Research in Daily Life 1 Research in Daily Life 2: Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (Fidp)
Research in Daily Life 1 Research in Daily Life 2: Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (Fidp)
Research in Daily Life 1 Research in Daily Life 2: Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (Fidp)
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research.
WEEK 1: The
learner The learners: The learners:
NATURE OF demonstrates K/ U >Concept Map Pencil and COMMUNIC VIDEO
INQUIRY understanding 1. Evaluate an Remembering Paper Test ATION CLIPS/
AND of: 1. Describes example >Illustration of DISCUSSION
RESEARCH The learner is characteristics, thesis in the importance or LOOPING/
1. The able to: strengths, terms of its of quantitative Sample FREE
characteristic weaknesses, characteristics U research Research WRITING
Decide on
s, strengths, and kinds of , strengths, across fields Analysis
suitable quantitative
weaknesses, weaknesses,
quantitative research
and kinds of kind, Reasoning
quantative research in U importance Proof
research different areas and usage of Understanding/ >H-diagram Group BRAIN
of interest variables Analyzing showing the Activity/ STORMING
2. The similarities and Presentation
importance 2.Illustrates differences of
of the importance variables and
quantitative of quantitative 2. Write/give the their uses
research research across importance of K/U
across fields fields the
quantitative >Quiz
research in
different fields
3. The nature 3.Differentiate
of kinds of U
Variables variables and 3. Write/ list the D Analyzing Think-Pair
their uses kinds of Share / Q &
variables and A
their uses
The learner
IDENTIFYIN demonstrates The learner is Cycling
able to:
The learner:
G THE understanding Formulate Question Presentation Collaborativ Randomized
INQUIRY of: clearly the 1. Design a D Creating of title, with e Learning Question
AND statement of research the scope
STATING THE 1. The research useful in Make a draft of Research topic and
PROBLEM range of problem daily life Chapter 1 D writing with delimitation,
research 2. Writes a D including Creating scope and significance
topics in research title research title, delimitation of and Writing
the area 3. Describes background of Understanding the study, statement of Activity
of inquiry U the research/ significance of the problem Communicat
of research study, research Creating the study and ion
2. The value 4. States questions, scope statement of
of research D and delimitation the problem
research questions of the study and Understanding
in the 5. Indicates statement of the
area of scope and U problem Oral
interest delimitation of Creating Presentation
6. Cites
The specificity D
benefits and RRL Writing
and feasibility
beneficiaries Creating
of the problem
of study
posed D
7. Presents
statement of
the problem
The learner is
able to:
1. Illustrates and
The explains
Collaborativ Interactive
learner conceptual
LEARNING Present framework Synthesize the e Sharing of Learning
FROM demonstrates objectively 2. Defines terms collected related CREATING Conceptual Presentation Research
OTHERS AND understanding written review used in study literature to U Framework of RRL and Literature
REVIEWING of: of related clearly explain Illustration Conceptual
THE literature and 3. Lists research K and discuss the Frame work
LITERATURE 1. The criteria conceptual hypotheses (if study of research
in selecting, framework appropriate) and cite them
citing, and using the proper Writing the
synthesizing 4. present citations Definition of
related written review terms used in
literature and related the study Writing
literature and Activity
2. Ethical conceptual D
standards framework
in writing
3. The
4. The
5. The
of terms as
used in the
The learner is
able to:
The learner:
WEEK 4: Write the best Concept Presents Collaborative
The learner Describe possible research Mapping Research Presents Learning
UNDERSTAN demonstrates adequately 1. Chooses methodology for D Remembering Methodology Research
DING DATA understanding quantitative appropriate the study Methodolog
AND WAYS of: research quantitative presented y Writing
TO designs, research K including the Understanding Writing Activity
SYSTEMATIC 1. Quantitativ sample, design research design, Research
ALLY e research instrument sample, Methodology
COLLECT design used, 2. Describes instrument used, Applying
DATA intervention (if sampling data collection Presentation
2. Description applicable) procedure and data analysis of the
of sample and sample U procedures Research
3. Instrument 3. Constructs
developme an
nt instrument
4. Data establishes U
collection its validity
and and
analysis reliability
such as 4. Describes
survey, intervention
interview (if
applicable) D
5. and
observation 5. Plans data
Guidelines collection
in writing procedure
research U
methodolo 6. Plans data
gy analysis
and D
testing (if
7. Presents
methodolog D
The Learner is
able to: The Learner:
1. Collects data
Gather and using
The Learner Communicat Group Work
analyze data
FINDING Demonstrates with intellectual appropriate D Clearly writhe the Applying/ creating Bubble Graph Graph ion
ANSWERS understanding honesty, using instruments interpretation and D Interpretatio
THROUGH of: suitable analysis of data n and
DATA techniques 2. Presents based on the Creating analysis
COLLECTION 1. Data and gathered data and
collection interprets D chosen statistical
procedures data in data Writing
and skills tabular and Activity
using varied graphical Communicati
instruments forms on
2. Data 3. Uses
processing, statistical
organizing techniques
and analysis to analyze
data--- D
Study of
differences and
limited for
The learner is
able to:
The learner:
3. The
process of D
4. The
criteria and
process of
best design
PERFORMANCE TASK: The learner will conduct a research that presents a contemporary problem face by millennial applying the process of research learned in Practical Research 1, in which
you can use in the near future. Your title of research should be in line with your track or strand.