Republic of The Philippinesnjsnfasf LF
Republic of The Philippinesnjsnfasf LF
Republic of The Philippinesnjsnfasf LF
Department of Education
Division of Palawan
Puerto Princesa City
We, the learners of Panitian Elementary School, with the help of God, and believing in the need
for a better organized student government, and I the development of thy, youth as future leaders
of the nation, hereby form a unified student organization that shall embody the ideals and
principles of democracy, in collective efforts to promote the welfare of all students and the
academic standards of our school, do hereby promulgate and adopt this constitution and by-laws
that will promote, implement, and maintain our goals and aspirations.
Article I
General Provisions
Sec. 1 This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the Constitution of the a Supreme
Pupils Government of the Panitian Elementary School.
Sec. 2 For purposes of this Constitution and By-Laws, SPG refers to the Supreme Pupils
Government of Panitian Elementary School.
Article II
Name and Domicile
Sec. 1 The name of the organization shall be known as the Supreme Pupil Government.
Sec. 2 The office of the SPG shall be located inside the premises of the school.
Article III
Declaration of Principles and Objectives
Sec. 1 The SPG of Panitian Elementary School shall promote mutual understanding through
social, civic, intellectual, recreational and scientific programs and activities.
Article IV
Sec. 1 All bonafide elementary learners of the school are members of the student to whom the
SPG shall be accountable at all times.
Article V
Rights of Students
Sec. 2 Every student has the right to enjoy responsible freedom of speech and expression.
Sec. 3 Every student has the right to avail of all the services offered by the SPG.
Sec. 4 Every student has the right to conduct and participate in all school activities.
Sec. 5 Every student has the right to information on all the issues and matters concerning them.
Sec. 6 Every student has the right to vote, to be nominated and be elected into office.
Sec. 7 Every student has the right to elect, by class suffrage, the officers and student
representatives to the SPG.
Sec. 8 Every student has the right to have his or her position represented by the officers of the
Supreme Pupil Government and to have this position taken into consideration by the School
Board, teachers, and administration, through the SPG, on appropriate matters.
Sec. 9 Every student has the right to call a meeting with their respective class members or
student government members if the desire to do exists or the right to attend existing meetings of
these groups.
Sec. 10 Every student has the right to have the rules and regulations stated in the Student
Handbook and School Policy on Discipline, fairly applied to himself or herself.
Article VI
Duties and Obligations of Students
Sec. 1 Every student has the responsibility to observe the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
and the rules and regulations of the School at all times.
Sec. 2 Every student must pay on lime all SPG frees as approved by the Parent-Teachers
Association in an appropriate resolution.
Sec. 3 Every student must support and promote the thrusts and objectives of the SGC and the
Sec. 4 Every student must abide by the SPG constitution and by-laws.
Sec. 5 Every student must exercise his/her rights and do his/her responsibilities an SPG member.
Article VII
Powers and Duties of the Supreme Pupil Government
Sec. 1 The Supreme Pupil Government shall be the highest governing body of entire studentry.
Sec. 2 The SPG shall have the following functions and responsibilities:
a. Formulate and recommend programs that will address relevant issues and concerns of
the studentry.
b. Plan and implement policies and programs designed to protect and promote students'
rights and welfare
c. Monitor and evaluate the students' activities in the school and in the community;
d. Create committees necessary to address the needs of the students:
e. Make recommendations to school authorities regarding student matters, affairs and
f. Serve as a representative of the studentry in voicing their opinions, suggestions and
grievances; Orient new students;
h. Assist in the coordination of all campus co-curricular organization and help out in
organizing school activities, fund raising, camp, fieldtrips, school dance, prom nights,
sports, school functions etc.
i. Promote good relations between IBA and other schools.
j. Have such other powers and duties as the school authorities and the studentry may,
from time to time, grant or delegate, consistent with stated principles, objectives and
school policies;
k. Monitor and supervise the elections of Student Government Officers for the
succeeding school year.
We, the parents/guardians and teachers of elementary learners of Panitian Elementary School,
imploring the aid of Divine Almighty God, in order to establish an Association that shall unite
the entire institution for the common good of the students therein, to inculcate in them values of
a responsible and concerned citizen, protect and advance the rights and welfare of the students,
parents and teachers, promote a free human peaceful, honest and democratic society, do hereby
declare and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.
Article I
The name of the Association shall be known as Panitian Elementary School Parents-Teachers
Association of herein referred to as PES-PTA.
The office of the PES-PTA shall be at Panitian Elementary School, Panitian Sofronio Española,
The Classroom organization refers to as the homeroom council.
The Year Level council refers to as the homeroom council.
The Year Level council refers to each year level composed of the different sections.
The Supreme Council refers to the highest governing body of the Association which shall
compose of the elected members of the Board from the Year Level Councils.
Article II
The Objectives of the Association shall be:
To establish a working relationship from and among parents, teachers and administration in the
formulation and efficient implementation of progressive education programs enhancing the
values and development of the students which includes moral, sports, aesthetic appreciation,
recreational pursuits, languages and cultures.
Article III
The President
The President shall have the following duties:
Act as Chief Executive Officer of the Association.
Defend the Constitution and By Laws of the Association.
Report to the general assembly the state of affairs of the Association.
Manage directly the affairs of the Association.
Perform such duties as are inherent in his office or are properly required of him by the Supreme
Council or Board.
The Vice President
The Vice President shall have the following duties:
Act as the President in the absence of the Chief Executive of the Association.
Coordinate upon the request of the President, the operation of the working committees.
Perform such other duties the Board my delegate.
The Secretary
The Secretary shall have the following duties:
Be responsible for the operation of the Secretariat of the Association.
Prepare the minutes of all meetings, keep a complete file of all records and issue copies of the
proceedings and activities of the Board and the Association.
Perform such other duties the President or the Board may assign.
On the other hand, the Assistant Secretary shall:
Keep all records, documents and publications of the Association.
Prepare and provide each member of the Supreme Council a folder complete with paraphernalia.
Assume and act the functions of the Secretary in the absence of the latter.
Perform such other duties the President or the Board my assign.
The Treasurer
The Treasurer shall have the following duties:
Be the overall custodian of all funds, real properties and other grants or similar nature and
deposit the same in the official depositing bank of the Association.
Prepare the present annual financial report of the Association or as cases may be.
The Business Manager
The Business Manager shall have the following duties:
Assist the President in the short and long range planning of the activities of the association
including negotiations, supervision and operation.
Assist the Board in the preparation of the budgetary outlay of all the projects.
Prepare such other duties the Board may delegate.
The Auditor
The Auditor shall have the following duties:
Examine personally and verify the books of accounts of the Association and submit his findings
to the Board annually or as the case may be.
Suspend or withhold payments of accounts incurred not in accordance with expressed policy of
the Board.
The Human Relation Officer
The Human Relation Officer shall have the following duties:
Oversee all efforts for the promotion of goodwill between the association and the public.
Be in charge of all matters requiring media attention, press release and publication.
Act as the editor-in-chief of the official publication/newsletter of the Association.
Perform such other duties the Board may assign.
The Peace Officers
The Peace Officers shall have the following duties:
Keep and maintain peace and order during the meetings and in other activities of the Association
Be responsible for the security and welfare of the members of the Association. Perform such
other duties the Board may delegate.
Introduction and Values
The Grievance Committee shall consist of not fewer than three members of the Board of
Directors. appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors and confirmed by a vote of the
full Board One member of the Grievance Committee shall be designated by the Chairperson of
the Board of Directors to serve as the Chairperson of the Committee.
