Smaw CBLM Applying Safety Practices
Smaw CBLM Applying Safety Practices
Smaw CBLM Applying Safety Practices
You need to complete this module to finish all the units of core
competencies in the qualification, Shielded Metal Arc Welding NC II.
No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code
This unit of competency deals with the skills, knowledge and attitude
required to apply safety practices in the workplace.
Learning Outcomes:
8.Safety label ang tag of tools and equipment are strickly followed in
accordance with industry/company policies.
10. Emergency hotline and proper authority are accessed and contacted in
accordance with workplace procedures.
Hazard to be avoided in welding
Welding safety signs and symbols
Occupational safety standards and enterprise safety policies.
Written/ oral
Direct observation
Learning Outcome #1
Read Information Sheet 1.1-1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
Hazards to be avoided in development of the Institutional
welding. Competency Evaluation Tool which
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Answer Self-check 1.1-1
after finishing a competency of the
Compare your answers with qualification.
Answer Key 1.1-1
Go through the learning activities outlined
Read Information Sheet 1.1-2 for you on the left column to gain the
Welding safety signs & symbols necessary information or knowledge before
doing the tasks to practice on performing
Answer Self-check 1.1-2
the requirements of the evaluation tool.
Compare your answers with
The output of this LO is a complete
Answer Key 1.1-2
Institutional Competency Evaluation
Read Information Sheet 1.1-3 Package for one Competency of Shielded
Welding safety standards Metal Arc Welding NC II. Your output shall
serve as one of your portfolio for your
Answer Self-check 1.1-3
Institutional Competency Evaluation for
Compare your answers with Applying Safety Practices.
Answer Key 1.1-3
Feel free to show your outputs to your
trainer as you accomplish them for
guidance and evaluation.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Understand health hazards associated with welding, cutting, and brazing
operations include exposures to metal fumes and to ultraviolet (UV)
Ergonomic hazards
Ergonomic hazards are physical factors in the environment that may cause
musculoskeletal injuries.
Electric Shock
household wiring
electricity outlets
Health issues
Welding fumes can cause serious health problems for workers if inhaled.
Short-term exposure can result in nausea, dizziness, or eye, nose and throat
irritation. Prolonged exposure to welding fumes can lead to cancer of the
lung, larynx and urinary tract, as well as nervous system and kidney
damage. Certain gases, such as helium, carbon dioxide and argon, displace
oxygen and can pose suffocation risks, particularly in enclosed work areas.
Tips to help welders reduce their exposure level to welding fumes and
gases. Among them:
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a known cause of skin cancer, skin ageing, eye
damage, and may affect the immune system. People who work outdoors are
the most likely of all workers to suffer health damage from exposure to UV
radiation. Other people may be exposed to UV radiation at work from non-
solar sources such as arc welding, the curing of paints, inks etc and the
disinfection of equipment in hospitals and laboratories amongst others . In
relation to non-solar sources of UV radiation, well designed engineering and
administrative controls and in the case of arc welders, personal protective
equipment can keep the risks to a minimum.
Wear approved welding helmets that protect the face, neck and ears,
and wear a head covering.
Wear safety goggles or safety glasses – even under a helmet.
Don’t wear clothing with cuffs or open pockets – these spaces can trap
molten metal or sparks.
Use sheet metal screens for additional protection when heavy welding
or cutting takes place.
To help keep non-welding workers safe, clearly mark hot work areas so
others can stay clear, AWS states. If a job requires multiple people, everyone
should follow all required procedures and wear appropriate personal
protective equipment.
Self-Check 1.1-1
IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer on the space provided.
2.________ known cause of skin cancer, skin ageing, eye damage, and may
affect the immune system.
3.________ can cause serious health problems for workers if inhaled. Short-
term exposure can result in nausea, dizziness, or eye, nose and throat
4._______ happens when an electric current passes through your body. This
can burn both internal and external tissue and cause organ damage.
Self-Check 1.1-1
True or False. Write your answer on the space provided.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Identify the the four critical safety signs in the workplace
2.Recognize the color and purpose of safety signs
It is critical to have safety signs in the workplace.
A visible instruction from a safety sign provides clear indication and reduces
the likelihood of accidents to employees and non-employees, resulting in a
safer working environment.
These four critical safety signs are classified as follows: Prohibition,
Warning, Mandatory, and Emergency.
Prohibition Signs
These symbols should be used to indicate "Do Not" commands. For example,
to indicate that smoking is not permitted in a specific area. They should be
used in the workplace to reinforce instructions prohibiting dangerous
Warning Signs
Mandatory Signage
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These signs should be used to indicate actions that must be taken to meet
statutory requirements. Self-closing fire doors, for example, that must be
kept closed in order to comply with the fire risk assessment should be
labeled with “FIRE DOOR KEEP SHUT” signs. An area of a construction site
where hard hats are required should have appropriate signage at the entry
Emergency Signs
A sign that provides information about emergency exits, first aid, or rescue
facilities (for example, "Emergency Exit").
Safe condition signs are shaped like a green rectangle or square with white
imagery or text in the center.
Amber / Yellow
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Signage of danger
Be cautious; take precautions; and conduct an examination.
Signage is required.
Wear protective equipment if you exhibit a specific behavior or action.
First-aid/Emergency Exit Sign
Doors, exits, escape routes, as well as equipment and facilities
Self-Check 1.1-2
IDENTIFICATION. Write your answer on the space provided.
1._____ A sign that provides information about emergency exits, first aid, or
rescue facilities.
