Features Description: 1996 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1304B Printed in U.S.A. October, 1997
Features Description: 1996 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1304B Printed in U.S.A. October, 1997
Features Description: 1996 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1304B Printed in U.S.A. October, 1997
5 ADS7825
● 25µs max SAMPLING AND CONVERSION The ADS7825 can acquire and convert 16 bits to
● SINGLE +5V SUPPLY OPERATION within ±2.0 LSB in 25µs max while consuming only
50mW max. Laser-trimmed scaling resistors provide
the standard industrial ±10V input range and channel-
● PARALLEL AND SERIAL DATA OUTPUT to-channel matching of ±0.1%. The ADS7825 is a
● 28-PIN 0.3" PLASTIC DIP AND SOIC low-power 16-bit sampling A/D with a four channel
● ±2.0 LSB max INL input multiplexer, S/H, clock, reference, and a
parallel/serial microprocessor interface. It can be con-
figured in a continuous conversion mode to sequen-
● 50µW POWER DOWN MODE tially digitize all four channels. The 28-pin ADS7825
● ±10V INPUT RANGE, FOUR CHANNEL is available in a plastic 0.3" DIP and in a SOIC, both
MULTIPLEXER fully specified for operation over the industrial –40°C
20kΩ 8kΩ
AIN2 Comparator Data
20kΩ 8kΩ
AIN3 Data 8
International Airport Industrial Park • Mailing Address: PO Box 11400, Tucson, AZ 85734 • Street Address: 6730 S. Tucson Blvd., Tucson, AZ 85706 • Tel: (520) 746-1111 • Twx: 910-952-1111
Internet: http://www.burr-brown.com/ • FAXLine: (800) 548-6133 (US/Canada Only) • Cable: BBRCORP • Telex: 066-6491 • FAX: (520) 889-1510 • Immediate Product Info: (800) 548-6132
1996 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-1304B
1 ADS7825
Printed in U.S.A. October, 1997
At TA = –40°C to +85°C, f S = 40kHz, VS1 = VS2 = VS = +5V ±5%, using external reference, CONTC = 0V, unless otherwise specified.
ADS7825P, U ADS7825PB, UB
Voltage Range ±10V ✻ V
Impedance Channel On or Off 45.7 ✻ kΩ
Capacitance 35 ✻ pF
Conversion Time 20 ✻ µs
Acquisition Time 5 ✻ µs
Multiplexer Settling Time Includes Acquisition 5 ✻ µs
Complete Cycle (Acquire and Convert) 25 ✻ µs
Complete Cycle (Acquire and Convert) CONTC = +5V 40 ✻ µs
Throughput Rate 40 ✻ kHz
Integral Linearity Error ±3 ±2 LSB(2)
No Missing Codes 15 16
Transition Noise(3) 0.8 ✻ LSB
Full Scale Error(4) Internal Reference ±0.5 ±0.25 %
Full Scale Error Drift Internal Reference ±7 ±5 ppm/°C
Full Scale Error(4) ±0.5 ±0.25 %
Full Scale Error Drift ±2 ✻ ppm/°C
Bipolar Zero Error ±10 ✻ mV
Bipolar Zero Error Drift ±2 ✻ ppm/°C
Channel-to-Channel Mismatch ±0.1 ±0.1 %
Power Supply Sensitivity +4.75 < VS < +5.25 ±8 ✻ LSB
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range(5) fIN = 1kHz 90 ✻ dB
Total Harmonic Distortion fIN = 1kHz –90 ✻ dB
Signal-to-(Noise+Distortion) fIN = 1kHz 83 86 dB
Signal-to-Noise fIN = 1kHz 83 86 dB
Channel Separation(6) fIN = 1kHz 100 120 ✻ ✻ dB
–3dB Bandwidth 2 ✻ MHz
Useable Bandwidth(7) 90 ✻ kHz
Aperture Delay 40 ✻ ns
Transient Response(8) FS Step 5 ✻ µs
Overvoltage Recovery(9) 1 ✻ µs
Internal Reference Voltage 2.48 2.5 2.52 ✻ ✻ ✻ V
Internal Reference Source Current 1 ✻ µA
(Must use external buffer)
External Reference Voltage Range 2.3 2.5 2.7 ✻ ✻ ✻ V
for Specified Linearity
External Reference Current Drain VREF = +2.5V 100 ✻ µA
Logic Levels
VIL –0.3 +0.8 ✻ ✻ V
VIH +2.4 VS +0.3V ✻ ✻ V
IIL ±10 ✻ µA
IIH ±10 ✻ µA
Data Format Parallel in two bytes; Serial ✻
Data Coding Binary Two's Complement ✻
VOL ISINK = 1.6mA +0.4 ✻ V
VOH ISOURCE = 500µA +4 ✻ V
Leakage Current High-Z State, VOUT = 0V to VS ±5 ✻ µA
Output Capacitance High-Z State 15 ✻ pF
The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN
assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject
to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does not
authorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.
ADS7825 2
At TA = –40°C to +85°C, fS = 40kHz, VS1 = VS2 = V S = +5V ±5%, using external reference, CONTC = 0V, unless otherwise specified.
ADS7825P, U ADS7825PB, UB
NOTES: (1) An asterik (✻) specifies same value as grade to the left. (2) LSB means Least Significant Bit. For the 16-bit, ±10V input ADS7825, one LSB is 305µV. (3)
Typical rms noise at worst case transitions and temperatures. (4) Full scale error is the worst case of –Full Scale or +Full Scale untrimmed deviation from ideal first and
last code transitions, divided by the transition voltage (not divided by the full-scale range) and includes the effect of offset error. (5) All specifications in dB are referred
to a full-scale ±10V input. (6) A full scale sinewave input on one channel will be attenuated by this amount on the other channels. (7) Useable Bandwidth defined as
Full-Scale input frequency at which Signal-to-(Noise+Distortion) degrades to 60dB, or 10 bits of accuracy. (8) The ADS7825 will accurately acquire any input step if given
a full acquisition period after the step. (9) Recovers to specified performance after 2 x FS input overvoltage, and normal acquisitions can begin.
NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix C of Burr-Brown IC Data Book.
REF 7 22 R/C
3 ADS7825
ADS7825 4
At TA = +25°C, fS = 40kHz, VS1 = VS2 = +5V, using internal reference, unless otherwise noted.
(Input Grounded)
–50 –90.0 Adjacent Channels
–70 Non-Adjacent Channels
–80 –110.0
–100 –120.0
–110 Measurement Limit
–130 –140.0
0 5 10 15 20 100 1k 10k 100k
Frequency (kHz) Active Channel Input Frequency (Hz)
(8192 Point FFT; AIN3 = 1.02kHz, –0.1dB; AIN2 = AGND) (8192 Point FFT; AIN3 = 10.1kHz, –0.1dB; AIN2 = AGND )
0 0
–10 –10
–20 –20
–30 –30
Amplitude (dB)
Amplitude (dB)
–40 –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
–70 –70
–80 –80
–90 –90
–100 –100
–110 –110
–120 –120
–130 –130
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Frequency (kHz) Frequency (kHz)
70 60
60 50
50 –60dB
30 10
100 1k 10k 100k 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Input Signal Frequency (Hz) Input Signal Frequency (kHz)
5 ADS7825
At TA = +25°C, fS = 40kHz, VS1 = VS2 = +5V, using internal reference, unless otherwise noted.
(fIN = 1kHz, –0.1dB)
110 –110 3
2 All Codes INL
16-Bit LSBs
105 –105 1
100 –100 –2
THD (dB)
95 –95 0 8192 16384 24576 32768 40960 49152 57344 65535
SNR Decimal Code
90 –90
85 –85 2 All Codes DNL
16-Bit LSBs
80 –80
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100
Temperature (°C) –3
0 8192 16384 24576 32768 40960 49152 57344 65535
Decimal Code
mV From Ideal
10–2 0.2
From Ideal
+FS Error
10–3 0
10–4 –0.2
DNL 0.2
10–5 –FS Error
From Ideal
Power Supply Ripple Frequency (Hz)
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100
Temperature (°C)
2.520 20.4
Internal Reference (V)
Conversion Time (µs)
2.500 20
2.490 19.8
2.480 19.6
–50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
ADS7825 6
Figure 1a shows a basic circuit to operate the ADS7825 with Figure 1b shows a basic circuit to operate the ADS7825 with
parallel output (Channel 0 selected). Taking R/C (pin 22) serial output (Channel 0 selected). Taking R/C (pin 22)
LOW for 40ns (12µs max) will initiate a conversion. BUSY LOW for 40ns (12µs max) will initiate a conversion and
(pin 24) will go LOW and stay LOW until the conversion is output valid data from the previous conversion on SDATA
completed and the output register is updated. If BYTE (pin (pin 16) synchronized to 16 clock pulses output on
21) is LOW, the 8 most significant bits will be valid when DATACLK (pin 15). BUSY (pin 24) will go LOW and stay
pin 24 rises; if BYTE is HIGH, the 8 least significant bits LOW until the conversion is completed and the serial data
will be valid when BUSY rises. Data will be output in has been transmitted. Data will be output in Binary Two’s
Binary Two’s Complement format. BUSY going HIGH can Complement format, MSB first, and will be valid on both the
be used to latch the data. After the first byte has been read, rising and falling edges of the data clock. BUSY going
BYTE can be toggled allowing the remaining byte to be HIGH can be used to latch the data. All convert commands
read. All convert commands will be ignored while BUSY is will be ignored while BUSY is LOW.
LOW. The ADS7825 will begin tracking the input signal at the end
The ADS7825 will begin tracking the input signal at the end of the conversion. Allowing 25µs between convert com-
of the conversion. Allowing 25µs between convert com- mands assures accurate acquisition of a new signal.
mands assures accurate acquisition of a new signal.
Parallel Output
1 28
0.1µF 10µF
±10V 2 27 + + +5V
3 26
4 25
5 24
Convert Pulse
+ 6 23
2.2µF R/C
+ 7 22
2.2µF ADS7825 BYTE
8 21
40ns min
9 20 +5V(1)
10 19
11 18
12 17
13 16
14 15
Serial Output
Pin 21 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Pin 21 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 1 28
HIGH 0.1µF 10µF
NOTE: (1) PAR/SER = 5V
±10V 2 27 + + +5V
3 26
4 25
5 24 BUSY
Convert Pulse
+ 6 23
+ 7 22 R/C
2.2µF ADS7825
8 21
40ns min
NC(2) 9 20
NC(2) 10 19
NC(2) 11 18
EXT/INT 12 17
14 15 DATACLK(1)
NOTES: (1) DATACLK (pin 15) is an output when EXT/INT (pin 12) is LOW
and an input when EXT/INT is HIGH. (2) NC = no connection. (3) PAR/SER = 0V.
FIGURE 1. Basic Connection Diagram, (a) Parallel Output, (b) Serial Output.
7 ADS7825
The combination of CS (pin 23) and R/C (pin 22) LOW for initiating a conversion. If, however, it is critical that CS or
a minimum of 40ns places the sample/hold of the ADS7825 R/C initiates conversion ‘n’, be sure the less critical input is
in the hold state and starts conversion ‘n’. BUSY (pin 24) LOW at least 10ns prior to the initiating input. If EXT/INT
will go LOW and stay LOW until conversion ‘n’ is com- (pin 12) is LOW when initiating conversion ‘n’, serial data
pleted and the internal output register has been updated. All from conversion ‘n – 1’ will be output on SDATA (pin 16)
new convert commands during BUSY LOW will be ignored. following the start of conversion ‘n’. See Internal Data
CS and/or R/C must go HIGH before BUSY goes HIGH or Clock in the Reading Data section.
a new conversion will be initiated without sufficient time to To reduce the number of control pins, CS can be tied LOW
acquire a new signal. using R/C to control the read and convert modes. This will
The ADS7825 will begin tracking the input signal at the end have no effect when using the internal data clock in the serial
of the conversion. Allowing 25µs between convert com- output mode. However, the parallel output and the serial
mands assures accurate acquisition of a new signal. Refer to output (only when using an external data clock) will be
Tables Ia and Ib for a summary of CS, R/C, and BUSY states affected whenever R/C goes HIGH. Refer to the Reading
and Figures 2 through 6 and Table II for timing information. Data section and Figures 2, 3, 5, and 6.
