Fire Tests of Roof Coverings: Standard Test Methods For

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An American National Standard

Designation: E 108 – 05

Standard Test Methods for

Fire Tests of Roof Coverings1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 108; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This fire-test-response standard covers the measurement bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
of the relative fire characteristics of roof coverings under 1.6 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes
simulated fire originating outside the building. It is applicable that provide explanatory information. These notes and foot-
to roof coverings intended for installation on either combus- notes, excluding those in tables and figures, shall not be
tible or noncombustible decks when applied as intended for considered as requirements of this standard.
use. The following test methods are included: 2. Referenced Documents
1.1.1 Intermittent flame exposure test.
1.1.2 Spread of flame test. 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
1.1.3 Burning brand test. D 225 Specification for Asphalt Shingles Surfaced with
1.1.4 Flying brand test. Mineral Granules
1.1.5 Rain test. D 226 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Organic Felt
1.2 Three classes of fire test exposure are described: Used in Roofing and Waterproofing
1.2.1 Class A Tests are applicable to roof coverings that are D 227 Specification for Coal-Tar Saturated Organic Felt
effective against severe test exposure, afford a high degree of Used in Roofing and Waterproofing
fire protection to the roof deck, do not slip from position, and D 250 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated Asbestos Felt
do not present a flying brand hazard. Used in Roofing and Waterproofing
1.2.2 Class B Tests are applicable to roof coverings that are D 312 Specification for Asphalt Used in Roofing
effective against moderate test exposure, afford a moderate D 450 Specification for Coal-Tar Pitch Used in Roofing,
degree of fire protection to the roof deck, do not slip from Dampproofing, and Waterproofing
position, and do not present a flying brand hazard. D 1227 Specification for Emulsified Asphalt Used as a
1.2.3 Class C Tests are applicable to roof coverings that are Protective Coating for Roofing
effective against light test exposure, afford a light degree of fire D 2178 Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roof-
protection to the roof deck, do not slip from position, and do ing and Waterproofing
not present a flying brand hazard. D 2626 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated and Coated Or-
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units shall be regarded ganic Felt Base Sheet Used in Roofing
as the standard. Values given in brackets are for information D 2898 Test Methods for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-
only. Retardant Treated Wood for Fire Testing
1.4 This standard is used to measure and describe the D 3018 Specification for Class A Asphalt Shingles Surfaced
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and with Mineral Granules
flame under controlled laboratory conditions, but does not by D 3158 Specification for Asphalt Saturated and Coated
itself incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk Organic Felt Used in Roofing
assessment of the materials, products or assemblies under D 3378 Specification for Asphalt-Saturated and Coated As-
actual fire conditions. bestos Felt Used in Roofing
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the D 3462 Specification for Asphalt Shingles Made from Glass
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Felt and Surfaced with Mineral Granules
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- D 4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-
ment of Wood and Wood-Base Materials

These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire
Standards and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.11 on Fire For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Endurance. contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2005. Published September 2005. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1955. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as E 108 - 04. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 108 – 05
D 4444 Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held 5. Apparatus and Calibration
Moisture Meters 5.1 The essential elements of the fire test apparatus are
2.2 UL Standards: illustrated in Fig. 1. They include a test roof deck A, an
UL 55A Materials for Built-Up Roof Coverings3 adjustable frame B (see Fig. 2) on which the test roof deck is
UL790 Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Materi- mounted, a gas burner C as a source of flame, a wind tunnel D,
als3 an air velocity meter with or without the use of a timing device,
2.3 NFPA Standards: a gas pressure gage, a control valve, and an adjustable air
NFPA 256 Tests of Roof Coverings4 supply. Control of the shape and size of the flame depends
3. Terminology upon minimizing air turbulence in the immediate vicinity of the
apparatus. During the test:
3.1 Definitions: Definitions: 5.1.1 Provide free outlet to outside air beyond and above the
3.1.1 Significant Lateral Spread—Surface flaming beyond test apparatus to exhaust air introduced into the test room by
1-ft. from the lead edge, extending outward to both lateral the blower, and
edges of the test deck assembly. 5.1.2 Close all openings into the test room other than those
3.1.2 Sustained Flaming—Any flaming which continues mentioned in 5.1.1, such as doors and windows.
uninterrupted for 5 seconds or more. 5.2 The temperature of the air supplied by the blower shall
3.1.3 Prepared Roof Covering—Products consisting of be maintained between 50 and 90°F [10 and 32°C].
shingles, tiles, panels or rolled materials that are typically used 5.3 Fig. 3 illustrates the essential elements of the rain test
for high slope roof applications which are applied directly to apparatus.
the roof deck (usually with one or more layers of underlayment 5.4 Calibrating Air Current:
and with or without battens) in accordance with installation 5.4.1 Set up the test apparatus for the intermittent flame test
instructions supplied with the products. and position a bare 3-ft, 4-in. by 4-ft, 4 in. (1 m by 1.3 m)
4. Significance and Use plywood, gypsum board or fiber cement board calibration deck
on the framework at an incline of 5 in. per horizontal ft
4.1 The test methods described herein are intended to (0.416:1).
provide a basis for relative comparison of roof coverings. The 5.4.2 Measure the air velocity midway up the slope of the
test methods include simulated fire exposure to the outside of calibration deck at its center and 3 in. [76 mm] from each edge.
the roof coverings, and, where applicable, a determination as to
whether the fire performance characteristics of the roof cover- NOTE 1—Any direct reading instrument with scale graduated in incre-
ings will be adversely affected by prolonged exposure to rain. ments of not more than 20 ft/min [6 m/min] or any timed instrument with
scale graduated (for a 1 min timed reading) in increments of not more than
4.2 These test methods measure the surface spread of flame
5 ft/min [1.5 m/min] will be suitable.
and the ability of the roof covering material or system to resist
fire penetration from the exterior to the underside of a roof 5.4.3 Position the center of the air measuring device 33⁄4 6
deck under the conditions of exposure. ⁄ in. [95 6 3 mm] above the surface. The air flow through and

