Quarter 2, Wk. 5, Module 5: Arts of The Renaissance and Baroque Periods
Quarter 2, Wk. 5, Module 5: Arts of The Renaissance and Baroque Periods
Quarter 2, Wk. 5, Module 5: Arts of The Renaissance and Baroque Periods
Arts 11
Arts - Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2, Wk. 5, Module 5: Arts of the Renaissance & Baroque Periods
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalty.
2 9
Music and Arts
Quarter 2, Wk. 5 - Module 5
Arts of the Renaissance and Baroque Periods
Table of Contents
What I Know.................................................................................................................................................iii
Lesson 1:
Artwork’s Tradition and Characteristic
of Renaissance and Baroque Period...........................................................................1
What’s In .................................................................................................... 1
What’s New ....................................................................................................................1
What Is It.............................................................................................................................2
What’s More .....................................................................................................................3
What I Have Learned......................................................................................................4
What I Can Do..................................................................................................................5
Summary .......................................................................................................................................................7
Assessment: (Post-Test) ........................................................................................................................7
Key to Answers...........................................................................................................................................9
What This Module is About
This module was designed and written for you as a learner, to have a comprehensive and
interactive activities in lieu to actual classroom setting. This may help you continue studying
Arts of Renaissance and Baroque period at all costs that hinders your learning. In this way, it
will be in your convenience, provided that you are entitled to fulfill or comply all the
necessary activities in this module.
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
What I Know
Directions: Choose between the 2 words from the choice box that best describe the artworks
images below. Write the letter of your choice on the space provide before the number.
1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
Lesson Artworks Tradition and
1 Characteristic of Renaissance
and Baroque Period
Artworks of Renaissance period mostly pertains to human philosophy as subject,
particularly started in Italy. The word renaissance comes from the French word renaitre, that
means “rebirth”, were birth of secular art took place. It is a period of economic progress that
made transition towards development from the dark ages sometime in the late middle ages.
While, artworks from Baroque period profoundly dynamic and full of emotion that developed
in Europe sometime in 1600’s. The term baroque comes from the Portuguese word barocco
which means “pearl of irregular shape” that describes the art of mannerism. It is a period of
artistic styles in exaggeration and tension that started in Rome, Italy and spread mostly in
In this lesson, you will encounter more about the artwork’s tradition/ history and
characteristics of renaissance and baroque period.
What’s In
What’s New
1. ______________________________ 2. ______________________________
What Is It
From the previous activity which is FITS ME BEST! (from previous page), you are
asked to Identify each artwork images, which has best fit for Renaissance and Baroque.
Did you have a Very Good Equivalent Rating? If not, why?
(To Answer: Please check () the box of your possible answer below)
(If your answer is not on the choices, please feel free to specify it by writing it on the space
because I do not know / understand what is the difference of Artwork.
because I do not know / understand the characteristics of artwork from both periods.
because I do not know anything about it.
RENAISSANCE PERIOD (1400-1600) comes from the French word renaitre that
means “rebirth”, promoting rediscovery and exploration to new lands and culture, as far as
human philosophy is concern. It is a European transition period from the dark ages, a
recovery towards modernity, civilization and economic progress with artistic and intellectual
achievement came after all the crisis that took place sometime in the late middle ages.
People became interested in showing human personality and anatomy in scientific
perspective and deeper landscape. They had art that were closely inspired by the Greeks
artistic tradition – but was drastically changed from the influence of new culture, allowing
secular art to emerge, a new idea of humanism and individuality value of human being as a
force. It caused a shift away from the traditional one in which the church was dominant. It
made the artworks depict more realistic (real-life) figures and natural as human beings.
BAROQUE PERIOD (1600-1800. The period was described from the Portuguese
word barocco which means “pearl of irregular shape”, a period that highly encouraged
Catholic Church and Christianity to propagate its dogma. Art communicates religious
themes and direct emotional involvement in response to the Protestant Reformation. Artistic
styles in this period became in exaggeration motion, and clear detail used to produce drama,
exuberance with variety degrees of intensity, full of emotion, tension, dynamic and grandeur
as mannerism became visible.
In this part, you will need to observe carefully the different characteristics of artworks
in the next activity.
What’s More
1 2 3
4 5 6
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
What I Have Learned
Pieta Mona Lisa ____________________________
Damned Soul Self Portrait in Old Age ____________________________
What I Can Do
Performance Task.
1. Create an artwork design applying the characteristic of being Mannerism (from
Baroque period).
2. Write a title and other details in making your artwork design below
3. Provide a write-up of explanation about your artwork located on the next page.
4. Answer Reflection Question on the next page.
Artworks of Renaissance period mostly pertains to human philosophy as subject,
particularly started in Italy. The word renaissance comes from the French word renaitre, that
means “rebirth”, were birth of secular art took place. It is a period of economic progress that
made transition towards development from the dark ages sometime in the late middle ages.
Artworks of Baroque period profoundly more dynamic and full of emotion that
developed in Europe sometime in 1600’s. The term baroque comes from the Portuguese
word barocco which means “pearl of irregular shape” that describes the art of mannerism. It
is a period of artistic styles in exaggeration and tension that started in Rome, Italy and
spread mostly in Europe.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Directions: Choose between the 2 words from the choice box that best describe the artworks
images below. Write the letter of your choice on the space provide before the number.
1 2 3
4 5
6 7 8
Key to Answers
A. Books:
Badiola, Mary Grace J. et. al. (2014). A Journey Through Western Music and Arts.
Department of Education. First Edition. Vibal Group Inc.
B. Websites:
For Pictures:
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call: