Wing Wall - Height Up To 3.5m

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1.1 Introduction & Dimension Details

1.2 Sketch ( Showing Dimension of Wing Wall )

1.3 Check for Stabality _ Normal Dry Case

1.4 Check for Stabality _ Normal HFL Case

1.5 Calculation of Seismic cofficients

1.6 Check for Stabality _ Seismic Dry Case

1.7 Calculation of Design Foundation Load

1.8 Design of Toe Slab

1.9 Design of Heel Slab

1.10 Design of wall Shaft

1.11 Summary of Reinforcement Provided


This design note present the detailed calculation for T-type Wing Wall . It contains the typical design of Wing
Wall Shaft and foundation. In the analysis the forces have been worked out at the bottom of foundation for
foundation design and at the top of foundation for Wing Wall shaft design.


Description Unit
Grade of concrete _ (Fck) M-35
Grade of Steel _ (Fy) Fe-500

Density of backfill earth (LWL) 20.00 Kn/m
Density of backfill earth (HFL) 10.00 Kn/m3
Density of passive soil 20.00 Kn/m3
Density of concrete 25.00 Kn/m3
Density of water 10.00 Kn/m3
Mini. Fluid pressure as per clause 214.1 of IRC : 6 - 2017 4.8 Kn/m3

Clear cover to Reinforcement 0.050 m

Clear cover to Reinforcement for foundations as per Table 14.2 of
0.075 m
IRC 112 : 2011

Net safe bearing capacity (As per Geotechnical report) 120 kn/m2

Co-efficient of Friction (u) between soil & concrete as per Cl

706.3.4 of IRC 78 - 2014

Equilent Height of soil for live load surcharge as per clause

1.20 m of IRC : 6 - 2017

Required Depth of Foundation below G.L. 0.60 m

Provided Depth of Foundation 2.00 m


Description Unit
Ground level 102.000 m
Founding Level of Wing Wall 100.000 m
Top level of Wing Wall 105.600 m

Total height of Wing Wall 5.60 m

Height of Wing Wall Above Ground 3.60 m
Height of Wing Wall Below Ground 2.00 m

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Height of stem above Road level 0.00 m
Total height of stem 5.00 m
Thickness of Stem at top level 0.30 m
Thickness of Stem at base 0.55 m

Length of Heel slab 2.35 m

Length of Toe slab 1.45 m
Total Length of Base slab 3.80 m

Thickness of Footing at junction of Stem & Footing 0.60 m

Thickness of Footing at ends 0.30 m

1.1.3 Calculation of Earth pressure coefficients as per Cl. 214.1 of IRC 6 : 2017

Angle of friction of soil ( φ ) = 30.00 deg = 0.5236 rad

Angle of wall friction (δ ) = 20.00 deg = 0.3491 rad
Angle which earth face of wall make with the vertical
= 2.862 deg = 0.0500 rad
Angle of slope of filling (β) 0.00 deg = 0.0000 rad

Angle which earth face of wall make with the horizontal = 87.14 deg = 1.5208 rad

For straight portion wall angle = 90.00 deg = 1.5708 rad

Angle of force due to active earth pressure w.r.t.

= 22.86 deg = 0.3990 rad
Coefficient of horizontal active earth pressur for
= 0.293
Inclined wall portion kah
Coefficient of horizontal active earth pressur for
= 0.279
straight wall portion kah
Coefficient of vertical active earth pressur for Inclined
= 0.124
Coefficient of vertical active earth pressur for straight
= 0.102
Coefficient of passive earth pressure kp = 5.737

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1.2 Section of Wing Wall (Showing Dimensions) for Total Height 5.6 m.

Wall Top Level = 105.600 m

Back Fill 3.600


Ground level = 102.000 m
Back Fill

1.400 1.700

10 2.000

A 11 A
4 0.300
Heel 0.600 Toe
0.300 3 5 0.300 Founding Level = 100.000

1.800 0.550 1.450 O


*All dimensions are in Metre.

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1.3.1 Calculation of Forces & moments due to Dead Wt. & Vertical Forces

Distance of Vertical Moment

2 Remarks
Section Area No. Load Factor Area (m ) C.G. from "O" Force about "O"
(m) (Kn/m) (Kn-m)/m
1 1.0 2.13 1.67 53.13 88.65
2 1.0 0.27 2.60 6.75 17.55
3 1.0 0.54 2.90 13.50 39.15
RCC Wall
4 1.0 0.22 0.97 5.44 5.26
5 1.0 0.44 0.73 10.88 7.88
For area no.
6 1.0 0.33 1.73 8.25 14.23
refer Section
7 1.0 9.00 2.90 180.00 522.00
1.2 Sketch
Back Fill 8 1.0 0.63 1.92 12.50 23.96
9 1.0 0.27 3.20 5.40 17.28
10 1.0 2.03 0.73 40.60 29.44
Passive Soil
11 1.0 0.22 0.48 4.35 2.10
Live load
0.0 1.80 2.90 0.00 0.00

Total 340.79 767.49 (Kn-m)/m

1.3.2 Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces

Lateral Lever arm
Type of force Load Factor about "O" Unit
Force (Kn) about O
(Kn-m)/m `
Minimum Pressure due to
Fluid as per Cl 710.1.3 of 1.0 26.9 2.80 75.26 (Kn-m)/m
IRC 78 : 2014
Active Earth pressure due
to back fill as per IRC 06 : 1.0 92.0 2.35 216.37 (Kn-m)/m
Maximum of two values 92.0 216.37 (Kn-m)/m
Earth pressure due to live
load surcharge as per IRC 1.0 39.4 2.80 110.39 (Kn-m)/m
06 : 2016

Total 326.76 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as
1.0 -68.85 0.67 -45.90
per IRC 06 : 2016
Total 280.86 (Kn-m)/m

(The Earth Fill on Passive side is Protected by road Crust which is not suseptible to scour, but for conservative
approach only 30 % of Passive soil resistance is considered in design.

1.3.3 Check for Overturning (LWL) condition

Total restoring moment (only due to dead

= 813.39 (Kn-m)/m
Total overturning moment = 326.76 (Kn-m)/m

Factor of safety against overturning = 2.49 > 2.0


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1.3.4 Check for Sliding (LWL) condition

(i) Lateral force causes sliding = 131.4 Kn

(ii) Resistive force against sliding

a) Passive force = -68.85 Kn

b) Base Friction = -170.39 Kn

Total Resistive Force = -239.24 Kn

Factor of safety against Sliding = 1.82 > 1.5


1.3.5 Calculation of Base pressure (LWL) condition

Lever arm
Vertical Moment
Section Area No. about center Unit
load(Kn/m) (Kn-m)/m
of base slab
1 53.13 -0.23 -12.29
2 6.75 0.70 4.73
3 13.50 1.00 13.50
RCC Wing Wall
4 5.44 -0.93 -5.08
5 10.88 -1.18 -12.78
6 8.25 -0.18 -1.44
7 180.00 1.00 180.00
Back Fill Earth 8 12.50 0.02 0.21
9 5.40 1.30 7.02
10 40.60 -1.18 -47.71
Earth Fill (Passive Side)
11 4.35 -1.42 -6.16
Live load surcharge 12 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 120.00 (Kn-m)/m

Moment due to lateral force about center = 280.86 (kn-m)/m

Moment due to dead wt. about center = -120.00 (kn-m)/m
Net Longitudnal moment = 160.87 (kn-m)/m

Actual ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.47 m

Allowable ecentricity of vertical force at = 0.63 m > 0.47m OK

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Base pressure at Toe end = 156.52 < 160.00 Kn/m2 OK
Base pressure at Heel end = 22.84 > 0.00 Kn/m OK

Heel Toe

1.80 1.45


86.16 105.51

Base pressure at junction of Stem with Toe slab = 105.51 Kn/m
Base pressure at junction of Stem with Heel slab = 86.16 Kn/m

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1.4.1 Calculation of Forces & moments due to Dead Wt. & Vertical Forces

Distance of Vertical Moment

Section Area No. Load Factor Area (m ) C.G. from Force about "O" Remarks
"O" (m) (Kn/m) (Kn-m)/m
1 1.0 2.13 1.67 31.88 53.19
2 1.0 0.27 2.60 4.05 10.53
3 1.0 0.54 2.90 8.10 23.49
RCC Wall
4 1.0 0.22 0.97 3.26 3.15
5 1.0 0.44 0.73 6.53 4.73
6 1.0 0.33 1.73 4.95 8.54 For area no.
7 1.0 9.00 2.90 90.00 261.00 refer sketch
Back Fill 8 1.0 0.63 1.92 6.25 11.98 (showing
9 1.0 0.27 3.20 2.70 8.64 dimensions)
10 1.0 2.03 0.73 20.30 14.72
Passive Soil
11 1.0 0.22 0.48 2.18 1.05
Live load
12 0.0 1.80 2.90 0.00 0.00

Total 180.19 401.02 (Kn-m)/m

1.4.2 Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces

Lateral Lever arm
Type of force Load Factor about "O" Unit
Force (KN) about O
(Kn-m)/m `
Minimum Pressure due to
Fluid as per Cl 710.1.3 of 1.0 26.9 2.80 75.26 (Kn-m)/m
IRC 78 : 2014
Active Earth pressure due
to back fill as per IRC 06 : 1.0 46.0 1.85 85.00 (Kn-m)/m
Maximum of two values 46.0 85.00 (Kn-m)/m
Earth pressure due to live
load surcharge as per IRC 1.0 19.7 2.80 55.20 (Kn-m)/m
06 : 2016