4.3 These test methods also provide criteria to determine if around the instrument shall be as free and undisturbed as
the roof covering material will develop flying burning material, possible.
identified as flying brands, when subjected to a 12-mph 5.4.4 Adjust the air supply system to produce a 1 min timed
[5.3-m/s] wind during the simulated fire exposure tests. average velocity of 1056 6 44 ft/min corresponding to
4.4 These test methods do not necessarily illustrate the 12 6 0.5 mph [5.3 6 0.2 m/s] at each of the three locations
expected performance of roof coverings under all actual fire detailed in 5.4.2.
conditions, but they do provide a basis for comparing roof 5.5 Calibrating Flame Temperature:
covering materials when subjected to fire sources that are 5.5.1 Following the calibration of the air current described
described herein. in 5.4, position a fiber cement board calibration deck, 4 ft, 4 in.
4.5 These test methods do not provide any basis for deter- (1.3 m) long on the framework at an incline of 5 in. per
mining the fire resistance characteristics when exposed to a fire horizontal ft (0.416:1).
originating in the building to which the roofing material is 5.5.2 Measure the temperature with a No. 14 B & S gage
applied. [1.63 mm] Type K wire thermocouple located 1 in. [25 mm]
4.6 The test methods described herein involve calibrating above the surface and 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] toward the source of the
the test equipment using a calibration deck inclined at a slope flame from the lower front edge of the calibration deck.
of 5 in. per horizontal ft (0.416:1). The tests described herein 5.5.3 Adjust the gas flow to produce a 2 min average flame
are performed on test decks inclined at slopes up to and temperature of 1400 6 50°F [760 6 28°C] for Classes A and
including 5 in. per horizontal ft. The severity of the test B and 1300 6 50°F [704 6 28°C] for Class C tests. Allow the
exposure decreases as the slope of the test deck decreases response of the thermocouple to the test flame to stabilize
below 5 in. per horizontal ft. before the 2 min average flame temperature is measured. Base
the 2 min average on temperatures recorded at 10 s intervals.
Available from Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road, North- NOTE 2—It has been found that the gas flow generally corresponds to a
brook, IL 60062. heat supply rate within the range 21 000 to 22 000 Btu/min [369 to 387
Available from National Fire Protection Assoc., 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, kWh] for Class A or B samples and 18 000 to 19 000 Btu/min [316 to 334
MA 02269. kWh] for Class C samples.

E 108 – 05

(See Appendix X1 for metric equivalents.)

FIG. 1 Schematic Drawing of Fire Test Apparatus

5.5.4 Position the top surface of the leading edge of the 5.7.2 Visually check the water flow from each nozzle (for
calibration deck or the test sample flush with the top edge of obvious water obstruction in the nozzle and uneven spray
the simulated eave within a tolerance of − 0 + 1⁄2 in. [13 mm]. pattern) each day during the water cycle and make adjustments
5.5.5 If these conditions are satisfied, the flame shall be when necessary.
approximately the width of the deck at its bottom edge and 5.7.3 Make a review of the total water flow at the end of
shall uniformly cover the top surface of the calibration deck each day and at the end of each water cycle. Correct the cause
except for the two upper corners. The flame shall extend of any off-limit conditions.
approximately to the upper edge of the calibration deck with 5.7.4 Any indication of off-limit condition such as unusual
licks of flame extending another 1 to 2 ft [0.3 to 0.6 m]. flame appearance or flame contour, excess turbulence, or
5.6 Rain Test Calibration: unusual noise shall be cause for calibration prior to further use.
5.6.1 Measure the horizontal projected area over which each
nozzle discharges water to the nearest square foot [square 6. Preparation of Test Specimens
metre]. Measure the discharge of water for each nozzle for 1
min. 6.1 Construction of Test Decks:
5.6.2 Monitor the total water use during the test (a commer- 6.1.1 The test deck for the intermittent flame exposure,
cial water meter is suitable for this purpose). For a four day burning brand tests, flying brand test, and rain test, except as
cycle the water usage shall be 42 6 1 gal/ft2 [1711 6 41 L/m2]. specified in the following paragraphs, shall be 3 ft-4 in. [1.0 m]
For a seven day cycle the water usage shall be 73 6 1.7 wide by 4 ft-4 in. [1.3 m] long and shall be made of No. 1 white
gal/ft2 [2975 6 71 L/m2]. pine lumber with not less than 8 % nor more than 12 %
5.7 Frequency of Calibration: moisture content. The lumber shall be free of large or loose
5.7.1 Calibrate the apparatus for air velocity and flame knots, sapwood, rot, or pitch pockets, and shall contain no edge
temperature prior to each day’s use. Calibrate the apparatus for knots. Individual deck boards shall be of nominal 1 by 8-in.
flame temperature when shifting from Class A or B to Class C lumber (S4S). Lay the boards across the shorter dimension of
tests or vice versa. the test deck space 1⁄4 in. [6 mm] apart and securely nail to two

E 108 – 05

(See Appendix X1 for metric equivalents.)

