Wild Mage: A Class For Neverwinter Nights 2
Wild Mage: A Class For Neverwinter Nights 2
Wild Mage: A Class For Neverwinter Nights 2
The Wild Mage is a new class for Neverwinter Nights 2 ® based on the
class of the same name from the 2nd edition Tome of Magic. The Wild Mage
is a wizard who utilizes a new experimental method of spell casting that is
powerful, unpredictable, and often dangerous. Conceived from nostalgia
and born through countless hours of scripting our Wild Mage has grown
into a truly substantial body of work. Shazbotian and I hope that you will
enjoy playing this unique and fun class. The primary features of this mod
1) The playable Wild Mage Class,
2) a completely reworked spell casting system to implement wild
3) 28 Wild Magic spells exclusive to the Wild Mage
4) a highly detailed wild surge table with 100 dazzling, bizarre, and
unexpected results.
Update History
My peers and I instead have sheared away our own canvas and have
threaded upon it our own representations. We have siezed what was once
the exclusive property of dieties and claimed it for the benefit all. I am not a
petty villan nor a disciple of evil; I only seek to further the science of magika
for the benefit of the realms. This new theory of magic is still in its infancy
and has yet to be properly harnesed creating the potential for great danger.
It is not I or nor my craft that should be on trial but rather those who
selfishly use this untamed knowledge to fill their lust for the raw, and as you
might say “Wild”, magical power by carelessly wounding the weave.”
-The Wild Mage Nahal speaks in his defence durring the trial of High
Treason Arcana at the Temple of Mystra’s Chosen.
Alignment: Any. Although wild never return to the path of ordinary
magic is chaotic on the surface, Wizardry.
study in this field requires diligence
and discipline. Class Features
Attributes: Intelligence of 16 or - Hit Die: d4
greater. The theories of wild magic
are breaking new ground, and only - Base Attack Bonus: Low.
characters of high intelligence are
able to decipher the arcane - High Saves: Will
convolutions of its meta-
mathematical theory. - Weapon Proficiencies: Wild
Mages gain no additional weapon
Spellcasting: Must Be a Generalist proficiencies.
Wizard of no greater than or less
than level 2*. The study of wild - Armor Proficiencies: Wild
magic must begin early in a Mages gain no additional armor
Wizards career. Once a wizard has proficiencies.
set foot on the path of wild magic
the newfound knowledge makes an - Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier.
indelible mark on their minds. A
Wild Mage can not unlearn the - Class Skills: Concentration, Craft
secrets of the weave and thus can Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft
*Originally, the intention was Weapon, Lore, and Spellcraft.
to make the Wild Mage a
- Spells per Day/Spells Known:
base class as it is presented
When a new Wild Mage level is
in the Tome of Magic. gained, the character gains new
However, due to limitations spells per day (and spells known, if
in the NWN2 engine this was applicable) as though he had
impossible. The best gained a level in Wizard. Wild
compromise was to make Mage arcane spell progression
them an “Extended PrC” that cannot be applied to other classes,
begins at level 3 and may such as sorcerers or bards.
progress all the way to 30th
- Wild Magic Spells: Becoming a
level. Wild Mage grants access to the
spells of wild magic. Only Wild Multi-Classing
Mages of appropriate level may
cast wild magic spells.
While taking an additional
- Bonus Spell Slots: Like a class is possible as a Wild
specialist wizard, Wild mages are Mage, it is not recommended
able to memorize one extra spell until at leas 17th level, if ever.
per level. This spell must be a wild First, wild magic spells are
magic spell, although it can be exclusive to Wild Mages
from any school. requiring the appropriate
casting level to be used.
- The Gift of Inspiration I - VII:
Wild Mages strive to be on the
Second, a Wild Mages
cutting edge of wild magic spell influence over wild surge
research. When becoming a first results when using Nahal’s
and second level Wild Mage (total Reckless Dweomer and
level 3 and 4 including 2 levels of Wildfire only improves with
Wizard) the caster gains a rush of Wild Mage levels. Finally,
inspiration that lets them quickly some other wild magic
transcribe two Wild Magic spells
spells, such as Wildstorm and
from level 1 and/or level 2.
