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The study of building technology is very crucial to its function and purpose within the building.

The first
among the technologies are building materials and protections that are responsible for the building
specifications and finishing. This can also be a fundamental part of any Architecture in which the learner
must understand how to integrate it properly the materials to its building design.
Source: Introduction to Building Materials
On this lecture you will see the basic of building materials as part of building specification within the
disciple of design and construction.
Timber and Industrial Timber Products
I. Introduction
Timber is a product of wood from felled trees suitable for construction purposes.
Three terms pertinent to timber:
1. Converted timber -This is the timber that is sawn and cut into required sizes for commercial use.
2. Rough timber -This is the timber that is obtained after felling a tree.
3. Standing timber -This is the timber that is in a living stage.
• relatively high strength
• low bulk density
• low heat conductivity and
• amenability to mechanical working
• different strengths because of anisotropy
• susceptibility to decay and
• inflammability

Basic Structure of a Tree

A tree consists of a trunk, a crown and roots. The functions of the roots are to implant the tree in the
soil, absorb moisture and mineral substances it contains and in turn supply them to the trunk. The trunk
supports the crown and serves to provide water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves through
branches and from the leaves back to the roots.

Classification of Trees
1. Endogenous Trees
These trees grow by the formation of layers. In such
trees new wood crosses and penetrates the fibres of
the wood previously formed, e.g., bamboo,
palmyrah, coconut, etc. Such trees are not useful for
engineering works.
2. Exogenous Trees
These trees grow outwards by the addition of rings of
young wood. A cross-section of these trees shows
distinct approximate concentric rings called annular
rings. Timber from such trees is mainly used in
engineering works.
Two types of Exogenous Trees
(i) Softwood
Softwoods have needle-like leaves and are also known as conifers as they bear cone-shaped fruits. Trees
under this group are pines, deodar, spruces, etc.
The qualities of softwood are:
(a) Light in weight and colour
(b) Has straight fibres and is resinous
(c) Has distinct annular rings
(d) Is weak and can split easily
(ii) Hardwood
Hardwoods are mostly of broad-leafed trees. They are deciduous trees like teak, sap, etc.
The qualities of hardwood are:
(a) Heavy in weight and dark in colour
(b) Close-grained and non-resinous
(c) No distinct annular rings
( d) Strong and durable

A cross-section of an exogenous tree is shown in Fig. 10.1. It shows almost distinct concentric rings
called annual rings. Pith is the innermost central portion consisting of cellular tissues. The inner annular
area surrounding the pith is called heartwood. Heartwood is the one which is used for all engineering
works. The portion between the cambium layer and the heartwood is called the sapwood, which can
not be of any use for engineering purposes since it contains large quantities of water. A very small
amount of cells that grow in the horizontal direction occurs as groups or bundles of cells known as
medullary rays.

Freshly cut trees contain large quantities of

moisture. If the percentage of moisture is
more than about 20%, then the cut trees
are subjected to different types of fungus
attacks and attacks by insects. Hence, the
amount of moisture has to be reduced.
III. Felling of Trees
The process of a cutting down or knocking
down or causing trees to fall to the ground
is called the felling of a tree. Trees have to
be felled only when they are very close to
maturity or have just matured. Generally, trees attain maturity between 50 and 100 years. Trees
cut before maturity may not be durable. On the other hand, trees cut after maturity may cause
the valuable heartwood to decay. The best time for felling trees is mid-summer or midwinter
when the sap quantity is minimum. Classification of Timber
4 Types of Timber:
1. Hardwood like teakwood for permanent structures.
2. Softwood like deodar wood for permanent structures.
3. Hardwood like sal wood other than teakwood for permanent structures.
4. Softwood other than deodar wood used for any temporary structures.
Characteristics of good timber are given below in the order of decreasing significance:
 Strength  Defects
 Hardness  Weight
 Fire-resistant  Fibers
 Structure  Workability
 Elasticity  Color
 Durability  Sound
V. Defects in Timber
Different kinds of defects are found in timber. Generally, they are caused by the nature of the soil on
which the tree is grown, the fertility it gained during growth and changes occurred in the environment
during its growth.
1. Knots
Knots are the spots of weaknesses in timber, particularly when the timber has to bear a
compressive force.

NAIL KNOT less than 6 mm

SMALL KNOT 6-20 mm

MEDIUM KNOT 20-40 mm

LARGE KNOT more than 40 mm

• Tight knots are those which are joined to the wood
• A knot is said to be a live knot or a sound knot when the
formation of the knot is free from decay and other
defects, and is also intact with the surrounding wood.
• A knot that is not held firmly in the wood is called a
dead knot or a loose knot.
2. Shakes:

• Heart shakes are those which split or crack with more

width at the centre and diminishes towards the
circumference. This type of crack
occurs in over-matured trees.

• Star shakes are radical splits or

cracks wider at the circumference,
which reduce towards the centre
of the tree. These are caused
mostly due to severe frost or more heat. These cracks are confined to
sapwood only.
• Cup shakes are presumably formed by the rupture of the
tissues in a circular direction across the cross-section of log,
usually along the annular rings.

• Radial shakes are similar to

star shakes, but they are thin,
irregular and numerous. They
are caused when there is a delay in sawing after felling. They
usually radiate to a small distance from the bark towards the

Twisted Fibres
These are also known as twisted grains or wandering hearts. They are caused by the twisting of young
trees by fast-blowing winds. The fibres of the wood are twisted in one direction only which causes
problems while sawing. However, they may be used as poles or posts without any planing (Fig. 10.4)

It is also called as rupture. This is caused due to some injury during the growth of the tree. It may be
caused due to heavy winds and due to faulty felling of the tree.

Rind Galls
Rind means bark, and gall represents abnormal growth.
Thus, rind galls are peculiar curved swellings formed on the
body of a tree. These are caused due to the growth of
layers over the injuries left over after improper felling of
trees. The timber taken from this part is very weak and is
not durable (Fig. 10.5).

Wind Cracks
The exterior surface of a tree shrinks when it is exposed to atmospheric
agencies. Such a shrinkage results in cracks known as wind cracks

Sloping Grains
The cells in living trees do not always grow perfectly vertical or straight and
parallel to the length of the truck but in a sloping manner. Such an action
causes the grains to slope when the timber is sawn parallel to the pitch. Such
sloping grains are considered to be a defect.
8. Presence of Sapwood

As discussed earlier sapwood is less durable than heartwood and hence its presence should be avoided.
The presence of sapwood can be identified by the colour, which is much lighter than that of heartwood.
Further, it does not take good polish as compared to heartwood.
Apart from the natural causes discussed above there may be some defects that occur in the process of
seasoning, which is also to be considered while selecting timber for building construction works.

After felling trees, the branches are removed and the trunk is
cut into logs. Conversion is the process of cutting and sawing
logs into suitable sections of timber. In earlier days, it was done
manually using saws. Now-a-days, cutting is done by band and
circular saws run by machines.
Sawing is done by four methods, viz., ordinary sawing, quarter
sawing, tangential sawing, or radial sawing.