Total 140.20 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as
-34.42 0.67 -22.95
per IRC 06 : 2016
Total 117.25 (Kn-m)/m

1.4.3 Check for Overturning (HFL) condition

Total restoring moment (only due to dead = 423.97 (KN-M)/m

Total overturning moment = 140.20 (KN-M)/m
Factor of safety
against = 3.02 > 2.0

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1.4.4 Check for Sliding (HFL) condition

(i) Lateral force causes sliding = 65.7 KN

(ii) Resistive force against sliding

a) Passive force = -34.42 KN

b) Base Friction = -90.09 KN

Total Resistive Force = -124.52 KN

Factor of safety against Sliding = 1.89 > 1.5


1.4.5 Calculation of Base pressure (HFL) condition

Moment (Kn-
Section Area No. load(Kn/m Lever arm Unit
) about center
1 31.88 -0.23 -7.38
2 4.05 0.70 2.84
3 8.10 1.00 8.10
RCC Wing Wall
4 3.26 -0.93 -3.05
5 6.53 -1.18 -7.67
6 4.95 -0.18 -0.87
7 90.00 1.00 90.00
Back Fill Earth 8 6.25 0.02 0.10
9 2.70 1.30 3.51
10 20.30 -1.18 -23.85
Earth Fill (Passive Side)
11 2.18 -1.42 -3.08
Live load surcharge 12 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 180.19 58.66 (Kn-m)/m

Moment due to lateral force about center = 117.25 (kn-m)/m

Moment due to dead wt. about center = -58.66 (kn-m)/m
Net Longitudnal moment = 58.59 (kn-m)/m

Actual ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.33 m

Allowable ecentricity of vertical force at = 0.63 m > 0.33m OK

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Base pressure at Toe end = 71.76 < 96.00 Kn/m2 OK
Base pressure at Heel end = 23.07 > 0.00 Kn/m OK

Heel Toe

1.8 1.45


46.14 53.18

Base pressure at junction of Stem with Toe slab = 53.18 kN/m
Base pressure at junction of Stem with Heel slab = 46.14 kN/m

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As per IRC 6 : 2016, Clause 219

Feq = Seismic Force to be resisted

Feq = Ah X ( Dead load + Live load )

Ah = horizontal seismic co-efficient

For Design Based Earthquake

𝑍 𝐼/𝑅 𝑆_𝑎/𝑔
Ah = X X

Seismic Zone IV
Zone factor Z = 0.24
Importance Factor I = 1.20
Response Reduction factor = 2.50
(as per Table 3 of IS 1893 : 2014)

Sa / g = Average response acceleration co-efficient

= 2.5 (Note of clause 219.5.1)

Ah = 0.24 X 1.2 X 2.5 = 0.144

2 X 2.5

Av = Vertical Seismic Co-efficient

= 2/3 of Ah = 0.096 ( Clause 219.3 )

Hence Horizontal and Vertical Seismic Co-efficicent for substructure

Ah = 0.144
Av = 0.096

Horizontal and Vertical Seismic Co-efficicent for foundation shall be 1.25 times the forces transmitted to it by

Ah = 0.180
Av = 0.120 ( Clause 219.8 )

1.5.1 Calculation of Dynamic increment in Active Earth pressure cofficient "

[1/〖1+ {(𝑆𝑖𝑛 ( 𝜙+ 𝛿 ) 𝑆𝑖𝑛 ( 𝜙 − 𝛽 − 𝜆))/(𝐶𝑜𝑠 (

(〖𝐶𝑜𝑠〗^2 (𝜙− 𝜆 − 𝛼 ) (1± 𝛼_𝑣))/(
Ca = X 𝛼 − 𝛽 ) 𝐶𝑜𝑠 (𝛿+ 𝛼+ 𝜆))}〗^(1/2) ]^2

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αh Horizontal seismic co-efficient = 0.144

αv vertical seismic co-efficient = 0.096
φ angle of internal friction = 30.00 degrees

tan -1 𝛼 = 0.131
_ℎ/(1± 𝛼_𝑣 = 0.158

β slope of earthfill = 0.00 degrees

δ angle of friction between wall and earthfill = 20.00 degrees
α angle which earth face of the wall makes with the vertical = 2.862 degrees

Ca = 0.419
Horiz. 0.373 Max. value of Ca is adopted.

Ca = 0.177
Vertical 0.154

Kah = 0.293
Kav = 0.124

Dynamic increment in active earth

pressure cofficient (Horizontal direction) 0.419 - 0.293 = 0.126

Dynamic increment in active earth 0.177 - 0.124 = 0.053

pressure cofficient (Vertical direction) Cav

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1.6.1 Calculation of Forces & moments due to Vertical Forces

Horizontal Seismic Co-efficient (Ah) = 0.144

Vertical Seismic Co-efficient (Av) = 0.096
Cofficient of active pressure (ka ) = 0.293

Dynamic Increment (horizontal direction) _ C ah = 0.126

Dynamic Increment (Vertical direction) _ C av = 0.053

Horizontal Moment Horizontal
Vertical Vertical Moment
Distance about "O" seismic
Load Area Force Distance about "O"
Section Area No. of C.G. due to Force
Factor (m2) (Kn/m) from"O" due to
from "O" Vertical (Kn/m) Fh=
(Fv) (m) horizontal
(m) force (Fv*Ah)
1 1.0 2.13 1.67 53.13 88.65 7.65 1.09 8.34
2 1.0 0.27 2.60 6.75 17.55 0.97 0.40 0.39
3 1.0 0.54 2.90 13.50 39.15 1.94 0.15 0.29
RCC Wall
4 1.0 0.22 0.97 5.44 5.26 0.78 0.40 0.31
5 1.0 0.44 0.73 10.88 7.88 1.57 0.15 0.23
6 1.0 0.33 1.73 8.25 14.23 1.19 0.30 0.36
7 1.0 9.00 2.90 180.00 522.00 - - -
Back Fill 8 1.0 0.63 1.92 12.50 23.96 - - -
9 1.0 0.27 3.20 5.40 17.28 - - -
10 1.0 2.03 0.73 40.60 29.44 - - -
Passive Soil
11 1.0 0.22 0.48 4.35 2.10 - - -
Live load
12 0.0 1.80 2.90 0.00 0.00
surcharge - - -

Total 340.79 767.49 14.10 9.92

Vertical Seismic Load

Seismic Load in Downward direction (Av * Fv + Cav * Fv soil) = 45.57 Kn/m

Seismic Load in Upward direction = -45.57 Kn/m

Moment Due to Vertical Down ward seismic Load about "O" = 105.17 Kn-m/m
Moment Due to Vertical Up ward seismic Load about "O" = -105.17 Kn-m/m

Total Vertical load downward seismic case = 386.36 Kn/m

Total Vertical load upward seismic case = 295.22 Kn/m

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1.6.2 Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces

Lateral Lever arm

Type of force Load Factor Moment (Kn-m)/m Unit
Force (KN) about O

Active Earth pressure due

to back fill as per IRC 06 : 1.0 91.99 2.35 216.37
2016 _ (Static)
Dynamic Active Earth
Pressure as per Cl. 214.1.2 1.0 39.37 2.80 110.25
of IRC 06 : 2016

Earth pressure due to live

load surcharge as per IRC 0.2 7.89 2.80 22.08
06 : 2016 (Static)

Dynamic Earth pressure

0.2 3.37 3.70 12.47
due to live load surcharge

Horizontal Seismic Force

due dead load of RCC 1.0 14.10 9.92

Total 371.09 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as
1.0 -68.85 0.67 -45.90
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 325.19 (Kn-m)/m

Note: In Case of Dynamic increment the point of action for earth pressure due earth fill will be 0.5 * H & live load
surcharge will be 0.66 * H. Where "H" is the total Height of Wing Wall.

