Vmebus Basics: Diagram of Vmebus Components

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VMEbus Basics

The VMEbus is a 32-bit bus that is widely used worldwide in industrial, commercial and military
applications. An abundance of VMEbus cards are available to perform a wide range of tasks, from digital
image processing to disk controllers. The VMEbus supports multiple bus masters and high data transfer
rates. Most VMEbus cards are configured via a combination of hardware jumpers, card-specific software
configuration, and setting parameters in non-volatile memory.

A VMEbus chassis consists of a card cage with 1 - 21 slots, a backplane with two connectors and,
normally, five jumpers per slot. The slots are numbered from 1 - 21. Slot 1 is the System Controller slot.
Cards with different functions are inserted in the slots to form a customized VMEbus chassis.

Diagram of VMEbus Components

Bus Master Bus Slave

(CPU, Bridge, or other (Memory or simple
high-performance I/O devices) I/O devices)

Defined by VMEbus Specification

Master < >Interrupt
Handler Interrupter Slave Interrupter

▼ ▼
System Controller Module
System Daisy- V V
Clock Power Chain Bus Requester
Driver Monitor Arbiter Driver Timer

Backplane Backplane Backplane

Interface Logic Interface Logic Interface Logic

Data transfer Bus

Priority Interrupt Bus

Data Transfer Arbitration Bus

Utility Bus


Many devices implement more than one component shown in the diagram above. Most single board
computers include the VMEbus System Controller Module, bus master and bus slave on a single card.

The VMEbus System Controller Module provides arbitration and monitors the system's state.

A bus master is any device that can initiate transactions (read, write, Interrupt Acknowledge (IACK), BLT,
and MBLT) on the bus. All CPUs are bus masters, as are most disk or network devices. All DMA capable
devices are bus masters. In most cases, cards capable of being bus masters can also respond as bus slaves.

A bus slave is any device that can respond to transactions within its Memory Window. All memory devices
and most graphics devices are bus slaves.

Some VMEbus signal lines fit into more than one category; therefore, are listed as part of more than one
bus. For example, the BERR* line is considered part of both the data transfer bus and the utility bus.

VMEbus Basics

Data Transfer Bus

An asterisk (*) indicates an active low signal.

The data transfer bus consists of data lines (D31 - D00), addressing lines (A31 - A01, AM0 - AM5,
LWORD*, DS0*, and DS1*), and control lines (AS*, WRITE*, DTACK*, BERR*, RETRY*, DS0*, and

Some data transfer bus lines are used for more than one purpose. Please refer to the VMEbus specification
if greater detail is required.

Addressing lines are driven by a bus master and monitored by a bus slave. The master drives AS* (Address
Strobe) to indicate a valid address on the bus.

Data lines are used to transfer information across the bus. Transfer size (8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit) is determined
by the state of the LWORD*, DS0*, and DS1* lines. Direction of the transfer is determined by the
WRITE* line's state.

All data transfers are terminated by asserting one of the following signals: DTACK* (a data transfer
acknowledgment indicating a successful transfer), BERR* (a Bus Error indicating a bus timeout or an
error), or VME64 RETRY* (retry in which the master should automatically release the bus and try the
transfer again later).

VME64 multiplexes the addressing and data lines. When using A64 (long addressing) modes, D31 - D00
are also used as addressing lines. When using D64 transfers, the A31 - A01 and LWORD* lines are also
used as data lines.

Priority Interrupt Bus

The priority interrupt bus consists of interrupt request lines (IRQ7* - IRQ1*), the IACK* line, and IACK
daisy-chain lines (IACKIN* and IACKOUT*). This bus is used to assert an interrupt. It is also used in
conjunction with the data transfer bus to acknowledge an interrupt.

Data Transfer Arbitration Bus

The data transfer arbitration bus is used by a bus master to request permission from the System Controller
to use the bus. The arbiter in the System Controller determines which master will be granted the bus.