1. Ordinary Sawing
In this method of sawing the log is
simply sawed along the diameter.
This is the quickest and commonly
adopted method. This approach is
more economical as wastage of
useful timber is minimum. Each cut
plank has an outer portion of sapwood and an inner portion of heartwood.
But there will be differential shrinkage and warping
2. Quarter Sawing
The disadvantage mentioned in ordinary sawing is to some extent avoided
in quarter sawing.
This method of sawing produces fine timber when the wood has no distinct
medullary rays.
However, timber cut by this method has a tendency to get bent in the
transverse direction
3. Tangential Sawing
It is also called plain sawing or flat-grained sawing. This is done tangential
to the annular rings. This method produces planks that are susceptible to
warping as the medullary rays that give
strength to the longitudinal fibres are cut. It is
difficult to polish planks evenly
4. Radial or Rift Sawing
This is the method adopted for sawing hardwood. This method of sawing
produces planks, which do not shrink much. Because of the interplay of
grains, it gives a decorative finish. However, maximum wastage occurs by
this method of sawing.
VII. Seasoning

Trees felled recently will contain large amounts of sap and moisture. Seasoning is the process of
removing all the sap and moisture content under controlled conditions to avoid any splitting and
distortion in the wood.
Objectives of Seasoning:
1. As most causes of decay and other problems are more or less related to moisture, the main
objective is to remove moisture thereby increasing the resisting power of timber.
2. To impart hardness, stiffness and strength, which improve the adoptability of timber for many
building purposes.
3. To improve the resisting power of timber against electrical power and attack by fungi and
4. To make the timber easily workable.
5. To totally remove the possibility of shrinking, warping and splitting.
6. To maintain the size and shape of the components of the timber structure of articles that are
expected to be unchanged during the life span.
7. To make timber suitable for treating with paints, polishes, preservatives, etc.
8. To make the timber suitable for effectively joining with the use of glues.
9. To reduce the weight of the timber for easy handling and transportation to other places.
10. To give high order of durability for more years after construction.

Methods of Seasoning:
Two broad approaches to seasoning:
1. Natural seasoning
2. Artificial seasoning

1. Natural seasoning
Two methods of natural seasoning
(i) Air Seasoning
It is also known as air drying. In this method timbers intended for seasoning are stacked in a dry place
under cover about 30 cm above the floor level. Here the longitudinal and cross pieces are arranged one
upon the other leaving space for free circulation of air (Fig. 10.9). It is better to provide a foundation to
keep the timber clean off the ground. Wood seasoned by such a process can be used for carpentry work
after two years.
(ii) Water Seasoning
This method of seasoning timber is to completely immerse the logs of wood in water soon after cutting.
This is better done in a running stream of water with the longer ends of the logs being kept pointing
upstream. By this arrangement the sap, sugar, gum, etc. are leached out of the logs and in turn replaced
by water. After adequate soaking the logs are dried in an open place. Although it is a quick process, it
reduces the durability of the timber.

2. Artificial seasoning
Artificial seasoning may be done by kiln seasoning, chemical seasoning and electrical seasoning. By
artificial seasoning the moisture content can be brought under control from 4% to 12%. This is a quick

(i) Kiln Seasoning

In this system, complete control of temperature and humidity is maintained with proper air circulation
and ventilation system. The timber is kept inside an airtight chamber. As a first step fully saturated air at
35-38 °C is circulated. Then the humidity is reduced slowly followed by an increase of temperature till
the moisture in the timber is reduced to the degree of moisture required. Then the kiln is slowly cooled.
This process takes about a fortnight during which the timber is kept on a trolley. The quality of wood
obtained by this method is inferior to those seasoned by natural methods.
(ii) Chemical Seasoning
This method of seasoning is also known as salt seasoning. In this method the timber is immersed in salt
solution. After a specific period it is taken out and seasoned in the ordinary way. In this method of
seasoning the interior surface of the timber dries before the exterior dries out. Here the chances of
formation of external cracks are reduced.
(ii) Electrical Seasoning
This method is based on the principle that heat is produced when poor conductors are placed in the
field of high frequency. Here, an induction coil producing field of high frequency is set up. The timber is
made to pass through the coil. Due to electric induction the moisture is removed instantly and the wood
is dried quickly. By this process the moisture gets evaporated uniformly and results in superior quality of
timber. Because of high cost this method is not generally recommended.

VIII. Decay of Wood

Once the woods get deteriorated, they lose their engineering properties, and the wood is said to be
decayed. Several reasons contribute to the decay of wood, which are explained below:
1. Decay may be caused due to alternate dry and wet conditions.
2. Formation of fungi, which is responsible for the development of various diseases in wood, viz.,
dry rot, wet rot, blue stain, sap stain, etc.
3. Improper removal of sapwood from the wood.
4. Keeping timber in contact with a damp wall, damp earth, etc.
5. Improper and incomplete seasoning.
6. Non-application of preservatives on the surface of seasoned timber.
7. Using unseasoned wood after application of oily paint.
8. While younger, timber would have been subjected to shocks and impacts.
9. Improper storage while stacking the timber.
10. Permitting insects such as beetles, marine borers, termites, etc., to affect the timber.

IX. Preservation of Timber

To increase the life span of wood, they should be treated with chemicals-this process is known as the
preservation of timber.
A. Requirements for a Good Preservative
A good preservative should fulfil the following requirements:
(i) It should be safe to the user.
(ii) It should not have unpleasant smell.
(iii) It should be non-inflammable.
(iv) It should be capable of penetrating into the fibres.
(v) It should not corrode the metal pieces attached to the timber.
(vi) It should allow other materials such as paints or varnishes to be applied on it.
(vii) It should not be washed away by water.
(viii) It should not get deteriorated by heat, light, etc.
(ix) It should not reduce the strength of timber and warp the structure.
(x) It should be cheap and easily available in the market.

Types of Preservatives
There are three types of preservatives with different bases as prescribed in the Code (IS: 401-2001).
1. Oil Types
In this type coal tar creosote with or without admixtures of soluble oils is used.
1. Organic Solvent Types
These are toxic chemicals in non-aqueous solvents such as copper napthenate, zinc napthenate,
benzene hexachloride, etc.
1. Water-base Types
These are toxic chemicals in water, such as zinc chloride, boric acid, copper chrome arsenic composition,

Preservative Treatment of Timber

The method of preservative treatment to be used depends on the use of wood in construction. The
general methods adopted are as follows:
 Charring
In this method, the ends of the timber are burnt to about 1. 5 cm and then quenched in water. This
charred end act as a protective coat. This is particularly done to prevent dry rot and attacks by insects.
2. Tarring
This is applying a coat of tar or tar mixed with pitch. It is generally applied to rough types of
works such as ends of door and window frames that are to be fixed to the walls, timber fences, etc.
3. Creosoting
Creosote oil is one which has wood preservative oil in it. The timber to be treated is placed in cylinders
and closed tightly. Creosote oil under a pressure of 9 bars and at a temperature of 50°C is pumped into
the cylinder until the desired absorption is reached. By this treatment the timber is preserved against
rot and attack by white ants.

1. Treatment Using Preservatives

Some of the methods where preservatives are directly used are as follows:

(i) Surface Application Method

(ii) Soaking Treatment
(i) Hot and Cold Treatment
(iii) Pressure and Vacuum Treatment
(i) Treatment by Diffusion
Generally, wood for building construction is not tested in the laboratory. It is a practice to
classify them by their species and by visually examining them for defects. However, the
following tests are conducted for important works:

1. Tensile Strength Test - (258) Tensile Stress Test Wood #1 - YouTube

2. Compressive Strength test - (258) Compression failure of a timber block parallel to the grain:
Materials Lab on-line - YouTube

3. Shear Strength Test - (258) Direct Shear Test on Timber. - YouTube

4. Bending Strength Test - (258) Bending Test on timber - YouTube

5. Moisture Content Test - (258) What is Moisture Content (MC)? - video 7 - YouTube


To meet the minor needs of wood works, natural wood can be made into many other industrial products
by industrial processes for building construction. These industrial-made products are also called
composite boards. The common industrial timber products are:
1. Plywood
2. Particle board or chip board
3. Hard board
4. Fibre board
5. Block board
6. Decorative laminates
7. Plywood
Plywoods are boards which are prepared from thin layers of wood or veneers. Veneers are thin sheets
of slices of wood of superior quality. The thickness of veneers varies from 0.4 to 6mm.
To make plywood, round logs of 1.5-2.5 m lengths are first cut. They are then steamed and veneers are
cut from these logs with a wide sharp knife. About three or more veneers in multiples of odd numbers
are glued one over the other. Care is taken to place the direction of the grains in one sheet at right
angles to the other. This arrangement is needed to provide adequate longitudinal and transverse
strengths. The arranged veneers with adhesives in
between are pressed under a pressure of 0.7-1.40
N/mm2 under hot or cold conditions (IS: 303-1989).
Three-ply plywood is made using only three plies. The
thickness varies from 6 to 25 mm (Fig. 10.10). Multiply
plywood is made using more than three plies but
keeping the number of veneers used as odd in number.