1.6.3 Check for Overturning (Seismic Condition)

a) Vertical Seismic in Downward direction

Total restoring moment (Due to dead wt. + Seismic) = 799.04 (Kn-m)/m

(excluding passive force)

Total overturning moment = 371.09 (Kn-m)/m

Factor of safety against overturning = 2.15 > 1.50


b) Vertical Seismic in Upward direction

Total restoring moment (Due to dead wt. + Seismic) = 735.94 (Kn-m)/m

(excluding passive force)

Total overturning moment = 371.09 (Kn-m)/m

Factor of safety against overturning = 1.98 > 1.50


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1.6.4 Check for Sliding (Seismic Condition)

a) Vertical Seismic in Downward direction

(i) Lateral force causes sliding = 156.7 Kn/m

(ii) Resistive force against sliding

a) Passive force = -68.85 Kn/m

b) Base Friction = -177.23 Kn/m

Total Resistive Force = -246.08 Kn/m

Factor of safety against Sliding = 1.57 > 1.25


b) Vertical Seismic in Upward direction

(i) Lateral force causes sliding = 156.7 Kn/m

(ii) Resistive force against sliding

a) Passive force = -68.85 Kn/m

b) Base Friction = -163.56 Kn/m

Total Resistive Force = -232.40 Kn/m

Factor of safety against Sliding = 1.48 > 1.25


1.6.5 Calculation of Base pressure (Downward Seismic Case)

Total Vertical load Lever arm
Vertical (Kn-m)/m
Section Area No. including vertical about Unit
load(Kn/m) about
Seismic (Kn/m) center
1 53.13 54.66 -0.23 -12.65
2 6.75 6.94 0.70 4.86
3 13.50 13.89 1.00 13.89
RCC Wall
4 5.44 5.59 -0.93 -5.22
5 10.88 11.19 -1.18 -13.15
6 8.25 8.49 -0.18 -1.49
7 180.00 182.86 1.00 182.86
Back Fill 8 12.50 12.70 0.02 0.21
9 5.40 5.49 1.30 7.13
10 40.60 41.24 -1.18 -48.46
Passive Soil
11 4.35 4.42 -1.42 -6.26
Live load
0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
surcharge 12

Total 340.79 347.46 121.73 (Kn-m)/m

Total 340.79 347.46 121.73 (Kn-m)/m

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Moment due to lateral force about center = 325.19 (kn-m)/m
Net Longitudnal moment about center = 203.46 (kn-m)/m

Actual ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.60 m

Allowable ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.63 m > 0.6m OK

Base pressure at Toe end = 177.64 < 190.00 Kn/m2 OK

Base pressure at Heel end = 5.24 > 0.00 Kn/m2 OK

Heel Toe

1.8 1.45


86.90 111.85

Base pressure at junction of Stem with Toe slab = 111.85 kN/m
Base pressure at junction of Stem with Heel slab = 86.90 kN/m

1.6.6 Calculation of Base pressure (Upward Seismic Case)

Total Vertical load Lever arm
Vertical (Kn-m)/m
Section Area No. including vertical about Unit
load(Kn/m) about
Seismic (Kn/m) center
1 53.13 51.60 -0.23 -11.94
2 6.75 6.56 0.70 4.59
3 13.50 13.11 1.00 13.11
RCC Wall
4 5.44 5.28 -0.93 -4.93
5 10.88 10.56 -1.18 -12.41
6 8.25 8.01 -0.18 -1.40
7 180.00 177.14 1.00 177.14
Back Fill 8 12.50 12.30 0.02 0.21
9 5.40 5.31 1.30 6.91
10 40.60 39.96 -1.18 -46.95
Passive Soil
11 4.35 4.28 -1.42 -6.06
Live load
12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 334.11 118.26 (Kn-m)/m

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Total 340.79 334.11 118.26 (Kn-m)/m

Moment due to lateral force about center = 325.19 (kn-m)/m

Net Longitudnal moment = 206.93 (kn-m)/m

Actual ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.61 m

Allowable ecentricity of vertical force at base = 0.63 m > 0.61m OK

Base pressure at Toe end = 137.78 < 190.00 Kn/m2 OK

Base pressure at Heel end = 2.90 > 0.00 Kn/m2 OK

Heel Toe

1.8 1.45



66.79 86.31

Base pressure at junction of Stem with Toe slab = 86.31 kN/m
Base pressure at junction of Stem with Heel slab = 66.79 kN/m

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1.7 Load Calculation For Wing Wall Foundation Design

1.7.1 Combination for design of Foundation ( ULS )

Forces and moment are calculated at foundation level

Following load combination are considered as per Table B-4 of IRC 06 : 2016

1) Normal Case 2) Seismic combination

a) Load Combination -1
b) Load Combination -2

1.7.2 Load Combination for Normal Case

a) Load Combination -1

Factored Factored
Vertical Lever arm Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor Unit
load about center about
(Kn/m) Center
1 1.35 71.72 -0.23 -22.40
2 1.35 9.11 0.70 6.38
3 1.35 18.23 1.00 18.23
RCC Wall
4 1.35 7.34 -0.93 -6.85
5 1.35 14.68 -1.18 -17.25
6 1.35 11.14 -0.18 -1.95
7 1.35 243.00 1.00 243.00
Back Fill 8 1.35 16.88 0.02 0.28
9 1.35 7.29 1.30 9.48
10 1.35 54.81 -1.18 -64.40
Passive Soil
11 1.35 5.87 -1.42 -8.32
Live load
12 1.20 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 460.06 156.19 (Kn-m/m)

Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Combination-1)

Factored Factored
Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force about center about
(Kn/m) Center

Earth pressure due to back

1.50 138.0 2.4 324.6
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016

Earth pressure due to live

load surcharge as per IRC 1.20 47.3 2.8 132.5
06 : 2016

Total 457.02 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as

1.00 -68.85 0.67 -45.9
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 411.12 (Kn-m/m)

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Factored moment due to lateral force about center = 411.12 (Kn-m)/m
Net Factored Longitudnal moment = 254.94 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.55 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 227.00 KN/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = 15.14 KN/m2

b) Load Combination -2

Factored Factored
Vertical Lever arm Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor Unit
load about center about
(Kn/m) Center
1 1.00 53.13 -0.23 -12.29
2 1.00 6.75 0.70 4.73
3 1.00 13.50 1.00 13.50
RCC Wall
4 1.00 5.44 -0.93 -5.08
5 1.00 10.88 -1.18 -12.78
6 1.00 8.25 -0.18 -1.44
7 1.00 180.00 1.00 180.00
Back Fill 8 1.00 12.50 0.02 0.21
9 1.00 5.40 1.30 7.02
10 1.00 40.60 -1.18 -47.71
Passive Soil
11 1.00 4.35 -1.42 -6.16
Live load
12 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 120.00 (Kn-m/m)

Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Combination-2)

Factored Factored
Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force about center about
(Kn/m) Center

Earth pressure due to back

1.30 119.6 2.4 281.3
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live
load surcharge as per IRC 1.00 39.4 2.8 110.4
06 : 2016

Total 391.67 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as

0.85 -58.52 0.67 -39.0
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 352.66 (Kn-m/m)

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Factored moment due to lateral force about center = 352.66 (kn-m)/m
Net Factored Longitudnal moment = 232.66 (kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.68 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 186.35 KN/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = -6.99 KN/m2

1.7.3 Load Combination for Seismic Case

Seismic load factor as per IRC : 6 = 1.50

Factored Horizontal seismic coefficient (Ah) _ For foundation = 0.270
Factored Vertical seismic coefficient (Av) _ For foundation = 0.180

Dynamic Increment (horizontal direction) _ Cah = 0.126

Dynamic Increment (Vertical direction) _ Cav = 0.053

Vertical Factored
Factored Lever arm
load Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor Vertical load about Unit
(Kn/m) about
(Kn/m) center
(Fv) Center
1 1.35 53.13 71.72 -0.23 -16.59
2 1.35 6.75 9.11 0.70 6.38
3 1.35 13.50 18.23 1.00 18.23
RCC Wall
4 1.35 5.44 7.34 -0.93 -6.85
5 1.35 10.88 14.68 -1.18 -17.25
6 1.35 8.25 11.14 -0.18 -1.95
7 1.35 180.00 243.00 1.00 243.00
Back Fill 8 1.35 12.50 16.88 0.02 0.28
9 1.35 5.40 7.29 1.30 9.48
10 1.35 40.60 54.81 -1.18 -64.40
Passive Soil
11 1.35 4.35 5.87 -1.42 -8.32
Live load
12 0.20 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 460.06 162.00 (Kn-m)/m

Total 340.79 460.06 162.00 (Kn-m)/m

Factored Seismic Load in Downward direction (Av * Fv + Cav * Fv soil) = 74.20 Kn/m
Factored Seismic Load in Upward direction = -74.20 Kn/m

Factored Moment Due to Vertical downward seismic Load about = 38.69 Kn-m/m
Factored Moment Due to Vertical upward seismic Load about center = -38.69 Kn-m/m

Total Factored Vertical load downward seismic case = 534.26 Kn/m

Total Factored Vertical load upward seismic case = 385.87 Kn/m

Page 20 of 51 Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Seismic Combination)

Factored Factored
Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force about center about
(Kn/m) Center
Earth pressure due to back
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016 _ 1.00 92.0 2.4 216.37 (Kn-m/m)
Dynamic Active Earth
Pressure as per Cl. 214.1.2 of 1.50 59.1 2.8 165.37 (Kn-m/m)
IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live
load surcharge as per IRC 0.20 7.9 2.8 22.08 (Kn-m/m)
06 : 2016 (Static)
Dynamic Earth pressure due
0.20 3.4 3.7 12.47 (Kn-m/m)
to live load surcharge
Horizontal Seismic Force
due dead load of RCC 1.50 26.4 18.61 (Kn-m/m)

Total 434.90 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as

1.00 -68.85 0.67 -45.90
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 389.00 (Kn-m/m)

a) Vertical Seismic in Downward direction

Factored Moment due to lateral force about center = 389.00 (Kn-m)/m

Net factored Longitudnal moment = 350.31 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.66 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 286.15 Kn/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = -4.96 Kn/m2

b) Vertical Seismic in Upward direction

Factored Moment due to lateral force about center = 389.00 (Kn-m)/m

Net factored Longitudnal moment = 427.69 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 1.11 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 279.25 Kn/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = -76.17 Kn/m2

