HEALTH Activity 1-Picture
HEALTH Activity 1-Picture
HEALTH Activity 1-Picture
HEALTH Activity 1: Picture!
A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a medical disorder that is not contagious and does
not spread from person to person. NCDs include diseases that develop slowly and slowly, as well
as those that can cause death quickly. Many cancers, asthma, diabetes, and kidney disorders, as
well as some forms of autoimmune diseases, cardiac diseases, and strokes in adults and
teenagers, are among them. NCDs are classified solely by their non-infectious cause, not by the
length or progression of the disease. NCD mortality is believed to be caused by four distinct
diseases. Cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases are
among them. Other key diseases that are associated with NCDs are mental illnesses, alcoholism
and alcoholic disorders, schizophrenia and general depression. NCD also encompasses certain
infectious diseases.
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) including heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic
respiratory diseases, and diabetes are the world's leading causes of death. This invisible
epidemic is an under-appreciated cause of poverty that stymies many countries' economic
growth. The strain is rising as the number of affected individuals, families, and communities
grows. The major NCDs are caused by common, modifiable risk factors. Tobacco, harmful
alcohol use, poor diet, inadequate physical activity, overweight/obesity, high blood pressure,
high blood sugar, and high cholesterol are among them. Established information can be used
to combat the NCD challenge.