2._____ A safety sign that requires a specific behavior (for example, "Personal
Protective Equipment Must Be Worn").
3._____ A sign that warns of a hazard or danger (for example, "Danger: High
5.______ signs that indicate actions that must be taken to meet statutory
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Undertsand the importance of safety standards in the workplace.
2. Be aware of the health & safety tips.
The Occupational Safety and Health Standards was formulated in 1978 in
compliance with the constitutional mandate to safeguard the worker's social
and economic well-being as well as his physical safety and health.
Be Aware
Maintain proper posture at work to protect your back. Keep your shoulders
and hips in line when sitting at a desk and avoid hunching over. When
lifting objects, use proper form and avoid twisting and stooping. The
following pointers will help you lift correctly:
When traveling or turning with a heavy object, move your feet rather
than your back.
Request assistance with moving loads that are too heavy for you.
Always be aware of the location of emergency exits and keep the path to
them clear. You should also have easy access to machinery emergency
Spend the extra time getting a wheelbarrow, crank, conveyor belt, forklift, or
other mechanical aid to help you lift heavy objects. Lifting something that is
too heavy can result in injuries that could have been avoided.
To help protect yourself from injury, it is critical to use the proper safety
equipment for a task:
Use all of the safety equipment designed for your task, such as seat
belts, protective headgear or clothing, and safety glasses.
Self-Check 1.1-3
Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
a. Welding defects
b. Hazards in the workplace
c. Stress in work
d. Having heavy work loads
Personal protective equipment ( PPE ) for different welding
Proper uses of different type of personal protective equipment
( PPE )
Written/ oral
Direct observation
Learning Outcome #2
Read Information Sheet 1.2-1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
Personal protective equipment development of the Institutional
for different welding Competency Evaluation Tool which
operations. trainers use in evaluating their trainees
after finishing a competency of the
Answer Self-check 1.2-1
Compare your answers with
Go through the learning activities outlined
Answer Key 1.2-1
for you on the left column to gain the
Read Information Sheet 1.2-2 necessary information or knowledge before
Proper uses of different type of doing the tasks to practice on performing
personal protective equipment. the requirements of the evaluation tool.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Understand the importance of PPE
2. Know the appropriate PPE in different welding operations.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used properly reduces the risk of injury
and the effects of toxins.Welding lab requires personal protective equipment.
You will not be permitted to enter the lab if you do not wear approved PPE.
Hazard Characteristics
Sparks, spatter, radiation (infrared, ultraviolet, and blue light), slag, heat,
hot metal, fumes and gases, and even electric shock can all result from
welding and cutting. Because these hazards can result in burns, injury, or
death, it is critical to wear proper PPE at all times.
You must bring your own personal protective equipment (PPE) to the lab.
The table below shows which PPE is required (indicated with "R") and
optional (indicated with an "O"). Each item is described below, along with
Earplug R R R R
Gloves R R R R
Respirator or R R R R
dust mask
Jacket R R R R
Long pants,no R R R R
Leather shoes R R R R
Welding helmet R O O O
Faceshield O O O O
-intense light
-irritation, and
chemical burns
are all protected.
Wear fire-
resistant head
underneath your
helmet if
Lungs Respirator
Protect against:
Photo credits to
Skin that has Fire/Flame Protects against:
been exposed resistant clothing
-heat, fires
(other than feet, and aprons
hands, and head)
Photo credits to
Ears Ear muffs, ear Protects against:
-electric shock
Photo credits to
Self-Check 1.2-1
Identification.Observe the illustration below and name the different PPE
worn by the welder.
6 3
8 9
1. 5. 9.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Know the importance of PPE in welding.
2.Familiarize the use of different PPE’s.
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Personal protective equipment (PPE) is clothing, helmets, goggles, or other
garments or equipment designed to keep the wearer's body safe from injury
or infection. Physical, electrical, heat, chemicals, biohazards, and airborne
particulate matter are among the hazards addressed by protective
source :wikipedia
The proper eye and face protection for welding safety varies depending on
the task at hand. Helmets, handshields, goggles, and safety glasses, or a
combination of these, provide adequate protection in a variety of situations.
Welding helmets with filter plates are designed to protect users from arc
rays as well as weld sparks and spatters that strike the helmet directly.
They are not designed to protect against slag chips, grinding fragments, wire
wheel bristles, or other hazards that may ricochet beneath the helmet. To
protect against these impact hazards, spectacles, goggles, or other
appropriate eye protection must be worn.
Lung protection:
Welders are aware that the fumes and gases emitted by their work can
cause serious illness. With proper precautions, the amount of gas and vapor
can be eliminated or greatly reduced. Ventilation is always an important
control method. Wearing a simple N95 mask, such as the 3M 8212 N95
Welding Particulate Respirator, or, as a step up, a N99 mask, such as the
Moldex Premium Disposable Welding Respirator, can often block fumes
produced by basic welding of iron or steel.
Skin protection:
Ear protection:
Foot protection:
Welders must be protected right down to their toes. Welders must wear
protective footwear because hazards such as fire, heat, sparks, slippery
surfaces, and falling objects exist. Because welders spend the majority of
their time standing, the PPE that covers their feet must be comfortable.
Welders should look for footwear with ergonomic design, enhanced
cushioning technologies, wider toe boxes, and lightweight foot beds.
Self-Check 1.2-2
Multiple choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
Pre-use inspection and checking procedure
3.Safety label and tag of tools and equipment are strictly followed in
accordance with industry company policies.