CS and R/C are internally OR’d and level triggered. There
is not a requirement which input goes LOW first when
1 X X X X X Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z
X 0 X X X X Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z Hi-Z
0 1 0 X X X D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 Results from last
(MSB) completed conversion.
0 1 1 X X X D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Results from last
(LSB) completed conversion.
0 1 X X X ↑ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ Data will change at the
end of a conversion.
D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
Input Input Input Input Output Output Input Output I/O Output Input COMMENTS
1 X X X 1 Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Hi-Z X
X 0 X X 1 Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Hi-Z X
0 ↓ 0 X 1 HI-Z LOW LOW Output Output X Starts transmission of data from previous
conversion on SDATA synchronized to 16
pulses output on DATACLK.
↓ 0 0 X 1 Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Output X Starts transmission of data from previous
conversion on SDATA synchronized to 16
pulses output on DATACLK.
0 1 0 X X Hi-Z HIGH LOW Input Output Input The level output on SDATA will be the level
input on TAG 16 DATACLK input cycles.
0 1 0 X ↑ Hi-Z HIGH LOW Input Output Input At the end of the conversion, when BUSY
rises, data from the conversion will be shifted
into the output registers. If DATACLK is HIGH,
valid data will be lost.
0 ↑ 0 X 1 Hi-Z HIGH LOW Input Output X Initiates transmission of a HIGH pulse on
SYNC followed by data from last completed
conversion on SDATA synchronized to the
input on DATACLK.
↓ 1 0 X 1 Hi-Z HIGH LOW Input Output X Initiates transmission of a HIGH pulse on
SYNC followed by data from last completed
conversion on SDATA synchronized to the
input on DATACLK.
0 0 1 0 ↓ Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Output X Starts transmission of data from previous
conversion on SDATA synchronized to 16
pulses output on DATACLK
↓ 1 X X X Hi-Z HIGH Output Input Output X SDATA becomes active. Inputs on DATACLK
shift out data.
0 ↑ X X X Hi-Z HIGH Output Input Output X SDATA becomes active. Inputs on DATACLK
shift out data.
↓ 0 1 X X Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Output X Restarts continuous conversion mode (n – 1 data
transmitted when BUSY is LOW).
0 ↓ 1 X X Hi-Z LOW LOW Output Output X Restarts continuous conversion mode (n – 1 data
transmitted when BUSY is LOW).
ADS7825 8
t1 t1
t3 t3
t6 t6
t7 t8
t12 t12
Parallel Previous Previous High Previous Low High Byte Low Byte High Byte
Hi-Z Not Valid Hi-Z
Data Bus High Byte Valid Byte Valid Byte Valid Valid Valid Valid
t2 t9
t9 t12 t12 t12 t12
Hi-Z State High Byte Hi-Z State Low Byte Hi-Z State
t12 t9 t12 t9
FIGURE 3. Using CS to Control Conversion and Read Timing with Parallel Outputs.
t 7 + t8
CS or R/C(1)
t13 1 2 3 15 16 1 2
SDATA MSB Valid Bit 14 Valid Bit 13 Valid Bit 1 Valid LSB Valid MSB Valid Bit 14 Valid
Hi-Z Hi-Z
(Results from previous conversion.)
NOTE: (1) If controlling with CS, tie R/C LOW. If controlling with R/C, tie CS LOW.
FIGURE 4. Serial Data Timing Using Internal Data Clock (TAG LOW).
9 ADS7825
t18 t19
0 1 2 3 4 17 18
t1 t22
t3 t21
t27 t28
FIGURE 5. Conversion and Read Timing with External Clock (EXT/INT HIGH). Read After Conversion.
t18 t19
t3 t23
FIGURE 6. Conversion and Read Timing with External Clock (EXT/INT HIGH). Read During Conversion (Previous Conversion Results).
