7+670 (1x10x5.8) R1
7+670 (1x10x5.8) R1
7+670 (1x10x5.8) R1
wc =0.065 mm
Traffic Direction
0.7 0.7
0 0 15.0
3.0 Effective width of tyres and load distribution for different vehicular loadings:
3.1 Class 70R vehicle (Maximum Bogie Load) (Refer: Clause 204.1.3, Fig.1, IRC : 6-2014 )
3.1.1 Axle - " l " :
5t 5t 5t 5t 20 t 20 t
450 1480 450
Transverse Longitudinal
Minimum clear distance from C/B to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.22 m
C/C distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 2.38 m
Load on one tyre = = 5.00 t
Max. tyre pressure = (Refer Annex A of IRC:6-2014) = 5.273 Kg/cm2
Contact width of tyre = (Refer Annex A of IRC:6-2014) = 360 mm
3.155 2.380
Edge of
Box 1.75 1.20 0.41 0.04 0.41 1.07 0.41 0.04 0.41
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.68 x 1.25 = 2.10 t/m2
3.1.2 Axle - " m ": (Refer: Clause 204.1.3, Fig.1, IRC : 6-2014 )
5t 5t 5t 5t 20 t 20 t
795 790 795
Transverse Longitudinal
Min. clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.22 m
C/C distance between end wheels in transverse direction 410 = 2.38 m
3.155 2.380
Edge of
Box 1.75 1.20 0.41 0.39 0.41 0.38 0.41 0.39 0.41
3.1.3 Axle - " n ": (Refer: Clause 204.1.3, Fig.1, IRC : 6-2014 )
Transverse Longitudinal
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.22 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 2.56 m
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.68 x 1.25 = 2.10 t/m2
3.2.1 Single Lane Class A (Refer: Clause 204.1.3, Fig.1, IRC : 6-2014 )
Transverse Longitudinal
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 0.15 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.20 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 1.80 m
0.85 1.800
Edge of
Box 0.45 0.15 0.50 1.30 0.50
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.19 x 1.26946107784431 = 1.51 t/m2
Transverse Longitudinal
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 0.15 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.20 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 5.30 m
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.56 x 1.27 = 1.98 t/m2
3.2.3 Three Lane Class A
500 1300 500 1200 500 1300 500 1200 500 1300 500
34.2 t 34.2 t
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 0.15 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.20 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 8.80 m
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.74 x 1.27 = 2.21 t/m2
410 385 410 380 410 385 410 1200 500 1300 500
31.4 t 31.4 t
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.20 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 6.38 m
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.78 x 1.27 = 2.26 t/m2
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 4.57 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 2.05 m
2.07 2.040
Edge of
Box 0.45 1.20 0.84 1.20 0.84
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.53 x 1.10 = 1.68 t/m2
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 1.20 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 3.60 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 2.05 m
1.63 2.050
0 0.00 1.20 0.85 1.20 0.85
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.76 x 1.10 = 1.94 t/m2
900 900
18.0 t 18.0 t
Minimum clear distance from Crash Barrier to the edge of the end wheel = 0.30 m
Distance between the axles in the direction of traffic = 1.50 m
c/c distance between end wheels in transverse direction = 1.80 m
Load per unit area with I.F = 1.51 x 1.00 = 1.51 t/m2
Temperature Rise
.1 The top slab is designed for the effects of the distribution of the temperature across the deck depth as given in the sketch below.
17.8 s1
4 h/2 s2 x1
0.65m 0.20m F2
N A x2
h/2 x3
2.1 s3
.2 Member h h1 h2 h3 T1 T2 T3
o o o
Unit m m m m C C C
Top Slab 0.65 0.15 0.195 0.15 17.8 4 2.1
.3 Member s1 s2 s3 F1 F2 F3 F
Units kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN kN kN kN
Top Slab 6835 1536 806 628 150 60 838
CG of
CG of top CG of mid
CG of Section CG of Section bottom
Member block from block from x1 x2 x3 M
from top from bottom block from
top top
Units m m m m m m m m kNm
Top Slab 0.33 0.33 0.06 0.22 0.05 0.27 0.11 0.28 166.74
Temperature Fall
.1 The top slab is designed for the effects of the distribution of the temperature across the deck depth as given in the sketch below.