Utility Bus
The utility bus contains all system monitoring lines, including SYSRESET*, BERR*, SYSFAIL* and
ACFAIL*. SYSRESET* is used to reset the VMEbus system. BERR* is used to terminate a bus cycle.
SYSFAIL* is a utility signal that can be used for system diagnostics. ACFAIL* is asserted when the AC
line voltage stops.

VMEbus Basics

VMEbus Specifications
The VMEbus Specification was introduced in 1981 and has been updated several times. Each revision
clarified and added features to the bus, and is 100% upwardly compatible from the older version.

The first revision, Revision A, was based on the earlier VERSAbus specification developed by Motorola
Microsystems. It changed the form factor of the cards to 3U, 6U, and 9U sizes.

Revision A, Revision B, and Revision C laid the foundation for versions of the specification that are used in
today's advanced systems: Revision C.1, IEEE-1014-87, and VME64.

Revision C.1
Revision C.1, approved in 1985, clarified the bus specification and removed some incompatibilities found
in earlier revisions. No new features were added or removed from the earlier Revision C.

Approved in 1987, IEEE-1014-87 primarily clarified the various VMEbus options to insure compatibility.
Changes included:

Redundant PERMISSIONS were removed.

Addition of the FAIR requester.

Addition of the J1/J2 monolithic backplane.

Addition of Appendix D that describes metastability and sample circuits.

Addition of Appendix E that describes permissible options.

VME64 Specification (ANSI/VITA 1-1994)

The current revision, VME64, provides several major changes including:

Addition of the 64-bit Multiplexed Block Transfer (MBLT) option.

Addition of the 64-bit address option.

Designated a RESERVED pin to a bus RETRY* function (RETRY* support is optional).

Addition of a control status register function (CR/CSR) allowing automatic configuration.

Implemented a detector that automatically detects when a card is in slot 1, and therefore, is the System

Permitted use of shielded DIN connectors.

Addition of rescinding DTACK* option.

VMEbus Basics

VMEbus Specific Terminology

Mnemonic symbols are commonly used to describe the many interface options offered by VMEbus. When
integrating a VMEbus system, use these mnemonics to make sure all cards in the system will work together

When selecting modules, make sure options from one module are compatible with the other selected
options. For example, D08(EO), D16, D32 and RMW all specify types of data transfer cycles that can be
generated by a master. In this case, the bus interface options would be described as:
Slave modules in a system with this master may or may not be able to handle all of its cycle types. For
example, consider a slave with the following options:
If the master generates D08(EO), D16 or RMW bus cycles, this slave would accept them. If the master
generates a D32 cycle, the slave does not have the capability to handle it. This does not mean the slave
should not be used in the system, rather that you must ensure the master does not generate a D32 cycle to
this slave (usually by software control).

Address Information Mnemonics

Devices with ADO (ADdress Only) capability allow masters to generate and slaves to accept address-only
cycles. Using ADO cycles can enhance system performance by allowing simultaneous slave and master
memory decoding.

VMEbus masters with A16 capability can generate bus cycles using 16-bit addresses (Short addresses).
A16 capable slaves can accept these cycles. A16 addresses are often used as an I/O space.

VMEbus masters with A24 capability can generate bus cycles using 24-bit addresses (Standard addresses).
A24 capable slaves can accept these cycles.

VMEbus masters with A32 capability can generate bus cycles using 32-bit addresses (Extended addresses).
A32 capable slaves can accept these cycles.

VMEbus masters with A64 capability can generate bus cycles using 64-bit addresses (Long addresses).
The 32 data lines are used to supplement the normal address lines in this mode. A64 capable slaves can
accept these cycles.

VMEbus Basics

Data Transfer Mnemonics

BLock Transfer (BLT) allows a block transfer cycle to be generated by a master or accepted by a slave.
This cycle can be faster than normal read/write cycles.

Multiplexed BLock Transfer (MBLT), allows a block transfer cycle with 64 bits of data to be generated by
a master or accepted by a slave. This cycle is a faster version of the BLT cycle.

D08(O) capable slaves can accept 8-bit data transfers at odd addresses. All masters must generate D08(O)
cycles because they are a subset of the D08(EO) capability. Slaves with D08(O) are most often used on I/O
devices with 8-bit integrated circuits.