Instructional materials:
-Reference books
-Learning modules/manuals
-Safety standards
-Enterprise safety policies/guidelines
Written/ oral
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Direct observation
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome #3
Perform safe handling of tools, equipment and materials
Read Information Sheet 1.3-1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
Pre-use inspection and development of the Institutional
checking procedure Competency Evaluation Tool which
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Answer Self-check 1.3-1
after finishing a competency of the
Compare your answers with qualification.
Answer Key 1.3-1
Go through the learning activities outlined
Read Information Sheet 1.3-2 for you on the left column to gain the
Safe handling of necessary information or knowledge before
tools,equipment and materials doing the tasks to practice on performing
the requirements of the evaluation tool.
Answer Self-check 1.3-2
The output of this LO is a complete
Compare your answers with
Institutional Competency Evaluation
Answer Key 1.3-2
Package for one Competency of Shielded
Read Information Sheet 1.3-3 Metal Arc Welding NC II. Your output shall
Workplace occupational health serve as one of your portfolio for your
and safety procedures Institutional Competency Evaluation for
Applying Safety Practices.
Answer Self-check 1.3-3
Feel free to show your outputs to your
Compare your answers with
trainer as you accomplish them for
Answer Key 1.
guidance and evaluation.
After doing all the activities for this LO3:
Perform safe handling of tools equipment
and materials, you are ready to proceed to
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the next LO4: Perform first aid
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Understand the background,purpose and scope of health and safety
2. Recognize responsibilities of leaders and all staff.
Ensure that periodic inspections are carried out by those who are
appropriately qualified for specialist areas.
Ensure that periodic inspections are carried out and that corrective
actions are completed and verified.
All Employees
General inspection
Periodic inspections
Where there is equipment with an inherent hazard risk, the area responsible
for creating specific equipment checklists that include a pre-operation
check. These will be completed prior to the start of operations and will
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include information on any corrective actions taken. The responsible area
will keep these records and make them available for assurance and review.
Each health and safety consultant will conduct two audits per year to
ensure that safety management processes are working properly. Each audit
will focus on a higher inherent hazard risk area and will include a deep dive
into a process to test for control efficacy and continuous improvement.
Self-Check 1.3-1
Multiple choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.These will be completed prior to the start of operations and will include
information on any corrective actions taken.
A.Pre-operational Inspections
B.General inspections
C.Specialized inspection
D.All of the above
4. health and safety consultant will conduct this activity per year to ensure
that safety management processes are working properly.
A.General Inspection
B.General Cleaning
A.General inspection
B.Special inspection
2. 4.
3. 5.
What would we do if we didn't have our tools and gadgets? Hand and power
tools are common in any construction work zone, regardless of the type of
project. They are also frequently overlooked as potential safety hazards.
Flying objects, electrical shock, falling objects, punctures and lacerations
are all potential hazards with hand and power tools. Here are ten quick and
easy tips for working safely with hand and power tools.
1.Inspect all of your tools. Never issue or use a faulty or damaged hand or
power tool. Before and after each use, always double-check that they are in
good working order.
2.Select the appropriate tools.Check that you're using the right tool for the
job. This includes using the proper sized bits, blades, and accessories with
your power tools.
4.Do not change your tools.Power tool guards and safety devices should
never be removed or disabled. Don't paint or cover up your tools because
this may make it difficult to detect chips or cracks.
5.Handle with caution. Toys are not tools. Never throw or toss a tool at or
directly at a coworker. Never use an electrical cord to lower or lift a tool into
or out of a workspace.
6.Maintain your distance.When using hand and power tools, make sure you
have enough space to work safely without colliding with other objects or
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7.Look after yourself. Don't leave unused hand tools on the job site. They
can cause tripping or accidentally knock someone on the head.
10.Begin training.Make certain that you and your employees are well-
versed in the use of hand and power tools required for the task at hand.
photocredits to
Cut off disc These discs are frequently used for metal
cutting; they are made of an abrasive
mixture of grit and adhesive that is formed
into a thin, rigid disc with fiber webbing
running through it for strength.
Self-Check 1.3-2
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is primarily used for leaving a clear, wax-like mark on metal and steel.
A. Metal chalk
B.Colored marker
D.Permanent marker
3. The purpose of this is to reduce the intensity of the visible light to the
point where there is no glare and the welding area is clearly visible.
A.Clear glass
B.Filter lens
1. 4.
2. 5.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Understand the procedures,purpose and safety policies in the workplace.
2.Learn effective ways to keep the wokplace safe.
Every business and any individual with control over a work area is
responsible for workplace health and safety. Workplace safety begins with
effective, well-known, and well-understood safety procedures implemented
at all levels of staff. Procedures outline the steps that employees,
supervisors, and officers must take in specific environments or situations, or
when using specific pieces of equipment for work tasks.
Policies and procedures are only one aspect of keeping employees safe.
The'standard' safety management process includes the following steps:
Providing workers with the necessary training to identify risks in the first
place is an essential component of a thorough safety management process.
Some procedures can be carried out without the need for specialized
training. Many situations, however, necessitate strict adherence to
recommended workplace codes of practice.
Self-Check 1.3-3
Short answer.In two to three sentences, write your answer to the questions
given below.
Different types of injuries.
First aid treatment procedure
Emergency hotline number and offices
Proper handling of injured individual
Learning materials
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-video tapes,CD’S,Transparencies
Written/ oral
Direct observation
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome #4
Perform first aid
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read Information Sheet 1.4-1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
Different types of injuries development of the Institutional
Competency Evaluation Tool which
Answer Self-check 1.4-1
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Compare your answers with after finishing a competency of the
Answer Key 1.4-1 qualification.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Learn the most common injuries faced by welding professionals.
