Section 3.7 Fire Supression System 2016
Section 3.7 Fire Supression System 2016
Section 3.7 Fire Supression System 2016
Table of Contents
1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................... 3
2 DESIGN STANDARDS AND VERIFICATIONS .............................................................. 3
2.1 Comply with the following Codes and Authorities: ................................................... 3
2.2 The agent shall satisfy the following requirements: ................................................. 3
3 APPOINTMENT OF APPROVED SUPPLIER/MANUFACTURER ................................. 4
4 SYSTEM DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 4
5 ENCLOSURE ................................................................................................................ 5
6 SYSTEM OPERATION .................................................................................................. 5
7 SYSTEM EQUIPMENTS ................................................................................................ 6
7.1 Containers .............................................................................................................. 6
7.2 Discharge Nozzle .................................................................................................... 6
7.3 Pipework and Fittings.............................................................................................. 7
7.3.1 Piping Installation ............................................................................................. 7
7.3.2 Pipe Arrangement ............................................................................................ 7
7.4 Automatic Detectors................................................................................................ 7
7.4.1 Heat Detector................................................................................................... 7
7.4.2 Smoke Detector ............................................................................................... 8
7.5 Remote Manual Control .......................................................................................... 8
7.6 Audible and Visual Alarms ...................................................................................... 8
7.7 Warning Signs ........................................................................................................ 9
7.8 Fire Curtain ............................................................................................................. 9
7.9 Switchboard Panel .................................................................................................. 9
8 LIGHTNING AND SURGE PROTECTOR ................................................................... 10
9 TOTAL FLOODING’S CONTENT VERIFICATION ...................................................... 10
10 CERTIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 10
11 SAMPLE OF MATERIAL FOR SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL ................................. 10
The designated area shall be protected by the total flooding fire extinguishing system
comprising of automatic alarm fire detection and suppression system.
The agent shall be approved by Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia for
normally occupied area.
2.1.1 Listed by NFPA 2001 (Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing System) or NFPA 2010
(Aerosol System).
2.1.3 MS ISO 14520; Gases Fire Extinguishing System Physical Properties and
System Design.
2.2.1 Gaseous fire extinguishant that does not leave a residue upon evaporation.
2.2.2 Gaseous fire extinguishant that does not react, corrode and damage the
apparatus, equipment and system in place and certified by manufacturer.
2.2.4 Where Oxygen Depletion is used as means of extinguishing fire the minimum
oxygen level shall be greater than 10%.
2.2.6 Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) – applicable for use at TNB Sub-Station.
The designed system components and the installed system shall be according to pre-
tested limitations as approved or listed by a recognised testing laboratory.
The contractor shall appoint a supplier/ manufacturer/ panel contractor to supply and
install the total flooding fire extinguishing system shall be approved by Jabatan
Bomba dan Penyelamat Malaysia and/or Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB)
The contractor shall take full and unequivocal responsibility for the suitability,
functionality, maintainability and safety of the design and for the adequacy, stability
and safety of all site operations and methods of construction.
The contractor at design stage shall consider and address possible fire hazards
within the protected area. The proposed total flooding fire extinguishing system shall
provide the highest degree of fire protection for designated areas.
The installation shall be designed and installed for extinguishing of fire in accordance
with approved standards.
The agent shall be discharged within a nominal discharge time of not exceeding 60
seconds upon activation of the container valve.
All devices shall be designed for the service encountered and shall not be readily
rendered inoperative or susceptible to accidental operation. They shall be located,
installed or suitably protected against mechanical, chemical or other damage, which
may render them inoperative.
All devices for shutting down supplementary equipment shall be considered integral
parts of the system and shall function with system operation.
Each system shall have its own pipe and nozzle. If hazard require more than one
container, all systems protecting the same hazard area are actuated simultaneously.
All total flooding containers should be located as close to the protected hazard area
as possible. The containers shall be located in an environment protected from the
The cylinders shall be mounted in rows and installed in a suitable location as shown
in the drawings.
The total flooding agent shall be filled in to the storage cylinders according to the
manufacturer's filling instruction.
If the protected volume has a floor or ceiling void, the spaces shall be included in the
protected volume, employing a minimum design concentration not below that of the
main room compartment.
