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Neuro-linguistic-programming: a critical

review of NLP research and the

application of NLP in coaching

Accepted Version

Passmore, J. and Rowson, T. S. (2019) Neuro-linguistic-

programming: a critical review of NLP research and the
application of NLP in coaching. International Coaching
Psychology Review, 14 (1). pp. 57-69. ISSN 2396-8753
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Neuro-Linguistic-programming: A critical review of NLP research and the
application of NLP in coaching.

Jonathan Passmore and Tatiana Rowson,

Henley Centre for Coaching, Henley Business School.


The huge popularity of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) over the past three decades has
in some ways mirrored the growth in coaching psychology. This paper is part of a series of
four papers in a special issue within ICPR that aims to explore NLP coaching from diverse
perspectives, offering personal insights or reviews of evidence. As part of this process a pair
of authors were invited to advance the case for and the case against NLP. This paper aims to
adopt a critical stance; reviewing the concept of NLP, exploring the claims made by
advocates and critically reviewing the evidence from a psychological perspective. In
undertaking this review we completed a series of literature searches using a range of
discovery tools to identify research papers, based on pre-determined search criteria. This
review led us to the conclusion that unique NLP practices are poorly supported by research

Key words: Neuro-Linguistic-programming, NLP Coaching, Critical literature review,

Preferred Representational Matching, Eye-movement, Fast Phobia Fix


For more than three decades trainers, sales people, therapies, and coaches have been
drawn by the claims made by NLP (Bandler & Grinder, 1979). The approach has enjoyed
enormous popularity, offering an alternative approach to psychologically training and has
been widely used by commercial organizations, therapists and coaches.

NLP has over the past three decades been used by global brands including IBM, McDonald’s,
NASA and U.S. Army. In the UK, academics have argued that it provides real value to
educationalists (Tosey & Mathison, 2003). While in coaching there has been a profusion of
NLP coaching books.

Yet despite this popularity, few in depth critical reviews have been undertaken, which have
sought to examine some of the key claims of NLP. Those which have been published, for
example Sturt, et al., 2012, seem to have been largely unread by practitioners outside of the
specific domain, such as health.

In the context of coaching, little empirical focus has been applied to the ideas, and the
approach remains popular across Europe (Passmore, Brown and Csigas, 2017). To undertake
this review, we choose to focus on the distinctive features on NLP, as opposed to ideas and
concepts which are published and credited to other approaches, or which are used across a
wide range of approaches. The focus of this paper is thus restricted to the unique and
distinctive features of NLP and NLP coaching, as opposed to the ideas that may be common
across some or many practices, such as open questions, scaling or perceptual positions.
Defining NLP
A useful starting point for any study of this kind is to begin by defining the key terms.
However, Neuro-Linguistic-programming is difficult to define. Most texts do not offer a
definition, or instead share a story in the hope of communicating what they believe NLP
does. In essence NLP is a tool that delivers transformation change.

Grinder and Bandler’s definition from 1980 was widely cast; “The study of subjective
experience” (Dilts, Grinder, Bandler & DeLozier, 1980). The definition could include almost
anything and fails to move us closer a clarifying what can be included in NLP, and what
should be excluded.

A second example is the definition offered by Ready & Burton (2015, p11) “the study of the
structure of your subjective experience……the art and science of communication ….the
manual for your brain…”.

A third example shifts the focus towards a focus on excellence: “NLP is the art and science of
personal excellence. Art because everyone brings their unique personality and style to what
they do and this can never be captured in words or techniques. Science because there is a
method and process for discovering the patterns used by outstanding individuals in any field
to achieve outstanding results” (O’Conner & Seymour, 1990, p1). In this sense, position NLP
as being the outcome of a rigorous review process to identify evidenced based practice
across multiple fields, has echoes of the aims of psychology.

However, in some ways all of these definitions are unsatisfactory and fail to adequately
delineate NLP from other approaches.