Parent Liaison - One member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the
Chairperson of the Board of Directors and confirmed by a vote of the full Board to serve as
Parent Liaison This individual shall not sit on the Grievance Committee. His or her primary role
will be to help parents understand the grievance procedures and to pride process guidance to
aggrieved parents. Parents who approach other members of the Board of Directors with
grievances will be referred to the Parent Liaison.
Training - On an annual basis, all members of the Grievance Committee and the Parent Liaison
will receive training provided by an attorney or other qualified individual with regard to
confidentiality, impartiality, and other topics relevant to effective execution of their duties.
Timelines - Failure of a parent or employee to comply with the procedural timelines listed below
may result in denial of a grievance request. Extensions in timelines may be granted if the
relevant decision maker determines there is a reasonable need for such extension. Similarly, the
timelines for actions to be taken by school personnel or hoard members may be extended, with
notice to the aggrieved parry, when there is a rea need for extension or extension is in the best
Forms — The Executive Director or Board may develop one or more grievance forms to
facilitate and document the various steps of the grievance process.
Informal Procedures: A parent should first attempt I resolve any grievance through discussion
with the relevant teacher(s) or other involved persons. If the parent's concern not adequately
addressed through an informal discussion wit, the teacher and/or staff involved, the parent should
next atiemp6 to resolve the grievance with the appropriate supervisor, if applicable, If a
grievance cannot he resolved in an informal' manner, the parent may initiate a formal grievance
Formal Grievance Procedure: In instances where informal means are ineffective or otherwise
not feasible, the School offers these more formal grievance procedures. Grievance proceedings
and information shall be kept confidential at all levels to the extent possible and permitted by
law. A parent grievance is a formal written claim by a parent or group of parents identifying the
concern, identifying the individual or group's resolution attempts, and identifying any law,
policy, or practice that is implicated by the concern. No one shall retaliate against a parent who
tiles a grievance under this policy (or against a student whose parent files a grievance) in good
This memorandum of agreement made and entered executed By and Between Panitian
Elementary School, Panitian Sofronio Española, Palawan represented by its School Head,
ROSALIE C. MONTEALTO, a Filipino citizen of legal age, married and here-in after referred to
as First Party and VIRGIE DELA BARIO, likewise a Filipino citizen of legal age. MARRIED
and a resident of Panitian Sofronio Española, Palawan and herein after referred to as second
Whereas, the FIRST PARTY is requesting the aid/assistance of the PTA Officers through the
SECOND PARTY in seeking some help to the Sangguniang Barangay and other Civic Spirited
Citizens in asking for help in financial assistance to be used for the expenses foil providing a
Healthy and Safe Environment
Whereas, one of the objectives of the school is to improve, beautify and transform the school into
a more convenient and safe place for avenue to conducive to teaching-learning environment.
Whereas, the SECOND PARTY voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the FIRST PARTY to
achieve the projects of the school (or the welfare of the learners.
That this Memorandum of Agreement shall take effect on June 30, 2019.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunder set our hands on this day of at Panitian
Elementary School, Panitian Sofronio Española, Palawan.
Dear Parents:
The following items are activities perform by yours as PTA OFFICERS. Please indicate
your degree of awareness about each function by checking the column your choice.
Very High -have full knowledge of the role without anybody telling me about
High -have full knowledge of the role after somebody told me about it.
Average -have partial knowledge of the role after somebody told me about
Low -have a hazy knowledge of the role because nobody told me about
Very Low -do not have any knowledge of the role.