Masters or slaves with D08(EO) capability can generate or accept 8-bit bus cycles at even or odd addresses
(but not simultaneously).

Masters and slaves with D16 capability can generate or accept 16-bit transfers.

Masters and slaves with D32 capability can generate or accept 32-bit transfers.

Masters and slaves with D64 capability can generate or accept 64-bit transfers. Unaligned transfers are not
permitted. Thirty-one address lines, 32 data lines and LWORD* are used to pass the data.

Read-Modify-Write (RMW) capable masters can generate RMW cycles. Slaves can accept them. RMW is
primarily used in multiprocessing systems to allow arbitration of shared system resources. It guarantees
that the value at the slave cannot be modified between the read and the write cycle.

An UnAligned Transfer (UAT) can be generated by a master and accepted by a slave. It allows 32 bits of
data to be transferred at unaligned address boundaries in two bus cycles instead of three.

VMEbus System Controller Module

Bus Time Out (BTO(x)) indicates a bus timer functional device. This device monitors data strobes DS0* -
DS1* and asserts BERR* if the strobes are low for more than "x" microseconds. This terminates the
transaction. The bus timer is used to prevent system lock-ups from happening when bus masters are
probing for devices or bus failures.

The I(x) (Interrupter) option applies to interrupters that generate interrupt requests on IRQx*.

VMEbus Basics

Devices that support the Interrupt Handler (IH(x)) option are interrupt handlers that can monitor interrupt
requests on level IRQx* only. For any interrupt level it is monitoring, the interrupt handler generates an
interrupt acknowledge (IACK) cycle in response to the requests.

Devices with the Interrupt Handler (IH(x-y)) option are interrupt handlers that can monitor interrupt
requests on multiple levels. For example, IH(3-5) can handle interrupts on IRQ3*, IRQ4*, and IRQ5*. For
any interrupt levels it is monitoring, the interrupt handler generates an interrupt acknowledge cycle in
response to the requests.

Any of the VMEbus IRQ1*, IRQ2*, IRQ3*, IRQ4*, IRQ5*, IRQ6*, or IRQ7* lines. Used as an
abbreviation when making a general statement about a VMEbus interrupt line. IRQ7* receives highest
priority and IRQ1* receives lowest priority.

The Release-On-AcKnowledge (ROAK) option describes an interrupter that removes its interrupt request
shortly after an interrupt acknowledge cycle. Usually, hardware automatically removes the interrupt.

The Release-On-Register-Access (RORA) option describes an interrupter that removes its interrupt request
when a master accesses a register on the interrupter. Usually, the software instructs hardware to remove the

VMEbus System Controller Module Arbitration

PRIority (PRI) applies to bus arbiters that use a priority scheduling algorithm in which bus requesters on
level BR3* have the highest priority. Bus requesters on level BR0* have the lowest priority.

Bus requesters that have the Release-On-Request (ROR) option relinquish the data transfer bus when it is
requested by another VMEbus device.

The Round Robin Select (RRS) option applies to bus arbiters that use a round robin scheduling algorithm in
which the bus is granted on a rotating basis. Bus masters and interrupt handlers are granted the bus
according to equal priority.

The Release-When-Done (RWD) option describes a requester that relinquishes the data transfer bus each
time it is done using it.

SinGle-Level (SGL) applies to bus arbiters. SGL arbiters only grant the bus to bus requesters on level three

FAIR requester
A requester that provides equal access to all masters requesting the bus on its level. This is done by the
requester not requesting the bus again until all other bus masters have released their request.

VMEbus Basics

VMEbus Addressing And Address Modifiers

VMEbus memory is divided into A16, A24, A32 and A64 address spaces. The names indicate how many
address bits are used when a data transfer is directed toward that memory space. For example, address bits
A15 - A01 are used for a data transfer to A16 address space (VMEbus does not have an A00 bit).

The VMEbus address modifier determines which memory space is addressed. It tells the card being
addressed how many address lines to look at and the type of memory cycle.

When accessing the VMEbus, you must know which of the four address spaces you want to access:
A16, A24, A32, or A64.

The VMEbus specification defines four types of address spaces: Long (A64), Extended (A32), Standard
(A24), and Short (A16). Long (A64) addressing multiplexes the data lines to use 64 address bits. Extended
(A32) addressing uses 32 address bits. Standard (A24) addressing uses 24 address bits. Short (A16)
addressing uses 16 address bits. The VMEbus uses the address modifier lines to select which type of
address space is being referenced.

Each address space is independent of the other address spaces and can be thought of as a logically separate
address bus. A32 addressing uses address lines A31-01. A24 uses A23-01, and A31-24 are unused. A16
uses A15-A01, and A31-16 are unused. The VMEbus does not have an address 0 (A00) line. Byte
addressing is controlled by the signals DS0*, DS1* and LWORD*. Address lines A03-A01 are used
during Interrupt ACKnowledge cycles (IACK cycles).

The following table summarizes use of the address bus.


A31 - A24 A23 - A16 A15 - A04 A03 - A01 Address Modifier
Codes (hex)
A31 ---------------------------------------------------A01 Extended (32-bit)
08 - 0F
A23------------------------------------A01 Standard (24-bit)
38 - 3F
A15-------------------A01 Short I/O (16-bit)
29, 2D
A03 - A01 Interrupt

= Unused portion of address bus.

A64 addressing uses the whole address bus for lines A31 - A01 and the data lines (D31 - D00) to provide
the upper (A63 - A32) address bits.

The value of the address modifier lines, AM[0..5], determines which address space is used. The VMEbus
master is responsible for supplying the proper address modifier at the same time it drives the address lines.
Slaves are designed to respond to cycles with a particular address modifier; however, most slaves are
capable of responding to several address modifiers.

VMEbus Basics

The most commonly used address modifier codes are listed below.
2D 16 Short supervisory access
3D 24 Standard supervisory data access
3F 24 Standard supervisory BLT
3C 24 Standard supervisory D64-MBLT
0D 32 Extended supervisory data access
0F 32 Extended supervisory BLT
0C 32 Extended supervisory D64-MBLT

Complete list of VMEbus address modifiers:

3C 24 Standard supervisory D64-MBLT
3F 24 Standard supervisory BLT
3E 24 Standard supervisory program access
3D 24 Standard supervisory data access
3C 24 Standard supervisory D64-MBLT
3B 24 Standard non-privileged BLT
3A 24 Standard non-privileged program access
39 24 Standard non-privileged data access
38 24 Standard non-privileged D64-MBLT
2D 16 Short supervisory access
29 16 Short non-privileged access
10 - 1F undefined User defined
0F 32 Extended supervisory BLT
0E 32 Extended supervisory program access
0D 32 Extended supervisory data access
0C 32 Extended supervisory D64-MBLT
0B 32 Extended non-privileged BLT
0A 32 Extended non-privileged program access
09 32 Extended non-privileged data access
08 32 Extended non-privileged D64-MBLT
07 64 Long supervisory BLT
06 64 Long supervisory program access
05 64 Long supervisory data access
04 64 Long supervisory 64-bit BLT
03 64 Long non-privileged BLT
02 64 Long non-privileged program access
01 64 Long non-privileged data access
00 64 Long non-privileged 64-bit BLT
don't care
state 3 IACK cycle (uses A01-A03)

VMEbus Basics

VMEbus Interrupts And The IACK Cycle

Hardware devices use interrupts to indicate that they need attention or that some event has occurred. The
VMEbus supports seven interrupt levels labeled IRQ1* to IRQ7*. Any number of devices can use the
same interrupt; however, only one VMEbus device can respond to an interrupt level.

