ASO Pathology

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History of Pest Management

• 2500 BC First records of insecticides; Sumerians used sulfur compounds to control insects and

• 200 BC Romans advocated oil sprays for pest control.

• 300 AD First records of biological controls; Chinese used. predatory ants in citrus orchards to
control caterpillar and beetle pests.

• 1880 First commercial spraying machine.

• 1930 Introduction of synthetic organic compounds for plant pathogen control.

• 1940 First successful use of an entomopathogen; Milky Spore (Bacillus popillae) used to control
Japanese beetle.

 Supervised insect control –

Shortly after World War II, when synthetic insecticides became widely available,

entomologists in California developed the concept of Supervised Control.

 It is an alternative to calendar-based insecticide programs.

 Supervised control was based on a sound knowledge of the ecology and analysis of projected
trends in pest and natural-enemy populations.

 Integrated control-

Supervised control formed much of the conceptual basis for "integrated control“ that

University of California entomologists articulated in the 1950s.

 Integrated control sought to identify the best mix of chemical and biological controls for a
given insect pest.

 The adage of "if a little works, a lot will work better“ was the major premise for applying
chemical to address pest problems on the farm and around the home

 Ecological Backlash –

 As early as the 1950's, pesticide-induced problems such as pest resurgence, pest replacement,
and pesticide resistance caused problems in agriculture.

 Pest resurgence - In 1959, scientists discovered that aphids could be better controlled by
reducing the amount of pesticide used because the pesticides were killing aphid predators as
well as the aphids themselves, causing large-scale pest resurgence (Stern, et al., 1959).
Pest Management –

 The concept of 'pest management' was proposed in 1961 (Geier and Clark, 1961)

 For the reduction of pest problems actions are selected after the life systems of the pests are
understood and the ecological and economic consequences of these actions have been predicted,
as accurately as possible, to be in the best interests of mankind.

 Widespread pest resistance in 1950’s to DDT and other Pesticides

 Environmental Awareness during the 1960s – new awareness of ecology and the
environmental impact of pesticide pollution resulted from a public outcry about
environmental contamination found in the air and foul water found in rivers and streams.

 By 1962, when "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson was published, serious concerns about the
disadvantages of pesticide use were widely raised .

 Rachel Carson and others suggested that pest control methods other than chemical pesticides
should be used in order to protect wildlife, human health and the environment.

 Public pressure led to government legislation restricting pesticide use in many countries
resulting in ban of DDT and other pesticides.

 Integrated Pest Management- In 1967 the term IPM was introduced by R.F. Smith and R. van
den Bosch.

 The term IPM was formalized by the US National Academy of Sciences in 1969.

 IPM was adopted as policy by various world governments during the 70's and 80's, including the
USA (1972)

 1970’s-1980’s IPM adapted for managing pests of landscape trees and shrubs in Urban

 In 1985 India declared IPM as official Ministerial Policy.

 IPM and its evolution-

Over the years IPM underwent several changes in its focus and approaches.

 Some of the key approaches are

 Damage threshold –The basic IPM principle relied on the damage boundary/ economic
damage relationship i.e no injury level below the damage boundary merits suppression, but
injury predicted to result in economic damage does.

 Economic Injury Level-

The EIL is the most basic of the decision rules; it is a theoretical value that, if actually attained by
a pest population, will result in economic damage.

 Ecological Engineering explores the ecological engineering strategies based on the management
of habitat to achieve pest suppression.

 It could be argued that all pest management approaches are forms of ecological engineering,
irrespective of whether they act on the physical environment (e.g., via tillage), chemical
environment (e.g., via pesticide use) or biotic environment (e.g., via the use of novel crop

 However, the use of cultural techniques to effect habitat manipulation and enhance biological
control most readily fits the philosophy of ecological engineering for pest management.

Plant protection in India and most of the developing countries is mainly based on the use of
pesticidal chemicals. Chemical control is one of the effective and quicker method in reducing pest
population where farmer gets spectacular result within a short time. However, over reliance and
indiscriminate use of pesticides resulted in a series of problems in the Agricultural ecosystem mainly,
the development of resistance in insects to insecticides, resurgence of treated population, out break of
secondary pests into primary nature, environmental contamination and residue hazards, destruction of
natural enemies of insect pests, expenses on pesticides, equipment, labour etc. All these problems
contributed to a new way of thinking concerning pest control practices, i.e. the integrated approach of
pest control. This was first proposed by Stern and his colleagues for integration of biological and
chemical control measures.

This is not altogether a new concept. It was practiced before the advent of modern chemicals.
Dates of planting of a crop were carefully studied to ensure that a crop was not being planted when it
would encounter severe pest problems, cultural practices such as ploughing after harvest, timely weed
control, well timed irrigation and a reduced use of fertilizers all contributed to reduce pest population.
Most of these methods were curtailed when modern pesticides become available, it was thought that
these chemicals alone could control pests, but now we know that this is not possible, and the single
method of approach to pest control is not feasible. Hence, we have to form an integrated approach in
pest management. IPM. “Integrated Pest Management is an ecological approach in which utilization of
all available techniques of pest control to reduce and maintain the pest population at levels below
economic injury level”. Hence the new concept or approach is based on the principles of managing the
pest rather than eradicating them. In other words pest management will be working 24 hours a day,
every day of year. This is possible and must become a part of cultivators every day thinking and
 Hence the new concept or approach is based on the principles of managing the pest rather than
eradicating them.
 AIM of Selected IPM strategies and prescriptions
o Promote natural controls.
o Protect human health.
o Minimize negative impacts to non-target organism.
o Enhance the general environment.
o Be most likely to produce long-term, beneficial results.
o Be cost-effective in the short and long-term
o Be easily and efficiently implemented.
 IPM fits best way in PHM
 Integrated Crop Management
 ICM + Soil Health Management = PHM
 Plant health is impacted by several factors such as soil health, nutrient management, abiotic
stresses, pest population and ecological balance between pest and beneficial insects
 These factors vary from one agro-climatic region to another.
 In order to reduce crop losses due to pests, expertise is required in plant health management, the
science and practice of understanding and overcoming biotic and abiotic factors that limit plants
from achieving their full genetic potential as crops.
 “Subeezum sukshetram Dhyayate sampadate”
 PHM = Here we take a broad view :
 Considering not only IPM but also
 Soil Health
 Nutritional deficiency
 Overall Plant health (Holistic view)
 Seed to seed

Tools of Pest Management

The available techniques for controlling individual insect pests are conveniently categorised in
increasing order of complexity as -
1. Cultural
2. Mechanical
3. Physical
4. Biological
5. Genetic
6. Regulatory
7. Chemical
1.Cultural methods or agronomic practices:

a. Use of resistant varieties

b. Crop rotation

c. Crop refuse destruction

d. Tillage of soil

e. Variation in time of planting or harvesting

f. Pruning or thinning and proper spacing

g. Judicious and balanced use of fertilizers

h. Crop sanitation

i. Water management
j. Planting of trap crops

2. Mechanical methods :

a. Hand destruction

b.Exclusion by barriers

c. Use of traps

3. Physical methods :

a. Application of heat - Hot water treatment

- Exposing of infested grain to sun

- Super heating of empty godowns at 50 degree C

to kill hibernating stored grain pests.

b. Manipulation of moisture - Reduction of moisture content of grains helps to

prevent from the attack of stored grain pests.

c. Energy - Light traps

4. Biological control :
a. Protection and encouragement of natural enemies
b. Introduction, artificial increase and colonization of specific parasitoids and predators.
 conservation of natural enemies
 Parasites and Parasitoids
 Egg Parasitoids
 Larval Parasitoids
 Pupal Parasitoids
c. Propagation and dissemination of specific bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan diseases.

5. Genetic methods : - Use of sterile male technique

6. Regulatory methods : - Plant quarantine

a. Foreign quarantine
b. Domestic quarantine

7. Chemical methods : - Use of attractants

- Use of repellants
- Use of growth inhibitors
- Use of insecticides
Basic principles of Integrated Pest Management :

1.Consideration of Ecosystem :

Control of insect pest population is a function of the ecosystem itself by means of natural
enemies and other factors. Knowledge of the role of the principle elements of the units is essential to an
understanding of population phenomenon. The study of individuals is of prime importance, their
biology behaviour response to other members of the same species and to other organisms and to biotic
factors in the environment. The study of individuals offers a potent method for this analysis of
population change. The most effective system for controlling pests can be derived only after
understanding the principles responsible for the population fluctuation in the ecosystem.

2. Pest Surveillance :

Pest Surveillance and forecasting are having a vital part in the integrated pest management.
Surveillance or monitoring means constant observation of a subject i.e., a crop or pest, and recording the
factors observed, compilation of information obtained and prediction of future events about pest
population. Hence pest surveillance comprises of three basic components.

a. Determination of the level of incidence of the pest species.

b. Determination of what loss the incidence will cause.

c. Determination of economic benefits or other benefits the control will provide.

The above information would be immense use in determining the need for a pest control
measure. Mere presence of a few numbers of pest species should not be the criterion for pesticide
application and there should be sufficient justification. Surveillance can provide the necessary
information to determine the feasibility of a pest control programme. It should be a tool that assists pest
management specialists in determining the actual factors that are involved in a pest build up, so that the
specialists can determine practices that will manage these factors and prevent the initial build up of a

3. Utilization of Economic Threshold Levels (ETL)

The level of pest population is very important consideration for taking up control measures. Pest
population must be maintained at levels below those causing economic injury. The economic threshold
is the pest density at which control measures should be determined to prevent an increasing pest
population from reaching economic injury level. The determination of these thresholds is a pre-requisite
to the development of any pest management strategy.

4. Application of minimum selective hazards :

The application of chemical measures to pest population has to be in such a manner that target
pest populations are just kept below economic injury thresholds. By observation of this principle the
development of resistant populations of pest is avoided or delayed, the possibility of resurgence of
treated population is decreased, adverse effect on non target organism and amount of environmental
contamination are reduced, and the cost of control is also lowered.
When insecticide treatments are deemed necessary special consideration should be given to (1)
Effectiveness of the insecticide against most vulnerable life stage of the pest (2) Employing an
insecticide that will cause least disturbance in the ecosystem. (3) Applying the insecticide in such a
way that it will restrict its distribution to the area where it is needed.

Advantage of Integrated Pest Management :

1. Fits better in National Economy.

Pest control activities at present are mainly based on the application of chemical pesticides, quite
a large proportion of which has to be imported. The expenditure envisaged for plant protection runs into
crores of rupees even when only one or at the most two pesticide application are envisaged per crop.
High yielding varieties show that many more pesticide applications are called for many crops if pest
control has to depend only on the use of pesticide. Thus a time has come where Integrated Pest
Management is not only advisable but also inevitable.

2. More efficient and cheaper method.

In IPM schedule efforts are made to utilize various methods of control including use of
pesticides but some times and in some cases it is feasible to nip the trouble in the bud itself even by a
mechanical campaign like destruction of egg masses of some pests or collecting the caterpillar stages. In
such cases it envisages a lot of saving in the use of pesticides, this means saving of money and saving of
foreign exchange and also the destruction of the pest before it has been able to inflict damage.

3. Avoid upsetting the balance of nature.

Chemical control has often been reported to upset the balance of nature at times leading to
upsurge of new type of pest problem which did not exist before. The seriousness of mites in many parts
of the world has occurred by the use of DDT. It is confidently expected that such adverse side effects
will be much less as a result of integrated pest management schedule.

4. Minimises residue hazards of pesticides :

It is obvious that in an IPM schedule the use of pesticides will be considerably reduced, hence
the pesticide residue hazards will also get automatically minimised.


The important rational planning for effective land use to promote efficient is well recognized.
The ever increasing need for food to support growing population @2.1% (1860 millions) in the country
demand a systematic appraisal of our soil and climatic resources to recast effective land use plan. Since
the soils and climatic conditions of a region largely determine the cropping pattern and crop yields.
Reliable information on agro ecological regions homogeneity in soil site conditions is the basic to
maximize agricultural production on sustainable basis. This kind of systematic approach may help the
country in planning and optimizing land use and preserving soils, environment.

