Abm Complete Template in Qualitative Research 1
Abm Complete Template in Qualitative Research 1
Abm Complete Template in Qualitative Research 1
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
Practical Research 1
home amid pandemic. This research aims to determine the strategies of parents to
motivate grade-11 (ABM) compassionate of las piñas national senior high school-
study population covered 10 Senior High school Students in Las Piñas National
old. Five students who are in Grade-11 ABM Compassionate were invited to
participate in the study, during the pandemic academic year 2020-2021, agreed to
We would like to express our gratitude, first and foremost to our Almighty
God, for giving us the strength and perseverance to complete the tasks and goals
National Senior High School –Dona Josefa Campus, who trusted and supported us
To our fellow students, who didn’t think twice to participated in the data
To our families, who supported us all the way in every projects, activities
Table of Content
Chapter 3. METHODOLOGY 11
Chapter 1
on their motivation. Motivation leads them to reach their goals. “It leads to
Therefore, motivation is the key to open their future success. Motivation has an
important role to influence the power of learning activity, but the motivation is
also influenced by the goals. If there is a higher goal, there is a bigger motivation
to reach the goal. Motivation also have functions to a activate and increase the
activity as an effort to reach the goals. “Motivation also can functioned to activate
and increase the activity”,( Sukmadinata, 2011), the students have a good
motivation, they will be more enthusiastic in the studying process and surely they
Parents provide a proper motivation that can help their students being
productive in school. Motivated students can give pleasure to their parents and
persistence in their studies. They tend to give more effort which required time in
their studies. However, the achievements of the students depend on how their
parents motivate them. Students need motivation from their parents to have a
strong desire in their studies. They give more effort in every presentation in order
students motivated. In particular, most top learners are good in all subjects. Even
though they have failure sometimes but they did not give up yet. They give their
best in school. Students are very active in doing their task and ask questions if
there are things they do not understand about the discussion that’s why they have
the highest scores and grades. However, some of the top students are not fully
motivated by their parents but still possess great determination in their studies.
students can be improved when proper advice and motivation to the students are
provided (Malik & Asif, 2012). Parents are well educated and have superior
2010). Students can perform better if they are rewarded and appreciated in their
Good did in school (Srivastava, 2018). In the study, the researcher intends to
know the levels and correlation between parental motivation and performance of
students in senior high school. The researchers conduct this study to know what
are the strategies of parents to motivate Grade 11 senior high students’ academic
performance at home amidst pandemic (COVID-19). This study is very important
to gain knowledge and understanding for the researcher about the two variables
strategies and the students will have an idea on how they’re parents motivate them
in different ways. The effect of it to the students is they will strive hard in their
2. What are the effects of not having motivation from their parents during this
3. What are the possible effects for a Grade-11 (ABM) Compassionate Students
-Respondents’ -Empirical
point of view on overview of
how they’re parents parental strategies
motivate them in to motivate grade-
-Collection of
different ways. 11 (ABM)
data through the
Students. The main respondents of this research are the grade 11 (ABM)
compassionate students’ of las piñas national senior high school-doña josefa but
even they are the respondents of it they won’t cater all the findings and even
though the results of this research study. Therefore, all of the students can relate
to this study despite of being an elementary students’, junior and senior high
specifically, if they always think that their parents won’t support them because
Parents. Some of the parents are not a showy person but deep inside there hearts
they love their son/daughter wholeheartedly. This research study will also give a
major benefit to them especially if they’re not a showy person to their love ones.
“Actions speak louder than words”, is a famous quote but all of us needs an
assurance in every actions and that what students’ want to understand particularly
in their parents’ actions. Motivational words like “You can do it”, and
“Fighting”, coming from the parents can touch the hearts of their son/ daughter so
basically this study will also gives an idea to all of the parents that actions is not
Researchers. This research study serves as a basis for further study or gives an
information. The findings of the study will be a good source of accurate and
useful information for them, they can also make this research study as their
performance is one of the duties of the teachers since it’s also their
The study population covered 10 Senior High school Students in Las Piñas
purposively selected, they are Senior High School Students in Grade-11 (ABM)
Compassionate whose age are 16 to 19 years old and are active performer
students. 6
The study was conducted to determine the different strategies on how the
students, and to identify the causes and of effect of motivation among them.