Thereafter, when gaining a new
Mass Magical Propensity
level the Wild Mage experiences a Modifier, only count your
renewed sense of inspiration and levels as a Wild Mage when
may select an additional spell from calculating their effects.
their current casting level or less to
transcribe. This ability is highly
wishes with them. The Gift of
beneficial to the Wild Mage as
Inspiration must be used before a
scrolls containing wild magic spells
new spell level is gained or its
are not to be found anywhere but
benefits will be lost. To use The
in the cold dead hands of another
Gift of Inspiration activate the feat
Wild Mage. It is recommended
and select a spell from the dialog.
that these transcribed spells are
immediately scribed into the
- Chaotic Mind: All Wild Mages
player’s spellbook for posterity;
posses a certain affinity for magical
however the player may do as he
items that rely on random chance greater effect than normal. The
such as a Rod of Wonder or a Deck degree of variation depends on the
of Illusions. When using such an true level of the caster as shown in
item the Wild Mage will be Table 1. The entries in bold indicate
presented with two random that a wild surge has occurred.
outcomes from which they may
choose. Chaotic Mind has no effect - Wild Surge: A wild surge briefly
on unique artifacts of opens a doorway through which
unfathomable power such as a raw magical energy pours. The
Deck of Many things. energy is incompletely controlled
by the actions of the spellcaster.
- Spell Level Variation: The most The result, often spectacular, is
broad-reaching aspect of the wild seldom what the caster intended
mage's powers is his approach to and is sometimes a smaller or
spells. The wild mage's work with greater version of the desired spell.
the principles of uncertainty affects At other times, wildly improbable
all spells that have a level variable results occur. Songs may fill the air,
for range, duration, area of effect, people might appear out of
or damage. Each time a wild mage nowhere, or the floor may become
uses a spell with a level variable, he a pool of grease. Whatever
randomly determines the resulting happens, it is the essence of
casting level of the spell. The spell wildness.
may function at lesser, equal, or
Table 1: Level Variation
True ------------------------------Die Roll (D20)------------------------------------
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
3 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2
4 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2
5 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3
6 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3
7 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4
8 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4
9+ -5 -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 0 0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5
Boldface results indicate a wild surge. Consult table 2.
Tip – Some wild surges are
very nasty and will stop you
in your tracks (eg. Turned to
stone). Others, unfortunately,
may contain unforeseen
bugs that my crash the game
or, more insidiously, hamper
game play down the line. If
any game-breaking bugs
occur please report them in
the comments section on the
Vault page. And save often.
33 Color Spray
Table 2: Wild Surge Results 34 Butterflies pour from caster's mouth
35 Gold is created on the target
36 Gems shoot from caster's fingertips
Roll Result
37 Music fills the air
<1 Spell Automatically Fails
38 Create Food and Water
1 Wall of Force Appears in front of caster
39 Caster becomes undead
2 Caster smells like a skunk for a number of rounds
equal to the casters level 40 One magic item on caster is completely drained
3 Summons various animals 41 One normal item on caster becomes magical
4 Caster's clothes itch for 4d6 rounds 42 All nearby weapons temporarily enchanted
5 Light on caster 43 Smoke pours from the ears of nearby creatures
6 Spell affects everyone in 60' 44 Shimmering Lights
7 A rainbow appears 45 Everyone within 30' of caster begins to hiccup
8 A random creature in the area dies 46 All normal, secret, and magic doors open
9 Everyone turns around 47 Caster and target exchange places
10 Spell explodes in caster's face 48 Spell chooses random target
11 Caster becomes allergic to magic items 49 Spell fails but caster is refreshed
12 Gold on caster is destroyed 50 Random allies are summoned
13 Caster “reduced” 51 Weather changes abruptly
14 Caster falls madly in love with target until dispel 52 Deafening bang affects all within 60'
magic or remove curse is cast 53 Random spell is cast at random target
15 Everyone around you is knocked down 54 Gate opens and a creature emerges
16 Caster polymorphed into a random form 55 Spell functions but shrieks horribly
17 Colorful bubbles come out of caster's mouth for one 56 Spell effectiveness decreases
57 Spell is reversed
18 A herd of cats appear
58 Spell takes on free-willed physical form, casts itself
19 Caster surrounded by flames on anything it hits
20 Caster's feet enlarge 59 All nearby weapons glow for 1d4 rounds
21 Spell targets caster and target 60 Spell becomes irresistible
22 Caster levitates for 3d6 rounds 61 Spell appears to fail, occurs later
23 Fear on Caster 62 All nearby magic items begin to glow
24 Caster becomes two-dimensional for 3-10 rounds 63 A mysterious, yet strangely familiar, being of
25 Caster gains a phobia of random creature type for unlimited power appears
1d4 days 64 Target slowed
26 Spells in effect around caster explode violently 65 All spells in effect around target explode violently
27 Silence 15' on caster 66 Lightning Bolt cast at target
28 Time Stop, with turns 67 Target Enlarged
29 Magic is dampened. All creatures in the area receive 68 Darkness on target
spell mantles
30 Fireworks erupt over caster's head 69 Plant Growth on target
31 Spell turns on caster 70 1d4 clones of target are created for one turn
72 Target turned to stone
73 Spell casts successfully, caster is refreshed
Tip – The descriptions of the
74 Everyone within 10' of caster Healed wild surges presented on
75 Target becomes dizzy for 2d4 rounds table 2 have been left
76 Target surrounded by flames
intentionally vague for two
77 Target levitates for 3d6 rounds
78 Target struck blind for one round per caster level
reasons. First, is that it
79 Charm Monster on target
leaves room for an element
80 Every creature within 60' of target becomes drunk of surprise; many surges
for 4-10 rounds
have multiple outcomes,
81 Target's feet enlarge
82 Rust Monster appears
secrets, and Easter eggs.