2. Identify diseases associated with welding.
Welding is one of the most dangerous construction occupations.
Traditionally, welders had to be concerned about workplace injuries caused
by burns, electricity, and "welder's flash" (blinding and diminished vision).
Recent research has found that toxic chemicals released from welding rods
expose welders to an additional workplace risk of less severe but no less
serious lung, brain, and nerve damage, such as manganism (Welders'
Parkinson's disease).
Skin abrasions
Musculoskeletal disorders
As you can see, the number of injuries a welder faces on a typical workday
is quite high for the profession. As you can see, injuries affect the majority of
the major body systems and are not limited to minor injuries. Many of the
injuries can be fatal.
The eyes are one of the most delicate organs in the body, and they are easily
injured when welding. Arc eye, also known as welder's eye, is one of the
most common eye injuries. Eye injuries can happen quickly and leave a
welder with a permanent injury.
Arc Eye
A flash burn is what is known as an arc eye. It happens quickly and can
cause painful eye damage. A flash burn is similar to a sunburn on the eye in
that it causes inflammation of the cornea. Fortunately, this is a burn that
can heal itself given a few days and medical attention.
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If a welder gets a flash burn on their eye, they will most likely have the
following symptoms:
ocular discomfort
light sensitivity, bloodshot eyes
teary eyes
vision hazard
Flying Debris
Usually, this is a minor injury that heals on its own. However, the scratch
can sometimes go deeper . If this occurs, the individual's vision is likely to
be altered for the rest of their life.
Electrocution Causes
While welding electrocution is not high on the risk list, certain factors make
it a much more real possibility.
The amount of physical contact between the welder and the piece
1. Primary electrical shock is one of the most lethal types of shock a welder
can experience. This happens when you inadvertently touch a component
inside the welding machine while also touching the grounded metal, all
while the machine is turned on. This is something that can happen very
quickly and has the potential to be extremely damaging.
Heart attack
The skin is another area of the body that is frequently injured while welding.
Most of the time, welders are adequately protected while performing their
duties, but some choose not to use all of the recommended protective
equipment, resulting in unnecessary radiation exposure.
Welding is not a particularly noisy job, but there are a few factors that can
have an impact on hearing and hasten hearing loss.
1.Drop-Weld Ear injury- occurs when a piece of hot metal falls into the ear.
2.Excessive Fume Exposure- Most people are aware that fumes can harm
the respiratory system over time, but they do not consider how they may
affect other body systems. There is evidence that suggests that inhaling
these fumes for an extended period of time can disrupt brain nerve cells as
well as other body organs. This disruption can also be linked to hearing loss.
When you work as a welder, you can expect to be exposed to fumes for
several hours per day for many years. If you inhaled these fumes for an
extended period of time, you would most likely suffer from severe health
consequences that may or may not be reversible.
Lung disease
Metal Fume Fever
Infectious Pneumonia
Chronic Bronchitis
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Lung cancer
Each of these diseases has a direct impact on the lungs, making life after
exposure difficult.
Parkinson's disease
Self-Check 1.4-1
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
A.Parkinson’s disease
B. Lung cancer
C.Muscle spasm
D. Arthritis
C.Intermittent welding
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D.All of the above
C.Parkinson’s disease
A.Arc eye
B.UV radiation
C.Blurred vision
5.Occur on any part of the body that is not protected by protective clothing.
B.Muscle spasm
D.UV Radiation
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Learn the first step in any emergency situation recognizing the problem
and providing assistance.
2.Learn first aid basics for common welding injuries.
First aid refers to the emergency or immediate care that should be provided
when a person is injured or ill until full medical treatment is available. For
minor ailments, first aid may suffice. For serious problems, first aid should
be continued until more advanced care is available.
The first step in any emergency is recognizing the problem and providing
assistance. When in doubt, or if someone is seriously injured or ill, always
activate the emergency response system by dialing 911 or your local
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) number.
Know where your first aid kit is and what it contains, whether you are at
home, work, or school.
Consider buying a commercial first aid kit or making your own. It is critical
to keep a preparedness kit in your home, car, and workplace.
Remove your contact lenses (if you use them) until your eyes have
If both eyes are red and painful, do not swab or rub them; instead,
gently but thoroughly use the eyewash station. Drop the liquid behind
your lower eyelid by tilting your head back.
Direct contact with any heat source, electricity, or some chemicals can
cause burns. Minor surface burns to very deep burns that injure muscles,
tendons, nerves, and even bones are all possible. Electrical injuries caused
by high voltage can be catastrophic and even lethal. Any person who has
had an electrical injury should be evaluated in the emergency room.
Make certain that the source of the fire has been addressed and that
the scene is safe.
Put on personal protective equipment and grab a first-aid kit.
Controlling Bleeding
Call 911/EMS.
Wear personal protective equipment and make sure the scene is safe.
Get a first-aid kit.
If possible, inform the dispatcher of the chemicals involved.
Remove the person from the toxin or poison and, if possible, seek a
well-ventilated area.
If any saturated clothing is present, it should be removed.
Follow any advice given by the 911/EMS dispatcher.
Stay with the person until professional help arrives.
If CPR is required, use a mask if at all possible.
To treat any toxin or poison exposure, the eyes should be flushed with
plenty of water. Acids and alkaline solutions are especially caustic and can
result in permanent vision impairment or loss.
Ear Emergencies
Puncture wounds and impaled objects put the injured person at risk.