India exhibits a variety of land scopes and climatic conditions those are reflected in the evolution
of different soils and vegetation. These also exists a significant relationship among the soils, land form
climate and vegetation. The object of present study is to delianate such regions as uniform as possible
introspect of physiographic, climate, length of growing period (LPG) and soils for macro level and land
use planning and effective transfer of agro - technology.
Agro Climatic Zones: - Agro climatic zone is a land unit in Irens of mator climate and growing period
which is climatmenally suitable for a certain image of crops and cultivars (FAO 1983). An ecological
region is characterized by district ecological responses to macro - climatic as expressed in
vegetation and reflected fauna and equatic systems. Therefore an agro-ecological region is the land unit
on the earth surface covered out of agro - climatic region, which it is super imposed on land form and
the kinds of soils and soil conditions those act as modifiers of climate and LGP (Length of growing

With in a broad agro climatic region local conditions may result in several agro - ecosystems, each with
it's own environmental conditions. However, similar agro ecosystems may develop on comparable soil,
and landscape positions. Thus a small variation in climate may not result in different ecosystems, but a
pronounced difference is seen when expressed in vegetation and reflected in soils. India has been
divided into 24 agro - climatic zone by Krishnan and Mukhtar Sing, in 1972 by using "Thornthwait

The planning commission, as a result of mid. term appairasal of planning targets of VII plan (1985 - 90)
divided the country into 15 broad agro - climatic zones based on physiographic and climate. The
emphasis was given on the development of resources and their optimum utilization in a suitable manner
with in the frame work of resource constraints and potentials of each region.
(Khanna 1989).

Agro climatic zones of India :- (Planning commission 1989)

Ladakh, Kashmir, Punjab, Jammu etc.brown
1 Western Himalayan Region soils & silty loam, steep slopes.
Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Darjeeling.
Manipur etc. High rainfall and high forest
2 Eastern Himalayan Region covers heavy soil erosion, Floods.
West Bengal Soils mostly alluvial & are
3 Lower Gangatic plants Regions prone to floods.
Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, High rainfall 39%
4 Middle Gangatic plans Region irrigation, cropping intensity 142%
5 Upper Gangatic Plains Region North region of U.P. (32 dists) irrigated by
canal & tube wells good ground water
Punjab Haryana Union territory of Delhi,
6 Trans Gangatic plains Region Highest sown area irrigated high
Chota Nagpur, Garhjat hills, M.P, W.
Banghelkhand plateau, Orissa, soils Shallow
to medium sloppy, undulating Irrigation tank
7 Eastern Plateaus & Hills Region & tube wells.
8 Central Plateau & hills Region M. Pradesh
Sahyadry, M.S. M.P. Rainfall 904 mm Sown
9 Western Plateau & hills Region area 65% forest 11% irrigation 12.4%
T. Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Typically semi and zone, Dry land Farming
10 Southern Plateau & Hills Region 81% Cropping Intensity 11%
Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Orissa, Soils,
11 East coast plains & hills Region alluvial, coastal sand, Irrigation
Sourashtra, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, T.
Nadu, Variety of cropping Pattern, rainfall &
12 West coast plains & Hills Region soil types.
Gujarat (19 dists) Low rainfall arid zone.
13 Gujarat plains & Hills Region Irrigation 32% well and tube wells.
Rajasthan (9 dists) Hot. Sandy desert rainfall
erratic, high evaporation. Scanty vegetation,
14 Western Dry Region femine draughts.
Eastern Andaman, Nikobar, Western Laksh
dweep. Typical equatorial, rainfall 3000 mm
15 The Island Region (9 months) forest zone undulating.

All crops cannot be grown in all types of agro climatic zones. Some crops can be possible to grow in all
zones and some crops will be grown in some zones.

Every plant has its own agro-ecosystem.

Decision making in IPM requires an analysis of the ecosystem. Sampling and thresholds are
important parts of that analysis. Some parts of the ecosystems interact. Now we will begin to use a
method of Eco-system Analysis to facilitate discussion and decision making.

 First of all we have to take soil testing.

 Send it for analysis at local State Soil Testing Laboratory.
 According to the result we have to recommend the dose of organic and inorganic fertilizer.
 Selection of suitable seed variety
 Testing the seed viability
 Suggesting suitable seed treatment
 Raised nursery bed
 Preparation of compost
 Vermicompost preparation
 Preparation of rhizobium culture
 Blue green algae preparation
 Preparation of neem coated urea preparation

Agro Ecosystem Analysis (AESA) :

AESA is an approach which can be gainfully employed by extension functionaries and farmers to
analyse field situations with regard to pests, defenders, soil conditions, plant health, the influence of
climatic factors and their interrelationship for growing healthy crop. Such a critical analysis of the field
situations will help in situations will help in taking appropriate decision on management practices.

A. The basic components of AESA are :

i. Plants health at different stages. Monitor symptoms of diseases and nematodes.

ii. Built-in-compensation abilities of the plants.
iii. Pest and defender population dynamics.
iv. Soil conditions.
v. Climatic factors.
vi. Farmers past experience.

B. The methodology of AESA is as under :

 . Field Observations :

i. Enter the field at least 5 ft. away from the bund. Select a site with a dimension of 1 sq mt. randomly.
ii. Record the visual obervation in following sequence:
a. Flying insects (both pests & defenders)
b. Close observation on pests and defenders which remain on the plants.
c. Observe pests like borer, BPH etc. and defenders like cooccinellid, chrysopa, ground
beetle/rove beetle and earwigs etc, by scrapping the soil surface around the plants.
d. Record disease and its intensity.
e. Record insects damage and disease incidence in percentage.
iii. Record parameters like number of leaves, plant height and reproductive parts of the selected plants
for makingobservation in the following weeks. Observe nematode damage symptoms.
iv. Record the types of weeds, their size and population density in relation to crop plant.
v. Record soil conditions viz flooded, wet or dry.
vi. Observe rodent live burrows.
vii. Record the climatic factors viz sunny, partially sunny, cloudy, rainy etc. for the preceding week.

C. Drawing :

First draw the plant at the centre on a chart. Then draw pests on left side and defender on the right side.
Indicate the soil condition, weed population, rodent damage etc. Give natural colours to all the drawing,
for instance, draw healthy plant with green colour, diseased plant/leaves with yellow colour. While
drawing the pests and the defenders on the chart care should be taken to draw them at appropriate part of
the plant, where they are seen at the time of observation. The common name of pest and alongwith
diagram. The weather factor should bereflected in the chart by drawing the diagram of sun just above the
plant if the attribute is sunny. If cloudy, the clouds may be drawn in place of sun. In case of partially
sunny, the diagram of sun may be half masked with clouds.

D. Group Discussion and Decision making :

The observations recorded in the previous and current charts should be discussed among the farmers by
raising questions relating to change in pest and defender population in relation to crop stages, soil
condition, weather factors such as rainy, cloudy or sunny etc. The group may evolve a strategy based
upon weekly AESA, ETL and corresponding change in P.D. ratio and take judicious decision for
specific post management practices.

E. Strategy for decision making :

Some of the defenders like lady beetles, groundnut beetles, rove beetles, wasps play useful role in
arriving at P.D. ratio.

F. AESA by Extension Functionaries :

The extension functionaries during their regular visit to the village mobilize the farmers, conduct AESA
and critically analyse the various factors such as the pest population vis-a-vis defender population
andtheir role in natural suppression of the pest, the influence of per prevailing weather condition/soil
conditions on the likely build-up of defender/pest population. They may also take the decision based on
the AESA which IPM components like release of defenders, application of need formulations/ safe
pesticides are to be used for specific pest situation. Such an exercise may be repeated by the extension
functionaries during every visit to the village and motivate the farmers to adopt AESA in their fields.
G. AESA by Farmers :

After a brief exposure during IPM demonstrations/ field trainings, farmers can practice AESA in their
own field. Whenever trained farmers are available their experiences could be utilized in training their
fellow farmers in their own villages. Thus a large group of farmers could be made proficiently
competent in undertaking weekly AESA thereby empowering themselves in decision making on any
specific pest situations. Farmers-to-farmers training approach will go a long way in practicing IPM on a
large area on sustainable basis.

H. Pest Monitoring Through Pheromones/ Light Traps etc.

Certain pests required positioning of various kinds of traps like pheromones, light trap to monitor the
initial pest build up. Therefore, the State Department of Agriculture is to initiate action for positioning of
different kinds of traps at strategic locations at village level as per the following details.

1. Pheromone trap – 8 traps per ha. may be used to monitor stem borer moth population in
Summer rice initiate in February to April (Boro & Early Ahu) trapping should be done from
February to April and in Winter rice –(Sali rice), it should be done from July to September lures
should be replaced at 10 days intervals.

2. Light trap - Chinsurah light trap or any other light trap with 200 watts mercury lamps can be
operated for two hours in the evening to observe photo tropic insect pests. Traps should be
placed away from other light sources.

3. Sweep-nets-water pans – Besides visual observations sweep-nets and water pans may also be
used to assess the population of insect pests and bio-control agents.(In paddy crop) and
mechanical collection and identification in vegetable crops.
I. Economic Threshold Level (ETL)
The Economic threshold level (ETL) is an attempt to improve decision making practices by using partial
economic analysis on the impact of the control practice such as spraying a pesticide. At the ETL,the
benefit of spraying a pesticide. At the ETL, the benefit of spraying is equal to the losses caused by the
insects in the field. The farmers are advised to take appropriate control measures when the incidence
crosses ETL. The ETL for some of the major pests are listed below:
Pest Economic Threshold Level
Tomato fruit borer One egg/one larve/one damaged fruit per plant
Whitefly 4 adults/leaf
(as a sucking pest)
Root-knot reniform Nematode 1-2 larvae/g soil

The goal of the activity is to analyze the field situation by observation drawing and discussion.
At the end of the activity, the group should have made a decision about any actions required in the field.

Time required = 120 minutes

Materials (per group)

One piece of note-book, paper one large size, drawing crayons or sketch pens.


1. Go to the field. Walk diagonally across the field and randomly choose 20 plants on the diagonal
from. For each plant follow this examination process and record your observation. This should
be done for each plot.
Insects : Then examine each plant from bottom to the top for hoppers, other insects. If many of
the leaves are damaged by feeding look for caterpillars, Epilachna beetles and Shoot and fruit borer on
leaves, fruits and tender shoots. Estimate the percent defoliation on the plant. Are larvae still present ?
Collect the eggs and egg masses). Count the number of shoot damage and fruit damage. Record the
number of all observation for the plant.

Disease : Notice the leaves and stems. Are there any discoloration due to disease (Ask the trainer if
uncertain). Estimate the percent of leaf/stem area infected.

Record all observations.

Rats : Count the number of live burrows and observe for pieces of damaged fruit near the burrow.

Natural enemies : Count the each type of predator, and the number of larvae with parasites per plant.

Plant: Find the shady place to sit as a group. Each group should sit together in a circle, with
pencils, crayons data from each of the field activities (IPM), local package and other studies), and the
drawing of the field ecosystem from the previous weeks.

2. Now make a drawing on the large piece of paper. Everyone should be involved in The
drawing. Make a drawing for the each plot observed (IPM plot and local package). There
are several rules for drawing which are as follows:

Draw plant with correct average number branches. Write the number branches on the plant
somewhere. If the plant is healthy, color the plant as green. If the plant is diseased and lacking nutrients
(or low in fertilizer) then color the plant or plant parts as brown or yellow.

Draw dead and dried leaves as yellow in color.

For weeds, draw approximate density and size of weeds in relation to the size of the plant.
Draw the kind of weeds in the field (Broad leaf or grass type).

For pest population intensity, draw the insect pests as found in the field on the left side of the
plant. Write the average number next to the insect. Also write the local name next to the insect. The
data can also be summarized in a table on the right side.

For natural enemy population intensity, draw the predatory insects, other larval parasitoids and
spiders as found in the field on the right side of the plant. Write the average number of the natural
enemies and their local names next to the drawing.
For rats show the average number fruits/ plant or fruits cut by drawing the fruiting bodies laying
near the burrow.

If the week was mostly sunny, add a sun. If the week was mostly sunny and cloudy together,
draw a sun but half covered with dark clouds. If the week was cloudy all the day, for most of the week,
put just dark clouds.

If the field was fertilized, then place a picture of a hand throwing N’s, P’s or K’s into the field
depending on the type of fertilizer used.