83 Target polymorphs into a random form Second, some surges apply
84 Target falls madly in love with caster until dispel long term or permanent
magic or remove curse is cast
85 Target changes sex
effects upon its victim.
86 Small black rain cloud forms over target Sometimes these effects can
87 Stinking Cloud on target be removed with a simple
88 Heavy object falls on target dispel magic. Other times
89 Target begins sneezing
the removal method will take
90 Spell is cast against every creature within 60' of
target some thought and
91 Target's clothes itch for 4d6 rounds experimentation.
92 Target's race randomly changes
93 Target becomes Ethereal
94 Target Hasted
95 All cloth on target crumbles to dust
96 Target sprouts leaves
97 Target grows a new but useless appendage
98 Target's skin changes color
99 Spell is cast over and over for five rounds
100 Spell's power greatly increased
> 100 Spell is cast successfully
Wild Magic Spells
battle against an adult red dragon
that is normally highly resistant to
spells requiring fortitude checks. A
potential strategy is to use Nahal’s
Magical Propensity Modifier and
then cast Dysmorphigation on the
wyrm. This combination will
potentially lower the dragon’s
resistance and most likely shape
change it to a weaker form giving
the Wild Mage an immense
advantage. This is just one
possibility of dozens I could
suggest but I do not want to spoil
these discoveries for yourself. Try
Wild magic spells are as to think of innovative ways to use
powerful as they are unpredictable. wild magic. These spells may seem
Often these spells will offer effects limited at first glance but they
that are beyond the normal range actually offer an entirely new range
of spells available for a Wizard of of gameplay possibilities.
that level. However, these spells Experiment, take risks, and most of
are unreliable and may even be all have fun!
potentially hazardous to the Wild
Mage himself or his allies! ----------Level 0----------
This risk must be assessed in each
scenario to determine the possible Random Spell 0
outcomes. In the right situation,
where the potential benefits Caster Level(s): Wizard /
outweigh the risks, wild magic Sorcerer 0
spells will be absolutely Innate Level: 0
devastating. Additionally, School: Evocation
combining certain spells together Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
can add to the effectiveness. For Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
example, suppose you were doing Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single ----------Level 1----------
Duration: Special Nahal's Reckless
Save: Special Dweomer
Spell Resistance: Special
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
This risky spell draws upon the Innate Level: 1
chaos of magic to form magical School: Evocation
energy into a spell more power Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
than the wild mage could Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
otherwise be casting. Random Spell Range: Special
0, when cast, creates an effect Area of Effect / Target: Special
equal to a randomly selected spell Duration: Special
of 1st level Save: Special
The caster chooses one creature Spell Resistance: Special
within 30 yards as the spell's target.
The created spell will be centered ***Note to Player: To use Nahal's
on that creature, unless it is of the Reckless Dweomer you first need
type that only affects the caster. to activate the feat Reckless
The advantages of Random Dweomer Spell Select. This Feat
Spell are the range which is 30 will be granted to you the first time
yards regardless of the duplicated you cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer
spell's original range, and the fact . It is recommended that you cast
that the wild mage doesn't need to Nahal's Reckless Dweomer as soon
be able to cast the spell or even as it is learned to gain this feat.***
have it in his spellbook. On the
backside, the caster has no This spell is the wild mage's
knowledge about which spell will ultimate last-resort spell. When
be duplicated, not even if the cast, the mage releases a sudden
spell's effect is harmful or helpful. flood of wild magical energy in the
hope of seizing and shaping that
energy into a desired spell effect.