FIG. 2 Detail of Tilting Frame to Hole Test Roof Deck

nominal 2 by 4-in. wood battens located under and flush with horizontal joint. Since the lower 11⁄2 in. [38 mm] of this joint
the outer edges of the deck (Fig. 4). Decks so constructed shall is not protected by the 2 by 4-in. batten, due to the mounting
be even and uniform. arrangement on the carriage, cover the underside of this joint
6.1.2 Where the roof covering is intended to be installed from the end of the two-by-four to the leading edge of the deck
over other than solid deck, construct the test decks of nominal by a piece of sheet steel, 2 in. [51 mm] wide.
1 by 4-in. lumber (S4S) spaced a minimum of 15⁄8 in. [41 mm] 6.1.4 For Classes A and B burning brand tests on decks
apart and securely nailed to two nominal 2 by 4-in. wood other than 1 by 8-in. metric nominal lumber, the 1⁄8 in. [3.2
battens. The lumber shall be of the same quality as specified in mm] horizontal joint shall be 221⁄2 in. [572 mm] from and
6.1.1. parallel to the leading edge of the deck. Class A test decks shall
6.1.3 Roof coverings are permitted to be applied to other
have a 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] metric vertical joint centered on the
test decks of the minimum thickness recommended by the
deck that extends above the horizontal joint. For Class B test
manufacturer. This deviation shall be noted in the report.
decks, provide two 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] metric vertical joints,
Plywood, if used, shall be exterior Type A-C grade with face
extending above the horizontal joint with each vertical joint
and back veneers of Douglas fir conforming to PS1-95 for
located 10 in. [254 mm] from and parallel to the edge of the
softwood plywood and shall be identified as a Group 1 species.
These decks shall have 1⁄8-in. [3.2-mm] vertical and horizontal deck. For Class C burning brand test, provide five evenly
joints located as specified in 6.1.1 with all vertical joints spaced horizontal joints, with a minimum width of 1⁄8 in. [3.2
centered on nominal 2 by 4-in. wood battens. If wood battens mm] metric between joints in the plywood.
or tongue and groove joints are specified for horizontal joints, 6.1.5 For the spread of flame test, construct the test deck in
this shall be so noted in reporting the tests. The decks for the same manner as specified for the intermittent flame test,
intermittent flame tests shall have a 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] metric except that (1) the vertical and horizontal joints need not be
horizontal joint 8 in. [203 mm] from and parallel to the 31⁄3 ft provided, and (2) the length of the deck shall be as specified in
[1.0 m] long leading edge. In addition, provide a 1⁄8 in. [3.2 6.1.6. For tests on materials intended for use only on noncom-
mm] metric vertical joint centered on the deck and extending bustible decks, a noncombustible deck of the applicable length
from the leading edge of the deck to the 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] metric specified in 6.1.6 is permitted.

E 108 – 05
6.3.3 Just before the deck is tested the pieces of hygroscopic
materials prepared in 6.3.1 shall be tested for moisture content.
(Notes 3 and 4.)
NOTE 3—Make the moisture determination on two samples from each
piece and report the average. For lumber and other wood-based materials,
use Test Methods D 4442. Use of an appropriately calibrated moisture
meter, as described in Test Methods D 4444, to determine the moisture
content of wood or wood products is also permitted. For other hygroscopic
materials, use test methods appropriate for those materials.
NOTE 4— For lumber, the moisture content shall not be less than 8 %
nor more than 12 %. For plywood, the moisture content shall not exceed
8 %. For other hygroscopic materials, the moisture shall be within ranges
specified by the manufacturer before the assembly is constructed. These
specified ranges shall be typical for exposure at 77 6 9°F [25 6 5°C] and
55 6 10 % relative humidity. If there is any indication that the lumber,
plywood, or other hygroscopic materials have moisture contents outside
these ranges, measure moisture content and replace any out of range
materials before building test decks. Out of range pieces shall be dried or
rewetted using methods that do not damage the materials.
6.4 The flying brand tests are required when there is a
possibility that the roof covering will break into pieces of
flying, flaming brands or particles which continue to glow after
reaching the floor of the test facility. See Appendix Appendix

7. Tests—General
7.1 When a roof covering is restricted for use on noncom-
FIG. 3 Rain Test Apparatus bustible decks (steel, concrete, or gypsum), only the spread of
flame test is required. Materials intended for use only on
noncombustible decks are permitted to be tested when applied
to a noncombustible deck or any type of combustible deck of
6.1.6 The length of the test deck shall be 13 ft [4.0 m] for
the length specified for the spread of flame test.
Class C tests, 9 ft [2.7 m] minimum for Class B tests, and 8 ft
7.2 When a roof covering is not restricted for use on
[2.4 m] minimum for Class A tests.
noncombustible decks, the spread of flame, intermittent flame,
6.2 Application of Roofing on Test Roof Deck—Apply and burning brand tests are required.
representative samples of roof covering materials for Class B 7.3 The rain tests are required whenever the fire-retardant
or C tests to 14 test decks (two each for the spread of flame, characteristics of the roof covering materials or construction
intermittent flame, burning brand, and flying brand tests and six has the potential to be adversely affected by water. See
for the rain test). Apply representative samples of roof covering Appendix X2.
materials for Class A tests to 16 test decks (two each for 7.4 The weathering tests are required for wood shakes and
intermittent flame, spread of flame, and flying brand tests, four shingles or when the fire-retardant characteristics of the roof
for the burning brand test, and six for the rain test). Apply the covering materials or construction has the potential to be
roof covering materials under investigation in accordance with adversely affected by weathering outdoors.
the manufacturer’s instructions and extend to and flush with the 7.5 The flying brand tests are required when there is a
edges of the deck, except for a 1 in. [25 mm] overhang at the possibility that the roof covering will break into pieces of
leading edge. Apply materials to the test decks not less than 30 flaming particles that support combustion on the floor. See
days nor more than 60 days after their manufacture into a Appendix X3.
finished product.
7.6 In all of the fire tests described in Sections 8-12, trowel
6.3 Storage and Conditioning of Test Specimens: noncombustible mortar into the joint formed by the leading
6.3.1 Pieces of any hygroscopic materials from the same edge of the roof covering material and the framework of the
stock from which the test deck was constructed shall be tacked carriage. This is to prevent air or the test flame from traveling
to the assembly during construction in such a manner that they under the material being tested.
are easily removed. These pieces shall be conditioned with the 7.7 In these tests subject all decks to an air current as
completed assemblies as described in 6.3.2. calibrated in 5.4.
6.3.2 The completed test assembles are to be stored indoors 7.8 Test prepared roof coverings at a slope of 5 in. per
at temperatures not lower than 60°F [16°C] nor higher than horizontal ft [416 mm per horizontal m]. Test built-up roof
90°F [32°C] for the period of time necessary to cure the coverings at the maximum slope specified by the manufacturer
assembly components. Test decks are to be stored so that each but not to exceed 5 in. per horizontal ft [416 mm per horizontal
will be surrounded by freely circulating air. m]. Note the slope used in the report.