2. Particle Board or Chip Board

These boards are made of particles of wood embedded in synthetic resins, which are then pressed
under heat. They are made by extrusion pressing or by pressing between parallel plates. In the extrusion
pressing process, the particles are oriented in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the board,
whereas in the other case the particles are oriented parallel to the plane of the board.

Particle board is heavier than solid wood. Further, it provides broad and stable panels of reasonable
strength. They can be sawn just like regular wood. Particle boards are preferred for furniture works than
for construction works.

3. Hard Board
Hard Board is made as per the Indian Standard (IS: 1658-1966). It is made out of wood pulp that is
compressed to make sheets usually of 3-mm thickness. Its top surface is smooth and hard and the rear
side is rough with patterns or cross lines.
4. Fiber Board
The technique adopted for the manufacture of fibre board is the combination of the process used is
making particle board and hard board. In this case, wood chips are steamed to separate the fibres from
each other. These fibres are blended with resin and wax. These are turned into sheets by pressing under
controlled heat and pressure. The boards are available in thicknesses of 25-32 mm and as sheets of 2.44
m x 1.22 m size. They are suitable for flush doors, cabinets, etc.
5. Block Board
Block board is also known as batten-board or solid-
core board. Batten board consists of a core solid
block of thin wood sawn from natural wood. The
central block is then glued between two or more
outer veneers on either side (Fig. 10.11). Thicknesses
are from about 19 mm upwards. They are suitable
for door panels, partitions, table tops, etc.
Lamin board is similar to that of batten board with the difference being the core is made up of multiply
veneers. The thickness of veneers is about 6 mm, and the total thickness of the board is about 50 mm.
Another type of block board called the metal-faced plywood is the one where the core is sandwiched
between thin sheets of aluminium, steel, copper, etc. This is a rigid type of plywood (Fig. 10.12).
6. Decorative Laminates
Laminates are the products made by bonding together two or more layers of materials. High-pressure
decorative laminates are pasted on plywood sheets, which are used for large areas like cabinets, wide
door shutters, tables, etc.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Processed Timber

a. Advantages
(i) Unusable trees such as branches of good wood and timber of fast-growing tress cannot be used
for regular purposes. Such timber can be used as processed timber.
(ii) By conversion of expensive wood into thin veneers, large surface areas can be covered with less
(iii) Processed timber is better dimensionally stable and does not absorb moisture from the air with
the exception of particle board.
iv. Properly made plywood and block board with better gluing properties are highly durable even in
wet environment. Further, the durability depends on the grade of the adhesive used.
(v) Workability is better than that of regular wood.
(vi) Fasteners can be fixed easily as that of wood.
b. Disadvantages
Only processed timber can be used provided they are made out of reliable materials. However, doors
and other wooden fittings should be restricted to wet areas like the bathroom.

1. Timber is a product of wood from felled trees, which is suitable for construction purposes.
2. Converted timber is that which is sawn and cut into required sizes for commercial use.
3. Rough timber is that which is obtained after felling a tree.
4. Standing timber is the timber which is in a living stage.
5. A tree consists of a trunk, a crown and roots.
6. Endogenous trees grow by the formation of layers.
7. Exogenous trees grow outwards by the addition of rings of young wood.
8. Softwoods have needle-like leaves and are also known as conifers as they bear coneshaped
9. Hardwoods are mostly of board-leaved trees.
10. Pith is the innermost central portion consisting of cellular tissues.
11. The inner annular area surrounding the pith is called the heartwood.
12. The portion between the cambium layer and the heartwood is called the sapwood.
13. A very small amount of cells that grow in the horizontal direction occurs as groups or bundles of
cells known as medullary rays.
14. Growth of a tree occurs through the growth at the tips of the branches.
15. The process of cutting down or knocking down or causing the trees to fall to the ground is called
felling of a tree.
16. Defects in timber are knots, shakes, twisted fibres, upset, rind galls, wind cracks, sloping grains
and the presence of sapwood.
17. Timber is sawed by four methods, viz., ordinary sawing, quarter sawing, tangential sawing or
radial sawing.
18. Seasoning is the process of removing all the sap and moisture content under controlled
conditions to avoid any splitting and distortion to the wood.
19. Methods of seasoning are natural seasoning and artificial seasoning.
20. Natural seasoning methods include air seasoning and water seasoning. Artificial seasoning
methods comprise kiln seasoning, chemical seasoning and electrical seasoning.
21. Types of preservatives are: Oil types, organic solvent type and water-based type.
22. Preservative treatment of timber is done by charring, tarring, creosoting and by using
preservatives. Treatment using preservatives are: surface application method, soaking
treatment, hot and cold treatment, pressure and vacuum treatment and treatment by diffusion.
23. The following tests are conducted on timber. Tensile Strength Test, Compressive Strength Test,
Shear Strength Test, Bending Strength Test and Moisture Content Test.
24. Industrial timber products are: plywood, particle board or chip board, hard board, fibre board,
block board and decorative laminates.
Building Stones
The earth’s crust is composed of rocks. Rock is a mineral mass of a more or less uniform composition.
• single mineral (monomineralic)
• several minerals (polymineralic).
A mineral
• is a natural body, homogeneous in chemical composition and physical properties.
• the products of physical and chemical processes occurring in the earth’s crust.

• Monomineralic rocks are quartz sand, pure gypsum and magnesite, and

• The Polymineralic ones are granite, basalt and porphyries.

• Natural rock materials are widely used for building purposes They are used as mined materials,
e.g., gravel, sand, or mechanically processed materials, e.g., crushed stone, sawn, dressed and
polished stones, and for various architectural and decorative purposes.
• Rocks are the main source of material for the manufacture of mineral binding materials, such as
gypsum, lime, cement and of artificial rock materials, e.g., brick, glass, items for concrete and

• The basis for such a classification is the physical properties of rocks, the manner and
arrangement of different particles and mass forming a stone. They are classified as follows:
• (i) Stratified rocks
• (ii) Unstratified rocks
• (iii) Foliated rocks

• (i) Stratified Rocks

• Stratified structure is formed due to the splitting of a series of parallel layers of sedimentary
rocks. They exhibit distinct layers which can be separated. The plane of separation is called a
cleavage plane. Limestone, slate and sandstone are examples of stratified rocks.

• (ii) Unstratified Rocks

• They are of granular or crystalline structure and become solid on cooling. They do not show any
sign of strata, e.g., igneous rocks like granite, basalt, etc.

• (ii) Foliated Rocks

• These rocks show definite parallel arrangement of minerals showing a tendency to split in a
specific direction, e.g., metamorphic rocks like gneiss, schist, etc.

The presence of chemical constituents in the rocks is the basis for their type of classification.
They are as follows:
(i) Siliceous rocks
(ii) Argillaceous rocks
(iii) Calcareous rocks

(i) Siliceous rocks

In these rocks, silica is the main constituent. The presence of silica in the free state is called sand, and in
the combined state is a silicate. Rocks containing silica in the free state are harder, and those found in
the combined form are likely to be disintegrated. Examples of silicate rocks are sandstone, quartzite,
(ii) Argillaceous Rocks
In these rocks, clay or alumina is the main constituent. Examples of argillaceous rocks are slate, laterite,
(iii) Calcareous Rocks
Calcium carbonate or lime is the main constituent in these rocks. They are readily acted upon by dilute
hydrochloric acid. Examples are limestone, marble, etc.