If insecticides were used in the field, show sprays with a nozzle and write the type of chemical
coming out of the nozzle. If granules were broadcast, show a hand with the name of the pesticide being

3. Keep your drawings for comparison for weeks later in the season.

4. Now discuss the questions listed for each stage of the plant depending on the crops observed.
One person in the group is designated as the questioner (Change the person each week). This person
will ask questions about the field. Write your answers on the paper and add a summary.

Each group should make a presentation of their field observation, drawing, discussion and summary.
Different person should make the presentation each week.



Ecosystem analysis is the basic training method that helps farmers to understand their crop and to
make decisions about their crop. Ideally, every weekly field school session should start with an
Ecosystem Analysis by sub-groups, with group discussions afterwards. In this way, weekly
development of the ecosystem can be followed, and weekly decision making can be practiced by the

AESA in vegetables will be taken in all three stages of the crop every weeks
Nursery Stage - Observe all the nursery beds for insect pests and diseases
Vegetative Stage - Observe 20 plants and scan entire plant for pests and bioagents
-for sucking pests top two, middle two and bottom one leaves to be
Flower and Fruiting Stage: - Observe 20 plants and scan entire plant for live insect pests attack
on flower buds, flower and fruit damage and healthy pests and
available bioagents (all live ones)
-for sucking pests top two, middle two and bottom one leaves to be
Materials for each group of farmers:

 Note paper, pen

 Colour crayons

 Large piece of paper (about 60x80 cm.)


1. Farmers form groups of four to five persons each. Some groups take the Farmers Practice
field, and the other groups take the IPM field.

2. Each group sample 20 plants across the diagonal of the field. To select a plant, walk across
the diagonal of the field and choose a plant at every 5 m. In large fields increase the
distance between plants selected.
1. Then, select three leaves from the plant, one taken from the top, one from the middle and one from
the bottom of the plant. Pick or turn the leaf and count the number of jassids, whitefly adults and
nymphs, and aphids (ignore other sucking pests if not common).

4. Then, check all leaves and the stem systematically for any predators (starting from the top
leaf downwards).

5. Then, count the total number of fruiting parts.

6. Then, open the bracts of each individual fruiting part and record:

 Number of fruiting parts with fruit damage.

 Number of fruit borer larvae.

 Any predators.

7. Then, check on the ground surface under the plant and record any predators found.

8. Collect predators encountered in plastic vials to show to the other groups.

9. Uproot one brinjal or tomato or bhindi plant for drawing.

10. After 20 plants are sampled, find a place to sit as a group and make colour drawings on the
large piece of paper. Draw the plant with the correct number branches. Draw the sun and
indicates clouds if it is a cloudy day. Draw shedding buds in yellow. On the right hand side
of the cotton plant, draw the pests found:

Sucking pests:

- Indicate the total number found (Top two leaves, Middle two leaves and bottom one
- And the total number of leaves checked (50 leaves).

(- calculate the average per leaf)

Fruit borer larvae :

- Indicate the total number of fruiting parts checked.

- Indicate the total number of fruiting parts with fruit borer damage.

(- calculate the percentage damaged fruiting parts).

On the left hand side of the cotton plant, draw the predators found. Again indicate the total
numbers found (and calculate the average per plant). If weeds are common draw some weeds next to
the vegetable plant. Indicate the intensity of disease incidence, rodent damage etc.

11. After drawing, discuss the following questions, for presentation.

a) Describe the general condition of the plant.
b) What do farmers think are the most important factors affecting their crops at this stage ?
c) What, if any, measure should be taken ?

12. Then, when all groups have finalized their drawings and answered the questions, the groups
should present their work in front of the other groups. They explain the sampling, explain
the drawings and discuss the answers to the three questions.

13. One group for each treatment presents its results.

14. Each week, a different person of each group should do the presentation. In Farmers Field
Schools, the Ecosystem analysis drawings of the previous weeks should be available for comparison
and to discuss development of the crop and insects populations. It is easy to forget what the field
looked like earlier in the season, what insect populations were found, and when control measures were

Ecology is the scientific study of relationships in the natural world. It includes relationships
between organisms and their physical environments (physiological ecology); between organisms of
the same species (population ecology); between organisms of different species (community ecology);
and between organisms and the fluxes of matter and energy through biological systems (ecosystem
Definitions of Ecology
 1866 Ernst Haeckel: the comprehensive science of the relationship of the organism to the
 1927 Charles Elton: Scientific natural history
 1963 E. P. Odum: The study of the structure and function of nature
 1972 C. J. Krebs: The scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and
abundance of organisms
Ecological spectrum
Biosphere, Landscape, Ecosystem, Community, Population, Organism, Organ system, Organ,
Tissue, Cell, Sub cellular organelles, Molecules
 While the earth is huge, life is found in a very narrow layer, called the biosphere. If the earth
could be shrunk to the size of an apple, the biosphere would be no thicker than the apple's
 The biosphere, like the human body, is made up of systems that interact and are dependent
on each other.

 “ Ecosystem is a Functionally independent unit in which there is an intricate &
interdependent among the components” Ex: Pond, River, Forest, tree, desert.
 All ecosystems must have a constant source of energy (usually the sun) and cycles. Examples
are the water, nitrogen and carbon cycles.
 An ecosystem is made up of
1. Biotic or living
2. Abiotic or non-living components in a given area.
A biotic Factors
The nonliving things in an environment are called A BIOTIC factors. Examples of a biotic
factors are
Sunlight , Temperature, Rainfall, Climate and Soil conditions.
Biotic Factors
Biotic factors are all the living things or their materials that directly or indirectly affect an
organism in its environment. This would include organisms, their presence, parts, interaction,
and wastes. In this type of classification, there are:
2. Heterotrophs
Organisms that produce their own food from an energy source, such as the sun, and
inorganic compounds. Organisms that consume other organisms as a food source.

Food Chain
Food chains show which organisms eat other organisms
Grass Rabbit Fox

 Producers - organisms which can make their own energy from carbon dioxide and water
using sunlight for energy (plants)
 Primary consumer - organisms which eat producers (herbivores)
 Secondary consumers - organisms which eat primary consumers (carnivores)
 Tertiary consumers - organisms which eat secondary consumers (carnivores)
Each level of a food chain is known as a trophic level Food chains always start with a
Producers are always on the first trophic level.

Tertiary consumer Barn owl Fourth trophic level

Secondary consumer Wood mouse Third trophic level
Primary consumer Bark beetle Second trophic level
Producer Oak Tree First trophic level
Food Webs
All the food chains in an area make up the food web of the area

Energy Flow Through Food Chains

Ecological pyramid
An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation designed to show the biomass or biomass
productivity at each trophic level in a given ecosystem.
1 .Pyramid of biomass
2 .Pyramid of Energy
3 .Pyramid of numbers
1 .Pyramid of biomass
Typical units for a biomass pyramid could be grams per meter2, or calories per meter2.

2 . Pyramid of Energy
Typical units would be grams per meter2 per year or calories per meter2 per year.

3. Pyramid of numbers

All the organisms in an ecosystem that belong to the same species
Example - All the turtles in Town Lake
A community is a group of interacting populations that occupy the same area at the same time
The place in which an organism lives .Provides the kinds of food and shelter, the
temperature, and the amount of moisture the organism needs to survive.
Ecological Niche
A plant's or animal's ecological niche is a way of life that is unique to that species.
Niche and habitat are not the same. While many species may share a habitat, this is not true of a
niche. Each plant and animal species is a member of a community. The niche describes the species'
role or function within this community.
 Ecotone = transition zone between two ecosystems , Ecotones are often overlooked
roads, fences, old fences, wind breaks.
 Ecotone (boundary) more diverse than either ecosystem
numbers of species often greater in ecotone than in neighboring habitats.
 Edge effect
in agroecosystem, edges of fields (near ecotone) often most diverse, highest number of
species (natural enemies).

Biogeochemical Cycles
Nutrient circuits involving both biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems
Two categories:
1.Gaseous cycles– Co2, N2,
2.Sedmentary -- Phosphorous, Sulpher
agro-ecosystems” to result from the manipulation of natural and biological resources by social
Agro-ecosystems represent an integration of social and ecological systems, and can be considered
from different disciplinary standpoints (social, economic, ecological) as well at several different
levels of organization (crop, farm, community, watershed,etc).
System components
 different components of a system at any level is Agro-ecological “niches” (e.g. soil types,
vegetation types, crops, woods, water sources, etc);
 Infrastructure (roads, wells, etc);
 Social units (different stakeholders, social groups, types of farmer, markets,etc).

 The instability of agroecosystems, which is manifested as the worsening of most insect pest
problems, is increasingly linked to the expansion of crop onocultures at the expense of the
natural vegetation, thereby decreasing local habitat diversity.
 Plant communities that are modified to meet the special needs of humans become subject to
heavy pest damage and generally the more intensely such communities are modified, the
more abundant and serious the pests.
 The inherent self-regulation characteristics of natural communities are lost when humans
modify such communities through the shattering of the fragile thread of community
 Agroecologists maintain that this breakdown can be repaired by restoring
 the shattered elements of community homeostasis through the addition or enhancement of
Based on current ecological and agronomic theory, low pest potentials may be expected in
agroecosystems that exhibit the following characteristics
1. High crop diversity through mixing crops in time and space.
2. Discontinuity of monocultures in time through rotations, use of short maturing varieties, use
of crop-free or preferred host-free periods, etc.
3. Small, scattered fields creating a structural mosaic of adjoining crops and uncultivated land
which potentially provide shelter and alternative food for natural enemies. Pests also may
proliferate in these environments depending on plant species composition. However, the
presence of low levels of pest populations and/or alternate hosts may be necessary to maintain
natural enemies in the area
4. Farms with a dominant perennial crop component. Orchards are considered to be semi-
permanent ecosystems, and more stable than annual cropping systems. Since orchards suffer less
disturbance and are characterized by greater structural diversity, possibilities for the
establishment of biological control agents are generally higher, especially if floral undergrowth
diversity is encouraged.
5. High crop densities or the presence of tolerable levels of specific weed species.
6. High genetic diversity resulting from the use of variety mixtures or crop multilines

A key feature of annual cropping systems is the nature and frequency of soil disturbance regimes
Periodic tillage and planting continually reverts the tilled area to an earlier stage of ecological
succession. Physical disturbance of the soil caused by tillage and residue management is a crucial
factor in determining soil biotic activity and species diversity in agroecosystems .
Tillage usually disturbs at least 15–25 cm of the soil surface and replaces stratified surface soil
horizons with a tilled zone more homogeneous with respect to physical characteristics and
residue distribution.
The loss of a stratified soil microhabitat causes a decrease in the density of species that inhabit
One gram of soil may contain over a thousand fungal hyphae and up to a million or more
individual bacterial colonies. Energy, carbon, nitrogen and other nutrient fluxes through the soil
decomposing subsystem are dominated by fungi and bacteria, although invertebrates play a
certain role in N flux.

Biodiversity in agroecosystems

Modern agriculture implies the simplification of the structure of the environment over vast
areas, replacing nature’s diversity with a small number of cultivated plants and domesticated
In fact, the world’s agricultural landscapes are planted mostly with some 12 species of grain
crops, 23 vegetable crop species, and about 35 fruit and nut crop species.
more than 70 plant species spread over approximately 1440 million ha of presently cultivated
land in the world.
Genetically, modern agriculture is shockingly dependent on a handful of varieties for its major
crops. For example, in the US, 60–70% of the total bean area is planted with 2–3 bean varieties,
72% of the potato area with four varieties and 53% of the cotton area with three varieties
In contrast, biodiversity is not foreign to traditional farmers in the Third World. In fact, a salient
feature of traditional farming systems is their degree of plant diversity in the form of
polycultures and/or agroforestry patterns.
In fact the species richness of all biotic components of traditional agroecosystems is comparable
with that of many natural ecosystems.
Traditional, multiple cropping systems are estimated to still provide as much as 15–20% of the
world’s food supply.
In general, the degree of biodiversity in agroecosystems depends on four main characteristics of
the agroecosystem
1. The diversity of vegetation within and around the agroecosystem.
2. The permanence of the various crops within the agroecosystem.
3. The intensity of management.
4. The extent of the isolation of the agroecosystem from natural vegetation.
The biodiversity components of agroecosystems can be classified in relation to the role they play
in the functioning of cropping systems According to this, agricultural biodiversity can be
grouped as follows.
Productive biota: crops, trees and animals chosen by farmers which play a determining role in
the diversity and complexity of the agroecosystem.
Resource biota: organisms that contribute to productivity through pollination, biological control,
decomposition, etc.
Destructive biota: weeds, insect pests, microbial pathogens, etc. which farmers aim at reducing
through cultural management

The components, functions, and enhancement strategies of biodiversity in agroecosystems

The relationship between planned biodiversity and associated and how the two promote ecosystem

Agroecology provides basic ecological principles on how to study, design and manage
agroecosystems that are productive, enduring and natural resource conserving. Agroecosystems can
be manipulated to improve production andproduce more sustainably, with fewer negative
environmental and social impacts and fewer external inputs. The design of such systems is based on
the application of the following ecological principles

1. Enhance recycling of biomass and optimizing nutrient availability and balancing nutrient flow.
2. Securing favorable soil conditions for plant growth, particularly by managing organic matter and
enhancing soil biotic activity.
3. Minimizing losses due to flows of solar radiation, air and water by way of microclimate
management, water harvesting and soil management through increased soil cover.
4. Species and genetic diversification of the agroecosystem in time and space.
5. Enhance beneficial biological interactions and synergisms among agrobiodiversity components
thus resulting in the promotion of key ecological processes and services.
These principles can be applied by way of various techniques and strategies
Summary of how agro ecosystem design may affect the health of crops and the agro ecosystem.