E 108 – 05

FIG. 4 Construction of Test Decks

8. Intermittent Flame Exposure Test to be maintained for more than 1 h after the last flame cycle for
8.1 Make this test on a minimum of two test decks. a Class A or B test or 1⁄2 h after the last flame cycle for a Class
C test.
NOTE 5—When the roof covering materials being tested exhibit a 8.5 During the intermittent flame test, including on and off
variable performance, the use of more than the minimum number of test periods of flame application, observe for the appearance of
decks is permitted. sustained flaming on the underside of the test deck, production
8.2 Mount a test deck 4 ft-4 in. [1.3 m] long on the of flaming or glowing brands displacement of portions of the
framework at the required incline and maintain the calibrated test sample, and exposure or falling away of portions of the
air supply to produce the specified air current. Subject the test roof deck.
deck to a luminous gas flame and profile as calibrated in 5.5.
9. Spread of Flame Test
8.3 Apply the flame intermittently for specified periods with
specified time intervals between applications as follows: 9.1 Make this test on a minimum of two test decks (Note 4).
9.2 Mount a test deck long enough for the desired Class A,
Flame On, Flame Off, No. of Test
Method of Test min min Cycles B, or C rating in 6.1.6 in the same manner and use a luminous
Class A 2 2 15 gas flame as described in 8.2.
Class B 2 2 8 9.3 For Classes A and B tests, apply the gas flame and air
Class C 1 2 3
current continuously for 10 min or until the flame (actual
8.4 Maintain the air current throughout the test and after the flaming of the material being tested) permanently recedes from
last application of flame until all evidence of flame, glow, and a point of maximum spread, whichever is shorter. For Class C
smoke has disappeared from both the exposed surface of the test, apply the gas flame and air current for a period of 4 min.
material being tested and the underside of the test deck, or until 9.4 During the application of the test flame, observe the test
failure occurs, but in no case is the air current or test duration sample for the distance to which flaming of the material has

E 108 – 05
spread, production of flaming or glowing brands, and displace- 10.3.3 The Class C test brand shall consist of a piece of dry
ment of portions of the test sample. nonresinous white pine lumber, free of knots and pitch pockets,
11⁄2 by 11⁄2 by 25⁄32 in. [38 by 38 by 19.8 mm] thick with a saw
10. Burning Brand Test kerf 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] wide, half the thickness of the brand across
10.1 Make this test on a minimum of four test decks for the center of the top and bottom faces. The saw kerfs on
Class A fire test exposure and two test decks for Class B or C opposite faces shall be at right angles to each other. The dry
fire test exposure (Note 5). weight of the finished brand shall be 91⁄4 6 11⁄4 g at the time of
10.2 Mount a 4 ft-4 in. [1.3 m] long test deck in the same the test.
manner as described in 8.2 for the intermittent flame test, 10.4 Ignition of Brands—Before application to the test
except that the framework shall be 60 in. [1524 mm] from the deck, the brands shall be ignited by subjecting them, for the
air duct outlet (see Fig. 1), and the gas piping and burner are following required periods of time, to the flame of a gas burner
removed so as not to obstruct the air flow. of such size that, during the process of ignition, the brands are
10.3 Size and Construction of Brands—Construct the enveloped in the burner flame. The flame temperature of the
brands (Fig. 5), as follows, and condition in an oven at 105 to igniting flame shall be 1630 6 50°F [888 6 28°C] measured
120°F [41 to 49°C] for at least 24 h. 25⁄16 in. [59 mm] above the top of the burner, which is shielded
10.3.1 The Class A test brand shall consist of a grid 12 in. from drafts.
[305 mm] square and approximately 21⁄4 in. [57 mm] thick 10.4.1 Expose Class A test brands to the flame for 5 min,
made of dry Douglas fir lumber free of knots and pitch pockets. during which time they shall be rotated to present each surface
Use 36 nominal 1 by 1 by 12 in. [25 by 25 by 305 mm] strips, to the flame in the following manner and sequence:
dressed on all four sides to 3⁄4 by 3⁄4 in. [19 by 19 mm], and Each 12 by 12-in. [305 by 305-mm] face for 30 s;
placed in three layers of twelve strips each with strips spaced Each 21⁄4 by 12-in. [57 by 305-mm] face for 45 s; and
1⁄4 in. [6.35 mm] apart. Place these strips at right angles to those Each 12 by 12-in. [305 by 305-mm] face again for 30 s.
in adjoining layers and nail (Note 6) at each end of each strip 10.4.2 Expose Class B test brands to the flame for 4 min,
on one face and in a diagonal pattern (Fig. 5) on the other face. during which time they shall be rotated so as to present each
The dry weight of the finished brand shall be 2000 6 150 g at surface to the flame in the following manner and sequence:
the time of test.
Each 6 by 6-in. [152 by 152-mm] face for 30 s;
10.3.2 The Class B test brand shall consist of a grid 6 in. Each 21⁄4 by 6-in. [57 by 152-mm] face for 30 s; and
[152 mm] square and approximately 21⁄4 in. [57 mm] thick Each 6 by 6-in. [152 by 152-mm] face again for 30 s
made of dry Douglas fir lumber free of knots and pitch pockets.
10.4.3 Expose Class C test brands to the flame for 2 min,
Use 18 nominal 1 by 1 by 6 in. [25 by 25 by 152 mm] strips,
during which time they shall be rotated so as to present each of
dressed on all four faces to 3⁄4 by 3⁄4 in. [19 by 19 mm], and
the 11⁄2 by 11⁄2-in. [38 by 38-mm] faces to the flame for 1 min.
placed in three layers of six strips each with strips spaced 1⁄4 in.
[6.35 mm] apart. Place the strips at right angles to those in 10.5 Test Conditions:
adjoining layers and nail (Note 6) at each end of each strip on 10.5.1 Class A Tests:
one face and in a diagonal pattern (Fig. 5) on the other face. Place a brand on the surface of each test deck at the
The dry weight of the finished brand shall be 500 6 50 g at the location considered most vulnerable (point of minimum cov-
time of test. erage over deck joint) with respect to ignition of the deck but
NOTE 6—Nails used in the construction of Classes A and B brands are
in no case closer than 4 in. [101 mm] from either side or 12 in.
No. 16, 11⁄2 in. [38 mm] long bright, flat head, diamond point, wire nails. [305 mm] from the top or bottom edge of the deck. Place the
Sixty-eight nails weighing approximately 42 g are used for Class A brand, brand so that the strips in both the upper and lower layers are
and 32 nails weighing approximately 21 g are used for the Class B brand. parallel to the direction of air flow and with the upper edge of

(See Appendix X1 for metric equivalents.)