The very nature of NLP, has seen it adopt ideas and techniques from other disciplines to
create a commercial model, suggesting that NLP is in some way unique, with claims of
magical powers. In itself, the idea of an eclectic model, which is based on evidenced-based
practice that acknowledges the origin or source of the idea is a noble cause. For the purpose
of this paper, the focus will thus be to separate out common methods from unique NLP

The foundations of NLP

In the 1979, Richard Bandler and John Grinder published ‘Frogs into Princes’ (Bandler &
Grindler, 1979). They argued that outstanding psychotherapists acted on the basis of theory,
which contributed to their effectiveness and enabled rapport with clients. Furthermore, they
concluded that observation of the most skillful therapists would result in the discovery of
common or core principles, which could be generalized, verified on an empirical basis and
put into therapeutic practice. This sounds a noble cause and one which reflects current
research trends towards establishing common principles in coaching, and a desire to move
away from multiple models, (cognitive behavioural coaching, solution focused coaching,
psychodynamic coaching, gestalt coaching, MI, mindful coaching etc) towards a unified
approach; ‘coaching’. Such a pathway of development has occurred in other domains, for
example medicine, which has a single approach, as opposed to multiple ‘schools’ of training
and practice within medicine.

For several years Bandler and Grinder observed the leading therapists of the time who
including Fritz Perls, Milton H. Erickson and Virginia Satir. They gathered material, formulate
NLP tenets and hypotheses, which they believe were the common factors in therapy, and
which had wide applicability to all communication.

A number of differentiating concepts arise within the literature. One is the idea that ‘the
Map is not the territory’. The term was borrowed from Korzybski (1950), a linguist. This
concept summarizes the idea that each individual holds a unique internal representation of
the world (the “map”) and not the world itself (the “territory”). The maps that each person
creates is limited and distorted through their past experiences and cultural context. Applied
to behavioural change, the therapist’s task is to understand and then work using the client’s
map to help them navigate a passage, both expanding their awareness and journeying from
their condition to a more productive space.

The maps that people make of their world are represented by five senses: visual; kinesthetic,
referring to tactical and visceral sensations; auditory, including noises and sounds; olfactory,
including smell; and gustatory, including taste. Each experience in the world informs the
continual development of the map. Bandler and Grinder suggested that each of us processes
the majority of information using one primary representational system. Further, they
claimed that the most effective therapists matched the patient’s primary representational
system. These ideas, developed into primary representational system (PRS), are discussed

A second central concept is the idea of accessing cues, these are gathered from observing
eye-movements. Bandler and Grinder suggested that careful observation of these
movements would enable the NLP practitioner to unequivocally identify the primary
representational system of the client and enable matching.

Having identified these hypotheses, most scientific researchers would move to the stage of
formulating a hypothesis and seeking to test that hypothesis through a series of empirical
studies. For a reason that is unclear, Bandler and Grinder, missed this step of the scientific
process and moved forward to publish their ideas, as if they were scientific fact. One
explanation that has been proposed is that Bandler was contemptuous of traditional
scientific methods. This led him to reject the tradition methods of hypothesis and testing
(Witkowski, 2010). As a result the claims made sound scientific in nature, but lacked the
underpinning scientific testing.

Synthesis of previous reviews of NLP

Over the past decade a number of other reviews have been conducted. These provide a
useful insight into NLP and the science which underpins the work.

Early reviews of NLP

One of the first reviews of NLP research was conducted in response to the growing claims
from NLP practitioners of the effectiveness of NLP therapy. Einspruch and Forman (1985) in
response called for a systematic review of the evidence. Only through this process could a
clear and evidenced based undertaking of the effectiveness of NLP could be established.
(Heap, 1998) responded with a systematic reviewed the limited data available at the time.
He noted the mismatch between the claims of practitioners, which suggested miracle cures
and the preliminary studies, which were yielding less promising results. The chapter
concluded “If it turns out to be the case that these therapeutic procedures are indeed as
rapid and powerful as is claimed, no one will rejoice more than the present author. If
however these claims are no better than the ones already investigated, then the final verdict
on NLP will be a harsh one indeed” (p. 276). Subsequent studies have answered this

