Disaster Proof Curriculum
Disaster Proof Curriculum
Disaster Proof Curriculum
A Disaster-Prone Curriculum
Lorem Ipsum A Disaster-Proof Curriculum
At present, almost all subjects of nearly all programs in CBSUA - To design and implement a disaster-proof curriculum,
Pili can be described as "teacher-centered.” STANDARDIZATION of all subjects is the key.
1. teachers control almost all learning activities (no teacher 1. a common syllabus
– no class) 2. a shared learning contents and assessments (print &
2. no standardized learning content and assessments e-copy)
• "personalized" syllabus, 3. a common schedule (in weeks)
• "personalized" instructional materials and assessments
• "personalized" schedule These standardized materials shall be given at the start of
every semester. These learning contents are, of course,
One subject with several teachers means varied syllabus, diverse developed by the Subjects Area Task Force, within the
learning contents, and different standards. Learning contents are existing guidelines set by the University.
also not given ahead of time.
These standardized learning contents promote Equity and uphold
LEARNING. Besides, standardized learning contents are also easier
to monitor, manage, and enhance.
These varied and personalized learning contents do not It ensures common learning outcomes at the end of a semester.
ensure quality and equality - described in SDG - 4; this is hard
Standardization also addresses the issue of COMPETENCE among
to monitor, hard to manage, and enhance.
newbie teachers; since they will be delivering a learning content
designed by competent and senior faculty members.
Further, it does not guarantee uniform learning outcomes at
the end of the semester and of the curricular program. Still, upholds Academic Freedom - since teachers are always in
control of what they are going to do during contact hours.
Sadly, teachers are heavily accountable in this setting. Similar
to the accountability of K-12 teachers, this should not be the TEAM TEACHING and combination of classes is viable and
case in higher education. sustainable in this setting.