The protected volume shall be of adequate tightness to retain the design
concentration according to the requirements of the relevant authority.
The enclosure shall be of adequate integrity to retain the design concentration for a
required minimum holding time. The area of unclosable openings shall be kept to a
The system shall be able to perform independently via the interlocking automatic
detection system as well as manual actuation under emergency situation.
Upon activation of the total flooding fire extinguishing system, it shall cut off the
operation of the air-conditioning system. The Contractor shall provide and connect all
the necessary controls, relay, cable, conduit, etc to effect this interlocking operation.
The system shall operate from an output voltage of 240V AC, 50Hz supplied to the
power charger module within the switchboard panel. This voltage is transformed and
rectified within the panel to 24V DC. The system shall be provided with 24V DC
maintenance free sealed lead-acid standby battery rechargeable type in case of
mains voltage failure. This battery will automatically and instantaneously be switched
into use as soon as the mains supply fails. Such a failure shall be indicated both
visually and audibly at the panel. The battery shall be trickle charged during normal
operating conditions.
The system shall consist of two or more combination heat and smoke detectors.
When one of these detectors goes into the alarm condition, a signal lamp on the
detector’s body will illuminate as well as the fire lamp on the control panel and
audible warning will be given via the alarm bell.
In order to discharge the extinguishing agent automatically, both smoke and heat
detectors must be activated (double knock). This mode of operation obviates the
possibility of false discharge due to one detector operating to conditions which are
regarded as normal.
Each system shall have a permanent name plate specifying the agent, number, gross
weight/filling weight/nominal agent volume and the pressurization level of the
All containers supplying the same manifold outlet for distribution of agent shall be
interchangeable and of one selected size and charge where applicable.
The system equipment offered shall be a complete system supplied from one
manufacturer. Otherwise, the manufacturer/supplier shall submit letter of undertaking
to provide the technical support and be responsible for all system compatibility and
7.1 Containers
Agent shall be stored in containers designed to hold that specific agent at ambient
temperature. The design pressure shall be suitable for the maximum pressure
developed at 55 C or at the maximum controlled temperature limit.
The containers used in the system shall be designed, fabricated, inspected, certified
and stamped in accordance with section VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.
Storage containers and accessories shall be located and arranged so that inspection,
testing, recharging and other maintenance activities are facilitated and interruption of
protection is held to a minimum.
Each container shall have a permanent name plate specifying the number, filling
weight and the pressurization level.
Discharge nozzles shall be listed for the intended use. Listing criteria shall include
flow characteristics, area coverage, height limits and minimum pressures. Discharge
orifices and discharge orifice plates and inserts shall be of a material that is corrosion
resistant to the agent used and the atmosphere in the intended application.
All gaskets, o-rings, sealants and other valve components shall be constructed of
materials that are compatible with the agent. Valves shall be protected against
mechanical, chemical or other damage.
Cutting of pipes to be carried out with pipe cutters and thread tapings to be done with
proper dies.
All bends before connection to any equipment to be suitably anchored and the
supports, guides, brackets, etc. to be adequately fastened to the structure by means
of concrete inserts or expansion type devices.
For pipe hanger below the roof shall be fixed to steel bar of suitable size and
provided by the contractor.
Provide heat and smoke detectors in duel circuit in the hazard area as shown in the
Tender Drawings.
The type and class of heat detectors shall be as indicated in the Schedule of Design
Requirements twin circuited type.
The heat detectors shall be operated either by the bimetallic or fusible alloy ejection
type and shall be U.L. or F.M. listed.
The heat detector shall be suitable for ceiling mounted and its casing shall be
corrosion resistant. The detector head shall be installed in closed or open circuit
system with continuous supervision.
All offers of detector shall be supported by copies of the current test certificates from
SIRIM or recognised laboratory.
The smoke detector shall operate on the photo electric principal from a constant
power supply and calibrated for detection of 1% - 2% smoke density per U.L and F.M
standard. It shall be fully transistors with solid switching and shall fully conform with
requirements of BS EN 54-7:2001.
The smoke detector shall be suitable for ceiling mounted and its casing shall be
corrosion resistant.
All offers of detector shall be supported by copies of the current test certificates from
SIRIM or recognised laboratory.
The remote manual control shall be of a manual pull box and of the ‘Break glass’
type. The break glass element shall consist of a square tempered glass.
The audible alarms shall be of the electrically operated dome-type alarm bells,
installed on the locations as shown in the Tender Drawings. The bells shall be of
robust construction and weather proof. The gong and striker shall be of hardened
Each bell shall have an adequate audible power rating. The gong size shall be a
minimum of 150mm.
The bell shall have an operational requirement complying to MS 1745: Part 3 : 2004
or BS EN 54-3 : 2001. The bell shall be minimum 150mm (6”) in diameter with
pressed steel gong finished in red. The bell shall be the solenoid operated type rated
at 24V DC. The sound level produced shall be at least as indicated in the Schedule
of Design Requirements.
All visual and audible warnings and instruction signs at entrances to and inside
protected areas to be provided and fixed at prominent positions.
An approved notice with the words "JANGAN MASUK KE BILIK INI BILA GAS DI
LEPASKAN" to be provided on the door of the room protected by total flooding fire
extinguishing system.
Gravity shutters shall be of glass fiber curtain approved by the Jabatan Bomba dan
Penyelamat Malaysia, able to withstand temperatures up to 600C, and shall be
installed as indicated in Tender Drawings. The curtains shall be rolled up, weighed
and held by mild steel mounting brackets and cable guides c/w tripping device and
24V D.C. actuator for each piece of curtain. On actuation and immediately before the
discharge of gas (after confirmed detection or second zone), each curtain shall be
released and dropped with the help of gravity such that the full opening of any
ventilation louvers, louvered doors, etc. shall be covered to prevent escape of the
discharge agent.
The Contractor shall supply and install the total flooding switchboard panel as
detailed in the Tender Drawings. This panel shall incorporate the alarms, indications
and controls for the system.
The panel shall be constructed from 18 s.w.g. mild steel sheets, adequately braced
and complete with removable panels. The compartments for the storage of batteries
shall have adequate vents and corrosion resistant treatment. The panel shall be
properly cleaned and phosphate sealed, followed by two coats of baked enamel of
standard white colour or other if request by the S.O.
Each alarm circuit shall include distinctive audio (buzzer) and visual signals
(indicating lights) for alarm indication and fault indication. Rotary four (4) position
"ALARM TEST - NORMAL - ISOLATE - FAULT TEST" switches shall also be
incorporated. These control switches and indicating lights shall be mounted on black
perspex with white on red engraved lettering to designate each function of the
equipment in each zone.
*Each visual indication shall consist of dual lamps or dual filament lamps.
The control functions and indication on the panel shall be in accordance to the MS
1745: Part 2 : 2004 or BS EN 54-2 : 1998 and of type approved by Jabatan Bomba
Dan Penyelamat Malaysia.
7.9.1 The charger to be able to provide booster and trickle charging. It shall be
complete with voltmeter, ammeter, DC fuse and relays. For the maintenance
free sealed Lead-acid Battery rechargeable type, the charger to be capable of
charging the fully discharged battery within 24 hours by its normal charging
method to a fully charged condition.
7.9.2 In areas where the panel are exposed to weather, the panel to be suitably
7.9.3 A device shall be incorporated into the system to shutdown any exhaust fans
and activate solenoid operated curtains across louvers before discharge
The panel shall be provided with interfacing unit to indicate on the MFAP any event
of fire.
The Contractor shall provide lighting and surge protector for the control panel, fire
alarm panels, etc. to protect them from any transient voltage and lightning strike.
The Contractor shall provide certificate of approval from organization that is
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction and concerned with evaluation of
products or services:
10.1 Containers
10.2 Manifolds
10.3 Actuator
10.4 Valve assembly
10.5 Pipe and fittings
10.5 Discharge nozzles
The Contractor shall prepare sample board of typical material proposed to use in the
work and/or samples of workmanship (mock up) to the approval of the S.O, prior to
commencement of the installation work. The sample board and/or samples of
workmanship (mock up) shall comprise of but not limited to the pipe work and fitting,
conduit and fittings, cables, hanger and support system, discharge nozzle, fire curtain
and etc.
The cost of the sample board or samples of workmanship (mock up) is deemed to be
included in the Contract.