Teaching Kit
Duration of Experiment
Protocol: 1.5 hours
Observation and result: 30 minutes
Storage Instructions
The kit is stable for 6 months from the date of receipt
Store the DNA Marker and Test samples at -20oC
Other kit contents can be stored at room temperature (15-25oC)
1 Aim 3
2 Introduction 3
3 Principle 3
4 Kit Contents 3
6 Storage 4
7 Important Instructions 4
8 Procedure 4
9 Safety 5
11 Interpretation 7
12 Troubleshooting Guide 7
To determine the molecular size of three linear double stranded (ds) DNA fragment.
Agarose gel electrophoresis method is used to measure the molecular size of DNA and RNA molecules. For
separation of very large DNA molecules (1000-2000 kb), pulsed field gel electrophoresis method has to be
employed. The migration rates of DNA molecule depend upon their respective molecular weight. This simple
and fast method is frequently used to determine the size of a linear DNA fragment by comparing its mobility
to a DNA fragment marker of known size.
Negatively charged DNA molecules are separated on agarose gel matrix according to their molecular weight
upon electrophoresis. The position of DNA in the agarose gel is visualized by staining the gel with low
concentration of a fluorescent intercalating dye like Ethidium bromide. Smaller molecules move faster and
migrate farther than larger ones because the migration rates of DNA molecules are inversely proportional to
the logarithms of the molecular weights. This method is frequently performed to determine the size of an
unknown DNA fragment by comparing it with DNA ladders of known size. A standard curve can be obtained
by plotting the molecular size of the fragments of the marker against the reciprocal of their respective
mobility. The relative mobility (Rf) of the DNA ladder depends upon the log of its relative molecular weight.
The Rf value can be determined after dividing the distance traveled by the DNA by distance traveled by
tracking dye. The molecular size of the test sample can be obtained from the standard curve. The mobility rate
of DNA molecules vary from one experiment to another. So, the control DNA ladder should always be loaded
on the same gel.
Kit Contents:
Table 1: Enlists the materials provided in this kit with their quantity and recommended storage
Sr. No. Product Code Materials Provided Storage
10 expts
1 MB002 Agarose 4.8 g RT
2 ML016 50X TAE 120 ml RT
3 TKC116 1 kb DNA ladder 0.035 ml -20oC
4 TKC061 Test sample 1 0.11 ml -20oC
5 TKC062 Test sample 2 0.11 ml -20oC
6 TKC063 Test sample 3 0.11 ml -20oC
HiPer® DNA Molecular Size Determination Teaching Kit is stable for 6 months from the date of receipt
without showing any reduction in performance. DNA Marker and samples should be stored at -20oC. Other kit
contents can be stored at room temperature (15-25oC).
Important Instructions:
1. Prepare gel tray by sealing the ends with adhesive tape. Place comb in gel tray about 1 inch from
one end of the tray and position the comb vertically such that the teeth are about 1-2 mm above the
surface of the tray.
2. To prepare 50 ml of 0.8% agarose solution, measure 0.4 g agarose into a glass beaker or flask and
add 50ml 1X TAE buffer. Heat the mixture on a microwave or hot plate, swirling the glass beaker/
flask occasionally, until agarose is dissolved completely (Ensure that the lid of the flask is loose to
avoid buildup of pressure).
3. Allow solution to cool down to about 55-60°C. Add 0.5 µl Ethidium bromide, mix well and pour the
gel solution into the gel tray to a depth of about 5mm. Allow the gel to solidify for about 30 minutes
at room temperature.
4. To start the run, carefully remove the adhesive tape from both the ends of the gel tray, place the tray
in electrophoresis chamber, and fill the chamber (just until wells are submerged) with 1X TAE
electrophoresis buffer and gently remove the comb.
5. Load 3 µl of the ready to use DNA ladder onto well 1. Load 10 µl of each DNA samples onto well 2, 3
and 4.
6. Connect the power cord to the electrophoretic power supply according to the convention: Red-
Anode and Black- Cathode. Electrophorese at 100-120 volts and 90 mA current until dye markers
have migrated an appropriate distance, depending on the size of DNA to be visualized.
7. Electrophoresis apparatus should always be covered to protect against electric shocks. Avoid use of
very high voltage which can cause trailing and smearing of DNA bands in the gel, particularly with
high-molecular-weight DNA.
8. Monitor the temperature of the buffer periodically during the run. If the buffer becomes heated,
reduce the voltage. Melting of an agarose gel during electrophoresis is a sign that the voltage is too
high, that the buffer may have been incorrectly prepared or has become exhausted during the run.
9. Switch off the power supply once the tracking dye from the wells reaches 3/4th of the gel which takes
approximately 45 minutes. Observe the gel on a UV transilluminator.
UV light can damage the eyes and skin. Always wear suitable eye and face protection when working with a UV
light source. UV light damages DNA. If DNA fragments are to be extracted from the gel, use a UV source of
lower intensity and minimize exposure of the DNA to the UV light.
Ethidium bromide is a powerful mutagen and is very toxic. Appropriate safety precautions should be taken by
wearing latex gloves; however, use of nitrile gloves is recommended.
Perform Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. Visualize the DNA bands using UV transilluminator.
1 2 3 4
10 kb
200 bp
Measure the distance (in cm) traveled by each of the 10 bands of 1 kb DNA ladder and the test samples
(1, 2, 3) from the well.
Calculate the Rf value using the formula:
For example, if the dye has migrated to a distance of 6.7 cm, following are the Rf values of the 1 kb DNA marker
and test sample 1.
Record your observation as in Table 2. Plot the Rf values of each of the bands of the marker against its
corresponding molecular size to construct a standard graph on a semi-log graph sheet.
Rf Value
0.1 1 10
Molecular Size of Standard DNA in kb
Calculate Rf value of test samples and obtain the corresponding molecular size from the graph. Record the
molecular size of the test samples as follows:
Table 3: Molecular Size of Test Samples
Test Sample Molecular size in kb Distance traveled by DNA (in cm) Rf Value
By plotting the Rf values against the respective molecular size of a DNA marker in a semi-log graph sheet one
can get the standard graph. This standard graph helps to determine the molecular size of any linear DNA band
provided the DNA and the marker are electrophoresed on the same gel.
Troubleshooting Guide:
Problem Possible Cause Solution
Insufficient quantity of DNA Load exact amount of DNA as per the
loaded on the gel procedure
Inaccurate amount of
Always add proper amount of Ethidium
Ethidium bromide added to
bromide as given in the procedure
Faint or no band the gel
seen on the gel DNA electrophoresed off the Electrophorese the gel for less time, use a
gel lower voltage
Always connect the cords of the
DNA does not run in the
electrophoretic unit as per convention:
proper direction
Black- Cathode, Red- Anode
Smeared DNA Improper electrophoresis Ensure that the wells are completely
bands condition submerged in the running buffer
Gel Running Buffer reused Prepare fresh TAE buffer, dilute it as per
several times. instructions
Prepare gel as per the procedure. Ensure
Gel not melted properly
that the agarose is dissolved completely
Improper gel Add Ethidium bromide at right temperature
solidification After preparation, gel kept for after gel preparation and immediately pour
too long at room temperature the gel. Do not let the gel to solidify before
Technical Assistance:
At HiMedia we pride ourselves on the quality and availability of our technical support. For any kind of
technical assistance, mail at
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