READING DATA after the start of conversion ‘n’. Do not attempt to read data
beyond 12µs after the start of conversion ‘n’ until BUSY
PARALLEL OUTPUT (pin 24) goes HIGH; this may result in reading invalid data.
To use the parallel output, tie PAR/SER (pin 20) HIGH. The Refer to Table II and Figures 2 and 3 for timing constraints.
parallel output will be active when R/C (pin 22) is HIGH and
CS (pin 23) is LOW. Any other combination of CS and R/C SERIAL OUTPUT
will tri-state the parallel output. Valid conversion data can be
When PAR/SER (pin 20) is LOW, data can be clocked out
read in two 8-bit bytes on D7-D0 (pins 9-13 and 15-17). When
serially with the internal data clock or an external data clock.
BYTE (pin 21) is LOW, the 8 most significant bits will be
When EXT/INT (pin 12) is LOW, DATACLK (pin 15) is an
valid with the MSB on D7. When BYTE is HIGH, the 8 least
output and is always active regardless of the state of CS (pin
significant bits will be valid with the LSB on D0. BYTE can
23) and R/C (pin 22). The SDATA output is active when
be toggled to read both bytes within one conversion cycle.
BUSY (pin 24) is LOW. Otherwise, it is in a tri-state
Upon initial power up, the parallel output will contain condition. When EXT/INT is HIGH, DATACLK is an input.
indeterminate data. The SDATA output is active when CS is LOW and R/C is
HIGH. Otherwise, it is in a tri-state condition. Regardless of
PARALLEL OUTPUT (After a Conversion) the state of EXT/INT, SYNC (pin 13) is an output and always
After conversion ‘n’ is completed and the output registers active, while TAG (pin 17) is always an input.
have been updated, BUSY (pin 24) will go HIGH. Valid data
from conversion ‘n’ will be available on D7-D0 (pins 9-13 INTERNAL DATA CLOCK (During A Conversion)
and 15-17). BUSY going HIGH can be used to latch the To use the internal data clock, tie EXT/INT (pin 12) LOW.
data. Refer to Table II and Figures 2 and 3 for timing The combination of R/C (pin 22) and CS (pin 23) LOW will
constraints. initiate conversion ‘n’ and activate the internal data clock
(typically 900kHz clock rate). The ADS7825 will output 16
PARALLEL OUTPUT (During a Conversion) bits of valid data, MSB first, from conversion ‘n – 1’ on
After conversion ‘n’ has been initiated, valid data from SDATA (pin 16), synchronized to 16 clock pulses output on
conversion ‘n – 1’ can be read and will be valid up to 12µs
ADS7825 12
DATACLK (pin 15). The data will be valid on both the The first bit input on TAG will be valid on SDATA on the
rising and falling edges of the internal data clock. The rising 18th falling edge and the 19th rising edge of DATACLK; the
edge of BUSY (pin 24) can be used to latch the data. After second input bit will be valid on the 19th falling edge and the
the 16th clock pulse, DATACLK will remain LOW until the 20th rising edge, etc. With a continuous data clock, TAG
next conversion is initiated, while SDATA will go to what- data will be output on DATA until the internal output
ever logic level was input on TAG (pin 17) during the first registers are updated with the results from the next conver-
clock pulse. The SDATA output will tri-state when BUSY sion. Refer to Table II and Figure 5 for timing information.
returns HIGH. Refer to Table II and Figure 4 for timing
information. EXTERNAL DATA CLOCK (During a Conversion)
After conversion ‘n’ has been initiated, valid data from
EXTERNAL DATA CLOCK conversion ’n-1’ can be read and will be valid up to 12µs
To use an external clock, tie EXT/INT (pin 12) HIGH. The after the start of conversion ‘n’. Do not attempt to clock out
external clock is not a conversion clock; it can only be used data from 12µs after the start of conversion ‘n’ until BUSY
as a data clock. To enable the output mode of the ADS7825, (pin 24) rises; this will result in data loss.
