Conversion of AC Input Into DC Output
Conversion of AC Input Into DC Output
Conversion of AC Input Into DC Output
Semester Project
Aimon Humayun 2019-EE-51
Sehar Khan 2019-EE-54
Problem Statement
Design and simulate a variable power supply which takes an AC input of 230V rms at 50 Hz and
gives a DC output that can vary in the range of 0-30V and maximum output load current should
be 1-1.5A.
Circuit Design
a) Block Diagram
Following figure shows the complete block diagram of the power supply.
b) Design Explanation
Step Down Transformer: A Step down Transformer is a type of transformer, which
converts a high voltage at the primary side to a low voltage at the secondary side.If we speak
in terms of the coil windings, the primary winding of a Step down Transformer has more
turns than the secondary winding.
Full Wave Rectifier: A full wave rectifier converts both halves of each cycle of an
alternating wave (AC signal) into pulsating DC signal
Smoothing Capacitors: The smoothing capacitor converts the full-wave rippled output of
the rectifier into a more smooth DC output voltage. We add capacitors in parallel before load
to get the following wave.
Smoothing Capcitors
Using the Formula
In order to get a small value of ripple voltage, we keep the value of VDC nearly equal to
Vp. Then we find the capacitance using the formula given above.
For VDC = 34.22V, C = 16000 uF.
In order to get a voltage of 30V at the output of lt317a the voltage drop between OUT and
ADJ should be 1.25V.
We achieve this by using voltage divider circuit.
We adjust the values of resistance using this ratio.
If we take R1 = 220 Ω, the R2 = 5060 Ω. But to keep R2 standard we take R2 = 5.1kΩ.
Then Voltage at output is 30V. By using a load resistance of 24 Ohms, the output
current is 1.3A.
b. Results
Load Voltages and Load Currents at different values of resisters R3 and R4.
Load Current out of range 1-1.5A as Load Voltage → 0 at 𝑅3 = 200Ω 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅4 = 12Ω
Output Ripple