The attempt usually fails, but
something almost always occurs in
the process. Before casting the
spell, the mage announces the
spell effect he is trying to create
(Note to player - Use the Feat unexpected. The result may be
Nahal’s Reckless Dweomer Spell beneficial to the mage or it may be
Select). The mage must be able to completely disastrous; this is the
cast the spell (i.e., have it in his risk the mage takes in casting
spell books), but need not have it Nahal's reckless dweomer.
memorized. After announcing the
spell (along with the appropriate Scatterport
target type selected from the spells
radial menu ), the wild mage casts Caster Level(s): Wizard /
Nahal's reckless dweomer. A burst Sorcerer 1
of magical energy is released, Innate Level: 1
which the wild mage tries to School: Transmutation
manipulate into the desired form. Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
The actual effect of the spell is Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
determined randomly from 100 Range: Small
different possible wild surge Area of Effect / Target: 25 ft. + 5
results. Because the release of ft./2 levels
energy is planned by the mage, his Duration: Instant
level is added to the dice roll. If the Save: Fortitude negates.
result indicates success, the mage Spell Resistance: Yes
has shaped the magical energy into
the desired effect. More often than This spell transports the
not, the effect is completely designated creature 2d4 + 5 feet/2
levels away from its original
position in a random direction.
Scatterport is limited to line-of-
sight and will not teleport the
subjects past any barriers. If an
object is between the scatterport
target creature and the intended
destination of their fantastic
journey they will arrive next to the
blocking object instead of the
maximum distance. Hostile
creatures are allowed a Fortitude
save vs. spells to resist the effect.
Random Spell I be duplicated, not even if the
spell's effect is harmful or helpful.
Caster Level(s): Wizard /
Sorcerer I
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Special
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
----------Level 3---------- is determined randomly among all
creatures within a 30-foot
Hornung’s Baneful hemisphere of the protected
Deflector creature, including the protected
creature. The missile then changes
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3 course toward its new target. The
Innate Level: 3 new target must make a Reflex
School: Evocation save vs. spells to avoid the
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic projectile.
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch Paithan’s Lucky Streak
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Creature Caster Level(s): Wizard /
Duration: 2 rounds/level Sorcerer 3
Save: None Innate Level: 3
Spell Resistance: No School: Enchantment
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
This spell surrounds the Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
recipient in a shimmering, Range: Touch
hemispherical field of force. The Area of Effect / Target: One
field is transparent and moves with Creature
the subject, forming a shell about Duration: Special
one foot away from his body. The Save: None
shell serves as a shield against all Spell Resistance: No
forms of individually targeted
missile attacks (including the spells This spell gives the recipient an
Magic Missile, Melf’s Acid Arrow, incredible streak of luck. Each
Flame Arrow, and Quill Fire). The round a random bonus from 0-3 is
Spell will deflect enchanted individually calculated and added
missiles, but any additional effects to the following; all saves, attack
such as fire damage will still strike rolls, all skills, and armor class
the protected creature. (dodge). If the benefactor of
Whenever an individual missile Paithan’s Lucky Streak is the victim
attack is directed at a protected of a wild surge, a random bonus of
creature, the baneful deflector 0 - 6 is added to the wild surge
activates. Instead of striking the table increasing the likelihood of a
target creature, the missile’s target positive result.
Each round of Paithan’s Lucky hostile creature and then speaks
Streak a d20 is rolled to determine the most unspeakable, the most
its course. If a 1 is rolled the spell savory of the unsavory, and the
ends immediately due to bad luck. unholiest of unholy insults at them.
If a 2 is rolled the target All creatures within 30’ feet of the
experiences a temporary down turn caster who hear this diatribe (deaf
in his luck and receives a -1 to his creatures are immune) and fail a
actions for that round (but not bad Will saving throw versus mind
enough to end the spell). However, effects have a powerful and
if a 20 is rolled for that round the uncontrollable reaction to the
target has extremely good luck and casters vile words based on their
receives a bonus of 6 on all his first inclination. To determine the
actions and 12 to any wild surge reaction a d100 is rolled and the
results. result is selected from the
The duration of Paithan’s Lucky following table.
streak is indefinite. It can continue
as long as the target does not have <Roll> - Effect
bad luck by rolling a 1. <1-20> - The listener is inspired to
heroics. (+2 on all saves and skills).