FIG. 5 Brands for Classes A, B, and C Tests

E 108 – 05
the brand located 3 in. [76 mm] above the horizontal joint in the exposed surface of the material being tested and the
the test deck. Secure to the deck by a No. 18 B & S gage soft underside of the test deck, or until failure occurs but not for
iron wire. more than 11⁄2 h. Disregard the results of tests in which the If the roof covering is being investigated as applied brands do not show progressive and substantially complete
to plywood or other panel type decks, place the brand so that consumption after application to the test deck. If brands are
it is centered laterally with respect to the vertical panel joint in replaced, do not locate in the same area as the disregarded
the test deck and with the upper edge of the brand located 3 in. brand.
[76 mm] above the horizontal panel joint in the test deck. 10.7 Observations—During and after the burning brand
10.5.2 Class B Tests: tests, observe for the appearance of sustained flaming on the Place a brand on the surface of the test deck at each underside of the test deck, production of flaming or glowing
of the two locations considered most vulnerable (point of brands of roof covering material, displacement of the test
minimum coverage over deck joint) with respect to ignition of sample, and the exposure or falling away of portions of the roof
the deck. Position each brand with its upper edge 11⁄2 in. [38 deck.
mm] above the selected joint in the deck boards, but in no case
closer than 6 in. [152 mm] from each side or 12 in. [305 mm] 11. Flying Brand Test
from the top or bottom edge of the deck. Place the brands so 11.1 Conduct this test on a minimum of two test decks.
that the lower layers are parallel to the direction of air flow. 11.2 Mount a test deck, 4 ft-4 in. [1.3 m] long in the same
Secure to the deck by a No. 18 B&S gage [1.02 mm] soft iron manner and use luminous gas flame as described in 8.2 for the
wire. Apply the second brand 30 min after placement of the intermittent flame test.
first brand or sooner if all burning resulting from the first brand 11.3 Apply the Classes A and B test gas flame continuously
has ceased. for 10 min. Apply the Class C test flame continuously for 4 If the roof covering is applied to plywood or other min. Maintain the 12-mph [5.4-m/s] air current until all
panel type decks, place the brands so they are centered laterally evidence of flame, glow, and smoke has disappeared from the
with respect to the vertical panel joints in the test deck and with exposed surface of the material being tested to determine if
the upper edge of the brands located 11⁄2 in. [38 mm] above the flying brands will be developed. On treated wood shakes the
horizontal panel joint in the test deck. velocity of the air current shall be increased to 18 6 0.75 mph
10.5.3 Class C Tests—At 1 to 2 min intervals, place a brand [8.0 6 0.3 m/s] after the gas flame is extinguished.
on the surface of the test deck at each of 20 locations
considered most vulnerable (points of minimum coverage over 12. Rain Test
deck joints) with respect to ignition of the deck. Position each 12.1 Conduct this test in accordance with Method A of Test
brand with its upper edge 1⁄2 in. [13 mm] above the selected Methods D 2898 on six decks.
joint in the deck boards but in no case closer than 6 in. [152 12.2 Mount test decks 4 ft-4 in. [1.3 mm] long in a
mm] from each side or 12 in. [305 mm] from the top or bottom framework at a slope of 4 in. per horizontal ft (333 mm per
edge of the deck. Place no brand closer than 4 in. [101 mm] to horizontal m). Approximately 7 ft [2.1 m] above the test decks,
the point where a previous brand was located. Secure brands by mount spray nozzles that deliver an average of 0.7 in./h [0.05
a No. 18 B&S gage [1.02 mm] soft iron wire stretched across mm/s] of water for the test deck area at a temperature between
the width of the deck and placed in the saw kerf of the brand; 35 and 60°F [2 and 16°C]. Expose the test decks to twelve
the saw kerf on the deck side of the brand is parallel to the 1-week cycles. Each cycle consists of 96 h of water exposure
direction of air flow. and 72 h of drying time at 140°F [60°C]. In addition to 10.5.3, when the roof covering is 12.2.1 An alternative test cycle is permitted. Alternately
comprised of lapped courses that are composed of loose or expose two sets of six decks to seven days of water exposure,
unfastened portions that are capable of being bent up to 90° two days of draining, and five days of curing at 140°F [60°C].
without injury to the fastenings, cut away the loose or Repeat this cycle seven times, except that the seventh water
unfastened portions and place the brand so it is not closer than exposure is reduced to six days.
1⁄2 in. [13 mm] from the bottom edge of the lapped course 12.2.2 Control the final drying cycle temperature so the
above, nor closer than 2 in. [51 mm] to a joint in the roof moisture content of the deck lumber is from 8 to 12 % (see
covering material in the same course. When the roof covering Note 2). For plywood deck the moisture content shall not
is comprised of rigid lapped courses, place the brands over a exceed 8 %.
joint in the roof covering material in the course approximately 12.3 Repeat the intermittent flame, burning brand, and
1⁄2 in. [13 mm] from the bottom edge of the lapped course flying brand tests in duplicate.
above. If the roof covering is applied to plywood or other 13. Weathering Tests
panel type decks, place the brands so that as many of the 20 13.1 12.1 These test decks are to be mounted outdoors
brands as possible are centered over panel joints in the test facing south at an incline of 5 in. per horizontal foot [416 mm
deck. per horizontal meter]. Care shall be taken to protect the deck
10.6 Duration of Test—Continue each individual test, Class frame and underside from the effects of the weather. One set of
A, B, or C, until the brand is totally consumed and until all decks shall be prepared for testing and tested after each of 1, 2,
evidence of flame, glow, and smoke has disappeared from both 3, 5 and 10 years of exposure. From each set of decks, one deck