Health focused NLP

In a health study, Sturt and his colleagues undertook a systematic review of NLP in health,
prompted what clinicians saw as NLP practitioners targeting the sector offering services,
from training for health professionals to therapies available for GP referral (Sturt et al.,
2012). A UK Freedom of Information (FOI) request to NHS organizations to identify spending
on NLP training or services over a 3-year period leading up to 2009. The research targeted all
143 primary care trusts, 73 mental health trusts, 166 hospital trusts, 12 ambulance trusts, 10
care trusts, and 10 strategic health authorities. A total of 326 (79%) NHS organizations
responded to the request and the unpublished data revealed an NHS monetary spend of
£802 468 on NLP-related activity. Over 700 NHS staff undertook NLP training during the time
period with the majority (75%) being in administrative/managerial roles. Clinical staff
included counsellors and clinical psychologists also attended. Five trusts had developed NLP
based services, with weight loss being the most popular.

The research team noted “no systematic review of the NLP literature has been undertaken
applying Cochrane methods.17 The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic literature
review and appraise the available evidence” (Sturt et al., 2012, e758). The team gathered
data from 1459 studies, and excluded 1345 as not relevant, reviewing 114 abstracts,
reducing the list to 93 before a final set of 41 papers that were reviewed in their analysis. A
further 31 of these papers were excluded as they were descriptive in nature. This left a small
sample but the researchers concluded based o their detailed review, in typical scientific
language “there is currently insufficient evidence to recommend use of NLP for any individual
health outcome” (Sturt et al., 201 2, e763).

Psychological study
In a comprehensive psychological study the researchers identified 315 articles of which 63
studies were published in peer-reviewed journals (Witkowski, 2010). Once the descriptive
studies were excluded, the statistical data revealed that only 18.2% showed results
supporting NLP, 54.5% revealed results non-supportive of NLP and 27.3% offered results
which could be described as ‘uncertain’. In considering these results, and taking account of
the bottom–draw effect, where unsupported data is more often not published, the evidence
offered in support of NLP appears weak, with the positive results akin to what could be
expected from the placebo effect.

Witkowski (2010) noted that the number of scientific studies had peaked during the 1980’s
and 1990’s but had declining, as if “the world of science was apparently losing its interest
in the concept of Bandler and Grinder” (p64). The author was significantly more damning in
his language in concluding his analysis: “My analysis leads undeniably to the statement that
NLP represents pseudoscientific rubbish, which should be mothballed forever” (p64).

In wide ranging Delphi study Norcross and Koocher (2006) surveyed a panel of 101 leading
psychologists to identify the most discredited theories within mental health practice. Their
list include NLP as a treatment for mental health conditions. NLP came 18th on the list of
most discredited, but was beaten by interventions including ‘Angel Treatment’, ‘Chrystal
healing’ and ‘Dolphin mental health therapy’. Overall the researchers concluded experts had
selected these interventions due to the lack of evidence to support their claims.

Educational studies
An education review on the impact of NLP approaches in education the researchers found
more positive results (Carey et al., 2011). In this first systematic literature review of research
evidence the researchers drew on data form both peer review and self published sources
from the NLP Research and Recognition Project. When reviewing the final set of papers form
inclusion very few of the final papers were from peer-reviewed journals.

The research team identified a total of 111 studies. These included both quantitative and
qualitative studies, including individual case studies and self-report data. While this offered
a more comprehensive coverage of the available evidence, it may be considered to lack the
robustness of more traditionally structured reviews which would exclude single sample
studies and experiential data.

Carey et al, (2011) concluded, the majority of published work was supportive of the use of
NLP in schools and education. The authors went on to note that given the scale of the
research, diverse methods and variation in the quality of the research they reviewed, their
results should only be considered as ‘an interim finding’ and that more research was

Counselling review
Sharpley in a pair of studies (1984; 1987) reviewed the application of NLP in therapeutic
relationships. His work included a review of 44 papers. His results revealed a total of six of
these papers contained positive evidence in support of NLP. His conclusion questioned the
value of NLP as a discreet method. With respect to individual tools, he suggested an PRS
could not be reliably assessed by therapists and must be serious questioned.