Vile Word of Discord <21-40> - The listener is deeply
offended and goes into a rage. (+2
Caster Level(s): Wizard / str, +2 con, +1 will save, -2 AC)
Sorcerer 3 <41-52> - The listener reconsiders
Innate Level: 3 his allegiances. (target charmed)
School: Enchantment <53-64> - The listener is deeply
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic saddened. (-2 all saves, -2 all skills,
Component(s): Verbal -2 ab, -2 damage)
Range: Short <65-76> - The listener is confused.
Area of Effect / Target: 30’ circle (as confusion spell)
around caster <77-88> - The listener breaks out
Duration: 1d4 1 + 1 rounds / 2 into an uncontrollable fit of
levels laughter. (as Tasha’s Hideous
Save: Will negates Laughter)
Spell Resistance: Yes <89-100> - The listener is terrified.
(as Fear spell)
When casting the Vile Word of
Discord the Wild mage selects a
Unlike many spells the casters than the wild mage could
natural ability at insulting comes otherwise be casting. Random Spell
into play here and their charisma I, when cast, creates an effect equal
modifier is added (or subtracted) to a randomly selected spell of 4th
from the save dc of all listeners. or 5th level.
Additionally, insults have to be The caster chooses one creature
completely understood in order to within 30 yards as the spell's target.
have maximum effectiveness and The created spell will be centered
therefore creatures of a different on that creature, unless it is of the
base racial type may slightly type that only affects the caster.
misinterpret the message The advantages of Random
increasing the chance they will Spell are the range which is 30
succeed on their will saving throw yards regardless of the duplicated
by 4. Finally, creatures that are spell's original range, and the fact
considered mindless are that the wild mage doesn't need to
completely oblivious to the casters be able to cast the spell or even
rancor. have it in his spellbook. On the
backside, the caster has no
Random Spell III knowledge about which spell will
be duplicated, not even if the
Caster Level(s): Wizard / spell's effect is harmful or helpful.
Sorcerer III
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Special
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Special
----------Level 5---------- 12, Int-10, Wis-10, Chr-18 could
possibly end up with the following
Discombobulation after the discombobulation, Str-12,
Dex-10, Con- 18, Int- 8, Wis- 14,
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Chr- 10. In this particular case the
Sorcerer 5 sorcerer’s spellcasting will suffer
Innate Level: 5 considerably, but it should be
School: Transmutation noted that it was possible that his
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic charisma score could have got his
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Dex of 14 or even got its own score
Range: Medium of 18, but chances (5 in 6) were
Area of Effect / Target: One that this particular caster was going
Creature to have to make due with one of
Duration: 1d10 + 1 round / 2 levels his lesser attributes. Only base
Save: Will Negates attribute values are randomly
Spell Resistance: Yes shuffled. Bonuses from items or
magical effects will remain on their
At the core of every creature lies intended attribute unaffected by
certain aspects. These traits define this spell.
the creatures strength and Discombobulation is most
weaknesses. The spell effective against creatures that rely
Discombobulation causes erratic heavily on only one or two
rearrangement of these attributes such as casters, warriors,
capabilities. A creature that was and rogues. Creatures with a
once exceptionally strong but balanced set of abilities may hardly
dismally dim witted once even notice the effects of
discombobulated may find that Discombobulation.
they have new insight into many
things yet can barley stand from Vortex
The target of Discombobulation Caster Level(s): Wizard /
is allowed a Will save to negates its Sorcerer 5
effects. If failed, all of the Innate Level: 5
creature’s ability scores are School: Evocation
randomly shuffled. For example, a Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
human sorcerer with the following Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
ability scores, Str-8, Dex-14, Con- Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: 8’ circle / chance of losing control each
caster’s familiar round. If he loses control, or does
Duration: 1d4 + 1 round / 2 lvl not take control in the first place,
Save: Reflex 1/2 the Vortex will move around
Spell Resistance: Yes randomly. The link between the
caster and the Vortex is not as
This spell takes advantage of strong as it was with his familiar
the magical link between a wizard and if the Vortex moves beyond 30
and his familiar. The wild mage meters he will be unable to possess
manipulates this connection it. At the end of the spell the
transforming his familiar into a casters familiar reforms and
mass of swirling raw magical remains invulnerable for 1 round
energy. Once the transformation is but afterwards it may suffer the ire
complete all semblance of of any creature it damaged during
personality and loyalty in this once its rampage.
