Practical Research 2 FIDP PDF
Practical Research 2 FIDP PDF
Practical Research 2 FIDP PDF
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through quantitative research
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner is able to form logical conclusions, make recommendations based on conclusions, and write and present a clear report.
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The learner 1. Designing a The learner is The learner: The learner:
demonstrates research able to:
understanding of: useful in 1. Designs a Doing 1. Designs a Doing Creating Research Problem Brainstorming
2. daily life. Clearly research research Projects Solving
1. The range of Writing a formulate the useful in useful in
research 3. research statement of daily life. daily life.
topics in the title. research
area of Describing problem. 2. Writes a Doing 2. Writes a Doing Creating Problem Written
inquiry. 4. background research title. research title. Solving Report
2. The value of of the study.
research in Stating 3. Describes Understanding 3. Describes Understanding Analyzing Communication Question
Identifying the area of 5. research background background Generation
the interest questions. of research. of research.
Inquiry and 3. The Indicating
Stating the specificity 6. Scope and 4. States Understanding 4. States Understanding Evaluating Reasoning Written
Problem and feasibility Delimitation research research Proof Report
of the Presenting questions. questions.
problem written
posed. Statement of Understanding Understanding Applying Connections Written
5. Indicates 5. Indicates
the Problem Report
scope and scope and
delimitation delimitation
of study. of study.
Doing Doing Creating Problem Oral
6. Presents 6. Presents Solving Presentation
written written
statement of statement of
the problem. the problem.
Learning The learner 1. Illustrating The learner is The learner: The learner:
from demonstrates and able to:
Others and understanding of: explaining 1. Illustrates Doing 1. Illustrates Doing Analyzing Title Communication Written
Reviewing Conceptual 1. Select, cite, and explains and explains Defense Report
Literature 1. The criteria Framework. and conceptual conceptual
in selecting, 2. synthesize framework. framework.
citing, and Defining judiciously
synthesizing terms in the related 2. Defines Understanding 2. Defines Understanding Analyzing Communication Written
related 3. study. literature terms used terms used Report
literature. and use in the study. in the study.
Listing sources
2. The ethical research according to 3. Lists Doing 3. Lists Doing Creating Problem Focus Listing
standards in 4. hypotheses. ethical research research Solving
writing standards. hypotheses hypotheses
related Writing (if (if
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literature. coherent 2. Clearly appropriate) Doing appropriate) Doing Creating Problem Written
Review of formulate Solving Report
3. The Literature. conceptual 4. Presents 4. Presents
formulation framework, written written
of conceptual research review of review of
framework. hypotheses related related
(if literature and literature and
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The learner 1. Choosing The learner is The learner:
demonstrates appropriate able to:
understanding of: quantitative 1. Chooses Understanding 1. Understanding Analyzing Proposal Communicatio Concept
research Adequately appropriate Chooses Defense n Formation
1. Quantitative design. describe quantitative appropriate
research quantitative research quantitative
designs. 2. Describe research design. research
sample size designs, design.
2. Description of and sample, 2. Describes Understanding 2. Understanding Analyzing Oral
sample. sampling instrument sampling Describes Communicatio Presentation
procedure. used, procedure sampling n
3. Instrument 3. intervention (if and the procedure
development. Constructing applicable), sample. and the
an data collection, Doing 3. sample. Doing Creating Written
4. Description of instrument and analysis 3. Constructs an Report
and procedures. instrument Constructs Problem
establishes and an Solving
(if 4. its validity establishes instrument
Understanding applicable)
and its validity and
Data and
reliability. and reliability. Understanding 4. establishes Understanding Analyzing Oral
Ways to 5. Data 5. its validity Presentation
Systematically collection and
Describing 4. Describes and Communicatio
Collect Data analysis
Intervention intervention reliability. n
(if Understanding 5. Understanding Analyzing Mock Press
such as 6. Planning Describes
applicable) Conference
survey, Data intervention
interview, and Collection 5. Plans data 6. (if Communicatio
observation. Procedures. applicable)
collection Understanding Understanding Applying n Pair online
procedure. discussion
6. Guidelines in Planning Plans data
writing 7. Data collection
research 6. Plans data
Analysis procedure. Connections
methodology. analysis
using Plans data
statistics and analysis
statistics and
hypotheses using
testing. statistics and
Presenting testing (if
research appropriate)
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The learner 1. Collecting data The learner is able The learner:
demonstrates using to: 1.
understanding appropriate Collects data Doing 1. Collects data Doing Creating Outline Problem Focus
of: instruments. Gather and analyze using appropriate using Defense Solving Listing
data with instruments. appropriate
1. Data 2. Presenting and intellectual honesty, 2. instruments.
collection interpreting using suitable Presents and
procedures data in tabular techniques. interprets data in Doing 2. Presents and Doing Creating Problem
Finding and skills and graphical tabular and interprets data Solving Presentation
Answers using varied forms graphical forms. in tabular and
through instruments. . 3. graphical forms.
Data 3. Using statistical Uses statistical
Collection 2. Data techniques in techniques to 3. Uses statistical
processing, analyzing data. analyze data – Doing techniques to Doing Creating Problem
organizing, study of analyze data – Solving Written
and analysis differences and study of Report
relationships differences and
limited for relationships
bivariate limited for
analysis. bivariate
The learner 1. Drawing logical The learner is able 1.
demonstrates conclusion from to: 1. Draws Understanding Draws Understanding Evaluating Reasoning Presentation
understanding research conclusions from conclusions Proof
of: findings. 1. Form logical research findings. from research
conclusions. 2. findings.
1. Guidelines in 2. Formulating 2. Formulates Doing Formulates Doing Creating Final Problem Presentation
making recommendation 2. Make recommendations recommendation Defense Solving
conclusion s recommendation s
Reporting and s based on
and recommendation conclusions
Findings 3. Write and
present a clear
Performance Task:
Present a research paper in front of a research panel.
Research Instructor and members of the research panel.
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By the end of the semester, student groups will get to present their output in front of the research panelists; evaluating their output and suggesting final adjustments for official approval.
A research workbook ready for display in the School Library
*All outputs shall be compiled in a sliding folder attached are the following:
- List of members who contributed in submitting the output
- Notes and recommendations by the research panel - Approval sheet
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