Different civil engineering constructions use stone. It is necessary to find their suitability under different
conditions. The following properties need to be examined before their use:
1. Appearance and Colour
Stones must look good in appearance and be of uniform colour. Such a quality is essential for stones to
be used for decoration work. Light-coloured stones are preferred as they resist weathering action in a
better way. Stones with iron oxide should not be used as the presence of iron oxide disfigures the stones
and brings about disintegration.
2. Strength
Stones are used as a compression member and should have sufficient compressive strength. In general,
all stones possess a reasonable degree of strength. The crushing strength of stone should be greater
than 100 N/mm² (or Newton/square millimeter). Igneous rocks have a strength of around 100 N/mm²
and some of the metamorphic rocks also possess these strengths. But sedimentary rocks have a lower
3. Weight
In general, good building stones should have a high weight to resist higher compressive forces. Good
building stones must have a specific gravity greater than 2.70. A heavy stone possesses more
compactness and less porosity.
4. Hardness and Toughness
Stones must be hard and tough so that they can resist wear and tear. Hardness is assessed by scratching
and toughness by hammering. A good building stone should have a wearing resistance less than 3%, and
if it is more than 3% it is not satisfactory. Stones used for road work should be hard to resist wear and
5. Porosity and Absorption
All stones possess porosity. Stones that have a porosity over a certain percentage are unsuitable for
building purposes. The presence of a higher percentage of pores may absorb rain, which may
deteriorate the stone. A good stone should not absorb water more than 0.6% by weight. It must be
capable of withstanding effects of atmosphere. If stones in a cold climate absorb water, they may freeze
and even split.
6. Compactness
A good stone must have a compact, fine, crystalline structure and must be strong. A compact stone is
capable of withstanding the effects of external agencies effectively.
7. Fineness of Grain
Stones that are fine grained are suitable for moulding purposes. Such stones are easily carved and
dressed. Non-crystalline structured stones are likely to disintegrate under the action of natural agencies.
8. Resistance to Fire
Stones must be fire resistant, i.e., they must retain their shape when subjected to fire. Limestone resists
fire up to about 800°C. Sandstone can resist fire in a better way. Although argillaceous stones are poor
in strength, they are highly fire resistant.
9. Durability
Stones must be durable. Basically, stones that have their natural bed perpendicular to the direction of
pressure are durable. Durable stones are those which are compact, homogeneous, acid resistant and
have negligible water absorption.
10. Dressing
Dressing is the act of shaping a stone for a decorative purpose or for other purposes. For this, the stone
should possess uniform texture and softness so that they may be easily dressed. Hard stones can not be


Stones of geological origins have been identified and classified as building stones which are used for
different purposes. They are discussed subsequently.
1. Granite
It is a deep-seated igneous rock, hard, durable and available in different colours. It has high crushing
strength and is capable of sustaining high weathering.
2. Basalt and Trap
Basalt and trap are also of igneous origin. These are effective solid rocks which have been formed on the
earth’s surface in the absence of pressure by rapid cooling of the magma which also carries crystals of
various minerals. These are hard, tough and durable and are available in different colours.
3. Limestone and Chalk
These are sedimentary rocks which have been formed of remnants of seaweeds and living organisms
consolidated and cemented together. They are easy to work with and contain a high percentage of
calcium carbonate.
4. Sandstone
This is another form of sedimentary rock formed by the action of mechanical sediments. It shows a
sandy structure which is low in strength and easy to work with and dress. This is available in different
5. Laterite
This is a metamorphic rock and is a sandy clayey stone. It is porous and soft. It can be cut easily into
blocks and contains a high percentage of iron oxide.
6. Gneiss
It is a metamorphic rock which can be easily split into thin slabs and is easy to work on.
7. Marble
It is a metamorphic rock which can be easily cut with a saw and can be carved.
8. Slate
It is also a metamorphic rock which is black in colour and can be split easily.
9. Gravel
It is available in river beds in the form of pebbles and is of different shapes.
10. Quartzite
It is a metamorphic rock which is hard, brittle and crystalline. It is difficult to work with and is very

Common building stones are used for the following purposes:

1. For foundations, walls, columns, arches, lintels, roofs, floors, etc.
2. For facing work of masonry
3. For concrete and road construction as coarse aggregate
4. For railways as ballast
5. For bridges as floors, piers, abutments, retaining walls, etc.
6. For lighthouses and dams

1. Granite
Granite is used for stone columns, road metal, ballast for railways, bridge components, etc.
2. Sandstone
Sandstone is used for building and ornamental purposes and also as road metal.
3. Limestone
Limestone is used for flooring, roofing, pavements and in general building construction. It is also used
for manufacturing cement and lime.
4. Gneiss
Gneiss is used for flooring and pavement and not for major purposes because of its weakness.
5. Marble
Marble is used for ornamental purposes, flooring, facing works, etc.


Quarrying is the process by which stones are obtained from rock beds. Quarry is the place from where
the stone is obtained. Quarrying differs from mining in which various operations
are carried out for exploring minerals such as coal, quartzite, etc. from a mine under the ground.
1. Quarry Location
Before starting to quarry, the quarry location has to be decided based on the following factors:
a. On the Earth’s surface, a large quantity of stones of good quality should be available.
b. The location should be as close to highways and railways as possible.
c. Adequate space should be available for the installation of machinery, storing of stones
and other materials.
d. If the blasting technique is to be used, the location should be away from any permanent
structure and inhabitants.
e. Sufficient provision should be made for the drainage of rain water.
2. Methods of Quarrying
The following methods of quarrying are listed based on the outcrop of the rock and the purpose for
which stones are intended to be used.
a. Digging
In soft rocks, stones are obtained merely by digging with the help of hand tools, viz., pickaxes, hammers,
chisels, etc. Only those stones that occur in the form of detached nodules buried in the Earth can be
easily quarried by this method.
b. Heating
This method is adopted by burning certain kinds of fuel (usually wood is used) and the exposed surface
of the portion of the rock to be separated. On burning for several hours continuously, due to unequal
expansion of the rock, the rock gets separated from the cold with a dull noise. The detached portion is
then removed and made to the required sizes by using quarrying tools. This method is employed for
obtaining road metals, ballast for railways and aggregates for concrete.
c. Wedging
Soft stratified rocks can be removed by wedging as these rocks are in the form of layers and are easy to
split. Soft rocks are removed with the help of pick axes and crow bars. Limestone, marble, slate and
laterite are removed by this simple method.
In hard rocks, holes are made and grooves are cut at shorter intervals. Blunt wedges are inserted into
the grooves and are forced to get separated. Alternatively, conical pairs of steel are driven into the holes
with a hammer and further force to get separated. In the case of very hard stones, the holes are
originated by a pneumatic drill.
d. Blasting
This technique is employed for quarrying hard and compact rocks. Blasting is done in stages as discussed
Holes may be made with a steel bar with knife-edged ends called jumpers. In case large quantities of
stones are required, holes may be drilled by a drilling machine. In order to facilitate the operation, water
is used. The slurry produced as a result of drilling is removed by a scraper or a spoon or by a compressed
air blast.
The drilled holes are charged with an explosive of suitable capacity. It is necessary for the holes to be
made a day before charging with explosive.
Tamping of the explosives is done before firing in order to prevent the blasting within the hole itself.
Tamping consists of filling the hole with stiff sandy clay and tamping with a brass rod. A fuse is inserted
to fire the explosive. While tamping, a small quantity of gun powder is sprinkled to link the explosive to
the bottom of the fuse.
The fuse is fired carefully. During the explosion, masses of stones around the hole are removed. A
properly packed explosive shall produce a dull sound followed by displacing of the mass of rock around

2. Precautions in Handling Explosives

The explosives generally used are blasting-powder, dynamite, gun-cotton, blasting-gelatine, cordite and
gelignite. From the time of getting an explosive for use, it has to be properly stored, cautiously handled
and effectively utilised. The following precautious are to be meticulously adhered to:
a. Storing
Explosives are stored in a specially built buildings called magazines. A magazine should adhere to the
following norms:
(i) It should be 100% leak proof and must be provided with an efficient lightening conductor.
(ii) It should be located away from petrol bunks, diesel storages, public places, residential and industrial
(iii) Electrical wiring of magazines should be concealed.