CS (pin 23) must be LOW and R/C (pin 22) must be HIGH. NOTE: For the best possible performance when using an
DATACLK must be HIGH for 20% to 70% of the total data external data clock, data should not be clocked out during a
clock period; the clock rate can be between DC and 10MHz. conversion. The switching noise of the asynchronous data clock
Serial data from conversion ‘n’ can be output on SDATA can cause digital feedthrough degrading the converter’s perfor-
(pin 16) after conversion ‘n’ is completed or during conver- mance. Refer to Table II and Figure 6 for timing information.
sion ‘n + 1’.
An obvious way to simplify control of the converter is to tie TAG FEATURE
CS LOW while using R/C to initiate conversions. While this
TAG (pin 17) inputs serial data synchronized to the external
is perfectly acceptable, there is a possible problem when
or internal data clock.
using an external data clock. At an indeterminate point from
12µs after the start of conversion ‘n’ until BUSY rises, the When using an external data clock, the serial bit stream input
internal logic will shift the results of conversion ‘n’ into the on TAG will follow the LSB output on SDATA (pin 16)
output register. If CS is LOW, R/C is HIGH and the external until the internal output register is updated with new conver-
clock is HIGH at this point, data will be lost. So, with CS sion results. See Table II and Figures 5 and 6.
LOW, either R/C and/or DATACLK must be LOW during The logic level input on TAG for the first rising edge of the
this period to avoid losing valid data. internal data clock will be valid on SDATA after all 16 bits
of valid data have been output.
EXTERNAL DATA CLOCK (After a Conversion)
After conversion ‘n’ is completed and the output registers MULTIPLEXER TIMING
have been updated, BUSY (pin 24) will go HIGH. With CS The four channel input multiplexer may be addressed manu-
LOW (pin 23) and R/C HIGH (pin 22), valid data from ally or placed in a continuous conversion mode where all
conversion ‘n’ will be output on SDATA (pin 16) synchro- four channels are sequentially addressed.
nized to the external data clock input on DATACLK (pin
15). Between 15 and 35ns following the rising edge of the CONTINUOUS CONVERSION MODE (CONTC = 5V)
first external data clock, the SYNC output pin will go HIGH
To place the ADS7825 in the continuous conversion mode,
for one full data clock period (100ns minimum). The MSB
CONTC (pin 25) must be tied HIGH. In this mode, acquisi-
will be valid between 25 and 55ns after the rising edge of the
tion and conversions will take place continually, cycling
second data clock. The LSB will be valid on the 17th falling
through all four channels as long as CS, R/C and PWRD are
edge and the 18th rising edge of the data clock. TAG (pin
LOW (See Table III). Whichever address was last loaded
17) will input a bit of data for every external clock pulse.
13 ADS7825
into the A0 and A1 registers (pins 19 and 18, respectively) conversions will proceed through each higher channel, cy-
prior to CONTC being raised HIGH, becomes the first cling back to zero after Channel 3.
address in the sequential continuous conversion mode (e.g., If PWRD is held HIGH for a significant period of time, the
if Channel 1 was the last address selected then Channel 2 REF (pin 7) bypass capacitor may discharge (if the internal
will follow, then Channel 3, and so on). The A0 and A1 reference is being utilized) and the CAP (pin 6) bypass
address inputs become outputs when the device is in this capacitor will discharge (for both internal and external
mode. When BUSY rises at the end of a conversion, A0 and references). The continuous conversion mode should not be
A1 will output the address of the channel that will be enabled until the bypass capacitor(s) have recharged and
converted when BUSY goes LOW at the beginning of the stabilized (1ms for 2.2µF capacitors recommended). In
next conversion. Data will be valid for the previous channel addition, the continuous conversion mode should not be
when BUSY rises. See Table IVa and Figure 7 for channel enabled even with a short pulse on PWRD until the mini-
selection timing in continuous conversion mode. mum acquisition time has been met.