Puncture wounds can go deeper than they appear, causing damage to
sensitive structures like nerves, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels. Apply
direct pressure to puncture wounds to stop the bleeding, and then seek
medical help. Puncture wounds can transmit bacteria deep inside the
wound, causing dangerous infections. As a result, any significant puncture
wound should be evaluated as quickly as possible by a professional.
While seated in a chair, a person can also pass out. Assist them to the floor
in this scenario. If the person has fallen, be cautious about the possibility of
injury. Call 911 right away if the person does not regain consciousness
quickly. Keep in mind that fainting can be caused by a variety of issues,
some of which are potentially fatal. If you're not sure what's causing your
fainting, dial 911.
Self-Check 1.4-2
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is common reaction to a wide range of circumstances. Individuals may pass out
when they see blood or when they are under a lot of mental stress.
B.Blood loss
C.Breathing problems
2. The following items are commonly found in a first-aid kit except one
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1.Know the importance of keeping emergency hotlines
2.Identify offices and numbers to call during emergencies.
When the need arises, emergency hotlines are your first port of call. As a
result, it's critical that you retain a copy of each of the crucial ones on hand.
Here are all of the reasons why you should always have an emergency phone
number with you.
Climate change has had a significant impact on the state of the planet. And
it's not in a nice way. Climate change is having a negative influence on the
people who live on this planet. Forest fires and droughts are disasters
waiting to happen to anyone who isn't prepared. If you have an emergency
hotline with you, you can call for help as soon as you notice something is
wrong. You may even be able to save the lives of those involved, including
your own.
It's a lifesaver to keep a list of emergency numbers with you at all times.
Most importantly, if you value your life, you will know what to do.
Here are the emergency numbers and offices you should have with you at all
With the community's active cooperation, the PNP will enforce the law,
prevent and control crimes, preserve peace and order, and safeguard public
safety and internal security. Officers of the law Keep peace and order. It
prevents and investigates crimes, as well as prosecuting offenders.
Self-Check 1.4-3
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.This agency will enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, preserve
peace and order, and safeguard public safety and internal security.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Understand the proper procedure for dealing with an injured person.
2. Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
Thousands of people are killed or seriously injured in incidents each year.
Many deaths could be avoided if first aid is administered prior to the arrival
of emergency services.
First, make sure that neither you nor the casualty are in any danger,
and then, if possible, make the situation safe.
When it is safe to do so, call 911or your local medical service provider
for an ambulance.
Keep an eye on them to make sure they're breathing normally and not
obstructing their airway.
D- Dangers
Check for any potential hazards to yourself, the patient, or bystanders and
make the area safe.
R- Responese
A -Airway
Tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway.
B- Breathing
D- Defib
Chest compressions are the most important aspect of CPR; if you are unable
to give a patient breaths for any reason, you should still perform chest
Continue CPR until the ambulance arrives and the paramedics advise you
on what to do.
Moving any sick or injured patient should be avoided as a general rule due
to the risk of causing complications to the underlying condition. Moving a
person from a life-threatening situation to a safer location is an exception to
this rule.
Lifting a person off the ground should be avoided by a first responder. The
safer option is to drag the patient in line with the body's long axis, using
either the arms or the legs to keep the body aligned.
The blanket lift (see below) is the only safe lift for first aid, and it requires a
minimum of 6 people and preparation time.
The following are the safest first aid methods for moving a patient.
Leg dragging
When there are no obvious leg injuries, this is the preferred method.
Crouching low, the first responder grasps the patient's ankles firmly and,
leaning back, drags the patient to safety.
Arm dragging
When there are obvious leg injuries, the first responder should use this
Crouching low, the first aider should pull the patient's arms above his head
and, if possible, grip the elbows. To provide support and prevent the
patient's head from dragging on the ground during the move, the elbows
should be pressed firmly against the patient's head.
Clothing dragging
If the patient has multiple injuries, it may be best to avoid direct traction on
the body by using clothing for the drag. However, there are additional risks
with this method because clothing may suddenly tear, causing the patient to
experience whiplash. To reduce the risks of moving the patient, it is always
best to use the arm or leg drag methods outlined above.
The first aider must have a firm grip on clothing that is pulled up firmly
under the armpits in order to use the clothing drag. A coat or jacket is
preferable to a woollen jersey, which may not support the patient's body
weight. The first responder then crouches low and leans back, firmly pulling
on the clothing.
This method is only safe if there are at least 6 bystanders present, as well as
a strong blanket long enough to support the patient's entire body. It is not a
suitable method for a life-threatening emergency, but it may be useful in a
remote area where there is likely to be a significant delay before trained
personnel arrive. In this case, it is intended to aid in the transfer of a sick or
injured person out of hazardous weather conditions.
The blanket must first be rolled up along its length until only half of it is flat
on the ground. The rolled edge is then placed along the patient's side,
ensuring that the blanket supports both the patient's feet and head.
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The patient is then rolled onto their knees by three helpers on the opposite
side using a 'log-roll' technique in which the patient's head, neck, spine,
hips, and legs remain in a straight line throughout. The blanket's rolled edge
is then placed close to the patient's spine, and the patient is gently eased
back onto the ground.
The patient is then rolled flat to allow the blanket roll to be removed, leaving
the patient lying centrally on the blanket. Three people should stand on
each side of the blanket and roll it up into a tight roll that is held close to
the patient's body.
The first person on each side should grasp the blanket roll, one hand near
the patient's ears and the other at shoulder level.
The middle person on each side should grasp the blanket roll near the
patient's hips and at mid-chest level.