10.6 s1
0.7 s2
0.65m N A N F2 A
0.1625 x2
h/2 x3
0.1625 x4
0.8 s3 F3
6.6 s4
.2 Member h h1 h2 h3 h4 T1 T2 T3 T4
units m m m m m C C C C
Top Slab 0.65m 0.13 0.1625 0.1625 0.13 10.6 0.7 0.8 6.6
.3 Member s1 s2 s3 s4 F1 F2 F3 F4 F
Unit kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN/m2 kN kN kN kN kN
Top Slab 4070.40 268.80 307.20 2534.40 282.05 21.84 24.96 184.70 513.55
CG of CG of
CG of
CG of CG of top bottom bottom
Section CG of top mid
Member Section block mid block block x1 x2 x3 x4 M
from block from top
from top from top from from
bottom bottom
Units m m m m m m m m m m kNm
Top Slab 0.33 0.33 0.05 0.18 0.18 0.05 0.28 0.14 0.14 0.28 27.09
The structure as shown is idealised in STAAD. The vertical soil resistance at bottom has been applied in the form of
springs. The value of spring constants has been calculated based on the permissible settlement and bearing capacity.
The bottom slab of structure is idealised as shown in following figure. The equivalent spring is applied at each node
according to subgrade reaction.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
fck = 35 Mpa
fcm = 45 Mpa
t = 25550 days
to = 90 days
Φ (t, to) = Φo βc ( t , to )
Φo = ΦRH β(fcm) β(to)
ΦRH = Factor to allow for the effect of relative humidity on the notional creep coefficient
= 1+ 1 - RH/100 for fcm ≤ 45 Mpa
0.1 ( ho )1/3
1+ 1 - RH/100 for fcm > 45 Mpa
α1 * α2
0.1 ( ho )1/3
β(fcm) = factor to allow for the effect of concrete strength on the notional creep coefficient = 18.78 / √fcm
β(to) = factor to allow for the effect of concrete age at loading on the notional
creep coefficient = 1/ ( 0.1+ to 0.2)
Φo = ΦRH x β(fcm) x β(to)
βc( t , to)= coefficient to describe the development of creep with time after loading
= [ (t - to) / (βH + t - to) ]0.3
βH = coefficient depending on the relative humidity(RH in percent) and the notional member size(ho in mm)
Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 ] ho +250 for fcm ≤ 45 Mpa
Min 1.5 [ 1+ (0.012 RH)18 + ho +250 α3
for fcm > 45 Mpa
1500* α3
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 40 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13875 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 6.622 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 21.67 m
Notational size ho = 611.01 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3286
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 40 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13875 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 6.622 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 21.67 m
Notational size ho = 611.01 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3286
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 40 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13886 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 4.060 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 13.00 m
Notational size ho = 624.62 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3267
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 75 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13886 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 4.060 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 13.00 m
Notational size ho = 624.62 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3267
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
Distribution steel at outer side of side wall: (Refer IRC:112 clause
Distribution Reinforcement : At Least 20% of the main Reinforcement = 805.03 mm2
Provide 12 @ 125 mm c/c = 904.779 mm2 OK
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 40 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13941 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 7.640 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 21.87 m
Notational size ho = 698.57 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3175
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
Grade of concrete, fck = 35 MPa
Mean value of concrete compressive strength, fcm = 45 MPa
Grade of Reinforcement = 500 MPa
fywd 0.8 fyk = 400 MPa
Clear cover of top slab = 40 mm
Modulus of Elasticity steel Es = 200000 MPa
For short Term loading Ecm = 32308 MPa
For long Term loading Ecm' = 13941 MPa
fctm = 2.80 MPa
fcteff = Max of 2.9 Mpa or fctm = 2.90 MPa
fcd = 15.75 MPa
Cross sectional Area, Ac = 7.640 m2
Perimeter in contact with atmosphere u = 21.87 m
Notational size ho = 698.57 mm
Age of concrete at the time of loading = 90 days
t∞ considered = 25550 days
Creep factor Φ= 1.3175
εuk = 0.00450
εud = 0.00405
εcu2 = 0.0035
xumax/d = 0.4636
1) Permissble concrete compressive stresses
Load Combination Permissble Stress
SLS Rare 0.48 fck = 16.8 MPa
SLS QP 0.36 fck = 12.6 MPa
Maximum Reinforcement
[ Tension Reinf. ] ≤ 0.025AC At section other than Laps
* Tension + Compression + ≤ 0.04AC At any section
Where AC = Gross Cross section Area of Concrete
Minimum Reinforcement :
Ast min = Max [ 0.26 fctm / fyk bt d , 0.0013 bt d ] (Refer IRC:112 clause
bt = Mean width of Tension zone.
3) Live Load
(70R Bogie Load) = 400.000 kN
Factored Live Load = 400.000 kN
Maximum Eccentricity of LL from c/l of carriageway = 0.405 m
Eccentric Moment in Transverse Direction = 162 kNm
Inertia of base about Longitudinal axis = 3453.115 m4
Area of Base = 177.46101 m2