PWRD (pin 26) can be used to reset the multiplexer address
to zero. With the ADS7825 configured for no conversion, MANUAL CHANNEL SELECTION (CONTC= 0V)
PWRD can be taken HIGH for a minimum of 200ns. When
The channels of the ADS7825 can be selected manually by
PWRD returns LOW, the multiplexer address will be reset
using the A0 and A1 address pins (pins 19 and 18, respec-
to zero. When the continuous conversion mode is enabled,
tively). See Table IVb for the multiplexer truth table and
the first conversion will be done on channel 0. Subsequent
Figure 8 for channel selection timing.
0 0 AIN0 Channel to be converted during conversion 'n + 1' is latched
0 1 AIN1 when conversion 'n' is initiated (BUSY goes LOW). The selected
1 0 AIN2 input starts being acquired as soon as conversion 'n' is done
1 1 AIN3 (BUSY goes HIGH).
FIGURE 7. Channel Addressing in Continuous Conversion Mode (CONTC HIGH, CS and R/C LOW).
ADS7825 14
CALIBRATION CDAC. Capacitor values larger than 2.2µF will have little
The ADS7825 has no internal provision for correcting the affect on improving performance.
individual bipolar zero error or full-scale error for each The output of the buffer is capable of driving up to 1mA of
individual channel. Instead, the bipolar zero error of each current to a DC load. Using an external buffer will allow the
channel is guaranteed to be below a level which is quite internal reference to be used for larger DC loads and AC
small for a 16-bit converter with a ±10V input range (slightly loads. Do not attempt to directly drive an AC load with the
more than ±32 LSBs). In addition, the channel errors should output voltage on CAP. This will cause performance degra-
match each other to within 16 LSBs. dation of the converter.
For the full-scale error, the circuit of Figure 9 can be used.
This will allow the reference to be adjusted such that the PWRD
full-scale error for any single channel can be set to zero. PWRD (pin 26) HIGH will power down all of the analog
Again, the close matching of the channels will ensure that circuitry including the reference. Data from the previous
the full-scale errors on the other channels will be small. conversion will be maintained in the internal registers and
can still be read. With PWRD HIGH, a convert command
yields meaningless data. When PWRD is returned LOW,
AIN2 adequate time must be provided in order for the capacitors
on REF (pin 7) and CAP (pin 6) to recharge. For 2.2µF
AIN3 capacitors, a minimum recharge/settling time of 1ms is
recommended before the conversion results should be con-
sidered valid.
+5V R1 +
50kΩ +
The ADS7825 uses 90% of its power for the analog cir-
cuitry, and the converter should be considered an analog
FIGURE 9. Full Scale Trim. component. For optimum performance, tie both power pins
to the same +5V power supply and tie the analog and digital
grounds together.
REFERENCE The +5V power for the converter should be separate from
the +5V used for the system’s digital logic. Connecting VS1
The ADS7825 can operate with its internal 2.5V reference or
and VS2 (pins 28 and 27) directly to a digital supply can
an external reference. By applying an external reference to
reduce converter performance due to switching noise from
pin 7, the internal reference can be bypassed.
the digital logic. For best performance, the +5V supply can
be produced from whatever analog supply is used for the rest
REF of the analog signal conditioning. If +12V or +15V supplies
REF (pin 7) is an input for an external reference or the output are present, a simple +5V regulator can be used. Although it
for the internal 2.5V reference. A 2.2µF capacitor should be is not suggested, if the digital supply must be used to power
connected as close to the REF pin as possible. This capacitor the converter, be sure to properly filter the supply. Either
and the output resistance of REF create a low pass filter to using a filtered digital supply or a regulated analog supply,
bandlimit noise on the reference. Using a smaller value both VS1 and VS2 should be tied to the same +5V source.
capacitor will introduce more noise to the reference degrad-
ing the SNR and SINAD. The REF pin should not be used GROUNDING
to drive external AC or DC loads.
Three ground pins are present on the ADS7825. DGND is
The range for the external reference is 2.3V to 2.7V and the digital supply ground. AGND2 is the analog supply
determines the actual LSB size. Increasing the reference ground. AGND1 is the ground which all analog signals
voltage will increase the full scale range and the LSB size of internal to the A/D are referenced. AGND1 is more suscep-
the converter which can improve the SNR. tible to current induced voltage drops and must have the path
of least resistance back to the power supply.
