Student Handbook 2021-2022
Student Handbook 2021-2022
Student Handbook 2021-2022
Mission Statement
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School is dedicated to working with the
community and the local church to provide a quality Catholic education that fosters
academic excellence and the development of informed, responsible citizens.
2330 – 25th Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 4E6
@LeBoldusHS leboldushs @LeBoldusHS
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Table of Contents
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................... 3
LeBoldus Information ...................................................................................................... 4
Block Schedules ............................................................................................................. 5
LeBoldus Code of Honour ............................................................................................... 6
Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity ....................................................................... 7
RCSD Secondary Grading & Assessment Guidelines..................................................... 8
Student Evaluation .......................................................................................................... 9
Course Load and Free Time ......................................................................................... 10
Student Fees ................................................................................................................. 11
Student Conduct Expectations ...................................................................................... 12
Student Management Policy ......................................................................................... 12
Student Rights ............................................................................................................... 13
Student Obligations ....................................................................................................... 13
Safe and Orderly Environement .................................................................................... 14
Students and Technology.............................................................................................. 19
Computer Acceptable Use Policy .................................................................................. 20
Computer Acceptable Use Agreement .......................................................................... 21
My School Sask ............................................................................................................ 21
Attendance .................................................................................................................... 22
Student Services ........................................................................................................... 23
Programs....................................................................................................................... 25
Awards .......................................................................................................................... 27
“SUN” Awards System .................................................................................................. 28
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
The Regina Catholic School Division is dedicated to working with the community and the
local church to provide a quality Catholic education that fosters academic excellence and
the development of informed, responsible citizens.
Regina Catholic Schools strive to provide equal opportunity for all students. Through the
provision of programs, personnel, facilities, finances and administrative services, the school
system has the overall purpose of helping individual learners achieve their potential in oral,
spiritual, intellectual, emotional, cultural, social and physical development.
Catholic education is best understood in terms of the learner as an irreplaceable and unique human
person called into existence by a loving God and launched on a journey back to the creator.
Catholic education is a shared responsibility. Parents are the primary educators of their children.
Working in close collaboration with parents are trustees, teachers, support personnel and priests,
all in the service of the students for whom the school exists.
We believe that every baptized person has a right to a Christian education in an atmosphere in
which the Gospel values of Jesus Christ are lived and taught. All employees share the
responsibility of building such a condition in each school within the Division.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
LeBoldus High School opened on February 1, 1976. The school was named after the late Dr.
Martin LeBoldus, a respected medical doctor in the community, and a long-time member of the
Regina Catholic School Board. LeBoldus offers a full range of academic programs (both English
and French Immersion) and a complete range of extra-curricular activities. The student population
is approximately 750 students. The school crest depicts a number of significant features of Dr.
Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School.
The “L” represents the family name of the late Dr. Martin LeBoldus, a long-time Catholic School
Board Trustee, after whom the school was named.
The “Sun” is emblematic of the name of the School’s Athletic Teams – Golden Suns.
The “Cross” in the centre of the crest, with the image of the adult, child, and book, is the official
logo of the Regina Roman Catholic Separate School Division.
The “Colours” – maroon and gold are the official school colours.
The “Motto” – “Touch the Sun – Toucher le Sommet”, challenges the students and staff to strive
for the ultimate achievement in all phases of school life – spiritual, academic and extra-curricular.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
EARLY BIRD 7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
PERIOD 1 8:45 AM – 9:49 AM
PERIOD 2 9:54 AM – 10:58 AM
BREAK 10:58 AM – 11:09 AM
PERIOD 3 11:09 AM – 12:13 PM
LUNCH 12:13 PM – 1:07 PM
PERIOD 4 1:07 PM – 2:11 PM
PERIOD 5 2:16 PM – 3:20 PM
EARLY BIRD 7:45 AM – 8:45 AM
PERIOD 1 8:45 AM – 9:35 AM
PERIOD 2 9:40 AM – 10:30 AM
BREAK 10:30 AM – 10:45 AM
PERIOD 3 10:45 AM – 11:35 AM
ASSEMBLY/MASS 11:35 AM – 12:45 PM
LUNCH 12:45 PM – 1:35 PM
PERIOD 4 1:35 PM – 2:25 PM
PERIOD 5 2:30 PM – 3:20 PM
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
All teachers and students at Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School are responsible for the
academic integrity of the school. This includes any form of academic dishonesty such as cheating
on exams and assignments, as well as submitting writing or ideas that have been copied from other
people or sources and presented as the student’s own work. Please see the form on the subsequent
Student Responsibilities:
• Students must treat their peers fairly: Do not disrupt them during examinations, or take unfair
advantage of them by cheating, talking during exams, allowing eyes to wander during exams
and/or not contributing a fair share of work on group projects.