The third person on each side should hold the blanket roll with one hand
near the patient's thighs and the lower hand near the patient's feet.
When the most highly trained person present is satisfied that the lift will be
safe, the lifters are instructed to lean slightly outwards to keep the blanket
tightly stretched and the order to ‘lift slowly' is given. Lifters should lift with
their legs rather than their backs.
The lifters then walk slowly to the planned location, facing forward. Lifters
must be instructed to avoid walking ‘in step,' as this will cause the patient
to rock from side to side. Once the patient has been moved to the new
location, the order is given to lower the patient slowly and carefully.
In some cases, a patient may become trapped and require the assistance of
emergency personnel with specialized training and equipment.
As an example:
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a person who is stranded in a car
A worker who is trapped in a confined space at work
A first responder can take several actions to keep a person alive until a full
rescue can take place. The first responders should do their best to use
standard assessment and management techniques. The examples below are
of a modified approach.
If the patient is unconscious, open and clear the patient's airway in the
position that was discovered. If the patient is held in a vertical position by a
seat belt in a motor vehicle, leave the seat belt in place to stabilize the
patient but lay back in the seat if possible. Support the head with a head tilt
and chin lift while the airway is opened and cleared. Support the head from
behind if possible, or through the side window if that is easier.
If a phone is used, the first aider will receive ongoing advice and feedback,
and he or she will not feel isolated. While it may be tempting to drive the
sick or injured person out of the area, doing so is rarely prudent due to the
real risks of complications during transport.
The main challenge for a first responder in a remote or isolated area is the
likely time delay before highly trained help arrives. It is frequently necessary
for the first aider to continue to care for the patient.
Alcohol should not be given to a sick or injured patient because it can mask
or inhibit their symptoms.
Self-Check 1.4-4
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1.It is a manual method of pumping blood around a person's body after they
have had a cardiac arrest, which simply means their heart has stopped
B.Maze surgery
C.Bypass operation
A.First, make sure that neither you nor the casualty are in any
danger, and then, if possible, make the situation safe.
A. The first aider should apply firm hand pressure to the pad until
trained assistance arrives.
B. Check that there's nothing embedded in the wound. If there is, take
care not to press down on the object.
5. When there are obvious leg injuries, the first responder should use this
A.Arm dragging
B.Cloth dragging
C.Leg dragging
D.Blanket lifting
Types of fire fighting equipment
Types of fire extinguishers
Fire hoses
Fire hydrants
Sources/causes of fires
Proper use of fire fighting equipment
Written/ oral
Direct observation
Learning Experiences
Learning Outcome #5
Read Information Sheet 1.5-1 This Learning Outcome deals with the
Types of fire fighting equipment development of the Institutional
Competency Evaluation Tool which
Answer Self-check 1.5-1
trainers use in evaluating their trainees
Compare your answers with after finishing a competency of the
Answer Key 1.5-1 qualification.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Importance of fire safety in the workplace.
2. Know the different types of fire fighting equipments.
To guarantee the safety of your workers and the protection of your facility, it
is essential that your working environment conforms with all building codes.
No matter what kind of company you operate or how many employees you
have, fire safety should always be a top priority.
Firefighting equipment comprises not just fire hoses and extinguishers, but
also fire-resistant protective gear, gloves, respirators, and communication
Portable (e.g., fire extinguishers, fire blankets) and permanent systems are
the two kinds of firefighting equipment (eg fire hydrants, sprinkler systems).
A portable fire extinguisher's purpose is to put out minor flames that are
discovered shortly after they start. Firefighting equipment should be seen as
both a preventative and a protective measure. Portable fire-fighting
equipment, for example, may prevent a minor fire from spreading out of
control and beyond the region of origin, impacting the means of escape and
presenting a danger to important people.
2. Aim low, aiming the nozzle or hose towards the fire's base. (Do not
touch the horn of a CO2 extinguisher since it gets very cold and may
cause skin injury.)
4. Sweep: Sweep the base of the fire — the fuel supply – from side to side
until the fire is extinguished.
Types of Extinguisher
It is simple to reach
Fixed systems
There are a number of fixed fire-fighting facilities available, including:
fire hydrants and rising mains
hose reel systems
sprinkler systems
water mist and fogging systems
gas systems (sometimes referred to as “clean agent systems”)
foam systems
dry powder.
Fire hydrants
Photo Credits:
Sure Safety
Fire hydrant systems are the method by which significant amounts of water
are delivered to premises (and inside larger properties) for use in firefighting.
It is common for fire hydrant systems to provide a practically limitless
supply of water for use by the fire department.
Water is instantly accessible when wet mains or risers are left charged. To
battle a fire, the fire department must charge dry risers, typically via an
external coupling, when they arrive at the scene.
Dry and wet risers must be checked on a regular basis, typically once a
year, to verify that they will function as intended, that hose couplings are
functioning, and that valves and wheel cocks are freely moving. It is the
"responsible person's" responsibility to see that these tests are carried out.
Hose reels
Photo Credits:Slideserve
Sprinkler systems
Photo Credits:ThoughtCo.
Sprinkler systems are one of the oldest and most dependable ways of
automatically detecting and controlling fires. They are mainly meant to
protect property, but they may play a role in life safety if they are
particularly built for that purpose and used in combination with other fire
safety measures.
A sprinkler system is made up of a network of pipes that are linked to a
water supply through a main valve. The network extends across the whole
protected area, with sprinkler heads (sensing devices) equally placed to
cover the entire area. Sprinkler heads are constantly heat activated and are
programmed to detect fire. When a fire is detected, the fire-detection head
opens, allowing water to flow.