a. Storing
(iv) It should be located at least 500 m away from any working establishment.
(v) Smoking/firing should be strictly prohibited within a radius of 50 m from the magazine.
(vi) The magazine should be properly protected by a high barbed wire fencing.
(vii) Outsiders should not be permitted to enter the magazines without prior permission.
b. Handling
i. Explosive packages must be handled carefully.
ii. Detonators should be kept entirely away from other explosives.
iii. In case of power failure no open fire should be used, but only torches should be used for
iv. During the time of charging and tamping, extraordinary precaution should be taken to
prevent any fire hazard.
v. It is necessary to give adequate time for the person to retire to a safe place before the

Generally, the stones obtained after quarrying have a rough surface and are irregular in shape. The
process of bringing the stones to a regular shape and required finish is known as dressing. The purposes
of dressing are as follows:
1. To set the stones in a regular shape and appearance.
2. To prepare the stones for a suitable site for easy handling and transport.
3. To make hammer-dressed surface, tooled surface, polished surface, rubbed surface or
cut-stone surface to suit a particular stone masonry.
4. To secure proper bedding in stone masonry.
Two types of dressing are in use, viz., quarry dressing and site dressing. Quarry dressing is one where the
stones are dressed at the quarry and sent to the work site. Site dressing comprises of dressing the
stones at the site to the specific size and type. Proper choice depends on the quality of labour at the
quarry, distance of the quarry and work site, etc.


Durability of stones depends on the environment at which they are constructed. For proper durability
assurance, it is necessary to know the agencies which deteriorate stones and to take adequate steps to
preserve the quality of stone during its lifespan.
1. Deteriorating Agencies of Stones
Various agencies which are responsible for the deterioration of stones are discussed below.
a. Rain
Rain is one among the main causes for wetness on stones. This wetness is dried by the sun. The process
of wetting and drying go a long way in deteriorating the stone. Gases and acids contained in rain water
may have damaging effect on stones.
a. Climate
Climate is another factor which causes deterioration. In hot climates there are frequent changes in
temperature which result in deterioration. Similarly, stones exposed to cold climate causes freezing of
water in the pores resulting in expansion, which causes splitting of the stone. Hence, porous stones
should be avoided in cold regions.
a. Wind
Wind laden with grit and dust strikes the stones and causes wear of the stones. Also, the impurities in
the atmosphere along with moisture penetrate into the pores due to the wind
and causes dampness resulting in deterioration.
a. Vegetation Growth
Vegetation growth along the cleavages of joints of stones secretes certain acids by the roots, and
thereby cause deterioration. The presence of moisture in roots causes further decay.
a. Chemicals
Chemicals of different kinds move and react due to the usage of different stones such as limestone and
sandstone. Such movements of chemicals from one to the other cause
a. Living Organisms
Living organisms sometimes cause holes to form in the joints of stones and cause instability to the
structure. Further, these holes provide room for the accumulation of moisture and
thereby deteriorate the stones.

2. Preservation of Stones
Preservation of stones is intended to protect the structure against the action of weathering agents and
also to protect the good appearance of the face work. The durability of stones increases remarkably if
the stones are properly preserved. Preservation is effected, in the following ways:
(i) Voids existing in the pores are filled properly.
(ii) Preservation of stones by coating with suitable oils like coal tar, linseed oil, etc.
(iii) Entry of moisture into the surface of the stones is to be avoided.
(iv) Stones with carbonate of lime should be discouraged from use in industrial towns.
(v) Brick masonry with a combination of limestone and sandstone or magnesium lime-stone and
granular limestone should not be laid close to each other.
(vi) Building materials which are inactive with stones should be used.
( vii) Growth of plants on the joints of stones should be prevented.


Stones have to be selected for a specific work based on the strength and other properties including
durability. Stones needed for building exposed to different environments and stones needed for other
civil engineering works are discussed below.
1. General Building Works
Stones are used for foundations, walls and superstructure. Stones with a high mechanical strength and
pleasant colours are widely used which are also highly durable. Sandstone is in general used for the
above purpose.
2. Buildings Exposed to High Wind
Such buildings are those constructed near the sea or locations where more wind prevails. Here, apart
from the general requirements the stones will be subjected to high weathering action. Hence, stones
with a high crushing strength and the presence of silica in addition to hardness should be preferred.
Granite and basalt may be used.
3. Buildings in Industrial Areas
Here the buildings may be subjected to polluted atmosphere which may contain harmful gases, acids
and moisture. These elements adversely affect the stones leading to deterioration. Stones that could
sustain the effect of acidity and smoke on them are preferred. Granite and compact sandstone may be
4. Buildings Exposed to Heat and Fire
Buildings constructed in regions where hot weather conditions are prevalent throughout the year and
chemical factories which may have hot air which are susceptible for frequent fires. For such cases, the
stones should have high fire-resisting properties. In general, stones free from calcium carbonate can
resist fire.
5. Heavy Engineering Works
Heavy engineering works include docks, harbours, bridges, etc. These are constructed in general in an
open area and on the seashore. Structures constructed for the above purposes should be able to resist
thrust, salt environment, must be strong and highly durable. Granite and quartzite are generally
preferred for such purposes, and gneiss is also used for the inside purposes of such structures.
6. Road Metals and Railway Ballasts
Road metals and railway ballasts are subjected to high compression and abrasion. Further, railway
ballasts are exposed to atmosphere throughout their lifespan. Stones selected for such purposes should
be hard, tough and highly abrasive resistant. Generally, igneous rocks are preferred for this purpose,
viz., granite and basalt.
7. Facing and Architectural Items
Facing slabs and stones, parts of stairs and landings, parapets and guard rails are made of slabs sawn or
split from natural stone and worked on by mechanical means. Sandstone, slate and marble are used for
these purposes.

Artificial stones are known as cast stones or reconstructed stones. In many localities natural stones are
not available at a reasonable cost. In such cases, these stones are useful. However, because of their high
cost, they can not be treated as a substitute for natural stones.
1. Types of Artificial Stones
Different types of materials are combined, and a variety of stones are manufactured. Some of the types
of artificial stones are discussed below.
a. Cement Concrete Blocks
These are made using cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water similar to that of concrete.
They may be cast-in-situ or cast-in-moulds in the required shapes. Sometimes they are precast with
steel and are therefore called reinforced cement concrete blocks.
a. Artificial Marble
It is made using sand with Portland cement or one of the gypsum or magnesite cements. It is either
precast or cast-in-situ and is used for external work.
Another form of artificial marble is made by fusing and moulding constituent mixture, which is
composed of 60 parts of plaster in powder, 20 parts of pulverised marble, 15 parts of sulphate of potash
with 5% solution of glue mixed with water. Such marble stones are mostly used in France.
a. Terrazo
It is prepared using mixtures of marble chips with white cement and some pigment. It is also either
precast or cast-in-site. It is generally used in bathrooms, residential buildings, etc.
a. Mosaic Tiles
These are precast tiles where the upper surface is made of marble chips. They are available in different
sizes and colours.
a. Reconstructed Stone
This is made from the debris of limestone quarries by crushing them into grit. This is mixed with lime
made from dolomite and heated in a closed retort up to 980°C to drive out CO2. This is slaked, mixed
with water and consolidated into blocks under pressure. It is then dried, and CO2 is admitted until the
carbonization of the hydrate oflime blocks is complete.
a. Bituminous Stone
Diorite and other granite stones are impregnated with prepared or refined tar to form bituminous
stones. These are preferred where noise-, wear- and dust-resistant stone surfaces are needed.