Therefore, the research will include 10 Senior High School Students of Grade-11
The following terms, which were important to the research study, had the
Academic Performance
-is the extent of students’ performance at school depending on their academic
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature and studies on different point of
by their parents. This chapter presents different pertinent literature from the local.
Relevant literature that comes from the local studies tighten the validity of this
student retention.
It keeps students active and alive to remain at school until completion. Hence it
indicated that motivation stimulates them while in school by meeting their diverse
enhance it.
2021). Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the living conditions of societies,
specifically, the families. Therefore, it challenges the students with their parents
their educational goals. Moreover, the study investigates the relationship between
performance. Thus, the following conclusions were derived: The parents were still
challenging time. This revealed that the students performed well in class during
(Tarroja, 2010). They have been described as family-centered and have been
2018). The gap on how parents support and get involved in the learning of their
It is a grateful benefit if the parents were there for the students, to guide and
support them, particularly during challenging school tasks, although this also pose
the family structure, on the other hand, has an impact on the provision of
tips 25 August 2020 here are some ways to motivate students to study despite
pandemic. they should plan a routine together. make an effort to build a schedule
and express their feelings. lastly, stay in touch with your children's facility. ask
questions and get more guidance. Parents always want the best of their children
and always want their children to live a better life than they did.
Parents provide as many resources as they can, but this can also be negative to the
typically do not become involved with their children unless difficulty arises,
Pape (1999) states that "research also indicates that parents who are involved in
profound effect on the child’s ability to learn and help instill in them an
appreciation for learning that can last a
lifetime. Fager and Brewster (1999) discuss the benefits associated with parental
involvement as involving
rates. Wlodkowski and Jaynes (1990) list the following as benefits of a positive
and parents: the establishment of mutual trust; the expressed shared goal of the
solving rather than blaming. Unfortunately, parents and educators are often seen
In this study it tells how important parental support and motivation to students in
at home. ... Futhermore, research shows that the level of parental involvement
2.3 Synthesis
Home confinement and temporary school closures have also affected educational
systems worldwide (Reimers and Schleicher, 2020; World Bank Group, 2020).
The transition to distance learning placed a heavy strain on teachers, students, and
their parents (Cachón-Zagalaz et al., 2020; Hiraoka and Tomoda, 2020). The
rapid shift in the delivery mode of instruction and an uncertain future may have
contain the new coronavirus spread, impacted students’ academic motivation and
32 strategies of (Lina Raffaelli 2014) article she discussed that a student needs a
positive learning environment for the students. These two articles have different
pandemic for them to learn and grow. By comparison these articles contains
similar informations from articles such as strategies that will uplift student’s
Chapter 3
This chapter presents the general strategy on how the researchers evaluate
the data
given by the respondents’ to test the reliability and validity of this research study.
people involved” (Ariola, 2014). The purpose of the study is to analyze and
This paper used a survey method via questionnaire to collect data from
the respondents.
to determine the causes and effect to Students on how their Parents motivate them
Part 3 of the questionnaire are open- ended questions that collected data on
respondents’ insights about what are the common reasons why lack of motivation
can affect students’ academic performance at times of pandemic and what are the
good and bad effects of motivation. A copy of the questionnaire is found in the
3. 3 Sampling Technique
“researchers use their good judgement in selecting the respondents who best meet
the purpose of the study” (Ariola, 2014). The prescribed criteria were: Senior
16 to 19 years old. Five students who are in Grade-11 ABM Compassionate were
invited to participate in the study, during the pandemic academic year 2020-2021,
agreed to participate
Piñas City National Senior High School-Doña Josefa Campus where the research
will be conducted. The researchers know that there might be some difficulties that
may encounter since it’s just modular but the names will automatically appear
once they answered the online questionnaires (Google Forms) to prove that they
really answered the online questionnaires, this will prove that they really answer
the survey. Those participants are being informed and had given a consent before
answering the survey, the consent is included in the message before sending the
survey itself. In the consent, it is included that their personal information will stay