Role Perception Very Very
High Average Low
High Low
A. Planning
1. Setting objectives for a
particular program
2. Determining activities
including alternatives to
carry out objectives
3. Setting a time frame to
accomplish a project
4. Determining resources
5. Reconciling resource
requirements with available
1. Attendance of the Pupils (esp. members of 4Ps)
2. Study Habits of the Pupils
3. Anti-Bullying
4. Discipline of the learners
Pirma ng Magulang,
1. Attendance of the Pupils (esp. members of 4Ps)
2. Study Habits of the Pupils
3. Anti-Bullying
4. Discipline of the learners
Pirma ng Magulang,
26 School Personnel
9 Barangay Officials
6 PTA Officials
Prepared by:
Jazel P. Ortega
Teacher’s Club Secretary
26 School Personnel
7 Barangay Officials
6 PTA Officials
1. Organization and election of the new set of General Parent-Teacher Association (GPTA)
officers for the school year 2019-2020
2. Induction and oath taking of newly-elected GPTA officers.
3. Issuance of report cards.
4. Follow-up of the learners performance (study habits, attitude)
5. Presentation of projected projects, programs and activities.
Prepared by:
Jazel P. Ortega
Teacher’s Club Secretary
1.0 Name
2.0 Interpretation
The Council aims to involve the school community/ stakeholders in the school governance
to strengthen and support public education in the community.
4.1 Endorses the school Improvement Plan (SIP) together with the School Head
4.2 Be informed of the school-based MOOE and SEF and other funds allocated to
4.3 Ratifies school-level policies on school fees and PTA contributions.
5.1 In the context of the Council’s joint responsibility with the principal for the
governance of the school, the Council must perform the following functions:
5.1.1 Involves the community in the governance of the school by:
(i) Providing a focus and a forum for the involvement of parents and
school community;
(ii) Ascertaining the educational needs of the local community and the
attitude of the local community to educational developments
within the school; and
(iii) Ensuring that the cultural and social diversity of the community are
considered and particular needs are appropriately identified.
6.1 The Principal is answerable to the DepED for providing educational leadership in
the school and for other general responsibilities which are reasonable.
6.2 The principal must also:
6.2.1 Implement the School Improvement Plan and school policies;
6.2.2 Provide accurate and timely reports, information and advice relevant to the
council’s functions;
6.2.3 Report on learning, care, training and participation outcomes;
6.2.4 Supervise and promote staff and teachers development;
6.2.5 Be responsible for the financial, physical and human resource management of the
6.2.6 Be an ex-officio member of Council with full voting rights;
6.2.7 Contribute or be consulted for the formulation of the agenda of the Council
7.0 Membership
7.2 A person is not eligible for election, appointment or nomination to the council if the
person is not the duly nominated or recognized representative of his organization or office.
8.1 Councilors with fixed term in the respective offices shall be recognized as
councilor until their terms/offices expires.
8.2 Any councilor nominated by the Students Representative Council or elected by the
body of the students will hold office for a term not exceeding one year or until the
nomination is revoked, in writing by the nominating body.
8.3 A councilor elected by the staff of the school will hold office for a term no
exceeding two years or subject to being a member of the staff of the school.
8.4 Councilors are eligible for subsequent re-election, re-nomination or re-appointment
if, and when they were still in office of the association/organization they represent.
9.1 Election
9.1.1 The office holders of the Council are the Chairperson, Deputy
Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer;
9.1.2 The chairperson must not be a member of the staff of the school;
9.1.3 The term of office of the Executive Committee shall be two years after
their election unless contrary to 7.2 and 8.1.
(i) Meet the carry out business delegated to or referred by the
Council; and
(ii) Report to subsequent Council meetings.
9.2 Removal from Office
9.2.1 The position of any office holder absent in two consecutive meetings
without leave of absence automatically becomes vacant. Acceptance of an apology in writing at
the council meeting will be deemed a grant of such leave;
9.3 The Chairperson
9.3.1 The chairperson must:
(i) Call and preside at meetings of the Council;
11.0 Meetings
11.1.1 All persons within the School Community are eligible to attend general
meetings of the school community and note on any matters proposed for resolution.
11.1.2 The Chairperson of the Council must call and preside at general meetings of
the school community, every second Friday of March each year.
11.1.3 At least 14 days written notice of the meeting must be given to the school
community by the means generally used to communicate with school community. The notice
must specify the date, time and place of the meeting.
