FIDP Oral Communication
FIDP Oral Communication
FIDP Oral Communication
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Mountain Province
Bontoc, Mountain Province
Core Subject Description: The development of listening and speaking skills and strategies for effective communication in various situations.
Culminating Performance Standard: Proficiently deliver various speeches using the principles of effective speech delivery.
e. Follows
standards in
f. Presents
review of
Understanding The learner Qualitative The learner is a. Chooses D Application Venn Diagramming Communication INDIVIDUAL
Data and demonstrates Research able to: appropriate on the different ACTIVITY:
Ways to understanding Designs, and qualitative sampling procedures. Use one
Systematically of: Sampling 1. Describe research qualitative
Collect Data qualitative design research design
1. Qualitative research to direct a doable
research designs, b. Describes or practicable
designs sample, and sampling research study
data collection procedure about one thing
2. The and analysis and sample you are curious
description of procedures about. For
sample c. Plans data instance, subject
2. Apply collection to study a
3. Data imaginatively and analysis member of a
collection art/design procedures group,
and analysis principles to organization,
procedures create artwork d. Presents object, event,
such as written modern
survey, technological
interview, research gadget or device,
and methodolog particular social
observation y media network,
person’s selfie
4. The e. Utilizes behavior, or any
application of materials other creature or
creative and entity in this
design techniques world. Choose a
principles for to produce research design
execution creative that corresponds
work to the kind of
researcher you
are, who as a
beginner in the
field, is inclined to
facing the
constraints of
time, money,
know-how, etc.
Performance Task:
GOAL To enhance your critical thinking skills through research, formulation of problems, questions, and analysis of data
ROLE Newbie Researcher
AUDIENCE Research Panel and Everyone
You are a beginner researcher who is trying to determine a possible solution to the problems in the community you belong to. Your goal is to
formulate a research plan and accomplish your research proposal. You will be preparing your background of the study, your research problems.
PRODUCT Research Proposal
STANDARD Take into consideration the given rubric and allow it to guide you as make your research paper.
4 3 2 1
Exceptionally clear, focused, Clear thesis which maintains a Contains thesis but with Thesis statement lacks clarity
interesting thesis consistent focus from inconsistent focus and focus
Strong, rich supporting details beginning to end Generalized supporting details Inadequate or missing
and examples that prove thesis Specific supporting details are that prove thesis supporting details
Content and Focus
A meaningful conclusion present
explaining the importance of A clear conclusion as to why
the research and how it can be the research is important
Strong introduction Clear introduction and Parts of the research paper is Unable to clearly identify
Consistent and coherent logical conclusion present but not clear introduction and other parts of
progression Illustrates some consistency Show some attempt of the paper
Organization Uses clear and skillful and shows some logical consistency and order. Lack of consistency and order
transitions progression Proposal shows attempt of Paper shows little or no
Uses clear transitions transitions between attempt of transitions between
paragraphs paragraphs
Written in formal language Majority of paper written in Some use of formal language Paper frequently uses
(avoids slang completely) formal language recognized; informal language informal language
Elaborate and colorful Language appropriate to topic is dominant Language is not appropriate
language Words convey intended Most language is appropriate to topic
Consistently strong and varied message to topic Message is unclear
sentence structure. Direct quotes support student’s Able to get vague idea of Majority of paper is
Direct quotes support students’ ideas message plagiarized
ideas Majority of paper written in Some parts of paper written in
Paper written in students’ own student’s own words. student’s own words
Superior editing. Rarely makes Careful editing. Makes few Some evidence of editing Poor editing
errors in the following areas: errors in the following areas: a. Extensive spelling and a. Spelling and grammatical
Convention a. Spelling and mechanics a. Spelling and mechanics grammatical errors errors make it difficult to
b. Correct usage and b. Correct usage and read paper
grammar grammar