The effects of agroecosystem management and associated cultural practices on the diversity of
natural enemies and the abundance of insect pests.

In india there are several classifications of agro-climatic regions and soils proposed by several
agencies. The reader is advised to study the earlier booklets on the related topics "Land
Capability Classification" Booklet No.518 and " Agro-climatic Divisions of India" Booklet
No.521. This booklet is on the agro-ecological regions of India; but there may be several things
similar to the Booklet on Agro-climatic Divisions of India.
Planning Commission as part of the mid-term appraisal of the planning targets of VII Plan
(1985-1990) divided the country into 15 broad agro-climatic zones based on physiography and
climate. They are the following
1. Western Himalayan Region, 2. Eastern Himalayan I Region, 3. Lower Gangetic Plains Region, 4.
Middle Gangetic Plains Region, 5. Upper Gangetic Plains Region, 6. Trans-Gangetic Plains Region,
7. Eastern Plateau & Hills Region, I 8. Central Plateau and Hills Region, 9. Western Plateau and
Hills Region,10. Southern Plateau and Hills Region, 11. East Coast Plains and Hills Region, 12. West
Coast plains & Hills Region, 13. Gujarat Plains & Hills Region, 14. Western Dry Region and 15. The
Island Region.


Rivers, streams and wetlands provide people with a wide range of benefits often referred to as
“Ecosystem Services”
Ecosystem Services Approach
Provides a frame work by which ecosystem services are integrated into public and private decision
Its implementation typically incorporates a variety of methods includes
1. Ecosystem service dependency and impact assessment
2. Valuation
3. Scenarios
policies and other interventions targeted at sustaining ecosystem services

1)Transformations of natural assets into products valued economically

(2) Transformations of the by-products - ecosystem services back into natural assets
(3) internal transformations among natural assets to maintain those assets
Ecosystem services into four broad categories:
1. Provisioning services - the goods or products obtained from ecosystems
2. Regulating services - the benefits obtained from an ecosystem’s control of natural processes
3. Cultural services - the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystem services
4. Supporting services - the underlying processes that are necessary for the production of all other
ecosystem services
1. Provisioning services - the goods or products obtained from ecosystems
Service Sub-category Definition Examples
Food Crops Cultivated plants or agricultural Grains
produce which are harvested by people Vegetables
for human or animal consumption Fruits
Livestock Animals raised for domestic or Chicken
commercial consumption or use Pigs Cattle
Capture Wild fish captured through trawling Cod Shrimp
fisheries and other non-farming methods Tuna
Aquaculture Fish, shellfish, and/or plants that are Clams Oysters
bred and reared in ponds Salmon
Wild foods Edible plant and animal species Fruits and nuts
gathered or captured in the wild Fungi Bush meat
Fiber Timber and Products made from trees harvested Industrial round
wood fibers from natural forest ecosystems, wood Wood pulp
plantations, or non-forested lands Paper
Other fibers Non-wood and non-fuel based fibers Textiles Cordage
(e.g., cotton, extracted from the natural environment (twine, rope)
hemp, silk) for a variety of uses
Biomass fuel Biological material derived from living Fuel wood,
or recently living organisms –both Grain for thanol
plant and animal – that serves as a production,
source of energy Dung
Freshwater Inland bodies of water, groundwater, Freshwater for
rainwater, and surface waters for drinking,
household, industrial, and agricultural cleaning,
Genetic Genes and genetic information used for Genes used to
resources animal breeding, plant improvement, increase crop
and biotechnology Resistance
Biochemicals, Medicines, biocides, food additives, and cancer drugs,
natural other biological materials derived from Tree extracts used
medicines, and ecosystems for commercial or domestic for pest
pharmaceuticals use control
2. Regulating services - the benefits obtained from an ecosystem’s control of natural processes

Air quality Influence ecosystems have on air Lakes serve as a sink for
regulation quality by emitting chemicals to the industrial emissions of
atmosphere or extracting chemicals sulfur Compounds
from the atmosphere
Climate Global Influence ecosystems have on the Forests capture and store
regulation global climate by emitting greenhouse carbon dioxide , Cattle
gases or aerosols to the atmosphere and rice paddies emit
Regiona Influence ecosystems have on local or Forests can impact
l and regional temperature, precipitation regional rainfall levels
local and other climatic factors

Water Influence ecosystems have on the Permeable soil facilitates,

regulation timing and magnitude of water
runoff, flooding, and aquifer recharge
Erosion Role vegetative cover plays in soil Vegetation such as grass
regulation retention and trees prevents soil loss
Water Role ecosystems play in the filtration Soil microbes degrade
purification and decomposition of organic wastes organic waste rendering it
and waste and pollutants in water less harmful
Water Role ecosystems play in the filtration Soil microbes degrade
purification and decomposition of organic wastes organic waste rendering it
and waste and pollutants in water less harmful
Disease Influence that ecosystems have on the standing water, a breeding
regulation incidence and abundance of human area for mosquitoes
Pest regulation Influence ecosystems have on the Predators from nearby
prevalence of crop and livestock forest, such as bats, toads,
pests and diseases snakes
Pollination Animal-assisted pollen transfer Bees from nearby forests
between plants, without which many pollinate crops
plants cannot reproduce
3. Cultural services - the nonmaterial benefits people obtain from ecosystem services

Service Definition Examples

Ethical values Spiritual, religious, aesthetic, intrinsic or Spiritual fulfillment derived
other values people attach to ecosystems, from sacred lands and rivers
landscapes, or species
Existence The value that individuals place on Belief that all species are worth
values knowing that a resource exists, even if protecting regardless of their
they never use that resource. utility to human beings
Recreation and Recreational pleasure people derive from Hiking, camping and bird
ecotourism natural or cultivated ecosystems Watching Going on safari

4. Supporting services - the underlying processes that are necessary for the production of all
other ecosystem services
Service Definition
Nutrient cycling Process by which nutrients – such as phosphorus, sulfur and nitrogen – are
extracted from their mineral, aquatic, or atmospheric
sources or recycle from their organic forms and ultimately return to the
atmosphere, water, or soil
Soil formation Soil formation Process by which organic material is decomposed to form
Primary Formation of biological material through assimilation or accumulation of
production energy and nutrients by organisms
Photosynthesis Process by which carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight combine to form
sugar and oxygen
Water cycling Flow of water through ecosystems in its solid, liquid, or gaseous forms

what are the ecosystem services that are essential for agriculture?

(a) Pollination
 Pollination is another important ecosystem service to agriculture that is provided by natural
habitats in agricultural landscapes.
 Approximately 65 per cent of plant species require pollination by animals, & an analysis of
data from 200 countries indicated that 75 % of crop species of global significance for food
production rely on animal pollination, primarily by insects.
 Only 35–40% of the total volume of food crop production comes from animal-pollinated
crops, however, since cereal crops typically do not depend on animal pollination.
(b)Ecosystem services flowing to agriculture
 The production of agricultural goods is highly dependent on the services provided by
neighbouring natural ecosystems,
Biological pest control
 Biological control of pest insects in agro ecosystems is an important ecosystem service that is
often supported by natural ecosystems.
 Non-crop habitats provide the habitat and diverse food resources required for arthropod
predators and parasitoids, insectivorous birds and bats, and microbial pathogens that act as
natural enemies to agricultural pests and provide biological control services in
These biological control services can reduce populations of pests, thereby reducing the need for
(c) Water quantity and quality
 The provision of sufficient quantities of clean water is an essential ecological service
provided to agroecosystems, and agriculture accounts for about 70 per cent of global water
use (FAO 2003).
 Perennial vegetation in natural ecosystems such as forests can regulate the capture,
infiltration, retention and flow of water across the landscape.
 The plant community plays a central role in regulating water flow by retaining soil,
modifying soil structure and producing litter.
(d) Soil structure and fertility
 Soil structure and fertility provide essential ecosystem services to agroecosystems (Zhang et
al. 2007).
 Well-aerated soils with abundant organic matter are fundamental to nutrient by crops, as
well as water retention.
 Soil pore structure, soil aggregation and decomposition of organic matter are influenced by
the activities of bacteria, fungi and macro fauna, such as earthworms, termites and other
Micro-organisms mediate nutrient availability through decomposition of detritus and plant residues
and through nitrogen fixation
(e) Landscape influences on the delivery of ecosystem services to agriculture
 The delivery of ecosystem services to agriculture is highly dependent on the structure of the
landscape in which the agroecosystem is embedded.
 Agricultural landscapes span a succession from structurally simple landscapes dominated by
one or two cropping systems to complex mosaics of diverse cropping systems embedded in a
natural habitat matrix .
 In complex landscapes, natural enemies and pollinators move among natural and semi-
natural habitats that provide them with resources that may be scarce in crop fields.
Ecosystem disservices from agriculture
 (a) Agriculture can also be a source of disservices, including loss of biodiversity, agrochemical
contamination and sedimentation of waterways, pesticide poisoning of non - target
organisms, and emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants.
 Nutrient cycling and pollution- From the local scale to the global scale, agriculture has
profound effects on biogeochemical cycles and nutrient availability in ecosystems.
 The two nutrients that most limit biological production in natural and agricultural
ecosystems are nitrogen and phosphorus, and they are also heavily applied in
 Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers have greatly increased the amount of new nitrogen and
phosphorus in the biosphere and have had complex, often harmful, effects on natural
 The anthropogenically mobilized nutrients have entered both groundwater and surface
waters, resulting in many negative consequences for human health and the environment.
 Approximately 20 per cent of N fertilizer applied in agricultural systems moves intoaquatic
ecosystems (Galloway et al. 2004).
 Impacts of nutrient loss from agroecosystems include groundwater pollution and increased
nitrate levels in drinking water, eutrophication, increased frequencyand severity of algal
 Agricultural intensification in the landscape can diminish other ecosystem services as well.
Protection of groundwater and surface water quality can be threatened by intensification
because of increased nutrients, agrochemicals and dissolved salts.
 Other ecosystem disservices from agriculture include applications of pesticides that result in
loss of biodiversity.
 pesticide residues in surface and groundwater, which degrades the water provisioning
services provided by agroecosystems.
 Emissions of greenhouse gases Agricultural activities are estimated to be responsible for 12–
14% of global anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases.
 Conversion of natural ecosystems to agriculture reduces the soil carbon pool by 30–50% over
50–100 years in temperate regions and 50–75% over 20–50 years in the tropics
Ecosystem services from agriculture
 On-farm management practices can significantly enhance the ecosystem services provided by
 Habitat management within the agroecosystem can provide the resources necessary for
pollinators or natural enemies.
 Many studies have identified the important role of perennial vegetation in supporting
biodiversity in general and beneficial organisms in particular.
 Agriculture (including planted forests) conventionally supplies food, fiber, and fuel—
“provisioning services” in Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services to and from Agriculture