2. Advantages of Artificial Stones

The advantages of artificial stones are as follows:
a. In areas where natural stones are costly and are unavailable, artificial stones are used.
b. Any desired size and shape can be attained easily.
c. Can be made in-site, and thereby the cost of dressing the stone and transport can be
d. They are practically defect free when compared with natural stones.
e. Cavities in artificial stones can be made for wiring or plumbing work easily.
f. Good in resisting deterioration and disintegration caused by various atmospheric
g. The strength of artificial stones can be assured as it is design based.
h. It is comparatively more durable than natural stones.
Ceramic, Clay, Gypsum & Lime
Naturally, available clay is used directly or in the processed form to make tiles and ceramic materials
apart from making bricks.
Tiles are thin slabs made out of brick earth by moulding and then burning them. The best clay for tile
making is generally found a few metres below the brick earth. Tiles have been used for roofs, floors,
walls, etc.
Ceramics is the term used for the act of making objects with a special type of clay. This term is derived
from the Greek word keramos meaning potter’s earth. Clay for ceramics is the product of chemical
weathering of various types of rocks. Orthoclase feldspar is mainly responsible for the production of
clays in nature. This mineral forms kaolinite during decomposition. Kaolin, a product having the
composition of pure kaolinite, is fine white clay required to manufacture some ceramic articles.

Apart from bricks and tiles, other objects which are made using various types of clays and techniques
are discussed below.
Earthenware is the term used for clay products burnt at low temperature. They have coarse surfaces
and are opaque. General cooking vessels usually used in villages fall under this group.
Stoneware is a product of refractory clay, ground stone and pottery. These are burnt at high
temperatures to vitrification. Stoneware jars are of great use. Earthenware and stoneware are together
known as pottery.
Porcelain is a white translucent ceramic material of kaolin and feldspar. The objects are produced by
firing at a very high temperature. Most crockery are made of porcelain and are glazed.
Terracotta is a hard brownish unglazed vitrified ceramic material used for ornamental purposes.

As discussed earlier, building tiles are thinner than bricks and are susceptible to cracking and warping.
Hence, special care has to be taken in the manufacture of tiles.
Characteristics of a Good Tile
A good-quality building tile should possess the following characteristics:
1. It should be uniformly burnt up to the requirement.
2. It should possess a uniform colour.
3. No cracks, flaws or bends must appear on the tiles.
4. The stipulated shape and size should be maintained.
5. It should produce a clear ringing sound when struck with another tile or by a light hammer.
6. It should have accurate measurement so as to fit well when placed in position.
7. When a tile is broken, the broken surface should exhibit even and compact surface.
8. It should be hard and durable.

Types of Clay
Tiles may be grouped under two broad categories:
(i) Common clay tiles
(ii) Ceramic tiles

Types of Clay
1. Common Clay Tiles
Common clay tiles are further classified as clay roof tiles, clay floor tiles, clay terracing tiles and clay
ceiling tiles.
(i) Clay Roof Tiles
Clay roof tiles are made of plastic clay, which is different from brick clay. There are three types of roof
tiles that are used for covering sloped roofs, viz., Mangalore tiles, country tiles or pot tiles and Allahabad
(ii) Clay Floor Tiles
These tiles are made from fine special blue clay which enables the tiles to be made thin and the surface
smooth. In order to make the tiles hard and impervious, a mixture of ground glass and pottery ware are
added. In general, these materials are mixed together thoroughly and are extruded in the shape of a
slab. These slabs are placed in moulds and are pressed to the required shape. They are burnt at about
1,300ºC of temperature. In order to give a good appearance, they are salt glazed. These tiles are more
suitable for walking on them barefooted.
(iii) Clay Terrace Tiles
These tiles are also flat tiles made in the same way as floor tiles. They may be hand made or machine
made and burnt in a kiln. Large-size tiles are used nowadays. Detailed specifications are available in IS:

2. Ceramic Tiles
(i) Glazed Ceramic Tiles
They are made from special ceramic clays in two operations. In the first operation the tiles are made and
fired at 1,200–1,300ºC; then they are coated with glaze, decorations, etc. Again they are fired in ovens
to get opaque glazing. Wear of the glazing is based on the temperature of firing and the thickness of
These tiles are used for walls or as floor tiles, where there is less usage. Large-size tiles are used for
flooring in offices, airports, etc.

(ii) Vitrified Tiles

In this case special ceramic clay is mixed with oxides and burnt at a very high temperature. At a very
high temperature, the clay becomes vitrified and we get coloured vitrified tiles. Compared to ordinary
glazed tiles wherein the glazing is on the top surface, here the entire tile is made of vitrified clay.
The water absorption capacity is only 0.5%. These tiles are superior to ordinary ceramic tiles and inferior
to marble tiles used for flooring.
These tiles after manufacturing are again ground to get smooth and straight edges so as to lay with very
close joints. These tiles are preferred in kitchens compared to ceramic tiles.

(iii) Porcelain Tiles

Porcelain tiles are the latest addition to the ceramic tile family. These are prepared from clay, feldspar,
quartz and minerals. They are available in different forms as plain, coloured and also with some
decorative patterns, but are very brittle in behaviour. These tiles are very expensive.
Manufacture of Tiles
1. Preparation of clay
2. Moulding of tiles
3. Drying of tiles
4. Burning of tiles

1. Preparation of clay
As stated earlier, the best blue clay for tiles is generally found beneath brick earth. Impurities such as
grit, pebbles, etc. are removed from the selected clay. The clay is ground into a powder form in crushing
roller mills. It is then pugged.
For the preparation of superior tiles, the powdered clay is mixed with water in a tank and
allowed to settle down. The coarser particles settle down, and the solution containing the finer particles
is run off into a lower tank. The collected material in the lower tank is allowed to dry leaving the fine
clay ready for further processing.
1. Moulding of Tiles
Depending on the pattern of tile to be moulded, the moulding method is selected. Wooden patterns are
used for tiles which are not of uniform thickness throughout the length and are moulded in wooden
plattens. The pugged clay is pressed into the mould and the tiles are taken out for drying.
When the pattern of tile is perfectly circular in shape, Potter’s wheel may be used. However, the
diameter of the tile may vary along its length.
Mechanical method is resorted to for tiles having a uniform section throughout their length. The
pugged clay is prepared through openings or orifices of the required shape and size. The moulded beam
of clay coming out of the slot is received on a platform, and the tiles are cut to the required length by
means of wire frames.
1. Drying of Tiles
After two days of moulding, they are slightly beaten with a flat wooden mallet to correct the irregularity
in shape due to warping. They are then kept on edges for further drying under shade for 2 days. This is
done to prevent warping and cracking.
1. Burning of Tiles
The tiles are burnt in a kiln which could accommodate 30,000–40,000 tiles. Such kilns are partly
underground and are usually provided with a roof to protect the kiln from rain.
A layer of bricks is laid over the long narrow flues, and the flues are fed with wood. The bricks
are so placed such that open spaces are left in between them so that flues can move.
Above the layer of bricks, the dried tiles are placed on edge layer by layer, until the kiln is fully filled with
raw tiles. The doorways are closed.
The kiln is then fired initially with 800ºC, slaked for six hours and then increased to 1,300ºC for
about 3 hours (Fig. 4.2). Once again it is slacked for 6 hours and then once more heated and kept steady
for about 3–4 hours. Finally, the flues are filled with fuel and the doorways are closed by brickwork in
mud. The kiln is cooled gradually over 72 hours. Then the tiles are removed.
It has been discussed that earthenware is manufactured from ordinary clay burnt at low temperatures.
Sometimes the clay is mixed with sand, crushed pottery, etc. Earthenware are susceptible to damage by
atmospheric action since they are soft and porous. In general, they should not absorb more than about
20% of water by weight. In order to make them impervious, they may be glazed.
Glazed earthenware tiles are used for floors and walls of kitchens, bathrooms, water closets,
hospitals, etc.
Terra-cotta is earthenware of vitrified material. It is high-quality earthenware. It is used as a substitute
for stone in the ornamentation of buildings.
The manufacture of terra-cotta involves the same four stages as that of tiles.
1. Preparation of Clay
The clay selected for terra-cotta should contain about 5–8% of iron oxide and about 1% of lime.
Sometimes clay with high alumina content is used. To these selected clays, sand, ground glass, old terra-
cotta or pottery are added. The addition of these materials provides strength and rigidity to the terra-
cotta and also prevents shrinking while drying.
Such a mixed clay should not have grit, pebbles, organic matter, etc. It is mixed with water, shovelled
and kept for several days under damp conditions. It is pugged in a pug mill before being taken to the
moulding section. At this stage, the required quantity of colouring substance is added to get the desired
shade of colour after burning.
2. Moulding
Apart from wooden moulds, special moulds of plaster of Paris or templates of zinc are used. Fine sand is
sprinkled on the inside surface of the mould and the clay is then pressed in the mould with the hand.
3. Drying
The terra-cotta is allowed to dry in the mould for some days, and then the object in the terra-cotta
mould is taken out and then allowed in a room or shed for drying. Gradual drying is to be done failing
which the shape of the object may get changed or cracked.
4. Burning
The dried objects are then burnt in special muffle furnaces. A typical muffle furnace is shown in Fig. 4.3.
A muffle furnace has the provision to heat the product without coming into contact with fuels. In order
to regulate the drought a damper is provided at the side of the furnace.
The dried products are arranged in the muffle furnace. The temperature of the kiln is raised to about
1,200ºC (Fig. 4.3). This temperature is maintained for 4 days. The burnt products are allowed then to
cool for a period of about 5 days in the furnace itself. In order to get a glazed surface, the glazed
material has to be applied by a brush on terra-cotta products before they are burnt.