Gaseous systems
Foam systems
Foam systems are mainly water systems that are injected with either air or
nitrogen. Compressors, drillstring floats, a spinning control device, a
separator, and a flare are examples of mechanical equipment. In this
category, the gas source (compressor, etc.) represents a significant expense .
Dry powder
solid combustibles
flammable liquids
flammable metals.
Dry powders should not be utilized for electronic security or densely packed
combustibles like record vaults.
Self-Check 1.5-1
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
A.Gaseous system
B.Water mist system
C.Sprinkler system
D.Wet and Dry riser
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Importance of fire safety in the workplace.
2. Know the different types of fire extinguisher.
Most people, however, are unaware that a single fire extinguisher does not
operate on all kinds of fire. There are many kinds or classes of fire
extinguishers, just as there are numerous classifications of fire.
To achieve real workplace safety, make sure you have the appropriate
extinguisher fitted for the possible fire risks in your facility.
6 Types of Extinguishers
Powder extinguishers are useful for class A, B, and C fires because they do
not conduct electricity and can efficiently interrupt the chain reaction in a
liquid or gas fire, something a water extinguisher can not accomplish.
Photo credits:Electromed
The CO2 extinguisher does exactly what it says on the tin: it extinguishes
CO2. By doing so, it depletes the fire of oxygen, essentially smothering it. It
is ideal for use in class B fires involving flammable liquids as well as
electrical fires.
The water mist extinguisher, the most versatile of the group, employs
modern technology that is effective against most types of fire. The water mist
extinguishers are distinguished by the fact that they have been de-ionized
(the minerals have been removed). As a consequence, it may be used to
extinguish electrical fires since the de-ionized water does not function as a
conductor, as well as burning liquids/gases that a normal water
extinguisher can not. As a result, a water mist extinguisher is both safe and
effective for use on fires of classes A, B, C, and F.
Foam fire extinguishers are useful for class A and B flammable liquids, but
not for gaseous flames.
They spray a kind of foam that expands and covers the fire as it touches the
air. This blanket stops vapors from rising from the liquid and feeding the
fire, thus depriving it of fuel. Because the foam is combined with water, it
also provides a cooling effect.
Foam extinguishers are excellent for liquid flames such as gasoline fires, but
they may also be used for Class A fires with solid combustibles such as
Self-Check 1.5-2
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. This fire extinguisher spray a kind of foam that expands and covers the
fire as it touches the air. This blanket stops vapors from rising from the
liquid and feeding the fire, thus depriving it of fuel.
A. Clean agent fire extinguisher
B.Water mist fire extiguisher
C.Wet chemical fire extinguisher
D.Non of the above
2. A type of gaseous fire suppression. When sprayed and hits the air, it
changes to its gas form, which is non-conductive, safe for use in the
presence of people, leaves no residue, and has a very limited atmospheric
lifespan, making it eco-friendly.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Importance of fire hoses.
2. Know the different types of fire hoses.
Fire hoses are the most often used piece of fire equipment in business, and
they come in a variety of kinds and sizes, each with a unique and essential
In firefighting operations, four types of fire hoses are used: intake hoses,
attack hoses, supply lines, and extinguishers. In terms of the fundamentals,
here's what you should know about the many kinds of fire hoses:
1. Intake Hose
The intake hose connects the fire department's pumper to a portable pump
or another water source. Intake hoses are classified into two types: hard-
suction hoses and soft-sleeve hoses. The hard suction pipe draws water
from under the pump, preventing it from collapsing under vacuum
circumstances. The soft sleeve hose transports water from the fire engine to
2. Attack Hose
Attack hoses come into play when it comes to fighting flames and having
direct influence over extinguishing them. The 1 "Booster Line is the lightest
attack hose, and it can be handled by a single fireman. It is often used for
garbage, brushes, and wash-downs. The 1 3/4 "line is usually utilized for
home and automobile fires and requires the operation of 2-3 fire fighters.
Finally, the 2 1/2" line works at 200-300gpm and is the most powerful
assault hose used to fight commercial buildings and outdoor fires. This hose
requires three to four firemen to operate and is particularly challenging to
utilize in small areas.
3. Supply Line
A supply line is used to bring water from another source to a fire engine.
When the fire demands more water than the booster tank can store, and the
booster tank has to be refilled from a continuous water source, supply lines
are required. Supply lines transport huge amounts of water at low pressure
and are 3"-6" in diameter.
4. Extinguisher Line
The extinguisher line transports extinguishing chemicals (liquid, gas, or
powder) from their holding container to the nozzle where they are
discharged. They may be employed on fixed, wheeled, or vehicle-mounted
extinguisher systems. Extinguisher lines are classified into two types:
conventional and high-pressure. Conventional lines can resist pressures of
up to 400psi, while high-pressure lines can survive pressures of up to
4. Draws water from under the pump, preventing it from collapsing under
vacuum circumstances.
A. hard-suction hoses
B.soft-sleeve hoses
C.Attack hose
D.Intake hose
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Importance of fire hydrants.
2. Know the different types of fire hydrants.
A wet barrel hydrant provides a continuous supply of water, and each hose
outlet has separate valves to regulate the flow of water.
The main valve controls all hose outputs at the same time.