Interrupts are responded to with an IACK cycle. The basic interrupt process is as follows:
1. A VMEbus device asserts one of the seven interrupt lines. For this example, we assume IRQ1*.
2. The VMEbus interrupt handler for IRQ1* receives control of the VMEbus and starts an 8-, 16-, or 32-
bit read with the IACK* signal asserted. This read should have address bits A03 - A01 equal to the
level of the interrupt to be acknowledged. For example, IRQ1* is acknowledged by reading from
location 2 (A03=0, A02=0, A01=1) with IACK* asserted.
3. The System Controller starts the IACK daisy-chain by sending IACKIN* to slot 2. This daisy-chained
IACK signal is passed up the slots until it reaches the card asserting IRQ1*.
4. The device asserting IRQ1* responds to the IACK read cycle with the appropriate size data (the
status/id value or IACK vector). It does not pass the IACK signal to the next slot.
5. The VMEbus interrupt handler for IRQ1* uses the IACK vector to determine which device is
interrupting and makes any necessary accesses to the interrupting device's registers to release the

Two types of interrupting devices are supported by the VMEbus: Release-On-AcKnowledgment (ROAK)
and Release-On-Register-Access (RORA). A ROAK device removes its interrupt near the end of the IACK
cycle (see step 4 above). A RORA device removes its interrupt after the IACK cycle occurred and one of
the registers on that device is accessed (see step 5).

For RORA devices, software must make a register access to switch off the interrupt before exiting the
Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). Otherwise, the interrupting device will not remove its interrupt and the
processor may go into an endless loop handling the interrupt.

Benefits Of DMA (BLT)

Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a data transfer method used by a device to transfer data directly to or
from System Memory. DMA does not use a processor to transfer the data, instead it uses a separate DMA
controller. Therefore, the processor can do other tasks while the device transfers data.

When a processor transfers data, it usually puts out a new address cycle for each data transfer (single cycle
transfer). In a single cycle transfer each address cycle only allows a single data cycle. Single cycle
provides efficient random access to resources, however, DMA is the preferred method for transferring large
blocks of consecutive data.

The VMEbus provides two special data transfer modes to provide better data throughput: BLT and MBLT.
Because BLT and MBLT allow a single address cycle and multiple data cycles for each data burst, they are
more efficient than single cycle transfers. BLT mode allows up to 32-bits of data to be transferred each
cycle in bursts of up to 256 bytes of data. MBLT mode, part of the VME64 Specification, allows 64-bits of
data to be transferred each cycle in bursts of up to 2048 bytes of data. MBLT mode can transfer 64 bits by
multiplexing the 31 address lines and LWORD* line on the VMEbus for use as the upper 32-bit data lines.

Even when the VMEbus does not multiplex the address and data lines, doing multiple data transfers for a
single address cycle provides substantial savings. The master is not required to remove the address, re-
arbitrate for the bus, and then drive the new address on the bus. Additional time is saved because the bus
slave does not need to decode the address between each data transfer to know that it is being accessed.
Using single cycle transfers, the VMEbus is limited to approximately 8M Bytes/sec. BLT allows data rates
up to 40M Bytes/sec. MBLT allows data rates up to 80M Bytes/sec.

VMEbus Basics

A BLT or MBLT is indicated by the address modifier used for the transfer. When a slave device sees a
BLT or MBLT, it must latch the address during the single address cycle. For each data transfer, the
VMEbus slave device automatically increments the low bits of the address to determine where the
transferred data go.

Using BLT or MBLT mode can also significantly improve the performance of bus bridges. If the bridge
can prefetch reads and pipeline writes, it can acknowledge a data transfer and start the next data cycle on
one side of the bridge before the transfer has completed on the other side.

Because BLT and MBLT capability offers substantial performance benefits, be sure to check for BLT and
MBLT support when selecting VMEbus cards.

RETRY* indicates that a requested data transfer cannot take place (usually because of deadlock) but should
be attempted again by the bus master in a future bus cycle. RETRY* signal support by bus masters allows
a bus bridge to transparently escape deadlock. The bus slave asserts RETRY*.

BERR* or DTACK* is used in conjunction with RETRY* so that devices that do not implement this
VME64 option will terminate the cycle.
After receiving RETRY*, the bus master relinquishes bus control. The master should then wait a short time
before attempting to access the bus again. The amount of time that the master waits before re-requesting
the bus depends on the bus arbitration method and system architecture.
RETRY* support is optional in the VME64 specification; therefore, it may not be supported by all VME64-
compliant devices.