•Students must make every effort possible to prevent and avoid any acts of academic misconduct;
they must report acts of misconduct which are witnessed.
•Students must not copy work from other students and submit the work as their own.
•Students must not submit the same work for more than one class unless otherwise agreed upon
by the teachers.
•Students must know what plagiarism is and take steps to avoid it. When students use words or
ideas belonging to another person, even if paraphrased in their own words, the source must be
cited. If clarification is required about what material requires citing, consult the teacher.
•Students must know the rules of academic misconduct. Ignorance is no defense. Students who
violate the code of conduct will face appropriate disciplinary action.
Student Responsibilities:
• Students must treat their peers fairly: Do not disrupt them during examinations, or take unfair
advantage of them by cheating, talking during exams, allowing eyes to wander during exams
and/or not contributing a fair share of work on group projects.
•Students must make every effort possible to prevent and avoid any acts of academic misconduct;
they must report acts of misconduct which are witnessed.
•Students must not copy work from other students and submit the work as their own.
•Students must not submit the same work for more than one class unless otherwise agreed upon
by the teachers.
•Students must know what plagiarism is and take steps to avoid it. When students use words or
ideas belonging to another person, even if paraphrased in their own words, the source must be
cited. If clarification is required about what material requires citing, consult the teacher.
•Students must know the rules of academic misconduct. Ignorance is no defense. Students who
violate the code of conduct will face appropriate disciplinary action. With this in mind, all students
will be required to sign off on the following Academic Honour Code upon completion of any
assessment: “On my honour, as a student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid
on this academic work.”
I have read the Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity and understand my responsibilities as a
student at Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School.
I have discussed the Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity with my son/daughter and I
understand his/her responsibilities as a student.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Students missing an exam or assignment without an excused absence will receive a mark of NHI0.
To excuse the absence, parents/guardians must contact the school to excuse absence. Students who
have an excused absence from an exam must write the exam or its alternate as soon as possible.
Generally, students will write the exam on the day that they return, or may be permitted to write it
in the Exam Room Wednesdays over the lunch hour. These arrangements must be made by the
student with the specific teacher, the period and day of returning. Exams that are not written within
the agreed time or within a week of returning to LeBoldus may be assigned NHI0.
All students will participate in final evaluations at the end of each Block. The final evaluation
format is dependent on the subject area. The course finalization outline will be handed out by each
teacher at the beginning of the Block. Absences from evaluations will result in students receiving
an NHI0 if no valid reason is provided by a parent/guardian in advance of the assessment date.
Emergency situations that may arise on an examination day, or immediately prior to an
examination day, which may prevent a student from completing one or more assessments, will be
handled on an individual basis, by the administration. Written requests for exemptions must be
made by a parent/guardian and medical documentation must be provided for absences due to
In order to participate in the graduation mass and exercises, a student attending a Regina Catholic
High School must be deemed graduation eligible. Graduation eligibility will be defined as a
student who has the potential to earn a minimum of 24 credit units, including Catholic Studies 30
and the compulsory requirements outlined by the Ministry of Education, by June 30 of this school
A determination of a student’s eligibility will be made by the first Friday in June and will be
dependent upon a student having a passing grade in all required courses. Summer school will no
longer be considered when determining graduation eligibility. Detailed eligibility requirements
can be found in the Graduation Booklet.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Students failing a class in a Block will not be allowed to repeat the same class in Block II of that
academic year.
Grade 9 and 10 students may not drop subjects. Grade 11 students must maintain a minimum of
4 classes per semester. Grade 11 & 12 students may drop a subject only after the proper procedures
have been followed and they have checked Graduation eligibility status. To drop a class, a “Class
Drop Form” must be picked up from a guidance counsellor and completed. Students must consult
with administration to discuss the matter. Students must attend class until the procedure is
completed. Students have three days to hand in the completed forms and to return textbooks.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Please remember that school fees carry over from year to year and payment of the fee total
is required prior to Grade 12 graduation. Parent/Guardians now have the choice of sending
cash to school or paying online, the school will no longer accept cheques.
Students will be charged for all lost/damaged textbooks or classroom materials they were issued.
All issued textbooks or classroom materials must be returned prior to or at the time of course
finalization. It is the responsibility of the student to report any textbook concerns to the library
staff at the time the textbook is issued. If students are concerned about structural damage, loose
pages, or other issues, they should bring these to the attention of the library staff immediately. If
possible, a new book in better condition will be issued. If not possible, the library staff will make
a note of the student’s concern to be reviewed upon the return of the textbook.
A participation fee of $10.00 - $90.00 (depending on the activity) per player per sport for athletic
participation in RHSAA sanctioned sports will be collected FROM THOSE STUDENTS
PARTICIPATING IN THESE SPORTS. This fee is used to offset consumable materials used
in each sport (tape, equipment, uniforms, etc.).
In their Grade 9 year, students pay a one-time fee to purchase a portfolio binder. Throughout their
four years of high school, students receive certificates of recognition for both extra-curricular and
curricular achievement. At graduation exercises in Grade 12, students will receive their portfolio
binders complete with all earned recognition certificates.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Students will behave toward and speak to school staff and peers with respect, courtesy, and
honesty. Students and staff have a right to a caring school environment free of violence, prejudice,
harassment, and other forms of abuse. Negative behaviour such as vulgar, profane, or obscene
language or gestures, harassment, bullying, discrimination, fighting, theft, and vandalism will not
be tolerated. This should carry forth into our community as well.
Students shall cooperate with and are accountable to staff of the School Division for their conduct
on school premises during school hours and during any school function or activity sponsored or
approved by the school and/or School Board. Rules apply to all students going to, attending and
returning from school and/or approved activities. [The Education Act, 1995, 150(1) & (2)].
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
That you receive equal opportunity to education regardless of sex, race, ethnic background,
religion, outward appearance or language preference.
That you are educated in a positive environment with support and respect from those around you
for what you say, think and do.
That you receive an education provided by qualified staff within adequate facilities.
That you be taught in a meaningful way so you have greater understanding of the subject in
That you receive instruction, to the greatest extent possible, at your academic learning rate.
That you receive classroom grades fairly whether the work is subjective or objective.
That you receive individual assistance when you have a genuine need.
That you receive counseling when necessary – be it educational, personal or spiritual.
That you receive criticism in a constructive manner free from any form of abuse – be it mental,
emotional or physical.
That when you are disciplined, it be administered in a fair and caring manner, keeping in mind
your individual needs.
That you may safely express yourself regardless of the opinions of peers or teachers.
That you have easy access to school administration officials when needs dictate.
That you acknowledge the differences among students and recognize that students will be taught
differently because of individual needs.
That you acknowledge the needs of others and respect the time necessary to help others.
That you not take for granted educational opportunities, but instead pursue them to the level of
your ability.
That you continually look for application of what is being taught.
That you sincerely utilize your talents and gifts in all situations.
That you accept the best efforts of the teacher in grading your work.
That you seek individual assistance when you require it.
That you take seriously any counseling suggestions and act upon them accordingly.
That you accept positive criticism as helpful and something to be acted upon as a catalyst for
That you follow school guidelines developed for everyone’s benefit and when you receive fair
discipline you make changes to improve your behaviour.
That you express your views within the parameters of communication acceptable in your
school’s environment and that they be presented in a non-hurtful, respectful way.
That you respect the administration – work with the system, not against it.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Surveillance cameras are placed throughout LeBoldus Catholic High School for added safety of
staff and students. Cameras will also be videotaping the exterior of the school (parking lot and
other areas).
All accidents that occur at school or at any other school and/or Board-approved activities shall be
reported and recorded on the appropriate School Division Accident Report Form.
Insurance claim forms for expenditures resulting from injury due to accidents are available at the
Administration Office. This insurance, provided by the School Division, covers only those
expenditures that are not covered by Medicare, M.S.I., G.M.S. or Blue Cross, etc. This insurance
is applicable to students while they are on school premises or involved in a school supervised
activity. This insurance does not cover glasses or artificial teeth.
Running, pushing or general horseplay in this area is not allowed because of the obvious danger
factor. Furthermore, sitting on the balcony railing is strictly forbidden. Any students who violate
these regulations, and thus endanger themselves or other students, will be subject to immediate
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
The elevator is for the exclusive use of physically challenged students and students who require
the service due to temporary injuries. The elevator is not for general student use. Access will be
granted through the office.
Students will be provided with a school locker for their personal use. Students must use school-
approved locks which are purchased at the school. School lockers are the property of the school
and may be subject to inspection by the principal or a designate. [Regina Catholic School Division
Policy]. Students shall use only the locker assigned to them. Lockers should be locked at all times
and combinations should not be shared. Thefts from lockers do sometimes occur and usually result
from carelessness. The school is not responsible for articles missing from lockers. Money or items
of value should never be left in lockers. Report defective locks or lockers to the office. Lockers
remain the property of the school. Each student is responsible for ensuring that his/her locker is
kept clean, free of writing, and in good condition. Writing on lockers must be removed
immediately. Damage to lockers must be reported to the Main Office as soon as noted by the
occupant. Students may be charged for damage to their lockers.
Student parking is reserved for Grade 12 students taking a minimum of 4 classes per Block. Only
authorized vehicles, with a visible parking permit on the rearview mirror, shall be parked on the
lot east and north of the building. Grade 12 students must pay all outstanding Grade 9-11 fees
before a permit will be issued. The maximum speed in the parking lot shall not exceed 15 km/hr.
Any cars parked in unauthorized zones will be ticketed and could result in loss of parking
privileges. Students are not to be in their cars during school hours. The school is not
responsible for damage to cars or theft from cars in the school parking lot or in off-school parking
situations. Please note that the St. Jean Baptiste Church parking lot is private. The Church has
given permission for parents to utilize it for the quick drop-off and pick-up of students only. It
cannot be used for parking by students or parents at any time.
School buildings and property are not open to the public except for specific events. Parents,
guardians, archdiocesan staff, and other guests are to make are to call our office first before coming
into the school at 306-791-7250.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
The administration and staff of Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School believe that students
have the right to live and to learn in environments with a non-bullying ethos. Everyone agrees that
bullying is unacceptable and must be tackled as a matter of urgency to improve outcomes for young
people. The City of Regina has passed a bylaw addressing bullying and public fighting (Bylaw
No. 2006-38). Offenders of this law will be dealt with in accordance with the City of Regina
bylaw and Regina Catholic Schools’ policy.
Harassment on the basis of any personal attribute such as race, culture, gender, disability, physical
size or weight, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated. Harassing behavior or actions that abuse
or humiliate individuals, interfere with their performance or create an intimidating or hostile
environment is prohibited. Unwanted comments, verbal and/or written abuse, unwelcome
gestures, actions that invade privacy or personal property, spreading unfounded rumors or
deliberately spreading misinformation will not be tolerated. Students have a responsibility to
ensure that the school environment is free from harassment. [Regina Catholic School Division
Disagreements are to be settled in a fair, non-violent manner and without the use of threats.
Students may be required to participate in alternative conflict resolution processes. Behaviour that
results in a serious physical assault of a member of the school community will, in accordance with
Board policy, effect any or all of the following: (a) suspension from attendance at school-approved
functions for a period of up to one year; (b) suspension from school attendance for a period of up
to one year; (c) transfer to another school; or (d) expulsion for a period greater than one year. [The
Education Act, 1995, (155)(1) and Regina Catholic School Division Policy].
Students can expect a safe environment free from any weapon or dangerous object. The carrying
of, use of, or threat of use of a weapon is prohibited and in accordance with School Division policy
will result in serious consequences. A weapon is anything used for or intended for use as an
instrument for inflicting bodily harm, or anything used or intended for use for the purpose of
threatening or intimidating any person. [Regina Catholic School Division Policy].
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School upholds the Provincial Tobacco Control Act, City of
Regina by-laws and Regina Catholic School Division policies relating to smoking and use of
tobacco products on school property. As such, the use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaporizers and
related products in the school division is subject to applicable laws, by-laws, and regulations
pursuant to this administrative application. All Board property and facilities are free of tobacco,
tobacco products, smokeless tobacco, environmental smoke, e-cigarettes, vaporizers and/or other
smoking alternative. A violation of this policy may result in suspension, confiscation of product
or a mandatory court appearance and associated fine. Students wishing to quit using tobacco
products are encouraged to see one of our school counselors. Our school is committed to offering
support and resources for students wanting to make this positive lifestyle change.
We strive to keep our school environment a place of wellness and safety for our students and staff.
Please note we are an allergen-alert, scent-alert, and smoke-free school.
These items are not to be used on school property.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Misuse of the computer resources of the school including the Internet and Email, may result in
loss of access to these resources. [Regina Catholic School Division Policy]. The server is
monitored on a regular basis.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Student: I have read through the guidelines and Acceptable Use Policy. I understand my
responsibilities pertaining to the use of computers and the Internet. I agree to follow the guidelines
developed by my school as outlined above. Further, I understand that any violation of the above
conditions or rules of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in a suspension of privileges and/or
any other consequences deemed necessary by my school.
Parent or Guardian: As the parent/guardian of this child, I have read the Acceptable Use Policy.
I understand that computers and this Internet access are designed for educational purposes.
Although I understand that the Regina Catholic School Division has taken precautions to
circumvent student access to controversial material, I recognize that it is impossible for the Regina
Catholic School Division to restrict access to all controversial materials, and I will not hold it
responsible for materials acquired on the network.
The Ministry of Education along with school divisions across the province, are transitioning
towards a unified student information system known as MySchoolSask. Regina Catholic
Schools will join the project in Wave 2 of the provincial implementation plan.
The MySchoolSask project will use Aspen as the new software platform. Aspen will continue to
provide students and parents access to student marks and attendance through a Student/Parent
portal. Additional information will be shared with students and families early in the school year.”
This is a time of transition for our high school staff and training has been occurring this spring and
will continue in August.
1. If a student is present and on time for all scheduled classes on a particular day, then no
attendance information will appear for that day (only absences and lates will be recorded,
along with information on whether or not these absences/lates are parent/guardian
excused). It is recommended that a parent/guardian views the attendance area by class as
this will give a clearer picture of the number of absences a student has accumulated in each
scheduled class period. Please remember that our attendance practice of no more than
15 absences or 15 lates in a class is still in effect at all four Catholic High Schools.
2. All students and parents will have access to the Student/Parent Portal in Aspen to view
updates on his/her child’s grades (24/7 throughout the school year). Students will access
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
this portal using utilizing their standard school username and password. We recommend
that students utilize the site on a regular basis as it will provide them with valuable
information on current grades and assessments (assignments that must be completed and
the particular due dates as well as upcoming exams).
4. Outstanding fee balances can be paid anytime online through School Cash (see school
The Education Act, 1995, 150(3) clearly stipulates that every pupil shall attend school regularly
and punctually. Secondary Attendance Practices went into effect August 29, 2005. For more
specific information, please check the RCSD website or contact the school.
Parents may utilize the 24 hour “ATTENDANCE LINE” to report student absences. The telephone
number is 306-791-7250.
An early leave from school will be granted to students only if a parent/guardian has phoned the
school, or to students who have presented a note, signed by a parent/guardian, to the main office.
Once a phone call or note has been received, an early leave notice is entered into the computer for
teacher reference. A student’s responsibility is to remind his/her teacher of the early leave request
and the classroom teacher will be able to confirm this with his/her computer attendance program.
If a student is ill and wishes to go home, he/she must go to the office, prior to leaving the school,
so parents can be contacted.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
All students have been assigned to a home room. Students will meet for a short period with their
respective home room teacher as the need arises. Attendance is compulsory and will be taken.
Communication of school-related information is directed through these meetings. As such, it is
vital that students are in attendance and promptly take the information home for a parent/guardian
to view.
Each of our Catholic high schools offers a weekly program on drug, alcohol and psychological
well-being. The educator presents weekly on a variety of topics, visits classrooms and provides
individual counselling. It is hoped that such education will help support all students and lead to
improved overall well-being.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
The Chaplain serves as a resource person for the faith-life of the school. The chaplain is available
to give personal guidance and direction in matters which concern faith and morality. This includes
working personally with students as well as coordinating morning prayers, Eucharistic
celebrations, scripture services and student retreats. The office is located in Room 245 (in the
Resource Centre).