Page 21 of 51
1.7.4 Combination for design of Foundation ( SLS )

Forces and moment are calculated at foundation level

Following load combination are considered as per Table B-3 of IRC 06 : 2016

1) Rare Combination
2) Frequent Combination
3) Quasi-Permanent Combination

1.7.5 Rare Combination

Lever arm Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor load Unit
about center about
1 1.00 53.13 -0.23 -12.29
2 1.00 6.75 0.70 4.73
3 1.00 13.50 1.00 13.50
RCC Wall
4 1.00 5.44 -0.93 -5.08
5 1.00 10.88 -1.18 -12.78
6 1.00 8.25 -0.18 -1.44
7 1.00 180.00 1.00 180.00
Earth Fill 8 1.00 12.50 0.02 0.21
9 1.00 5.40 1.30 7.02
10 1.00 40.60 -1.18 -47.71
Passive Soil
11 1.00 4.35 -1.42 -6.16
Live load
12 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 120.00 (Kn-m/m) Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Rare Combination)

Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force (KN) about center about
Earth pressure due to back
1.00 92.0 2.35 216.4 (Kn-m/m)
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016

Earth pressure due to live

load surcharge as per IRC 0.80 39.4 2.80 110.4 (Kn-m/m)
06 : 2016

Total 326.76 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as
1.00 -68.85 0.67 -45.9
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 280.86 (Kn-m/m)

Page 22 of 51
Moment due to lateral force about center = 280.86 (Kn-m)/m
Net Longitudnal moment = 160.87 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.47 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 156.52 Kn/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = 22.84 Kn/m2

1.7.6 Frequent Combination

Lever arm Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor load Unit
about center about
1 1.00 53.13 -0.23 -12.29
2 1.00 6.75 0.70 4.73
3 1.00 13.50 1.00 13.50
RCC Wall
4 1.00 5.44 -0.93 -5.08
5 1.00 10.88 -1.18 -12.78
6 1.00 8.25 -0.18 -1.44
7 1.00 180.00 1.00 180.00
Earth Fill 8 1.00 12.50 0.02 0.21
9 1.00 5.40 1.30 7.02
10 1.00 40.60 -1.18 -47.71
Passive Soil
11 1.00 4.35 -1.42 -6.16
Live load
12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 120.00 (Kn-m/m) Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Frequent Combination)

Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force (KN) about center about
Earth pressure due to back
1.00 92.0 2.4 216.4 (Kn-m/m)
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016

Earth pressure due to live

load surcharge as per IRC 0.80 39.4 2.8 88.3 (Kn-m/m)
06 : 2016

Total 304.68 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as
1.00 -68.85 0.67 -45.9
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 258.78 (Kn-m/m)

Factored Moment due to lateral force about center = 258.78 (Kn-m)/m

Net factored Longitudnal moment = 138.79 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.41 m

Page 23 of 51
Factored base pressure at Toe end = 147.35 Kn/m2
Factored base pressure at Heel end = 32.01 Kn/m2

1.7.7 Quasi-permanent combination

Lever arm Moment
Section Area No. Load Factor load Unit
about center about
1 1.00 53.13 -0.23 -12.29
2 1.00 6.75 0.70 4.73
3 1.00 13.50 1.00 13.50
RCC Wall
4 1.00 5.44 -0.93 -5.08
5 1.00 10.88 -1.18 -12.78
6 1.00 8.25 -0.18 -1.44
7 1.00 180.00 1.00 180.00
Earth Fill 8 1.00 12.50 0.02 0.21
9 1.00 5.40 1.30 7.02
10 1.00 40.60 -1.18 -47.71
Passive Soil
11 1.00 4.35 -1.42 -6.16
Live load
12 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Total 340.79 120.00 (Kn-m/m) Calculation of moments due to Lateral Forces (Quasi-perma. combination)

Lateral Lever arm Moment
Type of force Load Factor Unit
Force (KN) about center about
Earth pressure due to back
1.00 92.0 2.4 216.4 (Kn-m/m)
fill as per IRC 06 : 2016

Earth pressure due to live

load surcharge as per IRC 0.00 39.4 2.8 0.0 (Kn-m/m)
06 : 2016

Total 216.37 (Kn-m/m)

Passive Earth pressure as
0.00 -68.85 0.67 0.0
per IRC 06 : 2016

Total 216.37 (Kn-m/m)

Factored Moment due to lateral force about center = 216.37 (Kn-m)/m

Net factored Longitudnal moment = 96.37 (Kn-m)/m
Ecentricity in longitudnal direction = 0.28 m

Factored base pressure at Toe end = 129.72 Kn/m2

Factored base pressure at Heel end = 49.64 Kn/m2

Page 24 of 51

1.8.1 Verification of Structural Strength :

Maximum Factored base pressure (Combination-1) = 227.00 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Combination-1) = 15.14 KN/m @ Heel end

Maximum Factored base pressure (Seismic = 286.15 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Seismic = 4.96 KN/m @ Heel end

Sketch showing dimension of

foundation and base pressure
from foundation soil

Heel Toe

0.3 0.600 0.3

1.800 0.550 1.450


15.14 Kn/m
/ 4.96 Kn/m2 227.00 Kn/m

/ 286.15 Kn/m

1.8.2 Calculation of moment and shear force at critical sections of Toe slab for ULS combinations

Description Combination-1 Unit
Factored base Pressure at Junction of stem & Toe
146.16 178.86 Kn/m2

Factored base Pressure at deff from junction of stem 174.98 217.11 Kn/m2
& Toe slab

Downward pressure due to water (if any) 0.00 0.00 Kn/m2

Downward pressure due to earth fill_(passive side) 9.30 9.30 Kn/m2
Downward pressure due to dead wt. of toe slab 15.19 15.19 Kn/m2

Resultant factored pressure at Junction of stem &

Toe slab
121.67 154.37 Kn/m2
Resultant factored pressure at toe end 202.51 261.67 Kn/m2
Resultant factored base pressure at deff from
150.49 192.63 Kn/m2
junction of stem & Toe slab

Factored Moment @ Junction of stem & Toe slab 184.56 237.48 Kn-m
Factored Shear force @ deff from Junction of stem
164.68 211.93 Kn
& Toe slab

Page 25 of 51
1.8.3 Verification of Structural Strength : Ultimate Limit State

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Design Concrete compressive strength for ULS as per Cl., IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Combination - 1
fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Combination - 2
fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Seismic Combination

Ec = 32000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500 N/mm2

Design Yeild strength of Untensioned Reinforcement as per clause 6.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Combination - 1
fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Combination - 2
fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Seismic Combination

As per Parabolic- Rectangular Stess block of = fcd *b*(3/7xu + 2/3*4/7xu)

concrete Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) 17/21*fcd*b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.416*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

Description Combination -1 Unit
Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & Toe
184.6 237.5 Kn-m
slab (Mu)
Width of section (b) 1000 1000 mm
Overall depth of section at Junction of stem & Toe 600.0 600.0 mm
slab (D)
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75 75.0 mm
Effective depth(d) 517.0 517.0 mm
xu from compression face 28.9 37.4 mm
fcd 15.6 15.6 N/mm2
fyd 434.8 434.8 N/mm2
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 840.6 1089.3 mm2
Minimum steel required (0.13bd%) 672.1 672.1 mm2

Ast required 840.6 1089.3 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12.0 12.0 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.0 200.0 mm

Ast provided 1570.8 1570.8 mm2


Page 26 of 51
Pt (%) provided 0.262% 0.262%
Maximum Steel Limit as per Cl 16.5.1 of IRC 112 :
2.500% 2.500%

Distrubtion steel
Dia of Bar provided 10.0 10.0 mm
Spacing of bars 200.0 200.0 mm
Ast required (IRC : 112 , CL 314.2 314.2 2
Ast provided 392.7 392.7 mm

Steel on other Face ( SP : 34 ,Cl. 8.5)

Dia of Bar provided 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Asc required 392.7 392.7 mm2
Asc provided 1005.3 1005.3 mm

Check for Shear _ Toe Slab Combination -1 Unit

Factored shear force _ (Ved) @ deff from Junction

164.7 211.9 Kn
of stem & Toe slab
Depth of section at critical point 493.0 493.0 mm
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.2 of IRC :112-2010
K = 1+Sqrt(200/d) <= 2.0 1.6 1.6
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.3 of IRC :112-2010
3/2 1/2
vmin = 0.031 K fck 0.384 0.384
cl. 10.3.1 of IRC :112-2011
p1 = Asl/(bw d) <= 0.02 0.003 0.003
0.12* K *(80* p1* fck )0.33 0.404 0.404
Axial compressive force NEd (Kn) 0.0 0.0
σcp = NEd / Ac < 0.2 fcd 0.0 0.0
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.1 of IRC :112-2010
VRd.c= [0.12*K*(80*p1 *fck )0.33 + 0.15*σcp]*b*d 199.4 199.4 Kn
No shear
Provide shear

cl. 10.3.2(5) Eq. 10.6 of IRC :112-2010

v = 0.6 ( 1 - fck / 310) 0.532 0.532
cl. 10.3.2(5) Eq. 10.5 of IRC :112-2011
0.5* bw d *v *fcd 2151.0 2151.0
VED < 0.5* bw d *v *fcd OK OK
Actual shear stress 0.319 0.410 N/mm2
cl. 10.33.2 Eq. 10.7 of IRC :112-2011
VRds = αcw*bw*z*v1*fcd/(cotθ + tanθ)
Equating VNS to VRds
αcw 1.0 1.0
θ =0.5*sin (2*actual stress /αcw/v1/fcd) 21.8 21.8
Dia of links-1 8.0 8.0 mm
No. of links for shear reinforcement 2.0 2.0