11.1.4 A general meeting must be held:
(i) At least once annually (the Annual General Meeting) to present
reports, and the composition of the Council;
(ii) For any other reason relating to the affairs, functions or
membership of the Council, determined by agreement between the
Council Chairperson and the Principal.
11.2 Council Meeting
11.2.1 The Council must meet at once every quarter of every year.
11.2.2 Notice of the meeting must be given at the previous Council meeting or by
at least 7 days written notice Distributed to all councilors or in an emergency by such other
notice as the Council may determine.
11.3 Special or Emergency Meetings
11.3.1 The chairperson of the Council may call a special or an emergency meeting
of the council by written request from at least 3 councilors;
11.3.2 Notice of meeting must be given by written notice to all councilors within
reasonable time, setting out the time, date, place and object of the meeting.
11.4 Voting
11.4.1 Voting must be by show of hands;
14.0 Minutes
14.1 Proper minutes of any council meeting, the Annual General Meeting and general
meetings of the school community must be entered into books kept for that purpose.
14.2 The minutes must be read at the next respective annual, general or Council
Meeting and signed by the Chairperson of the meeting at which the proceedings took place or by
chairperson of the subsequent meeting.
14.3 Upon reasonable notice, the books containing the minutes of any meetings must
be made available for inspection by any councilor.
15.0 Committees
15.1 Committees
The Council may appoint committees, composed of councilors or both councilors
and non-councilors, which will meet as directed by Council.
15.2 Terms of reference
The council must specify terms of reference for its committees.
15.2.1 Curriculum Committee
Curriculum committee must be created to ensure strict implementation of
the curriculum and consider views and recommendation of students and parents.
15.2.2 Beautification Committee
This committee is in-charge of the maintenance and beautification of the
15.2.3 Ways and Means Committee
Ways and Means Committee will take charge of the minor problems that
may possibly arise in school particularly on management.
15.2.4 Project Implementation Committee
This committee will implement, monitor and assess projects of the SGC
15.2.5 Student Discipline Committee
Students discipline committee is organized to support the existing school
Membership of Committees
1.0 Name
2.0 Interpretation
In the constitution, unless the contrary intention appears.
“Chairperson” - Means the presiding member of the council.
“Council” - Means the (PANITIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Governing Council).
“Councilors” - Are the members of the council.
“Department” - Means the Department of Education.
“Fiscal Year” - Means the year ending 31 December.
“General Meeting” - Means a public Meeting of school community
“Government School” - Means a school established for the purpose of providing courses of
instruction in pre-school, primary or secondary education
“Majority” - Means more than half the total number
“Parent” - in relation to the school, means the parent of student attending the school
“School Head” - Means the head of the teachers of the school
“School Community” - Means all parents, students and staff of the school and all other persons
who have a legitimate interest in or connection with the school
“School Improvement Plan” - Means the plan collaboratively made and formulated by the school
stakeholders to improve the school
“Special Resolution” - of the council means a resolution for the purposes of amending the
constitution or of
removing an office holder from office, passed by a duly convened meeting of the council if:
(1) at least 30 days written notice has been given to all councilors specifying the intention
to propose the resolution as a special resolution; and
(2) it is passed by the majority of not less than three quarters of councilors who vote in person or
by proxy at that meeting.
3.0 Objective /Aim
The Council aims to involve the school community/ stakeholders in the school governance to
strengthen and support public education in the community.
4.0 Powers of the Governing Council Vested by the DepEd and LGU
4.1 Endorses the School Improvement Plan (SIP) together with the School Head
4.2 Be informed of the school-based MOOE and SEF funds allocated to school
5.1 In the context of the Council’s joint responsibility with the principal for the governance of
the school, the Council must perform the following functions:
6.0 Functions of the Principal in the Council The functions of the principal in Council are the
6.1 The Principal is answerable to the DepEd for providing educational leadership in the school
and for other general responsibilities which are reasonable.