The Resource Centre is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM daily. Students have access to books,
magazines, reference materials, newspaper and information files as well as on-line data bases
found on the Regina Catholic Schools’ home page. Computers are available for library and internet
searches and word processing. Students are issued a library card in early fall. The library card is
required to borrow library materials. Students are asked to keep their library cards at school for
easy accessibility. Downloading a student library barcode onto a cellphone is also an option. The
library staff is available to guide students through this process.
The LeBoldus Police School Resource Officer is available to assist staff and students with police
matters and to promote a better understanding between students and the Police Service. The
Resource Officer’s office is located in the Resource Centre.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
The canteen is located on the main floor. Hours of operation are posted at the canteen. It is strictly
forbidden for students to throw items on to, attempt to climb on or deface the canteen structure in
any way. Students who violate these regulations, thus endangering themselves or others, may be
subject to immediate suspension. Vending machines are also available throughout the school.
Students are responsible for using the many garbage cans and recycling containers provided
throughout the building.
All school and spirit wear (t-shirts, sweat suits, shorts, caps, etc.) may be purchased at the
SunStore. Consult the SRC or the SunStore Advisor for prices and availability. Prices are also
posted among the SunStore display.
Students are required to wear appropriate gym attire for all physical education classes, intramurals,
free gym time, or extra-curricular activities. Each student is responsible for the security of his/her
clothes and valuables while participating in activities. It is strongly recommended that all property
be locked in the change room lockers during participation. Unsupervised activity in the
gymnasium will not be permitted. Food and drinks (with the exception of water) are not allowed
in the gymnasium at any time.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program, sponsored by the College Board, provides the means for
secondary schools to provide university-level studies during secondary school. Students in Grades
11 and 12 may enroll in one or more 30 level AP courses if they meet the basic entry criteria. The
AP Program provides college-level courses to the schools, coordinates the evaluation of the
examinations, and sends the results of those examinations to the university of the students’ choice.
Participating universities, in turn, grant either credit or placement or both to students who have
performed at a required level on the AP examination(s). AP courses currently being offered at
LeBoldus High School are AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus AB, AP Studio
Art, AP Psychology, AP French Language, AP Spanish Language, and AP Computer Science A.
All AP students are required to pay the $25.00 administration fee which has been approved by our
Board. As well, there is a $60.00 fee for the AP Psychology workbook and $25.00 for AP Art
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School offers Band 9, 10, 20 and 30 and credit Instrumental
Jazz. The Junior and Senior Bands rehearse twice a week. The preparation and performance of
different styles of music will allow each student to learn musical concepts and to develop technical
skills on his or her instrument. In addition to full band rehearsals, students will be given the
opportunity to develop solo and ensemble skills as well as to study the theory of music. Students
will be involved in several performances including school functions and activities, public concerts,
festivals and an annual band tour. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the extra-
curricular Honour Band.
The LeBoldus Choral Program includes Choral 9, 10, 20 and 30 and a credit Vocal Jazz class. The
credit Choral classes rehearse twice a week. There is also a general music class offered as a credit
class during the regular school day.
This course consists of a minimum of 30 hours of classroom instruction and six hours behind-the-
wheel in-car instruction, and is conducted under the direction of Saskatchewan Learning. This
program is run by the W. K. S. Professional Driving. Students must be 15 years of age. Selection
is made based on birthdates – older students get into the program before younger students.
Registration forms are available in the office.
For over a quarter of a century the Immersion Program has been an integral component of
LeBoldus High School. The Immersion Program provides an opportunity for students to
experience French Canadian and French (European) culture. Students will be able to use the
language in a variety of meaningful contexts. Students must successfully complete 12 of their 24
credits in Immersion courses in order to obtain bilingual status upon graduation. Français 10, 20
and 30 are compulsory courses in the Immersion Program. There are a variety of other Immersion
courses available for students to choose from to enhance their Immersion experience.
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Any award or scholarship that requires LeBoldus to nominate or to put forward any student names,
all applications will require the approval and final nominations to come from the LeBoldus Awards
Committee comprising of the principal, vice principal, and education leaders. Any student wishing
to apply for any scholarship/award should see a counsellor in our student services area or contact
the principal.