VME64 Compatibility
ANSI/VITA 1-1994 (VME64 Specification) contains the most recent revision of the VMEbus
Specification. Several features were added to this specification; all features are upwardly compatible,
allowing a system to contain both VME32 and VME64 devices.
Two new features are most useful for bus bridges: MBLT and a RETRY* capability. Because both
features are optional VME64 capabilities, not all VME64-compliant devices implement them.
MBLT use allows faster data transfer (see “Benefits Of DMA”). To use MBLT mode, the bus master must
be able to generate the new address modifier code and the bus slave must be able to accept it. If the bus
slave does not support MBLT (compliant only to Rev. C.1 or IEEE-1014-87) and data is transferred using
MBLT, a BERR* will result. BERR* results even if the System Controller does not implement VME64
because the way the data strobes are used is still compatible with earlier VMEbus specifications.
Asserting RETRY* allows a bus slave or bus bridge to force a bus master to relinquish VMEbus mastership
and retry the transfer. Consequently, a bus bridge can avoid potential deadlock if both sides of the bridge
are simultaneously active. The retry must be on the first word of a BLT or MBLT. It is important to check
that a bus master has the capabilities to accept RETRY* and relinquish the bus. Some VMEbus cards may
be able to generate a RETRY* as a bus slave but cannot accept a RETRY* as a bus master. Any bus
master that does not implement the VME64 RETRY* will see RETRY* as either a BERR* or DTACK*,
causing it to relinquish the bus and requiring software to intervene and retry the transfer.

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VMEbus Basics

VMEbus System Controller Module

The VMEbus System Controller Module contains the system clock driver, power monitor, arbiter, IACK
daisy-chain driver, bus timer, and backplane interface logic.

The system clock driver provides a stable 16 MHz utility clock (SYSCLK) to all devices on the bus. The
VMEbus is asynchronous and the clock provides no other bus timing.

The power monitor generates system reset (asserts SYSRESET*) and monitors the system's AC power
source (asserts ACFAIL*).

The arbiter monitors requests for the bus and grants control of the bus to one master at a time.

The IACK daisy-chain driver initiates activity on the IACKIN*/IACKOUT* daisy-chain during an interrupt
acknowledge cycle. It makes sure only one interrupter responds and provides the correct timing for the

The bus timer measures the time it takes for each data transfer. If the transfer takes longer than the time
allotted, it asserts BERR* to terminate the cycle.

System Controller Operation

A card that provides System Controller functions must be installed in slot 1 of the VMEbus backplane. The
System Controller (usually a processor card) provides bus arbitration, checks for timeouts, routes IACK
signals, and drives the system clock and system reset signals.

A SGL arbiter only uses one arbitration level (BR3*) for all masters on the bus. SGL is the simplest
arbitration method to implement on the VMEbus.

A PRI arbiter provides preferential control of the data transfer bus to the requester with the highest priority.
BR3* is the highest priority, and BR0* is the lowest. When two or more requests are pending, the arbiter
assigns control of the bus in the appropriate order by granting the bus according to this priority.

The PRI arbiter must assert BCLR* when a requester of higher priority than the one in control of the bus
initiates a request. When BBSY* is asserted and a request is pending, the arbiter will drive BCLR* if the
pending request is of higher priority than the bus grant of the previous arbitration cycle. The current bus
master is not required to relinquish control of the bus in any prescribed time limit, it can continue
transferring data until it reaches an appropriate stopping point.

A RRS arbiter gives equal priority to all bus request levels. It grants control of the bus on a rotating basis.
Upon release of the bus, the arbiter steps to the next request level and tests for an active request. If no
request is active, it continues rotating through the levels until an active request is found. When it finds an
active request, it asserts bus grant on that level.

The RRS arbiter can drive the BCLR* signal. In RRS mode, BCLR* is asserted whenever a master
requests the bus on a level other than the last one granted. It does not assert BCLR* if a master on the same
level requests the bus.