Porcelainware or merely porcelain indicates fine earthenware, which is white, thin and transparent. It is
also sometimes called whiteware. It is basically prepared from clay and mixed with feldspar, quartz and
minerals. The ingredients are powdered and thoroughly mixed. The mixture is moulded to the required
shape and then burnt. Porcelain has various uses. In buildings, they are used as sanitaryware, electrical
insulators, etc.

Stoneware are the products manufactured from refractory clay mixed with crushed pottery, powdered
stone, etc.
The clay is prepared carefully and moulded to the required shape. The stoneware is then dried
under the shade to prevent any cracking or deformation of the product. The dried material is burnt in a
kiln, gradually heating to a high temperature. The high temperature is maintained for 1–3 days based on
the size of the kiln and the material size. The stoneware are allowed to cool down gradually.
Stoneware are dense and compact when compared to earthenware. Stoneware are impervious
to moisture, and can be kept clean easily. Glazed stoneware are highly resistant to acid or any
atmospheric agencies.

1. Tiles are thin slabs made out of brick earth by moulding, drying and then burning.
2. Common clay tiles are: clay roof tiles, clay floor tiles and clay terrace tiles.
3. Clay roof tiles are: Mangalore tiles, country tiles and Allahabad tiles.
4. Ceramic is the term used for the act of making objects with a special type of clay.
5. Orthoclase feldspar is mainly responsible for the production of clay in nature. This mineral
during decomposition forms kaolinite. Kaolin, a product composed of pure kaolinite, is a fine
white clay required to manufacture some ceramic articles.
6. Ceramic tiles are classified as glazed ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles and porcelain tiles.
7. Manufacturing of common clay tiles involves the following operations: preparation of clay,
moulding of tiles, drying of tiles and burning of tiles.
8. Earthenware is the term used for clay products burnt at low temperatures. They have a coarse
surface and are opaque. Earthenware comprises terra-cotta and porcelainware.
9. Terra-cotta is a hard brownish unglazed vitrified ceramic material used for ornamental
10. Stoneware is a product of refractory clay, ground stone and pottery.

Gypsum is a non-hydraulic binder occurring naturally as a soft crystalline rock or sand. Pure gypsum is a
white translucent crystalline mineral and is so soft that it can be scratched by a finger nail. When heated
to 205°C, pure gypsum loses its luster and its specific gravity is increased from 2.3 to 2.95 due to the loss
of water of crystallization. Gypsum has a unique property of moulding. When heated it gives up
combined water and easily turns into powder. On adding water to the powder it can easily be shaped
and moulded, and in a short time it hardens again and becomes similar to what it was in its natural
state. When water is added the gypsum forms interlocking crystals. As the gypsum hardens it is this
crystallisation that makes it such an effective fire resisting material.
There are two commercial varieties of crude gypsum, rock gypsum and gypsum or gypsite used for the
manufacture of gypsum binding material. These substances consist principally of a hydrous sulphate of
lime (CaSO4 + 2H2O) with varying percentages of silica, carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, and
iron oxide. Building gypsum is an air-setting binder composed mainly of semihydrate gypsum and
obtained by processing gypsum at temperatures 150°C– 160°C.
Gypsum items have a number of valuable properties like relatively small bulk density,
incombustibility, good sound absorbing capacity, good fire resistance, rapid drying and hardening with
negligible shrinkage, superior surface finish, resistance to insects and rodents and low energy input
during burning to produce gypsum plaster. The major shortcomings are its poor strength in wet state
and high creep under load. Gypsum plaster, e.g., Plaster of Paris, wall plaster stucco, and hard finish
plaster are extensively used in wall construction. Flooring plaster, made by calcining gypsum at a high
temperature has been considerably used. In all of these powders, gypsum in a more or less dehydrated
state is the essential element. Gypsum-based items should be used only in dry state and in premises of
not more than 60 per cent relative air humidity.
The water of crystallization in the gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) is not held firmly by the mineral. Therefore,
when it is heated to about 160°C it loses a part of water of crystallization and is known as half-hydrate
The setting and strengthening of gypsum are due to intergrowth of very fine and poorly soluble crystals
of dehydrated gypsum as they precipitate from a solution which remains oversaturated as long as the
hydration of gypsum proceeds. Following are the two theories of setting of gypsum.
According to the crystallization theory proposed by Le-chatelier when water is added to gypsum,
the latter dissolves forming a saturated solution of dehydrate gypsum. Since the solubility of
semihydrate gypsum is about 3.5 times more than of dehydrated gypsum, the solution that is saturated
with respect to the semihydrate gypsum causes dehydrated gypsum to crystallize. In this process the
concentration of semihydrate gypsum is reduced causing more of it to dissolve until again the solution is
oversaturated and consequently again yielding crystals of dehydrate gypsum. The process continues
until all the semi hydrate gypsum is hydrated and crystallized.
According to colloidal theory when water is added to gypsum, the semihydrate gypsum goes into
solution until the latter is saturated. In an oversaturated solution, the interaction of water with the solid
semihydrate continues on their surface due to high mutual chemical affinity. The resultant dehydrated
gypsum fails to dissolve further and precipitates as an unstable disperse colloid mass in the form of gel,
the process being accompanied by the setting of the mass. The resultant crystals grow both in number
and size, while orienting randomly and interwining, convert the jelly like mass into a crystalline growth.
The resultant CaSO4 2H2O crystals grow into a single crystalline concretion which on drying becomes
very strong.
Gypsum sets within 20 minutes and it is difficult to use it for some purpose. Suitable setting
retarders like lime-kerat in glue and sulphite -alcohol vinasse may be used.

Gypsum binders are classified as low and high burning varieties. The low burning variety is
manufactured by heating dehydrated gypsum to a temperature of about 160°C. The examples of low
burning variety are building and extra strong gypsums. The high burning (anhydrite) variety is obtained
by burning dehydrated gypsum at 700°C–1000°C, when the chemically bound water is lost totally.
Gypsum may also be classified as low strength gypsum—obtained by heating natural gypsum rock at
normal pressure, the resultant gypsum ( modification) is very hygroscopic (60–65%) and porous (40%),
and extra strong gypsum—obtained by heating gypsum at pressure of 2–3 atm followed by drying at
160°C–180°C (modification). The extra strong gypsum is used in metallurgical industries for manufacture
of moulds.