Page 27 of 51
Spacing ( S) 200.0 200.0 mm
Area of shear R/F (Asw1) 100.5 100.5 mm

Dia of links-2 10.0 10.0 mm

No. of links for shear reinforcement 0.0 0.0
Spacing ( S) 200.0 200.0 mm
Area of shear R/F (Asw2) 0.0 0.0 mm
Total area of shear reinforcement provided (Asw) 100.5 100.5 mm2
cl. 16.5.2(7) Eq. 16.6 of IRC :112-2011
Sl.max= 0.75*d 387.8 387.8 mm
Ok Ok
cl. 16.5.2(9) Eq. 16.8 of IRC :112-2011
Strans.max= 0.75*d <= 600mm 387.8 387.8 mm
Strans. provided 300.0 300.0 mm
Ok Ok
Z = 0.9*d 465.3 465.3 mm
Fywd 434.8 434.8 N/mm
cl. Eq. 10.7 of IRC :112-2011
VRds = Asw * z * fywd / S 254.2 254.2 Kn
cl. Eq. 10.8 of IRC :112-2011
VRd.max = αcw * bw * z * v1 * fcd 3871.7 3871.7 Kn
Ok Ok
cl. Eq. 10.10 of IRC :112-2011
Asw.max <= 0.5*αcw*v1*fcd*bw*S/ fywd 1913.8 1913.8 mm2

Page 28 of 51
1.8.4 Verification of Serviceblity Limit State :

Maximum Factored base pressure (Rare = 156.52 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Rare = 22.84 KN/m @ Heel end

Maximum Factored base pressure (Quasi- = 129.72 KN/m @ Toe end
Permanent Combination)
Minimum Factored base pressure (Quasi- = 49.64 KN/m @ Heel end
Permanent Combination)

Sketch showing dimension of

foundation and base pressure
from foundation soil

Heel Toe

0.300 0.600
1.800 0.550 1.450
22.84 Kn/m
/ 49.64 Kn/m2 156.52 Kn/m

/ 129.72 Kn/m

1.8.5 Calculation of moment and shear force at critical sections of Toe slab for SLS combinations

Description Rare Combination Unit

Factored base Pressure at Junction of stem & Toe 105.51 99.16 Kn/m2
Factored base Pressure at deff from junction of stem 123.70 110.06 2
& Toe slab

Downward pressure due to water (if any) 0.00 0.00 Kn/m2

Downward pressure due to earth fill_(passive side) 9.30 9.30 Kn/m2
Downward pressure due to dead wt. of toe slab 11.25 11.25 Kn/m2

Resultant factored pressure at Junction of stem &

Toe slab
84.96 78.61 Kn/m2

Resultant factored pressure at toe end 135.97 109.17 Kn/m2

Resultant factored base pressure at deff from
103.15 89.51 Kn/m2
junction of stem & Toe slab

Factored Moment @ Junction of stem & Toe slab 125.07 104.06 Kn-m
Factored Shear force @ deff from Junction of stem
111.55 92.69 Kn
& Toe slab

Page 29 of 51
1.8.6 Verification of Seviceblity Limit State :

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Allowable compressive stress in concrete for SLS as per clause 12.2.1, IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fcd = 12.60 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Ec = 32000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500.00 N/mm2

Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement as per clause 12.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Es = 2.00E+05 Mpa

Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) = 0.5*fcd *b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.33*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

Rare Combination Frequent Combination Quasi-Permanent

xu lim/d 0.58 0.58 0.58
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd 3.96 3.96 2.97

Description Rare Combination Unit

Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & Toe 125.07 104.06 Kn-m
slab (Mu)
Width of section (b) 1000.00 1000.00 mm
Overall depth of section at Junction of stem & Toe 600.00 600.00 mm
slab (D)
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75.00 75.00 mm
Effective depth(d) 517.00 517.00 mm
xu from compression face 29.35 32.64 mm
xu/d 0.06 0.06
xu lim/d 0.58 0.58
fcd 16.80 16.80 N/mm2
fyd 400.00 400.00 N/mm2
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd2 3.96 2.97
Mu, lim 1057.60 793.20 Kn-m

Page 30 of 51
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 616.32 513.90 2
672.10 672.10 2
Minimum steel required(0.13bd%) mm

Ast required 672.10 672.10 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16 16 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12 12 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Ast provided 1570.80 1570.80 mm2

392.70 392.70 2
Area of steel required in compression mm
Dia of Bar (main Compression) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Asc Provided 1005.31 1005.31 mm2

Factored Moment at Junction of stem & Toe slab (Mu) 104.06 Kn-m
Grade of Concrete _ (fck) 35.00 Mpa
Modulus of elascticity _ (Es) 200000.00 Mpa
(Ec,eff) _ as per Eq. A2-5 of IRC 112 : 2011 32308.25 Mpa
Modular Ration _ (αe) 6.19

Total Depth of Section _ (h) 600.00 mm

Effective Depth of Section _ (d) 517.00 mm
Depth of Neutral Axis (xu) from compression face 32.64 mm
Width of section _ (b) 1000.00 mm
Clear Cover _ (c) as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 50.00 mm

Area of Steel Provided _ (As) 1570.80 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16 mm
No. of Main Bar provided per meter width _ (n1) 5
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12 mm
No. of Curtailed Bar provided per meter width _ (n2) 5
Effective spacing between bars 100.00 mm
Øeq = (n1*Ø12 + n2*Ø22)/(n1*Ø1 + n2*Ø2) _ as per Eq. 12.9 14 mm

Cofficient for Bond properties of the Bonded Reinf. _ (K1) 0.80

Cofficient for distribution of strain _ (K2) 0.50
Factor dependent on the duration of the load _ (Kt) 0.50

(hc,eff) _ Lesser of ( 2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2 ) 189.12 mm

Ac,eff = h c,eff * b 189121 mm2
(ρp,eff = As/Ac,eff) _ as per Eq. 12.7 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.0083

( 3.4*c + 0.425*K1*K2*Øeq/ PP,eff ) as per Eq. 12.8

Sr, max = 456.55 mm
as Effective Spacing is less than 5(c+φ/2)

Page 31 of 51
Cracked Moment of Inertia (In steel units) _ (I) =
370394440.45 mm4
(1/3)*(Eceff*b*dc3/Es) + As*( d-dc )2
Stress in tension Reinforcement _ (σsc ) = (MED/Zs) 136.08 Mpa
(Fctm) _ as per Eq. A2-2 of IRC 112 : 2011 2.77 Mpa
(Fct,eff) _ Cl. 12.3.3 of IRC 112 : 2011 _ Max of (2.9) or (F ctm) 2.90 Mpa

(σsc - Kt*(fct,eff /PP,eff)*(1+ αe*PP,eff

(ɛsm-ɛcm)_ Eq.12.6 is -0.00024
))/ Es
maximum of =
or (0.6*σsc/Es) 0.00041
Actual Crack Width _ (Wk = Sr,max*(ɛsm-ɛcm)) _ Eq 12.5 0.19 mm
Allowable Crack width as per Table 12.1 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.30 mm
Hence OK

Page 32 of 51

1.9.1 Verification of Structural Strength :

Maximum Factored base pressure (Combination-1) = 227.00 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Combination-1) = 15.14 KN/m @ Heel end

Maximum Factored base pressure (Seismic = 286.15 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Seismic = 4.96 KN/m @ Heel end

Sketch showing dimension of

foundation and base pressure
from foundation soil

Heel Toe
0.300 0.300

1.800 0.550 1.450


15.14 Kn/m
2 2
4.96 Kn/m 227.00 Kn/m
286.15 Kn/m

1.9.2 Calculation of moment and shear force at critical sections of Heel slab for ULS combinations

Combination-1 Unit

Factored base Pressure at Junction of stem & Heel slab 115.49 138.16 Kn/m2

Factored base Pressure at deff from junction of stem &

86.67 99.90 Kn/m2
Heel slab

Downward pressure due to water (if any) 0.00 0.00 Kn/m2

Downward pressure due to earth fill_(Backfill side) 148.43 148.43 Kn/m2
Downward pressure due to dead wt. of heel slab 15.19 15.19 Kn/m2

Resultant factored pressure at Junction of stem & Heel

-48.12 -25.45 Kn/m2

Resultant factored pressure at Heel slab end -148.47 -158.65 Kn/m2

Resultant factored base pressure at deff from junction of
-76.94 -63.71 Kn/m2
stem & Heel slab

Factored Moment @ Junction of stem & Heel slab 186.33 185.09 Kn-m
Factored Shear force @ Junction of stem & Heel slab 176.93 165.69 Kn

Page 33 of 51
1.9.3 Verification of Structural Strength : Ultimate Limit State

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Design Concrete compressive strength for ULS as per Cl., IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Combination - 1
fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Combination - 2
fcd = 15.63 N/mm For Seismic Combination