7.0 Membership
9.3.4 If the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Council are absent or unable to preside at
a meeting, a councilor elected by the Council must preside.
9.4.3 The secretary must ensure that the copies of the Constitution and the Code of Practice are
available for public inspection at the school during normal school hours, and that any copies
requested are provided.
9.4.4 Prior to each meeting, the Secretary must ensure that a copy of the meeting agenda is
forwarded to each Councilor.
9.4.5 The secretary must conduct the official correspondence of the Council.
9.4.6 The secretary must ensure that the minutes of meetings are recorded and forwarded to each
councilor prior to the next meeting as prescribed in the Council’s operating
9.5 The Treasurer
9.5.1 The treasurer must be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee of the Council and
preside at the meetings of the Committee.
10.0 Vacancies
10.1 Membership of the Council ceases when the councilor:
10.1.1 Dies
10.1.2 Or in the case of an elected councilor or a councilor nominated or appointed for a term,
completes a term of office and is not re-elected, re-nominated or re-appointed or
10.1.3 Ceases to hold office in accordance with 8.2.2 and 8.3;
10.1.4 In the case of a member nominated by the staff of the school, is no longer a staff member
of the school; or
10.1.5 Resigns by written notice to the Council; or
10.1.6 Is removed by the Department; or
10.1.7 Is declared bankrupt or applies for the benefits of a law for the relief of involvement
debtors; or
10.1.8 Has been convicted of any offense prescribed by administrative instruction; or
11.0 Meetings
11.1 General Meetings of the School Community
11.1.1 All persons within the School Community are eligible to attend general meetings of the
school community and note on any matters proposed for resolution.
11.1.2 The Chairperson of the Council must call and preside at general meetings of the school
community, the timing to be agreed between the Council chairperson and the Principal of the
11.1.3 At least 14 days written notice of the meeting must be given to the school community by
the means generally used to communicate with school community. The notice must specify the
date, time and place of the meeting.
11.1.4 A general meeting must be held:
(i) at least once annually (the Annual General Meeting) to
present reports, to elect parents to the Council and / or declare election results;
(ii) for any other reason relating to the affairs, functions or membership of the Council,
determined by agreement between the Council Chairperson and the Principal.
11.2 Council Meeting
11.2.1 The Council must meet at least twice in each school term or every year.
11.2.2 Notice of the meeting must be given at the previous council meeting or by at least 7 days
written notice distributed to all councilors or in an emergency by such other notice as the Council
may determine.
11.3 Special or Emergency Meetings
11.3.1 The chairperson of the Council may call a special or an emergency meeting of the council
by written request from at least 3 councilors;
11.3.2 Notice of meeting must be given by written notice to all councilors within reasonable
time, setting out the time, date, place and object of the meeting.
11.4 Voting
11.4.1 Voting must be by show of hands;
11.4.2 For purposes of voting on a special resolution, each councilor is entitled to appoint
another councilor as
his/her proxy by notice in the form issued as an administrative instruction.
13.7.2 The first meeting of the Council must be adjourned to a date decided by the meeting if the
purpose of the meeting is not achieved.
14.0 Minutes
14.1 Proper minutes of any Council meeting, the Annual General Meeting and general meetings
of the school community must be entered into books kept for that purpose.
14.2 The minutes must be read at the next respective annual, general or Council meeting and
signed by the Chairperson of the meeting at which the proceedings took place or by the
chairperson of the subsequent meeting.
14.3 Upon reasonable notice, the books containing the minutes of any meetings must be made
available for inspection by any councilor.
15.0 Committees
15.1 Committees
The Council may appoint committees, composed of councilors or both councilors and non-
councilors, which will meet as directed by the Council.
15.2 Terms of reference
The Council must specify terms of reference for its committees.
15.2.1 Curriculum Committee