E 108 – 05
is to be subjected to the Intermittent Flame Exposure Test 14.5 In the flying brand test, there shall be no flying, flaming
(Section 8) , one to the Burning Brand Test (Section 10) and brands, nor particles produced that continue to glow after
one to the Flying Brand Test (Section 11). Prior to testing, the reaching the floor.
decks are to be conditioned until the deck lumber attains
15. Report
moisture content between 8 % and 12 %. For the plywood
decks, the moisture content is to be not greater than 8 %. 15.1 Report the following information:
15.1.1 Description of the roof covering being tested includ-
14. Conditions of Classification ing construction details of the test deck, the manufacturer’s
application limitations, shelf life, etc., of the roof covering as
14.1 A roof covering material shall meet the following applicable,
conditions when subjected to the particular class of fire tests: 15.1.2 Storage conditions of test roof decks,
14.2 At no time during or after the intermittent flame, spread 15.1.3 Moisture content of the test deck materials and roof
of flame, or burning brand tests shall: covering materials (if moisture absorbing) at the time of
14.2.1 Any portion of the roof covering material be blown testing,
or fall off the test deck in the form of flaming or glowing 15.1.4 Type and class of test,
brands that continue to glow after reaching the floor, 15.1.5 Slope of test deck,
14.2.2 The roof deck be exposed (Note 6) (except for roof 15.1.6 Details of the calibration including velocity measure-
coverings restricted to use over noncombustible deck), or ments, flame temperature measurements, heat supply rate, and
total water use for rain test,
14.2.3 Portions of the roof deck fall away in the form of 15.1.7 Type of rain test cycle (if applicable),
particles that continue to glow after reaching the floor. 15.1.8 Observations of the burning characteristics of the test
NOTE 7—The deck shall be considered exposed whenever any portion deck during and after test exposure as detailed in 8.5, 9.4, 10.7,
of the deck is visible and without cover from the roof covering material or 11.3, and Section 14, and
its residue. The portion of deck directly underneath burning brands and 15.1.9 The class of roof covering (Class A, B, or C).
cracks or fissures, 1⁄8 in. [3.2 mm] wide or less, shall be excluded from the 15.1.10 The climatic conditions of the region where the
requirement. weathering exposure was conducted as expressed by average
14.3 At no time during the Class A, B, or C intermittent daily temperature, average daily wind velocity and average
flame or burning brand tests shall there be sustained flaming of monthly precipitation.
the underside of the deck. If flaming does occur, conduct 16. Precision and Bias
another series of tests, during which no sustained flaming shall
16.1 Committee E05 is actively pursuing the development
of data regarding the precision and bias of these test methods.
14.4 During the spread of flame tests, the flaming shall not Data will be included in a future revision of these test methods.
spread beyond 6 ft [1.8 m] for Class A, 8 ft [2.4 m] for Class
B, nor 13 ft [4.0 m] (the top of the deck) for Class C. There 17. Keywords
shall be no significant lateral spread of flame from the path 17.1 burning brands; classification; flying brand; intermit-
directly exposed to the test flame. tent flame; rain test; roof coverings; roof deck; spread of flame

E 108 – 05


(Nonmandatory Information)


in. mm in. mm in. mm in. m ft-in. mm

18 3.2 25⁄16 59.0 103⁄4 273 40 1.02 3-11⁄8 0.94
1⁄ 4 6.4 211⁄32 59.5 12 305 433⁄4 1.11 3-4 1.02
1⁄ 2 12.7 3 76.2 131⁄2 343 44 1.12 4-0 1.22
3 1⁄2 88.9
0.7 17.8 35⁄8 92.0 14 356 4-01⁄4 1.225
3⁄ 4 19.0 311⁄16 93.6 20 508 60 1.52 4-4 1.32
25⁄32 19.8 4 101.6 24 610 4-41⁄2 1.33
29⁄32 23.0 41⁄2 114.3 28 712 4-73⁄4 1.42
1 25.4 5 127.0 29 736 4-8 1.44
1 1 ⁄4 31.7 6 152.4 30 762 7-0 2.13
1 1 ⁄2 38.1 7 178.0 33 838 8-0 2.44
1 5 ⁄8 41.3 71⁄2 190.5 35 889 12-0 3.66
2 50.8 91⁄4 235.0 36 914 13-0 3.96
2 1 ⁄4 57.1 10 254.0

Dressed Wood Dimensions

°F °C
nominal in. actual in. actual mm
35 2.0
50 10.0
60 15.5 1 by 4 ⁄ by 31⁄2
34 19 by 88.9
90 32.2 1 by 8 ⁄ by 71⁄2
34 19 by 190.5
140 60.0 1 by 1 3⁄4 by 3⁄4 19 by 19
212 100.0 11⁄2 by 11⁄2 by 25⁄32 38.1 by 38.1 by 19.8
220 104.4
1300 704.4
1400 760.0
1630 887.0


X2.1 Asphalt shingles meeting Specifications D 225 or X2.2 Gravel, slag, mineral, or smooth surfaced built-up
D 3018 have been shown not to have their fire-retardant roof constructions utilizing asphalt and coal tar roofing prod-
characteristics adversely affected by prolonged exposure to ucts, meeting Specifications D 226, D 227, D 250, D 312,
water. D 450, D 1227, D 2178, D 2626, D 3158, D 3378, or UL 55A,
have been shown not to have their fire-retardant characteristics
adversely affected by prolonged exposure to water.
Donahue, R. L., and Castino, G. T., “Fire Performance of New Roof Covering
Materials and Systems and Weathered Asphalt Shingles,” Roofing Systems, ASTM X2.3 Slate, concrete, clay tile, and metal roofing are con-
STP 603, ASTM, 1976, pp. 51–56. sidered as not being adversely affected by prolonged exposure
to water.