Ec = 31000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500 N/mm

Design Yeild strength of Untensioned Reinforcement as per clause 6.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Combination - 1
fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Combination - 2
fyd = 434.8 N/mm For Seismic Combination

As per Parabolic- Rectangular Stess block of concrete = fcd *b*(3/7xu + 2/3*4/7xu)

Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) 17/21*fcd*b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.416*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

Description Combination -1 Unit
Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & Heel slab
186.3 185.1
(Mu) Kn-m
Width of section (b) 1000 1000 mm
Overall depth of section at Junction of stem & Heel slab 600.0 600.0
(D) mm
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75 75.0 mm
Effective depth(d) 517.0 517.0 mm
xu from compression face 29.2 29.0 mm
fcd 15.6 15.6 N/mm2
fyd 434.8 434.8 N/mm
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 848.9 843.1 mm
Minimum steel required (0.13bd%) 672.1 672.1 mm2

Ast required 848.9 843.1 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12.0 12.0 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.0 200.0 mm

Page 34 of 51
Ast provided 1570.8 1570.8 mm
Pt(%) provided 0.262% 0.262%
Maximum Steel Limit as per Cl 16.5.1 of IRC 112 : 2011 2.500% 2.500%

Distrubtion steel
Dia of Bar provided 10.0 10.0 mm
Spacing of bars 200.0 200.0 mm
Ast required (IRC : 112 , CL 314.2 314.2 mm
Ast provided 392.7 392.7 mm

Steel on other Face ( SP : 34 ,Cl. 8.5)

Dia of Bar provided 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Asc required 392.7 549.8 mm
Asc provided 1005.3 1005.3 mm

Check for Shear _ Heel Slab Combination -1 Unit

Factored shear force _ (Ved) @ Junction of stem & Heel 176.9 165.7 Kn
Depth of section at critical point 493.0 493.0 mm
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.2 of IRC :112-2010
K = 1+Sqrt(200/d) <= 2.0 1.6 1.6
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.3 of IRC :112-2010
vmin = 0.031 K3/2 fck1/2 0.384 0.384
cl. 10.3.1 of IRC :112-2011
p1 = Asl/(bw d) <= 0.02 0.003 0.003
0.12* K *(80* p1* fck )0.33 0.404 0.404
Axial compressive force NEd (KN) 0.0 0.0
σcp = NEd / Ac < 0.2 fcd 0.0 0.0
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.1 of IRC :112-2010
VRd.c= [0.12*K*(80*p1 *fck )0.33 + 0.15*σcp]*b*d 199.4 199.4 Kn
No shear No shear
reinforcement reinforcement
required required

Page 35 of 51
1.9.4 Verification of Serviceblity Limit State :

= 156.52 KN/m @ Toe end
Maximum Factored base pressure (Rare Combination)
= 22.84 KN/m @ Heel end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Rare Combination)

Maximum Factored base pressure (Quasi-Permanent = 129.72 KN/m @ Toe end
Minimum Factored base pressure (Quasi-Permanent = 49.64 KN/m @ Heel end

Sketch showing dimension of

foundation and base pressure
from foundation soil

0.300 0.600 0.300

1.800 0.550 1.450


22.84 Kn/m
/ 49.64 Kn/m2 156.52 Kn/m

/ 129.72 Kn/m

1.9.5 Calculation of moment and shear force at critical sections of Heel slab for SLS combinations

Description Rare Combination Unit

Factored base Pressure at Junction of stem & Heel slab 86.16 87.57 Kn/m2

Factored base Pressure at deff from junction of stem & 2

67.98 76.68 Kn/m
Heel slab

Page 36 of 51
0.00 0.00 2
Downward pressure due to water (if any) Kn/m
107.67 107.67 2
Downward pressure due to earth fill_(Backfill side) Kn/m
11.25 11.25 2
Downward pressure due to dead wt. of heel slab Kn/m

Resultant factored pressure at Junction of stem & Heel -32.75 -31.34 2

-96.08 -69.28 2
Resultant factored pressure at Heel slab end Kn/m
Resultant factored base pressure at deff from junction of
-50.94 -42.24 Kn/m2
stem & Heel slab

Factored Moment @ Junction of stem & Heel slab 121.45 91.75 Kn-m
Factored Shear force @ Junction of stem & Heel slab 115.95 90.56 Kn

1.9.6 Verification of Seviceblity Limit State :

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Allowable compressive stress in concrete for SLS as per clause 12.2.1, IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fcd = 12.60 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Ec = 32000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500.00 N/mm2

Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement as per clause 12.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Es = 2.00E+05 Mpa

Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) = 0.5*fcd *b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.33*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

Rare Combination Quasi-Permanent
xu lim/d 0.58 0.58 0.58
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd2 3.96 3.96 2.97

Page 37 of 51
Description Rare Combination Unit

Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & Heel slab 121.45 91.75 Kn-m
Width of section (b) 1000.00 1000.00 mm
Overall depth of section at Junction of stem & Heel slab
600.00 600.00 mm
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75.00 75.00 mm
Effective depth(d) 517.00 517.00 mm
xu from compression face 28.49 28.70 mm
xu/d 0.06 0.06
xu lim/d 0.58 0.58
fcd 16.80 16.80 2
fyd 400.00 400.00 N/mm2
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd 3.96 2.97
Mu, lim 1057.60 793.20 Kn-m
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 598.16 451.93 mm2
672.10 672.10 2
Minimum steel required(0.13bd%) mm

Ast required 672.10 672.10 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12.00 12.00 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Ast provided 1570.80 1570.80 mm2

392.70 392.70 2
Area of steel required in compression mm
Dia of Bar (main Compression) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Asc Provided 1005.31 1005.31 mm2

Factored Moment at Junction of stem & Heel slab (Mu) 91.75 Kn-m
Grade of Concrete _ (fck) 35.00 Mpa
Modulus of elascticity _ (Es) 200000.00 Mpa
(Ec,eff) _ as per Eq. A2-5 of IRC 112 : 2011 32308.25 Mpa
Modular Ration _ (αe) 6.19

Total Depth of Section _ (h) 600.00 mm

Effective Depth of Section _ (d) 517.00 mm
Depth of Neutral Axis (xu) from compression face 28.70 mm
Width of section _ (b) 1000.00 mm
Clear Cover _ (c) as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 50.00 mm

Area of Steel Provided _ (As) 1570.80 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16 mm
No. of Main Bar provided per meter width _ (n1) 5
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 12 mm

Page 38 of 51
No. of Curtailed Bar provided per meter width _ (n2) 5
Effective spacing between bars 100.00 mm
2 2
Øeq = (n1*Ø1 + n2*Ø2 )/(n1*Ø1 + n2*Ø2) _ as per Eq. 12.9 14 mm

Cofficient for Bond properties of the Bonded Reinf. _ (K1) 0.80

Cofficient for distribution of strain _ (K2) 0.50
Factor dependent on the duration of the load _ (Kt) 0.50

(hc,eff) _ Lesser of ( 2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2 ) 190.43 mm

Ac,eff = h c,eff * b 190434 mm

(ρp,eff = As/Ac,eff) _ as per Eq. 12.7 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.0082

( 3.4*c + 0.425*K1*K2*Øeq/ PP,eff ) as per Eq. 12.8

Sr, max = 458.54 mm
as Effective Spacing is less than 5(c+φ/2)

Cracked Moment of Inertia (In steel units) _ (I) =

375809817.88 mm4
(1/3)*(Eceff*b*dc3/Es) + As*( d-dc )2
Stress in tension Reinforcement _ (σsc ) = (MED/Zs) 119.21 Mpa
(Fctm) _ as per Eq. A2-2 of IRC 112 : 2011 2.77 Mpa
(Fct,eff) _ Cl. 12.3.3 of IRC 112 : 2011 _ Max of (2.9) or (F ctm) 2.90 Mpa

(σsc - Kt*(fct,eff /PP,eff)*(1+ αe*PP,eff

(ɛsm-ɛcm)_ Eq.12.6 is maximum -0.00033
))/ Es
of =
or (0.6*σsc/Es) 0.00036
Actual Crack Width _ (Wk = Sr,max*(ɛsm-ɛcm)) _ Eq 12.5 0.16 mm
Allowable Crack width as per Table 12.1 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.30 mm
Hence OK

Page 39 of 51
1.10 DESIGN OF Wing Wall SHAFT

1.10.1 Dimension Details of Rtaining wall Shaft

Depth of Base of wall from top of earth fill = 5.00 m

Thickness of stem at top of wall = 0.30 m
Thickness of stem at base of wall = 0.55 m

1.10.2 Load Combination for design of shaft of Wing Wall

Forces and moment are calculated at Junction of footing and wall stem
Following load combination are considered as per Table B-2 & B-3 of IRC 06 : 2016

1) Basic Combination _ (ULS) 3) Rare Combination _ (SLS)

2) Seismic combination _ (ULS) 4) Quasi Permanent Combination _ (SLS)

1) Basic Combination_ (ULS)

