Learning Activity Sheet Grade - 9 Science
Learning Activity Sheet Grade - 9 Science
Learning Activity Sheet Grade - 9 Science
Grade – 9 SCIENCE
Name: ___________________Date: ____________ Rating/Score_____________
A. Guess what?
1. connected to a turbine
3. produced from the heat inside
the Earth
5. use heat from the Earth’s
10. ranks third in 2019
geothermal energy production
2.Geo means ______
4. produced by geothermal
6. an opening in Earth’s crust
7. location of Tiwi power plant
8. geothermal source is found in
the _______ Ring of Fire
9. Geothermal energy is a _____
B. Locate Me!
DIRECTIONS: Plot the following volcanoes and geothermal power plants on the map
below. Answer the following questions.
Specific Week: Week 3-4
Target Competency: Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use
Guide Questions:
Specific Week: Week 3-4
Target Competency: Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use
2. DIRECTIONS: Complete the chart below to show how energy is transformed to generate
electricity in a geothermal power plant.
Specific Week: Week 3-4
Target Competency: Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use
Specific Week: Week 3-4
Target Competency: Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use