X3.1 Asphalt shingles meeting Specifications D 225 or fications D 226, D 227, D 250, D 312, D 450, D 1227, D 2178,
D 3018 have been shown to comply with the flying brand test D 2626, D 3158, D 3378, D 3462, or UL 55A comply with
requirements. Similar available evidence indicates that gravel, flying brand test requirements. Other materials also exhibiting
slag, mineral, or smooth surfaced build-up roof constructions compliance with flying brand test requirements are slate,
utilizing asphalt and coal tar roofing products meeting Speci- concrete clay, tile, and metal roofing.

E 108 – 05


X4.1 Introduction (Asbestos Cement); Asphalt Rag-Felt; Prepared Roof Cover-

X4.1.1 This commentary has been developed to provide the ings and Class C, Asphalt Organic-Felt Sheet Roofing and
user of Test Methods E 108 with an historic background on the Shingles for use with the Fire Test. (6,7)
development of fire tests for roofing materials and to provide a X4.1.9 Somewhat different considerations affected the ap-
degree of guidance to the user of the test and test results and proach in Great Britian, and the British Fire Prevention
those concerned with developing a test program, interpreting Committee published a report of tests on various roofing
results, and making a reasoned judgment in applying the materials and roof designs in 1910. (8) The tests were run in
results. accordance with procedures established for these specific
X4.1.2 It appears that the first fire tests on roofing materials investigations. Full details of tests were not given. England did
were developed at Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) in not adopt regulations until additional studies were made in
1903 (1)6 to permit standardized evaluation of roof coverings 1947, and the first standard was issued in 1958. (9-12)
in terms of their ability to withstand ignition, fire spread, and X4.1.10 At its meeting in September 1921, the Dominion
fire penetration from exterior fires. The National Fire Protec- Fire Prevention Association in Canada resolved to investigate
tion Association Committee on Devices and Materials pre- roof coverings. A comprehensive series of fire tests were
sented a report on classification of roof coverings that was conducted by a committee, and a report was given on April 29,
adopted in 1910. (2-4) This early standard had three tests and
1926. (13) The tests used were considered to simulate three
one research task:
exposure conditions: direct flame from adjacent building;
X4.1.2.1 Flame exposure test,
radiant heat from a nearby fire; and burning brands. Some
X4.1.2.2 Burning brand test,
improvements in the standard tests were recommended in this
X4.1.2.3 Radiation test, and
report. A subsequent report was issued in 1927. In these tests,
X4.1.2.4 Durability investigation to determine the quality of
the classifications were I, II, and III. A Class I covering had to
the raw materials employed, the weathering qualities, and the
resist burn through during the flaming tests for 40 min. Class II
necessity for repairs and renewals in the roof covering as
applied to the roof structure. was a 25-min test. Class III had to pass only the brand test. It
X4.1.3 The materials tested were divided into five general is not clear when the radiant exposure was dropped as a test
classes, A through E, and each general class could be subdi- criterion. Also, no further correspondence or records are
vided to accommodate special applications and roof construc- available between 1927 and 1955.
tion. The test deck was formed with kiln-dried nominal 1 by 8 X4.1.11 Following the formation of the subcommittee on
in. [25.4 by 203.2 mm] white pine boards. One test criterion for roof covervings, ASTM first published Test Methods E 108 in
classification was little or no burn through of the white pine 1955 as a tentative standard. In order to exclude performance
decking. criteria from a test method, the letter classifications A, B, and
X4.1.4 In the flame exposure test, a wind velocity of 5 mph C were used to designate classes of fire test exposure rather
[2 m/s] and also 40 mph was directed against the roofing during than classes of roof covering. These methods were revised in
the tests for periods up to 5 h. The slope of the roof varied 1958 and reaffirmed in 1970. Between 1970 and 1975 changes
depending on intended use up to 45°. were made to these methods with regard to format and test
X4.1.5 In the burning brand test, a maple wood crib was criteria. The present edition was published in 1975. Underwrit-
placed on the roof covering to determine its resistance to ers Laboratories, Inc., has been a leader in developing and
ignition, fire spread, and burn through under the same slope performing tests of roofing materials and published a similar
and wind conditions. roof covering test method (UL 790). The National Fire Protec-
X4.1.6 The radiation tests consisted of exposing the roofing tion Association (NFPA) also publishes a similar test method,
to the radiant heat of a circular steel plate 36 in. [914.4 mm] in NFPA No. 256. The following paragraphs provide additional
diameter heated to a constant temperature of 1200°F [650°C] background information on certain sections of the method.
under the same conditions. X4.1.12 As part of the overall evaluation of the roof
X4.1.7 The durability study was an examination as to the covering under the simulated fire exposures, a condition was
physical and chemical makeup of the roofing materials, physi- set under 14.2.2 that the roof deck should not be left unpro-
cal properties of the roof itself, and an historic review of past tected (exposed) as a consequence of the fire exposure. Roof
performance. coverings restricted for use only on noncombustible decks
X4.1.8 Between 1903 and 1917, UL classified roofing (steel, concrete, or poured gypsum) require only the spread of
materials in accordance with these standards, dropping to three flame test (see 7.1). Based on this circumstance, the condition
classes, A, B, and C, by 1917. (5,6) About this time, UL for deck exposure for such roof coverings relates only to the
adopted standard specifications for Shingle Roof Coverings potential for the roof covering to spread flame. Exposure of
portions of noncombustible deck inherently will not contribute
to fire spread over the roof surface. Further consideration was
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of given toward roof coverings that consist of thin polymeric
these test methods. coatings or membranes over steel concrete that should not be