Calculation of Lateral Forces at junction of stem and foundation

Factored Lever arm
Load Lateral about
Type of force about Unit
Factor Force Bottom of
Bottom of
(Kn/m) Stem
Earth pressure due to back fill
1.50 110.00 2.10 231.01
as per IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live load
surcharge as per IRC 06 : 1.20 42.24 2.50 105.60

Total 336.61 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as per

1.00 -33.73 0.47 -15.74
IRC 06 : 2016

Total 320.87 (Kn-m)/m

Total Factored horizontal Force at stem bottom _ = 118.51 Kn

Basic Combination

Total Factored moment at stem bottom _ Basic = 320.87 Kn-m


Page 40 of 51
2) Seismic Combination (ULS)

Calculation of Lateral Forces (at shaft bottom)

Factored Lever arm
Load Lateral about
Type of force about Unit
Factor Force Bottom of
Bottom of
(Kn/m) Stem
Earth pressure due to back fill
1.00 73.3 2.1 154.01
as per IRC 06 : 2016 _ (Static)
Dynamic Active Earth
Pressure as per Cl. 214.1.2 of 1.50 47.1 2.5 117.71
IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live load
surcharge as per IRC 06 : 0.20 7.0 2.5 17.60
2016 (Static)

Dynamic Earth pressure due

0.20 3.0 3.3 9.94
to live load surcharge

Horizontal Seismic Force due

1.50 11.5 12.51
dead load of RCC members

Total 311.77 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as per

1.00 -33.73 0.47 -15.74
IRC 06 : 2016

Total 296.02 (Kn-m)/m

Total Factored horizontal Force at stem bottom _ = 108.2 Kn

Seismic Combination

Total Factored moment at stem bottom _ Seismic = 296.02 Kn-m


3) Rare Combination (SLS)

Calculation of Lateral Forces (at shaft bottom)

Factored Lever arm
Load Lateral about
Type of force about Unit
Factor Force Bottom of
Bottom of
(Kn/m) Stem
Earth pressure due to back fill
1.00 73.3 2.10 154.0
as per IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live load
surcharge as per IRC 06 : 1.00 35.2 2.50 88.0

Total 242.01 (Kn-m)/m

Page 41 of 51
Passive Earth pressure as per
1.00 -33.73 0.47 -15.7
IRC 06 : 2016

Total 226.27 (Kn-m)/m

Total Factored horizontal Force at stem bottom _ = 74.8 Kn

Rare Combination

Total Factored moment at stem bottom _ Rare = 226.27 Kn-m


4) Quasi Permanent Combination (SLS)

Calculation of Lateral Forces (at shaft bottom)

Factored Lever arm
Load Lateral about
Type of force about Unit
Factor Force Bottom of
Bottom of
(Kn/m) Stem
Earth pressure due to back fill
1.00 73.3 2.10 154.0
as per IRC 06 : 2016
Earth pressure due to live load
surcharge as per IRC 06 : 0.00 0.0 2.50 0.0

Total 154.01 (Kn-m)/m

Passive Earth pressure as per

1.00 -33.73 0.47 -15.7
IRC 06 : 2016

Total 138.26 (Kn-m)/m

Total Factored horizontal Force at stem bottom _ = 39.6 Kn

Quasi Permanent Combination

Total Factored moment at stem bottom _ Quasi = 138.26 Kn-m

Permanent Combination

1.10.3 Summary of Forces and moment at bottom of shaft

Basic Quasi-permanent
Seismic Combination Rare Combination
Combinatiomn Combination

Factored Horizontal
118.51 108.21 74.80 39.60
force (Kn)

Total factored
320.87 296.02 226.27 138.26
moment (Kn-m)

Page 42 of 51
1.10.4 Verification of Structural Strength : Ultimate Limit State

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Design Concrete compressive strength for ULS as per Cl., IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 15.63 N/mm2 For Basic Combination

fcd = 19.54 N/mm2 For Accidental Combination
fcd = 15.63 N/mm2 For Seismic Combination

Ec = 31000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500 N/mm2

Design Yeild strength of Untensioned Reinforcement as per clause 6.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 434.8 N/mm2 For Basic Combination

fyd = 500.0 N/mm2 For Accidental Combination
fyd = 434.8 N/mm2 For Seismic Combination

As per Parabolic- Rectangular Stess block of = fcd *b*(3/7xu + 2/3*4/7xu)

concrete Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) 17/21*fcd*b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.416*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

1.10.5 Case 1 : Verification of Structural Strength : At Junction of Stem and footing

Description Basic Combination Unit
Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & footing
320.87 296.02 Kn-m
Width of section (b) 1000 1000 mm
Overall depth of stem section at Junction of stem &
550.0 550 mm
footing (D)
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75 75 mm
Effective depth(d) 467.0 467 mm
xu from compression face 57.2 52.6 mm
fcd 15.6 15.6 N/mm2
fyd 434.8 434.8 N/mm2
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 1665.2 1529.6 mm2
Minimum steel required (0.13bd%) 781.9 781.9 mm2

Page 43 of 51
Ast required 1665.2 1529.6 2
Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Ast provided 2010.6 2010.6 mm2
Pt(%) provided 0.366% 0.366%
Maximum Steel Limit as per Cl 16.5.1 of IRC 112 :
2.500% 2.500%

Distrubtion steel Earth face

Dia of Bar provided 10.0 10.0 mm
Spacing of bars 150.0 150.0 mm
Ast required (IRC : 112 , CL 402.1 402.1 mm
Ast provided 523.6 523.6 mm2

Distrubtion steel Other face

Dia of Bar provided 10.0 10.0 mm
Spacing of bars 150.0 150.0 mm
Ast required (IRC : 112 , CL 402.1 402.1 mm2
Ast provided 523.6 523.6 mm2

Steel on other Face

Dia of Bar provided 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Asc required 502.7 502.7 mm2
Asc provided 1005.3 1005.3 2


Check for Shear @ Bottom of Stem Basic combination Unit

Factored shear force _ (Ved) @ Junction of stem &

118.5 108.2 Kn
Depth of section at critical point 503.4 503.4 mm
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.2 of IRC :112-2010
K = 1+Sqrt(200/d) <= 2.0 1.6 1.6
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.3 of IRC :112-2010
vmin = 0.031 K3/2 fck1/2 0.382 0.382
cl. 10.3.1 of IRC :112-2011
p1 = Asl/(bw d) <= 0.02 0.004 0.004
0.12* K *(80* p1* fck )0.33 0.434 0.434
Axial compressive force NEd (KN) 0.0 0.0
σcp = NEd / Ac < 0.2 fcd 0.0 0.0
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.1 of IRC :112-2010
VRd.c= [0.12*K*(80*p1 *fck )0.33 + 0.15*σcp]*b*d 218.5 218.5 Kn
No shear
No shear reinforcement

Page 44 of 51
1.10.6 Case 2 : Verification of Structural Strength : At section B-B of Wing Wall Stem

Depth of section B-B of stem from top of earth fill = 2.50 m

Thickness of stem at base of section B-B = 0.43 m
Thickness of stem at top = 0.30 m

Total horizontal force due to Earth pressure and LL = 35.93 KN


Moment due to horizontal force = 41.25 KN-m

Factored moment at base of section B-B = 61.88 KN-m

Horizontal force due to Seismic dynamic Increment = 15.38 KN

or retained earth & LL Surcharge
Moment due to Seismic dynamic Increment = 17.66 KN-m

Factored moment due to dynamic increment at base = 26.48 KN-m

of section B-B

At Section B-B of Wing Wall Basic combination Unit
Total factored Moment at section B-B of wall stem
61.9 88.4 Kn-m
Width of section (b) 1000 1000 mm
Overall depth of section at section B-B of wall stem
425 425 mm
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75 75.0 mm
Effective depth(d) 342.0 342.0 mm
xu from compression face 14.6 16.7 mm
fcd 15.6 19.5 N/mm2
fyd 434.8 500.0 N/mm2
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 423.6 527.4 mm2
Minimum steel required(0.13bd%) 444.6 444.6 mm2

Ast required 444.6 527.4 mm
Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 0.0 0.0 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.0 200.0 mm

Ast provided 1005.3 1005.3 mm2

Pt(%) provided 0.237% 0.237%
Maximum Steel Limit as per Cl 16.5.1 of IRC 112 :
2.500% 2.500%

Distrubtion steel
Dia of Bar provided 10.0 10.0 mm
Spacing of bars 150.0 150.0 mm
Ast required (IRC : 112 , CL 201.1 201.1 mm2
Ast provided 523.6 523.6 mm2

Page 45 of 51
Steel on other Face ( SP : 34 ,Cl. 8.5)
Dia of Bar provided 16.0 16.0 mm
Spacing of bar 200.0 200.0 mm
Asc required 351.9 351.9 2
Asc provided 1005.3 1005.3 mm2

Check for Shear @ Section B-B Basic combination Unit

Factored shear force _ (Ved) @ section B-B of wall

53.9 77.0 Kn
Depth of section at critical point 342.0 342.0 mm
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.2 of IRC :112-2010
K = 1+Sqrt(200/d) <= 2.0 1.8 1.8
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.3 of IRC :112-2010
3/2 1/2
vmin = 0.031 K fck 0.430 0.430
cl. 10.3.1 of IRC :112-2011
p1 = Asl/(bw d) <= 0.02 0.003 0.003
0.12* K *(80* p1* fck )0.33 0.425 0.425
Axial compressive force NEd (KN) 0.0 0.0
σcp = NEd / Ac < 0.2 fcd 0.0 0.0
cl. 10.3.2(2) Eq. 10.1 of IRC :112-2010
VRd.c= [0.12*K*(80*p1 *fck )0.33 + 0.15*σcp]*b*d 145.2 145.2 Kn
No shear
No shear reinforcement