Pest Resistance to Pesticides
Controlling Pests with Pesticides
Humans have been controlling or attempting to control insect and other arthropod pests, plant
pathogens, weeds, rodents, and other vertebrate pests for thousands of years. However, it has been only
within the last 50 years that significant progress has been made in controlling pests of humans and our
food, fiber, animals, and the structures in which we live and work. This significant advance has occurred
because of synthetic (man-made) pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides,
and algicides. Early successes with the first pesticides, such as DDT, came swiftly. Was the war against
pests won so easily? Very soon after the rapid and astounding victories over mosquitoes and other biting
flies, house flies, lice, and agricultural pests such as scale insects, a decline in the effectiveness of these
new chemical weapons was observed. Application rates (ie., amounts used) were increased to regain the
initial levels of control. However, the levels of control seemed to decline even more rapidly. The
reduced levels of control, and eventual control failure in many instances, was found to be due to
resistance of the pests to these chemicals.
What Is Pesticide Resistance?
Pesticide resistance is a genetically based phenomenon. Resistance occurs when a pest
population— insects, for instance— is exposed to a pesticide. When this happens, not all insects are
killed. Those individuals that survive frequently have done so because they are genetically predisposed
to be resistant to the pesticide. Repeated applications and higher rates of the insecticide will kill
increasing numbers of individuals, but some resistant insects will survive. The offspring of these
survivors will carry the genetic makeup of their parents. These offspring, many of which will inherit the
ability to survive the exposure to the insecticide, will become a greater proportion with each succeeding
generation of the population.
Because of the rapid reproductive rate of many pests — a generation of many insects can take
place in a few weeks — many generations can be produced in a single season or year. It’s easy to see
that repeated applications of an insecticide will quickly eliminate all susceptible insects in the
population, essentially selecting out those individuals that are resistant. In a short period the entire
population of insects will be resistant. The more times a population is exposed to a pesticide, especially
a broad-spectrum pesticide, the more quickly resistance will develop. Resistance develops in a similar
manner in other pests, such as plant disease agents, weeds, and rodents. Ironically, to produce a resistant
population one must start with a pesticide that initially gives very good control.
The Pesticide Resistance Problem
Today, pests that were once major threats to human health and agriculture but that were brought
under control by pesticides are on the rebound. Mosquitoes that are capable of transmitting malaria are
now resistant to virtually all pesticides used against them. This problem is compounded because the
organisms that cause malaria have also become resistant to drugs used to treat the disease in humans.
Many populationsof the corn earworm, which attacks many agricultural crops worldwide including corn,
cotton, tomatoes, tobacco, and peanuts, are resistant to multiple pesticides.
Because many generations of some pests can develop in a single year, it is easy to see how
resistance can develop so quickly in so many pest species. Recent studies indicate there are now over
500 species of insects and mites resistant to pesticides. Over 270 weed species, over 150 plant
pathogens, and about a half dozen species of rats are resistant to pesticides that once controlled them.
Multiple resistance—resistance to more than one pesticide and to pesticides in more than one
chemical class—is increasing rapidly. There are over 1,000 insect/insecticide resistance combinations,
and at least 17 species of insects that are resistant to all major classes of insecticides.
Pesticides should not be considered the sole or even the primary solution to a pest problem.
However, pesticides are frequently an integral part of a pest management program. Pesticide resistance
dramatically lessens our ability to bring pest numbers below damaging levels in such a program.
Combatting Resistance
After a pest species develops resistance to a particular pesticide, how do you control it? One
method is to use a different pesticide, especially one in a different chemical class or family of pesticides
that has a different mode of action against the pest. Of course, the ability to use other pesticides in order
to avoid or delay the development of resistance in pest populations hinges on the availability of an
adequate supply of pesticides with differing modes of action. This method is perhaps not the best
solution, but it allows a pest to be controlled until other management strategies can be developed and
brought to bear against the pest. These strategies often include the use of pesticides, but used less often
and sometimes at reduced application rates.
The Decreasing Availability of Pesticides
More and more pest species are becoming resistant to pesticides at an increasing rate. For many
reasons, the availability of pesticidal products that can be used in rotation against pests is decreasing.
The costs of developing a pesticide(i.e., the cost of research and testing, product development, etc.) are
significant. Millions of dollars are spent on chemicals that may never become marketable products.
Regulatory actions have affected pesticide availability. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has
banned and restricted many pesticides in the past two decades.
Another factor in the decreasing availability of pesticides, especially from the supply of existing
pesticides, is the EPA’s reregistration of pesticides. This reregistration program often requires additional
testing of pesticides to determine if their use would possibly endanger the health of humans and our
environment. It is difficult to argue with the basic rationale of those requirements. However, the cost of
complying with EPA’s reregistration requirements for testing, plus the subsequent reregistration fees, is
having a heavy impact on the current and future availability of pesticides. Many pesticide manufacturers
are simply declining to reregister their products because the reregistration costs will severely reduce or
eliminate potential profits from future product sales. More important, many individual active ingredients
are already lost. Between pesticide cancellations and the reregistration process, whole classes of active
ingredients are at risk of being lost from future use.
Concepts of Biosecurity

Since the dawn of civilization, man utilized his best possible efforts to domesticate the bounty of nature
as per his needs. It is not just in recent years that the countries are being invaded by alien species, since
time immemorial, man started to move the plants and animals wherever he fancied. In a way it paved
way for species richness in newer area and domestication has become part of human settlement. It is
not true that all alien species are harmful or dangerous, even the invasive species are not so dangerous in
their place of origin, as the invasiveness is curtailed due to influence of many factors of the particular
ecosystem. The alien species become invasive in newer area due to absence of natural enemies and
congenial environmental parameters. Some alien species became beneficial and some became nuisance.
In the past scores of plants and animals have been exchanged, moved or introduced to newer horizons
due to human aided activities. The introduction of localized species to cross the physical boundaries is
made possible only by means of human interference. For example, the first record of coffee growing in
India is traced back to 1670 in the hills of Chikmagalur, Karnataka and supposed to be introduced from
Yemen (Widipedia). Potato was introduced to Europe from Andes (South America) by the Spanish in
second half of 16th century and Potato was introduced into India in the early 17th century, most likely
aboard Portugal ships, and presently a third of world production of potato is harvested in India and
China (FAOSTAT). Similarly Chilli was introduced into India from Mexico during 15th century and it
has become the integral part of Indian culinary. India is the leading producer of Chilli in the world. In
India, commercial cultivation of natural Rubber was introduced by the British planters, although the
experimental efforts to grow rubber on a commercial scale in India were initiated as early as 1873 at the
Botanical Gardens, Calcutta, the first commercial Hevea plantations in India were established at
Thattekadu in Kerala in 1902. In the 19th and early 20th century, it was often called "India rubber."
Vice-a-verse, there are lots of such economically valuable plant species which originated in India is now
spread to all over the world. To site a few examples: Black pepper, Tea, Cardamom, Coconut, Neem,
Mango etc.

Effect of Invasive species:

Though the countries have benefitted from exchange or intentional / unintentional introduction of new
species, it has not always ended up with beneficial results. History is rich with tales of the disastrous
outcomes of some intentional introductions. Further careless behavior by man leads to unintentional
introductions, the so-called ‘accidents’ now account for the majority of disastrous invasions. The
following are few of such catastrophes of introduced invasive alien species around the globe:

 Great Famine of Irish: Potato was introduced into Ireland as a garden crop and during late 17th
century it was consumed as supplementary food. By early 18th century, it assumed the status of
staple food for the poor during winter season and as well considered as agrarian economy as it
fetched more money and hence grown in more acreage (<60%). In 1843-44, a new disease
started to destroy the crops and was identified as late blight of potato, Phytophthora infestans.
Late blight of potato infection completely destroyed potato crop in 1845, which lead to the
starvation and death of 1 million people and migration of another 1 million from Ireland
between 1845 to 1852. The unfortunate event of late blight devastation occurred due to
incursion of Phytophthora infestans from USA, which caused loss of around £3,500,000
 Toppling of Grapevine industry in Europe: Classical example of transboundary movement of
plant pests is the introduction of Powdery mildew (Oidium tuckeri) into Europe with American
grape-vines. Its pathogenecity on European grape vine was unknown at that time and the
disease spread like wild fire on European grape vines (1850). To control powdery mildew, root-
stocks of resistant varieties were imported from America (1854). However, these grape vines
carried Phylloxera vastatrix, a root inhabiting aphid of grape vines. To combat this pest, more
American vines resistant to Phylloxera were introduced, but these additional introductions
brought with them the downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola), and black rot (Guignardia
bidwellii). In France, where the vine industry was thriving, had to face the burnt of these pest
incursions and many business men abandoned vine production and emigrated to Algeria and
other countries. Further, these incidences lead to the formulation of Bordeaux mixture pesticide.
 Colossal toad menace: The cane toad, Bufo marinus, (Giant neotropical toad), native of
central and south America, was introduced into Australia by the sugarcane industry to control
two pests, the grey backed cane beetle (Dermolepida albohirtum) and frenchie beetle (Lepidiota
frenchi). 101 toads were imported in June1935 and within 6 months the population exploded to
60000 and was released in the cane fields. Initially, the bio-control agent was so successful,
whereas it became a environmental menace in a short period of time, causing ecological
imbalance replacing the native frogs due to its over population, further, it became the reason for
extinction of snake and fox species due to consumption of this poisonous toad. Even the
tadpoles are poisonous.
 Green Cancer of Tahiti: The prolific tree Miconia calvescens has overrun Tahiti's native
forests. Miconia is one of the most destructive invaders in tropical rain forest habitats. It is a
serious threat to ecosystems in the Pacific because of its ability to invade intact native forests.
Miconia has earned itself the descriptions such as the ‘green cancer of Tahiti’ and the ‘purple
plague of Hawaii’. Once miconia is established at a certain place it drastically changes the
ecosystem and biodiversity of that environment.
 Food turned foe: Philippine rice farmers have lost nearly US$1 billion in crops to the invasive
golden apple snail, Pomacea canalicualata which was originally introduced from South
America to south-east Asia around 1980, as a local food resource and as a potential gourmet
export item. The markets never developed; the snails escaped or were released, and became a
serious pest of rice.
 Water weeds: African nations spend an estimated US$60 million annually on the control of
alien water weeds, like water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes and water lettuce Pistia stratiotes.
 Fang’s of greed: Brown snake (Boiga irregularis) was accidentally introduced into Guam.
The brown snake decimated Guam’s local bird species and herpatofauna, causing extinction of
half of native birds and lizard species and 2/3rd of bat species. By eliminating the pollinators, the
brown snake invasion has caused a cascading effect on Guam’s ecosystems, reducing pollination
by lizards and birds and reducing plant regeneration and coverage as a consequence.
 Malaria menace: Avian malaria, through its mosquito vector has contributed to the extinction
of at least 10 native bird species in Hawaii and threatens many more.

The potential dangers imposed by invasive species on plant, animal and human health and the ecological
and environmental impacts exerted all over the globe, has created awareness on preserving the natural
flora and fauna of a nation, and at the same time to promote safe trade, the need for global level
coordination in harmonizing the sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) was initiated through WTO-
SPS agreements. The SPS measures are operated through standard setting bodies such as IPPC
(International Plant Protection Convention), Rome for plant health, OIE (Office international des
epizooties) for animal health and CAC (Codex Alimentarius Committee) for human health related issues
at international level. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) has realized the potent threat of
bioinvasion and bioterrorism and introduced the new concept of ‘Biosecurity’ within the ambience of
safeguarding the biodiversity of a nation.

The exponential expansion of trade in agricultural material and the speed at which the agricultural
products are moving around the globe, coupled with the removal of trade restrictions in post-WTO era,
the chance of pests, diseases and harmful organisms to move to hitherto unrecorded areas are high. It is
very natural for the associated pests to trod around the globe along with plant products to newer areas,
but the unnatural events of record of invasive alien species in the recent times owing to the human
interference is happening at an higher scale than the pest can move around from its place of origin on its
own. In the fast phased developments in international trade and tourism, there is an increased risk of
introduction of exotic pests into the country. On the other hand, the threats posed by introduction of
Living Modified Organisms (LMO) and the effects of GMO on human, animal and plant health are
unknown. Bio-terrorism and biological warfares are the major emerging threats at international level,
which can dismantle the entire nation’s economy, growth and loss of lives. Apart from all these visible
dangers, transboundary diseases of virulent strains of pathogens of human, animal and plant health
poses greater threat to health, food and economy. It is because of these vulnerable factors that
agricultural biosecurity has emerged as an urgent issue, which requires implementation of regulations,
policies, enhancement of technological capabilities and human capacity building to meet such threats.

