HEALTH EDUCATION (NUCM 102) IEC Evaluation Rubric
HEALTH EDUCATION (NUCM 102) IEC Evaluation Rubric
HEALTH EDUCATION (NUCM 102) IEC Evaluation Rubric
Report Many sections of the report are Some sections of the report are Most sections of the reports are well Clear and comprehensive report
Completeness missing or very limited missing or very limited information developed and useful information is with all required sections
information is included; a large is included; some required reported; most required documents completed; all required documents
number of required documents are documents are missing. are included. included.
Assessment Very few assessment activities are At least one goal is assessed every Appropriate number of assessment Appropriate number of assessment
Activities implemented such as only one goal academic year with at least one activities are conducted for an activities are conducted for an
is assessed and/or only one activity activity conducted per goal; some appropriate number of goals. Most appropriate number of goals. All
is implemented; implemented implemented activities and implemented activities and implemented activities and
activities and assessment tools do assessment tools do not appear to be assessment tools are appropriate for assessment tools are appropriate for
not appear to be appropriate for the appropriate for the goal; some use of the goal; most measurements used the goal; measurements used are
goal; no use, or use of low quality low quality measurements. are appropriate. appropriate.
Assessment Assessment results are not reliable; Some assessment results are not Few assessment results appear not Assessment results are reliable and
Results too few students are assessed; reliable; most results are based on a to be reliable; some results are based on appropriate sample of
aggregate results are based on a small sample that does not reliably based on a small sample of students; scoring is reliable and
single activity. represent the student population. students. based on well-developed analytic
Assessment Little or no analysis of collected There is minimal evidence of There is evidence of analysis of Thoughtful analysis of assessment
Analysis and data; or overuse of "we met our analysis and evaluation of assessment results for most of the results for all assessed outcomes.
Findings target." assessment activities and results. assessed goals. Findings are Findings are meaningful.
Analysis is of marginal use. recorded, however they may lack
Findings are not clearly thoroughness.
summarized and recorded.
Use of No evidence of results and no At least one improvement action Some improvement actions are Multiple improvement actions have
Assessment improvement actions are was adopted as a result of adopted as a result of assessment that been adopted as a result of
Results- adopted; or overuse of "no assessment but it may not be clear clearly relates to the assessment assessment, improvement actions
Improvement changes needed at this time." how it/ they relate to assessment results and it has the potential to are clearly related to assessment
results and/or if it/they may lead to result in real improvement. results and have the potential to
real improvement. result in real improvement.
Documentation Little or no documentation of Some demonstration is provided but Documentations available for most Clear and complete documentation
assessment activities, results, not in a consistent way. Does not assessment activities, results, of assessment activities, results,
analysis, findings, improvement, appear to be the result of an analysis, etc., and there is clear analysis, findings, improvement
actions, or implemented established process. Little indication that a process is in place actions and implemented
improvement actions. documentation on the implemented and being practiced. improvement actions. There is
improvement actions. Some documentation on the clear evidence of the existence of a
implemented improvement documentation process.
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