The annual Academic Awards’ Night is held each fall to recognize the achievements of students
from the preceding year. Awards are presented in most subject areas, at each grade level, to
students who have achieved the highest academic standing in the particular subject. In addition,
the top students in each of these subject areas will be recognized. Honour roll certificates are
awarded to students in each grade level.
Honour roll status at each grade level is obtained by having an average of 80.00%. To receive
a standing of High Honours, an average of 90.00% must be obtained. Please note the following
Grade 9
Average is calculated using the marks received in the following classes taken during the grade 9
English 9 mark from June (counted twice)
Math 9 or Mathématiques 9 mark from June (counted twice)
Social Studies or Sciences sociales
Science or Sciences naturelles
Arts Ed,
Phys Ed,
Catholic Studies or Études catholiques,
Français or French or PAA9
Grade 10
Average is calculated using the marks received in the following 8 classes taken during the grade
10 year:
(Français will always be used in the calculations for French Immersion students. If a French
Immersion student takes both ELA A and ELA B, the higher ELA mark will be used and the
lower one may be used as an elective)
ELA A10 or ELA A10 Advanced or Français
ELA B10 or ELA B10 Advanced or Français
Catholic Studies 10 or Études catholiques 10
History 10 or Histoire 10
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
Grade 11
Average is calculated based upon the following 8 classes taken during the grade 11 year:
ELA 20
Christian Ethics 20 or Études catholiques 20
Français 20 - for French Immersion students
6 highest electives or 5 highest electives for Immersion students (from classes taken in the
current school year). A maximum of two of the following classes may be used for these
electives: Choral, Band, Vocal Jazz, Instrumental Jazz.
Grade 12
Average is calculated based upon the following 8 classes taken during the grade 12 year:
(Français will always be used in the calculations for French Immersion students. If a French
Immersion student takes both ELA A and ELA B, the higher ELA mark will be used and the
lower one may be used as an elective)
ELA A30 or ELA A30 AP or Français 30
ELA B30 or ELA B30 AP or Français 30
Christian Ethics 30 or Études catholiques 30
Social Studies 30 or Sciences Sociales 30 or Native Studies 30
The next 4 highest electives (from classes taken in the current school year). At least one of these
electives must be at the 30 level. A maximum of two of the following classes may be used for
these electives: Choral, Band, Vocal Jazz, Instrumental Jazz.
At each assembly, students are recognized for their participation and achievements in extra-
curricular activities. Most Valuable Participant (M.V.P.) and Coach/Director’s awards are
presented for each extra-curricular activity or team. Furthermore, students accumulate points for
participation over their four years at LeBoldus. Each year, awards are given to the male and female
in each grade who has accumulated the most points in the particular year in question. In addition,
Golden Sun Awards are presented to graduating students based on the points they have
accumulated over four years.
Football .............................................................................................. 15
Golf ..................................................................................................... 4
Hockey ................................................................................................. 8
Manager/Trainer .................... corresponding sport (coach’s discretion)
Soccer................................................................................................... 8
Track .................................................................................................... 4
Volleyball ........................................................................................... 15
Wrestling ............................................................................................ 15
Dr. Martin LeBoldus Catholic High School
Student Handbook 2021 - 2022
not be allowed to be involved in any travel associated with the extra-curricular activity. As always,
academics must be our first concern.
1. Definitions
Recording – means an audio, video, audio-video or photographic replication recorded on any
device including but not limited to audio-video recorders, cell phones, tablets, or computers which
record images and/or sound.
Uploading – means the action or process of transferring data from one recording device to
another or to a storage device including printed materials, hard drive, web environment or social
media platform.
Meeting - means any conversation between two or more persons and includes telephone
2. Privacy Considerations
Any time an audio-video recording is made in a school, on school property, at school events, or
for school purposes, it becomes a record subject to The Local Authority Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (LAFOIP) and its Regulations and is also subject to school division
policy and procedures with regard to such records.
Student-Initiated Recordings
a. Students shall not make a recording of any person or any activity in the classrooms or in
the school, on school property or at school-related events unless provided for in this
Administrative Application.
b. A teacher or school administrator may give a student permission to record activity in a
classroom for personal study purposes provided that the student agrees that the recording
will not be shared, reproduced or uploaded to any publicly accessible web environment or
social media platform.