E 108 – 05
precluded from evaluation under these test methods. In con- maximum slope recommended for use (built-up roof cover-
sideration of the above, the requirement under 14.2.2 was ings). From experience of UL and research, including the
amended to exclude noncombustible deck. references cited earlier in this commentary, the performance of
the roofing material appears to improve as the slope decreases
X4.2 Scope and Significance (Sections 1 and 4)
from 5 in./ft. Other research has been done in this area, but no
X4.2.1 These test methods are intended to provide a means definite conclusions can be drawn.
of ranking roof-covering materials according to their ability to
resist spread of flame burn through of the decking, and the X4.7 Number of Tests (8.1-10.1 and 11.1)
development of flying burning material when subjected to a X4.7.1 Experience indicates that, for most roofing materi-
variety of fire test exposure. The roof covering materials are als, all required tests should be run on a minimum of two
subjected to test conditions considered to be representative of specimens. The standard requires, however, that additional
fire exposures likely to originate outside the building. A rain specimens will be tested where the results of the first two tests
test is conducted where the fire retardant characteristics of the show a significant difference in performance.
roof covering may be adversely affected by prolonged expo-
sure to weather. X4.8 Flying Brand Test (Section 11)
X4.2.2 Three classes of fire test exposure (Classes A, B, and
C tests) are provided to establish the performance of roof X4.8.1 This test is used to determine the tendency of a roof
coverings against severe (Class A), moderate (Class B), and covering material to develop flying brands as described in
light (Class C) fire exposures. Building codes may require that Section 10. However, it is required that any flying brands
the building roofs provide some degree of resistance to fire developed during any of the fire tests be noted. A flying brand
penetration into the building relative to these exposures. is defined as “any part of the roof covering material which is
still flaming or glowing when it reaches the test room floor.’’
X4.3 Decks (6.1 and 6.2)
X4.3.1 The standard deck for all test assemblies is one X4.9 Rain Test (Section 12 and Appendix X2)
constructed of No. 1 white pine lumber, 1 by 8 in. nominal with X4.9.1 The rain test was introduced in 1975 to provide a
a moisture content from 8 to 12 % by weight. (See 6.1 and 6.3.) means for determining whether fire-retarding chemicals will
Paragraph 6.1.2 details the requirements for a spaced-board leach out due to water exposure. At the present time, fire-
deck that is required for roofing material such as wood retardant-treated wood shingles and shakes are the only roofing
shingles, which are traditionally supported in this manner. materials normally subjected to the rain test.
Since burn through to the underside of decking is an important X4.9.2 Specimens that have been subjected to the rain test
criterion, it is necessary to measure such results where no deck are dried and tested by the intermittent flame, burning brand,
is utilized (for example, roof panels applied directly to rafters and flying brand test methods. The rain test is designed to
or purlins). Where other decks such as plywood are used, it simulate an 80-in. [2032-mm] rainfall per year for a period of
shall be reported. 10 years. Test Methods D 2898 have two test methods (expo-
sures) described, but only Method A is applicable to Test
X4.4 Conditioning (6.3)
Methods E 108.
X4.4.1 The completed roof-deck test specimens are stored X4.9.3 Test Methods E 108 recognize in Appendix X2
indoors for not more than 60 days under controlled temperature specific generic roof covering materials that have demonstrated
conditions. There is a requirement that the roof covering by prior test experience their resistance to fire exposure after
material shall be tested not sooner than 30 nor later than 60 extensive weathering. The effect of weathering on asphalt
days after manufacture (after treating wood roof coverings). shingles has been investigated and reported by UL. (12)
This requirement allows a reasonable time for asphalt roofing
materials to cure. X4.10 Summary
X4.5 Air Currents (5.4) X4.10.1 The tests define the performance of a roof-covering
X4.5.1 The test requires a constant air current of 12 6 0.5 material under specific test fire conditions. They do not provide
mph [5.3 6 0.2 m/s] applied uniformly over the top surface, information on the performance of roof-covering materials
and measured at three specific locations on a calibration deck under other conditions or in actual fire situations.
inclined at 5 in. per horizontal ft (0.416:1) as indicated by the X4.10.2 There is no direct basis of comparison between the
standard. results of the various classes of tests since each class has a
different fire source and a different fire application. Conditions
X4.6 Slope of Deck (7.5) of classification are also different for each class of test.
X4.6.1 Tests shall be conducted with the deck either at a X4.10.3 There is no test to measure the performance of
slope of 5 in./ft [127 mm/m] (prepared roof coverings) or at the roofing materials when exposed only to radiant heat flux.

E 108 – 05

(1) History of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Underwriters Laborato- (8) Fire Tests with Roof Coverings, The British Fire Prevention Commit-
ries, Inc., Chicago, IL. tee, London, England, 1910.
(2) National Fire Codes, Vol 4, National Fire Protection Association, (9) Thomas, P. H., “Roofs and Fire,’’ Fire Note No. 3, Joint Fire Research
Quincy, MA, 1968–1969. Organization, Boreham Woods, Herts, England, 1963.
(3) Proceedings, 14th Annual Meeting of the National Fire Protection (10) “External Fire Exposure Roof Tests,” British Standard 476, Part 3
Association, May 17–19, 1910. Joint Fire Research Organization, Boreham Woods, Herts, England,
(4) Riddle, G. W., “Tests on Roof Coverings,” Quarterly of the National 1975.
Fire Protection Association, Vol 4, No. 1, July 1910.
(5) Colyer, W. T., “Roof Coverings and Their Fire Resisting Properties,” (11) Chitty, T. B., Nicholson, D., and Malhotra, H. L., “Tests on Roof
Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association, Vol 10, No. 4, Constructions Subjected to External Fire,” Fire Note No. 4, Joint Fire
April 1917, pp. 362–365. Research Organization, Boreham Woods, Herts, England, 1970.
(6) Riddle, G. W., and Blanchard, B. E., “Methods of Testing Roof (12) Donahue, R. L., and Castino, G. T., “Fire Performance of New Roof
Coverings at Underwriters Laboratories,” Quarterly of the National Covering Materials and Systems and Weathered Asphalt Shingles,”
Fire Protection Association, Vol 10, No. 4, April 1917, pp. 365–377. Roofing Systems, ASTM STP 603, ASTM, 1976, p. 51.
(7) U.L. 55B, Class C Asphalt Organic-Felt Sheetroofing and Shingles, (13) “Tests on Combustibility of Roofing Materials,” Quarterly of the
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Chicago, IL, Oct. 28, 1971. National Fire Protection Association, July 1926.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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