Self-Check 1.5-4
Multiple Choice.Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
B.Underground hydrant
D.Tunnel hydrant
B.Underground hydrant
D.Tunnel hydrant
3. The following are the advantages of using dry barrel hydrants except one:
D. The main valve controls all hose outputs at the same time.
4. The following are the cons of using wet barrel hydrants except one:
C. The main valve controls all hose outputs at the same time.
Fires and explosions aren't the most frequent kinds of industrial mishaps,
but when they do happen, they may be very hazardous-even fatal. Even if
workers are not harmed or injured, the repercussions of fires may be very
costly for companies — not just in terms of property and stock loss, but
also, possibly, in terms of lawsuits if the employer is found to be at fault.
1. Flammable dust
Photo credits:Raken
just about every other industry you can think of. The reason for this is that
almost anything, including food, dyes, chemicals, and metals — even
materials that aren't fire hazards in larger pieces — can be combustible in
dust form.
And these explosions are difficult to contain. In most cases, a small fire will
start when a combustible material comes into contact with an ignition
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If there is dust in the area, the primary explosion will make it airborne. The
dust cloud can then ignite, resulting in a secondary explosion many times
the size and severity of the primary explosion. Secondary explosions, if
enough dust has accumulated, have the potential to bring down entire
facilities, causing massive damage and fatalities.
2. Hot work
Photo credits:HasPod
Although welding and torch cutting are usually associated with hot work,
there are many other operations that may cause a fire, including brazing,
burning, heating, and soldering. This is due to the fact that sparks and
molten material, which may reach temperatures of over 1000°F, can readily
fly more than 35 feet. Hot work is also a significant cause of combustible
dust fires because the sparks produced by the job may ignite dust in the
surrounding environment.
Even if permits are not needed, use a documented permit system for
all hot work projects. It's better to be cautious than sorry!
Keep an eye on the job. Make sure a safety expert is on hand to offer
monitoring, especially if you employ outside contractors.
Photo credits:storemasta
Any job with flammable liquids and gases has some risk, but all possible
safety measures should be used to minimize these hazards.
Be aware of the dangers. Knowing the safety information for any liquid
on your premises is a critical component of prevention. The material
safety data sheet (MSDS) that comes with such goods contains this
Control all sources of ignition. Keep ignition sources as far away from
combustible items as possible, unless when deliberately heating them.
Photo credits:elomatic
Heating and hot work equipment are usually the most problematic issues
here, particularly furnaces that are improperly installed, operated, and
maintained. Furthermore, due to friction between moving components, any
mechanical device may constitute a fire danger. This danger may be reduced
to almost nothing by simply following prescribed cleaning and maintenance
measures, including lubrication.
What may surprise you is that even apparently harmless equipment may
pose a risk under the proper conditions. In many instances, the equipment
that is least likely to be thought of as a fire hazard turns out to be the most
problematic. This is because businesses may fail to identify the danger and,
therefore, fail to take the required measures.
There are three major types of strategies for avoiding fires caused by
equipment and mechanical issues:
Housekeeping and cleaning
You can't avoid dangers you're not aware of. Your workers, on the other
hand, can not. Provide safety awareness training so that everyone in your
institution is aware of potential hazards and what to do if they come across
Finally, for all of the equipment and machinery in your facility, adhere to the
manufacturer's suggested maintenance practices. Regular maintenance will
not only reduce your fire risk by avoiding overheating, but it will also keep
your equipment in peak operating order.
5. Electrical hazards
Electrical fires are one of the top five causes of factory fires. Here is a list of
specific electrical hazards:
The harm caused by these flames may rapidly compound. Any of the
aforementioned risks may produce a spark, which can act as an ignition
source for combustible dust as well as flammable liquids and gases.
Self-Check 1.5-5
A. List down atleast two specific electrical hazards. Then, explain each
B. List down the three major types of strategies for avoiding fires caused by
equipment and mechanical issues:
Book or E-book
R&B company
Demonstration with
oral questioning
Written Test
Table of Specifications
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Objectives/ # of items
Content Knowledge Comprehension Application / % of
Area/Topics test
Waste types,
streams and 1 10%
management 1 10%
Waste non-
conformance 1 10%
Sorting and
transporting 1 1 20%
Method 1 10%
requirements 1 1 20%
requirements 1 1 20%
TOTAL 3 3 4 100%
management 1 1 10%
Waste non-
conformance 1 1 10%
Sorting and
transporting 1 1 2 20%
Method 1 1 10%
requirements 1 1 2 20%
requirements 1 1 2 20%
TOTAL 3 3 4 10 100%
Written Test
Multiple Choice
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. d
5. e
6. a
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. d
Yes No N/A
During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate:
Stated the Types of Waste and its examples.
Stated the purpose of identifying and segregating
Performed hand hygiene or hand washing.
Gathered and Presented Personal Protective
Wore PPE in cephalocaudal direction (mask,
goggles, cap, gown, gloves, boots).
Collected waste.
Identified and segregated waste according to its
type. (appropriate garbage bin).
Explained that pull out bags in the garbage bin
and tied it securely when it is full and ready to
transport to storage area.
Removed PPE from most contaminated to the least
contaminated (boots, gloves, gown, cap, goggles,
Questions Satisfactory
The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No
1. Why is it important to identify and segregate
2. What are the PPE used before identifying and
segregating waste?
3. How to wear PPE before identifying and segregating
4. What is the first thing to do in identifying and
segregating waste?
5. What are the waste type categories?
2. What are the PPE used before identifying and segregating waste?
Answer: Mask, Eyewear, Cap, Gown, and Boots
2. What are the PPE used before identifying and segregating waste?
Answer: Mask, Eyewear, Cap, Gown, and Boots