Learning Styles: Behavioural Indicators VAK Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
Learning Styles: Behavioural Indicators VAK Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
Learning Styles: Behavioural Indicators VAK Visual Auditory Kinesthetic
We usually have the three cognitive styles but one or two are stronger.
Learning styles mediate between emotion and cognition, as you will soon discover. For example, a
reflective style invariably grows out of a reflective personality or a reflective mood. An impulsive style, on
the other hand, usually arises out of an impulsive emotional state. People´ styles are determined by the
way they internalize their total environment, and since that internalization process is not strictly cognitive,
we find that physical, effective and cognitive domains merge in learning styles. Some would claim that
styles are stable indicators in adults. This a questionable view.
Some others say that individuals show general tendencies toward one style or another, but that differing
contexts will evoke differing styles in one individual.
This means that adults may adapt or manage certain changes to deal with different educational , social or
working situations successfully . Yet, you cannot change your style completely because as we have already
said , the style is part of your personality , that especially pertains to you as an individual and that
differentiate you from someone else.
As we have said, we all have certain tendencies . It would be ideal to have a more balanced personality but
usually we have characteristics that respond to one of the styles more than to another. Yet, we may say that
nothing is completely right or wrong as in any style we have positive and negative aspects.
So far, we have been learning about Visual, Auditory and kinesthetic styles. As you have mentioned in some of
the tasks, this knowledge will help you to design lessons, prepare material and manage the lesson in more
effective ways. Students will be the main beneficiaries as they will learn according to their styles and they will
be able to perform more successfully. You are giving ALL your students the possibility to show you how good
they are at using the language!! And above all, you are being attentive and respecting their way of learning,
their personalities, their cognitive styles!
Obviously, we understand extreme positions are not ideal, balance ones would be preferable. Let´s see these
Guess reading about Ambiguity Tolerance has been quite useful too
We have “tolerant ” students who accept innovation , acknowledge different views, change of plans, language
exceptions, etc. However, these students lack critical thinking and accept the teacher´s opinion or ideas without
further analysis.
On the other hand , “intolerant students ” are too rigid and close minded . They are not flexible and question
most things. These are the students who tell the teacher: “but you have said that double oo is pronounced “u” …
.” “but you have said that we were going to analyze the book today, not next class” …. But they can develop a
more critical thinking and offer more personal ideas and/or opinions in certain lessons.
Reflective learners analyze everything , they take their time to work (they may be too slow at times !). They
produce more accurate outcomes, but they are afraid of being more spontaneous or taking risks.
Impulsive learners are more intuitive. They are risk takers, they may “guess” most of the answers and jump into
conclusions too fast. We usually tell them: “Please think you answer first, do not guess…take some time before
answering” …. However, they are the quick at developing communication skills.
As you will read in the text, “…It is more likely that persons have general inclinations, but, given certain contexts
, can exercise a sufficient degree of an appropriate style.” As we grow up, it is important to develop a certain
degree of flexibility and adapt to different social conventions and expectations.