the basis of the tracing
profile of the surface on the section from y3
0 μm
to y4 is ( y − mm):
− 0,15 μm h( y ) = z 3 ( y ) − m~z ( y ) =
14,41 17,2
= 0,04 y 2 − 1,097 y + 10,697
The combined standard uncertainty of the
Fig 5. True surface profiles coating thickness measurement result of
coating thickness using relation (12) is as
Analogically we can calculate in the range follows. We assume, that estimates of the
from y3 to y4 the equation of parabola random functions z1(y) z2(y) and z3(y) are
proper to relation (10) and its variance and independent.
standard uncertainty, using a Monte-Carlo u[h( y )] ≅ Dh ( y ) ≅
method (y − mm; z3(y), u z 3 − μm) ≅ u z23 + u z21 + u z22 ≅ 0,12 μm
z 3 ( y ) = 0,0385 y − 0,7517 y + 10,57
s z 3 = u z 3 = 0,05 4. CONCLUSION
We can calculate using equations (7) and
(8) the mean value function of the assumed As only with calibrated coating thickness
profile of the boundary surface between the standard can be assured the procedure of
coating and base and its estimate of metrology control of the coating thickness
standard uncertainty, which are by the measuring instruments, the increasing of
calibration results as follows ( y − mm; the accuracy of coating thickness standards
is very important.
umZ~ − μm) (see Fig 6):
On the basis of the described method we
can evaluate the profile under the coating
of the coating thickness standard. Using the
developed method we can determine the 6. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
coating thickness during the calibration
procedure according to the definition of the This work was supported by Estonian
coating thickness. It gives increase of Ministry of Education targeted financing
reliability of the calibration of coating grant No. 0140113B and Estonian Science
thickness standards compared with the Foundation grant No. 7475.
method which consider only profiles of the
upper boundary surface of the base 7. ADDITIONAL DATA ABOUT
material adjoining the coating. AUTHORS