CAP All the ground pins of the A/D should be tied to an analog
CAP (pin 6) is the output of the internal reference buffer. A ground plane, separated from the system’s digital logic
2.2µF capacitor should be placed as close to the CAP pin as ground, to achieve optimum performance. Both analog and
possible to provide optimum switching currents for the digital ground planes should be tied to the ‘system’ ground
CDAC throughout the conversion cycle. This capacitor also as near to the power supplies as possible. This helps to
provides compensation for the output of the buffer. Using a prevent dynamic digital ground currents from modulating
capacitor any smaller than 1µF can cause the output buffer the analog ground through a common impedance to power
to oscillate and may not have sufficient charge for the ground.
15 ADS7825
The worst-case channel-to-channel crosstalk versus input The FET switches used for the sample hold on many CMOS
frequency is shown in the Typical Performance Curves A/D converters release a significant amount of charge injec-
section of this data sheet. With a full-scale 1kHz input tion which can cause the driving op amp to oscillate. The
signal, worst case crosstalk on the ADS7825 is better than amount of charge injection due to the sampling FET switch
–115dB. This should be adequate for even the most de- on the ADS7825 is approximately 5-10% of the amount on
manding applications. However, if crosstalk is a concern, similar ADCs with the charge redistribution DAC (CDAC)
the following items should be kept in mind: The worst case architecture. There is also a resistive front end which attenu-
crosstalk is generally from channel 3 to 2. In addition, ates any charge which is released. The end result is a
crosstalk from Channel 3 to any other channel is worse than minimal requirement for the drive capability on the signal
from those channels to Channel 3. The reason for this is that conditioning preceding the A/D. Any op amp sufficient for
Channel 3 is nearer to the reference on the ADS7825. This the signal in an application will be sufficient to drive the
allows two coupling modes: channel-to-channel and Chan- ADS7825.
nel 3 to the reference. In general, when crosstalk is a The resistive front end of the ADS7825 also provides a
concern, avoid placing signals with higher frequency com- guaranteed ±15V overvoltage protection. In most cases, this
ponents on Channel 3. eliminates the need for external overvoltage protection
The worst case crosstalk occurs from Channel 3 to Channel circuitry.
2 as shown in the Crosstalk vs Input Frequency graph in the
Typical Performance Curves section. Other adjacent chan- INTERMEDIATE LATCHES
nels are typically several dB better than this while non-
The ADS7825 does have tri-state outputs for the parallel
adjacent channels are typically 10dB better. If a particular
port, but intermediate latches should be used if the bus will
channel should be as immune as possible from crosstalk,
be active during conversions. If the bus is not active during
channel 0 would be the best channel for the signal and
conversions, the tri-state outputs can be used to isolate the
channel 1 should have the signal with the lowest frequency
A/D from other peripherals on the same bus.
content. If two signals are to have as little crosstalk as
possible, they should be placed on Channel 0 and Channel Intermediate latches are beneficial on any monolithic A/D
2 with lower frequency, less-sensitive inputs on the other converter. The ADS7825 has an internal LSB size of 38µV.
channels. Transients from fast switching signals on the parallel port,
even when the A/D is tri-stated, can be coupled through the
If crosstalk is a concern for all channels, keep in mind that the
substrate to the analog circuitry causing degradation of
crosstalk graph shows crosstalk between any two channels.
converter performance.
Total crosstalk to any given channel is the sum of the
crosstalk contributions from all the other channels. Since non- For an ADS7825 with proper layout, grounding, and bypass-
adjacent channels contribute very little, their contribution can ing, the effect can be a few LSBs of error. In some cases, this
generally be ignored. A good approximation for absolute error can be treated as an increase in converter noise and
worst case crosstalk would be to add 6dB to the highest curve simply averaged out. In others, the error may not be random
shown in the Crosstalk vs Input Frequency graph. and will produce an error in the conversion result, even with
averaging. Poor grounding, poor bypassing, and high-speed
digital signals will increase the magnitude of the errors—
possibly to many tens of LSBs.
ADS7825 16