Noise Reducing Pavements
Noise Reducing Pavements
Noise Reducing Pavements
- European experience
Hans Bendtsen
Jørgen Kragh
Erik Nielsen
6.5 Norway.............................................................................................................. 55
6.6 Sweden .............................................................................................................. 57
6.7 Switzerland........................................................................................................ 58
6.8 United Kingdom................................................................................................ 60
6.9 General comments............................................................................................. 61
7. Noise versus other pavement functionalities ........................................................... 64
7.1 Structural durability .......................................................................................... 64
7.1.1 Ravelling and fretting ................................................................................ 64
7.1.2 Shearing (and braking) forces.................................................................... 65
7.1.3 Permanent deformation or rutting.............................................................. 65
7.2 Structural issues ................................................................................................ 65
7.2.1 Bearing capacity and elastic modulus........................................................ 65
7.2.2 Perpetual Pavement concept ...................................................................... 65
7.3 Traffic safety ..................................................................................................... 65
7.3.1 "Anti splash" and aquaplaning................................................................... 65
7.3.2 Skid resistance or friction .......................................................................... 66
7.3.3 Winter situations issues.............................................................................. 66
7.4 Climate, energy and environmental issues ........................................................ 66
7.4.1 Climate....................................................................................................... 67
7.4.2 Life Cycle Assessment............................................................................... 67
7.4.3 Rolling resistance and energy and CO2...................................................... 67
7.4.4 Tire noise labeling ..................................................................................... 67
7.5 Additional issues ............................................................................................... 68
7.5.1 Utility works and "noise print" .................................................................. 68
7.5.2 Noise reducing pavements on bridge decks............................................... 68
8. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 70
9. References ............................................................................................................... 78
Appendix A List of terms and abbreviations ........................................................ 84
Executive summary
There is increasing focus in Europe on applying noise reducing pavements on the road
network as a cost-effective noise abatement measure. In the present report the newest
European experiences on the practical use of noise reducing pavements are presented.
The report has been produced by the Danish Road Directorate, Danish Road Institute
(DRI-DK) as part of a cooperation between California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) and DRI-DK on the development of quieter pavements. The study has been
structured around twelve key questions and the main conclusions follow below.
Only a few countries have an explicit policy for their use of noise reducing pavements,
even though in many countries noise reducing pavements ever more often are a part
of the "toolbox" – with various degree of documentation – in noise abatement. Noise
reducing pavements are often used on a case-to-case basis in new road projects and in
pavement maintenance.
The Netherlands apply porous asphalt on their entire main road network following an
increase in 1987 of the permitted vehicle speed from 100 km/h to 120 km/h. In Den-
mark, a policy is still under development in the Danish Road Directorate, but noise re-
ducing surfacings are frequently used on new roads and when significant change is
made of existing roads. The municipality of Copenhagen has decided to apply noise
reducing surfacings in its maintenance work on streets with an ADT exceeding 2000
vehicles. The introduction of the Danish so called SRS noise labeling system for noise
reducing pavements has been a breakthrough for the use of such pavements. The rea-
son it has been possible to introduce noise reducing pavements is more than a decade
of research and development carried out in cooperation between the DRI-DK, road
owners and pavement industry. This cooperation has often taken place in the frame-
work of international projects which have enlarged the available resources and facili-
tated intensive knowledge sharing.
The policy in the Netherlands to use porous pavements on all main roads is very effi-
cient from a noise abatement point of view. The Danish SRS system brings noise re-
ducing pavement products on the market and facilitates tendering noise reducing
pavement. The process of having road administrations and the pavement industry de-
velop the SRS system in consensus with consultants gave wide acceptance and has
brought the knowledge of the system to many users. The Danish Road Directorate has
repeatedly published information about the system at annual Danish road conferences,
in pavement magazines, workshops etc. A vital cornerstone in this achievement has
been good collaboration and a team spirit between involved asphalt technologists (pri-
vate and public).
Noise reducing pavement can be used in conjunction with other measures, but noise
reducing pavements should always be the first choice measure because it attacks the
problem at the source (tire-road-noise) and it is often the most cost-effective measure
of noise abatement. For example, in Denmark the widening of an express ring-road
around Copenhagen combines noise reducing pavement, four meter high noise barriers
and façade insulation. In the Netherlands, noise reducing pavements are frequently
used in combination with noise barriers. One reason for the Dutch policy of applying
noise reducing surfacing is that road administrations were required by law to reduce
the noise and this could be done by increasing the height of existing noise barriers or
by building new barriers, both very expensive solutions, or by using noise reducing
porous pavement or thin layer surfacings which are much more cost-effective.
The noise reduction obtained by applying noise reducing pavements depends very
much on what situation is used for comparison (noise reducing pavement versus new
or worn surface). By choosing a reference pavement giving rise to high levels of
tire/road noise the noise reducing products are seemingly better. Different types of
reference pavements (with different ages) in relation to noise are used around Europe.
The reference pavement in each country is typically chosen from what would have
been the most probable alternative used for high capacity roads prior to the focus on
noise reducing pavements. In Denmark the reference is a worn (approx. 8 years old)
surface of a dense graded asphalt concrete with 11 mm nominal maximum aggregate
size. This mix type was the dominant surface course for Danish highways during
1993-1998 and has an average (structural) durability of approximately 12 years. The
Netherlands use a reference pavement based on a population of surfaces all of which
were probably less than two years old at the time of noise measurement. For high
speed roads the reference is dense graded asphalt concrete with 16 mm maximum ag-
gregate size, while for roads with lower speeds a combination of dense graded asphalt
concrete with 11 and 16 mm maximum aggregate size is used. Sweden uses a Stone
Mastic Asphalt 16 mm (or dense graded Asphalt Concrete 16 mm) at the age of one
year, primarily based on CPX-measurements.
The Danish Ministry of Transport has worked out a catalogue of unit-prices for the
cost of time consumption for driving, and the unit-cost to society due to air pollution
and emission of CO2, noise, accidents and congestion etc. which can be used to calcu-
late noise reducing pavement benefits. The noise costs consist of contributions from
annoyance (based on house-prices in areas with different noise exposure), while the
health cost is based on the risk of hospitalization and loss of life due to noise expo-
sure. To take advantage of cost-benefit computation, reliable data are needed on the
development over time of the noise level / pavement noise reducing properties. A first
version of such a model was a result of the EU project SILENCE.
Some noise monitoring over time on noise reducing pavements has been done in the
Netherlands, France and Germany to gain “overall experience”, but not all individual
pavement works are monitored. In Denmark, several test sections have been moni-
tored every year by SPB measurements and this is now supplemented with CPX
measurement. Texture measurement by means of laser equipment will be added soon.
This has generated valuable lifetime noise reduction time histories. A continuation of
this monitoring is planned, provided the necessary funding will be available.
Usually it is the road owner who pays for the noise reducing pavement, either in a pro-
ject for constructing a new road or in the ongoing process of pavement renewal on ex-
isting roads. The Municipality of Copenhagen discussed to require for a developer of a
new residential area to pay for a noise reducing pavement on an existing nearby road
in order to be given permission to build new dwellings, but such action has not yet
been decided.
Warranty periods for noise reducing pavements in Denmark are the same as for stan-
dard pavements (legally 5 years) but there is no established practice yet as to how the
warranty covers the acoustical performance. When more experience is gathered with
respect to the durability of the individual mix types it is assumed that durability
(acoustical and structural) will be important in the competition between products
/contractors like it is on standard asphalt materials.
Several countries apply correction factors in their prediction schemes to take the influ-
ence of the road surfacing into account when analyzing traffic noise impact on the en-
• The ongoing development and testing of noise reducing thin layers seem to provide
low cost noise reduction. Surfacings based on the design principles for such Euro-
pean products could be developed with the pavement construction materials avail-
able in California.
• In Germany there is a trend to replace Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) with Stone
Mastic Asphalt which has a lot of application advantages in the rehabilitation and
maintenance situation on a heavily congested road network. Some Portland Cement
Concrete test sections have been built which show reasonable noise levels, but they
are presently few and on a purely experimental stage, so no substantial information
on PCC solutions is available.
• Two-layer porous pavement optimized for long-term noise reduction and durability
for roads with speeds above 70 km/h might be an option for testing in order to
achieve high noise reduction.
• Further down the road poro-elastic surfacing might be an option. There are plans
for European research and development of such an idea.
Dansk sammenfatning
I Europa er der voksende fokus på støjreducerende vejbelægninger på vejnettet som
et omkostningseffektivt virkemiddel til at reducere støjen. I denne rapport præsenteres
de nyeste europæiske erfaringer med brug af støjreducerende vejbelægninger.
Rapporten er udarbejdet af Vejdirektoratet/Vejteknisk Institut (VI) som led i et samar-
bejde om forskning, udvikling og demonstration på området støjreducerende vejbe-
lægninger mellem den californiske vejmyndighed, Caltrans, og VI. Undersøgelsen har
været struktureret omkring 12 hovedspørgsmål og konklusionerne præsenteres i det
Kun få lande i Europa har en eksplicit politik for brug af støjreducerende vejbelæg-
ning selvom støjreducerende belægninger i stigende omfang bliver et virkemiddel i
støjbekæmpelsen. Støjreducerende vejbelægninger anvendes både i nye vejprojekter
og ved vedligeholdelsesarbejder.
I Holland anvendes drænasfalt på hele motorvejsnettet. Det blev besluttet i 1987, hvor
den generelle hastighedsgrænse blev hævet fra 100 til 120 km/t. Vejdirektoratet er ved
at udvikle en dansk politik for brug af støjreducerende vejbelægninger samtidig med,
at disse belægninger allerede ofte anvendes både på nye veje og i forbindelse med
vedligeholdelsesarbejder. Københavns kommune har i 2008 besluttet at anvende støj-
reducerende belægninger ved vedligeholdsarbejder på alle vejstrækninger med en års-
døgntrafik på over 2000 biler.
Den hollandske politik med at anvende drænasfalt på alle motorveje er meget effektiv
i forhold til støjreduktion. Det danske SRS system gør det let at inkludere støj i udbud
af vejbelægninger og medvirker til at fremme introduktion af støjreducerende belæg-
ninger på markedet. SRS systemet er udviklet i samarbejde og konsensus mellem in-
volverede parter, hvilket betyder at systemet er bredt accepteret og kendt i vejsektoren
i Danmark. Vejdirektoratet har løbende offentliggjort information om SRS systemet
på Vejforum konferencerne, i fagtidsskrifter, ved seminarer mv. Et vigtigt aspekt ting
har været det gode samarbejde og ”hold-ånd” blandt belægningsspecialister fra den of-
fentlige og den private sektor.
Støjreducerende belægninger kan bruges i kombination med andre former for støjbe-
skyttelse, men en støjreducerende belægning bør være det første valg af virkemiddel
fordi støjen dæmpes ved kilden (dæk-vejbane støj) og fordi det ofte er det mest om-
kostningseffektive virkemiddel. Ved udvidelsen af Motorringvejen omkring Køben-
havn anvendes en kombination af støjreducerende tyndlagsbelægning, op til 4 m høje
støjskærme samt facadeisolering. I Holland anvendes støjreducerende vejbelægninger
ofte i kombination med støjskærme. En af begrundelserne for at anvende støjreduce-
rende vejbelægninger var et lovkrav om at reducere støjen, som enten kunne opfyldes
ved at forøge højden af eksisterende støjskærme og bygge nye skærme, begge for-
holdsvis dyre løsninger, eller ved at anvende støjreducerende belægninger, hvilket var
mere omkostningseffektivt.
Den støjreduktion der opnås med støjreducerende vejbelægninger afhænger af, hvilken
udgangssituation der anvendes til sammenligning (fx støjreducerende belægning i for-
hold til en ny eller en nedslidt ”standard” belægning). Hvis man vælger en reference-
belægning med et højt støjniveau giver en støjreducerende belægning stor støjredukti-
on. rundt omkring i Europa anvendes forskellige referencebelægninger med varierende
alder. Referencebelægningen er i hvert land typisk valgt ud fra, hvad der var den mest
almindelige belægning på veje med høj kapacitet, førend støj kom i fokus. I Danmark
anvendes i SRS systemet og i støjberegningsmodellen en slidt tæt asfaltbeton med 11
mm maksimal kornstørrelse (AB11 t) med en alder omkring på 8 år som reference.
Denne belægningstype var almindeligt anvendt på danske landeveje i perioden 1993
til 1998 og har typisk en levealder på 12 år. I Holland anvendes en reference baseret
på en gruppe belægninger, der er under to år gamle. For veje med høj fart anvendes
tæt asfaltbeton med 16 mm maksimal kornstørrelse (AB16 t) og for veje med lavere
hastigheder anvendes en kombination af tæt asfaltbeton med 11 og 16 mm maksimal
kornstørrelse. I Sverige anvendes ét år gamle SMA belægninger med 16 mm maksi-
mal kornstørrelse som reference.
Det er planlagt at fortsætte overvågningen i de kommende år i det omfang det er mu-
ligt at fremskaffe finansiering.
• Udvikling og afprøvning af to-lags drænasfalt optimeret for lang akustisk og
strukturel holdbarhed på veje med hastigheder over 70 km/t er en nærliggende
• Også videreudvikling af poro-elastisk belægning er en mulighed. Der er planer om
et europæisk forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt på dette område.
1. Preface
In this report the latest European experience on the practical use of noise reducing
pavements is presented. The report has been produced by the Danish Road Directo-
rate, Danish Road Institute (DRI-DK). The work has been carried out in the frame-
work of the Administrative Agreement on “Road Infrastructure Technologies and
Quieter Pavements” between California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and
Danish Ministry of Transport and Energy, Road Directorate, Danish Road Institute
signed in May 2007. The purpose of this Administrative Agreement is to establish and
define a collaborative relationship for quieter pavement research and development ac-
tivities between Caltrans and DRI-DK. The objective is to facilitate and support re-
search, development and deployment activities of mutual interest to the parties, within
the framework of road infrastructure technology. It is the intention of the parties to
jointly carry out Research and Development activities and exchange R&D results that
may involve the exchange of funds and staff between the parties.
The present report is the result of first project carried out in the framework of the
Administrative Agreement. For practical reasons Caltrans has contracted the Univer-
sity of California Davis (UC Davis) to carry out the study and UC Davis has sub-
contracted the study to DRI-DK. A Project Steering Group with the following mem-
bers has been established:
The following DRI-DK Senior Researchers have performed the collection and analysis
of European practice on the use of noise reducing pavements presented in this report:
1. Dansk forord
I denne rapport præsenteres de nyeste europæiske erfaringer med praktisk brug af støj-
reducerende vejbelægninger. Rapporten er produceret af Vejteknisk Institut/
Vejdirektoratet. Arbejdet er udført inden for rammen af en administrativ aftale fra
maj 2007 om vejinfrastruktur teknologi og støjreducerende vejbelægninger mellem
“California Department of Transportation – Caltrans” (Vejmyndigheden i Californien,
USA) og Transportministeriet, Vejdirektoratet/Vejteknisk Institut i Danmark. Formå-
let med den administrative aftale er at etablere og definere en fælles ramme for forsk-
ning og udvikling i støjreducerende vejbelægninger mellem Caltrans og Vejdirektora-
tet/Vejteknisk Institut. Ideen er inden for den faglige ramme vejinfrastruktur teknologi
at understøtte forsknings, udviklings og demonstrations aktiviteter der er til fælles
interesse for de to partnere.
Vejdirektoratet/Vejteknisk Institut
Danmark juni 2008
2. Introduction
2.1 Background
There is increasing focus in Europe on applying noise reducing pavements on the road
networks as a cost effective measure of noise abatement. The driving forces for this
are among others:
In the case of both road infrastructure planning and noise action plans noise reducing
pavements are a cost effective measure of noise abatement which can be implemented
locally by the road administration.
Caltrans in California has policy, procedures and protocols for the use of noise barriers
to mitigate the impact of traffic noise but does not currently have in-place policy for
noise reducing pavements. Therefore Caltrans may use Danish expertise and the ex-
pertise of other European countries as a foundation for the development of a state-
wide Californian policy for the application of noise reducing pavements.
In Denmark, a first generation system has been developed for the specification and
documentation of noise reducing pavements including a paradigm for use in contract-
ing and preparation of tender documents, the so called “SRS-System” (see Chapter 4).
In order to develop and improve this system, the Danish Road Directorate has a need
for updated information on the practical use and procurement of noise reducing pave-
ments in Europe.
1. Which countries have a working policy for using noise reducing pavements
within Europe, and for how long have the policies been in-place?
2. What factors are considered in each of the countries’ policies (noise levels,
traffic levels, traffic composition, population, health impact, etc.)?
4. Are noise reducing pavements used in conjunction with other forms of noise
mitigation? How is it used in combination with other noise reduction measures?
5. How do the various European countries define what is a noise reducing pave-
ment (noise levels, surface characteristics, materials)?
6. How are the noise reducing pavement benefits or credits calculated?
7. How do the European countries monitor noise reducing pavements over time?
(How do they include noise reducing pavements in their overall pavement man-
agement practices or scheme?)
9. How is it assured that noise reducing pavement attributes are achieved from
construction or by contractors? (Provide any construction specifications that
should be met during construction inspection?)
10. Who pays for noise reducing pavements (private developers, local governments,
national government) and how about warranties?
11. New developments on the horizon to be aware of, or that would be of use to
California or Denmark?
12. How are noise reducing pavement benefits incorporated into traffic noise
The present report is mainly based on the information and knowledge obtained by
DRI-DK while conducting these projects. Some of this information has been supple-
mented and updated. This is the background for the description and analyses of the
European experience with the use of noise reducing pavement presented in the current
report. The time frame for the project has not made it possible to crosscheck all infor-
mation, but it is the belief of the authors that minor inaccuracies do not influence the
general picture given of European practice. We have tried to take the little we know of
California conditions into consideration and are grateful for the support received from
the project steering group.
Table 2.1. Summary of recent projects with the participation of DRI-DK.
1. The EU project SILVIA [2] where a guidance manual for the use of
noise reducing pavements was developed [3] in a cooperation between
fifteen European partners from eleven countries.
2. The EU project SILENCE [4] including both road and railway noise.
As a representative from the organisation the Forum of European
Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL), DRI-DK was leading a
large work package on a variety of aspects of road surfaces and noise
reduction. The work was carried out in cooperation with five other na-
tional FEHRL institutes.
2.4 Report structure
The report is structured in five main chapters. Chapter 3 gives a general European out-
look not focusing on technical details. In Chapter 4 the newly developed Danish noise
labeling system for pavement products is presented in some detail. This is followed by
a brief description in Chapter 5 of a few other type approval systems for pavements
used in Europe. In order to give a more detailed and technical description of the prac-
tical use of noise reducing pavements, seven cases are presented in Chapter 6. To
cover a variety of European countries Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway,
Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom have been selected. Noise is an impor-
tant, but not the only functional criteria for pavements. In Chapter 7, other pavement
performance functionalities are discussed. Finally, conclusions are presented in Chap-
ter 8. This chapter is structured as the 12 questions highlighted in the scope of work
(Section 2.2). A list of terms and abbreviations is included as an Annex.
3. European Outlook
As an introduction, this chapter gives a brief general description of the use of noise re-
ducing pavements in Europe.
Existing roads
60 New road projects
Figure 3.1. Types of noise abatement used along new and existing national roads in
Europe [10]. The percentage of countries using each type of noise abatement is shown.
Different types of noise abatement are often combined in a project in order to achieve
the necessary noise reduction. In the project for enlarging the ring road around Copen-
hagen, Denmark, from four to six lanes through a densely built up residential area (see
Figure 3.2) a combination of 4 m high noise barriers, noise reducing thin layers and
façade insulation is used.
Figure 3.2. The project for enlarging the ring road around Copenhagen, Denmark from
four to six lanes through a densely built up residential areas combines the use of noise
barriers, noise reducing thin layer surfacing and façade insulation.
The traffic noise level at a certain pavement increases due to wear and tear so it is also
necessary to define the age of a reference pavement. With this in mind it can be diffi-
cult to compare noise reductions presented in different countries as the “zero-level”
may vary significantly. Because of this it might be more unambiguous to mention ab-
solute noise levels as these can be compared across borders - and this is not easily
done in real life, if it is at all possible - they are measured under exactly the same con-
Figure 3.3 shows the percentage of European countries where different types of noise
reducing pavement are available on the market. The figure is based on information
from the National Road Administrations [10] and therefore the results in the figure are
related to a variety of national reference pavements. The figure gives an indication that
the most common noise reducing pavement in Europe is the porous type available in
45 % of the countries followed by SMA (30 %) and thin layers (15 %). Different types
of noise reducing pavement might be available in one individual country.
Porous pavement may be denoted a classical noise reducing pavement. In recent years
research has been conducted in order to optimize noise reducing thin layers and some
of these thin layers are based on the SMA concept. Positive results have been
achieved, especially regarding the initial noise reduction [12] and on that background
some road administrations now begin to use also this type of noise reducing pavement
on a larger scale.
Percentage of countries
Other Concrete Thin Porous SMA
Figure 3.3. Percentage of European countries where different types of noise reducing
pavement are available on the market [10].
As a new trend in the Netherlands, on the background of the Dutch road noise research
project (the IPG Program [6, 12]), also noise reducing thin layers are introduced on the
motorway network. So far around 100 km of thin layers have been built on motor-
Japan is another country, outside Europe, where porous pavement is used on a large
scale to reduce traffic noise both in warm and in cold climate zones [13]. On around
4,300 km or 20 % of the national roads in Japan noise reducing pavement is applied
In Austria, porous pavements have been used on national roads but because of prob-
lems experienced with winter maintenance and icy roads, it is not common to use
porous pavements any more in Austria.
In Germany, a shift in paving policy on motorways has occurred. The more noisy
cement concrete is phased out and instead SMA pavements or other treatments with
higher texture are used to reduce the noise emission. There is also a current focus on
optimizing single-layer porous asphalt concrete [14].
Figure 3.4. Test section with single and two layer porous asphalt on a Swedish highway
north of Stockholm.
In Sweden single and double layer porous pavement is under test on highways where a
high percentage of the vehicles uses studded tires in the wintertime [14].
In Denmark research on and development of single and double layer porous pave-
ments for noise reduction has been ongoing since the beginning of the 1990s but be-
cause of a fear of problems with winter maintenance of such open structured pavement
these pavements has not yet been used on a wider scale. Instead there is a trend to-
wards using noise reducing thin layers on new national roads and in road maintenance
projects. This is based on results of research and testing project since the early 2000s
[12] and is supported by the introduction of a system for noise labeling of pavements
(the so called “SRS System”) that makes it possible for road administrations to specify
noise when tendering pavement works (see Chapter 4). This trend is seen in other
countries around Europe.
In France, porous pavement is used on the main road network. On privately operated
toll motorways porous pavement has been used, primarily to improve the comfort and
safety of drivers paying to use these roads by reducing splash and spray under heavy
rain conditions and by this also increasing the speed and capacity of the roads. This is
done to attract costumers to the toll roads.
Figure 3.5. Noise reducing thin layer on the heavily trafficked ring road around Nantes in
France was one of the first European countries to develop noise reducing thin layers
[15]. From around 1985, thin layers and ultra thin layer mixes have been developed
and used in France, in order to improve visual performance under wet conditions
(reduce splash and spray) and to achieve noise reduction. Thin layers with maximum
aggregate size down to 6 mm were used. The typical thickness of such pavement is
20 to 30 mm even though ultra thin pavement with a thickness down to 10 to 15 mm
is also used. In France a standard for thin layers was published in May 2001. Thin lay-
ers can be used for maintenance of wearing courses as well as for new surfacing.
Thin layers are used for all types of traffic, low speed and high speed, low and high
volumes of traffic and with high percentages of heavy vehicles. Thin layers with small
maximum aggregate size have good skid resistance, often better than ordinary pave-
ment. Various commercial products are on the market and are commonly used in
In some new EU member states in former Eastern Europe there is growing interest in
noise reducing pavement. For example, in Slovenia and in Poland the first road sec-
tions with noise reducing pavements are under construction.
Therefore, in principle, noise abatement can be integrated into road maintenance pro-
cedures. The CEDR questionnaire on noise [10] has covered this possibility.
Generally, noise is not one of the criteria used by National Road Administrations in
Europe for selecting the roads requiring maintenance or a new surfacing. This selec-
tion is driven by factors like wear and tear, bearing capacity, traffic safety etc. In some
countries noise is taken into consideration, although not as a main criterion and there
are no general rules for the use of noise reducing pavements.
When a road has been selected to have a new surfacing, then in 65 % of the surveyed
countries, noise is a parameter considered when selecting the type of pavement to be
used. In some countries financial criteria can outweigh noise reducing pavements and
these surfacings are avoided in situations where they can be expected to perform
poorly. In some countries guidelines for the use of noise reducing pavements are cur-
rently being developed.
A way to handle noise with regard to road maintenance may be to integrate noise as an
active parameter into a Pavement Management System. Only in 10 % of the surveyed
countries noise is included as a parameter in the Pavement Management System. As a
part of the EU project SILENCE [2] it was analyzed how noise can be integrated as an
active parameter in Pavement Management Systems [16].
Figure 3.6. A way to handle noise with regard to road maintenance may be to integrate
noise as an active parameter into a Pavement Management System.
The use of noise reducing pavements can be promoted by having guidelines, legisla-
tion or recommendations on how and when to use such surfacing on new roads or in
the maintenance of existing roads. In 20 % of the surveyed countries, noise reducing
surfacing was included in guidelines, strategies or documents with similar status. In
some countries work is ongoing on the development of such guidance.
One country has an information leaflet that gives qualitative recommendations on the
use of noise reducing pavements. Only in one of the surveyed countries it is the policy
to use porous asphalt as a standard surfacing, especially on national roads with a
maximum speed of 120 km/h.
4. The Danish pavement type approval
system for noise
In 2006, Danish road authorities in conjunction with pavement industry and consult-
ants worked out a system for the specification and documentation of noise reducing
asphalt pavement [17], the SRS-system, SRS being the acronym for the Danish word-
ing of Noise Reducing Surfacing. The system is based on the Close Proximity Method
(CPX method [18]) for noise measurements and in order to ensure reliability and
transparency it allows various independent providers of CPX measurements to offer
their service as long as they participate in an annual field calibration of equipment.
The system encompasses:
The system is a result of a first Danish attempt to provide a system for contracting
noise reducing asphalt surfacings. It has limitations and several subjects need address-
ing. In particular, there is a need for better knowledge on the accuracy of CPX meas-
urement, and for the development of appropriate acceptance criteria for contracting.
The former deals with the surfacing condition when new. The latter needs decision
taken based on the (known or assumed) time history of noise reduction (initial vs. life
time average noise reduction, which has been addressed in the EU project SILENCE
[19]). The conclusion was that available data displayed large spread but that on the
average one should expect an ageing effect on the traffic noise levels as indicated in
Table 4.1.The table gives the increase to be expected for the linear time history of ve-
hicle noise levels. For both light and heavy vehicles, the expected increase at dense
asphalt surfacings is in the order of 0.1 dB per year of pavement service time. This ap-
plies to high speed as well as low speed roads. For porous or open graded asphalt sur-
facings the expected time history increases for light vehicles is in the order of 0.4 dB
per year on high speed roads and 0.9 dB per year on city streets with low traffic speed.
Heavy vehicle noise levels are expected to increase with 0.2 per year on high speed
Table 4.1. Overall proposed time history slopes, dB per year of pavement service time.
Light vehicles Heavy vehicles
Surface family \ Traffic Speed High Low High Low
Dense asphalt 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
Porous / Open asphalt 0.4 0.9 0.2 -
Popular demand for traffic noise reduction made pavement contractors develop and
market products, which they claimed were noise reducing. Traditionally, asphalt con-
tractors in Denmark are responsible for the mix design within the framework of the
Road Standards. Confusion among road administrations and consultants led to a wide-
spread wish for a systematic way of expressing product noise reducing properties.
Based on recent experience, guidelines have been written for tendering noise reducing
road surfacing works [20]. We expect these guidelines will ease the process of actually
requesting noise reducing surfacings built as a means of noise abatement when road
maintenance or new road construction work is carried out near noise sensitive areas.
The Danish Road Directorate intends to use the system when tendering pavement
works where noise reducing pavements are needed. We expect municipal road admini-
strations to prescribe SRS in their traffic noise action plans. For example, the Munici-
pality of Copenhagen in its action plan [21] has decided to apply noise reducing sur-
facing when maintaining surface layers in streets with an ADT of more than 2000, ex-
cept at roundabouts with small radius and other places with low traffic speed or wring-
ing traffic. By spring 2008, we expect a rapid increase in the purchase of SRS labeled
pavement, especially from local administrations.
The declaration document shall be prepared in accordance with the paradigm of the
noise declaration form. The contractor writes his name and address and the type of
SRS (e.g. DA, TB k or SMA, Danish abbreviations for mix types corresponding to
PA, UTLAC and SMA) including certain details of the asphalt mixture. Furthermore,
he shall report details of the trial section used for the documentation.
The noise declaration will be valid for five years or until significant change in the SRS
product occurs. The declaration document can on request be followed by the CPX
measurement report and also by the Job Mix Formula prepared in accordance with the
Danish general specification for hot mixed asphalt (AAB Varmblandet asfalt [22]).
In general, the degree of material control which the asphalt contractor shall provide
is linked to the job size where two levels are defined. The border line is 1,000 tons of
surface materials (in case of a Thin Layer Asphalt like an UTLAC 6 it will be approx.
28,000 m2). Below that limit you are entitled to get information on the material type
provided and the delivery tickets stating the amount (weight) of delivered materials
that will make it possible to calculate for the specific job the average layer thickness
in kg/m2 which can be compared with the agreed amount in the tendering document.
Above 1,000 tons additional information will be obtained and if the general specifica-
tion for the chosen mix family/type has a demand of the finished pavement (like de-
gree of compaction) cores will be taken as documentation. There is normally no re-
quirement on void content as it will be impossible (or difficult subjected to a lot of
bias) with the available test methods to estimate the void content for the specification
purposes for these Thin Layer Asphalts. For materials like UTLAC, the layer is born
with an inhomogeneous void structure in the layer from top to bottom. Information on
some relevant sieve sizes is provided in the declaration more for the purpose of "fo-
rensic" studies if later durability issues raise questions whether or not the right mate-
rial has been delivered.
Figure 4.1. DRI CPX-trailer “deciBellA” parked at calibration section on Kongelundsvej in
The noise measurement result shall be reported as an index CPXDK, in decibels, pre-
scribed in a Danish addendum to ISO/CD 11819-2 [18]:
The first generation SRS-system does not contain restrictions as to how early after
construction of the test section the contractor may perform the CPX measurements for
declaration purposes.
Figure 4.2. Detail showing the microphone positions near a reference tire.
4.4 Reference values and noise classes
The system to declare the noise reducing ability enables the contractor to produce
documentation of the noise reduction of a specific SRS by comparing measured values
with a national reference value. The reduction in noise emission as compared to the
reference is used by the contractor in his declaration of the SRS in a specific noise
Currently the contractors’ SRS products are almost all declared as belonging to class
B or class C. Class A was introduced as a driver of further development and enhance-
The reference values in the first generation system refer to the CPX method and are
defined as the national CPXDK index. The first generation system defines such refer-
ence values at two traffic speeds, 50 km/h and 80 km/h, respectively.
The reference values were derived as pass-by noise levels [23] calculated for reference
conditions using the Danish noise emission data of the Nordic prediction method for
road traffic noise, Nord2000 [24]. Using data on the relation between vehicle pass-by
noise levels and CPX noise levels, the Nord2000 pass-by noise levels were trans-
formed to their corresponding CPXDK values, which are used in the first generation
The CPX reference values are given below. The CPX values correspond to the noise
emission in the Danish part of Nord2000, representing approximately 8 year old as-
phalt surfacings of dense graded asphalt with 11 mm nominal aggregate size (DAC
No reference is defined for traffic speed 110 km/h, due to the limited amount of data
obtained at this speed.
When declaring the noise reduction of an asphalt surfacing (by comparison to the ref-
erence used in Denmark), one of the following noise classes A – C should be used.
Noise class Noise reduction in dB
A: Very good noise reduction x > 7.0
B: Good noise reduction 5.0 < x < 7.0
C: Noise reduction 3.0 < x < 5.0
4.5 Calibration
At present two CPX trailers are used in Denmark, one is the open DRI-DK trailer
named “deciBellA“, the other one is a closed Dutch trailer contracted by a Danish
consultant. Trailers used in the SRS system must participate in regular field calibration
to ensure comparability of their results. Currently field calibration at a speed of 50
km/h takes place on five specific sections of road on Kongelundsvej in Copenhagen,
see Figure 4.1, and at a speed of 80 km/h on six specific sections of M10 at Solrød,
see Figure 4.3, [17]. These sections comprise DAC 11 (AC 11d) as a reference and
trial sections with various thin layer surfacings. Field calibration shall be conducted
with a minimum frequency of one per year.
This field calibration ensures that all sets of measurement equipment applied in the
SRS-system yield the same average result for the selected sections of road..In 2006 –
2007 two trailers participated in the system. In 2006 both were assigned a correction K
= 0.0 dB, while in 2007 one trailer had K = 0.0 dB, the other K = -0.2 dB at 50 km/h;
one trailer had -0.4 dB and the other trailer had K = 0.0 dB at 80 km/h.
4.6 Available noise reducing surfacings
Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 show the results of CPX measurements carried out in 2007
by DRI-DK. The labels on the x-axis are generic Danish pavement names. The labels
at the top of the bars give the pavement age in (decimal) years at the time of meas-
urement. One brand new surfacing belongs to class A at 80 km/h, while all else are
class B or yield higher noise levels.
Note: The designations in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 are: AB t: Dense graded Asphalt
Concrete; AB å: Open graded asphalt Concrete; TB: Ultra Thin Layer AC; OB:
Surface Dressing; DA: Porous Asphalt (or BBTM); SMA: Stone Mastic Asphalt
CPX_DK 80 km/h - DRI 2007
2,9 Reference
2,9 2,9
100 0,2
Class C
0,3 0,8 0,8
2,8 0,8 0,8 0,0 0,3
0,8 C
0,1 0,8
0,3 0,3 0,3
Class B
0,8 0,8
0,1 0,8 B 0,8 0,2 0,3 0,8
Class A
A 0,1
SMA 11
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
AB 6å
AB 6å
AB 8å
AB 8å
DA 6 Class 2
DA 8 Class 1
DA 8 Class 2
TB 6k+
SMA 6+(11)
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 8k
TB 8k
TB 8k
TB 8k
SMA 6+(8)
SMA 4 (N4)
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 16t
Figure 4.4. CPDDK at 80 km/h measured by DRI-DK in 2007 on various surfacings. Bar
labels show surfacing age in years.
? 0,8
8 8
4,1 3,9 4,1
0,8 0,0 0,2 0,3 0,8
0,8 0,3 0,3 0,8 3,9 4,1 0,3
3,9 0,8 2,8 0,8 3,9 4,1
0,1 0,3 0,3 0,3
0,8 0,4 0,3
Class C
0,8 0,2 0,8 0,2
90 C 0,8
0,3 0,1 0,3 0,4 0,8
0,1 8* 0,3 0,3
8* 0,3
Class B
Class A
SMA 6p
SMA 6p
SMA 11
SMA 4+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 6+
SMA 4 (N4)
SMA 6+(11)
SMA 6+(8)
AB ?
AB 6å
AB 6å
AB 6å
AB 6å
AB 6å
AB 8å
DA 6 Class 2
DA 8 Class 1
DA 8 Class 2
OB ?
AB 8t
AB 8t
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 11t
AB 16t
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 6k
TB 8k
TB 8k
TB 6k+
Figure 4.5. CPDDK at 50 km/h measured by DRI-DK in 2007 on various surfacings. Bar la-
bels show surfacing age in years.
4.7 Further development
4.7.1 System for testing COP
The DK SRS-system is a voluntary road standard for contracting of noise reducing
pavement. In the contract for a specific job the voluntary standards become legally
binding. However, at present the system is at an experimental phase with no legal ac-
tions in case of the pavement not fulfilling the noise requirements.
The Danish Road Directorate hopes – at a later state – to introduce a system for testing
conformity of production (COP) based on the SRS-system. In such a system, it could
for example be a possibility that contractors could receive a bonus for delivering a
product tested in compliance with COP requirements. Such a bonus could be paid un-
der the condition that the noise reduction is still there after for example two years or
after five years.
If a test does not show COP after delivery, the contractor could for example be re-
quested to do a resurfacing or to pay a fine. To reach such a practice it will take time
to build sufficient confidence in the system’s reliability among contractors and road
We might choose to regularly add more new calibration sections so that in ten years
time or so we would have a family of sections representing all pavement ages and then
use the average CPX result from such a family as a reference calibration point.
This latter may or may not be due to a “bias” in the mix of dense and porous surfac-
ings in the Dutch relationship. Suppose the higher noise levels - recorded at high
speed - were from porous surfacings (PA), while the lower noise levels – recorded at
low speeds – were from dense surfacings (AC or SMA). At a porous surfacing, the at-
tenuation of sound during propagation to the roadside position causes a given CPX
noise level to correspond to a lower noise level than at a dense surfacing, all else like.
Thus, porous surfacing at the high end of the range and dense surfacing at the low end
of the range would result in a relationship with less than a one dB increase in pass-by
noise level for a one dB increase in CPX-level.
The Danish SRS-group did not have the original Dutch data at its disposal, only the re-
lationship between CPX and SPB noise levels. We may see, in a future incarnation of
the SRS system, that, by dividing surfacings into families, we could obtain 1:1 rela-
tions between CPX and SPB noise levels, so that a surfacing obtains the same class
certificate at different speeds – as long as propulsion noise is not too important for the
5. Systems for type approval and
testing conformity of production
5.1 Overview
Beside the Danish SRS-system mentioned in Chapter 4, we have identified type ap-
proval systems in:
Of the European countries, only the Netherlands has implemented a system for testing
conformity of production, COP. It was used on local roads but not on their main roads.
The Dutch labeling system requires SPB measurements made at five different trial
sections on five different sites (individual road works) to determine the road surface
correction, as the mean value obtained at these works, with certain restrictions on the
variation in measurement results. The Dutch requirements on the type approval testing
are more stringent than in the Danish SRS-system, based on CPX-measurement,
which requests just one test section. As an intermediate in this respect, the UK system
requires SPB measurements made at two trial sections. Such requirements always rep-
resent a balance between the wanted accuracy and the wish for having the system im-
plemented in practice.
To the knowledge of the authors, no other type approval system exists in the EU,
although several countries take the road surfacing into consideration, when computing
the environmental impact of traffic noise. In Germany, for example, corrections –
denoted DStrO – characterizing the deviation of certain types of surfacing from the refe-
rence used in the German prediction method have been determined for use in noise
prediction but not for type approval or COP testing [28]. Each of these corrections are
based on the results of SPB measurements at five or more different sections of road.
The SILVIA proposal and the French proposal both require a variety of measurements
made on two test sections, cf. sections 5.5 and 5.6.
At a European Workshop in Ljubljana 25 April 2008, which was a part of the EU pro-
ject INQUEST aiming at disseminating the SILVIA project results, the German repre-
sentative indicated that Germany might apply the proposed SILVIA procedure for
type approval, but only after thorough testing of its applicability [28]. On the other
hand, the Swedish representative tended to support the Danish system, based on the
upcoming ISO standard on CPX measurement.
5.2 Netherlands
5.2.1 Labeling - Croad
The reference pavement in the Dutch system for measuring and computing road traffic
noise levels [29] is dense asphalt concrete, most probably DAC 16, but the aggregate
size and the pavement age are not given explicitly in [29]. According to [30] the refer-
ence at high speed roads is DAC 16 and at low speed roads the reference is a mix of
DAC 16 and DAC 11. The reference values at 7.5 m distance from the vehicle center
line, at a height of 5 m above the road surface is given in Table 5.1.
The road surface correction Croad is the increase in noise emission as compared with
that on the reference surface. One may express this increase either in terms of an over-
all A-weighted noise level or in terms of a correction for each octave-band with center
frequencies from 63 Hz to 8 kHz. An octave-band is a range of frequencies in which
the highest frequency is twice the lowest frequency.
Earlier the road surface correction was included in the publication describing the pre-
diction method, but nowadays the Dutch organization CROW on its website publishes
a list of correction factors and reports documenting the measurements behind them. As
an illustration, Table 5.2 shows corrections for light vehicle noise levels downloaded
from [31]. Besides corrections for twelve generic surfacings, the table contains correc-
tions for a number of proprietary products.
For each of these products a test report can be downloaded from [31]. The first four
columns of Table 5.2 identify the pavement and the documentation. Column 5 – 6
show the valid speed range. Column 7 gives the correction for use in the Dutch stan-
dard computation method I (SRMI) while column 8 gives the correction in each of the
octave-bands for use in the Dutch standard computation method II (SRMII). Columns
7 – 8 give the correction a at the reference speed v0 = 80 km/h. Column 9 gives a
value, b. The resulting correction at the speed v is
Figure 5.1. Urban road in the Netherlands with noise reducing thin layer pavement
Table 5.2. Road surface corrections, light vehicles [31] download 2 June 2008.
Lichte motorvoertuigen Wegdeksoort laatste update Snelheidsbereik Snelheidsbereik SRMI SRMII SRMI/SRMII
Nr Wegdektype/-product op Stillerverkeer publicatie datum Vmin1 Vmax1 Vmin2 Vmax2 Delta L 63Hz 125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1kHz 2kHz 4kHz 8kHz b
0 referentiewegdek asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 130 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
1 1L ZOAB asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 50 130 -2,61 1,30 -3,70 -4,00 0,06 -2,27 -4,33 -3,32 0,17 -8,02
2 2L ZOAB asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 50 130 -5,05 -0,67 -4,53 -5,23 -3,53 -4,93 -5,88 -5,24 -3,51 -5,41
3 2L ZOAB fijn asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 50 120 -6,39 -2,51 -5,77 -6,96 -5,66 -5,88 -7,69 -6,28 -4,66 -5,38
4 SMA 0/6 asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 80 -1,91 -3,55 -4,95 -4,42 -0,01 -1,90 -2,47 -1,41 0,13 -3,94
5 uitgeborsteld beton beton 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 50 130 1,42 0,57 -4,43 -3,43 0,82 2,23 0,80 0,35 1,41 -0,21
6 geoptim. uitgeborsteld beton beton 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 70 80 -0,07 -0,70 -4,82 -4,13 -0,30 0,92 -1,29 -1,32 -0,22 -1,63
7 fijngebezemd beton beton 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 70 120 1,63 0,43 -4,57 -2,06 0,64 1,41 2,58 1,80 1,02 5,09
8 oppervlakbewerking asfalt / beton 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 70 130 2,29 1,84 -3,16 -2,18 2,53 3,61 0,18 -0,35 0,64 -2,81
9 gewone elementenverharding elementen 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 60 4,00 6,85 3,33 3,00 5,28 5,07 1,36 1,22 1,03 0,00
10 stille elementenverharding elementen 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 60 -2,18 4,42 -1,59 -1,14 0,88 -1,89 -4,78 -3,77 -1,46 -5,72
11 dunne deklagen 1 asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 80 -4,21 -1,11 -5,88 -5,59 -1,08 -3,80 -6,67 -5,10 -3,86 -7,24
12 dunne deklagen 2 asfalt 14-05-04 CROW publicatie 200 apr-04 40 80 -5,71 2,26 -4,47 -4,65 -0,97 -6,42 -8,85 -5,56 -3,13 -6,59
13 ZSA-O asfalt 1-07-2004 M+P.KWS.02.7.4 13-11-2003 40 50 -6,64 0,71 -5,84 -5,57 -2,07 -7,37 -9,18 -5,62 -3,65 -10,62
14 ZSA-SD asfalt 1-07-2004 M+P.KWS.02.7.2 4-11-2003 40 60 -6,08 0,34 -6,10 -5,81 -1,13 -6,26 -9,76 -7,20 -5,67 -7,10
15 Dubofalt asfalt 25-06-2007 VKA.06bm11.07r033 22-06-2007 40 70 -4,93 -3,17 -5,64 -5,92 -2,59 -4,47 -6,69 -5,70 -5,36 -2,52
16 Nobelpave asfalt 1-07-2004 M+P.VERM.01.2.1 16-06-2004 40 50 -6,29 -0,32 -6,46 -5,58 -0,84 -6,93 -9,90 -6,76 -5,80 -8,52
17 ZSM asfalt 1-07-2004 VKA.04te10.04r64 26-06-2004 40 50 -5,76 2,24 -6,04 -5,65 -1,96 -6,15 -7,35 -6,05 -4,92 -8,83
18 Micropave asfalt 1-07-2004 VKA.04ve10.04r62 25-06-2004 50 80 -4,78 -0,29 -6,29 -5,87 0,23 -5,12 -7,64 -5,88 -4,43 -4,89
19 SilenTONE elementen 1-07-2004 M+P.HAMER.01.1.1 3-07-2004 40 50 -1,43 4,71 -0,59 -0,20 2,51 -1,17 -4,92 -3,14 -1,06 -3,04
20 Viagrip asfalt 9-01-2007 VKA.06jj17.06r116 22-12-2006 40 50 -6,99 -6,78 -8,64 -8,83 -5,81 -6,15 -8,67 -8,74 -6,91 -14,86
21 Geosilent elementen 1-07-2004 VKA.w.03.mb.10.04r20 29-06-2004 40 50 -2,93 4,46 -2,55 -2,43 -0,99 -3,09 -3,64 -2,92 -1,56 -8,48
22 Micro-Top 0/6 asfalt 1-07-2004 VKA.04ba10.04r53 11-06-2004 50 60 -5,53 -0,93 -6,95 -6,65 -0,37 -6,09 -8,17 -6,27 -4,69 -5,97
23 Micro-Top 0/8 asfalt 1-07-2004 VKA.04ba10.04r52 11-06-2004 50 70 -2,66 2,64 -5,17 -3,99 0,46 -2,39 -4,78 -2,73 -1,53 -3,36
24 Stilstone elementen 1-07-2004 21-06-2004 40 50 -2,61 4,15 -1,68 -0,85 0,65 -2,16 -5,86 -5,2 -2,41 -5,87
26 Redufalt asfalt 5-07-2004 DGMR.V.2004.1140.00.001 28-06-2004 50 60 -4,67 2,54 -5,04 -5,18 -0,15 -4,96 -7,01 -5,81 -5,70 -6,43
27 Accoduit asfalt 5-07-2004 DGMR.V.2004.1140.00 3-06-2004 50 80 -1,28 2,35 -4,98 -3,90 1,89 -0,38 -4,50 -4,66 -5,60 -4,67
28 Novachip asfalt 5-07-2004 VKA.04nc11.04r55 28-06-2004 60 80 -1,41 -1,52 -6,08 -5,35 -0,71 -0,59 -2,63 -2,68 -0,28 -2,63
29 Tapisville asfalt 5-07-2004 DGMR.V.2004.1140.00 3-06-2004 40 50 -5,24 4,34 -3,84 -4,28 0,23 -5,74 -9,47 -6,98 -7,09 -9,06
30 Fluisterfalt asfalt 14-05-2007 VKA.06bm14.07r034 10-05-2007 50 120 -5,34 1,59 -3,26 -3,37 -3,94 -5,13 -6,33 -6,72 -6,05 -4,36
31 Microville asfalt 18-03-2005 VKA.05bi10.05r022 1-03-2005 40 50 -6,11 -2,69 -7,84 -7,83 -3,86 -5,31 -8,36 -8,73 -7,00 -11,58
32 Microflex 0/6 asfalt 5-05-2006 M+P.WHE.05.3.9 20-04-2006 40 80 -5,07 -0,65 -6,64 -6,49 -1,22 -5,09 -7,17 -5,28 -4,10 -3,78
33 Decipave asfalt 8-07-2004 M+P.RASEN.02.1.2 6-07-2004 40 60 -5,73 -0,42 -6,96 -5,71 -0,65 -6,34 -8,35 -6,41 -5,29 -6,96
34 Twinlay-m (*) asfalt 27-08-2004 M+P.WHE.03.13.3 21-07-2004 40 50 110 110 -6,60 -1,91 -5,36 -6,16 -5,35 -6,20 -8,27 -5,88 -4,17 -5,78
35 Stil Mastiek asfalt 30-11-2004 VKA.04re10.04rA4 19-11-2004 50 60 -5,85 0,78 -6,90 -6,12 -0,29 -6,11 -10,05 -8,76 -7,51 -7,12
36 Bruitville asfalt 18-01-2005 VKA.04bl10.04.rC2 14-01-2005 40 60 -4,63 1,75 -4,82 -4,53 0,36 -4,95 -7,88 -5,72 -4,78 -4,89
37 Duolay asfalt 8-02-2005 M+P.KWS.05.2.1 18-01-2005 110 120 -6,65 -3,62 -5,96 -7,28 -5,97 -5,81 -8,74 -6,66 -5,19 -4,27
38 Minifalt asfalt 1-04-2008 M+P.LEE.07.01.2 25-01-2008 70 90 -5,46 -3,12 -7,74 -7,20 -1,07 -5,11 -9,04 -7,17 -6,61 -2,74
39 Konwé Stil asfalt 12-05-2006 M+P.KWS.05.1.18 24-11-2005 50 50 -4,02 -2,89 -6,56 -6,21 -2,33 -3,58 -5,09 -4,89 -3,81 -3,53
40 DuraSilent elementen 23-01-2007 VKA.06bb10.06r098 22-01-2007 40 50 -1,87 2,88 -2,80 -1,61 0,98 -1,42 -4,06 -3,99 -3,55 -4,73
41 GRAB asfalt 1-08-2007 VKA.04sz10.07r047 27-06-2007 40 60 -5,35 2,41 -5,91 -5,14 0,23 -6,23 -8,33 -6,59 -5,59 -3,05
42 Nobelpave HS asfalt 29-11-2007 VKA.06ve11.07r070 26-11-2007 80 80 -5,46 -4,43 -6,03 -6,63 -4,11 -4,81 -6,93 -6,67 -4,89 -7,08
43 straatbakstenen in keperverband elementen 10-01-2008 M+P.SPS.07.01.1 23-11-2007 30 40 2,04 5,22 0,90 1,38 3,40 2,96 -0,18 -0,06 0,89 -0,71
44 Deciville asfalt 18-01-2008 VKA.06biI I.07r077 15-01-2008 50 60 -3,49 -0,06 -6,53 -7,61 -6,06 -2,63 -4,01 -3,43 -4,08 -0,08
45 SilentWay elementen 13-05-2008 M+P.STRUY.08.02.1 8-05-2008 40 40 -3,50 0,99 -3,30 -1,30 0,31 -3,58 -6,17 -4,24 -2,92 -6,17
46 Topfalt asfalt 16-05-2008 VKA.08ge10.08r042 13-05-2008 50 70 -4,45 0,04 -6,02 -6,18 -0,51 -4,27 -7,04 -5,27 -4,84 -6,00
5.2.2 Dutch COP testing system
Figure 5.2. Flow diagram illustrating temporary Dutch COP testing system [32].
For the Dutch main road network there is no system for testing COP of delivered sur-
For the local road network, a special detailed procedure - mainly based on CPX meas-
urement - was in existence during the years 2001-2004. This special law, the “Regula-
tion for the Stimulation of the use of Low Noise Pavements”, was a temporary initia-
tive of the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment (VROM).
The technical background of the law is given in the background document [32]. The
local authority could tender and select a contractor according to its normal procedures
[32] but recommended that the contract should put the responsibility for complying
with the acoustic requirement on the contractor. The reason for the strict COP proce-
dures was that local road administrations could get a refund from the Ministry for ap-
plying noise reducing surfacing and that the Ministry wanted to be certain its money
was well spent.
The COP procedure is illustrated in Figure 5.2. The idea is to measure CPX along the
delivered roadwork. From this, the average SPB level is estimated, based on a CPX-
SPB relation measured on the site or a relation known beforehand. Finally, the SPB
level is compared with the COP requirement.
For a contractor to build pavement on the national highway network he needs a noise
label certificate from the Highway Agency Product Approval Scheme (HAPAS).
The UK HA defines a noise reducing surfacing as one with a Road Surface Influence
RSI ≤ -2.5 dB. RSI is defined in the HAPAS guidelines [33], see also Table 5.3 and
Eq.(2) – Eq.(3). Noise testing must be made at two road sections with the same pave-
ment type. The noise level used to determine the RSI is a combined SPB noise level
from light, dual-axle heavy and multi-axle heavy vehicles. Such surfacing is denoted
“Thin surface system (for highways)”, and it can be any surfacing as long as RSI ≤
-2.5 dB. The producer must certify his product has an RSI ≤ -2.5 dB. There are at pre-
sent 28 surface products with a HAPAS thin surface certificate [33]; more than 50 %
of these also have chosen the option to include a certification of noise [34]. A HAPAS
certificate generally has a 5 years lifetime.
The reference for comparison in the UK is a “new” (i.e. at least 12 months old) hot
rolled asphalt (HRA) with 20 mm nominal aggregate size and with an aimed mean
texture depth MTD = 1.5 mm (sand patch). The reference values were established in
the 1970-1980s based on average pass-by measurement results at many sites. Com-
pared to the dense asphalt concrete reference pavements used in other European coun-
tries, the British reference is a rather noisy reference pavement.
The Road Surface Influence for high and medium speed roads are:
Table 5.3. Reference values for various categories of vehicles and roads [34].
Speed [km/h] / Lveh,light Lveh,dual-ax Lveh,multiax
Lveh [dB] (Lveh,H1) (Lveh,H2)
High Speed 110 / 84.7 dB 90 / 86.6 dB 90 / 89.1 dB
Medium Speed 80 / 81.1 dB 70 / 83.8 dB 70 / 86.6 dB
In principle, the full HAPAS certificate cannot be issued until it has been proved that
24 months after construction, the surface in fact still retains MTD ≥ 1.2 mm. In prac-
tice, the noise level is certified shortly after 12 months.
The vehicle noise level Lveh, used as a reference is 1 – 2 dB higher than the reference
noise level used e.g. in Denmark for classifying road surface noise reduction.
Concerning lifetime average noise performance, calls for tenders are based on the ex-
pectation that HAPAS procedures will assure a average noise reduction as given by
RSI (measured at the at least 12 months old surface) multiplied by 0.7 [35], limited to
a maximum of 3.5 dB. With the UK prediction method [36] one can use this correc-
tion in noise computations.
The SILVIA classification system [3] proposes two optional labeling procedures:
Both noise labels require SPB measurement. The result of such a measurement is - in
principle - just valid for a short section of road near the microphone. Therefore, the
proposal requires additional measurements to assess the acoustic performance over the
full length of the trial section. The SILVIA proposal requires two trial sections.
Table 5.4 summarizes the proposed labeling system. To obtain a LABEL1, the SPB
measurement shall be supplemented by CPX measurement carried out over the entire
length of the trial surface. A LABEL2 allows for indirect assessment based on surface
properties such as texture.
For an open graded surfacing, also its sound absorption shall be measured, and for a
(poro-)elastic surfacing, its mechanical impedance shall be measured. These parame-
ters are important to the generation and propagation of noise.
Table 5.4. SILVIA system for labeling the acoustic performance of road surfaces [3].
Table 5.5. SILVIA system proposed for testing COP of road surfaces [3].
5.5.1 Labeling
The French proposal prescribes SPB and CPX measurements on a minimum of two
test sections. The test sections shall be built in different regions of France. The label-
ing result is the average obtained from these measurements.
The average passenger car pass-by noise level allows comparison of the acoustic per-
formance of the surfacing with other surfacings listed in a national database, LRPC of
Strasbourg [38].
SPB measurements shall be made according to ISO 11819-1 [23] or to a correspond-
ing French standard for passenger car pass-by measurement [39]. For each test section
the results are:
For the sample of test sections, the arithmetical average of each of these results is cal-
• Product characterization, where the “speed law” is determined (several runs at dif-
ferent speeds.
• Check of conformity of production (several runs at one speed).
• Network monitoring (to be published) with one run using longer segments for noise
Figure 5.4. Microphones mounted according to the French standard for CPX measure-
For each test section, the results are the:
• Sound level characterizing the test section at each reference speed LA,CPX(vref).
• Third octave-band spectrum of this sound level for the reference speed vref .
• Indicator of spatial homogeneity of the test section Ihomog [to be defined].
For the sample of test sections, the following values are calculated:
• The arithmetic average of the mean sound level characterizing each trial section at
each reference speed LA,average,CPX,charact(vref).
• The average spectrum, obtained from the arithmetic average of the spectra related
to each test section.
• The texture spectrum according to ISO 13473 - parts 4 and 5, [42] – [43].
• If the product appears porous, the absorption spectrum according to ISO 13472-1
The result is considered compliant if it is lower than or equal to the reference level
defined during the labeling procedure to which a tolerance is added. The tolerances
are still to be defined: Y dB on the making and laying of the product and Z dB for the
Figure 5.5. Structure of French proposal for testing COP.
6. Selected cases from European
6.1 Background
This chapter gives a synthesis of the situation of noise reduction policy and related
issues in a number of European countries. The seven selected countries are different
with respect to traffic loads, urbanization, climate and level/history of application of
noise reducing pavement. For this reason they can - to a large extent - be taken as rep-
resentative for a larger number of European countries by analogy, as they display
various approaches to policy and promotion of noise reducing pavement.
This is perhaps not obvious but assessing the situation in Europe can in general be a
little confusing from a non-European perspective. The development in countries that
you from a bird's perspective would think would be analogous actually show up quite
different due to subtle deviations in historical and technical evolution of the respective
road sectors with respect to factors like road administration organization, division of
responsibility and know-how between public and private players in the sector.
The selected countries are: Denmark (DK), Germany (D), The Netherlands (NL),
Norway (N), Sweden (S), Switzerland (CH) and United Kingdom (UK), see Figure
6.1. The last five of these countries were studied recently in an ERA-NET project [9]
with reference to Performance management of Low Noise Pavement/ noise reducing
For the sake of understanding some of the background from the individual countries, a
few subjective characteristics can be offered.
Sweden (South of Stockholm): ● Cold climate, mainly low altitude.
• Harsh winter conditions, deep frost, heavy snow
• Low population density and low rate of urbani-
• Low - middle traffic congestion.
• State of application of low noise pavements:
• Extensive use of studded tires in wintertime.
6.2 Denmark
Denmark had an introduction to Porous Asphalt in the late 1960s for the sake of safer
driving conditions when wet, but due to low durability and winter maintenance prob-
lems, the mix type was abandoned for a large number of years. In the early 1980s open
graded asphalt concrete was introduced as a mix type for primary and secondary road
network with the emphasis on providing better driving conditions when wet. Again it
was the "anti-splash and spray" effect of the open texture surface that was in focus
with its possible positive effect on traffic safety especially when overtaking lorries on
multiple lane highways.
Noise reduction as the top priority subject for pavement materials in Denmark came in
1990 with a test site at Viskinge. Since then numerous test sections have been pro-
duced and followed in the course of various research projects [50, 51, 52, 53, 54].
The development started out slow but the challenge was picked up by the innovative
environment among asphalt contractors and asphalt technologists in the public road
administration (nationally and in the municipality of Copenhagen and other cities).
The development gained momentum through the many trials and well monitored test
sections partly sponsored by European projects.
Industry involvement and competition led to cost-effective solutions, and a long Dan-
ish tradition for developing road standards in consensus among the various parties of
the road sector gave rise to the tentative Type Approval/Declaration system (SRS)
based on functional characteristics measured on produced pavements, see Chapter 4.
This system has been engineered to facilitate the purchase of noise reducing pave-
ments on a technically sound base, also among public administrations in smaller
communities with limited knowledge in in-depth asphalt technology. The reference
material is chosen as a worn (approx. 8 years old) surface of a dense graded asphalt
concrete with 11 mm as nominal maximum aggregate size, DAC 11. This mix type
was the dominant surface course for Danish highways in the period 1993-1998 and is
expected to have an average (structural) durability of approx. 12 years.
The Danish Road Directorate (national public road administration) will continuously
evaluate the experience gained with the SRS-system in order to improve it and in par-
allel the Danish Road Directorate is in the process of developing a noise policy (see
Chapter 4). Other public administrations are engaged in similar considerations. The
municipality of Copenhagen has decided that every urban street having an ADT (an-
nual daily traffic) of more than 2000 vehicles shall be paved with noise reducing mate-
rials. The only limitation is areas where the speed is very low and no additional noise
reducing effects is expected (like roundabouts with small diameter and domestic areas
with low speed limits).
Figure 6.2. A closed Polish CPX trailer performing noise measurements on a Danish test
section with noise reducing thin layers.
The availability of cost-effective solutions with respect to reduction of the traffic
noise level in congested urban areas is now increasingly driven by a public demand
on the politicians. Reduction of traffic noise levels by the selection of tailor made
road surfaces is now one of the recognized options in overall optimization of pave-
ment strategy.
The noise reducing effect of a pavement material is seen as just another functionality
by the road surface so apart from the selection of the pavement type it is normal con-
tractual relations that apply for the works. This means that the client (the public or pri-
vate road owner) pays for the road/functionality offered and that a standard warranty
period (which applies for all construction work in Denmark) of 5 years is enforced but
where the client has expectations for much longer structural durability. It must be
mentioned that noise is not a functionality covered by the warranty period. For exam-
ple expected average life time (structural durability) of a DAC 11 is 11-12 years and
for SMA approx. 15 years. Due to good track records at the public administrations and
the asphalt industry being dominated by stationary asphalt plants the expected average
life time (structural durability) is an important part of the competition among the as-
phalt contractors.
Figure 6.3. SPB noise measurements on a passenger car at a Danish test section with
noise reducing thin layers.
Presently, average acoustic lifetime is not yet established for the different types of
noise reducing pavements, but a client would expect structural durability of an offered
pavement in the same range as a traditional offered mix of the same type. With refer-
ence to the SRS system the effect has to be ≥ 3dB in order to be considered a noise re-
ducing pavement.
When a client wants to purchase a noise reducing pavement he has to decide how he
wants to use the SRS system:
• If he wants to specify the mix type (like SMA) he can chose between offered mix
formulation having "SRS" attached to the name and a layer thickness (typically by
• If he wants to specify a noise reduction according to a specific class (like Class B
meaning a noise reduction between 5 and 7 dB) he can choose between possibili-
ties of that class but then he cannot specify the mix type.
6.3 Germany
Germany has not directly, but indirectly, a policy for the application of noise reducing
pavements. The law says that when building a new road or widening or grossly chang-
ing an existing road certain noise levels may not be exceeded. There is a standard pro-
cedure to calculate that noise level [45] on the basis of traffic volume, geometry etc.
In these calculations there is a contribution for the road surface. This means that if
Stone Mastic Asphalt is applied, 2 dB from the calculated value may be subtracted
and in the case of Porous Asphalt 5 to 6 dB may be deducted. This regulation is a
federal law and applies all over Germany.
During the legal process of planning a road it is very often stated in the terms of refer-
ence for the project, that a "minus 2" pavement or a "minus 5" surface layer must be
applied. These values are based on the German reference pavement which is a "non-
corrugated Mastic Asphalt" (a Mastic Asphalt without additional chippings for friction
as known from the English Hot Rolled Asphalt) [58].
The documentation for the "minus 2" and "minus 5" originates from huge federal re-
search effort aimed at "Quiet Transport" where a part called "Leiser Strassenverkehr"
(Quiet Road Traffic) [59] from 2001 to 2003 played an important role. It was contin-
ued in "Leiser Strassenverkehr 2" [60] from 2005- . The project involves 15 partners
covering tire and car manufacturers and road building industry and research, and the
first program contained 22 different projects which had the objective to:
• Develop, build and test within three years components in the overall system of
tire-car-road surface that will accomplish a 3 dB noise reduction.
• Achieve through a calculation model within a five years period components (car,
tire and road surface) for a 5 dB noise reduction.
With respect to the part of noise reducing pavements the first objective resulted in nine
test sections of optimized road surfaces which were presented in October 2003 [57]. In
comparison to the reference surface "non-corrugated Mastic Asphalt", the optimized
road surfaces showed some clear noise reductions. The sound level of trucks at 80
km/h was reduced by approximately 4 dB on improved porous asphalt, measured on
the Federal motorway A1. On the B56, a federal highway with road surfaces of porous
concrete, concrete with exposed aggregate and noise-reducing Mastic Asphalt, the sta-
tistical pass-by level at 100 km/h was reduced by up to 6 dB.
The continuation of the research since 2005 has three focus areas: "Quiet tires", "Quiet
roads" and "Monitoring/Control". For the "Quiet roads" the project will centre in on
porous pavements and improving their durability. Utilization of polymers and
nanotechnology is intended to make the pore system better to resist clogging and ease
its ability to transport water and clean it.
In the last three cases, a limit value is stated, which has to be respected by taking
measures. Application of two-layer porous asphalt is possible after a cost benefit
analysis showing that it is a cost effective measure of noise abatement. If it isn’t, then
other measures are considered also after the analysis and/or a higher limit value is es-
tablished. The first case of the new top layer is by far the most frequent.
The driving factor for the wide utilization of Porous Asphalt was indirectly a govern-
mental decision taken in the late 1980s to increase the allowed traffic speed on Dutch
highways from 100 km/h to 120 km/h. In order to compensate for the increased noise
emission the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment and the Min-
istry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management agreed to gradual apply sin-
gle layer Porous Asphalt on the main road network. This meant basically all highways
and the main secondary roads. Presently more than 70 % is covered by Porous Asphalt
and the goal is to reach total coverage in 2010.
When a low noise pavement is called for the asphalt contractor can either deliver a Po-
rous Asphalt according to some "standard specification" or provide a proprietary solu-
tion of his own design.
In the latter case a (preliminary) test procedure including laboratory tests and/or test
sections is described by the road authorities for documentation of the quality of the of-
fered design, see Section 5.2. The requirement for special designs is that at least the
same level as single layer Porous Asphalt is achieved.
If the road authorities decide to apply Porous Asphalt the tendering is quite simple.
The call for tenders indicates the location and that Porous Asphalt shall be applied.
The Asphalt contractors has to live up to a warranty period of seven years on some
structural requirements (like skid resistance) but the acoustic performance is taken as
"expected". The tenders are then evaluated and the chosen contractor is found by the
lowest price.
The noise reference in the Netherlands is a virtual reference originating from a popula-
tion of weighted measurements as described previously in Section 3.2.
The performance of each individual job is not monitored with respect to decide bonus
or fine for that particular job, but a general annual inventory (survey) is done on net-
work level in order to provide data for maintenance planning etc. The survey includes:
The Porous Asphalt pavements are applied on high speed roads so they are expected to
be "self cleaning" which means that special cleaning operations are not foreseen. In
case of roads with emergency lanes which are also paved with Porous Asphalt clean-
ing operations are performed in the emergency lanes as they tend to clog due to the
lack of traffic.
Winter maintenance is adapted to the special conditions asked for by Porous Asphalt
(awareness of weather conditions and additional salt applied).
The Netherlands do not expect any substantial improvement of the noise reducing
properties of Porous Asphalt, but perhaps that better durability (both acoustical and
structural) is achieved. In the last few years increased interest in the Thin Layer As-
phalt concept has been signaled. This is especially for utilization in urban areas be-
cause of the more pronounced self cleaning ability, better expected durability and the
reduced need for adjusting other road elements (curbs etc.). These pavements are also
used now on the national road network.
Figure 6.4. Noise barriers and noise reducing porous pavements are combined on some
sections of the Dutch highway network.
6.5 Norway
Norway performed in the period from the late 1980s to 1994 an intensive research ef-
fort with respect to "Low noise pavements" in the project series "Støysvake vegdek-
ker". During this program a substantial amount of information was gathered both on
the impact to society and on the influence of various parameters on the acoustical per-
formance of asphalt materials. The conclusion of these findings was that the main
problems to be solved were:
Recently noise has been put in focus again in Norway and in 2004 the next major at-
tempt on the subject was initiated with the project "Miljøvennlige vegdekker" (Envi-
ronmentally friendly pavements) which has a duration from 2004 to 2008. The objec-
tive is to:
• Reduce the number of people influenced by noise near the Norwegian roads and
• Ensure air quality in heavy populated areas (dust/particle pollution partly from the
wear and tear from the studded tires).
Figure 6.5. Studded tires are used in Norway in the wintertime.
This means that Norway is still in a "research and development" phase and that daily
contracting for noise reducing pavements is not at hand. However, Norway has a tradi-
tion for using functional contracts in their tendering highlighted in the Specific Pave-
ment Wear for surface layers in order to obtain optimum quality of surface layer.
Based on this tradition tendering for research and development work in the form of
laboratory research, test sections etc. followed by a negotiation often results in very
good research projects with an open collaboration between the asphalt contractor and
the road administration.
As it is evident from the objectives of the on-going research project, the impact of
wear from studded tires in the winter season is of utmost importance to the introduc-
tion of low noise pavements in Norway. As it will be described later for Sweden it is
difficult to strike the balance between low noise pavement for reduction of traffic
noise and durable wear resistant pavement towards the deterioration by studded tires.
The need for studded tires in winter time is connected to traffic safety and is often
seen as a necessary evil. Huge benefit to society can be gained through reduced cost to
health, pavement maintenance and renewal and cleaning operation in cities, if the use
of studded tires could be reduced or even abandoned.
Even though there is a public demand for traffic noise reduction there has also been a
recent trend for increased mobility; that is increased speed limit on high volume roads.
This puts extra pressure on the wear resistance of the low noise pavements as the wear
increases with the power of 2 with an increase in speed. It is foreseen that outside the
major cities in Norway and on the westside of the country the use of studded tires will
not go below 20-25 % during winter so it will be a challenge for the years to come.
6.6 Sweden
The national Swedish Road Administration is planning to develop a policy for the use
of noise reducing pavements, but they do not have one today. Sometimes it is decided
to include noise reducing measures when environmental impact of road projects is as-
sessed. In a manual for planning new roads, a general recommendation states that low
noise pavements shall be considered when people are exposed to road traffic noise, but
at the end of the day it can be overruled by the project manager.
A standard low noise pavement is not defined, but both single and two layer Porous
Asphalt have been applied together with a few mix types of Thin Layer Asphalt con-
cept. A low noise pavement is normally considered to have a 2-3 dB noise reduction
compared with a reference pavement which in Sweden is a Stone Mastic Asphalt 16
mm (or dense graded Asphalt Concrete 16 mm) at the age of one year primarily based
on CPX-measurements. This rather noisy reference is due to the fact that wear from
studded tires is the major deteriorating effect on high trafficked national roads. A typi-
cal durability of the reference pavement is 6 years which is caused by heavy use of
studded tires in the winter season.
Sweden has its highest population density in the coastal areas of the south third of the
country (South of Stockholm) where also the winter condition is the mildest. New de-
velopment in (unspiked) winter tires has a huge potential in Sweden as they can bring
several positive effects (low wear, more durable pavement, potential for cost-effective
traffic noise reduction and less pollution from mineral particles). Politically, it will be
a balance between traffic safety and other positive effects. Because of the potential
Sweden has been promoting a number of test sections of low noise pavement in rela-
tion to the SILVIA project and other projects trying to optimize aggregate quality and
wear with noise reduction; some of the recent ones are based on functional contracts
where large reduction in noise are demanded.
Figure 6.6. DRI-DK performing SPB noise measurements at a test section in southern
Sweden with noise reducing thin layer pavement developed for roads with vehicles with
studded tires.
In October 2007, a document was issued by the Swedish National Road Administra-
tion on selection of pavement. It will influence approx. 4 % of the rehabilitation on of
the national road network in 2008 and will include 3 projects in the Stockholm area.
The new policy focuses on noise, particles (aggregate dust) and rolling resistance with
reference to SMA 16. The aim is to apply SMA 8 or SMA 11. Porous Asphalt and
Thin Layer Asphalt are not considered presently in the new policy [46].
6.7 Switzerland
In Switzerland the regional administrations (the cantons) are obliged to take measures
in accordance with legislation on environment and noise. This includes noise mapping
and making plans where certain noise exposures are exceeded, differentiated into areas
of various sensitivity. The limit noise levels in Lr[dBA] together with the definition of
the term can be found in [55] and corresponding annexes. The limits are given in Ta-
ble 6.1 below.
Based on a calculated Index of Economical Sustainability (called WTI), the effect and
decision concerning noise barriers, façade insulation, low noise pavements or combi-
nations is determined for further action.
Effectiveness* Efficiency
WTI = 25
With respect to the contribution of the road surface in noise reduction a fixed, specific
reference pavement is not defined but the reference is taken as the global average of
all earlier performed noise measurements of all kinds of road surface. From this level
a definition for a low noise pavement exists. It shall provide an initial reduction of
noise of at least 3 dB and a reduction of 1 dB over a time span (in the case of Porous
Asphalt for 10 years and 15 years for non-porous pavements).
Four different mixes are standardized that are expected to fulfill the mentioned noise
reduction and reference is given to the specific mix type in the tendering document
where noise is not mentioned explicitly. The standardized mixes [56] are with Swiss
designation and maximum aggregate size:
Monitoring of the production of low noise pavement is limited to the classical materi-
als data determined on cores and evaluated from the surface characteristics. Even
though acoustic follow-up is performed (also at time zero) the results have no legal
binding obligation for the contractor. This must be ascribed to the fact that Switzer-
land is still in an "information gathering" phase, not in a "business as usual" phase
with respect to noise reducing pavement.
Switzerland has collected various pieces of experience linked to local conditions (cli-
mate, traffic etc.) which highlight some of the pros and cons of noise reducing pave-
• Clogging of Porous Asphalt in city streets is a problem. Test with cleaning opera-
tion has so far been unsuccessful. Thin Layer Asphalt concept is seen as a possible
solution but may not provide sufficient noise reduction.
• Porous Asphalt is avoided in the mountainous part of Switzerland and where the
slope of the road is above 3 %.
• Studded tires are in Switzerland not allowed on motorways and used little else-
where. In mountainous part chained tires are used instead. (For the combination of
Porous Asphalt and chained tires see [61]).
• Winter maintenance of Porous Asphalt needs to be performed at the right time. Too
late salting of Porous Asphalt can lead to road closure due to in-depth ice build-up.
There is a third party certification scheme being used extensively in UK called HA-
PAS which specifies the conditions for issuing declaration/certification documents in
the road sector. This organization monitors Type Approval Installation Trials (TAITs)
which can be the part of achieving documentation for process influenced products
(like slurry surfacings and surface dressings) or other parameters over time. In the case
of issuing documentation for low noise pavement materials the HAPAS scheme moni-
tors the noise level after 12 months or more and the remaining surface texture after 24
months or more, see Section 5.3.
The HAPAS scheme including its control procedures is presupposed to ensure the
conformity of production of the finished pavement surface, so no field testing is done
to monitor the specific paved site.
The low noise pavements are still a rather new commodity so the durability has not
been determined yet, but is presumed to be in the range from 8 to 12 years with an ex-
pected average of 10 which shall be seen as opposed to the expected lifetime of 20
years for Hot Rolled Asphalt.
This deviation in lifetime between the "old" preferred surface layer (HRA) and the
new solution (Thin Layer Asphalt concept) is perhaps getting narrower in the coming
years for two reasons: the durability of Thin Layer Asphalts will probably be im-
proved further and there is a rumor out that the expected lifetime for the remaining
HRA is declining due to a change in lorries as more continental European trucks with
wide base tires (Super single) are driving on the UK network.
This range of standards is the first set of common European product standards. They
are described as "first generation standards" and are primarily a framework of "mix
composition" type of specifications for asphalt materials as "loose mix on the lorry
leaving the asphalt plant". So they are by no means "blind" specifications (e.g. linked
to functional requirements of the finished pavement and not to mix composition).
Some part of Type Testing is performed on laboratory produced specimens, but no
real characteristics of the real pavement are part of the present generation of standards.
As these first generation standards are the first attempt of a common framework of
product specifications on the European market there are examples that the specifica-
tions are a compromise and at certain points the lowest common denominator.
Noise reducing pavements are for many countries still something for the future and as
noise reduction is linked to the surface texture and pore structure obtained at the real
compacted pavement, functional specifications for noise reduction are not part of the
There is another route for achieving a CE-mark on a product and that is through a
European Technical Approval (ETA) where the contractor gets an approval of a prod-
uct when checked or tested against all six essential requirements for the Construction
Product Directive [47].
This is an expensive but possible route for marketing proprietary products with a CE-
mark. If a family of products (like Ultra Thin Layer Asphalt Concrete) is expected to
achieve an ETA, an ETAG (European Technical Approval Guideline) is normally de-
veloped to "streamline" the content and appearance of the corresponding ETA´s [62].
Another important piece of European legislation called the Public Procurement Direc-
tive [49] has a huge impact on the scene. The intention/essence of the directive is that
public entities (like public road administrations) are allowed to purchase only CE-
marked products if such CE-marked products are on the market. In a strict interpreta-
tion this means public road administrations (on national, regional and local level) are
bound to purchase products according to EN 13108-x or having an ETA.
The reason for the confusion in standardizing the UTLAC materials on the European
scene is on the one hand the decision from CEN to make product specifications for
"the loose mix on the lorry leaving the asphalt plant" and on the other hand the argu-
ment that UTLAC is not a material but a system combining a gap-graded asphalt con-
crete paved in a thick unbroken polymer modified bituminous emulsion. The ETAG
for UTLAC is expected to be issued late 2008, but the EU Commission's Standing
Committee responsible for the Construction Product Directive has decided that CEN
shall develop a product standard for the asphalt material being used in UTLAC. How
this will be done in detail is still a matter of discussion like whether or not it will be
used. (Denmark intends to use the product standard for asphalt concrete EN 13108-1
which in its framework gives specification options for open graded mixes.)
As long as noise reduction is not incorporated into the EN 13108-x series and no com-
pany has obtained an ETA for a noise reducing pavement material, the public admini-
strations are allowed to "ask for/purchase" materials based on a functional requirement
of noise reduction.
The Catch 22 in this situation is that even though some noise reducing pavement mate-
rial may be specified within the EN 13108-x series, a lot of mix design development is
taking place that cannot be defined within the common standards. This situation and
competition between different asphalt contractors drives a trend towards proprietary
products specified primarily according to a functional requirement for noise reduction
and where nearly all other information is "secret" know-how information of the indi-
vidual companies which is well protected in order to keep the competitive edge.
The bottom line is that it is difficult for a scientific gathering of information for the
purpose of disseminating know-how on and introducing noise reducing pavements in
7. Noise versus other pavement
Noise reducing pavements which are often divided in two sub-groups:
These two groups have some general features in common which are linked to the noise
reducing effect, but exhibit also individual characteristics that highlight the different
approach of these materials.
Without being too technical, this chapter will elaborate on some functionalities of
noise reducing pavements that can influence the acceptance or the opposite with re-
spect to policy issues. The point is that noise reducing effects cannot be offered with-
out introducing pros and cons that link into other functional requirements or estab-
lished policies.
Due to the open textured surface, fretting (loss of mortar) is normally not an issue, but
the large exposed area of the materials towards oxygen (hardening of the binder) and
moisture (stripping) place raveling (loss of aggregate) high on the list of deteriorating
Dense graded asphalt materials will gradually deteriorate at the pavement surface over
some years starting with fretting in poorly compacted areas and then into widespread
fretting and eventually raveling sets in. This will give the road administration some
years of forewarning to plan their maintenance and rehabilitation effort. Noise reduc-
ing pavement with thick lifts of Porous Asphalts will not by a general visual inspec-
tion give the same forewarning and can deteriorate dramatically within a short period
of time.
7.1.2 Shearing (and braking) forces
Noise reducing pavements materials are sensitive to action of shearing forces, espe-
cially at high temperatures. Sharp turning curves (street corners in urban area) and
parking/turning situations (cars using servo-steering) shall be handled with extra
consideration when materials are selected.
For Porous Asphalt and especially two layer Porous Asphalt, it is necessary to take
the reduced elastic modulus of the materials into account as void volumes easily can
exceed 24 % and the material in some cases is applied in thick lifts perhaps 80 mm or
The surface texture has also a positive effect towards avoiding aquaplaning.
7.3.2 Skid resistance or friction
Compared with the standard reference pavement to be used on a given jobsite, the
noise reducing pavement will normally have a reduced maximum aggregate size. Ini-
tially when asphalt technologists suggested 8 or even 5 mm maximum aggregate sizes
on high speed roads, anxiety for reduced friction was flagged. Measurements have af-
ter placement revealed that coefficient of friction or skid resistance on these surfaces
can be excellent and even improved [63]. Low skid resistance in the first period just
after paving has been observed until the very durable bituminous mortar (stabilized in
different ways for the long term durability) has been worn off.
Porous Asphalt will also demand extra awareness in winter strategy and possibly a
change in salt spreading operations strategy as the pore system remove the brine solu-
tion that should have protected against slippery conditions in case additional snow
falls occur.
In mountainous areas where chained wheel or snow ploughs are necessary, the dura-
bility of Porous Asphalt can be reduced through crushing and scarring of the surface.
7.4.1 Climate
If the climate generates an increasing occurrence of extremely heavy rain in the form
of quick showers or they already occur locally, Porous Asphalt can with its integrated
pore system provide the capability to remove water from the road to the shoulder or a
sewage system and for prolonged periods in these situations provide a safer surface to
drive on.
The CO2 issue is not a subject for this report as that will need an extensive study in it-
self because only few elements of information in that regard are known presently
and setting the limits for such a study can influence the overall results grossly. How-
ever by analogy it can be foreseen that compared to other known asphalt materials
there are no indications that noise reducing pavements will have negative contributors
to such a study.
In order for a vehicle tire to be sold on the European market it shall be labeled that it
complies with the Directive on tire noise [67].
The label signals that the tire/road noise emission is below the noise limit specified
in the Directive. These noise limits depend on the tire category and the tire width.
The tire label does not tell how much less noise it emits and thus the label is not as
useful as it could be for vehicle owners wanting to purchase a set of comparatively
quiet tires.
[73] quotes a report from FEHRL on Road/Tire Noise [74] which recommends a two
phase step for tighter limit values which are equivalent to an effective noise reduction
- taking into account different tire classes and dimensions of:
• Quieter tires do not compromise safety (wet grip, aquaplaning) or fuel economy
(rolling resistance).
• The proposed limit values for car and truck tires would lead to an estimated overall
roadside traffic noise reduction of up to 3 dB, which is equivalent to halving the
number of vehicles on the roads.
• Enforcing these standards will not incur huge costs. The technologies and products
have already been developed, and the industry is prepared.
• Benefits will be further magnified when quieter tires are used on silent road sur-
A bridge or flyover is a huge investment compared to the same length of normal road.
For this reason, safety factor considerations with respect to protecting the bridge deck
from the deteriorating effects of penetrating water and chlorides can reject some mix
types with pore structures if not total confidence exists in the membrane system be-
low. This is valid for both steel and cement concrete bridge decks.
The surface layer has also to be considered as an integrated part in the bridge design
phase as the mass per square meter of the total pavement and protection system has a
huge influence of the structural capability needed in the bridge design.
Bridges "offer" though also some advantages due to the relatively high investment
cost of the bridge. Using premium and very expensive binders for noise reducing mix
types will be more cost effective on bridge decks compared with normal roads, as the
necessity for water resistance and protection is more self evident.
Apart from the pavement, other structural elements for bridges and flyovers in urban
areas can present themselves. Screens to shield the traffic from the influence of high
winds or the surroundings from reflecting lights from the cars can be combined with
noise barriers and for instance in Japan flyovers constructed as tubes can be an elegant
solution to several problems.
Further aspects of noise issues combined with design of bridges and expansion joints
will apart from these few general comments be beyond the scope of this report.
8. Conclusions
The conclusions of this study of European experience with the use of noise reducing
pavements are structured around the twelve questions asked in Chapter 2. Where fea-
sible, a table summarizes the findings.
1. Which countries have a working policy for using noise reducing pave-
ments within Europe, and for how long have the policies been in-place?
Only a few countries have an explicit policy for their use of noise reducing pavement,
even though in many countries noise reducing pavements are increasingly becoming a
part of the "toolbox" – with various degree of documentation – for consideration in
noise abatement. Noise reducing pavements are often used on a case-to-case basis in
new road projects and in pavement maintenance.
a. The Netherlands apply porous asphalt on their entire main road network fol-
lowing an increase in 1987 of the permitted vehicle speed from 100 km/h to
120 km/h. For the local roads, the law puts an obligation on administrations to
propose measures when the 24-hour average road traffic noise level exceeds
60 dB. The Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment in
2001 issued a regulation for three years to fund the application of noise reduc-
ing pavement by local authorities, cf. Chapter 5.
b. The British Highway Agency in its design manual published in 2006 pre-
scribes that in all but exceptional cases so-called “Thin Surface Course Sys-
tem (for highways)” shall be applied in new roadwork and when maintaining
their main roads, cf. Chapter 5.
c. The situation in Denmark is mentioned under Question 2.
2. What factors are considered in each of the countries’ policies (noise
levels, traffic levels, traffic composition, population, health impact, etc.)?
a. As mentioned above, the Netherlands apply porous asphalt on all main roads.
b. In Denmark, a policy is under development in the Road Directorate, while
noise reducing surfacings are already frequently used on new roads and when
significant change is made of existing roads. The municipality of Copenhagen
has decided to apply noise reducing surfacings in its maintenance of streets
with an ADT exceeding 2000 vehicles. The introduction of the Danish SRS
system mentioned in Chapter 4 has kick-started the process. The reason that it
is possible to introduce noise reducing pavements is more than a decade of re-
search and development carried out in cooperation between the Danish Road
Institute, road owners and the pavement industry. This cooperation has often
taken place in the framework of international projects which have enlarged the
available resources and facilitated intensive know-ledge sharing.
c. The permitted pavement surfacing material for new and maintenance con-
struction in England is Thin Surface Course Systems, i.e. DAC or SMA, and
only by special permission porous asphalt or other pavement surfacings may
be applied.
a. The policy in the Netherlands to use porous pavement on all main roads is
very efficient from a noise abatement point of view. To assess the feasibility
of a total coverage with Porous Asphalt one would have to take local condi-
tions into account.
b. The Danish SRS system brings noise reducing pavement products on the mar-
ket and facilitates tendering noise reducing pavement. The process of having
road administrations and the pavement industry develop the system in consen-
sus with consultants gave wide acceptance and has brought the knowledge of
the system to many users. The Danish Road Directorate has repeatedly pub-
lished information about the system at an annual Danish road conference, in
pavement magazines, workshops etc. A vital cornerstone in this achievement
has been good collaboration and a kind of team spirit between all involved as-
phalt technologists (private and public).
c. The English design manual prescribing DAC or SMA as pavement surfacings
ensures moderate noise reduction compared with the former widely used
HRA with larger maximum aggregates.
4. Are noise reducing pavements used in conjunction with other forms of
noise mitigation? How is it used in combination with other noise reduc-
tion measures?
Noise reducing pavement can indeed be used in conjunction with other measures, but
noise reducing pavements should always be the first choice measure for the following
The noise reduction obtained by applying noise reducing pavements depends very
much on the reference or what situation is used for comparison (noise reducing pave-
ment versus new or worn surface). By choosing a reference pavement giving rise to
high levels of tire/road noise the noise reducing products are seemingly better.
a. In Denmark, the term noise reducing is applied when a new pavement surfac-
ing yields a rolling noise level that is 3 dB or more lower than a dense asphalt
concrete with 11 mm nominal grain size, after it has been in service for 8
years. The present Danish system has no requirements concerning the noise
reduction at later stages.
b. The Germans seem to consider Stone Mastic Asphalt (-2 dB) and Porous
Asphalt (-5 dB) as noise reducing alternatives to non-corrugated mastic as-
phalt (no further details are available at the moment).
c. The Netherlands consider Porous Asphalt by default to be a noise reducing
d. In Sweden, to be considered a low noise pavement it must yield 2-3 dB noise
reduction compared with a reference pavement which in Sweden is a Stone
Mastic Asphalt 16 mm (or a dense graded Asphalt Concrete 16 mm) at an age
of one year, primarily based on CPX-measurement.
e. Switzerland considers the following four mix types noise reducing pavement
(by default) when produced according to specification:
i. PA 8 and PA 11 (Porous Asphalt 8 and 11 mm)
ii. SMA 8 (Stone Mastic Asphalt 8 mm) and
iii. ACMR 8 (gap graded Asphalt Concrete 8 mm)
f. In the United Kingdom, a noise reducing pavement is any surfacing yielding
a noise reduction of 2.5 dB or more relative to a 12 month old Hot Rolled
The Danish Ministry for Transport has worked out a catalogue of unit-prices for:
a. the cost of time consumption in passenger and goods traffic (in money units
per passenger-hour, vehicle-hour or goods-ton-hour).
b. fixed and variable cost of driving passenger cars, vans and trucks.
c. cost for operators of public transport.
d. society unit-cost due to air pollution and emission of CO2, noise, accidents
and congestion.
These unit-prices are the basis for comparison of various planned road works.
The noise costs consist of contributions from annoyance (based on house-prices in ar-
eas with different noise exposure), while the health cost is based on the risk of hospi-
talization and loss of life due to noise exposure.
7. How do the European countries monitor noise reducing pavements over
time? (How do they include noise reducing pavements in their overall
pavement management practices or scheme)?
A European study identified an average noise level increase of 0.1 dB per year at
dense asphalt surfacings, cf. Section 4.1. For porous or open graded asphalt, the time
history increase for light vehicle noise is in the order of 0.4 dB per year at high speed
roads and 0.9 dB per year at city streets with low traffic speed. Heavy vehicle noise
levels increase with an average 0.2 per year at high speed roads.
8. What is your reference pavement, and how do you choose that? (Based
primarily on Danish experience and include other countries)?
a. The reference pavement(s) in the different countries are typically chosen from
what would have been the most probable alternative used for high capacity
roads prior to the focus of noise reducing pavements.
b. In Denmark, the reference is a worn (approx. 8 years old) surface of a dense
graded asphalt concrete with 11 mm as nominal maximum aggregate size.
This mix type was the dominant surface course for Danish highways during
the period 1993-1998 and is expected to have an average (structural) durabil-
ity of approximately 12 years.
c. The Netherlands use a reference pavement based on a population of measured
surfaces all of which were probably less than two years old at the time of
noise measurement. For high speed roads the reference is dense graded asphalt
concrete with 16 mm as maximum aggregate size, while for roads with lower
speeds a combination of dense graded asphalt concrete with 11 and 16 mm
maximum aggregate size is used.
d. Norway has not yet defined a reference, but is expected to include considera-
tions similar to those of Sweden.
e. Sweden uses a Stone Mastic Asphalt 16 mm (or dense graded Asphalt Con-
crete 16 mm) at the age of one year primarily based on CPX-measurements.
The low age of the reference was chosen because of the use of studded tires.
On high capacity, high speed roads 30-40 mm of surface layer can be worn off
in approximately 4 years.
f. In Switzerland, with respect to the contribution of the road surface in noise re-
duction a fixed, specific reference pavement is not defined but a reference was
taken as the global average of all earlier performed noise measurements on all
kinds of road surface.
9. How do you assure noise reducing pavement attributes are achieved from
construction or by contractors? (Provide any construction specifications
that should be met during construction inspection)?
10. Who pays for noise reducing pavements (private developers, local gov-
ernments, national government) and how about warranties?
a. Usually it is the road owner who pays either in a project for constructing a
new road or in the ongoing process of pavement renewal on existing roads.
b. In Denmark it is the road authorities (either on a National or a Municipality
level) who pay for the noise reducing pavement. Different approaches can be
used in the initial phase if an asphalt contractor wants to promote a (new)
noise reducing pavement. A typical example can be the following scenario:
Normally noise reducing porous pavements are significantly more expensive
than the standard solution while the price of a noise reducing thin layer surfac-
ing does not necessarily deviate much from the price of the standard solution.
In his tender an asphalt contactor may offer alternatively to deliver a part or
the whole job as a noise reducing pavement at normal or reduced price in or-
der to achieve a Type Approval Installation Trial (TAIT) under realistic traffic
conditions. So some form of division of responsibility is worked out between
the contractor and the road administration where the latter can flag to the pub-
lic that initiatives are taken.
c. In Denmark, it has been discussed at the Municipality of Copenhagen that a
developer of a new residential area should pay for a noise reducing pavement
on a nearby road in order to be given permission to build the new dwellings.
But for various reasons this has not become reality.
d. Warranty periods for noise reducing pavements in Denmark are the same as
for standard pavements (legally 5 years) but there is no established practice
yet as to how the warranty covers the acoustical performance. When more ex-
perience is gathered with respect to the durability of the individual mix types
it is assumed that durability (acoustical as well as structural) will be important
in the competition between products / contractors like it is on standard asphalt
11. Do you see any new developments on the horizon that we should be aware
of, or that would be of use to California or Denmark?
a. The ongoing development and testing of noise reducing thin layers seems to
provide low cost noise reduction. Surfacings based on the design principles
for such European products could be developed with the pavement construc-
tion materials available in California.
b. In Germany there is a trend to replace Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) with
Stone Mastic Asphalt which has a lot of application advantages in the rehabili-
tation and maintenance situation on a heavily congested road network. Some
Portland Cement Concrete test sections have been built which show reason-
able noise levels, but they are presently few and on a purely experimental
stage so no substantial information on PCC solutions is available.
c. Two-layer porous pavement optimized for long-term noise reduction and du-
rability for roads with speeds above 70 km/h might be an option for testing in
order to achieve high noise reduction.
d. Further down the road poro-elastic surfacing might be an option. There are
plans for European research and development of such an idea.
12. How are noise reducing pavement benefits incorporated into traffic noise
Several countries apply correction factors in their prediction schemes to take the influ-
ence of the road surfacing into account when analyzing traffic noise impact on the en-
vironment: Spain, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Hungary,
the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland Norway, Sweden), the Netherlands
and Great Britain. Tables of corrections are given in [65] and some have been summa-
rized in Section 3.5 of the present report.
a. The Netherlands use a correction denoted Croad , see Chapter 5. This implies
that the life-time noise reduction is equal to the initial noise reduction at a new
surfacing, i.e. 2 months old.
b. The Nordic model for noise assessment, Nord 2000, has a table of corrections
for road surfacings deviating from the default surface. Denmark has no estab-
lished practice to take the individual road surfacing into account, but this will
probably be the case when more noise level time history data become avail-
c. UK applies a correction of 0.7 times the initially certified noise reduction
measured at the new surfacing, limited to a maximum of 3.5 dB.
9. References
[1] Directive 2002/49/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of
25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environ-
mental noise. The END Directive see:
[15] H. Bendtsen et al. French Experiences on Noise Reducing Thin Layers.
Note, 2005. Danish Road Institute, Road Directorate (
[16] H. Bendtsen et al. Integration of noise in PM Systems. Pavement Manage-
ment and noise. Report 150, 2007. Danish Road Directorate/Road Institute
[17] J. Kragh. Noise classification- asphalt pavement, Danish Road Insti-
tute/Road Directorate, Technical Note 61, 2007.
[18] ISO/CD 11819-2. (Acoustics) – Method for Measuring the Influence of
Road Surfaces on Traffic Noise – Part 2: “The close proximity method”,
[19] J. Kragh. Road surfacings – Noise reduction time history, Danish Road
Institute/Road Directorate, Report 161 2008, (to be published)
[20] Road standards for tendering, “Noise reducing surfacings (SRS) - Collection
of experience”, (in Danish), Danish Road Directorate, January 2008 Guide-
line (Vejledning)
First generation system SRS
[21] Proposed agenda 21-plan for Copenhagen 2008-2011 (in Danish), February
[22] Danish road standards for hot-mix asphalt Guideline (Vejledning)
Specifications (AAB varmblandet asfalt)
[23] ISO 11819-1:1997 (Acoustics) – Method for Measuring the Influence of
Road Surfaces on Traffic Noise – Part 2: “The statistical pass-by method”.
[24] J. Kragh et al. “User’s Guide Nord2000 Road”. DELTA Report AV
1171/06, Hørsholm 2006.
[25] The method Croad 2002 for traffic noise, publication n° 200 of CROW (in
[26] Guidelines Document for the Assessment and Certification of Thin Surfac-
ing Systems for Highways (HAPAS), British Board of Agreement.
[27] Proposal for French classification system, Workshop in Bruxelles 1 August
[28] Wolfram Bartolomaeus, BASt, presentation at INQUEST Workshop, Ljubl-
jana, 25 April 2008.
[29] Prescription for the Measurement and Calculation of Traffic Noise, RMV
2006 (in Dutch), to be downloaded from
[30] WillemJan van Vliet, DWW, personal communication to H. Bendtsen, 2007.
[32] Guideline Low Noise Pavements, background document for the “Regulation
for the Stimulation of the Application of Low Noise Pavements” (in Dutch),
Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, 2002.
[34] Phil G. Abbott, TRL, personal communication to J. Kragh, June 2008.
[35] Highways Agency internal guidance on how to treat noise reducing pave-
ments in noise prediction, 2006.
[36] Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN), Department of Transport, Welsh
Office, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1988.
[37] Fabienne Anfosso-Ledee, LCPC Nantes, personal communication to J.
Kragh, June 2008.
[38] LRPC Strasbourg, Data base of tire/road noise measurements (in French).
[39] French standard NF S 31-119, Acoustics - Characterization in-situ of the
acoustic properties of pavements – Pass-by measurements (in French), 1993.
[40] Continuous measurement of rolling noise (in French), Method LCPC n°63,
Nantes 2007.
[41] NF XP S 31-145, Project on an experimental method for a continuous meas-
urement of tire/road noise (in French), 2007.
[42] ISO/TS/CD 13473-4, Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface
profiles: Part 4 - Spectral analysis of texture profile.
[43] ISO CD 13473-5, Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface
profiles: Part 5 – Determination of megatexture.
[44] ISO 13472-1, Acoustics — Measurement of sound absorption properties of
road surfaces in situ: Part 1 – Extended surface method.
[45] German official guideline for noise abatement. "Richtlinie für den Lärm-
schutz - RLS 90" and some amendments.
[46] Extract from presentation by Ulf Sandberg, VTI, Sweden, at a workshop in
conjunction with the Transport Research Arena, April 2008 in Slovenia.
[47] Construction Product Directive M/124. Brussels, 6 July 1998
[48] EN 13108 Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications (European stan-
dards for product specification under CEN)
EN 13108-1:2006 Part 1: Asphalt Concrete
EN 13108-2:2006 Part 2: Asphalt concrete for very thin layers
EN 13108-3:2006 Part 3: Soft Asphalt
EN 13108-4:2006 Part 4: Hot rolled Asphalt
EN 13108-5:2006 Part 5: Stone Mastic Asphalt
EN 13108-6:2006 Part 6: Mastic Asphalt
EN 13108-7:2006 Part 7: Porous Asphalt.
[49] Public Procurement Legislation. Public Procurement Directive, 2004/18/EC
(European Legislation)
[50] J. Kragh and H. Bendtsen. Replacement of Porous Top layer – process and
noise effect. Technical Note 58, 2007, Danish Road Institute/Road Director-
[51] J. Kragh. Traffic noise at two-layer porous asphalt - Øster Søgade, Year No.
7 Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate, Technical note 46, 2006.
[52] H. Bendtsen and B. Andersen. Test of thin layers on highway - Year 1
measurement report. Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate, Technical note
35, 2006.
[53] H. Bendtsen and E. Nielsen. Noise reducing thin layers - Promising concepts
Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate, technical note 36, 2006.
[54] S. Thomsen, H. Bendtsen and B. Andersen. Optimized thin layers – urban
roads – the Kastrupvej experiment. Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate,
Technical note 66, 2008 (to be published).
[55] Swiss legislation on noise. Ordonnance sur la protection contre le bruit
(OPB). (Ordinance on protection against noise).
[56] Swiss road standard. Manuel du bruit routier. Aide à l’exécution pour
l’assainissement. Annexe 7a “Notice technique sur les enrobés poreux peu
bruyants destinés aux autoroutes”. (Road noise handbook. Aid for the im-
plementation of road noise sanitation. Annex 7a « Technical note on low-
noise porous mixes for motorways »). Office fédéral de l’environnement
(OFEV) & Office fédéral des routes (OFROU).
[57] "Verbundprojekt "Leiser Strassenverkehr – Reduzierte Reifen-Fahrbahn-
Geräusche". Projektgruppe "Leiser Strassenverkehr". Bundesanstalt für
Strassenwesen BASt-report S 37, 2005.
[58] Personal communication with Dr.-Ing Heinrich Els, Deutscher Asphalt Ver-
band (German Asphalt Pavement Association) 4th June 2008.
[59] German research project "Leiser Verkehr" or
[60] German research project "Leiser Strassenverkehr 2" or
[61] Paper 058 by Motomatsu et al. (Japan), 3rd Eurasphalt & Eurobitume
Congress, Vienna, 2004.
[62] Original mandate (draft) from EU Commission to EOTA to the execution of
harmonisation work for an ETAG (Guideline for European Technical Ap-
proval) for UTLAC (Ultra Thin Layer Asphalt Concrete). The ETAG is ex-
pected issued late 2008 if approved by EOTA.
[63] H. Bendtsen and J. Raaberg. Traffic Safety and Noise Reduction - Thin
Layers. Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate, Technical note 52, 2007.
[64] H. Bendtsen. Rolling resistance, fuel consumption - a literature review
Danish Road Institute/Road Directorate, Technical 23, 2004.
[65] G. Descornet, L. Goubert, “Noise classification of road pavements. Task 1:
Technical background information”, Draft report, June 2006.
[66] G. Descornet, “Current status on classification systems”,
[67] Commission of European Communities (2001). Directive 2001/43/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council 27th June 2001 amending Council
Directive 92/23/EC relating to tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers and
to their fitting. Official Journal of European Commission, L211, 04/08/2001.
[68] Proposed strategy for mitigating road traffic noise (in Danish), Ministry of
the Environment, Copenhagen 2003, ISBN: 87-7972-073-3.
[69] Catalogue of index numbers for use in socio-economic analyses of transport
(in Danish), Ministry of Transport, Copenhagen 2004, ISBN: 87-91511-31-3,
[70] European Directive Motor Vehicles 70/157/EEC and subsequent amend-
[71] European Directive Motor cycles 97/24/EEC,
[72] European Directive Tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers and their fit-
ting - 2001/43/EC,
[73] European Federation of Transport and Environment,
[74] FEHRL report Study SI2.408210 Road/Tire Noise + annexes,
Appendix A
List of terms and abbreviations
This appendix contains a list of terms and abbreviations used in the present report.
European nomenclature is used, and in some cases additional explanatory notes are of-
fered to give a better understanding of the literature references.
Asphalt Concrete,
Definition: Asphalt in which the aggregate particles are continu-
ously graded (dense graded) or gap-graded (open graded) to
form an interlocking structure.
Mix of aggregates and bituminous binders, surface layer and/or
bituminous base (AC ≠ Asphalt Cement)
AC xd = Dense graded Asphalt Concrete with x mm as nominal
maximum aggregate size (some times DAC is as abbreviation
for Dense graded asphalt concrete)
AC xo = Open graded (gap-graded) Asphalt Concrete with
x mm as nominal maximum aggregate size
European product standard : EN 13808-1:2006
CBA Cost-benefit analysis
EU European Union
Indicator of the overall noise level during the day, evening and
RA Road administration
Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene co-block polymer, elastomeric addi-
tive to bituminous binder
Road Directorate
Guldalderen 12
DK-2640 Hedehusene
Telephone +45 7244 7000
Telefax +45 7244 7105
Road Directorate
Thomas Helsteds Vej 11
P.O. Box 529
DK-8660 Skanderborg
Telephone +45 7244 2200
Telefax +45 8652 2013