Specific studies
In addition of large-scale reviews across health, education and therapy, we decided to also
review a number of specific studies that have look at individual interventions within NLP. We
selected eye movement and PRM as two interventions to consider.

Eye movement
Proponents of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) claim that certain eye-movements are
reliable indicators of thinking patterns, including truth-telling or lying. According to this
notion, a person looking up to their right suggests a lie whereas looking up to their left is
indicative of truth telling. This is further explained by diagram X, based on the original claims
made by Bandler and Grinder (1979, p25; 1975)

Insert Diagram 1: here

Table 1: Eye moment cue codes

Vc - Visual Constructed images Vr Visual remembered images

Ac - Auditory Constructed sounds or words Ar Auditory remembered sounds or words

K - Kinesthetic feelings (also smell and taste A - Auditory sounds of words

(Bandler & Grinder, 1979)

Despite widespread belief in this claim, no previous research has ensured or even suggested
its validity. A recent series of studies by Wiseman et al. (2012) examined this claim. In the
first study the eye movements of participants who were lying or telling the truth were
coded, but did not match the NLP patterning. In the second study one group of participants
were told about the NLP eye-movement hypothesis whilst a second, control, group were
not. Both groups then undertook a lie detection test. No significant differences emerged
between the two groups. In a third study involving coding the eye movements of both liars
and truth tellers taking part in high profile press conferences. Once again, no significant
differences were discovered. In reviewing the results from the three studies the researchers
claim the results of the three studies fail to support the claims of NLP, and this “pseudo-
scientific claim of eye movement can be reliably dismissed” (Wiseman, et al., 2012).

A more recent study (Ahmed, 2013) reexamined the claims regarding eye movement. He
noted the criticism of Einspruch & Forman (1985), who argued that all 39 of the previously
published studies (for example Appel, 1983; Brockman, 1981; Cody, 1983; Ellickson, 1983;
Dorn, 1983; Dowd and Pety, 1982; Ehrmantraut, 1983; Falzett, 1981; Green, 1981; Hammer,
1983 and Paxton, 1981) which had sought to test NLP claims were all false due to
methodological concern regarding the research, most frequently that the researchers were
not trained NLP specialists, or that the statements or inventions used were not consistent, in
some way, with NLP methods. Using a student sample of 33 post-graduate MBA students,
students were invited to answer a number of questions while their eye-movement was
measured. The results show that, except for visual recall, less than half of the respondents
exhibited the remaining eye patterns (i.e., visual construct, verbal recall, verbal construct,
kinaesthetic and auditory digital), posited by the founders of NLP. The researchers
concluded “NLP eye patterns as posited by the founders, do not apply to this
sample of students in Abu Dhabi” (Ahmed, 2013).

Research questions to measure eye movement responses (Ahmed, 2013)

1) “Do you remember clearly the house you grew up in?”
(This question involves visual recall and the eye pattern should be towards the top right.)

2) “Can you imagine what the house would look like if it was bright pink (or had more
(This question involves visual construct and the eye pattern should be towards the top left).

3) “Do you have a favourite song/music? Can you play that in your head?”
(This question involves verbal recall and the eye pattern should be towards the lateral right).

4) “Can you imagine what the song would sound like if it was played at twice the speed (or if
the singer had a voice like Donald Duck?
(This question involves verbal construct and the eye pattern should be towards the lateral

5) “Can you remember how it feels like to walk on soft sand/carpet?”

(This question involves kinaesthetic and the eye pattern should be bottom left).
6) “Can you say the times table?”
(This question involves auditory digital and the eye pattern should be bottom right).