There must be one and only one card with System Controller Mode enabled. This card must be
installed in slot 1.

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VMEbus Basics

Backplane Jumpers
VMEbus chassis have five jumpers associated with each slot except possibly slot 1. The five jumpers pass
the bus grant and interrupt acknowledge signals to the next slot. If a slot is empty, jumpers must be
installed in order to pass the daisy-chained signals to the next slot. For example, if slots 1, 5 and 7 have
cards installed, slots 2, 3, 4, and 6 must have backplane jumpers installed or the system will not function

If a slot has no card installed and a card is installed in higher number slot, the backplane jumpers must
be installed in the empty slot.
Backplane jumpers should never be installed in slots in which cards are installed.

The jumpers can be on the front side, back side, or both sides of the backplane.
Some backplanes can detect when no card is installed in a slot. These backplanes are designed to
automatically pass the bus grant and interrupt acknowledge to the next slot, without using jumpers.

System reset, SYSRESET*, is used to reset the system. When SYSRESET* is asserted, devices on the bus
initialize themselves, and bus masters must stop performing bus cycles. SYSRESET* can be driven by any

The VMEbus has a diagnostic and system failure capability. During system start-up each device on the bus
can be tested to determine if it is functioning. After successful testing, the system boots normally. If a
device fails the test, the system can stop and display error messages.

SYSFAIL* is a utility signal that can be used to facilitate system diagnostics. Although it is recommended
that devices drive SYSFAIL*, they are not required to do so. SYSFAIL* can be driven anytime during
normal operation. If a failure is detected, SYSFAIL* shuts down the system.

ACFAIL* is asserted when the AC line voltage drops below a system defined level. This notifies all
devices that power is about to quit so that they can shut down in an orderly manner to prevent data loss or
equipment damage.

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VMEbus Basics

VMEbus Pin Assignments

Pin # Row A Row B Row C
1 D00 BBSY* D08
2 D01 BCLR* D09
3 D02 ACFAIL* D10
4 D03 BG0IN* D11
5 D04 BG0OUT* D12
6 D05 BG1IN* D13
7 D06 BG1OUT* D14
8 D07 BG2IN* D15
13 DS0* BR1* LWORD*
14 WRITE* BR2* AM5
15 GND BR3* A23
16 DTACK* AM0 A22
17 GND AM1 A21
18 AS* AM2 A20
19 GND AM3 A19
20 IACK* GND A18
23 AM4 GND A15
24 A07 IRQ7* A14
25 A06 IRQ6* A13
26 A05 IRQ5* A12
27 A04 IRQ4* A11
28 A03 IRQ3* A10
29 A02 IRQ2* A09
30 A01 IRQ1* A08
31 -12 VDC +5VSTDBY +12 VDC
32 +5 VDC +5 VDC +5 VDC
* = active low

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VMEbus Basics

Pin # Row A Row B Row C
1 User Defined +5 VDC User Defined
2 User Defined GND User Defined
3 User Defined RETRY* User Defined
4 User Defined A24 User Defined
5 User Defined A25 User Defined
6 User Defined A26 User Defined
7 User Defined A27 User Defined
8 User Defined A28 User Defined
9 User Defined A29 User Defined
10 User Defined A30 User Defined
11 User Defined A31 User Defined
12 User Defined GND User Defined
13 User Defined +5 VDC User Defined
14 User Defined D16 User Defined
15 User Defined D17 User Defined
16 User Defined D18 User Defined
17 User Defined D19 User Defined
18 User Defined D20 User Defined
19 User Defined D21 User Defined
20 User Defined D22 User Defined
21 User Defined D23 User Defined
22 User Defined GND User Defined
23 User Defined D24 User Defined
24 User Defined D25 User Defined
25 User Defined D26 User Defined
26 User Defined D27 User Defined
27 User Defined D28 User Defined
28 User Defined D29 User Defined
29 User Defined D30 User Defined
30 User Defined D31 User Defined
31 User Defined GND User Defined
32 User Defined +5 VDC User Defined

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pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy