PSY 101course Syllabus 211
PSY 101course Syllabus 211
PSY 101course Syllabus 211
Mission Statement
Mission statement of General Courses Department is to provide PSU students with diverse
educational opportunities by delivering high quality courses in social, health, and physical
sciences that help students develop intellectual hard skills in these domains and interpersonal and
transferable soft skills, such as critical thinking and analytical, management and communication
skills. These capacities will empower students to achieve success across the academic programs
at Prince Sultan University, to gain professional competencies for the workplace, as well as to
become multi-talented and valuable community members of the society
I. Course Description:
This course will survey the various fields of psychology. Topics such as development, learning,
motivation, personality, and memory will be included. The course will explore current
approaches to psychology and demonstrate how biological, cognitive, and socio-cultural
perspectives combine to provide a comprehensive view of human behavior.
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
II. Course Learning Outcomes :( A summary of intended learning outcomes of the course in
each domain of learning). On the successful completion of this course, students will be able to
demonstrate the following:
III. Tentative Weekly Course Schedule :( Should mention the specific course topics to be
covered within the semester) May change to accommodate guest presenters & student
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
Science of
2 Ch1: Thinking Cognitive Skills Reading 5-9 3
Critically with Knowledge September
3 Ch5: Developing quiz 12-16 3
through the Life Span Knowledge September
Ch. 2: Biology of Mind
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
17 revision 19-23
18 Final Exam All CLOs December
IV. Student Assessment & Teaching Strategies: Assessment Task (Indicate the kind of
assessment tasks to be used to measure student learning in each of the learning domains.
Example: Quiz oral examination, group work, etc.).
Teaching Strategies :( Please indicate the teaching and student activities to be used to
develop the kinds of learning involved in each learning domain. Also, research specialized
Information about Best Teaching Practices for the particular course/field).
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
V. Course Requirements [Whatever tasks and assignments you include in your course should
be aligned with the specified learning outcomes (final learning, skills, knowledge,
attitudes, and values the students leave the course with) you have defined and specified
These requirements should be consistent with the Course Specification on file in the
particular department.]
Proportion of Final
Assessment Assessment Task Week Due Assessment
Myers, D.G., and Dewall, C.N. (2015). Exploring Psychology (11th e). New York: Worth
Publishers (ISBN-13: 978-1464154072).
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
Myers, David G. (2019). Psychology (12thed). New York: Worth Publishers Company
Kalat, J.W (2017). Introduction to Psychology (11th ed). USA: Cengage Learning.
C. EDU-HUB Platform – The platform will be used for all online education experiences
at PSU. It supports a variety of methods to support the teaching and learning strategies
across all disciplines. It also includes the LMS.
All students are expected to submit their ‘own’ work and not the work of others.
B. Attendance Policy
Please, adhere to the following guidelines:
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Prince Sultan University
College/ Department TLC 2018 Form 12 /Institutional
First Semester 2021__ 2022 Course Syllabus Template
1. The University attendance policy will be strictly followed. In this course, the absence of
13 or more hours results in a Denied Notice (DN). (Refer to the student regulation
handbook for further details.)
The Rules and Implementation for the DN System
3. No make-up exams will be allowed except for university accepted documents. (Refer to
the student regulation handbook for further details.)
C. Homework Submission Policy (policy depends upon the course or the instructor)
Any unacceptable delay in assignment submission will result in a deduction of 1 mark for every
day of delay.
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