Preferred Representational Matching

A second commonly used model is Preferred Representation Matching [PRM]. According to
Bandler and Grinder (1975) words, phrases and sentences are indicative of an individual’s
referencing of each of the representational systems. So for example the words ‘green’, ‘see-
through’, ‘spiral’ and ‘image’ reference the visual representation system, while the words
‘silent’, ‘ringing’, ‘moo’ and ‘blast’ reference the auditory representation system. These two
are part of the three systems; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic that humans use, and are
sometimes known as VAK.

In his studies, Shapely (1984; 1987) reviewed the use of PRM in counselling domains. In a set
of 15 studies using PRS Shapely concluded there was little supportive evidence for the use of
the PRS.

Since these studies little further work has been done to review the application of PRS
through a scientific lens. Further work within a coaching context may help further provide
evidence on our understanding about the claims for PRM.

In summary, in reviewing generic studies of NLP the evidence suggest that there is not
enough evidence to support NLP claims for specific interventions such as eye movement and
PRM. In light of the lack of robust evidence validating unique NLP models, we set to explore
NLP with a specific focus on coaching research. Our aim was to draw together published
studies and examine the empirical research within NLP Coaching.


The method for this review was to undertake a series of searches using commonly used
databases, through the Henley Business School One Source search tool. The tool combines
data from multiple search tools including EBSCO, Science Direct, Business Source, Emerald,
Text-direct and others. A search of peer review papers published between 1980 and 2018
produced 19,154 items, using the initial search term “NLP”. However in reviewing papers
from this list it was clear that the term NLP has multiple meanings, being used as an
abbreviation for a variety of terms. The search was narrowed to “NLP and Neuro-linguistic
Programming”. This reduced the number of items found to 224 peer reviewed papers in the
period 1980-2018. This was further refined in a search to “NLP- Neuro-linguistic
Programming – Coaching”. A total of 40 peer review papers were identified. A detailed
review of these 40 papers was undertaken. The papers are summarized in Table 2.

Insert PRISIM diagram here

In reviewing these papers a number of striking observations appear. Firstly, given the period
of nearly 40-year period the number of papers is relatively small. This may in part reflect the
wider issue of a lack of research within coaching, although the appearance of a number of
meta-studies and systematic reviews of coaching research (Theeboom et al 2014;
Athanasopoulou & Dopson, 2018), suggests the size of the literature pool has grown
significantly in the past decade.

Secondly, the list is dominated by conceptual papers, with a lack of robust scientific design
or traditional research methods being used to empirically test the ideas offered by NLP
within the coaching domain. In considering the 40 papers included in Table 2, more than half
were either conceptual papers, literature reviews or book reviews. Only two quantitative
studies were found through this search, with a further seven qualitative studies. Not a single
randomized control trial was identified.

Thirdly, in a number of papers the authors make claims that are unsubstantiated. One
example, a paper by Cassidy-Rice (2014) which presents a case study of an individual ’Nick
Burnside’ who following NLP training is ‘cured’ from a collection of phobias. The exact
method is not described, nor how the phobia were diagnosed, nor the measures used. The
author however claims an almost miracle effect of NLP which goes beyond the initial phobia,
making the client both a superior boss and a super athlete: “Among the interventions that
helped were the removal of negative states, the changing of limiting beliefs, the
elimination of performance-inhibiting mental blocks and hypnosis. Such techniques have
also helped him to achieve personal goals which he never thought possible, including
grueling endurance races such as the Snowdonia marathon and the Hadrian’s Wall ultra
event, where he covered 68 miles in just over 17 hours…… He has transferred this new
positive thinking directly into his workplace, enabling him to undertake employee
coaching across the organization in areas such as time management, presentation skills,
motivation, influencing and confidence building”(Cassidy-Rice, 2014, p39).

Some papers do offer a more robust methodology. One example (Peng, et al, 2015)
reviewed the use of brief NLP-health education to help post-stroke patients through a
blended NLP and psych-education programme. The researchers were measuring anxiety
and depression of stroke patients. The results from this study revealed an initial
difference in depression levels, although in the follow-up stage the difference between
the control group and the NLP-health education intervention group was not sustained.
However, by including two interventions it is impossible to identify which was the
active ingredient in bringing about the initial change; NLP or the education aspect of
the programme.

Finally, as noted by most other studies, given the nature of the bottom draw effect,
where most studies with unsupported hypotheses results are more likely to be either
rejected by journals or not submitted. It is thus unsurprising there is a lack of published
scientific papers with data showing no difference between the NLP interventi on and a
comparable control intervention.

Table 2: Summary of NLP Coaching Peer review papers

Research study Brief summary of method, sample

Grosu, E.F., Grosu, V.T., Study of Romanian Judo team members using Grindler and
Preja, C.A. Iuliana, B. B. Bander questionnaire
Cassidy-Rice, J. (2014) Case study of a business manager suffering with phobias
Peng, T. Yun, L., Weiquan, 180 patient RCT, measuring depression and anxiety, and the
W., Jincong, Y. Dong, W. awareness of stroke knowledge.
Yang, X, Jinzhi, X.,
Zengzhen, W. (2015)
Kudliskis, V. & Burden, R. Case study reviewing application of NLP in sixth form (Year 13)
(2009) students in one secondary school in the South West of

Blaskova, M., Blasko, R., Questionnaire survey of Universities in Slovak Republic and
Matuska, E. & Rosak- Poland, with suggestions for how teaching quality could be
Szyrocka. (2015 ) improved.
Boughattas, W., MIssoum, French language journal paper using experimental design with
G. & Moella, N. (2017). a sample of 20 junior judo competitors, with control group.
Grosu, E.F., Grosu, V.T., Experimental design, 11 to 15 years, from Romania ski
Popovici, S. Dumitrescu, competitors. A planned study to explore attention and anxiety
M. (2015 ) comparing NLP and a control group, and exploring gender
differences. No results reported.

Linder-Pelz, S. & Hall, M. A conceptual and case study paper with a life coaching client
Moliušytė, S & A conceptual paper in Lithuanian exploring the potential of
Kvedaravičius, J. (2013). coaching and NLP to improve management performance
Knight, J. (2012). A conceptual paper review the application of NLP to
qualitative research
Moliušytė, S & A survey of business managers and their assumptions about
Kvedaravičius, J. (2012). learning styles of employees. The results revealed manages
assume employees have same learning styles as they do.
Laposi, E. & Dan, I. S. A review of NLP concepts in Romanian
Joey, L. & Yazdanifard, R. A conceptual paper arguing the case for NLP
Stockdale, S. (2013). A qualitative study using NLP modeling techniques as a guide
to the interview process with driving instructors exploring
their teaching methods.
Tosey, P. & Mathison, J. Conceptual paper exploring links between
(2010). psychophenomenology and NLP
Bimba, A., Idris, N., Al- A literature review of modeling relevant to knowledge-based
Hunaiyyan, A. Mahmud, R. business management
B., Abdelaziz, A., Khan, S. &
Chang, V. (2016).
Tee, S., Jowett, R. M. & A mixed methods study, using survey and interview with 10
Bechelet-Carter, C. (2009). nursing students on the value of coaching as a learning
Chuecos J. R. (2015). A conceptual paper on NLP
Alexanders, J., Anderson, A literature review study that reported physiotherapists
A. & Henderson, S. (2015). appreciate the importance of using psychological interventions
within their practice.
Hodgson, D. (2014). A qualitative study exploring cancer patient and carer’s
attitudes. Concluded that training curriculum enhancements
must focus on developing care and compassionate behaviours
Vlok, A. (2012) A conceptual paper proposes a competency profile for
innovation leaders derived from research in a South African,
with reference to NLP among a wide range of other models.
Gray,. E.,Ekinci, Y. & A mixed methods study examining the impact of a leadership
Goregaokar, H. (2011) development programme. Coaches with therapy or NLP
backgrounds performed better than those with no therapy
background. However, managers on the programme did not
perceive the coaching to have had a significant impact on their
Anderson, J. (2007) A practitioner paper examining the role of imagination, calling
and emotions in leadership, and the role intuition can play in
helping leaders, with reference to an NLP exercise for leaders
to help them stay intuitive.
Boussebaa, M. & Morgan, Case study focusing on management development, passing
G. (2008) reference to NLP.

