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B.E. V – Semester (CBCS) (CSE)(Supple.) Examination, May/June 2019
Subject: Database Management Systems
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: Answer all questions from Part-A. Answer any FIVE questions from Part-B.
Part – A (2x10=20 Marks)
1) What is the need of data model in DBMS and give its classification
2) Write about data mining analysis.
3) What is a surrogate key? How can it be used for schema refinement?
4) What is a phantom record? Why do they occur?
5) Explain object-oriented data model.
6) Explain about JDBC.
7) Write about multiple granularity.
8) What is ARIES?
9) What is fuzzy check point?
10) Explain about Log based recovery
Part – B (5x10=50 Marks)
11 a) Describe about object based databases. (5M)
b) Explain the concept of design issues in E-R model with suitable examples. (5M)
12 a) Consider the following schema:
Suppliers (sid, sname, address)
Parts (pid, pname, color)
Catalog (sid, pid, cost)
i) Find the sids of suppliers who supply some red or green part
ii) Find the sids of suppliers who supply every red or green part
iii) Find the pids of parts supplied by at least two different suppliers. (6M)
b) Explain about Nested sub queries with example (4M)