Page 46 of 51
1.10.7 Verification of Seviceblity Limit State :

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) = 35 N/mm2

Allowable compressive stress in concrete for SLS as per clause 12.2.1, IRC : 112-2011

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fcd = 16.80 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fcd = 12.60 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Ec = 32000 Mpa As per Table A4.2 of (IRC 112-2011)

Grade of Reinforcement Steel _ (fy) = 500.00 N/mm2

Allowable tensile stress in reinforcement as per clause 12.2.2, IRC : 112-2011

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Rare Combination

fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Frequent Combination
fyd = 400.00 N/mm2 For Quasi-perma. Combination

Es = 2.00E+05 Mpa

Compressive force in concrete _ (Cu) = 0.5*fcd *b*xu

Tensile force in Reinforcement steel _ (Tu) = fyd * Ast

Lever Arm = d - (0.33*xu)

Where, " d " is the effective depth and " xu " is the depth of neutral axis fom top of secton

Rare Combination Frequent Combination Quasi-Permanent

xu lim/d 0.58 0.58 0.58
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd2 3.96 3.96 2.97

Description Rare Combination Unit
Total factored Moment at Junction of stem & footing
226.27 138.26 Kn-m
Width of section (b) 1000.00 1000.00 mm
Overall depth of stem section at Junction of stem &
550.00 550.00 mm
footing (D)
Clear Cover as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 75.00 75.00 mm
Effective depth(d) 467.00 467.00 mm
xu from compression face 60.27 48.69 mm
xu/d 0.13 0.10
xu lim/d 0.58 0.58
fcd 16.80 16.80 N/mm2
fyd 400.00 400.00 N/mm2
Rlim = Mu,lim/bd2 3.96 2.97
Mu, lim 862.92 647.19 Kn-m

Page 47 of 51
Steel required as per Mu _ (Ast) 1265.17 766.54 2
Minimum steel required(0.13bd%) 607.10 607.10 mm2

Ast required 1265.17 766.54 mm2

Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Main bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Curtailed bar 200.00 200.00 mm
Ast provided 2010.62 2010.62 mm

Area of steel required in compression 502.65 502.65 mm
Dia of Bar (main Compression) 16.00 16.00 mm
Spacing of Bar 200.00 200.00 mm
1005.31 1005.31 2
Asc Provided mm

CHECK FOR CRACK WIDTH AS PER IRC : 112-2011 Quasi-Permanent Combination Unit

Factored Moment at Junction of stem & Footing (Mu) 138.26 Kn-m

Grade of Concrete _ (fck) 35.00 Mpa
Modulus of elascticity _ (Es) 200000.00 Mpa
(Ec,eff) _ as per Eq. A2-5 of IRC 112 : 2011 32308.25 Mpa
Modular Ration _ (αe) 6.19

Total Depth of Section _ (h) 550.00 mm

Effective Depth of Section _ (d) 467.00 mm
Depth of Neutral Axis (xu) from compression face 48.69 mm
Width of section _ (b) 1000.00 mm
Clear Cover _ (c) as per Table 14.2 of IRC 112 : 2011 50.00 mm

Area of Steel Provided _ (As) 2010.62 mm


Dia of Main Bar provided _ (φ1) 16 mm

No. of Main Bar provided per meter width _ (n1) 5
Dia of Curtailed Bar provided _ (φ2) 16 mm
No. of Curtailed Bar provided per meter width _ (n2) 5
Effective spacing between bars 100.00 mm
Øeq = (n1*Ø12 + n2*Ø22)/(n1*Ø1 + n2*Ø2) _ as per Eq. 12.9 16 mm

Cofficient for Bond properties of the Bonded Reinf. _ (K1) 0.80

Cofficient for distribution of strain _ (K2) 0.50
Factor dependent on the duration of the load _ (Kt) 0.50

(hc,eff) _ Lesser of ( 2.5(h-d), (h-x)/3, h/2 ) 167.10 mm

Ac,eff = h c,eff * b 167104 mm2
(ρp,eff = As/Ac,eff) _ as per Eq. 12.7 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.0120

( 3.4*c + 0.425*K1*K2*Øeq/ PP,eff ) as per Eq. 12.8

Sr, max = 396.06 mm
as Effective Spacing is less than 5(c+φ/2)

Cracked Moment of Inertia (In steel units) _ (I) =

358044449.93 mm4
(1/3)*(Eceff*b*dc3/Es) + As*( d-dc )2
Stress in tension Reinforcement _ (σsc ) = (MED/Zs) 161.54 Mpa
(Fctm) _ as per Eq. A2-2 of IRC 112 : 2011 2.77 Mpa

Page 48 of 51
(Fct,eff) _ Cl. 12.3.3 of IRC 112 : 2011 _ Max of (2.9) or (F ctm) 2.90 Mpa

(σsc - Kt*(fct,eff /PP,eff)*(1+ αe*PP,eff

(ɛsm-ɛcm)_ Eq.12.6 is maximum 0.00016
))/ Es
of =
or (0.6*σsc/Es) 0.00048
Actual Crack Width _ (Wk = Sr,max*(ɛsm-ɛcm)) _ Eq 12.5 0.19 mm
Allowable Crack width as per Table 12.1 of IRC 112 : 2011 0.30 mm
Hence OK

Page 49 of 51
Summary of Reinforcement Provided in Wing Wall of Total Height 5.6 M

Sr. No. Structure Bar No. Dia of Bar Spacing / No. Shape Remarks
1 16 @ 200 C/C Toe Main Bar Full length
2 12 @ 200 C/C Toe Main Bar Curtailed
3 12 @ 200 C/C Heel Main Bar Curtailed
4 16 @ 200 C/C Heel Main Bar Full length

5 10 @ 200 C/C Distribution Bottom

6 10 @ 200 C/C Distribution top

7 16 @ 200 C/C Vertical Main bar Curtailed

1 Wing Wall
Vertical Main bar Full
8 16 @ 200 C/C

Vertical bar on other face

9 16 @ 200 C/C
Full Length
Distribution Bar in Wall
10 10 @ 150 C/C
Earth Face

Distribution Bar in Wall

11 10 @ 150 C/C
Other Face
12 0 @ 300 C/C Links Wall
13 8 @ 200 C/C Links Footing
1.12 Stress Summary For T-Type Wing Wall of Total Height 5.6 m (Type-E)

a) Stabality Criteria as per IRC 78 : 2014

Check for Overturtning as per Cl. 706.3.4 of IRC 78 : 2014

Actual F.O.S. Minimum F.O.S. Check
LWL Case 2.49 > 2.00 O.K.
HFL Case 3.02 > 2.00 O.K.
Seismic Case 1.98 > 1.50 O.K.

Check for Sliding as per Cl. 706.3.4 of IRC 78 : 2014

Actual F.O.S. Minimum F.O.S. Check
LWL Case 1.82 > 1.50 O.K.
HFL Case 1.89 > 1.50 O.K.
Seismic Case 1.48 > 1.25 O.K.

Check for Base Pressure as per Cl. 706.3.1 of IRC 78 : 2014

Actual Base Allowable Base
Pressure Pressure
Kn/m2 Kn/m2
LWL Case 156.52 < 160.0 O.K.
HFL Case 71.76 < 96.0 O.K.
Seismic Case 177.64 < 190.0 O.K.

b) Strength Criteria (ULS ) Basic/Seismic Condition as Per IRC 06 : 2017

Min. Reinf. Reinf. Required as Reinforcement

Check For Bending (ULS) Check
Required per Mu Provided
2 2 2
mm mm mm
Toe Slab 672.10 1089.30 1570.80 O.K.
Heel Slab 672.10 848.88 1570.80 O.K.
Stem @ base 781.94 1665.23 2010.62 O.K.
Stem @ Curtailment point 444.60 527.43 1005.31 O.K.

Actual Shear Allowable Shear

Check For Shear (ULS) Check
Force Force
Kn Kn
Toe Slab 211.93 < 254.24 O.K.
Heel Slab 176.93 < 199.40 O.K.
Stem @ base 118.51 < 218.47 O.K.
Stem @ Curtailment point 76.97 < 145.20 O.K.

c) Strength Criteria (SLS ) Rare/Quasi-permanent Condition as per IRC 06 : 2017

Min. Reinf. Reinf. Required as Reinforcement

Check For Bending (SLS) Check
Required per Mu Provided
mm2 mm2 mm2
Toe Slab 672.10 616.32 1570.80 O.K.
Heel Slab 672.10 598.16 1570.80 O.K.
Stem @ base 607.10 1265.17 2010.62 O.K.

Actual Crack Allowable Crack

Check For Crackwidth (SLS) Check
Width width
mm mm
Toe Slab 0.19 < 0.30 O.K.
Heel Slab 0.16 < 0.30 O.K.
Stem @ base 0.19 < 0.30 O.K.

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