Reece, R. (1999) Interview with a medical doctor about his practice, with
passing reference to use of NLP as a communications tool.
Linder-Pelz, S.(2014) A qualitative study based on a sample of 9 exploring the value
of meta-modeling. The study concluded the approach was a
valuable tool in coach competency development.
Segers, J., Vloeberghs, D., Survey of Belgium coaches, sample of 83 exploring coaching
Henderickx, E., and practice. Noted the popularity of NLP coaching in Belgium, and
Inceoglu, I. (2011) the fact this was due to one of the first training schools in the
country using this approach.

Kay, D. (2013) Conceptual paper about a splinter method from NLP

Jinks, D. & Dexter, G. Conceptual paper about the limitations of coaching setting in
(2012) coaching, with a passing reference to NLP.

Bailey, L. F. (2014) Conceptual paper review qualitative research methods, with a

passing reference to NLP as a possible research tool in
qualitative research interviews.
Turaga, R. (2016). Conceptual paper offering a range of communications skills
from open questions, non-verbal communications etc, with a
passing reference to NLP.
Losada, S. J. V. (2009). A Spanish paper in a practitioner journal advancing the case
for role of NLP as a useful tool in coaching and consulting.
Titkos, C. (2012) A conceptual paper exploring the role of personality
development. The paper argues that NLP is a specialist tool for
enabling this change along with psychodrama.
Tosey, P. Lawley, J. & Conceptual paper making the case for ‘clean language’ as
Meese, R. (2014) interview tool in qualitative research.
Shyamsunder, A., Anand, Series of case study about leadership development and the
S.; Punj, A.; Shatdal, A. et role of NLP as a communication skill forming part of a
al (2011). programme.
Fontannaz, S Book Review
( 2017)
Woodall, J. & Douglas, D This wide-ranging paper examined ethical practice across
(1999). leadership training. It noted the development of NLP,
questioned its lack of ethical practice and also noted that few
NLP practitioners were willing to engage in their research
Wruk, B. & Hebert, D. Conceptual paper about the role of NLP tools in financial
(2003) planning interviews to map client personality
Hrop, S. (2004) Book review
Huczynski, A. A. Conceptual paper review of management fads, with passing
(1993) reference to NLP

Integrating the evidence

So where does this leave the case for NLP coaching? The review of the research evidence
within coaching suggests there is almost no evidence to support the multiplicity of claims
made about its effectiveness as a 1-1 coaching interventions to facilitate behavioural
change. This contracts with the evidence which has grown over the past two decades which
does support the view that coaching has a small to medium effect size across a number of
aspects of behavioual change (Theeboom et al, 2014). In reviewing the evidence from
coaching, similar conclusions may be drawn.


In this paper we aimed to review the evidence for NLP and specific for NLP coaching. Given
this review, we have no hesitation in coming to the view that coaching psychologists and
those interested in evidenced based coaching would be wise to ignore the NLP brand in
favour of models, approaches and techniques where a clear evidence base exists. However,
moving forward, we might take with us the dream of drawing together a unified model of
coaching which brings the best of all approaches, but leaves the sales hype and
unsubstantiated miracle change claims behind.


Ahmed, K. Z. (2013) Lying Eyes: The Truth about NLP Eye Patterns and Their Relationship
with Academic Performance in Business and Management Studies (MBA), International
Journal of Business and Management, 8(23), doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n23p67

Appel, P. (1983). Matching representational systems and interpersonal attraction. United

States International University, Dissertation Abstracts International 43, 3021B (University
Microfilms No 83–018, 35).

Anderson J., (2008) Taking advantage when intuition strikes, Leadership in Action, 27(2), 23-

Alexanders, A. & Henderson, S. (2015) Systematic review: Musculoskeletal physiotherapists’

use of psychological interventions: a systematic review of therapists’ perceptions and
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