It is produced by incompletely dehydrating pure finely ground gypsum at a temperature some what
lower than 185°C. Most plasters theoretically approach —CaSO 4 + ½ H 2 O — which contains about 6.2
per cent of water.
The setting of plaster of paris is attributed to the formation of gypsum crystals from a
supersaturated aqueous solution. When substances of colloidal nature (for example glue) are mixed
with the plaster the formation of crystals is hindered and the time of set retarded. In hardening, Plaster
of Paris first shrinks then expands. The latter property makes the material suitable for making casts,
since a sharp impression of the mould can be secured. For the same reason it forms an excellent
material for filling cracks, holes in the plastered surfaces and also on the wooden surfaces before

Owing to the rapidity of set and difficulty in working, its use in structures is limited to ornamental works.
Being unstable in water it should be used for indoor works only.
1. White in colour
2. Setting time is 5 to 10 minutes
3. Specific gravity is 2.57.


Gypsum wall plasters gain one-half of their one-month strength in a day. Plaster and sand mortars of 1:1
proportions may be expected to develop 80 per cent of the neat strength at corresponding ages, while
those of 1:2 proportion generally possess one-half to two-third of the neat strength.
The gypsum to sand neat plaster in proportion of 1:3 should set in 2 to 32 hours and in 1.5 to 8
hours when mixed with wood fibres. The dry set density of gypsum wall plaster is 850–1040 kg/m3, and
compressive strength of 1:2 gypsum wall plaster is 6 to 15 N/mm2.
Gypsum wall plasters are divided into following four categories.
Gypsum neat plaster is 60.5 per cent or more of calcined gypsum (plaster of paris) with material added
to control workability, time of set and cohesiveness.
Gypsum wood fiber plaster is 60.5 per cent or more of calcined gypsum and, wood fibre 1.0 per cent or
more to increase cohesiveness, and the remaining material to control workability and time of set.
Calcined Gypsum is used for finishing coat. It may or may not carry a retardent. Calcined gypsum may be
white or grey.
Gypsum Ready Sanded Plaster consists of cementing material, predominantly calcined gypsum, which
has been mixed at the mill with the proper proportions of sand and other desirable constituents. It is
prepared for use simply by adding water. There are two grades of Gypsum Ready Sanded Plaster, the
scratch or first coat, and the or second coat.
The scratch coat contains 2 sand to 1 cementing material by weight. The browning coat contains
3 sand to 1 cementing material by weight. The cementing material carries at least 60.5 per cent by
weight of calcined gypsum and other ingredients to control set and workability. Some of the properties
of gypsum plasters are given in Table 19.1
When gypsum is burnt at considerably high temperature than that for calcining of cement plaster, and
treated with certain solutions like alum and Glauber’s salt (Na2SO4), the plasters so produced show slow
setting but ultimately become very hard. Such plasters may be polished to form a smooth surface and
make a very satisfactory finish for interior walls. Often walls of these plasters are marked to imitate
tiling with pleasing effects. Two commercial hard finish plaster cements are available.
Keene’s Cement is made by burning a very pure rock gypsum at a red heat (700°C), cooling, and then
adding 1.0 per cent of potassium and aluminium sulphates to accelerate the set. Subsequently the
material is ground so that 90 per cent or more passes No. 100 sieve. It is pure CaSO4 of pure white
colour. Keene’s cement is not injured by storage and mortars of it may be retempered. Set occurs
between 20 minutes to 6 hours. At 7 days the tensile strength is 3.16 N/mm2. It is used as a finish
plaster only where a greater resistance to moisture and surface abrasion is required.
Mack’s Cement is made by burning gypsum at a very high temperature and adding about 0.4 per cent of
burnt Glauber’s salt or potassium sulphate. It is said to form unusually hard, dense and durable surface
which will take paint very well.


It is a gypsum product of recent origin made of thin layers of card board or wood cemented together
with wall plaster, used for lining walls and ceiling of buildings. The boards may be strengthened by
incorporating fibres as fibrous gypsum plaster boards. Sissal or coconut fibres are generally used. The
weight of plaster in the later variety is 10 kg/m2 of board and that of fibre is 250 g/m2 of board. They
are very light weight and have high fire resisting properties. Gypsum plaster boards can be sawn to
desired size and shape. They are available in widths 400, 600, 800, 900, 1200 mm; in length 1200, 1500,
1800, to 3600 mm in steps of 100 mm and; in thickness 9.5 to 15 mm. They are classified as


These can be solid or hollow, rectangular with straight and square edges and true surfaces. The
compressive strength of these partition blocks should not be less than 50 N/m2 on gross area. These
boards are available in sizes as given in Table 19.3.

It is finely ground powder containing an admixture, forms a gas on being mixed with water and expands
the mixture to 3 or 4 times its volume. This inflated paste hardens into a light, cellular, fire resistant
mass possessing good acoustical and insulating properties.

Different types of limes used in construction are Quick Lime, Slaked Lime, Fat Lime and Hydraulic Lime.
They are obtained by the process of calcination of natural limestone over a temperature of 900-degree
Celsius. Every form of lime is highly versatile and is used in environmental, construction, chemical and
metallurgical industries.
Types of Lime Used in Construction
The four main types of limes used in construction are:
1. Quick Lime
2. Slaked Lime
3. Fat Lime
4. Hydraulic Lime

The four main types of limes used in construction are:

1. Quick Lime
Quick lime is also called caustic lime (Calcium Oxide). This is produced by burning pure limestone
(Calcination process). It is the cheapest form of lime available which is highly amorphous and caustic.
Quick lime has a great affinity towards moisture.
Quick lime is one of the key ingredients in the manufacture of cement. This is also an important
material used for the treatment of drinking water.
2. Slaked Lime
Slaked lime is obtained by the process of slaking, where quick lime is combined with water. Slaked lime
is also known as Hydrate of lime. This is available as pure lime in the form of a white powder.
Slaked lime when exposed to the atmosphere, absorbs carbonic acid in the presence of water content. It
is also called as calcium hydroxide or calcium hydrate or lime hydrate.
Slaked lime formed by adding quick lime and water gives a slurry material. This is highly suitable for
mortar applications. It can also be used in plastering works and in cement as a binder.
3. Flat Lime
The lime that contains calcium oxide in high content is called as fat lime. This is also called as white lime
or rich lime or high calcium lime or pure lime. It slakes vigorously when water is added to it. This slaking
increases its volume to two and a half times greater than that of quick lime.
Fat lime is used for pointing in masonry works, foundation, with surkhi to thicken the masonry walls etc.
4. Hydraulic Lime
Hydraulic lime is also called as water lime. It contains 30 percent of silica and 5 percent of alumina along
with iron oxide. This lime sets when water is added to it. Hydraulic lime has the following classification:
1. Eminently Hydraulic: Eminently hydraulic lime has a chemical composition similar to Ordinary
Portland cement (OPC). This consists of 25 to 39 percentage of silica and alumina. This type can
be used for good quality mortar works.
2. Semi-Hydraulic: Semi-hydraulic lime consists of 15 to 25 percentage of silica and alumina. It is
used for good quality works of masonry, brickwork, and mortar. This is less stronger than
eminently hydraulic lime.
3. Non-Hydraulic: Non-hydraulic lime has silica and alumina in quantities of less than 15%. On the
process of slaking, it undergoes less expansion. For less important works, mortar made from
non-hydraulic lime is accepted.

Major uses of lime are enlisted below :

1. Lime is used in the manufacturing of steel in order to remove the impurities.
2. Soil stabilization for construction of roads, airfields and building foundation demands lime in
large quantity.
3. Lime slurry is used as mortar for masonry work and for plastering.
4. Lime is used as an additive in asphalt which helps to improve the property of cohesion. Lime
helps to increase the resistance of asphalt towards stripping and aging.

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