faithful companion is lost, however The vortex is composed of raw
its new form temporarily renders magical energy. Nonmagical
the familiar’s life impervious to creatures within 8 feet of the vortex
harm. Each round the caster can suffer ld4 points of damage per
attempt to possess the Vortex level of the caster. Magical
temporarily controlling its creatures and spellcasters suffer ld6
movement. However, his control is points of damage per level of the
not perfect and there is a 50% caster. Creatures struck are allowed
a Reflex saving throw vs. spells to
suffer only half damage. Each time
a creature is struck, there is a 5%
chance that the vortex will explode
in a wild surge. When this happens
a random spell between levels 1
and 6 is cast targeting a random
creature within 8 feet of the vortex.
This spell is guaranteed to cause a
wild surge. The probability of each
level being cast is as follows.
Level 1 = 10%
Level 2 = 20%
Level 3 = 25%
Level 4 = 20% ----------Level 6----------
Level 5 = 15%
Level 6 = 10% Dysmorphigation
If the vortex causes a wild surge,
the spell ends immediately. Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Transmutaion
Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: One
Duration: 1d4 + level/2 rounds
Save: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Dysmorphigation differs in the time an extremely powerful and
several ways to self-imposed deadly form will take shape. This
polymorph. The target creature risk must be weighed against the
will be disoriented and clumsy in advantages of dysmorphing a
their new form suffering -2 to creature which include a typically
attack rolls, saving throws, and to lowered AC, no equipment, and
all skills. Their hit points will be inability to cast spells.
determined by their level and the
constitution of their new shape. Erratic Essence Exchanger
Additionally, if they happen to
become a creature that is frailer Caster Level(s): Wizard /
than themselves their hit point Sorcerer 6
total will be adjusted accordingly. Innate Level: 6
For example, the ingenious Wild School: Necromancy
Mage Shazarian casts Descriptor(s): Wild Magic
Dysmorphigation on a level 9 Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
fighter. Shazarian is extremely Range: Small
lucky and the fighter dysmorphs Area of Effect / Target: 80' diameter
into a dire rat. Instead of gaining a circle
hit point bonus from the Duration: 1 round / level
transformation, as typical in self- Save: None
imposed polymorphs, his hit point Spell Resistance: No
total lowers from 108 to 14. If the
target manages to live through the Erratic Essence Exchanger
duration of the spell they regain destabilizes the life-force of any
their lost hit points upon creatures caught within its area of
reformation. effect. Random connections are
Dysmorphigation will transform then made between these
the target creature into a form of creatures similar to how a lake is
power manageable, but still connected to a sea allowing health
dangerous, to a level 11 caster to flow between them like a river.
approximately 40 percent of the This connection seeks balance, and
time. Another 40 percent of the the
time the form will be of a power
level anywhere from slightly flow can not stop until both side of
annoying to pathetically weak. the connection are equalized.
However, the other 20 percent of
Everyone within 40 feet of distorts all attempts at spellcasting,
where Erratic Essence Exchanger is converting spell energy into wild
centered randomly selects a surges. The victim of a wildstrike is
creature with which they form a allowed a saving throw; if
connection. At this time, if the successful, the spell has no effect. If
selected creature is not themselves, the saving throw is failed, the
their Hit Point total is changed to target is enclosed within a field of
that of the random creature. If the wild magic. If the victim casts spells
hit points are greater than their a wild surge is automatically
normal maximum they are added created. When determining the
as temporary hit points that can effects of this surge, the true level
not be healed and will disappear of the wild mage who cast the
when the spell’s duration expires. wildstrike is subtracted from the
If the hit points are less than what die roll, making the effects of the
they currently have they take an wild surge more likely to affect the
amount of irresistible damage victim.
equal to the difference between
totals. These hit points will be
returned when the spell expires.
Wildfire as soon as it is learned to
gain this feat.***
Odds and Ends
New Wizard Spells New Cleric Spells
New Magical Items
Rod of Wonder
We would like to thank the following people who’s custom content or
ideas were used in the this mod.
Jalliax - The Spellcasting framework. With out which none of this would
have been possible.
Abraxas77 - Figured out how to more reliably detect a mages spell school.
And everyone from the NWN2 community Bioware forums who has
discussed any aspect of the wild mage over the last 5 months!