National regulatory and export certification systems are being challenged by large increases in the
volume of food and agricultural products being traded internationally, by the expanding variety of
imported products and by the growing number of countries from which these imports are originating.
Increased travel is also creating more pathways to spread pests, diseases and other hazards that are
moving faster and further than ever before. Improved coordination is being sought among national
bodies responsible for enforcing sanitary, phytosanitary and zoosanitary measures to better protect
human, animal and plant life and health without creating unnecessary technical barriers to trade. There
is an urgent need to protect the biosecurity of a nation from the bio-invaders to sustain food security and
preserve biodiversity. ‘Biosecurity’ is a relatively a new concept and a term that is evolving as usage
varies from country to country with different specialist groups using in different ways.


The world has truly become a global village with reference to communication and transport. The
globalization of trade and disappearance of tariff barriers in trade has opened flood-gates of alien species
to move around the world at a faster rate and speed. This really poses greater implications in the context
of agricultural biosecurity of a nation. The later part of WTO regime is witnessing mass invasion of
pests into newer areas, causing devastations and unbalancing the economy of many nations. Developing
and underdeveloped countries are the most affected in the absence of preparedness to combat the
invasion. The latest report of Cotton mealy bug (Phenococcus solenopsis), native of USA into Pakistan
and India are major concern to the sub-continent. India, being a lead producer of cotton with more than
60 million people dependent on cotton farming is worst affected since its report in 2005. The cotton
mealy bug is reported in all the states of cotton belt. Similarly introduction of Papaya mealy bug
(Paracoccus marginatus) into India (2008) is a growing concern, which is likely to cripple the export
potential of papaya. The transboundary movements of pathogens are posing major threats to plant,
animal and human health. The incursions of Avian influenza virus, Swine flu, SARS etc., also reinstates
the urgent need to strengthen biosecurity of our nation. The ISSG (Invasive Species Specialist Group)
of IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has identified 100 of the World’s Worst
Invasive Alien Species, which includes plants, animals and pests. From the identified list, unfortunately
12 invasive species of plants and plant pests have invaded into India. Such as:

 Banana bunchy top virus

 Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi)
 Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
 Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii)
 Gorse (Ulex europaeus)
 Lantana (Lantana camara)
 Mile-a-minute weed (Mikania micrantha)
 Mimosa (Mimosa pigra)
 Siam weed (Chromolaena odorata)
 Crazy ant (Anoplolepis gracilipes)
 Sweet potato whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)
 Giant African snail (Achatina fulica)


‘Biosecurity’ broadly describes the process and objective of managing biological risks associated with
food and agriculture in a holistic manner (FAO).

‘Biosecurity’ is a strategic and integrated approach consisting of policy and regulatory frameworks to
analyze and manage risks to human, animal and plant life and health, and associated risks to the

‘Biosecurity’ is a balancing act between a nation and people and encouraging tourism and international
trade that are vital to a nation’s economy.

‘Biosecurity’ covers the introduction of plant pests, animal pests and diseases, and zoonoses, the
introduction and release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products, and the
introduction and management of invasive alien species and genotypes. Biosecurity is a holistic concept
of direct relevance to the sustainability of agriculture, food safety, and the protection of the environment,
including biodiversity.


In order to broaden awareness of Biosecurity and to debate its relevance and practicality more widely,
particularly in relation to the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition,
FAO convened an international Technical Consultation in Bangkok, 13-17 January 2003, with the
participation of 38 countries and eight international organizations, including Codex Alimentarius, the
IPPC, OIE, and the CBD.

Need for Biosecurity

 Rapid transboundary movement of men and materials
 Removal of quantity restrictions in international trade
 Threats posed by incursion of pests and diseases of plants, animals and human
 Threats posed by LMO’s
 Threats posed by bioterrorism
Basic Concepts of Biosecurity
 Biosecurity is a holistic concept of direct relevance to
I. Sustainability of Agriculture
II. Wide ranging aspects of public health
III. Protection of environment including biological diversity
Some factors influencing biosecurity
 Globalization
 New agricultural production and food processing technologies
 Increased trade in food and agricultural products
 Legal obligations for signatories of relevant international agreements
 Increasing travel and movement of people across borders
 Advances in communications and global access to biosecurity information
 Greater public attention to biodiversity, the environment and the impact of agriculture on both
 Shift from country independence to country interdependence for effective biosecurity
 Scarcity of technical and operational resources
 High dependence of some countries on food imports

Sector interests that are important to an integrated approach to biosecurity

Components authorities
for agriculture, forestry,
fisheries, food safety and
public health
Other government Public opinion and
activities (e.g. trade, representation
customs, tourism,
marine conservation)

Integrated Bioserutiy
Industry (including importers
& exporters)
Scientific research
institutes and

Primary producers of
NGO’s special interest
food and agricultural
groups, the media
commodities (e.g.
farmers, fishes

Relevant International Legal Instruments and Agreements

 In addition to the standards and related texts developed by the CAC (Codex Alimentarius), the
OIE and the CPM, several other international legal instruments, agreements and texts are
relevant to biosecurity.
 They are:
 SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary )Agreement
 TBT (Technical Barriers to Trade) Agreement
 CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity)
 CP (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety)
 International Health Regulations

Harmonized and Integrated Approach to Biosecurity

 Human, animal and plant life and health and protection of the environment are inextricably
linked and this is the fundamental rationale for an integrated approach to biosecurity at the
national level.
 Biosecurity hazards of various types exist in each sector and have high potential to move
between sectors
 Many animal pathogens readily infect humans
 Animal feed may be contaminated with mycotoxins and plant toxins
 Transfer of pests of plants between biosecurity sectors may occur on a lesser scale,
inadequate control can have impacts well beyond plant health

Potential benefits associated with a cross-sectoral approach to biosecurity

Improved public
international trade


Protection of the

Biosecurity Risk Analysis

 Many aspects of risk-based approach to biosecurity are shared by the different sectors concerned
and this provides an essential impetus to risk analysis as a unifying discipline in biosecurity.
 Risk analysis is composed of three distinct but closely connected components:
 Risk Assessment
 Risk Management
 Risk Communication
International level
 International legal instruments
 Intergovernmental organizations
 Risk analysis policy
 Scientific capability
 Development of standards and guidelines
 Monitoring and surveillance using international reporting systems
 Information servicing
National level
 Policy and legislation
 National biosecurity strategy
 Infrastructure
 Scientific and research capability
 Development of standards and guidelines
 Implementation of standards
 Emergency preparedness and response
 Monitoring and surveillance
 Communication systems
 Training
Basics of Risk Analysis
 The Risk analysis should determine:
 What can go wrong?
 How likely is it to go wrong?
 How serious would it be if it went wrong?
 What can be done to reduce the likelihood and/or seriousness of it going wrong?


 Norway has been through many fazes in relation to a reform process of the country’s food safety
administration. On 1 January 2004, the process culminated in the establishment of a 4-pillar
reform, represented by the establishment of a new authority; the Norwegian Food Safety
Authority, reorganized scientific support pertaining to the food chain through the establishment
of an independent risk assessment body, a new Food Law, merging 13 separate Acts and a
new clarification of the relevant ministries’ constitutional responsibilities.
 New Zealand: The Government released New Zealand's first Biosecurity Strategy in August
2003 published by Biosecurity Council. With the bringing together of Biosecurity New Zealand
with the border services functions of MAF in 2007, MAF Biosecurity New Zealand was created.
The strategy raises public awareness and understanding of biosecurity. Number of other
strategies such as Surveillance strategy, Science strategy, response foundations and border
systems had been developed to support biosecurity system. New Zealand has played a role
model in formulating a Biosecurity Act in 1993 itself, well ahead of the global need.
 Australia: Biosecurity Australia is the unit within the Biosecurity Services Group, in the
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, responsible for recommendations for the
development of Australia's biosecurity policy. Biosecurity Australia provides science based
quarantine assessments and policy advice that protects Australia's pest and disease status and
enhances Australia's access to international animal and plant related markets.
 In the US, agricultural biosecurity is looked after by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) headed by an ‘Administrator’ under the US Department of Agriculture. The
APHIS constitutes various divisions including animal care, plant protection and quarantine,
biotechnology regulatory services, wild life services etc. supported by the office of emergency
management and homeland security as well. The Department of Homeland Security was
created in 2002 with as many as 22 agencies including the US Department of Agriculture’s
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. The Homeland Security Advisory System is
designed to give guidance on protective measures when specific information to a particular
sector or geographic region is received.

Man even in nomadic period carried with him the required seeds and plants wherever he moved. This
practice is still continuing in the civilized settlements of mankind. As a consequence, many plant types
have moved from their centers of origin, to an entirely new regions / continents, where they got well
established and naturalized. The pests associated with plants and seeds also moved along unnoticed into
a new region, where they caused severe damage, not only to the plants with which they associated but
started to infect / infests many other plant types in the introduced region. The realization of the
economic, social consequences happened due to indiscriminate and unscientific movement or trade of
plants, seeds and plant materials, necessitated the countries or provinces to start regulating the
movement of plants and plant material.
In olden days the term “Quarantine” was originally applied
to the period of detention of passengers arriving in ships
from countries where epidemic diseases such as bubonic
plague, cholera and yellow fever were prevalent. The
ship’s crew and passengers being compelled to remain
isolated on board long enough to permit latent cases of
diseases to develop and be detected before any persons
were allowed to land. The word “QUARANTINE” is derived from the latin words “quarantum” or
“quaranta giorni” meaning forty; that is to say a forty day period. In other languages – Italian:
‘quarantina’; French: ‘quarante’; Spanish: ‘cuarentena’ all mean the same. Fixing of the period as
forty has no scientific relevance at that time, but merely as practical measure based on necessity. Since
the term Quarantine is so aptly fitted to and so firmly associated with an entirely unique situation, it was
carried over from the human disease field into similar animal disease field and later adopted to cover
protective efforts for the exclusion of pests and diseases of farm and horticultural crops, as well as forest
and fruit trees. Thus arose the Plant Quarantine.


The plant quarantine system is the first line of defense against the introduction and possible
establishment of exotic plant pests. Plant Quarantine laws, regulations and services are based on
national and international agreements, which evolved during nineteenth and twentieth centuries around
the world. These were formulated on agricultural and economic needs. There is a historical background
for the creation of PQ system.


Since the dawn of civilization, man utilized his best possible efforts to domesticate the bounty of nature
as per his needs. It is not just in recent years that the countries are being invaded by alien species, since
time immemorial, man started to move the plants and animals wherever he fancied. In a way it paved
way for species richness in newer area and domestication has become part of human settlement. It is
not true that all alien species are harmful or dangerous, even the invasive species are not so dangerous in
their place of origin, as the invasiveness is curtailed due to influence of many factors of the particular
ecosystem. The alien species become invasive in newer area due to absence of natural enemies and
congenial environmental parameters. Some alien species became beneficial and some became nuisance.
To promote safe trade of agricultural materials across transboundary movement around the world
implementation of plant quarantine system has become a necessity to safeguard biodiversity of a nation.
Plant quarantine acts as a filter and not as a barrier of trade.
Few devastating incidences which had taken place in the late 17th
and early 18th century lead to the creation of plant quarantine at
global level.
Great Famine of Irish: Potato was introduced into Ireland as a
garden crop and during late 17th century it was consumed as
supplementary food. By early 18th century, it assumed the status
of staple food for the poor during winter season and as well
considered as agrarian economy as it fetched more money and
hence grown in more acreage (<60%). In 1843-44, a new disease
started to destroy the crops and was identified as late blight of
potato, Phytophthora infestans. Late blight of potato infection
completely destroyed potato crop in 1845, which lead to the
starvation and death of 1 million people and migration of another
1 million from Ireland between 1845 to 1852. The unfortunate event of late blight devastation occurred
due to incursion of Phytophthora infestans from USA, which caused loss of around £3,500,000 potatoes.

Toppling of Grapevine industry in Europe: Classical example of transboundary movement of plant

pests is the introduction of Powdery mildew (Oidium tuckeri) into Europe with American grape-vines.
Its pathogenecity on European grape vine was unknown at that time and the disease spread like wild fire

on European grape vines (1850). To control powdery mildew, root-stocks of resistant varieties were
imported from America (1854). However, these grape vines carried Phylloxera vastatrix, a root
inhabiting aphid of grape vines. To combat this pest, more American vines resistant to Phylloxera were
introduced, but these additional introductions brought with them the downy mildew (Plasmopara
viticola), and black rot (Guignardia bidwellii). In France, where the vine industry was thriving, had to
face the burnt of these pest incursions and many business men abandoned vine production and emigrated
to Algeria and other countries. Further, these incidences lead to the formulation of Bordeaux mixture

The Regulations, initially it started as prohibition of plants and plant parts from specific countries due to
past experience of invasive species. The first effort towards international agreement on Plant Protection
was made in 1914 under auspices of the International Institute of Agriculture in Rome. This was
followed by an International Convention on Plant Protection by over 50 member countries of the
Institute in 1919 and certain Agreement regarding the issue and acceptance of Phytosanitary Certificate
were finalized. Appreciating the need for the Convention to strengthen such international efforts, FAO
sponsored an International Plant Protection Convention in 1951. India became a member in 1956 and
agreed to adopt legislative measures specified in the Convention for the purpose of securing common
and effective action to prevent the introduction and spread of pests and diseases of plants and plant
materials and to promote measures for their control. PQ regulations are entrusted with public authority
to legally establish barriers against the dissemination of injurious pests. This has remained unchanged
till today. The need for PQ being entrusted to public authority is considered as one of the fundamental
principles of PQ. The following are few interesting years in PQ:

 The very first regulations were enacted by French Government in 1913 but came into effect only
in 1923
 The German Government started to put ban on plants and plant products from USA in 1913
 In USA, the PQ work started well ahead in 1891 when the State of California initiated seaport
inspection at San Pedro, probably the first in the world. The Federal Plant Quarantine Act was
enacted in 1912.
 Indonesia enacted a law to prohibit importation of coffee plants and beans from Sri Lanka in
 In Australia the first set of regulations governing PQ came into force on 1909 following
introduction of the Quarantine Act of 1908
 In India the first regulation – the Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 came into force

Now almost all the countries have PQ regulations in force.

The establishment of PQ regulations or orders is not simple or easy because the problems to be
considered are of a complex nature involving not only biological factors, but those of economic,
social and political as well. It is important that those involved in the establishment of PQ service
and enforcement of PQ regulations possess an excellent knowledge of the various factors to be
considered and strike a balance among them.

To achieve complete success against the invasive species it is needed to have complete liaison with
Customs Service to implement PQ Regulations in Toto. If the Customs service overlooks a few
dutiful items like liquor or electronic goods or even few bars of gold to enter illegally into our
country, the result is loss of few thousands of rupees, whereas for a living invader such as an insect,
mite, plant pathogen, nematode or weed, a high level of effectiveness is indispensable or else our
country’s agricultural programs may be jeopardized. India has varied agro-climatic zones, which
has benefited the farming industry, an untoward introduction of exotic pest shall cripple the
economy of the country.

Definition and Objective of PQ:

Plant Quarantine is defined as “All activities designed to prevent the introduction and/or spread of
quarantine pests or to ensure their official control” (FAO).

Pest is defined as “Any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic agent injurious to plants
or plant products” (FAO)

Quarantine Pest is defined as “A pest of potential economic importance to the area endangered thereby
and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being Officially controlled”. (FAO)

The Objectives of “Plant Quarantine” are two fold:

(1) To prevent the introduction and establishment of an exotic species of a plant pest or
(2) To eradicate, control or retard the spread of any such pest or disease that already has
been introduced.

The DIP Act, 1914:
In Order to protect the agricultural and forest plants of our country, the Government of India has taken
legislative steps as far back as 1914 and passed an Act called, “The Destructive Insects and Pests Act,
1914 (Act II of 1914) for regulation of import of plants and plant products. Prior to establishment of
the Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage in May 1946, under the Ministry of Food
and Agriculture, the various rules and regulations of the DIP Act were enforced by the Customs
Department as if the rules were issued under the Sea Customs Act. The result was that many new pests
and diseases entered into India due to unscientific method of inspection and clearance. The Great
Bengal Famine which wiped out 3 million people of India in 1942-43 acted as precursor for the
establishment of Plant Protection Directorate in 1946 and the GOI decided to establish Plant Quarantine
Stations at various international airports, seaports and land frontier check posts for effective
implementation of plant quarantine regulations.

The Great Bengal Famine:

The Great Bengal Famine of 1943 occurred in undivided Bengal (Bangladesh and West Bengal). It is
estimated that over three million people died from starvation and malnutrition, and related illnesses
during the famine. In the rice growing season of 1942- 1943, weather conditions were exactly right to
encourage an epidemic of the rice disease brown spot. Brown spot in rice is caused by the fungus
Helminthosporium oryzae; the outbreak of the disease caused almost complete destruction of the rice
crop (97%). Severe food shortages were worsened by the Second World War, with the British
administration of India exporting foods to Allied
soldiers and the ban of rice imports from Burma
• 1914 – Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914
following the Japanese control of the country.
• 1936 - Import Regulations
• 1972 – Regulations to import cotton
The Great Bengal Famine played a major role in
• 1984 – PFS Order, 1984
opening of Plant Quarantine Stations in important entry
• 1988 – National Policy on Seed Development
points to prevent the entry of exotic pests into India.
• 1989 – PFS Order, 1989 (revised)
The GOI realized the importance of Plant Quarantine as
• 1992 – Amendment to DIP Act – for levying
first step of defense to control the entry of invasive
import inspection fee
species of plants and plant materials.
• 2003 – Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import
into India) Order, 2003
Though the Directorate was formed in 1946 with plant
quarantine wing, the first Plant Quarantine Station was
established at Mumbai in 1949 followed by the PQS at
Chennai in 1950, Amritsar in 1954, Cochin in 1955, Kolkata in 1956, Visakhapattinam in 1957 and at
Tuticorin and Bhavnagar in 1968. Presently, there are 35 PQS’s functioning at various Seaports,
Airports and Land frontier stations, in addition to 61 In-land depots to carry out plant quarantine
inspection and to facilitate safe import of plants/ plant materials. All member countries of IPPC need to
establish National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) for implementation of phytosanitary measures,
import regulations to promote safe agricultural trade through plant quarantine system, DPPQS is the
NPPO for India.
Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 (PQ Order, 2003):
Notified under the DIP Act and came into force with effect from 1st January, 2004. The PQ Order, 2003
replaces all the preceding Orders / notifications of plant quarantine regulations. PQ Order, 2003 was
formulated on the scientific basis of Pest Risk Analysis (PRA). The commodities are categorized into
various Schedules based on associated pest risk either through pathway or from countries where the pest
is known to be reported. In Toto, the order clearly spells out notified points of entry, list of prohibited,
restricted, regulated commodities, quarantine weeds of concern to India, Inspection fee, authorities to
issue import permits, to certify post entry quarantine facilities (PEQ) and the deposition of samples to
gene bank of NBPGR.


There is a tremendous increase in international trade in the past two decades. The removal of quantity
restrictions has enhanced bulk trade of agricultural materials across the globe. Bulk trade of agricultural
material always pose great threat to the biosecurity of a nation, as exotic pests can easily enter into
newer areas. Plant Quarantine acts as a filter but not as a barrier to trade. It is true that ‘zero’ tolerance
can not be achieved in trade of agricultural materials and always an element of threat is hidden. It is the
responsibility of the importing country to safeguard from incursion of exotic pests (Quarantine pests) to
safeguard food security of that nation. Further, it the responsibility of the exporting country to take care
that, there materials are not the vehicle or means for spreading pests into importing country. Thus it is
important that both countries need to implement plant quarantine regulations and respect each others
phytosanitary requirements and promote safe, smooth and predictable trade. “Phytosanitary measures”
are the measures applied to plants and plant materials to promote trade of agricultural materials and at
the same time prevent spread of exotic, harmful plant pests into newer areas. The appropriate
phytosanitary measure depends biology and nature of pest. For example insect infestation on
consumption materials such as pulses and cereals etc., can be managed by fumigation, whereas insect
infestation on plants needs spraying with insecticide, as it can not be fumigated due to addition of
chloropicrin in Methyl bromide as warning agent, which is phytotoxic to plants (cause death /
There are many phytsanitary treatments in practice as of now. A gist of such phytosanitary treatments
are covered in this lecture.



Hot water immersion is an efficient treatment for some fruits and

vegetables infested with fruit flies, borers, sucking pests etc. HWIT is
specifically an efficient phytsanitary treatment to disinfest mango fruit
of fruit flies and is the most common quarantine heat treatment in use
today due to the volume of fresh commodity being traded. Large
commercial hot water treatment facilities are routinely used to treat
mangoes with hot water immersion at a temperature of 115 to 116ºF
(46.1 to 47ºC) for 65 to 110 minutes, depending on fruit weight and
variety. DPPQS has brought out National Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (NSPM 15) for
guidelines for certification of HWIT facilities.
Vapor heat, the oldest of the three methods of quarantine heat
treatment, consists of heating the host fruit by moving hot air
saturated with water vapor over the fruit surface. Vapor heat
treatment (VHT) is a high humidity air treatment. When the
mango is at dew point temperature or lower temperature, the air
will condense on the fruit surface and the condensate will
conduct heat energy from the surface into the center of fruit flesh.
Heat is transferred from the air to the commodity by
condensation of the water vapor (heat of condensation) on the
relatively cooler fruit surface. Fruit may be heated over time to a
target temperature of 46 – 48oC for a period of 30 mins. holding
time that is required to kill the insect pests. Treatments usually
take 3 to 4 hours from start to end of heating.


Dry heat treatment of Niger seeds at 120oC for 15 minutes for devitalization of contaminant noxious
weeds or prohibited pathogens in accordance with the applicable provisions of USDA PPQ Treatment
Manual is required to be carried out prior to export as phytosantary treatment.


For treating perishable commodities:
Forced hot-air, also known as high-temperature forced
air, is a modification of the vapor heat treatment
developed by Armstrong et al. (1989) to kill
Mediterranean fruit fly, melon fly and oriental fruit fly
eggs and larvae in papaya. It is essentially the same as
vapor heat except that the fruit surfaces are dry during
forced hot-air treatment. Improvements in temperature
and moisture monitoring and air delivery have advanced
forced hot-air treatments, leading forced hot-air
treatments to be developed for commodities previously
treated with vapor heat and also being developed for new commodities. Forced hot-air treatment appears
to be as effective in controlling internal pests as vapor heat, and provides better fruit quality, becoming
the treatment of choice for many fruit previously treated with vapor heat. The fruit skin temperature
remains cooler during forced hot air treatments than during vapor heat treatment while the tissue just
below the skin heats to lethal temperatures because of the occurrence of evaporative cooling on the fruit
surface during forced hot air treatment at lower relative humidity. Forced hot air is the second most
common method of quarantine heat treatment.

For treating Timber logs and Wood packaging Materials:

In order to protect the trees and forests, a number of
countries have taken regulatory action to control the import of
wood packaging materials. At present, more than 50 countries
including India have taken such action. In an endeavour to bring
some order to this situation and to control the spread of pests
through wood packaging, the
Secretariat of IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention), identified approved measures that
significantly reduce the risk of the spread of pests, by way of an international standard for harmonized
treatment protocol, i.e. ISPM-15: “Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in the
international trade”. This ISPM-15, was adopted in 2002 and is now implemented by many of the
trading nations. As per the ISPM-15, the raw wood packaging material required to undergo approved
treatment such as heat treatment (FHAT) at 560 C for 30 min and marked prior to export. In line with the
ISPM 15, DPPQS has brought out NSPM-9 for accreditation of FHAT facilities in India to promote use
of pest free packaging materials.

Cold treatment involves the refrigeration of produce over an extended period of time, according to
treatment schedules established exporting / importing country requirements. Cold treatment is used to
kill fruit flies in regulated articles as a prerequisite for
movement of those articles out of fruit fly infested
areas. Cold treatment is preferable to fumigation for
commodities that are known to be damaged by methyl
bromide. Cold treatment include exposing
commodities to low temperatures (0oC to 3oC) for a
certain period of days (i.e. 10 to 20 days), depending
upon the life cycle of the fruit fly (i.e. egg to 3rd instar
larval period). For example, cold storage of citrus
fruits at temperatures of 2oC or 3oC can effectively
kill Queensland Fruit Fly in citrus stored for 14 to 16

Food irradiation is a process by which products are
exposed to ionizing radiation to sterilize or kill insects
and microbial pests by damaging their DNA.
Radiation may be provided by gamma rays from
cobalt-60 or cesium-137 sources, electrons generated
from machine sources (e-beam), or by x-rays.
Absorbed dose is measured as the quantity of
radiation imparted per unit of mass of specified
materials. The unit of absorbed dose is the gray (Gy)
where 1 gray is equivalent to 1 joule per kilogram.

Fumigation is the process of releasing and dispersing a toxic
chemical so it reaches the target organism in a gaseous state.
Chemicals applied as aerosols, smokes, mists, and fogs are
suspensions of particulate matter in air and are not fumigants.
The most effective way to reach pests in their most remote
hiding places is through fumigation, the use of poisonous
gases to kill pests in an enclosed area. To be effective,
fumigants must reach target pests as gases. Fumigants are
"wide-spectrum" pesticides, killing all species of arthropods
and rodents that are likely to be found in a building. They are also volatile pesticides whose vapors enter
the insect's body through the body wall or breathing system. Fumigants penetrate to many areas of a
building not reached by sprays or dusts, even penetrating to the burrows of wood-infesting insects, as
well as to the center of tightly packed commodities, such as cotton bales, cases or grain in large silos or
bulk bins. A fumigant gas generally does not leave unsightly, odorous, or hazardous residues. In India
the only authorized fumigants are Methyl bromide (98% MBr plus 2% Chloropicrin) and Aluminium
phosphide. Fumigation by Methyl bromide (100% MBr) is being used for some fresh commodities as
phytosanitary measure in few countries against insect pests, including fruit flies. In India, Chloropicrin
(2%) is added as a warning agent to MBr. Chloropicrin is phytotoxic and hence, MBr fumigation for
fresh produce is not carried out in India. The approved fumigants in India are – Methyl bromide and
Aluminium phosphide.
For treatment of perishable commodities:
Fumigation by Methyl bromide (100% MBr) is being used for some fresh commodities as phytosanitary
measure in few countries against insect pests, including fruit flies. In India, Chloropicrin (2%) is added
as a warning agent to MBr. Chloropicrin in phytotoxic and hence, MBr fumigation for fresh produce is
not carried out in India.
For treatment of non-perishable commodities:
Commodities such as dry grains, pulses, cereals, timber logs, wood packaging materials, other plant
materials can be fumigated with MBr or Aluminium Phosphide (AlP) to render pest free. Fumigation is
the best option for bulk treatment of agricultural commodities. As per ISPM 15, MBr can be used for
fumigating timber logs and wood packaging materials as a phytosanitary measure to prevent the spread
of insect pests of concern to trees and forests. All stages of the wood boring insects are killed by MBr
fumigation. NSPM-11 and 12 brought out by DPPQS directly deal with accreditation procedures for
MBr facilities treatment of commodities either imported or exported.


Wide variety of pesticides are used as phytosanitary treatment for
export of planting materials. Dipping or Drenching or spraying of
roots/ plants in pesticides to render pest free such as fungi, bacteria,
insect, nematode are carried out prior to export either as precautionary
measure or as per the requirement of the importing country. Seed
dressing with fungicides are carried out as mitigation measure against
fungal infections.

The appropriate level of protection for an importing country can be achieved by the application of
combination of measures. System approaches integrate biological, physical and operational factors to
meet quarantine requirements. A systems approach to mitigate risks could involve some of the
 certification of pest free areas, pest free places of production, or areas of low pest prevalence for
certain quarantine pests, such as fruit flies;
 programs (e.g., cultural, mechanical, chemical) to control pests within orchards;
 packing-house procedures (e.g., washing, brushing, inspection of fruit) to eliminate external
 quarantine treatments to disinfest fruit of internal and external pests;
 consignments inspected and certified by importing country phytosanitary officials and exporting
country PQ officials to be free of quarantine pests;
 fruit traceable to state of origin, packing facility, grower, and orchard;
 consignments subject to sampling and inspection after arrival in the Importing country;
 limits on distribution and transit within the importing country.


Since the dawn of civilization, man utilized his best possible efforts to domesticate the bounty of nature
as per his needs. It is not just in recent years that the countries are being invaded by alien species, since
time immemorial, man started to move the plants and animals wherever he fancied. In a way it paved
way for species richness in newer area and domestication has become part of human settlement. It is
not true that all alien species are harmful or dangerous, even the invasive species are not so dangerous in
their place of origin, as the invasiveness is curtailed due to influence of many factors of the particular
ecosystem. The alien species become invasive in newer area due to absence of natural enemies and
congenial environmental parameters. Some alien species became beneficial and some became nuisance.
In the past scores of plants and animals have been exchanged, moved or introduced to newer horizons
due to human aided activities. The introduction of localized species to cross the physical boundaries is
made possible only by means of human interference.


For example, coffee (from Yemen), Chilli (from Mexico), Rubber (by British), Soybean , Sunflower,
etc. were brought to India and grown as beneficial crops. Vice-a-verse, there are lots of such
economically valuable plant species which originated in India is now spread to all over the world. To
site a few examples: Black pepper, Cardamom, Neem, Mango etc.


In the past scores of harmful alien species have entered into India and cause huge economic damage.
They are categorized into two groups, namely alien species (exotic) and alien invasive species (exotic
and invasive). To site a few:


 Coffee pests such as Coffee rust, Hemilia vastatrix, coffee green scale (Coccus viridis), coffee
berry borer (Hypothenemus hampeii) were intruded from Sri Lanka
 Coconut eriophid mite (Aceria guerreronis) probably from Sri Lanka


 Spiralling white fly (Aleurodicus dispersus) (Sri Lanka / Maldives).

 Papaya mealy bug (Paracoccus marginatus) (Thailand)
 Cotton mealy bug (Phenococcus solenopsis) (USA)
 Phalaris minor weed in wheat (USA)
 Parthenium hysterophorus is a major weed contaminated wheat imported from USA
 Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is another such major weed clogging the waterways in
India, brought as ornament from Mexico
 Lantana camara is another introduced, woody weed.
 Mile-a-minute weed (Mikania micrantha) is another invasive weed, which is smothering the
forest and plantation vegetation in India.
 Salvinia molesta, an aquatic weed native of Brazil
 Prosopis juliflora, thorny, exotic weed introduced from Mexico and Caribbean Islands


Ever since the liberalization of trade has taken place in the post-WTO era, the term “Alien invasive
species” has gained more emphasis among trading nations, as the impact of alien invasive species is the
most dreaded in the context of climate change and the faster trade exchange between nations, which
accelerates the crossing of boundaries of alien invasive species. The alien invasive species not only
affect agriculture, horticulture, pasture lands and forests, they are also the cause for major impacts on
environment and biodiversity of a nation. For example, weeds provide good proof to clarify what is
meant by Invasive Species because most people understand what constitutes a ‘weed’.
 PEST means any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic agent
injurious to plants and plant products (PQ Order)
 QUARANTINE PEST means a pest of potential economic importance to the area
endangered thereby and not yet present there, or present but not widely distributed and being
officially controlled (PQ Order)
 ALIEN SPECIES - (non-native, non-indigenous, foreign, exotic) means a species, subspecies,
or lower taxon occurring outside of its natural range (past or present) and dispersal potential
(i.e. outside the range it occupies naturally or could not occupy without direct or indirect
introduction or care by humans) and includes any part, gametes or propagule of such species
that might survive and subsequently reproduce. (IUCN,2000)
 ALIEN INVASIVE SPECIES - means an alien species which becomes established in natural
or semi-natural ecosystems or habitat, is an agent of change, and threatens native biological
diversity. (IUCN,2000)
 ECOSYSTEM means the complex of a community of organisms and its environment.
 WEED is defined as “A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome,
especially one growing where it is not wanted”. Or in simple words “A plant that
interferes with management objectives for a given area of land at a given point in time”.


Scientific evidence indicates that biological invasions are growing at an unprecedented rate, posing
increasing threats to the diversity of life, and also disrupting ecosystem functionality. Global economies,
as well as water supply, food security and human health are impacted negatively. Despite the urgency to
take action against invasions, public awareness on the issue is inadequate

IPPC: The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international treaty organization
that aims to secure coordinated, effective action to prevent and to control the introduction and spread of
pests of plants and plant products. The Convention extends beyond the protection of cultivated plants to
the protection of natural flora and plant products. It takes into consideration both direct and indirect
damage by pests (including weeds). IPPC is essentially a “Phytosanitary Agreement” – a mechanism for
protecting agriculture from pests that could spread through international trade in plants and plant
produce. Member countries are supposed to maintain inspection procedures for export and undertake
eradication and control measures in the event of new pest infestations occur. Member countries require
to establish NPPO (National Plant Protection Organization) to promote safe agricultural trade and to
protect natural flora.
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora): CITES is
intended to protect endangered species from being collected for export. CITES protects many rare
plants and animals from over exploitation and trading. Hence, it is considered as landmark advance in
conservation of rare plants and animals and helps to preserve of biodiversity.

CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity): its objective is to develop national strategies for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. The Convention has three main goals:
1. conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity);
2. sustainable use of its components; and
3. fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources

CP (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety) : The Biosafety Protocol seeks to protect biological diversity
from the potential risks posed by living modified organisms (LMO) resulting from modern

IUCN: The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is an
international organization dedicated to finding pragmatic solutions to the most pressing environment and
development challenges. The organization publishes the IUCN Red List, compiling information from a
network of conservation organizations to rate which species are most endangered.

ISSG (Invasive Species Specialist Group) is established under IUCN (International Union for
Conservation of Nature). ISSG’s network of leading specialists provide technical advice to policy
makers, and, ISSG disseminates the most current and reliable information on invasive species ecology,
their impacts on biological diversity and ways to prevent and control their spread. Further, a global
analysis of extinction risk for the world's plants, conducted by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew together
with the Natural History Museum, London and IUCN, has revealed that the world’s plants are as
threatened as mammals, with one in five of the world’s plant species threatened with extinction.

UN-FCCC (United Nations – Framework convention on Climate Change): The Convention on Climate
Change sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the challenge posed by climate
change. It recognizes that the climate system is a shared resource whose stability can be affected by
industrial and other emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The convention aims to
stabilize and eventually reduce global Carbon emissions – an essential step in staving off a probable
tidal wave of new invasions of pests that could be triggered by climate change.

Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development and was an
outcome of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally and
locally by organizations of the United Nations System, governments, and major groups in every area in
which humans directly affect the environment.


Plant Quarantine System: The Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into India) Order, 2003 is
aimed at preventing the entry, establishment and spread of alien invasive species into India through plant
quarantine mechanism. Plant quarantine acts as the first line of defense at the entry points.
Germplasm Exchange: The incursion of dangerous pests coming through the germplasm material is
monitored by NBPGR (National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources)

Research Institutes: The crop research institutes of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
are responsible for monitoring the planting materials imported for research to prevent entry of alien
invasive species.

Biosecurity Authority: There is an urgent need to bring all the relevant fields/ organizations under one
umbrella to safeguard biosecurity of the nation. For this a National Agricultural Biosecurity Authority
(NABS) needs to be setup. Government of India has taken initiative towards establishing NABS and in
near future the same shall come into force.

Surveillance: As of now surveillance is carried out by individual departments, governments, institutes,

NGOs, individuals etc. without much network and information sharing. Surveillance mechanism needs
to be integrated with Biosecurity Authority to know pest status and carry out eradication programmes in
the event of pest incursion.

Pest Diagnosis: Precise identification of pest is a major concern in the event of exotic pest incursion or
new pest reports. Human resource and centralized pest repository are the major thrust area, which needs


The past bitter and costly experiences learnt due to the impact of introduced invasive species has lead to
the awakening of plant battle field to combat the entry of invasive alien weeds and other species which
might topple the economy, destroy the ecology, and disturb the environment of India. Stringent legal
regulations, public awareness, coordinated efforts by the scientific and farming community with
administrative backup, preparedness with eradication measures in case of entry, instant sharing of notice
of invasive weeds through network among states and central to take appropriate action at appropriate
time etc. are all the need of the hour to combat entry of invasive weeds.

Some of the frustrating questions on incursion of Alien invasive species:

 We do not know which organisms will become successful invasive species

 We do not know where the invasion will take place

 We do not know when the invasion will occur

 We do not know what an invasion will do

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